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Direct studies of mating success or mating pattern associated with Mendelian factors rarely have been carried out in nature. From the samples taken for the standard analyses of selection components, it is not usually possible to obtain the mating table, and only directional selection for male mating success can be detected. Both processes, mating pattern and differential mating probability, together with other fitness components, have been investigated for the inversion polymorphism of a natural population of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii. Two independent samples of adult flies were collected: nonmating or single individuals (base population) and mating pairs (mating population). All individuals were karyotyped for the second and fourth chromosomes. A sequence of models with increasing simplicity was fitted to the data to test null hypotheses of no selection and random union of gametes and karyotypes. The main results were (1) no deviations from random mating were found; (2) differential mating probability was nonsignificant in both sexes; (3) inversion and karyotypic frequencies did not differ between sexes; and (4) karyotypic frequencies did not depart from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. These results are discussed in light of complementary evidence showing the need for interpreting with caution no-effect hypotheses such as the ones tested here. The use of complementary selective tests in these studies is suggested.  相似文献   

Drosophila subobscura is a paleartic species of the obscura group with a rich chromosomal polymorphism. To further our understanding on the origin of inversions and on how they regain variation, we have identified and sequenced the two breakpoints of a polymorphic inversion of D. subobscura—inversion 3 of the O chromosome—in a population sample. The breakpoints could be identified as two rather short fragments (~300 bp and 60 bp long) with no similarity to any known transposable element family or repetitive sequence. The presence of the ~300‐bp fragment at the two breakpoints of inverted chromosomes implies its duplication, an indication of the inversion origin via staggered double‐strand breaks. Present results and previous findings support that the mode of origin of inversions is neither related to the inversion age nor species‐group specific. The breakpoint regions do not consistently exhibit the lower level of variation within and stronger genetic differentiation between arrangements than more internal regions that would be expected, even in moderately small inversions, if gene conversion were greatly restricted at inversion breakpoints. Comparison of the proximal breakpoint region in species of the obscura group shows that this breakpoint lies in a small high‐turnover fragment within a long collinear region (~300 kb).  相似文献   

We examined the evolutionary and developmental responses of body size to temperature in Drosophila melanogaster, using replicated lines of flies that had been allowed to evolve for 5 yr at 25°C or at 16.5°C. Development and evolution at the lower temperature both resulted in higher thorax length and wing area. The evolutionary effect of temperature on wing area was entirely a consequence of an increase in cell area. The developmental response was mainly attributable to an increase in cell area, with a small effect on cell number in males. Given its similarity to the evolutionary response, the increase in body size and cell size resulting from development at low temperature may be a case of adaptive phenotypic plasticity. The pattern of plasticity did not evolve in response to temperature for any of the traits. The selective advantage of the evolutionary and developmental responses to temperature is obscure and remains a major challenge for future work.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster populations subjected to extreme larval crowding (CU lines) in our laboratory have evolved higher larval feeding rates than their corresponding controls (UU lines). It has been suggested that this genetically based behavior may involve an energetic cost, which precludes natural selection in a density-regulated population to simultaneously maximize food acquisition and food conversion into biomass. If true, this stands against some basic predictions of the general theory of density-dependent natural selection. Here we investigate the evolutionary consequences of density-dependent natural selection on growth rate and body size in D. melanogaster. The CU populations showed a higher growth rate during the postcritical period of larval life than UU populations, but the sustained differences in weight did not translate into the adult stage. The simplest explanation for these findings (that natural selection in a crowded larval environment favors a faster food acquisition for the individual to attain the same final body size in a shorter period of time) was tested and rejected by looking at the larva-to-adult development times. Larvae of CU populations starved for different periods of time develop into comparatively smaller adults, suggesting that food seeking behavior in a food depleted environment carries a higher cost to these larvae than to their UU counterparts. The results have important implications for understanding the evolution of body size in natural populations of Drosophila, and stand against some widespread beliefs that body size may represent a compromise between the conflicting effects of genetic variation in larval and adult performance.  相似文献   

