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Abstract: This is the first report of recordings of sounds from the pygmy right whale, Caperea marginata . The recordings were obtained in the presence of a juvenile in the harbor at Portland, on the southeastern corner of the Australian continent. Only one type of sound was heard-a short thump-like pulse or tone burst with a downsweep in frequency and decaying amplitude, with most energy between 60 and 120 Hz. The pulses occurred predominantly in pairs and once in a trio. The sounds are simpler than those of most baleen whales, but they show some similarity in characteristics. Source levels are in the lower end of the range determined for other species. There was no evidence to indicate the purpose of these sounds.  相似文献   

The latitudinal range of all records of sightings ( n = 9), and live strandings and carcasses ( n = 180) of Caperea marginata in the Australasian region was 32°00'–47°00'S. Records were concentrated on the edge of the South Australian gulfs, around Tasmania, at Stewart Island, in Cook Strait, and in the Auckland area. Limited data suggest that these may be related to planktonrich waters nearby. Body lengths ranged from 198 to 650 cm. Overall sex ratio was 0.70 (males: females). In regions north of about 41°S, juveniles (preweaning) made up 41% of the records and subadults (postweaning) were rare (13%). In regions south of about 41°S subadults (36%) were proportionately more abundant than juveniles (17%). Neonates were recorded from 35°37' to 47°00'S. Adults were found throughout the latitudinal range of the species in Australasia. The diet of the pygmy right whale included copepods and small euphausiids. Behavior consistent with feeding has been observed in coastal waters of Australia.  相似文献   

The surface active group (SAG) is the most obvious social interaction of the North Atlantic right whale ( Eubalaena glacialis ). SAGs are typically composed of an adult female with two or more males engaged in social behavior near the surface. Distinct calls, believed to be produced by the female, are associated with these groups. Calls recorded from three North Atlantic right whale SAGs and three South Atlantic right whale ( Eubalaena australis ) SAGs were played back to North Atlantic right whales to determine if these sounds are sufficient to attract males to the groups. Playbacks of gunshot sounds produced by North Atlantic right whales were used as a control stimulus. Thirty-six trials were carried out from 1999 to 2001 in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. Whales approached 27 of 31 SAG playbacks and 0 of 5 gunshot playbacks. Where sex was determined ( n = 28), all approaches to North Atlantic SAG recordings were by males. Individuals ( n = 22) of all age and sex classes approached South Atlantic SAG playbacks. These trials indicate that SAG calls from both populations are sufficient to attract right whales to SAGs and that males and females respond differently to stimuli from the North Atlantic. The difference in response to North and South Atlantic SAG stimuli was unexpected. Novelty, species differences in calls, and different seasonal or behavioral context for the recorded stimuli may be responsible for the differences in response.  相似文献   

Histologic studies of pancreatic tissues of one pygmy sperm whale, Kiogia breviceps , and one dwarf sperm whale, K. simus , demonstrated rather typical exocrine pancreatic anatomy. Peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) techniques determined that the cell composition of the islets of Langerhans resembled that of other mammals. Within islets, cells secreting insulin (B-cells) and glucagon (A-cells), were clearly demonstrated, but, surprisingly, isolated A- and B-cells were also found among pancreatic acinar cells. PAP techniques demonstrated the presence of neuron-specific enolase within islets, but failed to provide a sufficiently clear reaction to demonstrate the presence of somarostatin-producing D-cells. No positive PAP reaction for serotonin occurred.  相似文献   

Piecemeal body weights of eleven fin and four sei whales and intact weights of three foetuses, obtained from Iceland, are compared with published weight data. The Icelandic fin are similar to other northern hemisphere animals but are significantly leaner than their Antarctic counterparts. The Icelandic sei appear heavier than the North Pacific sei whales. Their weights cannot be predicted from a North Pacific sei whale weight/length formula. Length, girth and blubber thickness measurements indicate changes in relative body dimensions in the early fin whale foetus compared with juveniles and adults; however, the midterm sei whale foetus is similar to the adult and juvenile sei whales. The blubber appears to form a major component even in the foetal body. The integration of a standard series of lengths, girths and blubber thicknesses in juveniles and adults can provide an estimate of the blubber component. Both girth and length are significant parameters in estimating body weight, a simple weight/length formula being found to be inadequate to allow for variability in body fatness. Evaluation of such a multiple parameter formula for calculating weight appears satisfactory for both fin and sei whales. Apparent weight/length differences between species and stocks may thus be partly due to variations in body fatness.  相似文献   

North Atlantic right whale mortality rates range from 2% to 17% over the first four years of life. Sources of mortality in this population include ship collisions, entanglements, and natural causes. A combined analysis of stranding data, entanglement records, and photographic information indicates that approximately one third of all right whale mortality is caused by human activities. Anthropogenic sources of right whale mortality may be a significant factor inhibiting growth in the North Atlantic population.  相似文献   


