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The aim of this study was to determine if juvenile northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris , translocated from their rookery would return to it quickly and reliably. During the spring and fall of 1990 and 1991 we captured 75 seals at Año Nuevo State Reserve, CA, U. S. A. and translocated them to release sites up to 100 km away. Eighty-eight percent of the seals returned to the capture site within 4.7 ± 4.3 d. Homing rate increased with age, but even the youngest seals (8–10 mo) homed at a 73% rate. Homing rate did not vary significantly with sex, season, or year. Data from diving instruments suggested that the seals often followed direct routes home, arrived on the rookery significantly more often at night than during the day, and when released together, returned separately. Mean homing speed of 18 seals with complete diving records was 39 km/d (range 3–70 km/d). Instruments on seals had no detectable effect on homing rate or homing speed. The translocation paradigm provides a powerful tool for conducting intensive shortterm studies on free-ranging seals.  相似文献   


This study describes a method for extracting post-canine or incisor teeth from live antarctic fur seals ( Arctocephalus gazella ) and southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) respectively and their use to determine age in a field situation. Dental elevators were used to loosen the teeth from the alveolus and periodental ligament. Most teeth were removed within l-2 min and a total of 214 and 81 teeth were collected by this method from antarctic fur seals and southern elephant seals respectively. No seal recaptured at intervals up to a year after a tooth was extracted showed signs of infection or distress related to removal of the tooth. Teeth were thin-sectioned for the purpose of aging. In both species cementum growth layer groups were a more satisfactory indicator of age than dentinal growth layer groups. Estimates of age from cementum growth layers were confirmed for Antarctic fur seals using seals which had been tagged as pups up to 16 yr before sampling.  相似文献   

Between 1 January 1992 and 31 December 1995, 73 of 487 (15%) juvenile northern elephant seals ( Mirounga angustirostris ) that stranded along the central California coastline and were transported to a rehabilitation center had similar clinical signs. These signs included anorexia, depression, dehydration, and epistaxis, and were accompanied by a neutrophilia. Coagulation assays on five of these animals indicated all five were in a state of disseminated intra-vascular coagulation. Sixty-five of the 73 animals died, and post-mortem examination revealed heavy burdens of Otostrongylus circumlitas in the right ventricle and atrium of the hearts and pulmonary arteries, with occasional nem-atodes in the bronchi and bronchioles. Histologic examination of 33 of these seals showed multiple pulmonary thromboses associated with a suppurative arteritis and occasionally intravascular nematodes, suggesting disseminated intravascular coagulation triggered by an arteritis may be important in causing mortality of elephant seals infested with O. circumlitus. This pathology, combined with the observation that death of juvenile northern elephant seals infected with O. circumlitus usually occurs prior to the parasite reaching reproductive maturity, suggests this is a relatively recent host-parasite association.  相似文献   

Female northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris, from Año Nuevo (AN) in central California feed offshore in mid‐latitude waters (40°–55°N). Migratory patterns and foraging locations of seals from Mexico are unknown. Rookeries on San Benitos (SB) islands in Baja California Sur, Mexico, are ~1,170 km south of AN. Although the colonies are similar in size, seals from SB begin breeding earlier and have an earlier breeding birthing peak than seals from AN. To determine if the foraging location of seals from Mexico was similar to that of seals from California, we measured δ13C and δ15N values in the hair of 48 suckling pups at SB and 37 from AN, assuming that their isotopic signatures reflected those of mothers' milk, their exclusive diet. The mean δ13C and δ15N values for SB pups (?16.1‰± 0.9‰ and 17.7‰± 0.9‰, respectively) were significantly higher than those for AN pups (?17.6‰± 0.4‰ and 15.6‰± 1.0‰, respectively). From data on environmental isotope gradients and known behavior of SB and AN populations, we hypothesize that the isotope differences are due to females in the SB colony foraging ~8° south of seals from AN. This hypothesis can be tested by deployment of satellite tags on adult females from the SB colony.  相似文献   

Based primarily on an intensive marking/resighting program conducted at Marion Island (46°54'S, 37°45'E) in the Southern Ocean, the inter-island movements of southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina , and fur seals Arctocephalus spp., were investigated to elucidate their little known pelagic phase. Southern elephant seals, in particular immature animals, readily move between the proximate Marion and Prince Edward islands. Some range as far afield as Iles Crozet, approximately 1,000 km distant where they haul out for the summer molt or during an autumn resting phase. The exchange of individuals between Marion Island and Iles Crozet during the return of immatures for the molt after a winter at sea, suggests overlapping of the foraging ranges of the two populations. Despite their wanderings, the majority of M. leonina from Marion Island probably feed in the proximity of the island, and relocate onto the island for breeding, molting and resting. Of the fur seals, only a few A. tropicalis were seen away from their natal island, in some cases covering distances in excess of 2,000 km. displaying a remarkable dispersal capacity.  相似文献   

