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Understanding the evolutionary mechanisms that facilitate speciation and explain global patterns of species diversity has remained a challenge for decades. The most general pattern of species biodiversity is the latitudinal gradient, whereby species richness increases toward the tropics. Although such a global pattern probably has a multitude of causes, recent attention has focused on the hypothesis that speciation and the evolution of reproductive isolation occur faster in the tropics. Here, I tested this prediction using a dataset on premating and postzygotic isolation between recently diverged Drosophila species. Results showed that while the evolution of premating isolation was not greater between tropical Drosophila relative to nontropical species, postzygotic isolation evolved faster in the tropics. In particular, hybrid male sterility was much greater among tropical Drosophila compared to nontropical species pairs of similar genetic age. Several testable explanations for the novel pattern are discussed, including greater role for sterility‐inducing bacterial endosymbionts in the tropics and more intense sperm–sperm competition or sperm–egg sexual conflict in the tropics. The results imply that processes of speciation in the tropics may evolve at different rates or may even be somewhat different from those at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

In accordance with Haldane's rule, hybridizations between species of the Drosophila simulans clade produce fertile females but sterile males. In this study, a comprehensive characterization was undertaken on the six types of F1 males that were the result of the crosses between D. simulans, D. sechellia, and D. mauritiana. With the use of light and electron microscopy, it was shown that while each particular hybrid genotype exhibited a specific sterility phenotype, these phenotypes fell into two distinct classes. The two hybrid genotypes that possessed D. mauritiana X-chromosomes contained spermatogenic defects that caused arrests in premeiotic spermatogenic stages. The other four F1 hybrids possessed postmeiotic spermatogenic defects. Nonsynchronous cell divisions, underdeveloped mitochondrial derivative-axonemal associations, and microtubule abnormalities were common to all of these hybrids. Each particular postmeiotically defective hybrid genotype demonstrated characteristically distinct profiles in sperm bundle number in addition to characteristic spermiogenic arrests in the furthest developed spermatids. These results in species hybrids contrast with the absence of significant differences in spermatogenic characters between species of this clade. In addition, by utilizing an attached-X cross, we investigated the influence of maternal effects and cytoplasmic factors on the sterility of D. simulans F1 hybrids and found none. However, we discovered a strain of D. simulans (2119) that caused a large shift in sterility from postmeiotic to premeiotic when crossed to D. sechellia. This suggests that D. simulans is polymorphic for genes involving premeiotic and postmeiotic sterility and that the two types of sterilities between species may have a simple genetic basis.  相似文献   

By demonstrating the evolution of significant premating isolation, previous laboratory experiments have provided some evidence for the founder-flush model of speciation. However, these experiments are subject to a number of criticisms, including the use of hybrid populations recently collected from the wild and the use of multiple bottlenecks. Here we present the results of a test of founder-flush speciation using a single, well-adapted laboratory stock of Drosophila melanogaster subjected to one founder-flush event. The experiment was replicated at larger scale than previous studies, and results indicate that none of 50 independent founder-flush lines evolved significant assortative mating relative to the control (base) population. This suggests a diminished emphasis on population bottlenecks in speciation of D. melanogaster and perhaps in general.  相似文献   

Of 12 potential reproductive isolating barriers between closely related Z‐ and E‐pheromone strains of the European corn borer moth (Ostrinia nubilalis), seven significantly reduced gene flow but none were complete, suggesting that speciation in this lineage is a gradual process in which multiple barriers of intermediate strength accumulate. Estimation of the cumulative effect of all barriers resulted in nearly complete isolation (>99%), but geographic variation in seasonal isolation allowed as much as ~10% gene flow. With the strongest barriers arising from mate‐selection behavior or ecologically relevant traits, sexual and natural selection are the most likely evolutionary processes driving population divergence. A recent multilocus genealogical study corroborates the roles of selection and gene flow ( Dopman et al. 2005 ), because introgression is supported at all loci besides Tpi, a sex‐linked gene. Tpi reveals strains as exclusive groups, possesses signatures of selection, and is tightly linked to a QTL that contributes to seasonal isolation. With more than 98% of total cumulative isolation consisting of prezygotic barriers, Z and E strains of ECB join a growing list of taxa in which species boundaries are primarily maintained by the prevention of hybridization, possibly because premating barriers evolve during early stages of population divergence.  相似文献   

