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In variable environments, selection should favor generalists that maintain fitness across a range of conditions. However, costs of adaptation may generate fitness trade‐offs and lead to some compromise between specialization and generalization that maximizes fitness. Here, we evaluate the evolution of specialization and generalization in 20 populations of Drosophila melanogaster experimentally evolved in constant and variable thermal environments for 3 years. We developed genotypes from each population at two temperatures after which we measured fecundity across eight temperatures. We predicted that constant environments would select for thermal specialists and that variable environments would select for thermal generalists. Contrary to our predictions, specialists and generalists did not evolve in constant and spatially variable environments, respectively. However, temporal variation produced a type of generalist that has rarely been considered by theoretical models of developmental plasticity. Specifically, genotypes from the temporally variable selective environment were more fecund across all temperatures than were genotypes from other environments. These patterns suggest certain allelic effects and should inspire new directions for modeling adaptation to fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

A number of studies have documented the evolution of female resistance to mate‐harm in response to the alteration of intersexual conflict in the populations. However, the life‐history consequence of such evolution is still a subject of debate. In this study, we subjected replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster to different levels of sexual conflict (generated by altering the operational sex ratio) for over 45 generations. Our results suggest that females from populations experiencing higher level of intersexual conflict evolved increased resistance to mate‐harm, in terms of both longevity and progeny production. Females from the populations with low conflict were significantly heavier at eclosion and were more susceptible to mate‐harm in terms of progeny production under continuous exposure to the males. However, these females produced more progeny upon single mating and had significantly higher longevity in absence of any male exposure—a potential evidence of trade‐offs between resistance‐related traits and other life‐history traits, such as fecundity and longevity. We also report tentative evidence, suggesting an increased male cost of interacting with more resistant females.  相似文献   

The principle inducible heat-shock protein of Drosophila melanogaster, Hsp70, contributes to thermotolerance throughout the entire life cycle of the species but may also reduce fitness in some life stages. In principle, selection might maximize the benefits of Hsp70 expression relative to its costs by adjusting the magnitude of Hsp70 expression for each life-cycle stage independently. Therefore we examined whether the magnitude of Hsp70 expression varied during the life cycle and the relationship of this variation to several life-history traits. For 28 isofemale lines derived from a single natural population, estimates of heritable variation in Hsp70 expression ranged between 0.25 and 0.49, and the association among variation in first- and third-instar larvae and in adults correlated highly. Thus, Hsp70 expression is genetically coupled at these developmental stages. A line engineered with extra copies of the hsp70 gene produced more Hsp70 and survived heat shock much better than did a control strain. Among natural lines, Hsp70 expression was only weakly related to tolerance of heat shock and to larva-to-adult survival and developmental time at permissive temperatures. Additionally, lines with high adult survival developed slowly as larvae, which is a possible trade-off. These and other findings suggest that trade-offs may maintain quantitative variation both in heat-shock protein expression and in life-history traits that associate with thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Although Hsp70, the principal inducible heat-shock protein of Drosophila melanogaster, has received intense scrutiny in laboratory strains, its variation within natural populations and the consequences of such variation for thermotolerance are unknown. We have characterized variation in first-instar larvae of 20 isofemale lines isolated from a single natural population of D. melanogaster, in which larvae are prone to thermal stress in nature. Hsp70 expression varied more than twofold among lines after induction by exposure to 36°C for one hour, with an estimated proportion of the variation due to genetic differences of 0.24 ± 0.08. Thermotolerance with and without a Hsp70-inducing pretreatment, survival at 25°C, and developmental time also varied significantly. As expected, expression of Hsp70 correlated positively with larval thermotolerance. By contrast, lines in which larval survival was high in the absence of heat stress showed lower than average Hsp70 expression and lower than average inducible thermotolerance. This conditional performance suggests an evolutionary trade-off between thermotolerance and the ability to produce higher concentrations of Hsp70, and survival in a benign environment.  相似文献   

