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Abstract. The objective of this study was to predict the effects of climatic variation at multiple temporal frequencies on seedling establishment by two congeneric C4 perennial grasses (Bouteloua gracilis and B. eriopoda) at the ecotone between shortgrass steppe grassland and Chihuahuan desert grassland in central New Mexico, USA. The approach was to use a daily time‐step simulation model to determine the occurrence of a recruitment event in each year based upon the amount and timing of soil water required for establishment. Historical weather data were used to predict effects of seasonal and inter‐decadal variation in climate on establishment. A sensitivity analysis was used to predict effects of directional climate change on establishment. Bouteloua gracilis had a broad pattern of simulated establishment from May through September that included periods with high year‐to‐year variation in precipitation. B. eriopoda establishment events occurred primarily in July when precipitation amounts were most reliable. Climatic conditions from 1949 through 1968 were more favorable for B. eriopoda establishment compared to the cooler, wetter conditions from 1969 through 1988 that favored B. gracilis. Establishment of B. eriopoda was lowest in El Niño years whereas B. gracilis establishment was highest in La Niña years. Establishment of B. gracilis was most sensitive to temperature when precipitation was higher than current amounts. The greatest response to temperature by B. eriopoda for all precipitation amounts occurred at cooler temperatures than found currently. These results indicate that climatic variation at multiple frequencies has differential effects on seedling establishment for these two perennial grasses, and may account at least in part for patterns in dominance at this biome transition zone.  相似文献   

Question: Is there a difference in plant species and life form composition between two major patch types at a biome transition zone? Are subordinate species associated with different patch types at the shortgrass steppe — Chihuahuan desert grassland transition zone? Is this association related to differences in soil texture between patch types and the geographic range of associated species? Location: central New Mexico, USA. Methods: Patches dominated by either Bouteloua gracilis, the dominant species in the shortgrass steppe, or Bouteloua eriopoda, dominant species in the Chihuahuan desert grasslands, were sampled for the occurrence of subordinate species and soil texture within a 1500‐ha transitional mosaic of patches. Results: Of the 52 subordinate species analysed, 16 species were associated with B. gracilis‐dominated patches and 12 species with B. eriopoda‐dominated patches. Patches dominated by B. gracilis were richer in annual grasses and forbs, whereas patches dominated by B. eriopoda contained more perennials forbs and shrubs. Soils of B. gracilis‐dominated patches had higher clay and lower rock contents compared with soils of B. eriopoda‐dominated patches. Differences in species characteristics of the dominant species as well as differences in soil texture between patch types contribute to patch‐scale variation in composition. The association of species to patch types was not related to their geographic range and occurrence in the adjacent biomes. Conclusions: Patch types at this biome transition zone have characteristic life‐form and species composition, but species are associated to patch types due to local constraints, independently from their affinity to the adjacent biomes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Our objective was to evaluate the effects of burrowing activities by banner-tail kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis Merriam) on plant community structure and species dominance for two patch types at the ecotone between shortgrass steppe and desert grassland in New Mexico, USA. 10 mounds produced by kangaroo rats were selected in patches dominated by Bouteloua gracilis (the dominant in shortgrass steppe communities) and 10 mounds were selected in patches dominated by B. eriopoda (the dominant in Chihuahuan desert grasslands). Plant cover and density by species were sampled from three locations associated with each mound: the mound proper, the edge of the mound in the transition area, and the off-mound vegetation. Similar cover of B. eriopoda for the edges of mounds in both patch types indicates the ability of this species to respond to animal disturbances regardless of the amount of cover in the surrounding undisturbed vegetation. By contrast, cover of B. gracilis was low for all mounds and mound edges in patches dominated by this species. Much higher cover of B. eriopoda on mound edges compared to the undisturbed vegetation in B. gracilis-dominated patches indicates that kangaroo rats have important positive effects on this species. Lower cover of perennial grasses and higher cover of forbs, shrubs, and succulents on the edges of mounds in B. eriopoda-dominated patches compared to patches dominated by B. gracilis indicate the importance of surrounding vegetation to plant responses on disturbed areas. Our results show that kangaroo rats have important effects on both species dominance and composition for different patch types, and may provide a mechanism for small-scale dominance patterns at an ecotone; thus providing further support for their role as keystone species in desert grasslands.  相似文献   

