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利用基因扫描技术调查西藏自治区那曲地区藏族人群D8S1179、D21S11、D7S820、CSF1PO、D3S1358、TH01、D13S317、D16S539、D2S1338、D19S433、VWA、TPOX、D18S51、D5S818及FGA共15个短串联重复序列(STR)基因座多态性分布,获得15个基因座的群体遗传学数据。结果显示:15个STR位点在那曲地区藏族人群中具有遗传多态性,基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡,DP在0.758 8—0.960 4之间,H在0.476 2—0.862 0之间,PIC在0.446 4—0.861 5之间,EPP在0.385 0—0.856 0之间,累积个体鉴别力为0.999 999 999,累积非父排除率为0.999 999 998。15个STR位点适合作为那曲地区藏族人群的遗传标记用于人类学、疾病连锁分析、法医学亲子鉴定和个体识别等领域的研究。  相似文献   

西藏藏族人群15个短串联重复序列基因座的遗传多态性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用多重PCR五色荧光(6FAM、VIC、NED、PET、LIZ)自动化检测技术检测西藏自治区藏族人群D8S1179、D21S11、D7S820、CSF1PO、D3S1358、TH01、D13S317、D16S539、D2S1338、D19S433、VWA、TPOX、D18S51、D5S818及FGA共15个STR基因座遗传多态性, 获得15个STR基因座的群体遗传学数据。结果显示:15个STR基因座的基因型分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡。15个STR基因座的个体鉴别力 (Discrimination power, DP)在0.7555~0.9602之间, 杂合度 (Heterozygosity, H)在0.5651~0.8530之间, 多态性信息含量 (Polymorphism information content, PIC)在0.5528~0.8456之间, 非父排除率(Probability of paternity exclusion, EPP)在0.3811~0.8549之间, 累积个体鉴别力为0.999999999, 累积非父排除率为0.999999998。15个短串联重复序列基因座适合作为西藏藏族人群的遗传标记, 用于人类学、疾病连锁分析、法医学亲子鉴定和个体识别等领域的研究。  相似文献   

目的 构建Y染色体短串联重复序列(Y-STR)微流控芯片扩增检测试剂,并进行性能验证,实现Y-STR基因座的快速全集成检测。方法 使用Y-STR微流控芯片检测体系,对其灵敏度、成功率和分型准确率、峰平衡性、精准性和准确性、检材适应性、混合物检测能力和抗抑制性进行验证评估。结果 DNA标准品9948的模板量≥8 ng,血卡片数≥3片以及口腔拭子刮擦次数≥7次时可获得Y-STR完整分型;165份样本的全集成检测成功率为91.52%,分型准确率为99.74%;不同荧光通道之间的峰高比值为89.81%;10次运行的等位基因分型标准品的片段大小标准差均在0.5 bp以内,20份样本全集成检测的等位基因片段和相应的等位基因标准品之间的片段准确性均在0.5 bp以内;能够对口腔拭子、血卡、唾液卡、烟蒂、血棉签、布片精斑等检材进行准确分型;混合样本中较小贡献者与较大贡献者在1∶3的比例时可获得完整基因分型;在不同浓度的腐殖酸(50~400 mg/L)、靛蓝(20~100 nmol/L)、血红蛋白(100~500μmol/L)等抑制物的干扰下,该体系可获得完整基因分型。结论 该体系可应用于国产Quick...  相似文献   

对来自69个我国地方绵羊品种和8个国外引入品种共计77个个体线粒体DNA控制区长度为75bp的串联重复序列进行了测序分析。在309个重复序列中检测到28个变异位点,其中7个为具有2个变异体的单现突变,1个为具有3个变异体的单现突变,20个为具有2个变异体的简约位点。由28个变异位点中归纳出63个单倍型,其中单倍型Ⅰ和单倍型Ⅲ具有较高的比例,分别为12.94%和30.42%。研究结果揭示我国地方绵羊可能起源于两个母系祖先。哈萨克羊和阿勒泰羊间以及蒙古羊和乌珠穆沁羊间分别具有较近的亲缘关系且没有明显的遗传分化。藏绵羊、蒙古羊和乌珠穆沁羊相对哈萨克羊和阿勒泰羊而言具有较低的遗传多样性。  相似文献   