The measurement of trade-offs may be complicated when selection exploits multiple avenues of adaptation or multiple life-cycle stages. We surveyed 10 populations of Drosophila melanogaster selected for increased resistance to starvation for 60 generations, their paired controls, and their mutual ancestors (a total of 30 outbred populations) for evidence of physiological and life-history trade-offs that span life-cycle stages. The directly selected lines showed an impressive response to starvation selection, with mature adult females resisting starvation death 4–6 times longer than unselected controls or ancestors—up to a maximum of almost 20 days. Starvation-selected flies are already 80% more resistant to starvation death than their controls immediately upon eclosion, suggesting that a significant portion of their selection response was owing to preadult growth and acquisition of metabolites relevant to the stress. These same lines exhibited significantly longer development and lower viability in the larval and pupal stages. Weight and lipid measurements on one of the starvation-selected treatments (SB1–5), its control populations (CB1–5), and their ancestor populations (B1–5) revealed three important findings. First, starvation resistance and lipid content were linearly correlated; second, larval lipid acquisition played a major role in the evolution of adult starvation resistance; finally, increased larval growth rate and lipid acquisition had a fitness cost exacted in reduced viability and slower development. This study implicates multiple life-cycle stages in the response to selection for the stress resistance of only one stage. Our starvation-selected populations illustrate a case that may be common in nature. Patterns of genetic correlation may prove misleading unless multiple pleiotropic interconnections are resolved.  相似文献   

Resistance to environmental stress is one of the most important forces molding the distribution and abundance of species. We investigated the evolution of desiccation stress resistance using 20 outbred Drosophila melanogaster populations directly selected in the laboratory for adult desiccation resistance (D), postponed senescence (O), and their respective controls (C and B). Both aging and desiccation selection increased desiccation resistance relative to their controls, creating a spectrum of desiccation resistance levels across selection treatments. We employed an integrative approach, merging data on the life histories of these populations with a detailed physiology of water balance. The physiological basis of desiccation resistance may be mechanisms enhancing either resource conservation or resource acquisition and allocation. Desiccation-resistant populations had increased water and carbohydrate stores, and showed age-specific patterns of desiccation resistance consistent with the resource accumulation mechanism. A significant proportion of the resources relevant to resistance of the stress were accumulated in the larval stage. Males and females of desiccation-selected lines exhibited distinctly different patterns of desiccation resistance and resource acquisition, in a manner suggesting intersexual antagonism in the evolution of stress resistance. Preadult viability of stress-selected populations was lower than that of controls, and development was slowed. Our results suggest that there is a cost to preadult resource acquisition, pointing out a complex trade-off architecture involving characters distributed across distinct life-cycle stages.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio drive is a particular case of meiotic drive, described in several Drosophila species, that causes males bearing driving X chromosome to produce a large excess of females in their progeny. In Drosophila simulans, driving X chromosomes and resistance factors located on the Y chromosome and on the autosomes have been previously reported. In this paper, we report the study of the dynamics of sex-ratio factors in experimental populations. We followed the evolution in frequency of driving X chromosomes in the absence of resistance factors and the evolution of resistance factors in the presence of driving X chromosomes. The driving X chromosome was lost, contrarily to theoretical expectations that predict its rapid invasion. Autosomal resistances increased in frequency, and resistant Y chromosomes invaded the population very quickly, as predicted by theoretical models. Fitness measurements showed that the loss of the driving X chromosome was due to a strong deleterious effect that was expressed only when distorting males were in competition with standard males. However, the spread of autosomal resistances reduced this deleterious effect. Implications for the maintenance of polymorphism in natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the heat tolerance of adults of three replicated lines of Drosophila melanogaster that have been evolving independently by laboratory natural selection for 15 yr at “nonextreme” temperatures (18°C, 25°C, or 28°C). These lines are known to have diverged in body size and in the thermal dependence of several life-history traits. Here we show that they differ also in tolerance of extreme high temperature as well as in induced thermotolerance (“heat hardening”). For example, the 28°C flies had the highest probability of surviving a heat shock, whereas the 18°C flies generally had the lowest probability. A short heat pretreatment increased the heat tolerance of the 18°C and 25°C lines, and the threshold temperature necessary to induce thermotolerance was lower for the 18°C line than for the 25°C line. However, neither heat pretreatment nor acclimation to different temperatures influenced heat tolerance of the 28°C line, suggesting the loss of capacity for induced thermotolerance and for acclimation. Thus, patterns of tolerance of extreme heat, of acclimation, and of induced thermotolerance have evolved as correlated responses to natural selection at nonextreme temperatures. A genetic analysis of heat tolerance of a representative replicate population each from the 18°C and 28°C lines indicates that chromosomes 1, 2, and 3 have significant effects on heat tolerance. However, the cytoplasm has little influence, contrary to findings in an earlier study of other stocks that had been evolving for 7 yr at 14°C versus 25°C. Because genes for heat stress proteins (hsps) are concentrated on chromosome 3, the potential role of hsps in the heat tolerance and of induced thermotolerance in these naturally selected lines is currently unclear. In any case, species of Drosophila possess considerable genetic variation in thermal sensitivity and thus have the potential to evolve rapidly in response to climate change; but predicting that response may be difficult.  相似文献   

