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The timing of springtime production of diapausing eggs by a population of the freshwater copepod, Diaptomus sanguineus, has been shown previously to be consistent with avoidance of seasonally intense fish predation. Natural selection acting on the timing of diapause fluctuates between years depending upon the population density of fish. Here we show that, in the field, the mean timing of diapause shifts between years in response to fluctuations in selection. Diapause is earlier in years following high predator density, and is later in years following low predator density. Although selection intensity in individual years may be large, the mean intensity over the decade of fluctuating selection investigated here is close to zero. Photoperiod sensitivity of the diapausetiming trait is heritable in the laboratory. The combination of fluctuating selection and multi-generation storage of genotypes as diapausing eggs in lake sediments may contribute to the maintenance of the genetic variation that permits the rapid selection response seen in the field.  相似文献   

Cosmopolitan populations of Drosophila melanogaster have co‐opted a form of reproductive diapause to overwinter in northern populations. Polymorphism in the couch potato gene has been implicated in genetic variation for this diapause trait. Using a collection of 20 populations from Florida to Canada and 11 collections from 3 years in a Pennsylvania orchard, we estimated the allele frequencies for 15 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the couch potato gene. These include the specific polymorphism associated with diapause inducability. We find that the SNP polymorphism, 48034(A/T), is correlated with latitude and its frequencies are predicted by the incidence of diapause trait. We find that the clinal patterns for cpo SNPs sampled in 1997 are similar to the same SNPs sampled in 2009–2010. SNPs that show apparent associations with cpo expression are also clinal with the low‐expression allele increasing in frequency, as would be predicted from functional knockout studies of cpo. Finally, we see a significant pattern where the frequency of the diapause‐causing allele drops in frequency during the summer season, consistent with the drop in the incidence of the diapause trait. The selection required to drive this response is large, roughly 24% to 59% per generation depending on the degree of dominance.  相似文献   

Studies of plant and animal populations have demonstrated the occurrence of multiple and mixed life history strategies such as polymodal timing of germination and emergence from dormancy. We present the results of a simulation model used to test whether between-year variance in mortality can lead to the persistence of multiple hatching strategies considered over an ecological time scale (50 years). The model is based on the general life history characteristics of a population of planktonic copepods (Diaptomus sanguineus) in Bullhead Pond, Rhode Island. Our model results demonstrate that, given a range of between-year variance in mortality, multiple strategies for timing of emergence can persist in a common environment for ecologically relevant periods of time. A qualitative test of the model comparing field estimates of mean and variance of mortality in Bullhead Pond with the region of persistence indicates that the model results are in approximate agreement with field estimates. The results suggest that variability in year-to-year selection pressures, such as predation or harsh winters, may play an important role in determining the evolution of life histories.  相似文献   

Abstract The diapause of two populations of Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (T. evanescens A and T. evanescens B), collected from different Iranian insect pests, was studied. T. evunescens A in the eggs of Corcyra cephalonica was easily induced to stable diapause with constant 8°C, 15 % and fluctuating temperature (11–23) C -11C. T. evanescens B could not be induced to diapause with the same temperatural regime and host. The experiments showed that the host of maternal generations and the ability of avoiding super-parasitism may play an important role in intraspecific variation of T. evunescens in diapause induction.  相似文献   

In monandrous mating systems with discrete nonoverlapping generations males should maximize the expected number of matings by starting to emerge before females. This is known as protandry. Moreover, Evolutionarily Stable Strategies (ESS) models show that the male emergence curve should be abruptly truncated before female emergence has ceased. In temperate areas where many insects have partial second generations, we accordingly predict that males should enter diapause development at an earlier date than should females, as a result of late-emerging males being penalized in terms of fewer mating opportunities. The decision to diapause or to develop directly is usually mediated by response to environmental stimuli of which day length is the most important. Hence we predict that the mechanism by which males enter diapause at an earlier date than females will be that of the male reaction norm for diapause development being shifted towards longer day lengths when compared to that of females. As a result of the greater tendency of males to enter diapause development, partial second generations that develop directly should be female biased. As a corollary, first generations should be male biased because some males of the first generation are from the previous year. The prediction that males should enter diapause development earlier in the season, i.e., at longer day lengths, as compared to females was corroborated by rearing Pieris napi under a variety of critical day length regimes producing mixed broods of directly developing and diapausing individuals, and by outdoor rearings of cohorts of larvae of P. napi and P. rapae initiated throughout the season. The prediction that partial second generations should be female biased was corroborated by laboratory rearings at constant temperature of P. napi (Pieridae), Polygonia c-album (Nymphalidae), and Pararge aegeria (Satyridae) under critical day length conditions, producing female-biased sex ratio under direct, and male-biased sex ratio under diapause development.  相似文献   