Felsenstein distinguished two ways by which selection can directly strengthen isolation. First, a modifier that strengthens prezygotic isolation can be favored everywhere. This fits with the traditional view of reinforcement as an adaptation to reduce deleterious hybridization by strengthening assortative mating. Second, selection can favor association between different incompatibilities, despite recombination. We generalize this "two allele" model to follow associations among any number of incompatibilities, which may include both assortment and hybrid inviability. Our key argument is that this process, of coupling between incompatibilities, may be quite different from the usual view of reinforcement: strong isolation can evolve through the coupling of any kind of incompatibility, whether prezygotic or postzygotic. Single locus incompatibilities become coupled because associations between them increase the variance in compatibility, which in turn increases mean fitness if there is positive epistasis. Multiple incompatibilities, each maintained by epistasis, can become coupled in the same way. In contrast, a single-locus incompatibility can become coupled with loci that reduce the viability of haploid hybrids because this reduces harmful recombination. We obtain simple approximations for the limits of tight linkage, and strong assortment, and show how assortment alleles can invade through associations with other components of reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Samples of Luxilus cornutus, Luxilus chrysocephalus, and their hybrids were collected along hypothesized routes of dispersal from Pleistocene refugia to examine the significance of geographic variation in patterns of introgression between these species. Patterns of allozyme and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation were generally consistent with those from previous studies. Tests of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium revealed significant deficiencies of heterozygotes in all samples, indicating some form of reproductive isolation. Mitochondrial DNAs of each species were not equally represented in F1 hybrids; however, this bias was eliminated when the two largest samples were excluded from the analysis. Backcross hybrids exhibited biased mtDNA introgression, as samples from Lake Erie (eastern) and Lake Michigan (western) drainages showed significant excesses of mtDNAs from L. chrysocephalus and L. cornutus, respectively, relative to frequencies of diagnostic allozyme markers. The extent and direction of allozyme and mtDNA introgression was quantified by calculating isolation index values from morphologically “pure” individuals of each species from each locality. Analysis of variance of these measures identified limited introgression of allozyme variants with no geographic pattern, but significant differences in direction of mtDNA introgression between drainages (i.e., postglacial dispersal route). Association between patterns of mtDNA introgression and dispersal route across the latitudinal width of the contact zone is best explained by genetic divergence during past isolation of ancestral populations from these drainages. These results identify a significant role for historical effects in the evolution of reproductive isolation and the process of speciation.  相似文献   

Interactions between species can alter selection on sexual displays used in mate choice within species. Here we study the epicuticular pheromones of two Drosophila species that overlap partially in geographic range and are incompletely reproductively isolated. Drosophila subquinaria shows a pattern of reproductive character displacement against Drosophila recens, and partial behavioral isolation between conspecific sympatric versus allopatric populations, whereas D. recens shows no such variation in mate choice. First, using manipulative perfuming experiments, we show that females use pheromones as signals for mate discrimination both between species and among populations of D. subquinaria. Second, we show that patterns of variation in epicuticular compounds, both across populations and between species, are consistent with those previously shown for mating probabilities: pheromone compositions differ between populations of D. subquinaria that are allopatric versus sympatric with D. recens, but are similar across populations of D. recens regardless of overlap with D. subquinaria. We also identify differences in pheromone composition among allopatric regions of D. subquinaria. In sum, our results suggest that epicuticular compounds are key signals used by females during mate recognition, and that these traits have diverged among D. subquinaria populations in response to reinforcing selection generated by the presence of D. recens.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of reproductive isolation is tantamount to describing the origin of species. Therefore, a primary goal in evolutionary biology is to identify which reproductive barriers are most important to the process. To achieve this goal, the strength of multiple forms of isolation must be compared in an equivalent manner. However, a diversity of methods has been used to estimate barrier strength, falling into several mathematically distinct categories. This study provides a unified method for calculating isolation that relates the amount of gene flow experienced by taxa to random expectations in a simple linear framework. This approach has three distinct advantages over previous methods: (1) it is directly related to gene flow, (2) it is symmetrical, such that measures in both the positive and negative range are comparable, and (3) it is equivalent between broad categories of reproductive isolation, allowing for appropriate comparisons. This linear formulation can be adjusted for use in all forms of isolation, and can accommodate cases in which null expectations for con‐ and heterospecific gene flow differ. Additionally, this framework can be used to calculate total reproductive isolation and the relative contributions of individual barriers.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of sexual isolation to speciation, few studies have analyzed the genetic basis of interspecific mating discrimination, particularly using hybrid males. In this study, I investigated the genetic basis of sexual isolation using male hybrids of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Hybrid male mating success was caused by interactions between the X-chromosome and autosomes (or Y-chromosome), and different arms of the X-chromosome contributed to mating success with females of each species. Further, although there was an X-chromosome component to mating success, its magnitude was not disproportionately large when compared with the proportion of the genome contained on this chromosome. Some hybrid males courted with an anomalously low intensity, so I simultaneously mapped the genetic basis of this “courtship dysfunction.” The courtship dysfunction was caused by an interaction between the left arm of the X-chromosome in D. persimilis with the autosomes or Y-chromosome from D. pseudoobscura. Anomalous courtship behavior in interspecific hybrids can obscure the conclusions of studies of the genetics of sexual isolation, so courtship intensity should be evaluated in all such investigations.  相似文献   