The role of development in the evolution of postponed senescence is poorly understood despite the existence of a major gerontological theory connecting developmental rate to aging. We investigate the role of developmental rate in the laboratory evolution of aging using 24 distinct populations of Drosophila melanogaster. We have found a significant difference between the larval developmental rates of our Drosophila stocks selected for early (B) and late-life (O) fertility. This larval developmental time difference of approximately 12% (O > B) has been stable for at least 5 yr, occurs under a wide variety of rearing conditions, responds to reverse selection, and is shown for two other O-like selection treatments. Emerging adults from lines with different larval developmental rates show no significant differences in weight at emergence, thorax length, or starvation resistance. Long-developing lines (O, CO, and CB) have greater survivorship from egg to pupa and from pupa to adult, with and without strong larval competition. Crosses between slower developing populations, and a variety of other lines of evidence, indicate that neither mutation accumulation nor inbreeding depression are responsible for the extended development of our late-reproduced selection treatments. These results stand in striking contrast to other recent studies. We argue that inbreeding depression and inadvertent direct selection in other laboratories' culture regimes explain their results. We demonstrate antagonistic pleiotropy between developmental rate and preadult viability. The absence of any correlation between longevity and developmental time in our stocks refutes the developmental theory of aging.  相似文献   

We examined the evolutionary and developmental responses of body size to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster, using replicated lines of flies that had been allowed to evolve for 5 yr at 25°C or at 16.5°C. Development and evolution at the lower temperature both resulted in higher thorax length and wing area. The evolutionary effect of temperature on wing area was entirely a consequence of an increase in cell area. The developmental response was mainly attributable to an increase in cell area, with a small effect on cell number in males. Given its similarity to the evolutionary response, the increase in body size and cell size resulting from development at low temperature may be a case of adaptive phenotypic plasticity. The pattern of plasticity did not evolve in response to temperature for any of the traits. The selective advantage of the evolutionary and developmental responses to temperature is obscure and remains a major challenge for future work.  相似文献   

Developmental time is a trait of great relevance to fitness in all organisms. In holometabolous species that occupy ephemeral habitat, like Drosophila melanogaster, the impact of developmental time upon fitness is further exaggerated. We explored the trade-offs surrounding developmental time by selecting 10 independent populations from two distantly related selection treatments (CB1-5 and CO1-5) for faster development. After 125 generations, the resulting accelerated populations (ACB1-5 and ACO1-5) displayed net selection responses for development time of -33.4 hours (or 15%) for ACB and -38.6 hours (or 17%) for ACO. Since most of the change in egg-to-adult developmental time was accounted for by changes in larval duration, the “accelerated” larvae were estimated to develop 25-30% faster than their control/ancestor populations. The responses of ACB and ACO lines were remarkably parallel, despite being founded from populations evolved independently for more than 300 generations. On average, these “A” populations developed from egg to adult in less than eight days and produced fertile eggs less than 24 hours after emerging. Accelerated populations showed no change in larval feeding rate, but a reduction in pupation height, the latter being a trait relating to larval energetic expenditure in wandering prior to pupation. This experiment demonstrates the existence of a negative evolutionary correlation between preadult developmental time and viability, as accelerated populations experienced a severe cost in preadult survivorship. In the final assay generation, viability of accelerated treatments had declined by more than 10%, on average. A diallel cross demonstrated that the loss of viability in the ACO lines was not due to inbreeding depression. These results suggest the existence of a rapid development syndrome, in which the fitness benefits of fast development are balanced by fitness costs resulting from reduced preadult survivorship, marginal larval storage of metabolites, and reduced adult size.  相似文献   

An artificial selection experiment for increased female starvation resistance employed five selected lines and five control lines of Drosophila melanogaster. Females responded to selection within the first five generations, but a substantial male response was not observed until starvation resistance was assessed at generation 15. By measuring respiration rate in selected and control lines, it was possible to test the hypothesis that reduced metabolic rate is a general mechanism for stress resistance. There was no association between starvation resistance and respiration rate and thus no support for the hypothesis. Studies using vertebrates have shown that starvation causes a decrease in intermediary metabolism enzyme activity, but this relationship is not well documented in invertebrates. In the present study, intermediary metabolism enzyme activities decreased in response to starvation in control-line females and males, and in selected-line males. However, the selected females showed no overall decrease in enzyme activities in response to starvation. One interpretation is that selected females evolved to resist the phenotypic impact of stress. The concept of “counter-impact selection” is discussed in relationship to the use of phenotypic manipulations for the study of evolution.  相似文献   

