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Male and female lacewings tremulate during courtship, establishing duets that always precede copulation. Three distinct courtship songs are found in populations of the green lacewing Chrysoperla plorabunda (P1, P2 and P3 song morphs). Analysis of five features of the songs for individuals collected from Connecticut, Idaho, Oregon and California showed few differences within song morphs, but sympatric song morphs differed significantly in temporal features of the songs and their mode of presentation. Playback experiments using recorded songs were performed on females with all possible sympatric and allopatric combinations of females and recorded songs. The results showed that females strongly prefer to duet with recordings of males of their own song type and usually showed no responses to songs of other types. Thus, song differences are effective barriers to reproduction between the sympatric morphs. Our results support the hypothesis that the three song morphs are true biological species.  相似文献   

贵州省草蛉缺乏系统调查研究,现根据北京农业大学和中国科学院动物研究所的收藏,鉴定了8属16种草蛉,以检索表形式附以贵州省的分布,其中包括5新种和1个新异名,并调整了4个新组合种,新种的模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

本文对叉草蛉属Dichochrysa中国已知种类予以订正,共包括了44种,其中40种是新组合的。文中还就属的分类地位作了进一步讨论。  相似文献   

广西草蛉区系研究:脉翅目:草蛉科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文记述了广西草岭11属22种,其中有1种新:曲梁玛草蛉Malladacamptotropussp.nov.;  相似文献   

Green lacewings of the morphologically homogeneous carnea-plorabunda-downesi group within the chrysopid genus Chrysoperla produce unique, species-specific, substrate-borne songs during courtship and mating; both sexes sing, and partners must reciprocally exchange their acoustical signals before copulation will occur. Two widespread, sympatric North American representatives of this complex, the sibling species pair C. plorabunda and C. downesi, hybridize readily in the laboratory but not in nature. This species pair has been presented as exemplifying sympatric speciation by disruptive selection. Here, it is shown from tape-playback and female-choice experiments that calls represent bona fide reproductive isolating mechanisms between the two species. Furthermore, call analyses of F1, F2, F3, and backcross progeny of the two species confirm polygenic control of call expression, in which different alleles at each of several loci are fixed in each taxon. Sex linkage of traits is absent, but the various features of the calls are not completely independent of one another in their patterns of inheritance. These and other life-history data cast doubt on several major premises of the sympatric speciation hypothesis and suggest that call alteration might have triggered the speciation event giving rise to the siblings. A complex of cryptic “song morphs” physically and ecologically identical to C. plorabunda and C. downesi, but singing different songs, exists in the mountains of western North America, while the Alps of central Europe harbor populations of C. carnea that have undergone call differentiation in an analogous but independent manner. It is proposed that call divergence may in itself be driving the speciation process within this section of Chrysoperla, by greatly accelerating the rate at which full reproductive isolation between populations can be achieved.  相似文献   

本文是内蒙古草蛉区系研究之二,包括1新种及4新记录种。研究所用标本皆为内蒙古自治区草原工作站提供,借此表示衷心感谢。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

检视和记述了我国边草蛉属Brinckochrysa Tieder 5个种类(包括1新种):桂边草蛉Brinckochrysa guiana sp.nov,琼边草蛉B.qwngana Yang,莲座边草蛉B.rosulataYang et Yang,膨板边草蛉B.turgida(Yang et Wang,1990)和秉氏边草蛉B.zina(Navas,1933),新种有详细的形态学描述、插图、种名词源以及与其近似种的区别.所有模式标本保存于中国农业大学标本馆.桂边草蛉,新种Brinckochrysa guianasp.nov.正模♂,广西临桂县,150 m,1963-04-29,杨集昆采.  相似文献   

内蒙古地处我国北部边疆,全境以高原为主,西部为戈壁沙漠,东部为宽阔草原,绝大多数地区属于温带大陆性气候;动物地理区划属于古北区中亚细亚区的内蒙河西干草原区。该区现已知草蛉3属16种(包括本文所记述的5新种和2新记录种),其分布特点是以狭义的草蛉属Chrysopa为主,而且以广布于华北地区的叶色草蛉Chrysopaphyllochroma Wesmeal为代表种,新种的模式标本分别保存在中国科学院动物研究所及北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了中国意草蛉属2新种:晕翅意草蛉Italochrysa psaroala sp.nov.和黄意草蛉Italochrysa xanthosoma sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆(IZCAS)和中国农业大学昆虫标本馆(CAU)。  相似文献   

我国侏罗纪脉翅目化石一新属一新种(脉翅目:蚁蛉总科)   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
描述脉翅目化石一新属一新种,精细华蛉Siniphes delicatus gen.et sp.nov.,标本采自辽宁省北票市晚侏罗世义县组地层中。讨论了华蛉属的科级分类问题。新属可归于蚁蛉总科,但科级位置不能确定。模式标本保存在首都师范大学生物系。  相似文献   

