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Three geographically widely separated populations of the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) have been examined for morphological divergence, divergence in characteristics of the acoustic sexual signals of males, and assortative mating. Significant assortative mating existed between two of the three pairwise combinations of populations in multiple-choice tests. This may be caused by divergence in three of the four acoustic signal parameters measured. The populations also differed in morphology, including characters associated with signal production. The results are discussed in relation to theories for the origin of premating isolation, and it is argued that the observed divergence has developed rapidly, possibly indicating the action of selection. However, this selection could not have been caused by interactions with closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Models predict that sympatric speciation depends on restrictive parameter ranges, such as sufficiently strong disruptive selection and assortative mating, but compelling examples in nature have rarely been used to test these predictions. I measured the strength of assortative mating within a species complex of Tilapia in Lake Ejagham, Cameroon, a celebrated example of incipient sympatric adaptive radiation. This species complex is in the earliest stages of speciation: morphological and ecological divergence are incomplete, species differ primarily in breeding coloration, and introgression is common. I captured 27 mated pairs in situ and measured the diet, color, size, and morphology of each individual. I found strong assortative mating by color, size, head depth, and dietary source of benthic or pelagic prey along two independent dimensions of assortment. Thus, Ejagham Tilapia showed strong assortative mating most conducive to sympatric speciation. Nonetheless, in contrast to a morphologically bimodal Sarotherodon cichlid species pair in the lake, Ejagham Tilapia show more limited progress toward speciation, likely due to insufficient strength of disruptive selection on morphology estimated in a previous study (γ = 0.16). This supports the predicted dependence of sympatric speciation on strong assortment and strong disruptive selection by examining a potentially stalled example in nature.  相似文献   

A model is used to study quantitatively the impact of a good genes process and direct natural selection on the evolution of a mating preference. The expression of a male display trait is proportional to genetic quality, which is determined by the number of deleterious mutations a male carries throughout his genome. Genetic variances and covariances, including the covariance between the preference and male trait that drives the good genes process, are allowed to evolve under an infinitesimal model. Results suggest that the good genes process generates only weak indirect selection on preferences, with an effective selection intensity of a few percent or less. If preferences are subject to direct natural selection of the intensity observed for other characters, the good genes process alone is not expected to exaggerate the male trait by more than a few phenotypic standard deviations, contrary to what is observed in highly sexually selected species. Good genes can, however, cause substantial exaggeration if preference genes are nearly selectively neutral. Alternatively, direct selection on preference genes, acting on mating behavior itself or on the genes' pleiotropic effects, can cause mating preferences and male display traits to be exaggerated by any degree. Direct selection of preference genes may therefore play an important role in species that show extreme sexual selection.  相似文献   

植物交酸系统的进化、资源分配对策与遗传多样性   总被引:27,自引:10,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
影响植物自交率进化的选择力量主要体现在两个方面:当外来花粉量不足时,自交可以提高植物的结实率,即雌性适合度(繁殖保障);而如果进行自交的花粉比异交花粉更易获得使胚珠受精的机会,那么自交也可以提高植物的雄性适合度(自动选择优势)。但是,鉴别什么时候是繁殖保障、什么时候是自动选择优势导致了自交的进化却是极其困难的。花粉贴现降低了自交植物通过异交花粉途径获得的适合度,即减弱了自动选择优势,而近交衰退既减少了自动选择优势也减少了繁残给自交者带来的利益。具有不同交配系统的植物种群将具有不同的资源分配对策。理论研究已经说明,自交率增加将减少植物对雄性功能的资源分配比例,但将使繁殖分配加大,而且在一定条件下交配系统在改变甚至可以导致植物生活史发生剧烈变化,即从多年生变为一年生。文献中支持自交减少植物雄性投入的证据有很多,但是对繁殖分配与自交率的关系目前还没有系统的研究,资源分配理论可以解释植物繁育系统的多样性,尤其是能够3说明为什么大多数植物都是雌雄同体的,自交对植物种群遗传结构的影响是减少种群内的遗传变异,增加种群间的遗传分化,长期以来人们一直猜测,自交者可能会丢掉一些长期进化的潜能,目前这个假说得到了一些支持。  相似文献   

