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Fungal pathogens that infect reproductive structures of plants (e.g., flowers and fruits) can reduce the seed production and seedling recruitment of host plants. We report here on the effects of a rust, Aecidium farameae, that infects the ovaries and pedicels of mature flowers on Faramea occidentalis (Ruhiaceae), a small tree common on Barro Colorado Island, Republic of Panama. Rust infection of ovaries reduced the number of maturing fruit on infected trees. Trees with low rust incidence in June of 1992 had 68 percent fruit survival, compared to 17 percent fruit survival for those with high rust incidence. Infected fruits developed abnormally and were usually aborted long before uninfected fruits were mature. One hundred percent of the infected ovaries marked in July were diseased or missing in August. We conclude that infection by A. farameae has the potential to seriously decrease the reproductive output of Faramea occidentalis and may represent an important source of variation in the relative fitness of individual plants.  相似文献   

The light environment within forests presents complex patterns of brightness and spectral distribution of light. The polarized light field is no less complex. Using an imaging polarized light analyzer, we examined the natural fields of linearly polarized light in the tropical rain forest of Guatopo National Park, Venezuela. We found that the celestial polarization pattern remains visible underneath the forest canopy, although cloud and fog coverage may diffuse the light and reduce the polarization signal. We characterized several distinct light environments, each having a characteristic polarized light field. Furthermore, objects throughout the forest reflect light that is polarized in a predictable fashion depending upon the material, structure, and orientation of the reflecting surface. As a consequence of these patterns in the distribution of polarized light, some functions of polarization vision, such as navigation, must be limited to the spaces exposed to several extended portions of the sky, while others, such as remote sensing of surface orientation, object detection, and breaking of camouflage would be useful throughout the forest. The polarization of light adds another dimension to the complexity of the rain forest photic environment.  相似文献   

We investigated how deciduousness of overstory tree species influences the community structure and species composition in the understory. The results suggest that deciduous overstory trees have positive effects on light‐demanding species, and that the processes underlying such effects may involve reduced competition for light or facilitation through increased water availability.  相似文献   

以云烟87植株为材料,通过覆盖白、红、黄、蓝、紫色滤膜获得不同光质,于大田条件下研究了光质对烟草叶片生长发育过程中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)等抗氧化酶活性,抗氧化剂谷胱甘肽(GSH)和抗坏血酸(AsA)以及丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响.结果表明,在烟草植株第11片叶生长发育的7~70 d内,其抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化物质含量呈现先升高后下降的变化趋势.与白光(对照)相比,黄光诱导烟草叶片SOD、CAT、APX和GR活性升高,以及AsA和GSH含量增加;而红光诱导APX和GR活性上升,以及GSH和AsA含量升高;但紫光却使SOD、CAT、POD、GR和GPX活性下降,GSH和AsA含量降低,而蓝光则使所有抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化物质含量降低.紫光和蓝光处理的烟草叶片中MDA含量较高,而黄光和红光处理的则较低.总体而言,在大田条件下,相对红光和黄光而言,蓝光和紫光处理下的烟草叶片更容易发生光氧化胁迫.  相似文献   

To clarify the small-scale heterogeneity of light regimes in a rain forest, photosynthetic photon flux density (PFD) was measured at 1-min intervals during six days at 12 microsites in each of two plots, a small gap and an understory in Pasoh Forest Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia. Frequency distribution of microsite PFD was unimodal with the peak value between 16 and 32 μmol/m2/sec in the small gap, but between 8 and 16 μmol/m2/sec in the understory. In the small gap, PFD was more variable among microsites; total daily PFD and daily sunfleck PFD exceeding 10 μmol/ m2/sec tended to be higher (P <0.05; t-test) compared to those in the understory. Sunfleck PFD exceeding 50 μmol/ m2/sec, however, showed no difference between the two plots. Diffuse PFD transmittance, defined as the ratio of PFD in the forest to that measured at 43 m above ground during the periods 0800-0810 and 1750-1800 h, was significantly higher in the small gap than in the understory plot. Diffuse PFD transmittance was also positively correlated with microsite total daily PFD. To examine the effects of the subtle heterogeneity of light regimes on leaf carbon gain, we simulated carbon gain by sun and shade leaves in a typical shade-tolerant species, Brosimum aticastrum Sw. (Moraceae). Despite the similarity in total daily PFD, total daily carbon gain was considerably higher in the gap than in the understory for both sun and shade leaves. This study suggests that frequency distribution of PFD is critical in describing microsite PFD regimes and determining leaf carbon gain in the tropical forest floor.  相似文献   

