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Deo N  Grosh K 《Biophysical journal》2004,86(6):3519-3528
With discovery of the protein prestin and the gathering evidence linking it to outer hair cell electromotility, the working mechanism of outer hair cells is becoming clearer. Recent experiments have established the voltage-dependent stiffness of outer hair cells and given an insight into the nature of variation of stiffness with respect to voltage. These and earlier experiments are used to analyze and develop models of outer hair cell response. In this article, recent modeling efforts have been reconciled and placed into a common mechanics-based framework. The constitutive models are analyzed with regard to their capability to replicate experimental results. We extend the area motor model to include elastic constants dependent on motor state. The modified model successfully captures stiffness variations of outer hair cells and capacitance changes with respect to voltage.  相似文献   

The migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) is a principal factor for the development and progression of vascular diseases. In addition, phenotypic alteration from the contractile (differentiated) to the synthetic (dedifferentiated) state and a proteolytic process in the form of extra cellular matrix degradation are necessary for SMC invasion. The actual mechanism leading to the focal degradation of basement membrane matrix components and, hence, SMC migration within the tissue itself is, however, unclear. In response to phorbol ester [phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu)], VSMCs in culture form podosomes, dynamic organelles critical for cell adhesion and substrate degradation that are typically found in invasive cells and cells that cross tissue boundaries. Here, we show that PDBu-stimulated VSMCs resorb the extracellular matrix at the sites of podosomes. Podosome formation correlates with an increased polarization of VSMCs on fibronectin- or collagen-coated flexible substrates in addition to a concomitant induction of cell motility. VSMCs embedded in reconstituted basement membrane support adopt the typical spindle-shaped morphology of differentiated SMCs in vivo and, after PDBu treatment, form peripheral lamellipodia and podosomes around their matrix-contacting surface. Our findings demonstrate that podosome formation is the potential mechanism underlying the ability of VSMCs to traverse the surrounding basement membrane and escape the barrier of the tunica media in vascular diseases.  相似文献   

During development and regeneration, directed migration of cells, including neural crest cells, endothelial cells, axonal growth cones and many types of adult stem cells, to specific areas distant from their origin is necessary for their function. We have recently shown that adult skeletal muscle stem cells (satellite cells), once activated by isolation or injury, are a highly motile population with the potential to respond to multiple guidance cues, based on their expression of classical guidance receptors. We show here that, in vivo, differentiated and regenerating myofibers dynamically express a subset of ephrin guidance ligands, as well as Eph receptors. This expression has previously only been examined in the context of muscle-nerve interactions; however, we propose that it might also play a role in satellite cell-mediated muscle repair. Therefore, we investigated whether Eph-ephrin signaling would produce changes in satellite cell directional motility. Using a classical ephrin 'stripe' assay, we found that satellite cells respond to a subset of ephrins with repulsive behavior in vitro; patterning of differentiating myotubes is also parallel to ephrin stripes. This behavior can be replicated in a heterologous in vivo system, the hindbrain of the developing quail, in which neural crest cells are directed in streams to the branchial arches and to the forelimb of the developing quail, where presumptive limb myoblasts emigrate from the somite. We hypothesize that guidance signaling might impact multiple steps in muscle regeneration, including escape from the niche, directed migration to sites of injury, cell-cell interactions among satellite cell progeny, and differentiation and patterning of regenerated muscle.  相似文献   

The active migration of blood and tissue cells is important in a number of physiological processes including inflammation, wound healing, embryogenesis, and tumor cell metastasis. These cells move by transmitting cytoplasmic force through membrane receptors which are bound specifically to adhesion ligands in the surrounding substratum. Recently, much research has focused on the influence of the composition of extracellular matrix and the distribution of its components on the speed and direction of cell migration. It is commonly believed that the magnitude of the adhesion influences cell speed and/or random turning behavior, whereas a gradient of adhesion may bias the net direction of the cell movement, a phenomenon known as haptotaxis. The mechanisms underlying these responses are presently not understood.A stochastic model is presented to provide a mechanistic understanding of how the magnitude and distribution of adhesion ligands in the substratum influence cell movement. The receptor-mediated cell migration is modeled as an interrelation of random processes on distinct time scales. Adhesion receptors undergo rapid binding and transport, resulting in a stochastic spatial distribution of bound receptors fluctuating about some mean distribution. This results in a fluctuating spatio-temporal pattern of forces on the cell, which in turn affects the speed and turning behavior on a longer time scale. The model equations are a system of nonlinear stochastic differential equations (SDE's) which govern the time evolution of the spatial distribution of bound and free receptors, and the orientation and position of the cell. These SDE's are integrated numerically to simulate the behavior of the model cell on both a uniform substratum, and on a gradient of adhesion ligand concentration.Furthermore, analysis of the governing SDE system and corresponding Fokker-Planck equation (FPE) yields analytical expressions for indices which characterize cell movement on multiple time scales in terms of cell cytomechanical, morphological, and receptor binding and transport parameters. For a uniform adhesion ligand concentration, this analysis provides expressions for traditional cell movement indices such as mean speed, directional persistence time, and random motility coefficient. In a small gradient of adhesion, a perturbation analysis of the FPE yields a constitutive cell flux expression which includes a drift term for haptotactic directional cell migration. The haptotactic drift contains terms identified as contributions from directional orientation bias (taxis).  相似文献   