植物交配系统的进化、资源分配对策与遗传多样性   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
影响植物自交率进化的选择力量主要体现在两个方面:当外来花粉量不足时,自交可以提高植物的结实率,即雌性适合度(繁殖保障);而如果进行自交的花粉比异交花粉更易获得使胚珠受精的机会,那么自交也可以提高植物的雄性适合度(自动选择优势)。但是,鉴别什么时候是繁殖保障、什么时候是自动选择优势导致了自交的进化却是极其困难的。花粉贴现降低了自交植物通过异交花粉途径获得的适合度,即减弱了自动选择优势,而近交衰退既减少了自动选择优势也减少了繁殖保障给自交者带来的利益。具有不同交配系统的植物种群将具有不同的资源分配对策。理论研究已经说明,自交率增加将减少植物对雄性功能的资源分配比例,但将使繁殖分配加大,而且在一定条件下交配系统的改变甚至可以导致植物生活史发生剧烈变化,即从多年生变为一年生。文献中支持自交减少植物雄性投入的证据有很多,但是对繁殖分配与自交率的关系目前还没有系统的研究。资源分配理论可以解释植物繁育系统的多样性,尤其是能够说明为什么大多数植物都是雌雄同体的。自交对植物种群遗传结构的影响是减少种群内的遗传变异,增加种群间的遗传分化。长期以来人们一直猜测,自交者可能会丢掉一些长期进化的潜能,目前这个假说得到了一些支持。  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory largely rests on the assumption that populations contain individual variation in mating preferences and that individuals are consistent in their preferences. However, there are few empirical studies of within-population variation and even fewer have examined individual male mating preferences. Here, we studied a color polymorphic population of the Lake Victoria cichlid fish Neochromis omnicaeruleus , a species in which color morphs are associated with different sex-determining factors. Wild-caught males were tested in three-way choice trials with multiple combinations of different females belonging to the three color morphs. Compositional log-ratio techniques were applied to analyze individual male mating preferences. Large individual variation in consistency, strength, and direction of male mating preferences for female color morphs was found and hierarchical clustering of the compositional data revealed the presence of four distinct preference groups corresponding to the three color morphs in addition to a no-preference class. Consistency of individual male mating preferences was higher in males with strongest preferences. We discuss the implications of these findings for our understanding of the mechanisms underlying polymorphism in mating preferences.  相似文献   

Through a series of replacement experiments with the bluehead wrasse, Thalassoma bifasciatum, we have identified male morphological characteristics that appear to be under phenotypic sexual selection. We were particularly interested in whether the various sources of sexual selection (male-male competition for unoccupied mating sites, defense of mating sites against small males, and female choice of males) were (1) independently associated with different phenotypic characteristics; (2) jointly affected the same characteristic in the same way; or (3) jointly affected the same characteristic in an antagonistic fashion. We replaced the resident large, brightly colored Terminal Phase (TP) males on a reef with the same number of TP males from other reefs. When transplanted, these males contest with each other to take over mating sites. The transplanted group of males were then scored for three components of fitness: (1) the quality of the site obtained through competition with other large males; (2) the male's ability to defend arriving females from small intruding males; and (3) changes in female visits to the site once the new male takes over. The first and second components are part of intrasexual selection; the third represents intersexual selection. We measured the opportunity for selection by partitioning variance in mating success, and measured the direct effects of sexual selection by estimating the covariance between morphology and fitness components. Opportunities for selection: Because females generally remain faithful to particular mating sites, most (54%) of the explainable variation in male mating success is due to the acquisition of a particular mating territory, which is the outcome of competition among TP males. There was less variation in mating success due to shifts in site use by females and defense of females against the intrusions of smaller males, but all components were significant. Effects of selection: Success in male–male competition among TP males, estimated by the quality of the territory acquired, was positively associated with body length and the relative length of the pectoral fin. Success in territorial defense against small males was primarily related to body length, with lesser contributions from body depth and the area of a white band on the flank. Contribution to fitness through female choice of males was positively associated with white band area. In the two instances where a character was associated with two fitness components, the direction of selection was the same. While body length was positively associated with winning intrasexual contests, it was not correlated to any behavioral measures of aggression. Similarly, the white band associated with attractiveness was not correlated with any aspect of courtship or aggression. Parasite load was uncorrelated with other morphological characters, and did not appear to affect any aspect of sexual selection. There was no evidence for stabilizing selection or significant additional contributions from second-order effects to the fitness surfaces. Fitness functions calculated using cubic splines were generally linear except for body length, which appeared sigmoid in its effect on site acquisition ability; this same feature tended to plateau in its effect on site defense. Analyses of the interactions of selection gradients with reef or experiment indicated that the effect of particular male characters on estimates of fitness was generally homogeneous in both time and space.  相似文献   

