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A rotator whole embryo culture system was used to assess the growth and development of late-primitive-streak-stage (Theiler stage 9-10) mouse embryos to the limb-bud stage of organogenesis in a variety of media containing combinations of mouse serum (MS), rat serum (RS), and Tyrode's buffer (TB). The results demonstrate that embryonic growth and morphogenesis to the early limb-bud stage (20 somite pairs; 48-h total culture period) mimicked that in vivo when embryos were grown for 24 h in combinations of MS:RS:TB 1:2:1 or 2:1:1 (v/v/v) and then were transferred to fresh medium containing RS:TB 3:1 at the early somite stage. When the culture period was extended for an additional 24 h (total 72-h culture period) embryonic growth retardation was observed. Regardless of the medium employed, superior growth was observed in embryos transferred at the early somite stage when compared to embryos cultured continuously in the same medium for the entire 48- or 72-h culture period.  相似文献   

To study the mammalian craniofacial development, the culture conditions of rat whole embryo during the period of major craniofacial morphogenesis were examined. The improved rotating apparatus which is gassed continuously was used. Rat embryos explanted at 11.5 days (plug day 0) developed in vitro for up to 72 hr, that is, throughout the period of major craniofacial morphogenesis, and cultured embryos showed normal facial formation. The medium was equilibrated with a gas mixture of 95% 02, 5% CO2. The 100% rat serum improved the protein content of embryos cultured for 48 hr compared with the medium consisting of 50% rat serum and 50% Tyrode solution, although somite number was not altered. Furthermore, 100% rat serum containing 2 mg/ml glucose was the best medium for supporting growth of embryos when it was measured by protein content. Thus, the best culture medium was pure rat serum containing 50 units/ml penicillin, 50 micrograms/ml streptomycin, and 2 mg/ml glucose. Protein content, body weight, craniofacial formation, and somite number of embryos cultured for 48 hr with continuous gassing were much better than those cultured with noncontinuous gassing.  相似文献   

The production of cells by the neural crest is studied light-microscopically in 10 microns and 1 micron serially sectioned mouse and rat embryos, ranging in age from presomite to 40-somite stages. In the head region, mesectoderm formation starts in a pre-neural plate stage. It continues to the 20-somite stage. This implies that the contribution of the neural crest to the head mesoderm must be considerable. In the trunk, the neural crest only produces cells after adhesion of the neural walls. Mesectoderm formation continues for a long time, slowly retreating in a caudal direction. At the 40-somite stage, mesectoderm formation still occurs in the most caudal part of the trunk. Compared to the head, the contribution of the neural crest in the trunk seems to be less important than that of the primitive streak.  相似文献   

Reexamination of presomite human and rhesus monkey embryos in the Carnegie Collection provides no evidence to corroborate the hypothesis that the trophoblast is the source of all extraembryonic tissues in these embryos. Instead, the present study indicates that the developmental pattern of the yolk sac and extraembryonic mesoderm is homologous to that in other eutharian mammals. The primary yolk sac of 10- to 11-day human blastocysts is partially filled with a meshwork of extraembryonic endoderm, whereas such a meshwork is absent in the rhesus monkey. It is suggested that this endodermal meshwork develops as the result of interstitial implantation in the human embryo. A small secondary yolk sac develops in 12- to 13-day human and macaque embryos as the result of pinching off of a portion of the larger primary yolk sac. Development of a secondary yolk sac in higher primates appears to be related causally to differential rates of expansion of the blastocyst and primary yolk sac within the simplex uterus. The caudal margin of the primitive streak develops precociously in 12- to 14-day human and macaque embryos, and this appears to be the source of all the extraembryonic mesoderm of the chorion, chorionic villi, and body stalk. It is suggested that the peripheral spread of extraembryonic mesoderm plays in inductive role in the development of chorionic villi, similar to other types of epithelial-mesenchymal inductive interactions. In contrast to previous hypotheses, the human and macaque trophoblasts appear to give rise only to additional trophoblast.  相似文献   

G J Kesby 《Teratology》1992,45(3):293-301
This study examines the use of heparin-plasma as a culture medium for mammalian postimplantation whole-embryo culture. The growth and differentiation of head-fold rat embryo explants over 48 hours in a standard serum medium was compared with development of same stage explants over 48 hours in a plasma medium prepared using sodium heparin. Heparin disrupted the morphological differentiation of embryos, in a concentration-dependent manner, from 25 micrograms sodium heparin/ml media (i.e., 5 IU/ml media), with overall embryo growth being adversely affected from a concentration of 200 micrograms sodium heparin/ml media (i.e., 40 IU/ml media). Defects of cranial neural tube development were the first apparent structural anomalies resulting from culture in heparin media. Forebrain development was grossly abnormal and associated with failure of eye development. As the heparin concentration in media increased, the cephalic neural folds remained widely open and the edges became increasingly everted, although differentiation of the heart, otic primordia, and pharyngeal arch persisted. Similar concentration-dependent dysmorphogenic effects were seen when embryos were cultured in the standard serum media with added heparin. A minimum heparin concentration of 100 micrograms sodium heparin/ml media (i.e., 20 IU/ml media) was required to effectively inhibit coagulation of the plasma medium over the 48 hour culture period. Although embryonic growth was not adversely affected at this heparin concentration, morphological differentiation was severely disrupted. Therefore, heparin is not a suitable anticoagulant for the preparation of plasma for use in postimplantation whole-embryo culture.  相似文献   

