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大量的证据表明,间充质干细胞(MSC)可以通过旁分泌或自分泌发挥治疗作用,其疗效与血管生成、免疫调节及细胞凋亡有关。MSC分泌组即MSC所分泌的生物活性分子的总和,包括细胞因子、趋化因子和生长因子等多种活性成分,对损伤组织的修复、再生及功能恢复等许多生理过程具有调控作用。在创伤治疗领域,基于MSC分泌组研制的制剂极有可能成为替代MSC治疗的新疗法。  相似文献   

Skin is a comparatively accessible organ possessing many conserved regulatory and signaling pathways, drawing researchers from varied fields toward its study. Hair follicle (HF) biology in particular has expanded rapidly over the preceding decade, helping to shape and develop scientific knowledge across diverse areas of biomedical research, beyond the skin. The hope in compiling this review is to inspire more researchers to utilize the HF as an instructive biological model, bringing with them fresh perspectives and experience from differing fields of study. The authors also wish to further motivate seasoned hair researchers to explore the further reaches of their understanding and the discoveries yet to be made. For this reason, the authors have endeavored to collate an eclectic mix of some of the most thought-provoking and scientifically intriguing articles associated with the field of HF research, published in the preceding two years.  相似文献   

The density of skin melanophores in many teleost fish decreases during long‐term adaptation to a white background. Using the medaka, Oryzias latipes, we previously reported that apoptosis is responsible for the decrease in melanophores, and that a sympathetic neurotransmitter, norepinephrine (NE), induces their apoptosis in skin tissue cultures. In this study, we show that NE‐induced apoptosis of melanophores is mediated by the activation of α2‐adrenoceptors. Clonidine, an α2‐adrenoceptor agonist, induced apoptotic melanophore death in skin organ culture, while phenylephrine, an α1‐adrenoceptor agonist, had no effect. NE‐induced apoptosis was diminished by an α2‐adrenoceptor antagonist, yohimbine, but an α1‐adrenoceptor antagonist, prazosin, did not abrogate the effect of NE. Furthermore, forskolin inhibited NE‐induced apoptosis, while an inhibitor of PKA, H‐89, mimicked the effect of NE. These results suggest that NE induces apoptosis in melanophores by attenuating cAMP‐PKA signaling via α2‐adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from somatic cells using defined factors has potential relevant applications in regenerative medicine and biology. However, this promising technology remains inefficient and time consuming. We have devised a serum free culture medium termed iSF1 that facilitates the generation of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells. This optimization of the culture medium is sensitive to the presence of Myc in the reprogramming factors. Moreover, we could reprogram meningeal cells using only two factors Oct4/Klf4. Therefore, iSF1 represents a basal medium that may be used for mechanistic studies and testing new reprogramming approaches.  相似文献   

The Light mutation (Blt) is a dominant allele of the b-locus on mouse chromosome 4 which causes progressive dilution of coat colour. Melanocytes within the hair follicles of mutant mice develop normally but later degenerate, due to the accumulation of a toxic product, so that the hair becomes lighter with age. Previous studies on W-locus spotting mutants, from which melanocytes are absent, have shown that melanocytes in the stria vascularis of the inner ear are essential for the development and/or maintenance of the endocochlear potential (EP) which is normally around 100 mV. In this study, physiological recordings from the ears of Light mutants were correlated with strial ultrastructure. EPs recorded from all b/b controls and young homozygous and heterozygous mutants (20–22 days old) were normal (77 to 113 mV), but were reduced (19 to 59 mV) in about 30% of ears from older mutants (Blt/Blt and Blt/b). Strial function therefore appears to develop normally but later degenerates in some mutants. This suggests that strial melanocytes are affected by the Light allele and that the continued presence of melanocytes is necessary for strial function. There was no obvious association between the recorded EP value and the ultrastructural appearance of the stria. No structural abnormalities of the stria were noted in control or mutant mice aged 20 days to 4 months including those which had a reduced EP. Strial atrophy was common in old controls and mutants (1–2 years), and appeared to be an age-related process rather than an effect of the Light mutation. Similarly, pigment build-up was common in all strial cells of old mice. However, the accumulations of lipofuscin-like pigment were much larger and more abundant in aged brown non-agouti mice than those observed in old agouti mice, which suggests that this age-related process also has a genetic component.  相似文献   