Mechanical stiffness of bio-adhesive substrates has been recognized as a major regulator of cell motility. We present a simple physical model to study the crawling locomotion of a contractile cell on a soft elastic substrate. The mechanism of rigidity sensing is accounted for using Schwarz's two-spring model Schwarz et al. (2006). The predicted dependency between the speed of motility and substrate stiffness is qualitatively consistent with experimental observations. The model demonstrates that the rigidity dependent motility of cells is rooted in the regulation of actomyosin contractile forces by substrate deformation at each anchorage point. On stiffer substrates, the traction forces required for cell translocation acquire larger magnitude but show weaker asymmetry which leads to slower cell motility. On very soft substrates, the model predicts a biphasic relationship between the substrate rigidity and the speed of locomotion, over a narrow stiffness range, which has been observed experimentally for some cell types.  相似文献   

Iwasa KH 《Biophysical journal》2001,81(5):2495-2506
Recent studies have revealed that voltage-dependent length changes of the outer hair cell are based on charge transfer across the membrane. Such a motility can be explained by an "area motor" model, which assumes two states in the motor and that conformational transitions involve transfer of motor charge across the membrane and mechanical displacements of the membrane. Here it is shown that the area motor is piezoelectric and that the hair cell that incorporates such a motor in its lateral membrane is also piezoelectric. Distinctive features of the outer hair cell are its exceptionally large piezoelectric coefficient, which exceeds the best known piezoelectric material by four orders of magnitude, and its prominent nonlinearity due to the discreteness of motor states.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton is intimately involved in the motile behaviour of animal cells. The structure and dynamic behaviour of actin and its binding proteins have been intensively studied in vitro over the past several decades, culminating in achievements such as an atomic model of the actin filament. Despite this progress, it is not yet clear how the behaviour of these purified proteins in vitro relates to the dynamic behaviour of actin inside living, moving cells. Here we discuss a new model that relates the known dynamic parameters for pure actin to the observed behaviour of actin filaments inside motile cells.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that mechanical cues inherent to the extracellular matrix (ECM) may be equally as critical as its chemical identity in regulating cell behavior. We hypothesized that the mechanical properties of the ECM directly regulate the motility of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and tested this hypothesis using polyacrylamide substrates with tunable mechanical properties. Quantification of the migration speed on uniformly compliant hydrogels spanning a range of stiffnesses (Young's moduli values from 1.0 to 308 kPa for acrylamide/bisacrylamide ratios between 5/0.1% and 15/1.2%, respectively) revealed a biphasic dependence on substrate compliance, suggesting the existence of an optimal substrate stiffness capable of supporting maximal migration. The value of this optimal stiffness shifted depending on the concentration of ECM protein covalently attached to the substrate. Specifically, on substrates presenting a theoretical density of 0.8 microg/cm(2) fibronectin, the maximum speed of 0.74 +/- 0.09 microm/min was achieved on a 51.9 kPa gel; on substrates presenting a theoretical density of 8.0 microg/cm(2) fibronectin, the maximum speed of 0.72 +/- 0.06 microm/min occurred on a softer 21.6 kPa gel. Pre-treatment of cells with Y27632, an inhibitor of the Rho/Rho-kinase (ROCK) pathway, reduced these observed maxima to values comparable to those on non-optimal stiffnesses. In parallel, quantification of TritonX-insoluble vinculin via Western blotting, coupled with qualitative fluorescent microscopy, revealed that the formation of focal adhesions and actin stress fibers also depends on ECM stiffness. Combined, these data suggest that the mechanical properties of the underlying ECM regulate Rho-mediated contractility in SMCs by disrupting a presumptive cell-ECM force balance, which in turn regulates cytoskeletal assembly and ultimately, cell migration.  相似文献   