Opportunistic sightings and strandings of Caperea marginata (n=196) from the vicinity of Australia and New Zealand (1884 to early 2007) were used to relate geographic and temporal patterns to oceanographic and broad-scale climatic variability. Records were not uniformly distributed along the coast and more (69%) were from Australia than New Zealand. Seven coastal whale ‘hotspots’ were identified which accounted for 61% of records with locality data. Half of the hotspot records were from southeast (37) and northwest (20) Tasmania—others each had 9–15 events. Upwelling and/or high zooplankton abundance has been documented near all whale hotspots. Records of C. marginata occurred in all months, with 75% in spring and summer. Inter-annual variability showed broad agreement between increased whale records (usually in spring/summer) and strongly positive ‘Niño 3.4’ during 1980–1995 but not thereafter. Coastal upwelling and productivity increase during climatic phenomena such as El Niño and are likely to be quickly beneficial to plankton-feeding whales such as C. marginata.  相似文献   

Environmental factors are thought to strongly influence the distribution and predictability of the coastal distribution of southern right whales ( Eubalaena australis ) off South Africa. Preferred habitat had generally shallow sloping sedimentary floors and was characteristically protected from open ocean swell and prevalent seasonal winds. This study investigated whether habitat choices at smaller scales (within bays) were similar. Fine scale distribution patterns (GPS) from three years' surveys (1997, 1999, 2000) were analyzed separately within the three main concentration areas St Sebastian Bay, De Hoop, and Walker Bay (containing ∼73% of cow-calf pairs and ∼49% of unaccompanied adults in the whole survey region). Whale density at this scale of within particular bays did not correlate well with predicted variables, but Chi-squared analysis strongly supported results at broader scales, in all bays. Post-hoc "choice" tests between similar areas differing in only one variable revealed that cow-calves preferred (presumed) sandy substrates and especially protection from swell. The strength and predictability of preferences shown at fine scale (where individual movement and weather variability could have great influence) provide strong support for findings at larger scales and emphasize the importance of environmental factors in the habitat choice of wintering right whales.  相似文献   

Aerial surveys over the last 32 yr have shown that the distribution of southern right whales Eubalaena australis along the south coast of South Africa is markedly discontinuous, but highly predictable. A GIS was used at a variety of scales to investigate whether this pattern was related to environmental characteristics. Whale distribution was analyzed as density per 20-min bin of longitude over two temporal and spatial scales, namely 15 bins for 32 yr, and a wider scale but shorter time period, 23 bins for 19 yr, as well as using three years of GPS accuracy data (15 bins) for finer scale analysis. Environmental factors tested were depth, distance from shore, sea floor slope, protection from swell, protection from wind, and shore type. The majority of whales were concentrated in areas that provided reasonable protection from open ocean swell and seasonal winds, and had sedimentary floors with gentle slopes. They generally avoided exposed rocky shorelines. Cow-calf pairs were found significantly closer to shore and in shallower water than unaccompanied whales, particularly off sandy beaches. Habitat choice at this time of year may be related both to energy conservation for calves and lactating females (calm sea conditions) and to protection of the new-born.  相似文献   

North Atlantic right whales ( Eubalaena glacialis ) make a short, distinctive broadband sound that is produced internally called a Gunshot sound. This sound has been recorded in the Bay of Fundy, Canada from both single whales ( n = 9) and social surface active groups ( n =49). Those single whales producing Gunshot sounds whose sex could be determined ( n = 9) were all mature males. Gunshot sounds were produced as part of a stereotyped behavioral sequence by these individuals, including frequent head-lifts and flipper slapping at the surface. In surface active groups, Gunshot sounds were commonly recorded when males were present in the group. The rate of production of Gunshot sounds was weakly correlated with the total number of males present in the group. Given the behavioral context of Gunshot sound production, and production of the sound only by male whales, Gunshots may function in a reproductive context as an advertisement signal to attract females, an agonistic signal directed toward other males, or a combination of the two functions.  相似文献   

Approximately one third of the North Atlantic right whale population has white ventral skin patches. Most white-marked animals have both a belly and a chin patch, and the distribution of white pigment suggests that the patches represent a single ventral marking that varies in size and location. Population frequencies and cow-calf inheritance patterns indicate that the white mark is an autosomal recessive trait. There is no evidence to suggest that ventral coloration patterns are currently under selection. White-marked and black cows appear to experience similar levels of reproductive success based on calving intervals and length of sighting histories. Also, white-marked animals were equally common among cows and nulliparous adult females and among live vs. dead animals. Male reproductive success could not be tested because calf paternity is not known; white-marked and black males exhibit similar survival rates. White-marked cows were more common among females that took some or all of their calves to the Bay of Fundy summer nursery area compared to females that did not visit Fundy. This suggests that female habitat-use patterns may influence nuclear gene flow. Increased sample sizes and additional markers are needed to further investigate gene flow.  相似文献   

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