Ellen Andresen 《Biotropica》2005,37(2):291-300
Dung beetles are important components of most terrestrial ecosystems. In tropical rain forests, dung beetle communities can be very rich in number of species and individuals, and they are known to be useful bioindicators of habitat disturbance. In contrast, very little is known about the organization of dung beetle communities in tropical dry forests. The aim of this study was to describe in detail the dung beetle community of a Mexican tropical dry forest and to assess the relative importance of rainfall seasonality and forest structure in affecting the temporal and spatial dynamics of this community. Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps at the beginning of the rainy season, the middle of the rainy season, and the middle of the dry season, in two distinct forest types: deciduous forest (DF) and semideciduous forest (SDF) at the Estación de Biología Chamela. Both rainfall seasonality and forest structure affected the community organization of dung beetles. During both rainy periods, 14 species were captured, but only three during the dry season. Dung beetles captured during the dry season were only found in the SDF. When comparing the beginning and the middle of the rainy season, differences in abundance and guild structure were also observed between both periods and between forest types, but these differences were much less pronounced.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms are key drivers of terrestrial biogeochemical cycles, yet it is still unclear how variations in soil microbial community composition influence many ecosystem processes. We investigated how shifts in bacterial community composition and diversity resulting from differences in carbon (C) availability affect organic matter decomposition by conducting an in situ litter manipulation experiment in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. We used bar-coded pyrosequencing to characterize soil bacterial community composition in litter manipulation plots and performed a series of laboratory incubations to test the potential functional significance of community shifts on organic matter decomposition. Despite clear effects of the litter manipulation on soil bacterial community composition, the treatments had mixed effects on microbial community function. Distinct communities varied in their ability to decompose a wide range of C compounds, and functional differences were related to both the relative abundance of the two most abundant bacterial sub-phyla (Acidobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria) and to variations in bacterial alpha-diversity. However, distinct communities did not differ in their ability to decompose native dissolved organic matter (DOM) substrates that varied in quality and quantity. Our results show that although resource-driven shifts in soil bacterial community composition have the potential to influence decomposition of specific C substrates, those differences may not translate to differences in DOM decomposition rates in situ. Taken together, our results suggest that soil bacterial communities may be either functionally dissimilar or equivalent during decomposition depending on the nature of the organic matter being decomposed.  相似文献   

Blomaee accumulation, leaf longevity and growth rate of two spring forest geophytes, Scllla blfolla L. and Arum maculatum L. were estimated separately for three size groups within each population of these species. Despite the differences in leaf longevity, both species showed a similar pattern of blomass accumulation In relation to their phenologles and reproductive demands. Eco-physlological acclimation to changing light environment was assumed through photosynthetic parameters and dynamics of leaf area Index In the predominant size group of each species. A light response curve was measured under natural light for each species through the continuum of Its phenology to quantify the photosynthetic photon flux density at light saturation, light-saturated photosynthetic rate, light compensation point, and dark respiration. Light-saturated assimilation per leaf area basis, dark respiration rate and light compensation points were significantly higher in S. blfolla relative to A. maculatum. However, the acclimation of photosynthesis that would respond to light changes in environment was not found in S. bifolla. In contrast, In A. maculatum a marked shift In the light dependence of photosynthesis through the season was noticed, which resulted In a strong photosynthetic acclimation to the low-light conditions. Accompanied by significant leaf area Index, this efficient low-light photosynthesis enabled greater leaf longevity, and consequently longer accumulative period to A. maculatum. From the different parameters that we determined (both photosynthetic acclimation and growth strategy) it would appear that these species belong to two distinct subgroups: S. blfolla to the early and A. maculatum to the late vernals.  相似文献   