Skin is a highly heterogeneous tissue. Intra-dermal structures include hair follicles, arrector pili muscles, epidermal specializations (such as Merkel cell clusters), sebaceous glands, nerves and nerve endings, and capillaries. The spatial arrangement of these structures is tightly controlled on a microscopic scale - as seen, for example, in the orderly arrangement of cell types within a single hair follicle - and on a macroscopic scale - as seen by the nearly identical orientations of thousands of hair follicles within a local region of skin. Visualizing these structures without physically sectioning the skin is possible because of the 2-dimensional geometry of this organ. In this protocol, we show that mouse skin can be dissected, fixed, permeabilized, stained, and clarified as an intact two dimensional object, a flat mount. The protocol allows for easy visualization of skin structures in their entirety through the full thickness of large areas of skin by optical sectioning and reconstruction. Images of these structures can also be integrated with information about position and orientation relative to the body axes.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that during development, neurons are usually produced in excess. Cell death occurs in the developing nervous system. The survival of the developing neurons depends on many factors derived from the target sites, of which the neuronal trophic factors are by far the best known. Stem cell factor (SCF) and its receptor, c-kit, is expressed in cells of nervous system during development and adulthood. Although the role of SCF/c-kit in the nervous system is so far not clear, in vitro studies indicate that SCF/c-kit is trophic to certain neurons derived from neural crest and cerebral cortex. In this study the effects of anti-c-kit antibody on cell death in the newborn chick cerebral cortex have been investigated. Injection of anti-c-kit antibody into the cisterna magnum increased the number of cell death and resulted in thinning of the cerebral cortex as compared to that from the control group. It is concluded that SCF/c-kit is essential for cortical progenitor cell survival in the cerebral cortex. Moreover, this method may be applied to the other factors and different CNS regions, allowing identification of factors involved in cell death. It additionally re-emphasizes the importance of further investigations into the potential roles of SCF/c-kit signaling in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF) is essential to the migration and differentiation of melanocytes during embryogenesis because mutations in either the SCF gene, or its ligand, KIT, result in defects in coat pigmentation in mice. Using a neural crest cell (NCC) primary culture system from wild‐type mice, we previously demonstrated that KIT‐positive and/or L ‐3, 4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)‐positive melanocyte precursors proliferate following the addition of SCF to the culture medium. Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are considered to play a role in the migration and differentiation of various cells including melanocytes. We cultured mouse NCCs in the presence of SCF in individual wells coated with ECM; fibronectin (FN), collagen I (CLI), chondroitin sulphate, or dermatan sulphate. More KIT‐positive cells and DOPA‐positive cells were detected in the presence of SCF on ECM‐coated wells than on non‐coated wells. A statistically significant increase in DOPA‐positive cells was evident in FN and CLI wells. In contrast, in the absence of SCF, few DOPA‐positive cells and KIT‐positive cells were detected on either the ECM‐coated or non‐coated wells. We concluded that ECM affect melanocyte proliferation and development in the presence of SCF. To determine the key site of FN function, RGDS peptides in the FN sequence, which supports spreading of NCCs, were added to the NCC culture. The number of DOPA‐positive cells decreased with RGDS concentration in a dose‐dependent fashion. Immunohistochemical staining revealed the presence of integrin a5, a receptor of RGDS, in NCCs. These results suggest the RGDS domain of FN plays a contributory role as an active site in the induction of FN function in NCCs. In addition, we examined the effect of FN with SCF on the NCC migration by measuring cluster size, and found an increase in size following treatment with FN.  相似文献   

The African Spiny Mouse (Acomys spp.) is a unique outbred mammal capable of full, scar-free skin regeneration. In vivo, we have observed rapid reepithelialization and deposition of normal dermis in Acomys after wounding. Acomys skin also has a lower modulus and lower elastic energy storage than normal lab mice, Mus musculus. To see if the different in vivo mechanical microenvironments retained an effect on dermal cells and contributed to regenerative behavior, we examined isolated keratinocytes in response to physical wounding and fibroblasts in response to varying substrate stiffness. Classic mechanobiology paradigms suggest stiffer substrates will promote myofibroblast activation, but we do not see this in Acomys dermal fibroblasts (DFs). Though Mus DFs increase organization of α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA)-positive stress fibers as substrate stiffness increases, Acomys DFs assemble very few αSMA-positive stress fibers upon changes in substrate stiffness. Acomys DFs generate lower traction forces than Mus DFs on pliable surfaces, and Acomys DFs produce and modify matrix proteins differently than Mus in 2D and 3D culture systems. In contrast to Acomys DFs “relaxed” behavior, we found that freshly isolated Acomys keratinocytes retain the ability to close wounds faster than Mus in an in vitro scratch assay. Taken together, these preliminary observations suggest that Acomys dermal cells retain unique biophysical properties in vitro that may reflect their altered in vivo mechanical microenvironment and may promote scar-free wound healing.  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine therapies will allow in the future the transplant of cells of human origin in some diseases that until now have been incurable. The assurance of the safety and quality, especially from a microbiological point of view, is very important for these therapeutic products. Depending on the starting material, there are several sources of pathogen presence, mainly human viruses. Also, the use of feeders of animal origin as layers in which the stem cells can grow may permit the transmission of animal pathogens to these cells. However, cell sources are limited due to the low availability of spare in vitro fecundation human embryos and the low rate of success in the derivation of human stem cell lines. Thus, in several cases, it will be necessary to evaluate the possibility of removing or inactivating these microorganisms. In this paper, we summarize the main methods of viral clearance and we have provided an overview of the main features taking into account in the viral clearance techniques.  相似文献   