中国东北晚侏罗世脉翅目化石新属新种记述(昆虫纲)   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
本文描述晚侏罗世脉翅目昆虫5新属,9新种,所有标本均采于辽宁省北票市义县组地层中。  相似文献   

Understanding evolution of geographic variation in sexually dimorphic traits is critical for understanding the role that sexual selection may play in speciation. We performed a phylogenetic analysis of geographic variation in sexual dichromatism in the Yarrow's spiny lizard (Sceloporus jarrovii), a taxon that exhibits remarkable diversity in male coloration among populations (e.g., black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown). An mtDNA phylogeny based on approximately 880 bp from the 12S ribosomal RNA gene and 890 bp from the ND4 gene was reconstructed for 30 populations of S. jarrovii and eight other species of the torquatus species group using maximum-likelihood and parsimony methods. The phylogeny suggests that S. jarrovii consists of at least five evolutionary species, none of which are sister taxa. Although intraspecific diversity in male coloration is less than indicated by previous taxonomy, two species formerly referred to as S. jarrovii exhibit impressive geographic variation in sexual dichromatism. In one of these species, the phylogeny shows the independent evolution of a distinctive blue color morph in different parts of the species range. This pattern suggests that sexual selection may lead to striking phenotypic divergence among conspecific populations and striking convergence. Results also demonstrate the importance of a phylogenetic perspective in studies of evolutionary processes within nominal species and the problematic nature of “polytypic” species recognized under the biological species concept.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Remarkable new fossil taxa of Neuroptera from the laminated limestone of the Crato Formation, north-east Brazil, are described: Nuddsia longiantennata gen. et sp. nov. (Osmylidae, Gumillinae), the first fossil record of this family from South America, Parapalaeoleon magnus gen. et sp. nov. (Palaeoleontidae), and Triangulochrysopa formosa sp. nov. (Mesochrysopidae). A diagnosis of Gumillinae is provided; Epiosmylidae is considered to be a synonym of this subfamily. A revised diagnosis of Palaeoleontidae is provided, based on a new interpretation of venational characters evident on the exceptionally well-preserved specimen of P. magnus ; vein homologies are determined and the fusion of MP and CuA is discussed. The genus Triangulochrysopa has been known previously only from the Lower Cretaceous of Las Hoyas, Spain.  相似文献   

The lizard genus Sceloporus contains both oviparous and viviparous species. The scalaris complex is the only monophyletic group within the genus that includes both reproductive modes, thus it is particularly well suited for studies of the evolution of viviparity. Approximately 874 nucleotides of mtDNA sequence data, collected from 38 specimens, comprising 25 populations of all five recognized species within the group, were used in a phylogenetic analysis of the origin of viviparity. Viviparity appears to have evolved twice in this group: once in S. goldmani, included in a clade formed by a northern group consisting of S. scalaris, S. chaneyi, and S. goldmani, and one more time in S. bicanthalis, included in the southern group formed by S. bicanthalis and S. aeneus. An oviparous population of S. bicanthalis nested within that viviparous clade, indicates that reversal from viviparity to oviparity may be possible. Degree of sequence divergence among several S. bicanthalis individuals pertaining to a population in which both parity modes occur, was no larger between oviparous and viviparous lizards than among viviparous lizards. This suggests that this population is a single species, and it may represent a transition from oviparity to viviparity or vice-versa.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of morphologically simple algae is problematic due to insufficient morphological characters to aid in distinguishing species and relationships. The problem is further compounded because multiple evolutionary lineages of morphologically similar species occur in most well‐sampled biogeographic locations; therefore, location cannot be used as a proxy for species. The phylogeny of the upright members of the Erythropeltidales is partially clarified by combining molecular data, unialgal culture observations, and worldwide sampling. Our results show that there are several well‐supported lineages within the Erythropeltidales with only two morphologically recognizable taxa at present. The first is the genus Porphyrostromium, with a well‐developed basal crust, which includes two Erythrotrichia species (Porphyrostromium ligulatum comb. nov. and Porphyrostromium pulvinatum comb. nov.). The second is the branched species Erythrotrichia welwitschii (Rupr.) Batters. There are also six strongly supported Erythrotrichia carnea–like lineages. While not completely satisfactory, we propose that one lineage (lineage 2) with samples close to the type locality be designated as E. carnea with a specific isolate as an epitype. The lack of morphology to differentiate the other lineages leads to a taxonomy based solely on gene sequencing and molecular phylogeny, with rbcL sequences differentiating the lineages proposed. We hold off on proposing more species and genera until more data and samples can be gathered.  相似文献   