This paper investigates patterns of phenotypic variation in the striped ground cricket (Allonemobious fasciatus) along a cline in season length and tests the hypothesis that variation in body size and diapause propensity is the result of diversifying selection due to different local conditions. We examined 83 populations and found that A. fasciatus produced a single generation per year (univoltine) north of 37°N latitude and was bivoltine south of 35°30′N. Body size generally increased with increasing season length, with a sudden drop in the region corresponding to the transition from univoltine to bivoltine life cycles, reflecting the division of total season length in two within-bivoltine populations. We reared ten populations in our laboratory and found that much of the interpopulation variance in body size observed in the field could be attributed to genetic differences. Diapause expression also varied significantly among populations and was strongly correlated with season length. The heritability of body size did not differ between populations, but full-sib estimates greatly exceeded parent–offspring estimates suggesting that there are important nonadditive genetic effects. The heritability of diapause expression, determined from analysis of full sibs, varied significantly between populations (0.33 ± 0.10 to 1.31 ± 0.21) with an average of 0.74 ± 0.16. Body size and diapause expression were genetically correlated in transition-zone populations, but not in univoltine or bivoltine populations. Our findings support the suggestion that clinal variation in body size and diapause expression in the striped ground cricket reflect adaptation to season length.  相似文献   

Abstract The three investigated populations of migratory locust, Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera, Acrididae), reported in this paper show significant variation in diapause characteristics. The insects of the Heshuo Xinjiang population show diapause in egg stage regardless of the photoperiod of rearing condition, while the adults of the Beidagang Tianjin and the Hami Xinjiang populations produce diapause or nondiapause eggs according to the short or long photoperiod. From this research, we infer altitude plays an important role in inducing diapause. The long photoperiod which extends the duration of pre-oviposition period and reduces the oviposition frequency in the Beidagang and Hami populations shows no effect on those features of the Heshuo population. The duration at low temperature to end diapause in the Heshuo population is longer than that in the other two populations.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of ancestry, chance, and past and ongoing election to variation in one adaptive (larval feeding rate) and one seemingly nonadaptive (pupation height) trait were determined in populations ofDrosophila melanogaster adapting to either low or high larval densities in the laboratory. Larval feeding rates increased rapidly in response to high density, and the effects of ancestry, past selection and chance were ameliorated by ongoing selection within 15–20 generations. Similarly, in populations previously kept at high larval density, and then switched to low larval density, the decline of larval feeding rate to ancestral levels was rapid (15-20 generations) and complete, providing support for a previously stated hypothesis regarding the costs of faster feeding inDrosophila larvae. Variation among individuals was the major contributor to variation in pupation height, a trait that would superficially appear to be nonadaptive in the environmental context of the populations used in this study because it did not diverge between sets of populations kept at low versus high larval density for many generations. However, the degree of divergence among populations (FST) for pupation height was significantly less than expected for a selectively neutral trait, and we integrate results from previous studies to suggest that the variation for pupation height among populations is constrained by stabilizing selection, with a flat, plateau-like fitness function that, consequently, allows for substantial phenotypic variation within populations. Our results support the view that the genetic imprints of history (ancestry and past selection) in outbreeding sexual populations are typically likely to be transient in the face of ongoing selection and recombination. The results also illustrate the heuristic point that different forms of selection-for example directional versus stabilizing selection—acting on a trait in different populations may often not be due to differently shaped fitness functions, but rather due to differences in how the fitness function maps onto the actual distribution of phenotypes in a given population. We discuss these results in the light of previous work on reverse evolution, and the role of ancestry, chance, and past and ongoing selection in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Intraspecific studies of selection on multiple traits of a plant's life history provide insight as to how the composite life history of an organism evolves. Current understanding of selection on plant life-history traits is deficient in three important areas: 1) the effects of selection through correlated traits, 2) the effects of selection on a trait throughout the plant's lifetime, and 3) spatial and temporal variation in selection on plant life-history traits among populations and years. This study documents spatial and temporal variation in selection on three life-history and two morphological traits for two natural populations of Chamaecrista fasciculata, a native summer annual. Life-history and morphological traits (date of seedling emergence, size at establishment, size prior to reproduction, date of initial flowering, and date of initial fruit maturation) varied significantly between sites and/or years. Selection on traits varied either spatially, between sites and among transects within one site, or temporally, between years. In addition, life-history traits were phenotypically correlated among themselves and with morphological traits; correlations were generally constant over time and space. Indirect selection caused changes in means and variances in traits not under direct selection, but which were correlated with traits under selection. Selection on date of emergence varied in direction and magnitude among different life-cycle stages, while selection on other traits varied only in magnitude among life stages of the plant. This study documents the complexity of the selective process and the importance of considering multiple life stages and traits when studying the evolution of life-history traits.  相似文献   