We evaluated effects of soil texture and disturbance size on the successional dynamics of a semiarid grassland dominated by the perennial bunchgrass, Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. ex Griffiths. A spatially-explicit gap dynamics simulation model was used to evaluate recovery patterns. The model simulates establishment, growth, and mortality of individual plants on an array of small plots through time at an annual time step. Each simulated disturbance consisted of a grid of plots of the same soil texture interconnected by processes associated with dispersal of B. gracilis seeds. Soil texture was incorporated into the model as effects on seed germination, seedling establishment, and subsequent growth of B. gracilis. Five soil texture classes and five disturbance sizes were simulated.Soil texture was more important to recovery of B. gracilis than either size of a disturbance or location of plots within a disturbance. Constraints on recruitment of seedlings had a greater effect on recovery than constraints associated with plant growth. Fastest recovery occurred on soils with the largest silt content, the variable that affects seedling establishment. Disturbances with slowest recovery were on soils with low silt contents, and either high or low water-holding capacity, the variable that affects plant growth. Biomass and recovery decreased as disturbance size increased, and as distance from a disturbed plot to the edge of the disturbance increased. In most cases, important interactions between soil texture and disturbance size on recovery were not found.  相似文献   

To predict changes in species' distributions due to climate change we must understand populations at the poleward edge of species' ranges. Ecologists generally expect range shifts under climate change caused by the expansion of edge populations as peripheral conditions increasingly resemble the range core. We tested whether peripheral populations of two contrasting butterflies, a small-bodied specialist (Erynnis propertius) and a large-bodied generalist (Papilio zelicaon), respond favorably to warmer conditions. Performance of populations related to climate was evaluated in seven peripheral populations spanning 1.2 degrees latitude (160 km) using: (1) population density surveys, an indirect measure of site suitability; and (2) organismal fitness in translocation experiments. There was evidence that population density increased with temperature for P. zelicaon whose population density declined with latitude in 1 of 3 sample years. On the other hand, E. propertius showed a positive relationship of population density with latitude, apparently unrelated to climate or measured habitat variables. Translocation experiments showed increased larval production at increased temperatures for both species, and in P. zelicaon, larval production also increased under drier conditions. These findings suggest that both species may increase at their range edge with warming but the preference for core-like conditions may be stronger in P. zelicaon. Further, populations of E. propertius at the range boundary may be large enough to act as sources of colonists for range expansions, but range expansion in this species may be prevented by a lack of available host plants further north. In total, the species appear to respond differently to climate and other factors that vary latitudinally, factors that will likely affect poleward expansion.  相似文献   

As climate changes, tree decline in Mediterranean‐type ecosystems is increasing worldwide, often due to decreased effective precipitation and increased drought and heat stress, and has recently been observed in coastal species of the iconic Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) genus in the biodiversity hotspot of south‐west Western Australia. To investigate how this drought‐related decline is likely to continue in the future, we used species distribution modelling techniques to generate broad‐scale predictions of future distribution patterns under three distinct projected climate change scenarios. In a moderate climate change scenario, suitable habitat for all species was predicted to decrease by, on average, 73% by the year 2100, with most receding into southern areas of their current distribution. Although the most severe Eucalyptus declines in south‐west Western Australia have been observed in near‐coastal regions, our predictions suggest that inland species are at greater risk from climate change, with six inland species predicted to lose 95% of their suitable habitat in a moderate change scenario. This is due to the shallow environmental gradients of inland regions causing larger spatial shifts of environmental envelopes, which is likely to be relevant in many regions of the world. The knowledge gained suggests that future research and conservation efforts in south‐west Western Australia and elsewhere should avoid focussing disproportionately on coastal regions for reasons of convenience and proximity to population centres, and properly address the inland region where the biggest future impacts may occur.  相似文献   

