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Mixotrophic Protists In Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ABSTRACT Some protists from both marine and freshwater environments function at more than one trophic level by combining photosynthesis and panicle ingestion. Photosynthetic algae from several taxa (most commonly chrysomonads and dinoflagellates) have been reported to ingest living prey or nonliving particles, presumably obtaining part of their carbon and/or nutrients from phagocytosis. Conversely, some ciliates and sarcodines sequester chloroplasts after ingestion of algal prey. Plastid retention or "chloroplast symbiosis" by protists was first demonstrated < 20 years ago in a benthic foraminiferan. Although chloroplasts do not divide within these mixotrophic protists, they continue to function photosynthetically and may contribute to nutrition. Sarcodines and ciliates that harbor endosymbiotic algae could be considered mixotrophic but are not covered in detail here. the role of mixotrophy in the growth of protists and the impact of their grazing on prey populations have received increasing attention. Mixotrophic protists vary in their photosynthetic and ingestion capabilities, and thus, in the relative contribution of photosynthesis and phagotrophy to their nutrition. Abundant in both marine and freshwaters, they are potentially important predators of algae and bacteria in some systems. Mixotrophy may make a stronger link between the microbial and classic planktonic food webs by increasing trophic efficiency.  相似文献   

The relationship between photosynthetic and heterotrophic activities of plankton mixotrophic algae is characterized by the type of metabolic strategy. Algae with a primary photoautotrophic strategy grow at the expense of photosynthesis without uptake of organic substrates when inorganic and organic nutrients are available. They assimilate only organic substrates when inorganic nutrients are in shortage, while heterotrophic activity supports photosynthesis under conditions of inorganic nutrients deficiency. Algae with a primary heterotrophic strategy grow heterotrophicaly under repletion of inorganic and organic nutrients. Photosynthesis occurs only when organic substrates are depleted. The most mixotrophic algae combine the features of a primary photoautotrophic and a primary heterotrophic strategies. The varieties of metabolic types of mixotrophic algae form a continuum with a primary photoautotrophic strategy on the one end and a primary heterotrophic strategy on the other. The natural conditions allowing mixotrophic algae to use one or other metabolic strategy are determined by the dynamic of inorganic and organic nutrients.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are characterized by low maximum photosynthetic rates and high respiratory costs. Recent evidence also suggests that dinoflagellates are disproportionately abundant in the diets of many copepods. This suggests that at least some species are preferred prey types. This begs the question: 'How do dinoflagellates co-exist with other, seemingly competitively superior, algal taxa'? Their motility may enable them to maintain position better in the light-rich surface waters, and more successfully make the return journey into deeper waters in order to replenish their internal nutrient stores when surface nutrients become depleted. This theory is examined using a depth-resolved model of algal dynamics. Nutrients and organic detrital matter are represented on a Eulerian grid, whilst a Lagrangian approach is used to represent dinoflagellates and diatoms. The model indicates that strictly autotrophic dinoflagellates have difficulty balancing their metabolic budgets. Even in the absence of competition from diatoms, motility is almost essential to dinoflagellate persistence. Only extremely motile dinoflagellates are able to compete successfully with diatoms. In reality, an increasing number of dinoflagellate species are being found to be mixotrophic. This model suggests that mixotrophy may often be an obligatory, rather than optional, behaviour.   相似文献   

Phytoplankton have traditionally been regarded as strictly phototrophic, with a well defined position at the base of pelagic food webs. However, recently we have learned that the nutritional demands of a growing number of phytoplankton species can be met, at least partially, or under specific environmental conditions, through heterotrophy. Mixotrophy is the ability of an organism to be both phototrophic and heterotrophic, in the latter case utilizing either organic particles (phagotrophy) or dissolved organic substances (osmotrophy). This finding has direct implications for our view on algal survival strategies, particularly for harmful species, and energy- and nutrient flow in pelagic food webs. Mixotrophic species may outcompete strict autotrophs, e.g. in waters poor in inorganic nutrients or under low light. In the traditional view of the ‘microbial loop’ DOC is thought to be channeled from algal photosynthesis to bacteria and then up the food chain through heterotrophic flagellates, ciliates and mesozooplankton. Are mixotrophic phytoplankton that feed on bacteria also significantly contributing to this transport of photosynthetic carbon up the food chain? How can we estimate the fluxes of carbon and nutrients between different trophic levels in the plankton food web involving phagotrophic algae? These questions largely remain unanswered. In this review we treat evidence for both osmotrophy and phagotrophy in phytoplankton, especially toxic marine species, and some ecological implications of mixotrophy.  相似文献   

