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Although the distribution and relative abundance of bowhead whales varied annually within the fall whaling area near Barrow, Alaska, the distance of whales from shore was not significantly different among years 1982-1989 (ANOVA, F = 0.5, P > 0.5). The minimum detectable distance for the ANOVA was 12 km (α= 0.05, β= 0.1). Annual median distance of random bowhead sightings from shore ranged from 23 to 39 km, with an eight-year median of 32 km. Highest annual bowhead sighting rates were positively associated with the proportion of feeding whales, indicating that whale feeding opportunities may affect the availability of whales within hunting range each fall.  相似文献   

We investigated sex‐related site fidelity by humpback whales to the Fueguian Archipelago, a new feeding area in the eastern South Pacific, by examining the resighting histories of 45 males and 39 females recorded from 2003 to 2012. Results indicated an overall annual return to the feeding area of 74.8%, and annual sex ratio is roughly equal in the population. The probability of an individual being resighted across years and in subsequent years was not significantly different for both males and females, however, the proportion of resighting within a year was significantly higher for individual males compared to females. Potential sources of sex‐related bias were analyzed, but none were found to be significant. Greater intraannual resighting frequency for males may reflect sex‐based differences in spatial occupation and short‐range movements due to potential differences in energy budgets.  相似文献   

A long-term sightings and photographic identification (photo-ID) database documented the inter-annual and monthly trends in white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) sightings, sex ratios and life-history stages at Seal Island, False Bay, South Africa, over the period 2004–2012. A total of 1105 sightings were recorded during 171 scientific surveys incorporating 577 h of observation (annual mean 64.10 h, range 23.71–178.69 h). The mean annual sighting rate was 1.87 (range 0.90–3.19) sharks per hour and sighting rates declined over the nine-year study period. It is unknown whether the decline resulted from an actual population decline, or was due to changes in shark distribution or environmental conditions, but it highlights the need for ongoing monitoring at this site. The overall sex ratio was 1.0: 1.0: 2.3 for male: female: unsexed sharks, respectively. Of the 1105 sightings, 39% (n = 433) were photo-ID’d, representing 303 individual sharks (112: 111: 80, male: female: unsexed) and 130 resightings. Of the 303 photo-ID’d sharks, 71% were sighted in a single year only, indicative of transient behaviour. Of the 29% of sharks that were resighted in more than one year, 65% were resighted in the following year, indicating site fidelity to Seal Island, whereas 35% skipped one or more years between encounters, indicative of a temporary absence. The majority (60%) of the photo-ID’d sharks were immature, 32% were subadult and only 8% were mature. No young-of-the-year sharks and few adults were recorded, indicating that Seal Island is not an adult aggregation site, nor a pupping or nursery area, but rather is best described as a seasonal feeding ground. Large females were rarely resighted again after they approached length-at-maturity (≥450 cm TL), whereas some adult males were recorded consistently across years. The emigration of subadult female sharks approaching maturity from Seal Island, combined with the small number of mature sharks of both sexes reported from any South African location, indicate that adult aggregation sites, and thus areas of reproductive importance, still remain unknown.  相似文献   

Humpback whale diving behavior changes subtly when exposed to signals transmitted from the Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) sound projector located 14 km offshore the island of Kauai. This study considered whether such responses would lead to changes in distribution and abundance. A land-based shore station measured humpback whale locations (scan samples) for both nearshore (<5 km) and offshore (5–10 km) areas. Control observations were made in 1994 and 1998. In 1998 multipleday blocks with ATOC transmissions were interspersed with multiple-day control blocks without transmissions. Sighting rates were higher in 1998 (ATOC) than in 1994 (control year), probably due to better sighting conditions, but may reflect increased population size. Sighting rates did not differ between control and ATOC conditions in 1998. A seasonal sighting peak was observed in both years. No vessel effect on sighting rate was detected in 1998.
There was no effect of ATOC on the distance from the shore station to whales, or the depth of water where pods were located. However, the distribution of whales shifted slightly eastward during the ATOC blocks and the mean distance between the ATOC source and pods was greater during transmissions. Nonetheless, more whales were found close to the source when it was on, suggesting a more variable response rather than simple avoidance, with whales found both closer to, and farther away from, the source during transmissions.  相似文献   