Predicting which species will occur together in the future, and where, remains one of the greatest challenges in ecology, and requires a sound understanding of how the abiotic and biotic environments interact with dispersal processes and history across scales. Biotic interactions and their dynamics influence species' relationships to climate, and this also has important implications for predicting future distributions of species. It is already well accepted that biotic interactions shape species' spatial distributions at local spatial extents, but the role of these interactions beyond local extents (e.g. 10 km2 to global extents) are usually dismissed as unimportant. In this review we consolidate evidence for how biotic interactions shape species distributions beyond local extents and review methods for integrating biotic interactions into species distribution modelling tools. Drawing upon evidence from contemporary and palaeoecological studies of individual species ranges, functional groups, and species richness patterns, we show that biotic interactions have clearly left their mark on species distributions and realised assemblages of species across all spatial extents. We demonstrate this with examples from within and across trophic groups. A range of species distribution modelling tools is available to quantify species environmental relationships and predict species occurrence, such as: (i) integrating pairwise dependencies, (ii) using integrative predictors, and (iii) hybridising species distribution models (SDMs) with dynamic models. These methods have typically only been applied to interacting pairs of species at a single time, require a priori ecological knowledge about which species interact, and due to data paucity must assume that biotic interactions are constant in space and time. To better inform the future development of these models across spatial scales, we call for accelerated collection of spatially and temporally explicit species data. Ideally, these data should be sampled to reflect variation in the underlying environment across large spatial extents, and at fine spatial resolution. Simplified ecosystems where there are relatively few interacting species and sometimes a wealth of existing ecosystem monitoring data (e.g. arctic, alpine or island habitats) offer settings where the development of modelling tools that account for biotic interactions may be less difficult than elsewhere.  相似文献   

Britton  Andrea  Marrs  Rob  Pakeman  Robin  Carey  Pete 《Plant Ecology》2003,166(1):93-105
Increasing dominance of grass species such as Deschampsia flexuosa on lowland dry heathlands is a major problem for land managers. This problem is especially acute in north-west Europe where replacement of dwarf-shrubs by grasses has been linked to high levels of nitrogen deposition. Interactions between Calluna vulgaris and D. flexuosa were examined using pot experiments under a variety of watering (drought vs. no drought), nitrogen addition (10 vs. 50 kg N ha–1 yr–1) and soil type (peaty vs. sandy) regimes. Two experiments using identical replacement series designs were used to investigate interactions between these two species at the seedling and young plant stage. Response of the two species to the environmental variables was different for seedlings and young plants. In the seedling experiment D. flexuosa responded significantly to soil type only, with greater cover on peaty soil than on sandy soil after 6 months. C. vulgaris germination showed a significant response to watering regime, with fewer seedlings in plots that had a drought treatment imposed. When the experiment was repeated using young plants of C. vulgaris and D. flexuosa both species responded significantly to soil type only. Height, % cover and shoot biomass of both species were greater when grown in peaty soil than when grown in sandy soil. Watering and nitrogen addition had few significant effects. Species interactions were mainly one-way. C. vulgaris biomass yield was reduced when grown in mixture with D. flexuosa, whilst D. flexuosa yield was unaffected by the presence of C. vulgaris. The yield density curve for D. flexuosa indicated that intra-specific competition was occurring at planting densities above 29 plants m–2 whilst this was not seen for C. vulgaris. The effect of soil type on species interactions was also investigated. C. vulgaris was best able to compete with D. flexuosa on sandy soils where the shoot biomass ratio was greatest (C. vulgaris:D. flexuosa= 1:4.4). Differences in the responses of these species to the environmental variables investigated may help to explain heathland vegetation changes seen under field conditions.  相似文献   

