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Summary Layers containing Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses were dissected from the small intestine of guinea pig and immunostained with affinity-purified antibodies against brain-specific microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs): MAP1, MAP2 and tau and a MAP with a molecular weight of 190000 dalton purified from bovine adrenal cortex (190-kDa MAP). MAP1 antibody stained the network of nerve fibers and the cell bodies of enteric neurons in both Auerbach's and Meissner's plexuses. Staining with anti-tau antibody gave the same results. Antibody against MAP2 stained neuronal cell bodies and short thin processes extending from them. Interganglionic strands composed mainly of long processes were unstained. Anti-190-kDa MAP antibody stained both the neuronal cell bodies and bundles of nerve fibers. However, the staining was less intense than that with anti-MAP1 and tau antibodies. Differentiation in the structure of the cytoskeleton probably exists in the neuronal processes of the enteric neurons as is shown in the dendrites and axons in some neurons of the central nervous system. Thus, enteric neurons possess axon-like processes containing MAP1, tau and probably lower amounts of 190-kDa MAP. Cell bodies and dendrite-like structures of these neurons contain MAP2 in addition to MAP1, tau and 190-kDa MAP.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of intercommunication between the immune and nervous systems are not fully understood. In the case of the intestine, the enteric nervous system is involved in the regulation of immune responses. It was therefore decided to employ immunohistochemical techniques to investigate the structural organization of the enteric nervous system in Peyer's patches of the porcine small intestine. Using antibodies against various nervous system-specific markers (protein gene product 9.5, neuron-specific enolase, neurofilament 200, S-100 protein and the glial fibrillary acidic protein), an intimate and specific structural association could be demonstrated between enteric nerves and the compartments of Peyer's patches: follicles, interfollicular regions and domes. Peyer's patches have a close topographical relationship to the two submucosal plexuses. Enteric nerves are located around the follicle in the interfollicular area — the so-called traffic area-and in the dome area, which plays an important role in the uptake and presentation of antigens.  相似文献   

Enteric neuroimmune interactions in gastrointestinal hypersensitivity responses involve antigen detection by mast cells, mast cell degranulation, release of chemical mediators, and modulatory actions of the mediators on the enteric nervous system (ENS). Electrophysiological methods were used to investigate electrical and synaptic behavior of neurons in the stomach and small intestine during exposure to beta-lactoglobulin in guinea pigs sensitized to cow's milk. Application of beta-lactoglobulin to sensitized preparations depolarized the membrane potential and increased neuronal excitability in small intestinal neurons but not in gastric neurons. Effects on membrane potential and excitability in the small intestine were suppressed by the mast cell stabilizing drug ketotifen, the histamine H(2) receptor antagonist cimetidine, the cyclooxygenase inhibitor piroxicam, and the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor caffeic acid. Unlike small intestinal ganglion cells, gastric myenteric neurons did not respond to histamine applied exogenously. Antigenic exposure suppressed noradrenergic inhibitory neurotransmission in the small intestinal submucosal plexus. The histamine H(3) receptor antagonist thioperamide and piroxicam, but not caffeic acid, prevented the allergic suppression of noradrenergic inhibitory neurotransmission. Antigenic stimulation of neuronal excitability and suppression of synaptic transmission occurred only in milk-sensitized animals. Results suggest that signaling between mast cells and the ENS underlies intestinal, but not gastric, anaphylactic responses associated with food allergies. Histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes are paracrine signals in the communication pathway from mast cells to the small intestinal ENS.  相似文献   

Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) is a heparin binding protein that displays pleiotropic activity. The purpose of this study was to document the presence of the translated aFGF product, its mRNA, and its location in the colon. mRNA was extracted from bovine large intestine and reverse transcribed to cDNA. Nested-primer PCR was used to determine the presence of mRNA using primers homologous to the previously published bovine aFGF cDNA. Purification of translated aFGF was performed using an established HPLC protocol. Western blot analysis of the HPLC fractions was performed using two epitope-independent antibodies against aFGF. Immunohistochemistry employed these antibodies to determine the locus of aFGF expression. The nested-primer PCR product of predicted size was homologous to the published bovine aFGF mRNA sequence, as determined by DNA sequencing. Intestinal aFGF had a mass similar to bovine aFGF isolated from other tissues, and immunocrossreacted with two peptide-based, epitope-independent anti-aFGF antisera on Western blotting. Immunohistochemical analysis of large intestine using these two independent antisera localized aFGF within the myenteric plexus. These data demonstrate that aFGF is present within the myenteric plexus of the enteric nervous system.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical double labelling of the enteric nervous system of the guinea pig ileum was performed with a monoclonal antibody (anti-MYC 033) directed against a peptide sequence of the human c-Myc protein together with antibodies directed against either the neuron-specific antigens neuron-specific enolase or PGP 9.5 or the glia-specific marker S-100 to demonstrate that anti-MYC 033 labelled the nuclei of all enteric neurons but not glia. This strategy was also employed to demonstrate that another anti-c-Myc monoclonal anti-body, anti-MYC 070, labelled the nuclei of all neurons and glia, as well as perhaps all other cells in these preparations. A polyclonal antiserum raised against a peptide sequence of the human c-Fos protein (anti-FOS 4) was shown to label the identical nuclei as anti-MYC 033. The ganglionic density of nuclei labelled by anti-FOS 4 was found to be similar to previous measures of the ganglionic density of neurons. Double labelling with anti-MYC 033 and an antiserum directed against vasoactive intestinal polypeptide was performed to reexamine the ganglionic density of neurons that express this neuropeptide. Our results suggest that the ganglionic density of these neurons might be less than previously determined.  相似文献   

