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Estimates of Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pup production are valuable for estimating population trend and size. Currently in Alaska, pups are counted by visiting rookeries, driving older animals into the water, then walking through the rookeries and counting the pups, a highly disruptive procedure. At smaller rookeries, with good vantage points, pups are occasionally counted from the periphery of rookeries without disturbing the sea lions. We evaluated counts made from medium-format, color, aerial photographs as an alternative to drive counts and peripheral counts. Neither the peripheral counts nor the aerial photographic counts disturbed animals on the rokeries. There were strong 1:1 linear relationships between photographic counts and drive counts ( r 2= 0.966, P < 0.001) and between photographic counts and peripheral counts ( r 2= 0.999, P < 0.001). Precision was similar for all three methods of counting. We suggest that medium-format, color, aerial photographs is appropriate for routine surveys of Steller sea lion pups in Alaska because it is not disruptive to the hauled-out sea lions and provides comparable estimates with similar precision to drive and peripheral counts. Large areas canbe rapidly surveyed during periods of good weather with a minimum of manpower.  相似文献   

Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) populations have undergone precipitous declines through their western Alaskan range over the last four decades with the leading hypothesis to explain this decline centering around changing prey quality, quantity, or availability for this species (i.e., nutritional stress hypothesis). Under chronic conditions of reduced food intake sea lions would conserve energy by limiting energy expenditures through lowering of metabolic rate known as metabolic depression. To examine the potential for nutritional stress, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body composition were measured in free-ranging juvenile Steller sea lions (N = 91) at three distinct geographical locations (Southeast Alaska, Prince William Sound, Central Aleutian Islands) using open-flow respirometry and deuterium isotope dilution, respectively. Average sea lion RMR ranged from 6.7 to 36.2 MJ d−1 and was influenced by body mass, total body lipid, and to a lesser extent, ambient air temperature and age. Sea lion pups captured in the Aleutian Islands (region of decline) had significantly greater body mass and total body lipid stores when compared to pups from Prince William Sound (region of decline) and Southeast Alaska (stable region). Along with evidence of robust body condition in Aleutian Island pups, no definitive differences were detected in RMR between sea lions sampled between eastern and western populations that could not be accounted for by higher percent total body lipid content, suggesting that that at the time of this study, Steller sea lions were not experiencing metabolic depression in the locations studied.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked radio telemetry was used to study the geographic movements and vertical movement behaviour of the Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus . The fish were tagged near Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus rookeries in the Gulf of Alaska during periods when Steller sea lions pups were most vulnerable to predation; when Steller sea lion pups first enter the water (July to August) and when Steller sea lion pups are weaned (April to May). Final locations recovered from most Pacific sleeper sharks (76%) were within 100 km of release locations, 16% were within 100–250 km and 8% were within 250–500 km. The most striking behavioural feature was their extensive, nearly continuous vertical movements. Median daily depth range was 184 m; the most time (61%) was spent between 150 and 450 m, but ascents above 100 m were common (58% of days). Median vertical movement rate was 6 km day−1 and steady. The longest period of continuous vertical movement (> 60 m h−1) was 330 h. Systematic vertical oscillations were most common (60%), followed by diel vertical migrations (25%) and irregular vertical movements (15%). The Pacific sleeper sharks travelled below the photic zone during the day and approached the surface at night. Pacific sleeper sharks appear to employ a stealth and ambush hunting strategy that incorporates slow vertical oscillations to search for prey, and cryptic colouration and cover of darkness to avoid detection by potential prey. The depth and geographic range of Pacific sleeper shark and Steller sea lions overlap near four important Steller sea lion rookeries in the northern Gulf of Alaska, so the potential exists for predation to occur. None of the tissues in the stomachs of the 198 Pacific sleeper sharks collected during a companion diet study, however, were identified as Steller sea lion.  相似文献   

Fish serve as intermediate hosts for a number of larval parasites that have the potential of maturing in marine mammals such as Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus). We examined the prevalence of parasites from 229 fish collected between March and July 2002 near two islands used by Steller sea lions in Southeast Alaska and island habitats in the Aleutian Islands. Sea lion populations have remained steady in Southeast Alaska but have been declining over the last 30 yr in the Aleutian Islands. Even though the fish samples near the Southeast Alaska haul-outs were composed of numerous small species of fish and the Aleutian Islands catch was dominated by juveniles of commercially harvested species, the parasite fauna was similar at all locations. Eleven of the 20 parasite taxa identified were in their larval stage in the fish hosts, several of which have been described from mammalian final hosts. Four species of parasite were more prevalent in Southeast Alaska fish samples, and seven parasite species, including several larval forms capable of infecting marine mammals, were more prevalent in fish from the Aleutian Islands. Nevertheless, parasites available to Steller sea lions from common fish prey are not likely to be a major factor in the decline of this marine mammal species.  相似文献   