Aim The assumption that ecological patterns at large spatial scales originate exclusively from non‐anthropogenic processes is growing more questionable with the increasing domination of the biosphere by humans. Because common and rare species are known to respond differently to anthropogenic activities at local scales these differential responses could, over time, be reflected in distributional patterns of species richness at larger spatial scales. This work tests the hypothesis that modern processes have played a role in shaping these patterns, by examining recent changes in the structure and composition of assemblages of breeding avifauna over a large geographical extent. Location The portion of North America containing the contiguous United States and southern Canada. Methods Changes in the geographical range structure of breeding avifauna in North America from 1968 to 2003 were analysed in regions containing historically moderate levels of anthropogenic activities. Two geographical measures, extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, were used to identify the level of rarity or commonality of individual species and to estimate, based on a vector analysis, patterns of change in geographical range structure for individual species and avian assemblages. Results More species experienced patterns of geographical range expansion (51%) than contraction (28%). The majority of avian assemblages (43%) displayed patterns of geographical range expansion: common species increased in number and proportion (6%) in association with reciprocal losses in rare and moderately rare species, resulting in a constant level of species richness. The minority of avian assemblages (21%) displayed patterns of geographical range contraction: gains occurred for common species as well as for rare and moderately rare species, resulting in substantial increases in species richness and a decline in the proportion of common species (4%). The remaining avian assemblages presented equivocal patterns characterized by gains in the number and proportion (2%) of common species and gains in species richness. Main conclusions Modern processes have played a role in shaping the distribution patterns of species richness at large spatial scales based on the composition of common and rare species. This suggests that anthropogenic activities cannot be ignored as a possible causal factor when considering ecological patterns at large spatial scales.  相似文献   



The impact of climate change on forest biodiversity and ecosystem services will be partly determined by the relative fortunes of invasive and native forest trees under future conditions. Aotearoa New Zealand has high conservation value native forests and one of the world's worst invasive tree problems. We assess the relative effects of habitat redistribution on native Nothofagus and invasive conifer (Pinaceae) species in New Zealand as a case study on the compounding impacts of climate change and tree invasions.


Aotearoa New Zealand.


We use species distribution models (SDMs) to predict the current and future distribution of habitat for five native Nothofagus species and 13 invasive conifer species under two 2070 climate scenarios. We calculate habitat loss/gain for all species and examine overlap between the invasive and native species now and in future.


Most species will lose habitat overall. The native species saw large changes in the distribution of habitat with extensive losses in North Island and gains mostly in South Island. Concerningly, we found that most new habitat for Nothofagus was also suitable for at least one invasive species. However, there were refugia for the native species in the wetter parts of the climate space.

Main Conclusion

If the predicted changes in habitat distribution translate to shifts in forest distribution, it would cause widespread ecological disruption. We discuss how acclimation, adaptation and biotic interactions may prevent/delay some changes. But we also highlight that the poor establishment capacity of Nothofagus, and the contrasting ability of the conifers to invade, will present persistent conservation challenges in areas of both new habitat and forest retreat. Pinaceae are problematic invaders globally, and our results highlight that control of invasions and active native forest restoration will likely be key to managing forest biodiversity under future climates.  相似文献   