The placental transport and palatal localization of l-thyroxine-125I was studied in Sprague-Dawley rat embryos ages 13 and 14 days in vivo and 14–16 days in vitro. Amniotic fluid, placenta and (by late day 14) embryonic/palatal and liver areas were assayed by scintillation counting and protein analysis. Radioactivity was found in amniotic fluid as early as 13 days in vivo. A small but consistent amount of radioactivity above control levels was found in the embryonic palatal and liver areas. Autoradiographs of thin-layer chromatographs showed that most of the radioactive label was at the thyroxine area in both 13- and 14-day in vivo and 15-day in vitro amniotic fluid pools. A small amount of radioactivity was present in the diiodothyronine area in both. Some activity was also present in the triiodothyronine area in the 13- and 14-day samples. No labelled inorganic iodide was detectable. The thyroid gland in rat does not begin to function until 17 days in utero. Accordingly, the labelled thyroxine was exogenous. The presence of labelling in the embryonic palate suggests a possible involvement of this hormone in palatal embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We examined the temporospatial pattern of naturally occurring apoptosis in chick embryos to five days of incubation (H.H. stages 1-25; Hamburger and Hamilton, 1951) using TUNEL labeling. The initial TUNEL-positive structure was the embryonic shield at stage 1. Apoptotic cells became ubiquitously present within embryos by stage 3, which is early in gastrulation. Until stage 6, TUNEL-positive cells were restricted to the headfold region. In embryos of stages 7-8, most cell death was localized at the most anterior neural plate. TUNEL-positive neural plate, notochord and somites appeared at stage 9. Otic and optic regions became TUNEL-positive at stage 11. The aggregation of cells from which the tail bud arises contains apoptotic cells from stage 11 onwards. At stage 16, scattered TUNEL-positive cells appeared in the branchial arches. Three streams of apoptotic neural crest cells in the cranial region became most clearly visible at stage 18. The secondary neural tube from which caudal structures develop contains apoptotic cells at stage 14. Apoptotic cells are present in the branchial arches and lateral body wall for extended periods, stages 16-25 and 25 respectively. At stages 24-25, intense positive regions of cell death were confined to the caudal regions of the arches, to limb and tail buds and to the lateral body wall, the latter in relation to body wall closure. The new findings in this study are discussed along with past studies to provide the temporospatial pattern of cell death during early chick development.  相似文献   

This study aimed to describe the distribution of a membrane protein called Gz-1-Ag in embryonal rat tissues using monoclonal antibodies. Three monoclonal antibodies recognizing different antigenic determinants of Gz-1-Ag were tested on different stages of rat embryos-fertilized oocytes, two-cell stages, morulae, blastocysts and embryos up to 17.5 days old. The embryos were fixed by different methods; the Tokuyasu method was the most convenient. It yielded very good morphological conservation, good preservation of antigenicity and weak background fluorescence. Gz-1-Ag was detected in practically all early epithelial structures, but the intensity of fluorescence varied. Fluorescence was not associated with the germ layer from which the epithelium derived. The uninterrupted presence of Gz-1-Ag from the fertilized oocyte to all subsequently arising epithelial structures suggests a role of Gz-1-Ag in cell adhesion, secretory processes or the intercellular exchange of information or substances.  相似文献   

K Shiota  C Uwabe  H Nishimura 《Teratology》1987,35(3):309-316
Thirty-seven cases of human embryos at the early postimplantation period were procured after induced abortion and examined histologically. Their developmental stages ranged from Carnegie stages 6 to 11, and their standard ages ranged from 14 to 24 days after fertilization. Five cases (13.5%) were grossly abnormal, and seven (18.9%) were degenerating partially or in toto. Gross abnormalities included distorted embryonic disc, disorganized neural groove or tube, and neural tube dysraphism. The high prevalence rate of defective embryos at the early postimplantation period supports the clinical finding that a substantial proportion of human conceptions are eliminated from an early stage of pregnancy, often without the knowledge of the mother. The fate of undifferentiated pathological embryos is uncertain and remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The development of ketogenesis at birth in the rat.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The manner in which human liver cathepsin B (EC digests glucagon was determined. After reaction of the proteinase with the substrate for 24h, more than 15 products were formed. During the first 7 h of reaction, eight products were formed; seven of these were dipeptides that originated from the C-terminal portion of the glucagon molecule, whereas the eighth peptide was the remaining large fragment of the hormone, consisting of residues 1-19. Measurement of the rate of formation of the products showed that cathepsin B degraded glucagon by a sequential cleavage of dipeptides from the C-terminal end of the molecule. Cathepsin B from both rat liver and bovine spleen was shown to hydrolyse glucagon by the same mechanism.  相似文献   