Neural and paracrine agents, such as dopamine, epinephrine, and histamine, affect intestinal epithelial function, but it is unclear if these agents act on receptors directly at the enterocyte level. The cellular localization and villus-crypt distribution of adrenergic, dopamine, and histamine receptors within the intestinal epithelium is obscure and needs to be identified. Single cell populations of villus or crypt epithelial cells were isolated from the jejunum of adult guinea pigs. Enterocytes were separated from intraepithelial lymphocytes by flow cytometry and specific binding was determined using fluorescent probes. Alpha1-adrenergic receptors were located on villus and crypt intraepithelial lymphocytes and enterocytes. Beta-adrenergic receptors were found on villus and crypt enterocytes. Dopamine receptors were found on all cell types examined, whereas histamine receptors were not detected (<10% for each cell population). These studies demonstrated that (1) receptors for epinephrine and dopamine exist on epithelial cells of the guinea pig jejunum, (2) beta-adrenergic receptors are found primarily on villus and crypt enterocytes and (3) intraepithelial lymphocytes contain alpha1-adrenergic, but have few beta-adrenergic, receptors. The presence of neural receptors suggests that these agents are acting, at least in part, at the enterocyte or intraepithelial lymphocyte levels to modulate intestinal and immune function.  相似文献   

Yu Q  Ji R  Gao X  Fu J  Guo W  Song X  Zhao X  Burnstock G  Shi X  He C  Xiang Z 《Cell and tissue research》2011,344(2):227-237
Single- and double-immunostaining techniques were used systematically to study the distribution pattern and neurochemical density of oxytocin-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons in the digestive tract of the guinea pig. Oxytocin immunoreactivity was distributed widely in the guinea pig gastrointestinal tract; 3%, 13%, 17%, 15%, and 10% of ganglion neurons were immunoreactive for oxytocin in the myenteric plexuses of the gastric corpus, jejunum, ileum, proximal colon, and distal colon, respectively, and 36%, 40%, 52%, and 56% of ganglion neurons were immunoreactive for oxytocin in the submucosal plexuses of the jejunum, ileum, proximal colon, and distal colon, respectively. In the myenteric plexus, oxytocin was expressed exclusively in the intrinsic enteric afferent neurons, as identified by calbindin 28 K. In the submucosal plexuses, oxytocin was expressed in non-cholinergic secretomotor neurons, as identified by vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Oxytocin-ir nerve fibers in the inner circular muscle layer possibly arose from the myenteric oxytocin-ir neurons, and oxytocin-ir nerve fibers in the mucosa possibly arose from both the myenteric and submucosal oxytocin-ir neurons. Thus, oxytocin in the digestive tract might be involved in gastrointestinal tract motility mainly via the regulation of the inner circular muscle and the balance of the absorption and secretion of water and electrolytes.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying nutrient-induced segmentation within the gut are not well understood. We have shown that decanoic acid and some amino acids induce neurally dependent segmentation in guinea pig small intestine in vitro. This study examined the neural mechanisms underlying segmentation in the circular muscle and whether the timing of segmentation contractions also depends on slow waves. Decanoic acid (1 mM) was infused into the lumen of guinea pig duodenum and jejunum. Video imaging was used to monitor intestinal diameter as a function of both longitudinal position and time. Circular muscle electrical activity was recorded by using suction electrodes. Recordings from sites of segmenting contractions showed they are always associated with excitatory junction potentials leading to action potentials. Recordings from sites oral and anal to segmenting contractions revealed inhibitory junction potentials that were time locked to those contractions. Slow waves were never observed underlying segmenting contractions. In paralyzed preparations, intracellular recording revealed that slow-wave frequency was highly consistent at 19.5 (SD 1.4) cycles per minute (c/min) in duodenum and 16.6 (SD 1.1) c/min in jejunum. By contrast, the frequencies of segmenting contractions varied widely (duodenum: 3.6-28.8 c/min, median 10.8 c/min; jejunum: 3.0-27.0 c/min, median 7.8 c/min) and sometimes exceeded slow-wave frequencies for that region. Thus nutrient-induced segmentation contractions in guinea pig small intestine do not depend on slow-wave activity. Rather they result from a neural circuit producing rhythmic localized activity in excitatory motor neurons, while simultaneously activating surrounding inhibitory motor neurons.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that intestinal mucosa is compressed in vivo. The present study investigated the contribution of the mucosal villi to the biomechanical properties in circumferential direction in the guinea pig jejunum. Eight 20-cm-long jejunal segments were excised and each separated into two 10-cm-long segments. The mucosal villi were scraped off from half the segments. The segments were pressurized in vitro with Krebs solution from 0-10cmH(2)O using a ramp distension protocol with simultaneous diameter recordings. Circumferential stresses and strains were computed from the diameter, pressure and the zero-stress state data. Removing the villi resulted in small opening angles (139+/-16 degrees vs 189+/-27 degrees with villi) and small absolute values of residual strain (inner: -0.05+/-0.03 vs -0.33+/-0.06 with villi; outer: 0.11+/-0.04 vs 0.33+/-0.08 with villi) (P<0.001). The outer diameter as a function of the pressure did not differ between jejunal segments with villi and without villi. The average mid-wall stress-strain curve without villi was shifted to the left compared to the segment with villi, indicating the wall was stiffer without villi. However, if the stress-strain computation for the segments with villi was referenced to the zero-stress state of the segments without villi, the curve was only partly shifted to the left. In conclusion, this paper provides the first direct experimental evidence that the villi are important for the biomechanical properties of guinea pig small intestine in circumferential direction, because the villi not only affect the zero-stress state configuration but also partially affect the stress-strain distribution in the intestinal wall. Therefore, the villi should be taken into account in the analysis of biomechanical properties of the intestinal wall.  相似文献   