A simple way to think of evolutionary trade-offs is to suppose genetic effects of opposed direction that give rise to antagonistic pleiotropy. Maintenance of additive genetic variability for fitness related characters, in association with negative correlations between these characters, may result. In the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii, there is evidence that second-chromosome polymorphic inversions affect size-related traits. Because a trade-off between body size and larval developmental time has been reported in Drosophila, we study here whether or not these inversions also affect larva-adult viability and developmental time. In particular, we expect that polymorphic inversions make a statistically significant contribution to the genetic correlation between body size (as measured by thorax length) and larval developmental time. This contribution is expected to be in the direction predicted by the trade-off, namely, those flies whose karyotypes cause them to be genetically larger should also have a longer developmental time than flies with other karyotypes. Using two different experimental approaches, a statistically significant contribution of the second-chromosome inversions to the phenotypic variances of body size and developmental time in D. buzzatii was found. Further, these inversions make a positive contribution to the total genetic correlation between the traits, as expected by the suggested trade-off. The data do not provide evidence as to whether the genetic correlation is due to antagonistic pleiotropic gene action or to gametic disequilibrium of linked genes that affect one or both traits. The results do suggest, however, a possible explanation for the maintenance of inversion polymorphism in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract. — Drosophila and other ectotherms show geographic genetic variation in body size, with larger individuals at higher latitudes and altitudes. Temperature is implicated as an important selective agent because long-term laboratory culture of Drosophila leads to the evolution of larger body size at lower temperatures. In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that, in Drosophila melanogaster, larger size is favored at lower temperatures in part because of selection on adult females. We used replicated lines of D. melanogaster artificially selected for increased and decreased wing area with constant cell area. The resulting size differences between the selected lines were due solely to differences in cell number, and thereby were similar to the cellular basis of clinal variation in body size in nature. We examined life-history traits of adult females at 18 and 25°C. Rearing for two generations at the two temperatures did not affect the extent of the size differences between lines from the different selection regimes. There was a strong interaction between temperature and size selection for both survival and lifetime reproductive success, with larger females living significantly longer and producing more offspring over their lifetime only when reared and tested in the colder environment. There was also an increase in average daily progeny production in large-line females relative to the control and small lines again, only in the colder environment. Thus, the females from the large selection lines were relatively fitter at the colder temperature. At both experimental temperatures, especially the lower one, the small- line females rescheduled their progeny production to later ages. Larger body size may have evolved at higher latitudes and altitudes because of the advantages to the adult female of being larger at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

The pattern of selection acting in nature on the chromosomal polymorphism of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii was investigated by comparing inversion and karyotypic frequencies through four different life-cycle stages: adult males, eggs, third-instar larvae, and immature adults. All population samples were obtained in June 1981 at an old Opuntia ficus-indica plantation near Carboneras, Spain. The analysis rests on several assumptions which are explicitly set forth and discussed. The results, if these assumptions prove true, indicate strong directional selection for larval viability acting on the second-chromosome karyotypes and also suggest selective differences in fecundity and longevity. Heterotic selection, however, cannot be ruled out for other fitness components such as male mating success. This kind of selection could be operating on the fourth-chromosome polymorphism as well. Some gene arrangements showed significant and opposite changes in frequency at different parts of the life cycle, thus demonstrating endocyclic selection.  相似文献   

The reaction norm linking rearing temperature and size in Drosophila melanogaster results in progressively larger flies as the temperature is lowered from 30°C to 18°C, but it has remained unclear whether this phenotypic plasticity is part of an adaptive response to temperature. We found that female D. melanogaster reared to adulthood at 18°C versus 25°C showed a 12% increase in dry weight. Measurements of the fecundity of these two types of fly showed that the size change had no effect on lifetime fecundity, regardless of the adult test temperature. Thus the phenotypic plasticity breaks the usual positive correlation between body size and fecundity. However, at a given temperature, early fecundity (defined as productivity for days 5 through 12 after eclosion at 25°C and days 7 through 17 at 18°C) was highest when the rearing and test temperatures were the same. The early fecundity advantage due to rearing at the test temperature was 25% at 18°C and 16% at 25°C, a result consistent with the overall phenotypic response to temperature being adaptive. This conclusion is further supported by the finding that the temperature treatments resulted in a trade-off between early fecundity and longevity, a trade-off that parallels the known genetic correlation. Another parallel is that both the temperature-induced and genetic effects are independent of total fecundity. By contrast, within the temperature treatments, the phenotypic correlation between early fecundity and longevity was positive, illustrating the danger of assuming that phenotypic and genetic correlations are similar, or even of the same sign.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster populations in nature usually carry inversion polymorphisms. When they were transferred to and maintained in the laboratory as large cage populations, frequencies of polymorphic inversions were drastically decreased and finally eliminated. This “cage effect” was observed irrespective of the geographical origin of the population or the initial frequency of each inversion. The decrease and elimination of inversions in the cage was not overcome by changing conditions such as medium, temperature, or the number of isofemale lines (40-600) introduced. On the other hand, in the sets of isofemale lines derived from the same geographical origins as the cage populations, each of which was maintained as a small vial population, the inversion frequencies, though decreased from the initial frequencies, were kept at significantly high levels. The cage populations initiated with one or two isofemale lines also maintained the inversion polymorphisms that were as high as vial populations.  相似文献   

曾宗永  丁维俊 《兽类学报》1996,16(3):202-210
我们利用标志重捕、夹捕解剖和笼养等三种方法于1989年1月至1995年6月对川西平原的大足鼠的种群密度、个体大小、生长和生物量进行了研究。种群密度最高11.3只/ha,最低0.7只/ha,平均3.6只/ha,并显示出与农作物相同的季节变动特征。雌雄性比由幼年组和亚成体组约1:1到成体组1:0.78到老年组1:0.53。雌雄个体的平均质量分别为136g和114g,两性的个体质量和后足长有明显差异,体长和耳长差异不明显。饲养的幼体及亚成体个体质量和尾长均持续增长,并可分别用Logistic和对数方程较好地拟合。生物量则显示出比种群密度和个体质量更稳定的特征。  相似文献   