《Harmful algae》2009,8(1):77-93
Historically most harmful algal species (HAS) have been thought to be strictly phototrophic. Mixotrophy, the use of phototrophy and heterotrophy in combination, has been emphasized as operative mainly in nutrient-poor habitats as a mechanism for augmenting nutrient supplies. Here we examine an alternate premise, that many harmful algae which thrive in eutrophic habitats are mixotrophs that respond both directly to nutrient inputs, and indirectly through high abundance of bacterial and algal prey that are stimulated by the elevated nutrients. From review and synthesis of the available data, mixotrophy occurs in all HAS examined thus far in the organic substrate- and prey-rich habitats of eutrophic estuarine and marine coastal waters. Where data are available comparing phototrophy versus mixotrophy, mixotrophy in eutrophic habitats generally is significant in nutrient acquisition and growth of HAS and, therefore, likely important in the development and maintenance of their blooms. In eutrophic habitats phagotrophic mixotrophs, in particular, have been shown to attain higher growth than when in phototrophic mode. Yet for many HAS, quantitative data about the role of mixotrophy in nutrition, growth, and blooms are lacking, especially relating laboratory information to natural field assemblages, so that the relative importance of photosynthesis, dissolved organic nutrients, and ingestion of prey largely remain unknown. Research is needed to assess simultaneously the roles of phototrophy, osmotrophy and phagotrophy in the nutritional ecology of HAS in eutrophic habitats, spanning bloom initiation, development and senescence. From these data, models that include the role of mixotrophy can be developed to gain more realistic insights about the nutritional factors that control harmful algae in eutrophic waters, and to strengthen predictive capability in predicting their blooms. An overall forecast that can be tested, as well, is that harmful mixotrophic algae will become more abundant as their food supplies increase in many estuaries and coastal waters that are sustaining chronic, increasing cultural eutrophication.  相似文献   

The alternative nutritional strategies in protists that were addressed during the symposium by that name at the 2010 annual meeting of the International Society of Protistologists and here in contributed papers, include a range of mechanisms that combine photosynthesis with heterotrophy in a single organism. Often called mixotrophy, these multiple trophic level combinations occur across a broad range of organisms and environments. Consequently, there is great variability in the physiological abilities and relative importance of phototrophy vs. phagotrophy and/or osmotrophy in mixotrophic protists. Recently, research papers addressing ecological questions about mixotrophy in marine systems have been more numerous than those that deal with freshwater systems, a trend that is probably partly due to a realization that many harmful algal blooms in coastal marine systems involve mixotrophic protists. After an introduction to the symposium presentations, recent studies of mixotrophy in freshwater systems are reviewed to encourage continuing research on their importance to inland waters.  相似文献   

We examine what circumstances allow the coexistence of microorganisms following different nutritional strategies, using a mathematical model. This model incorporates four nutritional types commonly found in planktonic ecosystems: (1) heterotrophic bacteria that consume dissolved organic matter and are prey to some of the other organisms; (2) heterotrophic zooflagellates that depend entirely on bacterial prey; (3) phototrophic algae that depend only on light and inorganic nutrients, and (4) mixotrophs that photosynthesize, take up inorganic nutrients, and consume bacterial prey. Mixotrophs are characterized by a parameter representing proportional mixing of phototrophic and heterotrophic nutritional strategies. Varying this parameter, a range of mixotrophic strategies was examined in hypothetical habitats differing in supplies of light, dissolved organic carbon, and dissolved inorganic phosphorous. Mixotrophs expressing a wide range of mixotrophic strategies persisted in model habitats with low phosphorus supply, but only those with a strategy that is mostly autotrophic persisted with high nutrient supply, and then only when light supply was also high. Organisms representing all four nutritional strategies were predicted to coexist in habitats with high phosphorus and light supplies. Coexistence involves predation by zooflagellates and mixotrophs balancing the high competitive ability of bacteria for phosphorus, the partitioning of partially overlapping resources between all populations, and possibly nonequlibrium dynamics. In most habitats, the strategy predicted to maximize the abundance of mixotrophs is to be mostly photosynthetic and supplement nutritional needs by consuming bacteria.  相似文献   