Wing melanin pattern varies seasonally among generations in many populations of the butterfly Pontia occidentalis, leading to distinctly different wing phenotypes during spring and summer generations. Estimates of directional selection on wing pattern can therefore quantify the imperfection of this phenotypically plastic (polyphenic) response in generating “optimal” phenotypes for each seasonal generation. Mark-release-recapture (MRR) studies were used to estimate directional selection on six wing traits in a natural population of P. occidentalis during both spring and summer weather conditions. Estimated survival and recapture probabilities varied substantially among the four MRR studies. When differences between males and females were detected, the survival and recapture probabilities were higher for males than for females. Estimated selection coefficients suggested that the direction of selection on one wing trait important for thermoregulation, melanin on the base of the dorsal hindwings (trait hb), fluctuated seasonally; there was evidence of directional selection for increased hb in the spring studies and for decreased hb in the summer studies. Such fluctuating seasonal selection on hb implies that the seasonal polyphenic response may not be sufficient to eliminate selection on this trait; the slope of the reaction-norm mapping hb onto seasonal environmental cues is too shallow, resulting in further selection on the reaction norm. Adaptive evolution of the reaction norm may be constrained by phenotypic and genetic correlations with other wing traits that experience different patterns of selection and by variable weather conditions within seasons and among years.  相似文献   

Abstract The timing of life‐history events in insects can have important consequences for both survival and reproduction. For insect herbivores with complex life histories, selection is predicted to favor those combinations of traits that increase the size at metamorphosis while minimizing the risk of mortality from natural enemies. Studies quantifying selection on life‐history traits in natural insect herbivore populations, however, have been rare. The purpose of this study was to measure phenotypic selection imposed by elements of the first and third trophic levels on variation in two life‐history traits, the timing of egg hatch and pupal mass, in a population of oak‐feeding caterpillars, Psilocorsis quercicella (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). Larvae were collected from the field throughout each of two generations per year for three years and reared to determine the effects of the date of egg hatch on both the risk of attack from parasitoids and the pupal mass of the survivors. The direction and strength of phenotypic selection attributed to aspects of the first and third trophic levels, as well as their combined effects, on the date of egg hatch was measured for each of the six generations. Heritabilities of and genetic correlations between pupal mass and the date of adult emergence from diapause (the life‐history trait expected to have the largest influence on the timing of egg hatch, and thus larval development) were estimated from laboratory matings. In four of the six generations examined, significant directional selection attributed to the first trophic level was detected, always favoring early‐hatching cohorts predicted to experience higher leaf quality than late‐hatching cohorts. Directional phenotypic selection by the third trophic level was detected in only one of three years, and in that year the direction of selection was in opposite directions during the two successive generations. The combined effect of selection by both trophic levels indicated that the third trophic level acted to either reduce or enhance the more predictable pattern of selection attributed to the first trophic level. In addition, I found evidence of truncation selection acting to increase the mean and decrease the variance of pupal mass during the pupa‐adult transition in the laboratory. Pupal mass and diapause duration were found to vary significantly among full‐sibling families; upper bounds for heritability estimates were 0.57 and 0.30, respectively. Furthermore, these two traits were found to be positively genetically correlated (families with larger pupae had longer diapause durations), resulting in a fitness trade‐off, because larger pupae enjoy higher survival through metamorphosis and female fecundity but emerge later, when average leaf quality for offspring is generally poorer.  相似文献   