Many species show substantial between‐individual variation in mating preferences, but studying the causes of such variation remains a challenge. For example, the relative importance of heritable variation versus shared early environment effects (like sexual imprinting) on mating preferences has never been quantified in a population of animals. Here, we estimate the heritability of and early rearing effects on mate choice decisions in zebra finches based on the similarity of choices between pairs of genetic sisters raised apart and pairs of unrelated foster sisters. We found a low and nonsignificant heritability of preferences and no significant shared early rearing effects. A literature review shows that a low heritability of preferences is rather typical, whereas empirical tests for the relevance of sexual imprinting within populations are currently limited to very few studies. Although effects on preference functions (i.e., which male to prefer) were weak, we found strong individual consistency in choice behavior and part of this variation was heritable. It seems likely that variation in choice behavior (choosiness, responsiveness, sampling behavior) would produce patterns of nonrandom mating and this might be the more important source of between‐individual differences in mating patterns.  相似文献   

Premating isolation between incipient species is rarely studied in nature, even though mating tests in captivity may give an inaccurate picture of natural hybridization. We studied premating barriers between the warningly colored butterflies Heliconius erato and H. himera (Lepidoptera) in a narrow contact zone in Ecuador, where hybrids are found at low frequency. Eggs obtained from wild-mated females, supplemented with eggs and young larvae collected from the wild, were reared to adulthood. Adult color patterns of these progeny were then used to infer how their parents must have mated. Likelihood was used to estimate both the frequencies of potential parental genotypes from adult phenotypes collected in the wild, and the degree of assortative mating from the inferred parents. The frequencies of parental genotypes varied across the hybrid zone, but our statistical method allowed estimates of hybrid deficit and assortative mating to be integrated across all sites sampled. The best estimate of the frequency of F1 and backcross hybrid adults in the center of the hybrid zone was 10%, with support limits (7.1%, 13.0%; support limits are asymptotically equivalent to 95% confidence limits). Mating was highly assortative: in the center of the hybrid zone the cross-mating probability between H. erato and H. himera was only 5% (0.3%, 21.4%). Wild hybrids themselves mated with both pure forms, and the probabilities that they mated in any direction were not significantly lower than those among conspecifics. These results are consistent with earlier laboratory studies on mate choice, and suggest that selection against hybrids must be strong to prevent formation of a hybrid swarm. Unfortunately, the wide support limits on mating behavior precluded a measure of the strength of selection from these data alone. Our statistical approach provides a useful general method for estimating mate choice in the wild.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is measured as a phenotypic or genotypic correlation between mates. Although biologists typically view assortative mating in terms of mate preference for similar partners, correlations between mates can also arise from phenotypic spatial structure arising from spatial isolation or habitat preferences. Here, we test whether diet‐assortative mating within an ecologically variable population of threespine stickleback results from small‐scale geographic isolation or microhabitat preference. We find evidence for assortative mating in the form of a positive correlation between mated pairs’ diets (measured using stable isotopes). Stable isotopes reveal diet differences between different nesting areas and among individuals using different nest habitat within a nesting area. This spatial segregation of diet types should generate some assortative mating, but is insufficient to explain the observed assortment strength. Significant male–female isotope correlations remain after controlling for spatial variables. We therefore conclude that sticklebacks’ diet‐assortative mating arises from additional behavioral preference. More generally, our results illustrate the point that spatial segregation can only drive appreciable levels of phenotypic assortative mating when environment‐phenotype correlations are parallel and strong in both sexes. Consequently, intraspecific assortative mating may typically entail mating preferences rather than just spatial cosegregation of phenotypes.  相似文献   