Stoebe B  Maier UG 《Protoplasma》2002,219(3-4):123-130
Summary. Plastids were acquired by different strategies. While in primary endosymbiosis a cyanobacterium was engulfed by a eukaryotic cell and reduced to a plastid, secondarily evolved plastids trace back to an enslaved red or green alga. Nature's recent playground in merging organisms together can be detected in dinoflagellates, which developed additional strategies to acquire their solar-powered factory. Some dinoflagellates possess secondary plastids, other species temporarily use “stolen plastids” of different origin. The highest degree of complexity is reached in dinoflagellates with chloroplasts originating from the uptake of a photosynthetic symbiont with secondary plastids, a process termed tertiary endosymbiosis. Received June 18, 2001 Accepted January 11, 2002  相似文献   

There is increasing awareness that many terrestrial and aquatic organisms are not strictly heterotrophic or autotrophic but rather mixotrophic. Mixotrophy is an intermediate nutritional strategy, merging autotrophy and heterotrophy to acquire organic carbon and/or other elements, mainly N, P or Fe. We show that both terrestrial and aquatic mixotrophs fall into three categories, namely necrotrophic (where autotrophs prey on other organisms), biotrophic (where heterotrophs gain autotrophy by symbiosis) and absorbotrophic (where autotrophs take up environmental organic molecules). Here we discuss their physiological and ecological relevance since mixotrophy is found in virtually every ecosystem and occurs across the whole eukaryotic phylogeny, suggesting an evolutionary pressure towards mixotrophy. Ecosystem dynamics tend to separate light from non‐carbon nutrients (N and P resources): the biological pump and water stratification in aquatic ecosystems deplete non‐carbon nutrients from the photic zone, while terrestrial plant successions create a canopy layer with light but devoid of non‐carbon soil nutrients. In both aquatic and terrestrial environments organisms face a grand écart (dancer's splits, i.e., the need to reconcile two opposing needs) between optimal conditions for photosynthesis vs. gain of non‐carbon elements. We suggest that mixotrophy allows adaptation of organisms to such ubiquist environmental gradients, ultimately explaining why mixotrophic strategies are widespread.  相似文献   

Stibor H  Sommer U 《Protist》2003,154(1):91-98
Mixotrophy, a combination of phototrophic and phagotrophic nutrition, has been found in several classes of phytoplankton (Booras et al. 1988, Jones 2000) and appears to be a successful evolutionary strategy. Heterotrophic nutrition of phytoplankton has been suggested to be an important source of mineral nutrients (Nygaard and Tobiesen 1993). Potentially limiting mineral nutrients, particularly phosphorus (P), are often several orders of magnitude more concentrated in the biomass of food organisms of mixotrophs (e.g. in bacteria) than in the dissolved phase (Vadstein 2000). We used radioactive tracer experiments to show that the simultaneous uptake of P from dissolved inorganic and particular P sources by the marine phytoflagellate Chrysochromulina polylepis followed basic predictions of optimal foraging theory (Stephens and Krebs 1986). Chrysochromulina takes up its P rather unselectively from both bacterial P and dissolved P sources at low dissolved P concentrations, while it becomes more selective at higher dissolved inorganic P (DIP) concentrations. The onset of mixotrophic processes was dependent on DIP concentrations. These findings support the view of mixotrophy as a strategy of nutrient uptake in nutrient poor (oligotrophic) pelagic environments (Nygaard and Tobiesen 1993) and show that ideas of optimal foraging can be applied to unicellular organisms.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are a diverse group of protists, comprising photosynthetic and heterotrophic free-living species, as well as parasitic ones. About half of them are photosynthetic with peridinin-containing plastids being the most common. It is uncertain whether non-photosynthetic dinoflagellates are primitively so, or have lost photosynthesis. Studies of heterotrophic species from this lineage may increase our understanding of plastid evolution. We analyzed an EST project of the early-diverging heterotrophic dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii looking for evidence of past endosymbiosis. A large number of putative genes of cyanobacterial or algal origin were identified using BLAST, and later screened by metabolic function. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that several proteins could have been acquired from a photosynthetic endosymbiont, arguing for an earlier plastid acquisition in dinoflagellates. In addition, intact N-terminal plastid-targeting peptides were detected, indicating that C. cohnii may contain a reduced plastid and that some of these proteins are imported into this organelle. A number of metabolic pathways, such as heme and isoprenoid biosynthesis, seem to take place in the plastid. Overall, these data indicate that C. cohnii is derived from a photosynthetic ancestor and provide a model for loss of photosynthesis in dinoflagellates and their relatives. This represents the first extensive genomic analysis of a heterotrophic dinoflagellate.  相似文献   