Operational interactions occur between South African (Cape) fur seals and the purse-seine fishery in South Africa. Seals eat fish from the nets but the main concern is the activity of seals causing fish to sound, resulting in loss, or partial loss of the catch. Detectable loss occurs on approximately 5% of hauls. In addition to this, smaller quantities may be lost on each haul as seals depress the net float line while moving into and out of the net. The cost of seal interference is difficult to quantify because the mass of fish lost is not known, and the loss is essentially one of additional fishing time required to fill the total allowable catch for the fishery. An estimate of the cost is calculated as between 1.6% and 4.1% of the landed value of the fishery. Some seals are killed by fishermen when they pose a potential threat to the safety of the crew aboard, and some may drown if caught in the net or pump. Overall this is probably fewer than a thousand seals per year. It is also known that if seals are thought to be disturbing the fish, these seals near the nets may be deliberately killed by purse-seine fishermen. Overall this mortality, whether deliberate or incidental, is probably negligible in terms of the population size of South African fur seals.  相似文献   

An annual average of 163 Kuril seals was found dead in two years in salmon trap nets along the coastal waters of the Nemuro Peninsula and adjacent areas. The seal-caused damage to the total salmon catch at the salmon trap nets was concentrated in some of them, particularly No. 27, where seals killed or injured 5.1% of the catch in 1982, and 1.8% in 1983. Based on the proportion of Kuril seals among the dead seals in the trap nets, it was estimated that Kuril seals damaged 4.7% of the total salmon catch at No. 27 in 1982, and 1.7% in 1983. Not all seals that entered the trap net drowned; some killed or damaged salmon, and then escaped.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected from 156 free-ranging southern elephant seals ( Mirounga leonina ) from Peninsula Valdes to study the variation in blood parameters related to ontogeny and the annual cycle. Samples ranged from newborn pups to adults. Interactions between age and sex showed different trends in ontogenetic changes of blood parameters (MANOVA, Wilkis' Lamb-da12,243= 0.75, P < 0.01). The hematocrit (HCT) and hemoglobin concentration (HB) reached adult levels early in life. Weanlings had 14 % higher HCT than pups, and similar levels to juveniles and adults (HCT range = 46%-62 %). HB of males were below those of females from weaning (18.4 vs . 20.3 g/dl) to adulthood (19.8 vs . 22.3 g/dl). Red blood cell counts (RBC) did not change significantly from pups to juveniles (2.8–3.2 106/μl), but varied for adults at different times of the annual cycle. Breeding females had higher RBC than molting females (3.1 vs. 2.4 106/μl). Changes in blood parameters are related to the development of diving capabilities from pups to juveniles. Changes in adults were associated with different stages of the annual cycle, and these may be the result of the requirements imposed by pregnancy and fasting duration.  相似文献   

The southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina , exhibits extreme sexual dimorphism and polygyny and is thought to be an ideal subject to test maternal investment theory. Predictions concerning differential investment in offspring by sex were tested on M. leonina breeding at Marion Island over three austral summers. Large females produced more male pups, while small females produced more female pups, providing tentative support for the Trivers and Willard (1973) hypothesis. Maternal size had a greater influence on growth rate and weaning mass than on the sex of offspring. Differential reproductive costs to adult females were not evident in terms of future fecundity or survival. In keeping with other studies on this species, we could not demonstrate any differential investment in the two sexes. We suggest that before discounting maternal investment theories, further studies need to be undertaken to determine the benefits, if any, of size at weaning on long-term survival and reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract: There are three major breeding populations of southern elephant seals centered on Macquarie Island, Kerguelen-Heard Islands and South Georgia-Antarctic Peninsula. The composition of the diet differs between these populations based on published data from Signy Island and data presented here from Macquarie and Heard Islands. These differences in diet appear to be linked to the location at which seals were sampled ranging from the least Antarctic (Macquarie Island) to the most Antarctic (Signy Island). The major food remains consisted of cephalopod beaks and fish eye lenses. More benthic material was found at Heard Island than at Macquarie Island. The diet at Macquarie Island differed between summer and winter and between young animals and adults. The difficulty in collecting dietary samples of southern elephant seals near their main foraging areas makes the study of the feeding ecology of this species extremely difficult in comparison with other Southern Ocean species.  相似文献   

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