The estimation of the relationship between phenotype and fitness in natural populations is constrained by the distribution of phenotypes available for selection to act on. Because selection is blind to the underlying genotype, a more variable phenotypic distribution created by using environmental effects can be used to enhance the power of a selection study. I measured selection on a population of adult damselflies (Enallagma boreale) whose phenotype had been modified by raising the larvae under various levels of food availability and density. Selection on body size (combination of skeletal and mass at emergence) and date of emergence was estimated in two consecutive episodes. The first episode was survival from emergence to sexual maturity and the second was reproductive success after attaining sexual maturity. Female survival to sexual maturity was lower, and therefore opportunity for selection greater, than males in both years. Opportunity for selection due to reproductive success was greater for males. The total opportunity for selection was greater for males one year and for females the other. Survival to sexual maturity was related to mass gain between emergence and sexual maturity. Females gained more mass and survived less well than males in both years but there was no linear relationship between size at emergence and survival for females in either year. However, females in the tails of the phenotype distribution were less likely to survive than those near the mean. In contrast, small males consistently gained more mass than large males and survived less well in one year. There was significant selection on timing of emergence in both years, but the direction of selection changed due to differences in weather; early emerging females were more successful one year and late emerging males and females the other. The number of clutches laid by females was independent of body size. Because the resources used to produce eggs are acquired after emergence and this was independent of size at emergence, female fitness did not increase with size. Small males may have had lower survival to sexual maturity but they had higher mating success than large males. Resources acquired prior to sexual maturity are essential for reproductive success and may in some species alter their success in inter- and intrasexual competition. Therefore, ignoring the mortality associated with resource acquisition will give an incomplete and potentially misleading picture of selection on the phenotype.  相似文献   

In nature, selection varies across time in most environments, but we lack an understanding of how specific ecological changes drive this variation. Ecological factors can alter phenotypic selection coefficients through changes in trait distributions or individual mean fitness, even when the trait‐absolute fitness relationship remains constant. We apply and extend a regression‐based approach in a population of Soay sheep (Ovis aries) and suggest metrics of environment‐selection relationships that can be compared across studies. We then introduce a novel method that constructs an environmentally structured fitness function. This allows calculation of full (as in existing approaches) and partial (acting separately through the absolute fitness function slope, mean fitness, and phenotype distribution) sensitivities of selection to an ecological variable. Both approaches show positive overall effects of density on viability selection of lamb mass. However, the second approach demonstrates that this relationship is largely driven by effects of density on mean fitness, rather than on the trait‐fitness relationship slope. If such mechanisms of environmental dependence of selection are common, this could have important implications regarding the frequency of fluctuating selection, and how previous selection inferences relate to longer term evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