Drosophila santomea and D. yakuba are sister species that live on the volcanic African island of São Tomé. Previous work has revealed several barriers to gene flow, including sexual isolation, hybrid sterility, and “extrinsic” ecological isolation based on differential adaptation to and preference for temperature. Here, we describe several new “intrinsic” barriers to gene flow—barriers that do not depend on the species’ ecology. These include reduced egg number, reduced egg hatchability, and faster depletion of sperm in interspecific compared to intraspecific matings. Further, hatching interval and egg‐to‐adult development time are significantly longer in interspecific than intraspecific crosses. If a female of either species is initially mated to a heterospecific male, she lays fewer and less‐fertile eggs than if she is first mated to a conspecific male, so that heterospecific matings permanently reduce female fertility. Finally, D. santomea females mated to D. yakuba males do not live as long as virgin or conspecifically mated females. The “poisoning” effects of heterospecific ejaculates may be byproducts of antagonistic sexual selection. Although these species diverged relatively recently, they are clearly separated by many isolating barriers that act both before and after mating.  相似文献   

Matings between Drosophila simulans females and males of the sibling species D. mauritiana are of abnormally short duration. These rapid matings interrupt the transfer of sperm, leading to substantial reproductive isolation in interspecific as compared to intraspecific copulations. Genetic analysis of this behavior shows that it is influenced much more by the male than the female genotype, with genes from D. simulans being dominant. In males, shortened copulation is caused by interspecific divergence at a minimum of three loci, with one gene on each of the major chromosomes. This is an underestimate of the true number of loci affecting the trait, which could be much larger. The two autosomes have the largest effect, whereas that of the X chromosome is much smaller. The genetic architecture of copulation duration and the larger effect of male than female genotype suggest that females can detect and discriminate against differences in male genitalia.  相似文献   

Studies of the strength and nature of reproductive isolation (RI) between species can greatly contribute to our understanding of speciation. Although the role of RI in speciation is well recognized, there is a dearth of information on the contributions of different barriers between related plant species. Here, we estimated multiple components of RI between two Mediterranean orchid sister species (Orchis mascula and Orchis pauciflora), disentangling the strength and absolute contributions of seven different isolating mechanisms. Our survey includes one prepollination, two postpollination prezygotic (pollen–stigma incompatibility, conspecific pollen precedence), two intrinsic postzygotic (embryo mortality and hybrid sterility) and two extrinsic postzygotic (hybrid habitat differentiation and hybrid pollination) isolating mechanisms. We found strong RI between the investigated species, although none of the barriers were able to completely impede gene flow. Five isolating mechanisms contributed positively to the maintenance of species boundaries. Contrary to most surveys of isolating mechanisms, our data speak against a clear predominance of prepollination or of prezygotic barriers but confirm the emerging pattern of multiple barriers contributing to the maintenance of species integrity. These findings suggest an allopatric condition during early phases of species divergence. We discuss our data in the wider context of previous studies carried out in this orchid group by using a comparative approach.  相似文献   