Natural diversity in aging and other life‐history patterns is a hallmark of organismal variation. Related species, populations, and individuals within populations show genetically based variation in life span and other aspects of age‐related performance. Population differences are especially informative because these differences can be large relative to within‐population variation and because they occur in organisms with otherwise similar genomes. We used experimental evolution to produce populations divergent for life span and late‐age fertility and then used deep genome sequencing to detect sequence variants with nucleotide‐level resolution. Several genes and genome regions showed strong signatures of selection, and the same regions were implicated in independent comparisons, suggesting that the same alleles were selected in replicate lines. Genes related to oogenesis, immunity, and protein degradation were implicated as important modifiers of late‐life performance. Expression profiling and functional annotation narrowed the list of strong candidate genes to 38, most of which are novel candidates for regulating aging. Life span and early age fecundity were negatively correlated among populations; therefore, the alleles we identified also are candidate regulators of a major life‐history trade‐off. More generally, we argue that hitchhiking mapping can be a powerful tool for uncovering the molecular bases of quantitative genetic variation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of developmental and parental temperatures on several physiological and morphological traits of adult Drosophila melanogaster. Flies for the parental generation were raised at either low or moderate temperature (18°C or 25°C) and then mated in the four possible sex-by-parental temperature crosses. Their offspring were raised at either 18°C or 25°C and then scored as adults for morphological (dry body mass, wing size, and abdominal melanization [females only]), physiological (knock-down temperature, and thermal dependence of walking speed), and life history (egg size) traits. The experiment was replicated, and the factorial design allows us to determine whether and how paternal, maternal, and developmental temperatures (as well as offspring sex) influence the various traits. Sex and developmental temperature had major effects on all traits. Females had larger bodies and wings, higher knock-down temperatures, and slower speeds (but similar shaped performance curves) than males. Development at 25°C (versus at 18°C) increased knock-down temperature, increased maximal speed and thermal performance breadth, decreased the optimal temperature for walking, decreased body mass and wing size, reduced abdominal melanization, and reduced egg size. Parental temperatures influenced a few traits, but the effects were generally small relative to those of sex or developmental temperature. Flies whose mother had been raised at 25°C (versus at 18°C) had slightly higher knock-down temperature and smaller body mass. Flies whose father had been raised at 25°C had relatively longer wings. The effects of paternal, maternal, and developmental temperatures sometimes differed in direction. The existence of significant within- and between-generation effects suggests that comparative studies need to standardize thermal environments for at least two generations, that attempts to estimate “field” heritabilities may be unreliable for some traits, and that predictions of short-term evolutionary responses to selection will be difficult.  相似文献   

Males and females differ in their reproductive roles and as a consequence are often under diverging selection pressures on shared phenotypic traits. Theory predicts that divergent selection can favor the invasion of sexually antagonistic alleles, which increase the fitness of one sex at the detriment of the other. Sexual antagonism can be subsequently resolved through the evolution of sex‐specific gene expression, allowing the sexes to diverge phenotypically. Although sexual dimorphism is very common, recent evidence also shows that antagonistic genetic variation continues to segregate in populations of many organisms. Here we present empirical data on the interaction between sexual antagonism and genetic drift in populations that have independently evolved under standardized conditions. We demonstrate that small experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster have diverged in male and female fitness, with some populations showing high male, but low female fitness while other populations show the reverse pattern. The between‐population patterns are consistent with the differentiation in reproductive fitness being driven by genetic drift in sexually antagonistic alleles. We discuss the implications of our results with respect to the maintenance of antagonistic variation in subdivided populations and consider the wider implications of drift in fitness‐related genes.  相似文献   