The Chitty hypothesis proposes that the demographic changes occurring in microtine cycles are mediated by natural selection operating on the genetic composition of the population. Implicit in this hypothesis is the assumption that a suite of life-history traits is simultaneously undergoing selection and that these traits are strongly heritable. We tested this in two ways: first, by determining whether the year-to-year differences in phenotypes in fluctuating meadow vole populations in the field are maintained in samples of young animals raised in the laboratory, and second, whether the variation seen in the field has a heritable basis as determined by half-sib analysis. Parents were obtained in the springs of successive years from a fluctuating meadow vole population. These animals were bred in small field enclosures, and their progeny were raised in the laboratory. Animals raised in the laboratory differed significantly from those in the natural field population. In the field, young from the year when population size was increasing grew more rapidly than those from the peak year; in the laboratory, the opposite occurred. The ages at sexual maturity showed similar differences. Heritability analysis was performed on body weight, growth rate, and age and weight at sexual maturity. Virtually all these traits showed significant dam effects, but small or nonexistant sire effects. Thus, most of the variation was nongenetic in origin; maternal and other environmental effects were of overriding importance. We conclude that the heritabilities of these traits in nature are usually lower than necessary for natural selection to operate in the time frames characteristic of microtine cycles.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous forces of selection associated with fluctuating environments are recognized as important factors involved in the maintenance of inter‐individual phenotypic variance within populations. Consistent behavioural differences over time and across situations (e.g. personality) are increasingly cited as examples of individual variation observed within populations. However, the suggestion that heterogeneous selective pressures target different animal personalities remains largely untested in the wild. In this 5‐year study, we investigated the dynamics of viability selection on a personality trait, exploration, in a population of eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) experiencing substantial seasonal variations in weather conditions and food availability associated with masting trees. Contrary to our expectations, we found no evidence of fluctuating selection on exploration. Instead, we found strong disruptive viability selection on adult exploration behaviour, independent of seasonal variations. Individuals with either low or high exploration scores were almost twice as likely to survive over a 6‐month period compared with individuals with intermediate scores. We found no evidence of viability selection on juvenile exploration. Our results highlight that disruptive selection might play an important role in the maintenance of phenotypic variance of wild populations through its effect on different personality types across temporally varying environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Standard quantitative genetic theory predicts that when a trait is exposed to selection, the between-generation change in the phenotypic mean, Δz?i, will be equal to the product of the trait's heritability and the selection differential, h2S. By extension, this theory implies that if a number of replicate populations are exposed to varying intensities of selection, the between-generation changes in means should covary with the selection differential applied. This relationship offers an opportunity for a statistical test to detect evolutionary change when selection is measured in replicate populations. If an evolutionary response to phenotypic selection occurs, the regression of over Si, where i indicates population, will have a positive slope. This statistical test was applied to data on the insect Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae). The larvae of this fly induce galls on the stems of the host plant, Solidago altissima (Asteraceae). Previous work has shown that gall size is a heritable trait of the insect. Further, size-dependent attack on Eurosta larvae by parasitoids selects for larger gall size (Weis and Abrahamson, 1986). Long-term data on phenotypic selection in 16 populations across 5 generations were analyzed for selection response. Apparent upward evolutionary responses were seen in 2 of the 4 between-generation transitions. However, no response was seen when the analysis was applied to the cumulative change in gall size. Examination of the data suggested that some of the change in mean gall size was a developmental response to spatial and temporal variation in the environment. Non-linear developmental effects of environment, when combined with non-linear fitness functions, can induce a spurious selection response; these non-linear relationships can account for the apparent evolutionary change gall size found in the by-generation analysis. Thus, there is no reliable evidence for evolutionary change in Eurosta's gall size over the generations studied. Stasis of gall size in the face of ongoing selection may be due to counterbalancing selection on the gallmaker imposed by host plant resistance.  相似文献   

Diapause is a feature of the life cycle of many invertebrates by which unfavourable environmental conditions can be outlived. The seasonal timing of diapause allows organisms to adapt to seasonal changes in habitat suitability and thus is key to their fitness. In the planktonic crustacean Daphnia, various cues can induce the production of diapause stages that are resistant to heat, drought or freezing and contain one to two embryos in developmental arrest. Daphnia is a keystone species of many freshwater ecosystems, where it acts as the main link between phytoplankton and higher trophic levels. The correct seasonal timing of diapause termination is essential to maintain trophic interactions and is achieved via a genetically based interpretation of environmental cues like photoperiod and temperature. Field monitoring and modelling studies raised concerns on whether populations can advance their seasonal release from diapause to advances in spring phenology under global change, or if a failure to adapt will cause trophic mismatches negatively affecting ecosystem functioning. Our capacity to understand and predict the evolution of diapause timing requires information about the genetic architecture underlying this trait. In this study, we identified eight quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and four epistatic interactions that together explained 66.5% of the variation in diapause termination in Daphnia magna using QTL mapping. Our results suggest that the most significant QTL is modulating diapause termination dependent on photoperiod and is involved in three of the four detected epistatic interactions. Candidate genes at this QTL could be identified through the integration with genome data and included the presynaptic active zone protein bruchpilot. Our findings contribute to understanding the genomic control of seasonal diapause timing in an ecological relevant species.  相似文献   