We investigated the retention of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in phototrophic dinoflagellates arising from mixotrophy by estimating the cellular content of DMSP in Karlodinium veneficum (mixotrophic growth) fed for 7-10 days on either DMSP-rich Amphidinium carterae (phototrophic growth only) or DMSP-poor Teleaulax sp. (phototrophic growth only). In K. veneficum fed on DMSP-poor prey, the cellular content of DMSP remained almost unchanged regardless of the rate of feeding, whereas the cellular content of DMSP in cells of K. veneficum fed on DMSP-rich prey increased by as much as 21 times the cellular concentration derived exclusively from phototrophic growth. In both cases, significant fractions (10-32% in the former case and 55-65% in the latter) of the total DMSP ingested by K. veneficum were transformed into dimethylsulfide and other biochemical compounds. The results may indicate that the DMSP content of prey species affects temporal variations in the cellular DMSP content of mixotrophic dinoflagellates, and that mixotrophic dinoflagellates produce DMS through grazing on DMSP-rich preys. Additional studies should be performed to examine the universality of our finding in other mixotrophic dinoflagellates feeding on diverse prey species.  相似文献   

Many phytoplankton taxa function on multiple trophic levels by combining photosynthesis and ingestion of bacteria, termed mixotrophy. Despite the recognition of mixotrophy as a universal functional trait, we have yet to fully resolve how environmental conditions influence community grazing rates in situ. A microcosm study was used to assess bacterivory by mixotrophic nanoflagellates following nutrient enrichment and light attenuation in a temperate lake. We found contrasting results based on assessment of mixotroph abundance or bacterivory. Despite an interactive effect of nutrient enrichment and light attenuation on mixotroph abundance, significant differences within light treatments were observed only after enrichment with P or N + P. The greatest abundance of mixotrophs across treatments occurred under co-nutrient enrichment with full exposure to irradiance. However, bacterivory by mixotrophic nanoflagellates was greatest under shaded conditions after either N or P enrichment. We suggest that PAR availability dampened the stimulatory effect of nutrient limitation, and bacterivory supplemented a suboptimal photosynthetic environment. In a saturating light regime, the mixotrophic community was less driven to ingest bacteria because photosynthesis was able to satisfy energetic demands. These findings quantify community bacterivory in response to environmental drivers that may characterize future ecosystem conditions and highlight the importance of considering grazing rates in conjunction with abundance of mixotrophic protists.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are a trophically diverse group of protists with photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic members that appears to incorporate and lose endosymbionts relatively easily. To trace the gain and loss of plastids in dinoflagellates, we have sequenced the nuclear small subunit rRNA gene of 28 photosynthetic and four non-photosynthetic species, and produced phylogenetic trees with a total of 81 dinoflagellate sequences. Patterns of plastid gain, loss, and replacement were plotted onto this phylogeny. With the exception of the apparently early-diverging Syndiniales and Noctilucales, all non-photosynthetic dinoflagellates are very likely to have had photosynthetic ancestors with peridinin-containing plastids. The same is true for all dinoflagellates with plastids other than the peridinin-containing plastid: their ancestors have replaced one type of plastid for another, in some cases most likely through a non-photosynthetic intermediate. Eight independent instances of plastid loss and three of replacement can be inferred from existing data, but as more non-photosynthetic lineages are characterized these numbers will surely grow. Received: 25 September 2000 / Accepted: 24 April 2001  相似文献   