In an in vitro model for distention-induced peristalsis in the guinea pig small intestine, the electrical activity, intraluminal pressure, and outflow of contents were studied simultaneously to search for evidence of myogenic control activity. Intraluminal distention induced periods of nifedipine-sensitive slow wave activity with superimposed action potentials, alternating with periods of quiescence. Slow waves and associated high intraluminal pressure transients propagated aborally, causing outflow of content. In the proximal small intestine, a frequency gradient of distention-induced slow waves was observed, with a frequency of 19 cycles/min in the first 1 cm and 11 cycles/min 10 cm distally. Intracellular recording revealed that the guinea pig small intestinal musculature, in response to carbachol, generated slow waves with superimposed action potentials, both sensitive to nifedipine. These slow waves also exhibited a frequency gradient. In addition, distention and cholinergic stimulation induced high-frequency membrane potential oscillations (~55 cycles/min) that were not associated with distention-induced peristalsis. Continuous distention produced excitation of the musculature, in part neurally mediated, that resulted in periodic occurrence of bursts of distally propagating nifedipine-sensitive slow waves with superimposed action potentials associated with propagating intraluminal pressure waves that caused pulsatile outflow of content at the slow wave frequency.  相似文献   

ATP-induced membrane durrents in the submucous neurons of the guinea pig small intestine were studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp recording technique. Being applied at –50 mV. ATP activated an inward non-selective cationic current in 68.3% of the investigated neurons. An increase in ATP concentration within the 1–1,000 µM range resulted in the s-like increase in the amplitude of ATP-induced current. The EC50 was 150.0±18.5 µM, while the Hill number was 1.6. The current was selectively activated by ATP and was not blocked by P2 purinoreceptor antagonist suramin (50–300 µM).,-Methylene-ATP (100–200 µM) and,-methylene-ATP (100–200µM), which are P2-purinoreceptor agonists, as well as adenosine (100–300 µM), exerted no effects. Reactive blue 2, if applied up to 4 min, enhanced ATP-induced current, while its longer application partially suppressed this current. In most submucous neurons, acetylcholine (ACh) likewise activated an inward cationic current. The amplitude of ACh-induced current was lower if ACh was applied during a long-lasting application of ATP than if ACh only was applied. Hexamethonium (50 µM), d-tubocurarine (20–40 µM), and trimethaphan (30 µM) completely and reversibly blocked ACh-induced currents, regardless of the presence of ATP, and did not affect ATP-induced currents. The results suggest that ATP-induced currents in submucous neurons are due to activation of a unique type of P2 purinoreceptors, which function in connection with nicotinic ACh receptors.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 28, No. 2/3, pp. 100–110, March–June, 1996.  相似文献   