We have used in vitro scratch assays to examine the relative contribution of dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes in the wound repair process and to test the influence of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) secreted factors on both skin cell types. Scratch assays were established using single cell and co-cultures of L929 fibroblasts and HaCaT keratinocytes, with wound closure monitored via time-lapse microscopy. Both in serum supplemented and serum free conditions, wound closure was faster in L929 fibroblast than HaCaT keratinocyte scratch assays, and in co-culture the L929 fibroblasts lead the way in closing the scratches. MSC-CM generated under serum free conditions significantly enhanced the wound closure rate of both skin cell types separately and in co-culture, whereas conditioned medium from L929 or HaCaT cultures had no significant effect. This enhancement of wound closure in the presence of MSC-CM was due to accelerated cell migration rather than increased cell proliferation. A number of wound healing mediators were identified in MSC-CM, including TGF-β1, the chemokines IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1 and RANTES, and collagen type I, fibronectin, SPARC and IGFBP-7. This study suggests that the trophic activity of MSC may play a role in skin wound closure by affecting both dermal fibroblast and keratinocyte migration, along with a contribution to the formation of extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Feather melanocytes in the Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR) and White Leghorn (WL) chickens die prematurely in vivo when compared to the wild type Jungle Fowl (JF) chicken. Since these mutant melanocytes live in vitro, an environmental factor in the feather must precipitate their death. Results show that the addition of selected antioxidants, glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), can rescue these mutant melanocytes in vitro that have been placed under stress conditions that cause their premature cell death. Measurements of in vivo levels of GSH, catalase, and SOD show no significant difference in catalase activity between the JF, BPR, and WL feathers but do show a significant reduction in GSH activity in both the BPR and WL feathers to approximately 66% of the GSH concentration found in JF feathers. SOD activity in the BPR tissue is reduced significantly to approximately 50% of the JF activity and the WL SOD activity is reduced significantly to approximately 50% of the BPR SOD activity. Preliminary results of measurements of glutathione peroxidase activity indicate there is no difference in the levels of this enzyme in JF, BPR and WL feathers. A working hypothesis, based on current results, is proposed for premature cell death in BPR and WL feather melanocytes. The BPR melanocytes are genetically sensitive due to a defect in their SOD and GSH levels caused by the barring gene (B) and their death, due to reactive species of oxygen radicals, is precipitated in the poorly vascularized feather by the accumulation of oxygen radicals due to the low turnover of tissue fluids. The WL chicken carries the dominant white gene (I) in addition to the B gene. This gene directs the further reduction of the level of SOD and, when combined with the cell death mechanism already present in the BPR chicken, causes the WL feather melanocytes to die much earlier than the BPR feather melanocytes which in turn die much earlier than the wild type JF melanocytes. This same mechanistic hypothesis could apply as a cause of premature melanocyte cell death in human vitiligo wherein the vitiliginous melanocytes may have a genetic defect in their oxygen radical protection system.  相似文献   

自噬在细胞存活和死亡中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自噬是亚细胞膜结构发生动态变化并经溶酶体介导对细胞内蛋白质和细胞器降解的过程.通过平衡细胞合成和分解代谢,自噬稳定细胞内环境,维持细胞的存活.然而,过度自噬可导致细胞发生Ⅱ型程序性细胞死亡.自噬与凋亡在细胞死亡过程中的关系十分密切.本文对自噬的过程及其在细胞存活和死亡中的作用作一综述.  相似文献   