Three replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster were cultured at each of two temperatures (16.5°C and 25°C) in population cages for 4 yr. The lifespans of both sexes and the fecundity and fertility of the females were then measured at both experimental temperatures. The characters showed evidence of adaptation; flies of both sexes from each selection regime showed higher longevity, and females showed higher fecundity and fertility, than flies from the other selection regime when they were tested at the experimental temperature at which they had evolved. Calculation of intrinsic rates of increase under different assumptions about the rate of population increase showed that the difference between the lines from the two selection regimes became less the higher the rate of population increase, because the lines were more similar in early adulthood than they were later. Despite the increased adaptation of the low-temperature lines to the low temperature, like the high temperature lines they produced progeny at a higher rate at the higher temperature. The lines may have independently evolved adaptations to their respective thermal regimes during the experiment, or there may have been a trade-off between adaptation to the two temperatures, or mutation pressure may have lowered adaptation to the temperature that the flies no longer encountered.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is predicted to drive the coevolution of mating signals and preferences (mating traits) within populations, and could play a role in speciation if sexual isolation arises due to mating trait divergence between populations. However, few studies have demonstrated that differences in mating traits between populations result from sexual selection alone. Experimental evolution is a promising approach to directly examine the action of sexual selection on mating trait divergence among populations. We manipulated the opportunity for sexual selection (low vs. high) in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Previous studies on these experimental populations have shown that sexual selection manipulation resulted in the divergence between sexual selection treatments of several courtship song parameters, including interpulse interval (IPI) which markedly influences male mating success. Here, we measure female preference for IPI using a playback design to test for preference divergence between the sexual selection treatments after 130 generations of experimental sexual selection. The results suggest that female preference has coevolved with male signal, in opposite directions between the sexual selection treatments, providing direct evidence of the ability of sexual selection to drive the divergent coevolution of mating traits between populations. We discuss the implications in the context sexual selection and speciation.  相似文献   

热休克蛋白70 是热休克蛋白家族中的重要成员, 它在保护生物体免受各种胁迫中发挥重要作用。由于其惊人的再生能力, 淡水涡虫作为研究再生和发育的模式动物受到研究者关注。但是, 有关涡虫抗逆性的分子机制却少有报道。研究采用 RACE (Rapid amplification of cDNA end) 技术首次从日本三角涡虫中克隆出hsp70 (Djhsp70)全长cDNA 序列。Djhsp70 cDNA 全长2066 bp, 含有1947 bp 的开放阅读框, 编码648 个氨基酸, 分子量71.18 kD, GenBank 登录号EU380241。DjHSP70 的氨基酸含有真核生物HSP70 家族蛋白的三个标签序列(9–16 位的IDLGTTYS、199—206 位的 DLGGGTFD、334–339 位的IVLVGG)和末端高度保守序列EEVD。经BLAST 检索分析, Djhsp70 的核苷酸序列和推定的氨基酸序列与目前已知HSP70 家族成员高度同源。有趣的是, HSP70 亲缘关系分析表明: 涡虫更靠近脊椎动物, 而与无脊椎动物果蝇和线虫相距较远。为了制备抗体研究DjHSP70 的组织学定位, 实验还成功构建了DjHSP70 表达载体, 在IPTG 诱导下表达出约76 kD 的融合蛋白。Djhsp70 cDNA 的克隆与表达载体的构建为下一步工作奠定了基础。    相似文献   

HSP70和JNK信号转导通路在肝癌组织中的表达及意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨HSP70和JNK信号转导通路在肝癌组织中的作用,以及它们之间的关系。方法用SP免疫组化方法检测62例肝癌组织中HSP70、JNK1、JNK2和c-Jun的表达。应用SSPS统计软件进行数据处理。结果(1)HSP70蛋白1级染色16例(25.8%),2级染色25例(40.3%),3级染色21例(33.9%)。JNK1、JNK2和c-Jun蛋白低表达分别为40例(64.5%)、33例(53.2%)和36例(58.1%),高表达分别为22例(35.5%)、29例(46.8%)和26例(41.9%)。(2)HSP70蛋白表达与肝癌分化程度呈正相关(r=0.449,P=0.000),JNK1、JNK2和c-Jun蛋白表达均与肝癌分化程度呈负相关(r=-0.351,P=0.005;r=-0.303,P=0.017;r=-0.302,P=0.017)。(3)HSP70蛋白的表达与JNK1(r=-0.385,P=0.002)、JNK2(r=-0.309,P=0.015)和c-Jun(r=-0.302,P=0.017)蛋白的表达呈负相关。(4)Kaplan-Meier法生存分析发现HSP70和JNK1蛋白的表达与术后无复发生存时间密切相关(P<0.01)。(5)多因素Cox比例风险模型分析,结果HSP70与预后明显相关(P=0.004)。结论HSP70蛋白与肝癌的进展和预后密切相关。JNK信号转导通路与肝癌的分化有关。HSP70可能通过抑制JNK信号传导途径,而阻断由其介导的肝癌细胞的凋亡,提高了肝癌细胞在应激状态下的稳定性。  相似文献   

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