Changes in tree, liana, and understory plant diversity and community composition in five tropical rain forest fragments varying in area (18–2600 ha) and disturbance levels were studied on the Valparai plateau, Western Ghats. Systematic sampling using small quadrats (totaling 4 ha for trees and lianas, 0.16 ha for understory plants) enumerated 312 species in 103 families: 1968 trees (144 species), 2250 lianas (60 species), and 6123 understory plants (108 species). Tree species density, stem density, and basal area were higher in the three larger (> 100 ha) rain forest fragments but were negatively correlated with disturbance scores rather than area per se. Liana species density, stem density, and basal area were higher in moderately disturbed and lower in heavily disturbed fragments than in the three larger fragments. Understory species density was highest in the highly disturbed 18‐ha fragment, due to weedy invasive species occurring with rain forest plants. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling and Mantel tests revealed significant and similar patterns of floristic variation suggesting similar effects of disturbance on community compositional change for the three life‐forms. The five fragments encompassed substantial plant diversity in the regional landscape, harbored at least 70 endemic species (3.21% of the endemic flora of the Western Ghats–Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot), and supported many endemic and threatened animals. The study indicates the significant conservation value of rain forest fragments in the Western Ghats, signals the need to protect them from further disturbances, and provides useful benchmarks for restoration and monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract: The diversity of a hummingbird plant community in the eastern Andes of southern Ecuador was studied on the equivalent of a hectare (two 500 ' 10 m transects) at 1920 - 2100 m a.s.l. over the course of a year. A total of 3186 flowering individuals, representing 12 plant families, 29 genera and 72 species, were found to be visited by hummingbirds. Bromeliaceae had the most species visited, followed by Orchidaceae and Ericaceae. The majority of visited plant species were represented by a very few individuals, and only a few species of the Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae appeared in large numbers of visited individuals. With regard to life forms visited by hummingbirds, epiphytes predominated (59 %), followed by trees and shrubs (29 %), vines (8 %) and herbs (4 %). Visited flowers usually had short- to medium-long floral tubes which were either functionally or morphologically tubiform or campanulate. Fifty percent of the species had red-coloured flowers, and a considerable number of the blossoms (43 %) displayed contrasting colours. The 72 plant species received visits from 26 species of Trochilidae (hummingbirds) and two species of Coerebidae (honeycreepers). A mere eight species of hummingbirds were seen frequently at the study area; the remaining species were only occasionally sighted. The eight frequently sighted species of hummingbirds made use of a total of 74 % of all hummingbird-visited plant species growing in the study area.  相似文献   

The ability of carotenoids to protect a heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Crypthecodinium cohnii , from photodynamic damage by sunlight in the presence of an exogenous dye was demonstrated. Wild-type C. cohnii and 2 carotcnoid-deficient mutants were plated on agar-solidified media and exposed to natural sunlight. The wild-type strain, which synthesizes γ–carotene and β–carotene, had the lowest mortality. Mutant car 17 which accumulates mainly §–carotene had an intermediate mortality rate while the albino mutant, car 3, which contains only phytoene, lost viability most rapidly. Wild-type cells treated with diphenylaminc, a carotenogenic inhibitor, were killed at the same rate as mutant car 3. The survival rate of mutants on exposure to sunlight was dependent upon the chromophore length of the accumulated carotenoids. The 3 strains showed no difference in rate of mortality when exposed to ultraviolet light. Protection from sunlight by accumulation of carotenes may be an important ecological factor for this species whose natural habitat is tidepools.  相似文献   

In higher plants, photosystem II (PSII) is a large pigment-protein supramolecular complex composed of the PSII core complex and the plant-specific peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LHCil). PSli-LHCII complexes are highly dynamic in their quantity and macro-organization to various environmental conditions. In this study, we reported a critical factor, the Arabidopsis Thylakoid Formation 1 (THF1) protein, which controls PSII-LHCII dynamics during dark- induced senescence and light acclimation. Loss-of-function mutations in THF1 lead to a stay-green phenotype in path- ogen-infected and senescent leaves. Both LHCII and PSll core subunits are retained in dark-induced senescent leaves of thfl, indicative of the presence of PSII-LHCII complexes. Blue native (BN)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and immunoblot analysis showed that, in dark- and high-light-treated thfl leaves, a type of PSII-LHCII megacomplex is selec- tively retained while the stability of PSII-LHCII supercomplexes significantly decreased, suggesting a dual role of THF1 in dynamics of PSII-LHCII complexes. We showed further that THF1 interacts with Lhcb proteins in a pH-dependent manner and that the stay-green phenotype of thfl relies on the presence of LHCII complexes. Taken together, the data suggest that THF1 is required for dynamics of PSII-LHCII supramolecular organization in higher plants.  相似文献   