Blood chemistry and hematology were examined in 238 Steller sea lion pups (Eumetopias jubatus) to assess the health status of pups <1 month of age. Failure of juvenile recruitment (possibly due to nutritionally or physiologically compromised pups) into breeding populations has been proposed as a cause of recent declines of this endangered species in Alaska. To identify potential correlations with areas of high population decline, blood chemistry data were considered for three areas: eastern Aleutian Islands (low rates of population decline to stable populations), Gulf of Alaska (high rates of decline), and Southeast Alaska (stable to increasing population). Southeast Alaska pups showed elevated ketone body concentrations (beta-hydroxybutyrate,(beta-HBA)) and depressed glucose levels than pups in the Gulf of Alaska. Over 40% of the pups from Southeast Alaska had elevated beta-HBA concentrations suggesting they underwent longer periods of fasting than seen in pups from other areas. Hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin concentration (Hb) and water content of the blood exhibited typical mammalian relationships. In summary, blood chemistry and hematology data showed no indication that Steller sea lion pups <1 month old from areas of population decline were nutritionally compromised.  相似文献   

Counts of Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pups and non-pups (adults and juveniles) from aerial photographs of rookeries at Año Nuevo Island between 1990 and 1993 were significantly higher than those made on the ground. Based on regression of natural logs of photographic counts versus year, the number of pups declined at a rate of −0.099yr while non-pup numbers declined at −0.315/yr. Examination of ground count data for the same period revealed a significant decline in non-pups (−0.139/yr), but no trend was detected in the ground counts of pups. The regression coefficients from photographic and ground counts of non-pups did not differ significantly. Power analyses using the program TRENDS indicated that detectable rates of change in abundance from four annual surveys were much lower for counts of pups than counts of non-pups where sampling precision was based on fits to linear models.  相似文献   

Twelve dead Steller sea lion pups ( Eumetopias jubatus ) aged 3-14 d were recovered from rookeries in Southeast Alaska. They had a wide range of body sizes and conditions (small to large and fat to no fat). The ability of calipers to estimate the thickness of their blubber layer was assessed with a set of skinfold calipers. Average error of measurement for skin and blubber thickness was an acceptable 5.4%, but the skin and blubber of the pups were highly compressible. Skinfold thickness increased with body mass but did not necessarily reflect the development of blubber, given that pups with no blubber also showed an increase in skinfold thickness with increases in body mass. Skinfold thickness of sea lion pups appears to predict body size better than it predicts blubber thickness, making it difficult if not impossible to develop a simple index of body condition or a calculation of percent body fat for Steller sea lion pups from skinfold caliper measurements.  相似文献   

Aim We used a novel approach to infer foraging areas of a central‐place forager, the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus), by assessing changes in the temporal and spatial distribution patterns of sea lions at terrestrial sites. Specifically, our objectives were (1) to classify seasonal distribution patterns of Steller sea lions and (2) to determine to what extent the seasonal distribution of Steller sea lions is explained by seasonal concentrations of prey. Location Southeast Alaska, USA. Methods Steller sea lions of all age classes were counted monthly (2001–04) by aerial surveys at 28 terrestrial sites. Hierarchical cluster analysis and principal components analysis were used to classify seasonal distribution patterns of Steller sea lions at these terrestrial sites. We estimated the proportion of sea lions in the study area that were associated with each seasonal distribution pattern. Results Multivariate ordination techniques revealed four distinct seasonal distributional patterns. During December, 55% of the sea lions in the study area were found at Type 1 sites, located near over‐wintering herring aggregations. During May, 56% of sea lions were found at Type 2 sites, near aggregations of spring‐spawning forage fish. In July, 78% of sea lions were found at Type 3 sites, near summer migratory corridors of salmon. During September, 44% of sea lions were found at Type 4 sites, near autumn migratory corridors of salmon. Main conclusions Seasonal attendance patterns of sea lions were commonly associated with the seasonal availability of prey species near terrestrial sites and reflected seasonal foraging patterns of Steller sea lions in Southeast Alaska. A reasonable annual foraging strategy for Steller sea lions is to forage on herring (Clupea pallasii) aggregations in winter, spawning aggregations of forage fish in spring, salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) in summer and autumn, and pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and Pacific hake (Merluccius productus) throughout the year. The seasonal use of haulouts by sea lions and ultimately haulout‐specific foraging patterns of Steller sea lions depend in part upon seasonally available prey species in each region.  相似文献   