人类短串联重复序列HUMTH01基因座的遗传多态性   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
侯一平 Staa  M 《遗传学报》1996,23(3):174-182
作者用扩增片段长度多态技术分析了人类短串联重复序列HUMTH01基因型及等位基因频率在中国成都地区汉族群体和德国科隆地区白人中的分布。用同步电泳技术比较不同引物PCR产物分型结果,评估不同实验室HUMTH01群体数据的可比性。计算了25个群体间HUMTH01STR的遗传距离,并构建了系统树。HUMTH01STR系统树分析不仅与传统遗传标记结果一致,并且获得了群体遗传的新线索。  相似文献   

河南汉族群体短串联重复vWA遗传多态性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究人类短串联重复序列vWA在河南汉族人群中遗传多态性,探讨该基因座在法医学和基因诊断中的应用的可能性;同时和中国成都人群、美国黑人、高加索人群、西班牙人群、西班牙南方人群的vWA遗传多态性进行比较,以期了解该基因座在人种、地域上是否有差异。采集河南地区无血缘关系汉族个体血样,应用Chelex法提取DNA,聚合酶链式反应扩增,非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分型,χ2检验。得到vWA在河南汉族群体中的基因频率,有8个等位基因,24个基因型,杂合度为0.80,个体识别率为0.84,非父排除率为0.61;河南汉族人群和中国成都人群vWA遗传多态性无显著性差异(χ2=9.6, P>0.05),而与美国黑人群(χ2=118,48,P<0.05)、高加索人群(χ2=45.48,P<0.05)、西班牙人群(χ2=86.87,P<0.05)、西班牙南方人群(χ2=85.68,P<0.05)均有显著性差异。说明该基因座多态性较好,分布符合Hardy-Weinberg 平衡,可以用于个体识别和亲权鉴定。同时也说明河南汉族人群具有一定的代表性,其群体遗传特征的调查研究对群体遗传学和人类学有着重要意义。 Genetic Polymorphisms of Human Short Tandem Repeat vWA LI Yi,HAO Bing-tao,YANG Yan-li,ZHU Wen-yu,SI Yan-mei,WANG Ying-tai (Genetics Department,the People`s Hospital of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450003,China) Abstract:We researched the genetic polymorphisms of vWA in Henan population and its usfulness in forensic science.DNA extracted from non-relative persons in Henan population with Chelex was amplified by polymerase chain reaction and was typed by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis silver staining.A total of 8 alleles and 19 genotypes were found in Henan population,its heterozygosity is high and the locus can be used in forensic genetics.We obtained the allelic frequency of the locus vWA in Henan population.The results of amniotic fluid,villus,blood stain indicate vWA is a good locus for forensic study. Key words:polymorphism; short tandem repeats; polymerase chain reaction; vWA  相似文献   

羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)属偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)、牛科(Bovidae),为我国一类大型珍贵保护动物。我们从其基因组中克隆得到若干约800bp的BamHI高度重复序列并对部分克隆进行了序列测定,发现它们显示了很高的同源性。利用其中一个单元为探针,对限制酶消化后的羚牛基因组DNA作杂交分析,发现其杂交谱带不具有个体及亚种间特异性,说明该重复序列在羚牛基因组中具有保守的分布和排列。在牛科动物中,羚牛BamHI片段与绵羊属和山羊属的相关序列具有高度同源性,而与水牛和家牛序列差异较大。这些结果为羚牛与羊亚科物种亲源关系较近的分类学观点提供了分子生物学证据。有证据表明,这些片段可能代表羚牛染色体着丝点的卫星DNA单体。  相似文献   

羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor)属偶蹄目(Artiodactyla)、牛科(Bovidae),为我国一类大型珍贵保护动物。我们从其基因组中克隆得到若干约800bp的BamHI高度重复序列并对部分克隆进行了序列测定,发现它们显示了很高的同源性。利用其中一个单元为探针,对限制酶消化后的羚牛基因组DNA作杂交分析,发现其杂交谱带不具有个体及亚种间特异性,说明该重复序列在羚牛基因组中具有保守的分布和排列。在牛科动物中,羚牛BamHI片段与绵羊属和山羊属的相关序列具有高度同源性,而与水牛和家牛序列差异较大。这些结果为羚牛与羊亚科物种亲源关系较近的分类学观点提供了分子生物学证据。有证据表明,这些片段可能代表羚牛染色体着丝点的卫星DNA单体。  相似文献   

短串联重复序列D7S2201基因座的群体遗传学研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
黄代新  张林  吴梅筠  陈国弟  陈于波 《遗传》2001,23(2):107-110
用扩增片段长度多态性技术分析短串联重复序列D7S2201基因座的遗传多态性,在262个中国成都地区汉族无关个体及119个泰国曼谷地区泰人无关个体中分别发现7个和5个等位基因,首次获得该基因座在两群体中的频率分布,其等位基因片段大小范围为100~124bp。两群体的基因型频率分布均符合Hardy Weinberg平衡。该基因座在两群体中的个人识别能力(PD)、杂合度(H)、多态性信息含量(CPI)及非父排除率(PE)分别为0.7038、0.5992、0.4789、0.2900和0.7351、0.5882、0.5012、0.2770。家系调查证实了等位基因的传递遵循孟德尔遗传规律。χ2检验表明两群体间等位基因频率分布无显著性差异。 Abstract:The polymorphism of a new short tandem repeat (STR) locus D7S2201 was analyzed by using AmpFLP. Seven alleles were observed in 262 unrelated Chinese individuals living in Chengdu and five alleles in 119 unrelated Thai individuals living in Bangkok, the ranges of fragment size were 100~124bp. The genotypes distributions of D7S2201 locus in the two populations were in accordance with Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. The discriminating power (PD), observed heterozygosity (H), polymorphism information content (CPI) and power of exclusion (PE) were 0.7038, 05992, 04789, 02900 in Chinese population and 0.7351, 0.5882, 0.5012, 0.2770 in Thai population respectively. Family studies confirmed Mendelian inheritance of alleles. No significant difference was observed between the two populations.  相似文献   

针对出现的三等位基因2例亲子鉴定案件,同时检测其唾液斑及毛发,应用Goldeneye 20A、PowerPlex 6C、Investigator 24plex QS及华夏白金试剂盒进行检测验证。结果显示在2例二联体亲子鉴定案件中,一例母亲的D18S51基因座分型为13/16,孩子的分型为15/16/17;另一例父亲的D7S820基因座分型为8/11/12,孩子的分型为10/11。唾液斑及毛发样本结果与FTA血卡结果一致,应用Goldeneye20A、PowerPlex 6C系统、Investigator 24plex QS及华夏白金试剂盒验证检测的结果相同。在日常亲子鉴定案件中,出现三带型现象较为罕见,针对这种现象,需进行认真判读及确认,以保证检测结果的准确性。  相似文献   

湖南地区1013例亲子鉴定中的STR突变位点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对亲子鉴定常用的ABI公司Indentifiler荧光标记复合扩增试剂盒中的15个短串联重复序列及D14S306、D16S3391、D5S2500、D12S391、D13S796、D1S518位点的突变现象进行研究.在1013例认定亲子关系案例中,对发现有一个基因位点发生突变的案例增加8个常染色体STR(short tandem repeat)基因座检测,使其父权相对机会(RCP)大于99.999%以上,并对突变位点进行测序.在1013例认定亲子关系案例中,发现11例有一个基因位点发生突变,8次突变事件为父源性突变,突变位点包括vWA、FGA、D14S306、D13S317、D21S11、CSFIPO、D16S3391;其余3例突变来源不明,包括FGA、D13S796、D3S1358.以vWA和FGA的突变率最高,为0.15%,平均突变率为(0.09±0.370×10^-3)%.本鉴定所常用的21个基因座,突变率低,具有较高的推广价值.  相似文献   