Leading edge cells, which are located at the forefront of a wound margin, play a significant role in coordinating the wound healing process. In this study, leading edge cells of the urothelial explant outgrowth, resembling leading edge cells during urothelial full-thickness wound healing in vivo, were analyzed for expression and distribution of junction and differentiation-related proteins. Ultrastructural and immunofluorescence studies revealed that urothelial cells at the leading edge expressed ZO-1, claudin-4, occludin, E-cadherin, cytokeratin 7 and cytokeratin 20, while no expression of claudin-8 was noted. ZO-1, claudin-4, occludin and E-cadherin were localized along the cell membranes where neighbouring leading edge cells were in contact. Cytokeratin 7 was detected as filaments and cytokeratin 20 as small dots and sparse filaments. In conclusion, we detected early expression of ZO-1, claudin-4 and occludin at the urothelial leading edge, predicating the later formation of tight junctions as a necessary stage for the differentiation process that subsequently begins. The expression of occludin and cytokeratin 20 in urothelial cells at the leading edge suggests that leading edge cells may develop into fully differentiated superficial cells.  相似文献   

Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) are known to acquire genomic changes as they proliferate and differentiate. Despite concerns that these changes will compromise the safety of hPSC-derived cell therapy, there is currently scant evidence linking the known hPSC genomic abnormalities with malignancy. For the successful use of hPSCs for clinical applications, we will need to learn to distinguish between innocuous genomic aberrations and those that may cause tumors. To minimize any effects of acquired mutations on cell therapy, we strongly recommend that cells destined for transplant be monitored throughout their preparation using a high-resolution method such as SNP genotyping.  相似文献   

To determine whether or not the erythrophore originates from xanthophores in the dorsal skin of the brown frog, Rana ornativentris, we morphologically examined the differentiation and migration of the two chromatophore types and their pigmentary organelle formation. At an early tadpole stage, three kinds of chromatophores, xanthophores, iridophores, and melanophores, appeared in the subdermis, whereas the erythrophore did so just before the foreleg protrusion stage. By the middle of metamorphosis, most chromatophores other than erythrophores had migrated to the subepidermal space. Erythrophores, which appeared late in the subdermis, proliferated actively there during metamorphosis and finished moving into the subepidermal space by the completion of metamorphosis. Carotenoid vesicles and pterinosomes within the erythrophores and xanthophores showed several significant differences in structure. In xanthophores, carotenoid vesicles were abundant throughout life, whereas those in erythrophores decreased in number with the growth of the frogs. The fibrous materials contained in the pterinosomes were initially scattered but soon formed a concentric lamellar structure. In erythrophores, the lamellar structure began to form at the periphery of the organelles but at the center in xanthophores. In addition, the pterinosomes of erythrophores were uniform in size throughout development, while those of xanthophores showed a tendency to become smaller after metamorphosis. The pterinosomes of xanthophores were significantly larger than those of erythrophores. These findings suggest that an erythrophore is not a transformed xanthophore, although they resemble each other closely in many respects.  相似文献   

A general principle of the maintenance of malignant growth in all types of tumors has been formulated. According to this principle, stochastic but continuous death of some tumor cells due to the inherent genetic instability of their genome (fragility of chromosomes) is the main event stimulating tumor growth. The dead cells trigger a complex multicomponent process of wound healing expressed as further proliferation of living tumor cells, angiogenesis, stimulation of cell migration, and other events. Stimulation of the proliferation of living cells leads to further death of cells and, as a result, to further stimulation of the system of wound healing, etc. Thus, the tumor sacrifices a small amount of the dying cells to stimulate the proliferation of all of its other cells. It is proposed that the nature of the genetic instability of malignant cells is related to the appearance of an uninemic structure in some regions of chromosomes, in whole chromosomes, or in whole genomes. The author bases his statements on the binemic structure of chromosomes, which has already been experimentally and theoretically substantiated. Uninemic regions have an exceedingly high frequency of spontaneous chromosome aberrations, due to blockage of the mechanism of underlying repair of the DNA double break in the absence of a second DNA copy. Possible approaches to a search for more efficient methods of therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

A novel dissection and recording technique is described for optical monitoring staining and de-staining of lanceolate terminals surrounding hair follicles in the skin of the mouse pinna. The preparation is simple and relatively fast, reliably yielding extensive regions of multiple labeled units of living nerve terminals to study uptake and release of styryl pyridinium dyes extensively used in studies of vesicle recycling. Subdividing the preparations before labeling allows test vs. control comparisons in the same ear from a single individual. Helpful tips are given for improving the quality of the preparation, the labeling and the imaging parameters. This new system is suitable for assaying pharmacologically and mechanically-induced uptake and release of these vital dyes in lanceolate terminals in both wild-type and genetically modified animals. Examples of modulatory influences on labeling intensity are given.  相似文献   

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