Tumour invasion is driven by proliferation and importantly migration into the surrounding tissue. Cancer cell motility is also critical in the formation of metastases and is therefore a fundamental issue in cancer research. In this paper we investigate the emergence of cancer cell motility in an evolving tumour population using an individual-based modelling approach. In this model of tumour growth each cell is equipped with a micro-environment response network that determines the behaviour or phenotype of the cell based on the local environment. The response network is modelled using a feed-forward neural network, which is subject to mutations when the cells divide. With this model we have investigated the impact of the micro-environment on the emergence of a motile invasive phenotype. The results show that when a motile phenotype emerges the dynamics of the model are radically changed and we observe faster growing tumours exhibiting diffuse morphologies. Further we observe that the emergence of a motile subclone can occur in a wide range of micro-environmental growth conditions. Iterated simulations showed that in identical growth conditions the evolutionary dynamics either converge to a proliferating or migratory phenotype, which suggests that the introduction of cell motility into the model changes the shape of fitness landscape on which the cancer cell population evolves and that it now contains several local maxima. This could have important implications for cancer treatments which focus on the gene level, as our results show that several distinct genotypes and critically distinct phenotypes can emerge and become dominant in the same micro-environment.  相似文献   



Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) hyperplasia plays an important role in both chronic and acute vascular pathologies including atherosclerosis and restenosis. Considerable work has focused on the mechanisms regulating VSMC proliferation and motility. Earlier work in our lab revealed a novel growth arrest-specific (gas) gene induced in VSMC exposed to the antiproliferative agent heparin. This gene is a member of the CCN family and has been given the name CCN5. The objective of the present study is to elucidate the function of CCN5 protein and to explore its mechanism of action in VSMC.  相似文献   

Polymerizing networks of actin filaments are capable of exerting significant mechanical forces, used by eukaryotic cells and their prokaryotic pathogens to change shape or to move. Here we show that small beads coated uniformly with a protein that catalyses actin polymerization are initially surrounded by symmetrical clouds of actin filaments. This symmetry is broken spontaneously, after which the beads undergo directional motion. We have developed a stochastic theory, in which each actin filament is modelled as an elastic brownian ratchet, that quantitatively accounts for the observed emergent symmetry-breaking behaviour. Symmetry-breaking can only occur for polymers that have a significant subunit off-rate, such as the biopolymers actin and tubulin.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that nitric oxide (NO) increases the motility of differentiated cultured primary aortic smooth muscle cells from adult rats. There is little information on the role of protein tyrosine phosphatases in vascular biology. One such phosphatase, Src homology 2 phosphatase 2 (SHP2), is essential for motility. We tested the hypothesis that NO increases SHP2 levels via a cGMP-mediated mechanism and that this effect is necessary for NO-stimulated cell motility. Here we report that two different NO donors increased SHP2 protein levels and enzyme activity. This effect was mimicked by several cGMP agonists and blocked by an inhibitor of guanylyl cyclase. Specific decrease of SHP2 protein levels via the use of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), but not several control ODNs attenuated the motogenic effect of NO, which indicates the involvement of SHP2 in NO-elicited motogenesis. S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine failed to increase SHP2 protein levels in subcultured aortic smooth muscle cells. This provides a potential explanation for the lack of effect of NO on cell motility in dedifferentiated subcultured cells. These results support the hypothesis that NO-elicited upregulation of SHP2 via a cGMP-mediated pathway is necessary for NO-induced motogenesis in differentiated aortic smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   

Wnt7a/Fzd7 signaling stimulates skeletal muscle growth and repair by inducing the symmetric expansion of satellite stem cells through the planar cell polarity pathway and by activating the Akt/mTOR growth pathway in muscle fibers. Here we describe a third level of activity where Wnt7a/Fzd7 increases the polarity and directional migration of mouse satellite cells and human myogenic progenitors through activation of Dvl2 and the small GTPase Rac1. Importantly, these effects can be exploited to potentiate the outcome of myogenic cell transplantation into dystrophic muscles. We observed that a short Wnt7a treatment markedly stimulated tissue dispersal and engraftment, leading to significantly improved muscle function. Moreover, myofibers at distal sites that fused with Wnt7a-treated cells were hypertrophic, suggesting that the transplanted cells deliver activated Wnt7a/Fzd7 signaling complexes to recipient myofibers. Taken together, we describe a viable and effective ex vivo cell modulation process that profoundly enhances the efficacy of stem cell therapy for skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

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