Plant communities differ in species composition and litter input. To examine the influence of plant species on the abundance and community structure of soil fauna, we sampled earthworms in areas close to and away from the bases of Dacryodes excelsa and Heliconia caribaea, two distinct plant communities within a tropical wet forest in Puerto Rico. We also carried out a litter manipulation experiment to examine the short–term responses of earthworms to litter removal and litter addition treatments. We found that: (1) the density and biomass of both soil–feeding endogeic and litter-feeding anccic worms did not differ between areas close to and away from Dacryodef trees (in contrast, the density and biomass of anecic worms was higher in areas away from Heliconia plants despite the lack of differences for endogeic worms); and (2) total dry weight of earthworms tended to be higher in the litter addition treatment than in the control within the Heliconia community. Our results suggest that Heliconia caribaea has a strong negative influence on anecic earthworms and that earthworms in the Heliconia community are more sensitive to litter input than in the Dacryodes community.  相似文献   

大气氮沉降或人类活动导致生态系统氮输入增加,可能会提高土壤氮含量水平,促进优势种的生长和减少环境异质性,从而使物种共存的生态位减少,群落物种多样性降低。为研究土壤氮含量的增加对森林群落乔木树种多样性的影响,本研究在西双版纳热带季节雨林随机设置了14个1 ha的样方,对各样方土壤总氮( TN)含量、乔木树种丰富度以及西双版纳热带季节雨林20 ha动态监测样地中各样方乔木树种及建群种望天树( Parashorea chinensis)生物量进行了调查。结果表明:土壤氮含量与乔木树种丰富度具有显著负相关而与群落及建群种望天树生物量具有显著正相关。我们推测其机制可能是:土壤氮含量增加促进了建群种望天树等的生长及群落生物量的积累,减少树种共存的生态位,由于竞争排斥等原因而导致群落树种丰富度降低。因此,减少生态系统人为氮输入,对于保护西双版纳热带季节雨林乔木树种多样性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The impacts of forest fragmentation on the pteridophyte communities of the Una region of Bahia, Brazil, were investigated by comparing species richness and ensemble diversity among areas of large forest fragments (>900 ha), small forest fragments (<100 ha), and landscape matrix. We inventoried the pteridophytes below 1 m in height in interiors of small fragments, interiors of large fragments (control areas), edges of fragments, edges of continuous forest, capoeiras (initial stages of forest regeneration) and cabrucas (cocoa plantations). All ferns were collected following the plot method (plots of 120×10 m, each). Sampling units were established in the six main ecotypes of the Una region. These units were allocated within three sampling blocks of 5 per 5 km, which were chosen in order to include the largest forest patches that still remain. Results suggest that fragmentation has a negative impact on species richness at the matrix and the edges of forest remnants. A similar negative matrix end edge effect is reported for diversity of those sites measured by the α Log-series Index. However, small forest fragments have pteridophyte species richness and diversity rates similar to large ones so they should be considered of utmost importance to the conservation of forest-related species in the region.  相似文献   

The planting of non‐timber forest products (NTFPs) in the understory of tropical forests is promoted in many regions as a strategy to conserve forested lands and meet the economic needs of rural communities. While the forest canopy is left intact in most understory plantations, much of the midstory and understory vegetation is removed in order to increase light availability for cultivated species. We assessed the extent to which the removal of vegetation in understory plantations of Chamaedorea hooperiana Hodel (Arecaceae) alters understory light conditions. We also examined how any changes in light availability may be reflected by changes in the composition of canopy tree seedlings regenerating in understory plantations. We employed a blocked design consisting of four C. hooperiana plantation sites; each site was paired with an adjacent, unmanaged forest site. Hemispherical canopy photographs were taken and canopy tree seedlings were identified and measured within 12 3 × 2 m randomly placed plots in each site for a total of 96 plots (4 blocks × 2 sites × 12 plots). Plantation management did not affect canopy openness or direct light availability but understory plantations had a higher frequency of plots with greater total and diffuse light availability than unmanaged forest. Comparisons of canopy tree seedling composition between understory plantations and unmanaged forest sites were less conclusive but suggest that management practices have the potential to increase the proportion of shade‐intolerant species of tree seedlings establishing in plantations. Given the importance of advanced regeneration in gap‐phase forest dynamics, these changes may have implications for future patterns of succession in the areas of forest where NTFPs are cultivated.  相似文献   

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