Chondrus crispus Stackh. has been intensely studied, yet no study to date has elucidated its population structure or mating system despite many populations in which there was a haploid bias and lack of male gametophytes. Therefore, 12 nuclear microsatellite loci were identified in this red alga. Microsatellite markers were developed and tested against a panel of specimens collected from two shore levels at two sites in Brittany, France: Pointe de Primel and Pointe de la Jument, Concarneau. Single locus genetic determinism was verified at eight polymorphic loci, as only one band was observed for haploid genotypes, whereas one or two bands were observed for diploids. These markers enabled the detection of unique genotypes within sampled populations, indicating that very few fronds shared the same multilocus genotype. This finding suggests that asexual reproduction was not the prevailing mode of reproduction. In addition, we explored the hierarchical population structure showing that gene flow is restricted at small spatial scales (<50 m) between upper and lower Chondrus‐range populations within a shore. Sexual reproduction predominated in the populations of C. crispus studied, but probably due to fine‐scale spatial substructuring, inbreeding was also significant. In conclusion, this study reveals that fine‐scale genetic variation is of major importance in C. crispus, suggesting that differences between microhabitats should be essential in understanding evolutionary processes in this species.  相似文献   

Within the sea urchin genus Heliocidaris, changes in early embryonic and larval development have resulted in dramatic differences in the length of time larvae spend in the plankton before settling. The larvae of one species, H. tuberculata, spend several weeks feeding in the plankton before settling and metamorphosing into juveniles. The other species, H. erythrogramma, has modified this extended planktonic larval stage and develops into a juvenile within 3–4 days after fertilization. We used restriction site polymorphisms in mitochondrial DNA to examine the population genetic consequences of these developmental changes. Ten restriction enzymes were used to assay the mitochondrial genome of 29 individuals from 2 localities for H. tuberculata and 62 individuals from 5 localities for H. erythrogramma. Within H. tuberculata, 11 mitochondrial genotypes were identified. A GST analysis showed high levels of genetic exchange between populations separated by 1,000 kilometers of open ocean. In contrast, in H. erythrogramma, 13 mitochondrial genotypes differing by up to 2.33% were geographically partitioned over spatial scales ranging from 800 to 3,400 kilometers. Between distant localities, there was complete mitochondrial lineage sorting and large sequence divergence between resulting clades. Over much smaller spatial scales (< 1,000 km), genetic differentiation was due to the differential sorting of very similar genotypes. This pattern of mitochondrial variation suggests that these population differences have arisen recently and may reflect the historical interplay between the restricted dispersal capabilities of H. erythrogramma and the climatic and geological changes associated with Pleistocene Ice Ages.  相似文献   