We describe a combined phenotypic and quantitative genetic investigation of the traits that may contribute to reproductive success in the picture-winged fly, Drosophila silvestris. These were courtship behavior, aggressive success, and body size and shape. Behavioral tests were conducted on wild-caught sires and their laboratory-reared sons. Neither size, shape, nor aggressive success predicted mating success. In both generations, males that spent more time courting and in wing-vibration were more likely to mate. However, components of courtship, overall aggressive success, and overall mating success had very low and nonsignificant heritabilities. The genetic estimates did not depend on whether they were based on males reared in both environments or reared only in the laboratory.  相似文献   

金丝猴牙齿与体重间的相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对金丝猴牙齿与体重间关系的研究结果表明,在雄性中,无论是线性还是面积与颅长之间的相关关系均较雌性的更为紧密。而且,随着体重的增加,雄性牙齿的近中远中长(M/D)也比雌性的增长较快。在上、下颌中,上颌牙齿与颅长的关系表现出更强的相联性。与其他灵长类相比较,金丝猴在取食和咀嚼过程中主要利用颊齿;大的个体具有大的犬齿及一定比例的臼齿面积和齿弓(牙合)面面积;上齿弓(牙合)面面积大于下齿弓(牙合)面面积。也就是说上齿弓提供了比下齿弓更大的咀嚼面积。金丝猴牙齿与体重间的关系位于猴类和人猿类之间,更接近于大猩猩(Gorilla)、疣猴(Colobus)和猕猴。  相似文献   

Like several other species of Drosophila, D. quinaria is polymorphic for X-chromosome meiotic drive; matings involving males that carry a “sex-ratio” X chromosome (XSR) result in the production of strongly female-biased offspring sex ratios (Jaenike 1996). A survey of isofemale lines of D. quinaria from several populations reveals that there is genetic variation for partial suppression of this meiotic drive. Crossing experiments show that there is Y-linked, and probably autosomal, variation for suppression of drive. Y-linked suppressors of X-chromosome drive have now been described in several species of Diptera. I develop a simple model for the maintenance of Y-chromosome polymorphism in species polymorphic for X-linked meiotic drive. One interesting feature of this model is that, if there is a stable Y-chromosome polymorphism, then the equilibrium frequency of the standard and sex-ratio X chromosomes is determined solely by Y-chromosome parameters, not by the fitness effects of the different X chromosomes on their carriers. This model suggests that Y-chromosome polymorphism may be easier to maintain than previously thought, and I hypothesize that karyotypic variation in Y chromosomes will be found to be associated with suppression of sex-ratio meiotic drive in other species of Drosophila.  相似文献   

The diversity of body sizes of organisms has traditionally been explained in terms of microevolutionary processes: natural selection owing to differential fitness of individual organisms, or to macroevolutionary processes: species selection owing to the differential proliferation of phylogenetic lineages. Data for terrestrial mammals and birds indicate that even on a logarithmic scale frequency distributions of body mass among species are significantly skewed towards larger sizes. We used simulation models to evaluate the extent to which macro- and microevolutionary processes are sufficient to explain these distributions. Simulations of a purely cladogenetic process with no bias in extinction or speciation rates for different body sizes did not produce skewed log body mass distributions. Simulations that included size-biased extinction rates, especially those that incorporated anagenetic size change within species between speciation and extinction events, regularly produced skewed distributions. We conclude that although cladogenetic processes probably play a significant role in body size evolution, there must also be a significant anagenetic component. The regular variation in the form of mammalian body size distributions among different-sized islands and continents suggests that environmental conditions, operating through both macro- and microevolutionary processes, determine to a large extent the diversification of body sizes within faunas. Macroevolution is not decoupled from microevolution.  相似文献   

I measured natural selection on body size and laying date in a population of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) from 1986 to 1988. There was little evidence of selection on body size associated with overwinter survival. Disruptive selection on tarsus length, associated with female reproductive success, was detected in one of three years. Both repeatability and mother-daughter regression suggested that laying date was heritable. I found weak evidence of selection on laying date, associated with both overwinter survival and reproduction in females. The ecological implications of both tarsus length and laying date variation in this population could not be identified. Consequently, although I was able to identify the targets of natural selection, the ecological link between trait variation and selection remains unknown.  相似文献   

There is little evidence from nature that divergent natural selection is crucial to speciation. However, divergent selection is implicated if traits conferring adaptation to alternative environments also form the basis of reproductive isolation. We tested the importance of body size differences to premating isolation between two sympatric sticklebacks. The species differ greatly in size, and several lines of evidence indicate that this difference is an adaptation to alternative foraging habitats. Strong assortative mating was evident in laboratory trials, but a few hybridization events occurred. Probability of interspecific mating was strongly correlated with body size: interspecific spawning occurred only between the largest individuals of the smaller species and the smallest individuals of the larger species. Probability of spawning between similar-sized individuals from different species was comparable to spawning rates within species. Disruption of mating between individuals from different species can be traced to increased levels of male aggression and decreased levels of male courtship as size differences increased between paired individuals. Interspecific mate preferences in sympatric sticklebacks appears to be dominated by body size, implicating natural selection in the origin of species.  相似文献   

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