The morphological classification of the different neuronal cell types is generally accepted and expanded by us; nevertheless, immunohistochemically and electrophysiologically the existence of clear-cut categories of enteric neurons is frequently questioned. The immunohistochemical results demonstrated in this study, however, provide the first direct link between a morphological type of enteric neuron and an immunohistochemical staining for a distinct peptide. Evidence demonstrates that calcitonin gene-related peptide occurs in only one morphologically defined type of neuron, viz., in type II neurons, and can therefore be regarded as a 'marker peptide' for type II neurons. Hence, the present immunohistochemical findings illustrate the validity of the morphological classification of the enteric neurons.  相似文献   

Currents carried by L-, N-, and P/Q-type calcium channels do not account for the total calcium current in myenteric neurons. This study identified all calcium channels expressed by guinea pig small intestinal myenteric neurons maintained in primary culture. Calcium currents were recorded using whole cell techniques. Depolarizations (holding potential = -70 mV) elicited inward currents that were blocked by CdCl(2) (100 microM). Combined application of nifedipine (blocks L-type channels), Omega-conotoxin GVIA (blocks N-type channels), and Omega-agatoxin IVA (blocks P/Q-type channels) inhibited calcium currents by 56%. Subsequent addition of the R-type calcium channel antagonists, NiCl(2) (50 microM) or SNX-482 (0.1 microM), abolished the residual calcium current. NiCl(2) or SNX-482 alone inhibited calcium currents by 46%. The activation threshold for R-type calcium currents was -30 mV, the half-activation voltage was -5.2 +/- 5 mV, and the voltage sensitivity was 17 +/- 3 mV. R-type currents activated fully in 10 ms at 10 mV. R-type calcium currents inactivated in 1 s at 10 mV, and they inactivated (voltage sensitivity of 16 +/- 1 mV) with a half-inactivation voltage of -76 +/- 5 mV. These studies have accounted for all of the calcium channels in myenteric neurons. The data indicate that R-type calcium channels make the largest contribution to the total calcium current in myenteric neurons. The relatively positive half-activation voltage and rapid activation kinetics suggest that R-type channels could contribute to calcium entry during somal action potentials or during action potential-induced neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

A major difficulty in the investigation of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) is in identifying these cells within intact, living gastrointestinal tissues. To overcome this difficulty we developed a method to visualize ICC in the myenteric plexus region (ICC-MP) of the guinea pig ileum. Cells were identified with Nomarski optics and were injected with the fluorescent dye Lucifer yellow. The identity of the cells as ICC was verified by immunohistochemical labeling for the protein c-Kit. Using the dye coupling method we found that 24.4% (93/381) of ICC-MP were coupled to 1-21 other ICC. Octanol reduced dye coupling incidence among ICC-MP to 2% (1/49). Raising the pH in the medium to 7.8-7.9 increased the dye-coupling incidence to 86% (37/43, P<0.001). Lowering the pH to 6.4-6.8 had the opposite effect (coupling incidence 1/44). These findings demonstrate that ICC are mutually connected by channels, apparently gap junctions, that can allow the passage of both electrical currents and small molecules. As it was modulated by pH, it is likely that ICC coupling is under physiological control.  相似文献   

Background and aimsPartial obstruction of the small intestine results in severe hypertrophy of smooth muscle cells, dilatation and functional denervation. Hypertrophy of the small intestine is associated with alteration of the wall structure and the mechanical properties. The aims of this study were to determine three dimensional material properties of the obstructed small intestine in guinea pigs and to obtain the 3D stress–strain distributions in the small intestinal wall.MethodsPartial obstruction of mid-jejunum was created surgically in five guinea pigs that were euthanized 2 weeks after the surgery. Ten-cm-long segments proximal to the obstruction site were used for the stretch-inflation mechanical test using a tri-axial test machine. The outer diameter, longitudinal force and the luminal pressure during the test were recorded simultaneously. An anisotropic exponential pseudo-strain energy density function was used as the constitutive equation to fit the experimental loading curve and for computation of the stress–strain distribution.ResultsThe wall thickness and the wall area increased significantly in the obstructed jejunum (P<0.001). The pressure—outer radius curves in the obstructed segments were translated to the left of the normal segments, indicating wall stiffening after the obstruction. The circumferential stress and the longitudinal stress through the wall were higher in the obstructed segments (P<0.02). This was independent of whether the zero-stress state or the no-load states were used as the reference state.ConclusionThe mechanical behaviour of the obstructed small intestine can be described using a 3D constitutive model. The obstruction-induced biomechanical properties change was characterized by higher circumferential and longitudinal stresses in the wall and altered material constants in the 3D constitutive model.  相似文献   

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