Among the most debated subjects in speciation is the question of its mode. Although allopatric (geographical) speciation is assumed the null model, the importance of parapatric and sympatric speciation is extremely difficult to assess and remains controversial. Here I develop a novel approach to distinguish these modes of speciation by studying the evolution of reproductive isolation (RI) among taxa. I focus on the Drosophila genus, for which measures of RI are known. First, I incorporate RI into age‐range correlations. Plots show that almost all cases of weak RI are between allopatric taxa whereas sympatric taxa have strong RI. This either implies that most reproductive isolation (RI) was initiated in allopatry or that RI evolves too rapidly in sympatry to be captured at incipient stages. To distinguish between these explanations, I develop a new “rate test of speciation” that estimates the likelihood of non‐allopatric speciation given the distribution of RI rates in allopatry versus sympatry. Most sympatric taxa were found to have likely initiated RI in allopatry. However, two putative candidate species pairs for non‐allopatric speciation were identified (5% of known Drosophila). In total, this study shows how using RI measures can greatly inform us about the geographical mode of speciation in nature.  相似文献   

A major goal of speciation research is to understand the processes involved in the earliest stages of the evolution of reproductive isolation (RI). One important challenge has been to identify systems where lineages have very recently diverged and opportunities for hybridization are present. We conducted a comprehensive examination of the components of RI across the life cycle of two subspecies of Clarkia xantiana, which diverged recently (ca. 65,000 bp). One subspecies is primarily outcrossing, but self‐compatible, whereas the other is primarily selfing. The subspecies co‐occur in a zone of sympatry but hybrids are rarely observed. Premating barriers resulted in nearly complete isolation in both subspecies with flowering time and pollinator preference (for the outcrosser over the selfer) as the strongest barriers. We found that the outcrosser had consistently more competitive pollen, facilitating hybridization in one direction, but no evidence for pollen–pistil interactions as an isolating barrier. Surprisingly, postzygotic isolation was detected at the stage of hybrid seed development, but in no subsequent life stages. This crossing barrier was asymmetric with crosses from the selfer to outcrosser most frequently failing. Collectively, the results provide evidence for rapid evolution of multiple premating and postzygotic barriers despite a very recent divergence time.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of sexual isolation between the closely-related species Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila simulans involved two experiments with no-choice tests. The efficiency of sexual isolation was measured by the frequency of courtship initiation and interspecific mating. We first surveyed the variation in sexual isolation between D. melanogaster strains and D. simulans strains of different geographic origin. Then, to investigate variation in sexual isolation within strains, we made F1 diallel sets of reciprocal crosses within strains of D. melanogaster and D. simulans. The F1 diallel progeny of one sex were paired with the opposite sex of the other species. The first experiment showed significant differences in the frequency of interspecific mating between geographic strains. There were more matings between D. simulans females and D. melanogaster males than between D. melanogaster females and D. simulans males. The second experiment uncovered that the male genotypes in the D. melanogaster diallel significantly differed in interspecific mating frequency, but not in courtship initiation frequency. The female genotypes in the D. simulans diallel were not significantly different in courtship initiation and interspecific mating frequency. Genetic analysis reveals that in D. melanogaster males sexual isolation was not affected by either maternal cytoplasmic effects, sex-linked effects, or epistatic interaction. The main genetic components were directional dominance and overdominance. The F1 males achieved more matings with D. simulans females than the inbred males. The genetic architecture of sexual isolation in D. melanogaster males argues for a history of weak or no selection for lower interspecific mating propensity. The behavioral causes of variation in sexual isolation between the two species are discussed.  相似文献   