DNA的简单串联重复扩展与遗传病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前已知有17种遗传病或染色体脆性位点是由简单串联重复DNA拷贝数增加引起的.本文综述了这些重复扩展的特点,可能的分子机制及致病机理  相似文献   

It is widely appreciated that short tandem repeat (STR) variation underlies substantial phenotypic variation in organisms. Some propose that the high mutation rates of STRs in functional genomic regions facilitate evolutionary adaptation. Despite their high mutation rate, some STRs show little to no variation in populations. One such STR occurs in the Arabidopsis thaliana gene PFT1 (MED25), where it encodes an interrupted polyglutamine tract. Although the PFT1 STR is large (∼270 bp), and thus expected to be extremely variable, it shows only minuscule variation across A. thaliana strains. We hypothesized that the PFT1 STR is under selective constraint, due to previously undescribed roles in PFT1 function. We investigated this hypothesis using plants expressing transgenic PFT1 constructs with either an endogenous STR or synthetic STRs of varying length. Transgenic plants carrying the endogenous PFT1 STR generally performed best in complementing a pft1 null mutant across adult PFT1-dependent traits. In stark contrast, transgenic plants carrying a PFT1 transgene lacking the STR phenocopied a pft1 loss-of-function mutant for flowering time phenotypes and were generally hypomorphic for other traits, establishing the functional importance of this domain. Transgenic plants carrying various synthetic constructs occupied the phenotypic space between wild-type and pft1 loss-of-function mutants. By varying PFT1 STR length, we discovered that PFT1 can act as either an activator or repressor of flowering in a photoperiod-dependent manner. We conclude that the PFT1 STR is constrained to its approximate wild-type length by its various functional requirements. Our study implies that there is strong selection on STRs not only to generate allelic diversity, but also to maintain certain lengths pursuant to optimal molecular function.  相似文献   

We studied 155 human short tandem repeat (STR) DNA markers in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). There is no difference in number of alleles per locus among STRs of different motif length (di-, tri-, or tetranucleotide repeats). We investigated 42 of the most informative STRs in greater detail using DNA isolated from a panel of 41 African-born, captive-housed chimpanzees. They reveal a wealth of genetic variability in chimpanzees, with an average of six alleles and 70.6% heterozygosity. The average paternity exclusion probability is 51.6%, and the best three STRs jointly provide >95% mean exclusion probability. Used in combination to define a multiple-locus genotype, the five most informative focal STRs can potentially uniquely identify every chimpanzee alive in the world. Although the subjects are of unknown geographical origin, homozygosity tests indicate little evidence for population subdivision. These markers represent the basis of a powerful battery of genetic tests, including individual identification, e.g., in poaching, paternity testing, or reconstruction of pedigrees among captive and wild chimpanzee breeding populations.  相似文献   

The 75-nt-long tandem repeat sequence in the control region of mtDNA of 77 individuals, of which 69 were from different indigenous sheep breeds in China and 8 were from imported breeds, was sequenced and analyzed to investigate the origin and differentiation of Chinese indigenous sheep breeds and also the genetic diversities and relationships among them. A total of 28 variable sites were detected within 309 repeated sequences, among which 7 sites were singleton variable sites with two variants, 1 site was a singleton variable site with three variants, and 20 sites were parsimony informative sites with two variants. A total of 63 haplotypes were sorted from 28 polymorphic sites, among which two main and basic haplotypes, namely, Hap 1 and Hap 3 were present at a much higher proportion, at 12.94% and 30.42%, respectively. It could be inferred that Chinese indigenous sheep breeds originated from two maternal ancestors because of the maternal inheritance characteristics of the mtDNA. Altay sheep and Kazakstan sheep are closely related and do not differentiate significantly. Mongolian sheep and Ujumuqin sheep also share a close relationship. Tibetan sheep, Mongolian sheep, and Ujumuqin sheep have lower genetic diversity than Altay sheep and Kazakstan sheep.  相似文献   

介绍一种从非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶中回收和纯化目标DNA片段的方法,经比较回收纯化前后PCR产物的电泳结果,表明该方法具有简单快捷和效率高的优点。  相似文献   

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