1. The decline of Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands between the late 1970s and 1990s may have been related to reduced availability of suitable prey. Many studies have shown that pinnipeds and other mammals suffering from nutritional stress typically exhibit reduced body size, reduced productivity, high mortality of pups and juveniles, altered blood chemistry and specific behavioural modifications. 2. Morphometric measurements of Steller sea lions through the 1970s and 1980s in Alaska indicate reduced body size. Reduced numbers of pups born and an apparent increase in juvenile mortality rates also appear to be nutritionally based. Blood chemistry analyses have further shown that Steller sea lions in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands area exhibited signs of an acute phase reaction, or immune reaction, in response to unidentified physical and/or environmental stress. Behavioural studies during the 1990s have not noted any changes that are indicative of an overall shortage in the quantity of prey available to lactating female sea lions. 3. The data collected in Alaska are consistent with the hypothesis that Steller sea lions in the declining regions were nutritionally compromised because of the relative quality of prey available to them (chronic nutritional stress), rather than because of the overall quantity of fish per se (acute nutritional stress). This is further supported by captive studies that indicate the overall quality of prey that has been available to Steller sea lions in the declining population could compromise the health of Steller sea lions and hinder their recovery.  相似文献   

The behavioral and predatory patterns of Gulf of Alaska (GOA) transient killer whales ( Orcinus orca ) were studied between 2000 and 2005 using remote video and vessel-based observations near the Chiswell Island Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) rookery and in the broader Kenai Fjords (KF) region of the northern GOA. GOA transient killer whales were observed on 118 d over the 6-yr period; the median group size was two (range: 1–9). Nine predation events were observed from vessels and an additional sixteen were inferred from remote video studies; all involved Steller sea lions. Estimates from field observations suggest that fifty-nine sea lions were consumed over the summer seasons of 2002–2005; whereas estimates based on published caloric requirements of transient killer whales would suggest a loss of 103 sea lions over the same time period. GOA transients spent a large proportion (43%) of their time resting which may be a strategy for conserving energy. Predation on sea lion pups at the Chiswell Island rookery was greatest during years when a single killer whale was foraging alone and when a 1.5-yr-old calf was evidently being trained to handle prey. Predation on pups was low during years when killer whales were foraging in groups and were observed and presumed to be taking mostly juvenile sea lions. Our study suggests that GOA transients are having a minor effect on the recovery of Steller sea lions in the GOA.  相似文献   

Over the past 24 yr, 8,596 Steller sea lion ( Eumetopias jubatus ) pups were branded on their natal rookeries throughout Alaska with the objectives of determining survival rates, recruitment, movements, and site fidelity. Our objectives here were to examine the extent of dispersal of Steller sea lions away from their natal rookeries, movements between stocks, and degree of natal rookery fidelity. Pups (<1 yr old) usually remained within 500 km of their natal rookery. Branded juveniles dispersed widely and were resighted at distances up to 1,785 km from their natal rookeries. Adults generally remained within 500 km of their natal rookeries. No interchange of breeding animals between the ES (eastern stock) and WS (western stock) was observed. Although natal rookery fidelity was prevalent, 33% of the 12 observations of females branded in the WS during 1987–1988 and 19% of the 29 observations of females branded in the ES during 1994–1995 were observed with newly born pups at sites other than their natal rookeries. Steller sea lions generally conformed to the metapopulation concept as depicted by Hanski and Simberloff (1997), with local breeding populations (rookeries) and movements among these local populations having the potential of affecting local dynamics.  相似文献   