The shrews of the Sorex araneus group have undergone a spectacular chromosome evolution. The karyotype of Sorex granarius is generally considered ancestral to those of Sorex coronatus and S. araneus. However, a sequence of 777 base pairs of the cytochrome b gene of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) produces a quite different picture: S. granarius is closely related to the populations of S. araneus from the Pyrenees and from the northwestern Alps, whereas S. coronatus and S. araneus from Italy and the southern Alps represent two well-separated lineages. It is suggested that mtDNA and chromosomal evolution are in this case largely independant processes. Whereas mtDNA haplotypes are closely linked to the geographical history of the populations, chromosomal mutations were probably transmitted from one population to another. Available data suggest that the impressive chromosome polymorphism of this group is quite a recent phenomenon.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the family Rivulidae (order Cyprinodontiformes) are investigated using 1972 aligned base pairs of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) for samples representing 66 species. Genes analyzed include those encoding the 12S ribosomal RNA; transfer RNAs for valine, glutamine, methionine, tryptophan, alanine, asparagine, cysteine, and tyrosine; complete NADH dehydrogenase subunit II; and part of cytochrome oxidase I. Parsimony analysis of the aligned mtDNA sequences results in a single most parsimonious tree. The phylogeny reveals two independent origins of developmental diapause within the family Rivulidae. It is unlikely that diapause evolved de novo in each group, suggesting that the presence or absence of diapause is the result of developmental switches between alternative stabilized pathways. Phylogeny of the family Rivulidae shows high concordance with predictions derived from the geological history of South America and Central America. Basal lineages in the rivulid phylogeny are distributed primarily on geologically old areas, whereas more nested lineages occur in geologically younger areas. However, there is little concordance between the molecular phylogeny and currently available morphological hypotheses and existing taxonomies. Based on the mtDNA phylogeny, the genera Pterolebias, Rivulus, Pituna, and Plesiolebias are considered nonmonophyletic and warrant taxonomic reassessment.  相似文献   

A new term, agastoparasitism, is proposed for parasitism among closely related species. Cynipid inquilines are typical agastoparasites. They cannot induce galls; instead their larvae live inside the galls formed by other cynipids. As in many other groups of agastoparasites, there are two competing hypotheses for the evolutionary origin of cynipid inquilines: either they arose from one of their cynipid hosts, and later radiated to exploit other gall-inducing cynipids (monophyletic origin), or they arose repeatedly, each inquiline from its host (polyphyletic origin). These hypotheses for the origin of cynipid inquilines were tested by a phylogenetic analysis of representative species of cynipid gall inducers and inquilines based on adult morphological characters. The analysis supported the monophyly of the inquilines and indicated an origin from gall inducers related to the genus Diastrophus, one of the current host groups. To examine whether the result of the analysis was influenced by convergent similarities among inquilines because of their similar mode of life, all putative apomorphies shared by some or all of the inquilines but not occurring in any of the gall inducers were removed. Despite this, the phylogenetic conclusions essentially remained the same, that is, the support for inquiline monophyly was not caused by convergent evolution. Based on these results, adaptive aspects of the evolutionary origin and maintenance of cynipid inquilinism are discussed, as well as general patterns in the evolution of agastoparasitism.  相似文献   

We performed a phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA variation among seven sympatric pairs of dwarf and normal morphotypes of whitefish from northern Québec and the St. John River drainage to address three questions relevant to understanding their radiation. Are all sympatric pairs reproductively isolated? Do phylogenetic analyses confirm that sympatric whitefish morphotypes found in eastern North America represent the outcome of polyphyletic evolutionary events? If so, did all sympatric pairs from the St. John River drainage originate from the same scenario of allopatric divergence and secondary contact? The hypothesis of genetic differentiation was supported for all sympatric pairs from the St. John River drainage, whereas lack of mtDNA diversity precluded any test of reproductive isolation for northern Québec populations. Patterns of mtDNA variation confirmed that dwarf and normal morphotypes evolved in parallel among independent, yet closely related, lineages, thus providing indirect evidence for the role of natural selection in promoting phenotypic radiation in whitefish. Patterns of mtDNA diversity among sympatric pairs of the St. John River indicated a complex picture of whitefish evolution that implied sympatric divergence and multiple allopatric divergence/secondary contact events on a small geographic scale. These results suggests that ecological opportunities, namely trophic niche availability, may promote population divergence in whitefish.  相似文献   

本文报导粉蛉亚科Coniopteryginae中国2新记录属;匣粉蛉属ThecosemidalisMeinander和半粉蛉属HemisemidalisMeinander及2新种:杨氏匣粉蛉T.yangiLiu和中华半粉蛉H.sineasisLiu。模式标本保存于北京农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

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