Survival rate and emergence timing of the overwintering generation of many temperate agricultural pests is expected to affect their population dynamics and damage potential. However the impact of fluctuating winter and spring conditions on the successful emergence of insects post-diapause is generally poorly known. Here we characterize diapause responses in the peach fruit moth (PFM) pest, Carposina sasakii Matsumura, which overwinters at the larval stage in soil. Temperatures at a depth of 5 cm fluctuated markedly in early spring during the critical PFM post-diapause period (late December to mid-April). By removing outdoor larval samples over this period, we show that the completion of diapause for PFM in northern China starts from late January and continues until March. This extended developmental period is accompanied by an ongoing loss of cold resistance. Temperature conditions experienced in the field were associated with cold tolerance and emergence times, and reduced cold tolerance was associated with shorter emergence time. Cryoprotectants declined from late December, and levels were associated with changes in the supercooling point (SCP) of the larvae, but both correlated weakly to survival under cold stress during the post-diapause period. These findings suggest that diapause stage and soil temperatures should be taken into account when predicting field dynamics of soil-dwelling overwintering insects based on degree day accumulation models and other approaches.  相似文献   

Selection for increased morphometric shape (ratio of wing length to thorax width) was compared between control (nonbottlenecked) populations and bottlenecked populations founded with two male–female pairs of flies. Contrary to neutral expectation, selectional response was not reduced in bottlenecked populations, and the mean realized heritabilities and additive genetic variances were higher for the bottlenecked lines than for the nonbottlenecked lines. Additive genetic variances based on these realized heritabilities were consistent with independent estimates of genetic variances based on parent–offspring covariances. Joint scaling tests applied to the crosses between selected lines and their controls revealed significant nonadditive components of genetic variance in the ancestor, which were not detected in the crosses involving bottlenecked lines. The nonbottlenecked lines responded principally by changes in one trait or the other (wing length or thorax width) but not in both, and regardless of which trait responded, larger trait size was dominant and epistatic to smaller size. Stabilizing selection for morphometric shape in the ancestor likely molded the genetic architecture to include nonadditive genetic effects.  相似文献   

Population differences in the timing of diapause: a test of hypotheses   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary The reproductive phenology of the freshwater copepod Diaptomus sanguineus differs markedly between populations residing in two Rhode Island ponds. In a permanent pond the population switches abruptly from making subitaneous (immediately hatching) eggs to diapausing eggs at the end of March each year. In contrast, a temporary pond population switches egg types in May, returns to production of subitaneous eggs in June, and concludes the reproductive season by making diapausing eggs in July. An ESS model suggests that the pattern of diapause expected of a copepod population is a function of annual variation in the onset of harsh conditions (catastrophe date). When variation is relatively low, the superior strategy is for diapause to begin a constant period before the mean catastrophe date. When variation is high, females should make first subitaneous eggs and then diapausing eggs irrespective of the expected catastrophe date. With discrete generations, such a population would alternate between egg types. In the permanent pond, variation of catastrophe date the spring onset of planktivory by sunfish is low, whereas in the temporary pond variation of the catastrophe (pond drying) is high. The model predicts well the phenology of the two copepod populations.In the research reported here, we tested the hypothesis that copepods from the permanent pond, which switch to diapause at the same time every year, are cued by the environment to begin diapause (i.e. by photoperiod, temperature, or both), whereas those from the temporary pond make both egg types regardless of environmental conditions. In opposition to our hypothesis, experimental results indicate that diapause in both populations is cued by the environment. The distinct reproductive phenologies documented in the two populations apparently result from the copepods responding to different environmental cues, rather than one being responsive to the environment while the other is not.  相似文献   

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