Soil temperature and moisture influence soil respiration at a range of temporal and spatial scales. Although soil temperature and moisture may be seasonally correlated, intra and inter-annual variations in soil moisture do occur. There are few direct observations of the influence of local variation in species composition or other stand/site characteristics on seasonal and annual variations in soil moisture, and on cumulative annual soil carbon release. Soil climate and soil respiration from twelve sites in five different forest types were monitored over a 2-year period (1998–1999). Also measured were stand age, species composition, basal area, litter inputs, total above-ground wood production, leaf area index, forest floor mass, coarse and fine root mass, forest floor carbon and nitrogen concentration, root carbon and nitrogen concentration, soil carbon and nitrogen concentration, coarse fraction mass and volume, and soil texture. General soil respiration models were developed using soil temperature, daily soil moisture, and various site/soil characteristics. Of the site/soil characteristics, above-ground production, soil texture, roots + forest floor mass, roots + forest floor carbon:nitrogen, and soil carbon:nitrogen were significant predictors of soil respiration when used alone in respiration models; all of these site variables were weakly to moderately correlated with mean site soil moisture. Daily soil climate data were used to estimate the annual release of carbon (C) from soil respiration for the period 1998–1999. Mean annual soil temperature did not differ between the 2 years but mean annual soil moisture was approximately 9% lower in 1998 due to a summer drought. Soil C respired during 1998 ranged from 8.57 to 11.43 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 while the same sites released 10.13 and 13.57 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 in 1999; inter-annual differences of 15.41 and 15.73%, respectively. Among the 12 sites studied, we calculated that the depression of soil respiration linked to the drought caused annual differences of soil respiration from 11.00 to 15.78%. Annual estimates of respired soil C decreased with increasing site mean soil moisture. Similarly, the difference of respired carbon between the drought and the non-drought years generally decreased with increasing site mean soil moisture.  相似文献   

Bowhead whales occur in the Arctic year‐round. Their movements are largely correlated with seasonal expansions and reductions of sea ice, but a few recent extralimital sightings have occurred in the eastern and western North Atlantic and one was also documented in the western North Pacific over 50 years ago. Here we present details of a juvenile bowhead whale that was photographed and filmed from above and below the water while it was skim‐feeding in Caamaño Sound, BC, Canada on May 31, 2016. This sighting occurred over 2000 km southeast from the nearest known range for this species in the Bering Sea at a time that most bowhead whales in that region would have been migrating northeast. This sighting represents the first and only documentation of a bowhead whale in the eastern North Pacific to date.  相似文献   

Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrate long distances each year on a return journey from low‐latitude breeding grounds to high‐latitude feeding grounds. Migration is influenced by subtle and complex social behaviors and the assumption that whales transit directly through the migratory corridor off the east coast of Australia requires further investigation. From 2003 to 2005, we followed the movements of 99 individual whales within one migratory cycle from three locations, off Byron Bay during the whales' northern migration and in Hervey Bay and at Ballina during the southern migration. The median sighting interval of whales between Byron Bay and Hervey Bay (= 26) was 52 d (IQR = 42.5–75.5); between Byron Bay and Ballina (= 21) was 59 d (IQR = 47.0–70.0); and between Hervey Bay and Ballina (= 33) was 9 d (8.0–14.0). The overall pattern observed from these resightings suggests that Group E1 humpback whales spend approximately two months in the northern quarter of their range during the austral winter months. Intraseason resightings of whales at Ballina (= 13, median sighting interval = 7 d) also suggest that some individuals, particularly adult males, may circle back north during their general southward journey along this part of the coast, perhaps in an attempt to increase mating opportunities.  相似文献   

Estimations of gray whale abundance have generally assumed that shore-based observers record all whales migrating through the viewing area during periods uncompromised by visibility. We tested the repeatability of data collected at the standard gray whale census site at Granite Canyon Marine Laboratory in central California by using pairs of observers maintaining independent sighting records. Proximal shore sites were occupied 6 d (60 h) in January 1986 where one team counted 845 whales in 427 groups while the other team counted 990 whales in 477 groups. A comparison of the records showed that the first team missed 290 whales seen by the second team, and the second team missed 204 whales seen by the first team. The total number of whales in the viewing area was calculated for each team by the Petersen estimate, using mutually sighted whale groups as "recaptures". On average, observers recorded only 79% of the whales. More whales (68%) were missed when entire groups of whales were not seen rather than when groups were undercounted (32%). Visibility did not appear to affect observed rates of missed whales. Whales migrating at intermediate distances from the shore were less often missed than were those > 6 km or < 1 km offshore. This count discrepancy test confirms that an uncorrected calculation of population size for gray whales based on sighting records from solitary observers will be underestimated.  相似文献   