Takishita K  Koike K  Maruyama T  Ogata T 《Protist》2002,153(3):293-302
The dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis contains species known to cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. Although most photosynthetic dinoflagellates have plastids with peridinin, photosynthetic Dinophysis species have cryptophyte-like plastids containing phycobilin rather than peridinin. We sequenced nuclear- and plastid-encoded SSU rDNA from three photosynthetic species of Dinophysis for phylogenetic analyses. In the tree of nuclear SSU rDNA, Dinophysis was a monophyletic group nested with peridinin-containing dinoflagellates. However, in the tree of plastid SSU rDNA, the Dinophysis plastid lineage was within the radiation of cryptophytes and was closely related to Geminigera cryophila. These analyses indicate that an ancestor of Dinophysis, which may have originally possessed peridinin-type plastid and lost it subsequently, adopted a new plastid from a cryptophyte. Unlike dinoflagellates with fully integrated plastids, the Dinophysis plastid SSU rDNA sequences were identical among the three species examined, while there were species-specific base substitutions in their nuclear SSU rDNA sequences. Queries of the DNA database showed that the plastid SSU rDNA sequence of Dinophysis is almost identical to that of an environmental DNA clone of a <10 pm sized plankter, possibly a cryptophyte and a likely source of the Dinophysis plastid. The present findings suggest that these Dinophysis species engulfed and temporarily retained plastids from a cryptophyte.  相似文献   

Costs, benefits and characteristics of mixotrophy in marine oligotrichs   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1. Oligotrich ciliates are an important part of most marine plankton communities. Mixotrophic (chloroplast-sequestering) oligotrichs, a common component of marine oligotrich communities, obtain fixed carbon from both photosynthesis as well as the ingestion of particulate food. Mixotrophy, in general, is often considered an adaptation permitting exploitation of food-poor environments. We examined the hypothesis that, among oligotrichs, mixotrophs may be at a disadvantage relative to heterotrophs in food-rich conditions in a nutrient-enrichment experiment. We compared growth responses of mixotrophic and heterotrophic oligotrichs in natural communities from the N.W. Mediterranean Sea in microcosms with daily nutrient additions resulting in increases in nanoflagellates and Synechococcus populations. The results indicated that both mixotrophic and heterotrophic oligotrichs respond to prey increases with rapid growth (μ=1.2 d−1).
2. To examine the hypothesis that the proportion of mixotrophic to heterotrophic oligotrichs changes with the trophic status of a system, increasing with oligotrophy, we examined data from a variety of marine systems. Across systems ranging in chlorophyll concentration from about 0.1 to 40 μg L−1, oligotrich cell concentrations are correlated with chlorophyll concentrations, and mixotrophs are a consistent component of oligotrich communities, averaging about 30% of oligotrich cell numbers.
3. We discuss the costs, benefits and possible uses of mixotrophy in marine oligotrichs and suggest that mixotrophy in marine oligotrichs is not closely linked to the exploitation of food-poor environments, but probably serves a variety of purposes.  相似文献   

Using fluorescently-labeled bacteria and detection by flow cytometry and epifluorescence microscopy, we demonstrate inducible mixotrophy in a marine photosynthetic flagellate, Ochromonas sp. (class Chrysophyceae). Phagotrophic uptake of bacteria increases under conditions of low or limiting light and nutrients, but deceases in periods of prolonged darkness; sustained phagotrophy may require light. In addition, this alga appears to discriminate between and preferentially ingest different types of bacteria. Although this clone is primarily photosynthetic, phagotrophy contributes to its nutrition, especially when light or nutrients limit photosynthesis.Correspondence to: M.D. Keller  相似文献   

Survival mechanisms in Antarctic lakes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In Antarctic lakes, organisms are confronted by continuous low temperatures as well as a poor light climate and nutrient limitation. Such extreme environments support truncated food webs with no fish, few metazoans and a dominance of microbial plankton. The key to success lies in entering the short Antarctic summer with actively growing populations. In many cases, the most successful organisms continue to function throughout the year. The few crustacean zooplankton remain active in the winter months, surviving on endogenous energy reserves and, in some cases, continuing development. Among the Protozoa, mixotrophy is an important nutritional strategy. In the extreme lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, planktonic cryptophytes are forced to sustain a mixotrophic strategy and cannot survive by photosynthesis alone. The dependence on ingesting bacteria varies seasonally and with depth in the water column. In the Vestfold Hills, Pyramimonas, which dominates the plankton of some of the saline lakes, also resorts to mixotrophy, but does become entirely photosynthetic at mid-summer. Mixotrophic ciliates are also common and the entirely photosynthetic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum has a widespread distribution in the saline lakes of the Vestfold Hills, where it attains high concentrations. Bacteria continue to grow all year, showing cycles that appear to be related to the availability of dissolved organic carbon. In saline lakes, bacteria experience sub-zero temperatures for long periods of the year and have developed biochemical adaptations that include anti-freeze proteins, changes in the concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids in their membranes and suites of low-temperature enzymes.  相似文献   

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