The study of speciation in recent populations is essentially a study of the evolution of reproductive isolation mechanisms between sub-groups of a species. Prezygotic isolation can be of central importance to models of speciation, either being a consequence of reinforcement of assortative mating in hybrid zones, or a pleiotropic effect of morphological or behavioral adaptation to different environments. To suggest speciation by reinforcement between incipient species one must at least know that gene flow occurs, or have recently occurred, and that assortative mating has been established in the hybrid zone. In Galician populations of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis, two main morphs appear on the same shores, one on the upper-shore barnacle belt and the other in the lower-shore mussel belt. The two morphs overlap in distribution in the midshore where hybrids are found together with pure forms. Allozyme variation indicates that the two parental morphs share a common gene pool, although within shores, gene flow between morphs is less than gene flow within morphs. In this study, we observed mating behavior in the field, and we found that mating was not random in midshore sites, with a deficiency of heterotypic pairs. Habitat selection, assortative mating, and possibly sexual selection among females contributed to the partial reproductive isolation between the pure morphs. Sizes of mates were often positively correlated, in particular, in the upper shore, indicating size-assortative mating too. However, this seemed to be a consequence of nonrandom microdistributions of snails of different sizes. Because we also argue that the hybrid zone is of primary rather than secondary origin, this seems to be an example of sympatric reproductive isolation, either established by means of reinforcement or as a by-product to divergent selection acting on other characters.  相似文献   

Parallel evolution of similar phenotypes provides strong evidence for the operation of natural selection. Where these phenotypes contribute to reproductive isolation, they further support a role for divergent, habitat‐associated selection in speciation. However, the observation of pairs of divergent ecotypes currently occupying contrasting habitats in distinct geographical regions is not sufficient to infer parallel origins. Here we show striking parallel phenotypic divergence between populations of the rocky‐shore gastropod, Littorina saxatilis, occupying contrasting habitats exposed to either wave action or crab predation. This divergence is associated with barriers to gene exchange but, nevertheless, genetic variation is more strongly structured by geography than by ecotype. Using approximate Bayesian analysis of sequence data and amplified fragment length polymorphism markers, we show that the ecotypes are likely to have arisen in the face of continuous gene flow and that the demographic separation of ecotypes has occurred in parallel at both regional and local scales. Parameter estimates suggest a long delay between colonization of a locality and ecotype formation, perhaps because the postglacial spread of crab populations was slower than the spread of snails. Adaptive differentiation may not be fully genetically independent despite being demographically parallel. These results provide new insight into a major model of ecologically driven speciation.  相似文献   

Reproductive isolation may often evolve as an indirect (pleiotropic) consequence of populations adapting to different environments or habitats. For example, niches that are temporally or seasonally offset can select for organisms with different developmental characteristics. These developmental differences can inadvertently cause reproductive isolation by a variety of means including shifts in mating activity patterns. Here, we show a genetic correlation between a life-history trait (developmental period) and a behavioral trait (time of mating) that causes significant premating isolation in the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Diptera: Tephritidae). Fly lines selected for short and long developmental periods differ in their preferred times of mating during the evening. This difference translates into significant prezygotic isolation, as measured by mate choice tests. If the time of mating between two populations differed more than one hour, the isolation index was significantly higher than zero. These indicate that premating isolation can be established if the developmental period is divergently selected for. If such genetic correlations are ubiquitous in many organisms, multifarious divergent selection for life-history traits would often accelerate the evolution of reproductive isolation. We speculate that reproductive isolation may have been evolved via genetic correlations among time-related traits, for example, developmental period and time of mating, as in other organisms.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive barriers is crucial to the process of speciation. In the Echinoidea, studies have focused on divergence in the gamete recognition protein, bindin, as the primary isolating mechanism among species. As such, the capacity of alternate mechanisms to be effective reproductive barriers and the phylogenetic context in which they arise is unclear. Here, we examine the evolutionary histories and factors limiting gene exchange between two subspecies of Heliocidaris erythrogramma that occur sympatrically in Western Australia. We found low, but significant differentiation between the subspecies in two mitochondrial genes. Further, coalescent analyses suggest that they diverged in isolation on the east and west coasts of Australia, with a subsequent range expansion of H. e. erythrogramma into Western Australia. Differentiation in bindin was minimal, indicating gamete incompatibility is an unlikely reproductive barrier. We did, however, detect strong asynchrony in spawning seasons; H. e. erythrogramma spawned over summer whereas H. e. armigera spawned in autumn. Taken together, we provide compelling evidence for a recent divergence of these subspecies and their reproductive isolation without gamete incompatibility. Western Australian H. erythrogramma may therefore present an intriguing case of incipient speciation, which depends on long‐term persistence of the factors underlying this spawning asynchrony.  相似文献   

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