Site fidelity is common among migratory cetaceans, including humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). In the Northern Hemisphere it has been found that fidelity to humpback whale feeding grounds is transferred maternally but this has never been shown for the species in the Southern Hemisphere. We examined this in a unique feeding area off west South Africa using resighting data of 68 individually identified humpback whales by means of photographic (tail flukes and dorsal fins) and/or molecular methods (microsatellite genotyping) over an 18 year span. We found short-term association patterns and recurrent visits typical of other feeding grounds. Males and females had different seasonality of attendance. Significant female-dominated presence corresponded to timing of an expected influx of females on their southward migration from the breeding ground: firstly non-nursing (possibly pregnant) females in mid-spring, and mothers and calves in mid-to late summer. The potential benefit of this mid-latitude feeding area for females is illustrated by a record of a cow with known age of at least 23 years that produced calves in three consecutive years, each of which survived to at least six months of age: the first record of successful post-partum ovulation for this species in the Southern Hemisphere. We recorded association of a weaned calf with its mother, and a recurring association between a non-lactating female and male over more than two years. Moreover, three animals first identified as calves returned to the same area in subsequent years, sometimes on the same day as their mothers. This, together with numerous Parent-Offspring relations detected genetically among and between resighted and non-resighted whales is strongly suggestive of maternally derived site fidelity at a small spatial scale by a small sub-population of humpback whales.  相似文献   

A dorsal‐fin photo‐identification technique paired with a non‐invasive parallel laser photogrammetry technique was used to non‐invasively identify individual Sphyrna mokarran over time. Based on the data collected over a duration of 59 days, 16 different S. mokarran (mean ± s.d . pre‐caudal length: 220·82 ± 13·66 cm; mean ± s.d . cephalofoil width: 71·38 ± 7·94 cm) were identified using dorsal‐fin photo‐identification, with a mean ± s.d . shark re‐sighting frequency of 4·05 ± 3·06 at‐sea days. The results illustrate a high S. mokarran sighting rate and therefore, the utilization of parallel laser photogrammetry and dorsal‐fin photo‐identification may be a plausible multi‐year approach to aid in non‐invasively determining the growth rate and inter‐annual site fidelity of these animals.  相似文献   

North Atlantic right whales ( Eubalaena glacialis ) are known to spend the majority of the year between the Great South Channel southeast of Cape Cod, and the Nova Scotian shelf. We examined sightings of right whales on and around Jeffreys Ledge, a 54-km-long glacial deposit off the coast of northern Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. Sightings on Jeffreys Ledge were extracted from three data sets: (1) a systematic survey of the entire northeastern continental shelf between 1979 and 1982, (2) whale-watch and research-cruise sighting data from 1984 to 1997, and (3) a collaborative database of sightings collected by organizations conducting right whale research and all other available sources. Each database supported two seasonal sighting peaks. During summer (especially July and August) sightings were primarily of mother-calf pairs. Several cow-calf pairs were seen over several days to weeks. Several females were resighted in more than one year, but only when calves were present. During October, November, and December, sightings included all age classes, surface-feeding behavior was frequently observed, and some animals were resighted over several weeks. Given the relatively reduced sighting effort during fall, this number of sightings is surprising. During the 20 yr of observations, 52 of 374 photo-identified North Atlantic right whales (13.9%) were seen at least once on Jeffreys Ledge. We suggest that Jeffreys Ledge may be a more important right whale habitat than previously believed, and that it may play an important role in annual movements and distribution of this population.  相似文献   

The seasonal distributions of humpback and blue whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae and Balaenoptera musculus , respectively) in the North Atlantic Ocean are not fully understood. Although humpbacks have been studied intensively in nearshore or coastal feeding and breeding areas, their migratory movements between these areas have been largely inferred. Blue whales have only been studied intensively along the north shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and their seasonal occurrence and movements elsewhere in the North Atlantic are poorly known. We investigated the historical seasonal distributions of these two species using sighting and catch data extracted from American 18th and 19th century whaling logbooks. These data suggest that humpback whales migrated seasonally from low-latitude calving/ breeding grounds over a protracted period, and that some of them traveled far offshore rather than following coastal routes. Also, at least some humpbacks apparently fed early in the summer west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, well south of their known present-day feeding grounds. In assessing the present status of the North Atlantic humpback population, it will be important to determine whether such offshore feeding does in fact occur. Blue whales were present across the southern half of the North Atlantic during the autumn and winter months, and farther north in spring and summer, but we had too few data points to support inferences about these whales' migratory timing and routes.  相似文献   