赵霁雨  崔柳  王佳  陈思 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6307-6320
城市绿色空间是未来中国城镇战略发展的重要生态空间载体。城市中心城区的绿色空间生态系统服务价值可作为未来城市生态空间规划的重要依据。生态服务系统之间的权衡或协同关系可通过不同土地利用方式和利用强度表征显现。通过对湛江市中心城区绿色空间应用土地利用模拟预测(PLUS)模型进行自然发展情景与国土空间规划情景双情景下2035年土地利用变化模拟,采用当量因子法及热点分析对生态系统服务价值及其高低值在空间上的聚集程度进行分析,与人类活动强度空间分布进行叠置,得出国土空间规划政策下湛江市中心城区城市绿色空间发展优先级分区,优先化解建设用地与绿色空间发展矛盾,为规划政策提供空间政策的量化数据基础,为其可行性实施、时序安排及预期结果提供数据支撑与建议。结果表明:(1)规划政策情景与自然发展情景未来土地利用模拟结果相比,耕地、林地增多,整体水域得到有效保护,建设用地蔓延受到抑制。(2)生态系统服务价值在2035年规划政策情景>2020年实际情景>2035年自然发展情景,分别约为12.22亿元、11.89亿元、10.53亿元,规划政策情境下生态系统服务价值总量较自然发展情景下提升约1.69亿元,...  相似文献   

In the protist Euglena gracilis, the cytosolic small subunit (SSU) rRNA is a single, covalently continuous species typical of most eukaryotes; in contrast, the large subunit (LSU) rRNA is naturally fragmented, comprising 14 separate RNA molecules instead of the bipartite (28S + 5.8S) eukaryotic LSU rRNA typically seen. We present extensively revised secondary structure models of the E. gracilis SSU and LSU rRNAs and have mapped the positions of all of the modified nucleosides in these rRNAs (88 in SSU rRNA and 262 in LSU rRNA, with only 3 LSU rRNA modifications incompletely characterized). The relative proportions of ribose-methylated nucleosides and pseudouridine (∼ 60% and ∼ 35%, respectively) are closely similar in the two rRNAs; however, whereas the Euglena SSU rRNA has about the same absolute number of modifications as its human counterpart, the Euglena LSU rRNA has twice as many modifications as the corresponding human LSU rRNA. The increased levels of rRNA fragmentation and modification in E. gracilis LSU rRNA are correlated with a 3-fold increase in the level of mispairing in helical regions compared to the human LSU rRNA. In contrast, no comparable increase in mispairing is seen in helical regions of the SSU rRNA compared to its homologs in other eukaryotes. In view of the reported effects of both ribose-methylated nucleoside and pseudouridine residues on RNA structure, these correlations lead us to suggest that increased modification in the LSU rRNA may play a role in stabilizing a ‘looser’ structure promoted by elevated helical mispairing and a high degree of fragmentation.  相似文献   

The Forest Stewardship Council developed the concept of High Conservation Values (HCVs) as a criteria in the forest certification process in order to promote sustainable forest management. It has six major components or values and component one and two of HCVs deal with the habitat for viable populations of “rare, endemic and threatened (RET) species” using the IUCN Red List category and other national / regional / local lists. But a consistent robust methodology for identification of these areas, does not exist. The present study tried to develop for the first time, a straight forward inclusive methodology for identification of HCVAs for the RET species on a spatio-temporal scale. A total of 50 RET and other significant species (32 flora, 10 fauna and 8 avifauna) were identified after a thorough literature review, field surveys and consultations with experts. Occurrence data of the selected species was collected from different secondary sources, field surveys, institutes and scientists who have worked on them. A 10 km grid-based approach and stratified random sampling was used for the primary GPS field surveys conducted during 2018–2019. MaxEnt species distribution model (SDM) software was used based on the occurrence data and environmental variables for identification of potential suitable habitats for the selected species. Linear support vector machine (LSVM) model was used for assessing the performance of the SDMs. The performance of each SDM has been validated through Cohen's Kappa (KAPPA), true skill statistic (TSS) and receiver operating characteristics (ROC) models. The proposed methodology addresses the urgent need for a holistic and robust set of techniques to apply the HCV toolkit. This is key to identify and map HCVAs for RET species at the landscape level and can be easily adapted to and adopted at the national, regional, state or local level in India. The methods offer an efficient, reliable approach for the application of the HCV concept, elsewhere in the world.  相似文献   

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