The question asked was why male genitalic structures have diverged in three syntopic species of Macrodactylus beetles. Four hypotheses were evaluated: 1. The ways in which male genitalia mesh with internal female structures indicate that selection for species isolation via mechanical exclusion (“lock and key”) is unlikely to explain the genitalic differences. 2. The specific mate recognition hypothesis also clearly fails to explain genitalic differences due to the implausibility of postulated environmental effects on genitalia, and lack of postulated coevolution of male and female morphologies. 3. Selection for species isolation via differences in genitalic stimulation (sensory lock and key) is unlikely due to relatively infrequent cross-specific pair formation and intromission in the field, and “excessive” numbers of species-specific genitalic structures and male courtship behavior patterns which nevertheless occasionally fail. It also fails to explain the frequent failure of intraspecific copulations to result in sperm transfer. This hypothesis cannot, however, be rejected as confidently as the previous hypotheses. 4. Conditions under which sexual selection by cryptic female choice could take place are common. Females frequently exercise their ability to prevent sperm transfer by conspecific males even after intromission has occurred, and females generally mate repeatedly, probably with different males. Males behave as if cryptic female choice is occurring, courting assiduously while their genitalia are within the female. Sexual selection by female choice could thus contribute to the divergence in genitalic structures.  相似文献   

An isozyme investigation of the Lisianthius skinneri (Gentianaceae) species complex in central Panama assayed levels of genetic variation within and among isolated populations and was used to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships within the complex. The widespread and low elevation L. skinneri and one derived cloud forest endemic species, L. habuensis, are depauperate in genetic variation. Three other endemic cloud forest species exhibiting larger population sizes and apparently more outcrossed breeding systems have higher levels of heterozygosity but retain low levels of allelic diversity. More than 90% of the genetic variation in the species complex is confined to among-population differentiation rather than witnin-population variation. Isozyme-based relationships within the species complex using both genetic divergence values (Fitch and Margoliash algorithm) and shared allelic states (Nelson and Van Horn algorithm) are identical. This network is not entirely congruent with a previous DNA-based network. Geographical isolation, small population size, low allelic diversity, and high levels of among-population differentiation suggest that repeated instances of founder events and genetic drift have been important in the evolution of this tropical shrub complex.  相似文献   

Males of the eastern black swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes asterius Stoll) with typical coloration were more successful in intrasexual competition for mating territories than were males altered to have female-like mimetic coloration. Sibling males were matched for wingspan and emergence date and released as pairs, one with its pattern altered and one a control that was marked but with unaltered appearance. Significantly fewer altered males were resighted one or more days after release compared with control males (33% vs. 76%, 1990; 46% vs. 83%, 1993). Altered males were less able to establish and maintain themselves in preferred territories. The inability of released, altered males to establish a territory appears related to significantly longer male-male encounters. Encounters involving at least one participant with altered appearance averaged 66 s compared with 24 s if neither male was altered. However, altering the coloration of P. polyxenes males that already had established themselves in a territory had little effect. After courtships of similar duration (≈ 40 s), released virgin females were equally likely to mate with either altered or control males. This suggests that male-male intrasexual selection is of greater importance than female mate choice in maintaining a non-mimetic dorsal coloration in male P. polyxenes.  相似文献   

Songs of Darwin's finches were studied on the Galápagos Island of Daphne Major from 1976 to 1995. A single, structurally simple, and unvarying song is sung throughout life by each male of the two common species, Geospiza fortis (medium ground finch) and G. scandens (cactus finch). Songs of the two species differ strongly in quantitative features, and individual variation among males is much broader in G. fortis than in G. scandens. Although there are exceptions, songs of sons strongly resemble the songs of their fathers. They also resemble the songs of their paternal grandfathers, but not their maternal grandfathers, indicating that they are culturally inherited and not genetically inherited. Female G. fortis display a tendency to avoid mating with males that sing the same type of song as their father. They also avoid mating with males that sing heterospecific song, with very rare exceptions. Thus song, an evolving, culturally inherited trait, is an important factor in species recognition and mate choice. It constrains the mating of females to conspecifics, even when there is no genetic penalty to interbreeding, and thus may play a crucial role in species formation by promoting genetic isolation on secondary contact. The barrier is leaky in that occasional errors in song transmission result in misimprinting, which leads to a low incidence of hybridization and introgression. Introgression slows the rate of postzygotic isolation, but can produce individuals in novel genetic and morphological space that can provide the starting point of a new evolutionary trajectory.  相似文献   