Ocean warming will undoubtedly affect the migratory patterns of many marine species, but specific changes can be predicted only where behavioural mechanisms guiding migration are understood. Southern right whales show maternally inherited site fidelity to near-shore winter nursery grounds, but exactly where they feed in summer (collectively and individually) remains mysterious. They consume huge quantities of copepods and krill, and their reproductive rates respond to fluctuations in krill abundance linked to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Here we show that genetic and isotopic signatures, analysed together, indicate maternally directed site fidelity to diverse summer feeding grounds for female right whales calving at Península Valdés, Argentina. Isotopic values from 131 skin samples span a broad range (–23.1 to –17.2‰δ13C, 6.0 to 13.8‰δ15N) and are more similar than expected among individuals sharing the same mitochondrial haplotype. This pattern indicates that calves learn summer feeding locations from their mothers, and that the timescale of culturally inherited site fidelity to feeding grounds is at least several generations. Such conservatism would be expected to limit the exploration of new feeding opportunities, and may explain why this population shows increased rates of reproductive failure in years following elevated sea-surface temperature anomalies off South Georgia, the richest known feeding ground for baleen whales in the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

Habitat utilization and prey species of Vancouver Island gray whales were investigated by (1) summarizing 26 yr of distribution and feeding data and (2) conducting intensive observations in Clayoquot Sound, Vancouver Island, from 1989 to 1996. Whale distribution and movements were monitored from March to November through systematic boat surveys and whale-watch sighting programs. Prey species were collected by suction hose and plankton net or determined through analysis of fecal samples. Gray whales utilized virtually all of the southern west coast of Vancouver Island over the 26-yr observation period. Distribution, prey species, and feeding behavior showed marked variability during any one season and between years. Some feeding areas were used on an annual basis, others with >10-yr intervals between use. Feeding occurred in shallow sand or mud bays, eel grass beds, kelp beds, in the open water column, and at the surface. Young whales appeared to utilize habitat and prey species differently than adults. Main prey species included herring eggs/larvae ( Clupea harengus pallasi ), crab larvae ( Cancer magister megalops, Pachycbeles spp. zoea), mysids ( Holmesimysis sculpta, Neomysis rayii, Acanthomysis spp.), amphipods ( Ampelisca spp., Atylus borealis ), and ghost shrimp ( Callianassa californiensis ). The definition and relative importance of specific feeding grounds and the study of human impacts on this population are complicated by its broad and variable use of habitat and prey species.  相似文献   

On a global scale, false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) remain one of the lesser‐known delphinids. The occurrence, site fidelity, association patterns, and presence/absence of foraging in waters off northeastern New Zealand are examined from records collected between 1995 and 2012. The species was rarely encountered; however, of the 61 distinctive, photo‐identified individuals, 88.5% were resighted, with resightings up to 7 yr after initial identification, and movements as far as 650 km documented. Group sizes ranged from 20 to ca. 150. Results indicate that all individuals are linked in a single social network. Most observations were recorded in shallow (<100 m) nearshore waters. Occurrence in these continental shelf waters is likely seasonal, coinciding with the shoreward flooding of a warm current. During 91.5% of encounters, close interspecific associations with common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were observed. Photo‐identification reveals repeat inter‐ and intraspecific associations among individuals with 34.2% of common bottlenose dolphins resighted together with false killer whales over 1,832 d. While foraging was observed during 39.5% of mixed‐species encounters, results suggest that social and antipredatory factors may also play a role in the formation of these mixed‐species groups.  相似文献   

Population spatial structuring among North Atlantic humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae on the summer feeding grounds was investigated using movement patterns of identified individuals. We analysed the results from an intensive 2-year ocean-basin-scale investigation resulting in 1658 individuals identified by natural markings and 751 individuals by genetic markers supplemented with data from a long-term collaborative study with 3063 individuals identified by natural markings. Re-sighting distances ranged from <1 km to >2200 km. The frequencies ( F ) of re-sighting distances ( D ) observed in consecutive years were best modelled by an inverse allometric function ( F =6631 D −1.24, r 2=0.984), reflecting high levels of site fidelity (median re-sighting distance <40 km) with occasional long-distance movement (5% of re-sightings >550 km). The distribution of re-sighting distances differed east and west of 45°W, with more long-distance movement in the east. This difference is consistent with regional patterns of prey distribution and predictability. Four feeding aggregations were identified: the Gulf of Maine, eastern Canada, West Greenland and the eastern North Atlantic. There was an exchange rate of 0.98% between the western feeding aggregations. The prevalence of long-distance movement in the east made delineation of possible additional feeding aggregations less clear. Limited exchange between sites separated by as little as tens of kilometres produced lower-level structuring within all feeding aggregations. Regional and temporal differences in movement patterns reflected similar foraging responses to varying patterns of prey availability and predictability. A negative relationship was shown between relative abundance of herring and sand lance in the Gulf of Maine and humpback whale movement from the Gulf of Maine to eastern Canada.  相似文献   

Sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ) and beaked whales ( Mesoplodon spp. and Ziphius cavirostris ) are deep-diving cetaceans that frequent shelf-edge and Gulf Stream waters off the northeast U. S. coast. Sighting data collected during seven summer (1990, 1991, 1993, and 1995–1998) shipboard surveys were analyzed using a geographic information system to determine habitat use based on bathymetric and oceanographic features. Although sighting rates were lower for beaked whales, both taxa occupied similar habitats. Beaked whales were concentrated at the colder shelf edge, whereas sperm whales were associated with warmer off-shelf water. Mean sighting rates for both taxa were higher in canyon features, but only beaked whale sighting rates were significantly different between canyon and non-canyon habitat (Wilcoxon signed rank test P = 0.007). Within the shared habitat, the two taxa were separated at fine-scale based on oceanographic features.  相似文献   

Different dolphin and tuna species have frequently been reported to aggregate in areas of high frontal activity, sometimes developing close multi-species associations to increase feeding success. Aerial surveys are a common tool to monitor the density and abundance of marine mammals, and have recently become a focus in the search for methods to provide fisheries-independent abundance indicators for tuna stock assessment. In this study, we present first density estimates corrected for availability bias of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) and striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from the Golf of Lions (GoL), compared with uncorrected estimates of Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT; Thunnus thynnus) densities from 8 years of line transect aerial surveys. The raw sighting data were further used to analyze patterns of spatial co-occurrence and density of these three top marine predators in this important feeding ground in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. These patterns were investigated regarding known species-specific feeding preferences and environmental characteristics (i. e. mesoscale activity) of the survey zone. ABFT was by far the most abundant species during the surveys in terms of schools and individuals, followed by striped dolphins and fin whales. However, when accounted for availability bias, schools of dolphins and fin whales were of equal density. Direct interactions of the species appeared to be the exception, but results indicate that densities, presence and core sighting locations of striped dolphins and ABFT were correlated. Core sighting areas of these species were located close to an area of high mesoscale activity (oceanic fronts and eddies). Fin whales did not show such a correlation. The results further highlight the feasibility to coordinate research efforts to explore the behaviour and abundance of the investigated species, as demanded by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Viral and bacterial abundances were studied in relation to environmental attributes over an annual period, for both planktonic and attached (sediment, aquatic macrophyte and submerged wood) habitats, in a riverine wetland.
2. Annual mean abundance of planktonic viruses ranged from 2.3 × 105−3.8 × 105 particles mL−1 and varied according to sampling site. Significant seasonal patterns in viral abundance were evident and appeared to be linked to variations in bacterial abundance, dissolved organic carbon and inorganic nutrients.
3. Annual mean abundance of viruses associated with surfaces ranged from 1.3 × 106 particles cm−2 on aquatic macrophytes to 1.1 × 107 particles cm−2 on wood and also showed seasonal patterns. The difference in viral dynamics among the different sites emphasizes the importance of considering habitat diversity within wetlands when examining microbial communities.  相似文献   

Diurnal and seasonal haul-out patterns, site fidelity and activity budgets of individually identified Hooker's sea lions were studied for two years at Papanui Beach, Otago Peninsula, New Zealand.
Fourteen male sea lions were identified. Lengths ranged from 1.65 m–2.28 m and estimated ages from 2-11 yr. The population consisted of four sexually and socially mature (potentially breeding), eight sexually mature but socially immature and two immature males. Most haul-outs (95.6%) were by nine identifiable individuals (Residents) returning on a regular basis, suggesting a high degree of site specificity. Emigration and recruitment were low in relation to the length of the study. Daily arrivals (mean = 0844 h, SD = 1.49) and departures (mean = 1802 h, SD = 1.18) indicate nocturnal feeding. During March 1986 sea lions spent 43.8% of each day ashore (= 78% of daylight hours). Numbers of sea lions hauled out declined in both breeding seasons; in 1986/87 this was due to a decrease in haul-out frequency of resident animals. All but one of these sea lions returned after the breeding season.
Sea lions preferentially selected the middle and the extreme ends of the beach as haul-out sites. During winter use was made of the grass dunes as haul-out areas.
There were significant differences in the frequencies of behavioral activities between summer and winter; more time was allocated to resting in summer.  相似文献   

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