Development of thymic medulla was examined on consecutive gestational days (GD) in Wistar rats. Medullary thymic epithelial cells (TEC) were identified by immunocytochemical localisation of neuron-specific enolase (NSE). Organisation of thymic medullary architecture was determined by interaction of thymocytes with NSE-positive TEC, that led to formation of lymphoepithelial complexes (GD 19), in which the cells exhibited proliferative activity or traits of apoptosis. The studies indicated that differentiation events and organisation of thymic medulla require stage-specific interactions between TEC and thymocytes.  相似文献   

Existing experimental embryological data suggests that the vestibular system initially develops in a very rigid and genetically controlled manner. Nevertheless, gravity appears to be a critical factor in the normal development of the vestibular system that monitors position with respect to gravity (saccule and utricle). In fact several studies have shown that prenatal exposure to microgravity causes temporary deficits in gravity-dependent righting behaviors, and prolonged exposure to hypergravity from conception to weaning causes permanent deficits in gravity-dependent righting behaviors. Data on hypergravity and microgravity exposure suggest some changes in the otolith formation during development, in particular the size although these changes may actually vary with the species involved. In adults exposed to microgravity there is a change in the synaptic density in the optic sensory epithelia suggesting that some adaptation may occur there. However, effects have also been reported in the brainstem. Several studies have shown synaptic changes in the lateral vestibular nucleus and in the nodulus of the cerebellum after neonatal exposure to hypergravity. We report here that synaptogenesis in the medial vestibular nucleus is retarded in developing rat embryos that were exposed to microgravity from gestation days 9 to 19.  相似文献   

In vitro development of early postimplantation rat embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rat embryos explanted at 712 or 812post coitum were cultured throughout the major stages of organogenesis in a system of rotating bottles containing heat-inactivated, immediately centrifuged (I.C.) serum. About 80% of the 812-day explants and 50% of the 712-day explants developed a blood circulation in the yolk sac; in these embryos, organogenesis and growth rates were similar to those of embryos in vivo. In cultures continued for 4 or 5 days, many of the embryos developed 30–40 somites. There was little difference in the subsequent development of embryos cultured in maternal serum or male serum during the egg-cylinder stage except for a possible decrease in the frequency of normal axial rotation in embryos from the male serum. Development in rotator bottles was much better than in watchglass cultures.  相似文献   

Since we previously proved that the fertilized rat eggs in early developmental stage have antigen(s) cross-reacting to spermatozoa, the effect of antibody to spermatozoa on the cleavage of fertilized rat eggs was examined in vitro. Fertilized eggs from Fisher rats in the morula stage were cultured in vitro for 15 to 39 hr in the medium containing antibody to rat spermatozoa and rabit complement, and the developmental rates of morulae to blastocysts were compared with those cultured in the presence of either antibody or the complement alone. When rat morulae were cultured in the medium containing rabbit complement and IgG from rabbit antiserum to rat spermatozoa (heteroantibody) or from rat antiserum to rat spermatozoa (isoantibody), the development of moralae to blastocysts was markedly suppressed, whereas those cultured in the medum containing rabbit complement and IgG from the control rabbit serum or rabbit antibody IgG to rat spermatozoa alone without complement normally developed to the blastocysts. These results indicate that the antibody to spermatozoa in presence of complement can impair the in vitro development of fertilized rat eggs.  相似文献   

A method for time-lapse cinematography of in vitro cultured rat embryos is presented. Technical details (especially with respect to the possibility of manipulation during filming) and the first results obtained are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution and development of pig embryos were determined in relation to the number of embryos and their positions within the uterine horn between Days 14 and 34 after mating. The observed distribution of 1-11 embryos within a uterine horn was highly correlated (r = 0-96) with the theoretical expected distribution. Embryo spacing was uniform regardless of the number of embryos within the horn. Nitrogen content of the embryo in relation to its position within the uterine horn indicated that development was similar for embryos located at the utero-tubal end or cervical end and comparable to those located in the middle portion of the horm. Placental development, as indicated by nitrogen content, was similar regardless of location within the horn.  相似文献   

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