Good genes models of mate choice predict additive genetic benefits of choice whereas the compatibility hypothesis predicts nonadditive fitness benefits. Here the Chinese rose bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus, a freshwater fish with a resource‐based mating system, was used to separate additive and nonadditive genetic benefits of female mate choice. A sequential blocked mating design was used to test female mate preferences, and a cross‐classified breeding design coupled with in vitro fertilizations for fitness benefits of mate choice. In addition, the offspring produced by the pairing of preferred and nonpreferred males were reared to maturity and their fitness traits were compared. Finally, the MHC DAB1 gene was typed and male MHC genotypes were correlated with female mate choice. Females showed significant mate preferences but preferences were not congruent among females. There was a significant interaction of male and female genotype on offspring survival, rate of development, growth rate, and body size. No significant male additive effects on offspring fitness were observed. Female mate preferences corresponded with male genetic compatibility, which correlated with MHC dissimilarity. It is proposed that in the rose bitterling genetic compatibility is the mechanism by which females obtain a fitness benefit through mate choice and that male MHC dissimilarity, likely mediated by odor cues, indicates genetic compatibility.  相似文献   

Distinguishing between ongoing gene flow and purely historical association of populations can be difficult without data on times of population separation and effective population sizes. To help discriminate between these two scenarios, I examined mitochondrial DNA sequence diversity in three geographically close populations of the grey-crowned babbler (Pomatostomus temporalis) separated by water barriers of known age in the Northern Territory, Australia, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), direct sequencing, and genealogical methods of inference. PCR primers were designed to obtain sequences from region I, a highly variable segment of the control region. Sequence diversity in all populations was consistent with neutrality. In the population on Melville Island, a Pleistocene land-bridge island, sequence variability is as high as on the mainland and consists of two mitochondrial lineages differing by 2%. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequence variation observed among 44 individuals suggest that the number of times lineages in one population trace back to ancestors of a different population (between-population coalescent events) was too high to be compatible with a model of population divergence solely by drift since rising of the water barriers, implying instead recent or ongoing gene flow across water barriers. Similar estimates of Fst, the fraction of genetic diversity apportioned among populations, were obtained when calculated using the divergence times of alleles and when estimated from Nm values derived from trees and ranging from 0.29-0.55. Both the phylogenies and patterns of allelic divergence suggest that the population on Melville Island exchanges migrants with both continental populations, although statistical tests indicated that some alternative phylogenies implying restricted gene flow among the populations could not be discounted.  相似文献   

The house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) is a sexually dichromatic passerine in which males display colorful plumage and females are generally drab brown. Some females, however, have a subdued version of the same pattern of ornamental coloration seen in males. In previous research, I found that female house finches use male coloration as an important criterion when choosing mates and that the plumage brightness of males is a reliable indicator of male nest attentiveness. Male house finches invest substantially in the care of young and, like females, stand to gain by choosing high-quality mates. I therefore hypothesized that a female's plumage brightness might be correlated with her quality and be the basis for male mate choice. In laboratory mate choice experiments, male house finches showed a significant preference for the most brightly plumaged females presented. Observations of a wild population of house finches, however, suggest that female age is the primary criterion in male choice and that female plumage coloration is a secondary criterion. In addition, yearling females tended to have more brightly colored plumage than older females, and there was no relationship between female plumage coloration and overwinter survival, reproductive success, or condition. These observations fail to support the idea that female plumage coloration is an indicator of individual quality. Male mate choice for brightly plumaged females may have evolved as a correlated response to selection on females to choose brightly colored males.  相似文献   

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