Blood chemistry and hematology were examined in 238 Steller sea lion pups (Eumetopias jubatus) to assess the health status of pups <1 month of age. Failure of juvenile recruitment (possibly due to nutritionally or physiologically compromised pups) into breeding populations has been proposed as a cause of recent declines of this endangered species in Alaska. To identify potential correlations with areas of high population decline, blood chemistry data were considered for three areas: eastern Aleutian Islands (low rates of population decline to stable populations), Gulf of Alaska (high rates of decline), and Southeast Alaska (stable to increasing population). Southeast Alaska pups showed elevated ketone body concentrations (β-hydroxybutyrate, (β-HBA)) and depressed glucose levels when compared with animals from the Aleutian Islands and lower blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and glucose levels than pups in the Gulf of Alaska. Over 40% of the pups from Southeast Alaska had elevated β-HBA concentrations suggesting they underwent longer periods of fasting than seen in pups from other areas. Hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin concentration (Hb) and water content of the blood exhibited typical mammalian relationships. In summary, blood chemistry and hematology data showed no indication that Steller sea lion pups <1 month old from areas of population decline were nutritionally compromised.  相似文献   

Abstract: The first range-wide survey of Steller (northern) sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) was completed in 1989 with a total of 68,094 adult and juvenile (nonpup) Steller sea lions counted. This total count includes 10,000 in Russia (15% of the range-wide count), 47,960 in Alaska (70%), 6,109 in British Columbia (9%), 2,261 in Oregon (3%), and 1,764 in California (3%). A range-wide pup count was not obtained. We estimated the 1989 world population based on a calculation for total pups and obtained a range-wide estimate of 116,000 total animals, or about 39–48% of the 240,000-300,000 estimated 30 yr ago.  相似文献   

A leading hypothesis to explain the dramatic decline of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in western Alaska during the latter part of the 20th century is a change in prey availability due to commercial fisheries. We tested this hypothesis by exploring the relationships between sea lion population trends, fishery catches, and the prey biomass accessible to sea lions around 33 rookeries between 2000 and 2008. We focused on three commercially important species that have dominated the sea lion diet during the population decline: walleye pollock, Pacific cod and Atka mackerel. We estimated available prey biomass by removing fishery catches from predicted prey biomass distributions in the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska; and modelled the likelihood of sea lions foraging at different distances from rookeries (accessibility) using satellite telemetry locations of tracked animals. We combined this accessibility model with the prey distributions to estimate the prey biomass accessible to sea lions by rookery. For each rookery, we compared sea lion population change to accessible prey biomass. Of 304 comparisons, we found 3 statistically significant relationships, all suggesting that sea lion populations increased with increasing prey accessibility. Given that the majority of comparisons showed no significant effect, it seems unlikely that the availability of pollock, cod or Atka mackerel was limiting sea lion populations in the 2000s.  相似文献   

We estimated trends in numbers of Steller sea lions in the Glacier Bay region of the eastern population from the 1970s to 2009. We documented the colonization of several new haul‐outs and the transition of one haul‐out (Graves Rocks) to a rookery, assessed seasonal patterns in distribution, and compared counts from different observation platforms. Sea lions increased in the region by 8.2%/yr (95%CI = 6.4%–10.0%), with the most growth at South Marble Island in Glacier Bay (16.6%/yr, 1991–2009) and rapid growth in Cross Sound. Seasonal patterns in the distribution of sea lions were likely influenced by new breeding opportunities and the seasonal availability of prey. Factors that likely contributed to the exceptional growth include availability of new habitat following deglaciation, immigration, redistribution, decreases in mortality, and ecosystem‐level changes. The rapid increase in sea lion numbers in this region is of particular interest in light of dramatic declines in the western population and evidence that Steller sea lions from both the eastern and western populations colonized the Graves Rocks rookery. The colonization and rookery development in this dynamic area may signal the reversal of the reproductive isolation of the two populations.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of research disturbance on the behavior and abundance of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) at rookeries on Marmot and Ugamak Islands in Alaska. During 3 of 6 yr, researchers intentionally drove all adult and juvenile sea lions off at least part of the beach in order to permanently mark and measure sea lion pups. The research disturbance occurred after the majority of females had bred and when most pups were 1 mo old. We used generalized linear models to determine the relationship between research disturbance and sea lion behavior or abundance. Research disturbance was related to changes in the proportion of sea lions exhibiting two to three of nine behavior metrics: agonistic and resting females and active males at Marmot, and active and resting males and females at Ugamak. Model results indicated that changes lasted between 3 and 20 d depending on the sex, behavior, and rookery. Inclusion of research disturbance into Marmot abundance models did not improve the fit to the data, if variability between years was permitted. Optimally timed, low‐frequency research disturbance did not appear to have long‐term effects on sea lion behavior or abundance and was largely associated with changes that were similar to natural variation.  相似文献   

Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) numbers in the Western Distinct Population Segment are beginning to recover following the dramatic decline that began in the 1970s and ended around the turn of the century. Low female reproductive rates (natality) may have contributed to the decline and remain an issue of concern for this population. During the 2000s we found high natality among Steller sea lions in the Gulf of Alaska indicating a healthy population. This study extends these previous estimates over an additional three years and tests for interannual variations and long-term trends. We further examine the proportions of pups to adult females observed on the rookery and nearby haulouts during the birthing season to assess whether census data can be used to estimate natality. Open robust design multistate models were built and tested using Program MARK to estimate survival, resighting, and state transition probabilities in addition to other parameters dependent on whether or not a female gave birth in the previous year. Natality was estimated at 70% with some evidence of interannual variation but a long-term increasing or decreasing trend was not supported by the data. Bootstrap and regression comparisons of census data with natality estimates revealed no correlation between the two methods suggesting that census data are not an appropriate proxy for natality in this species. Longitudinal studies of individual animals are an appropriate method for estimating vital rates in species with variable detection over time such as the Steller sea lion. This work indicates that natality remains high in this region and is consistent with a population in recovery.  相似文献   

Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias jubatus ) in the central and western Gulf of Alaska, Aleutian Islands, and Bering Sea have declined by 80% in the last 30 yr. One hypothesis for the decline in this western Steller sea lion population is that a climate regime shift in 1976–1977 changed the species composition of the fish community and reduced the nutritional quality (energy density) of the sea lion prey field. This in turn led to nutritional stress and reduced individual fitness, survival, and reproduction of sea lions. Implications of this regime shift-"junk food" hypothesis are that (1) the recruitment and abundance of supposed high quality species ( e.g. , Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi ) decreased while those of supposed low quality ( e.g. , species in the family Gadidae) increased following the regime shift, (2) Steller sea lion diets shifted in response to this change in fish community structure, and (3) a diet composed principally of gadids ( e.g. , walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma ) is detrimental to sea lion fitness and survival. We examine data relating to each of these implications and find little support for the hypothesis that increases in the availability and consumption of gadids following the regime shift are primarily responsible for the decline of the western population of Steller sea lion.  相似文献   

Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) are listed as an endangered species in western Alaska and have exhibited a significant population decline throughout their range. Eight microsatellite loci were isolated from genomic DNA libraries. In addition, all these markers were found to be variable in nine individuals of the California sea lion (Zalophus californicus). This panel of markers was developed to analyse population structure in Steller sea lions throughout their range.  相似文献   

Genetic studies and differing population trends support the separation of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) into a western distinct population segment (WDPS) and an eastern DPS (EDPS) with the dividing line between populations at 144° W. Despite little exchange for thousands of years, the gap between the breeding ranges narrowed during the past 15–30 years with the formation of new rookeries near the DPS boundary. We analyzed >22,000 sightings of 4,172 sea lions branded as pups in each DPS from 2000–2010 to estimate probabilities of a sea lion born in one DPS being seen within the range of the other DPS (either ‘West’ or ‘East’). Males from both populations regularly traveled across the DPS boundary; probabilities were highest at ages 2–5 and for males born in Prince William Sound and southern Southeast Alaska. The probability of WDPS females being in the East at age 5 was 0.067 but 0 for EDPS females which rarely traveled to the West. Prince William Sound-born females had high probabilities of being in the East during breeding and non-breeding seasons. We present strong evidence that WDPS females have permanently emigrated to the East, reproducing at two ‘mixing zone’ rookeries. We documented breeding bulls that traveled >6,500 km round trip from their natal rookery in southern Alaska to the northern Bering Sea and central Aleutian Islands and back within one year. WDPS animals began moving East in the 1990s, following steep population declines in the central Gulf of Alaska. Results of our study, and others documenting high survival and rapid population growth in northern Southeast Alaska suggest that conditions in this mixing zone region have been optimal for sea lions. It is unclear whether eastward movement across the DPS boundary is due to less-optimal conditions in the West or a reflection of favorable conditions in the East.  相似文献   

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