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甘蔗乙烯合成酶基因家族三个成员的克隆与序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
ACC(1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid)合成酶是高等植物乙烯生物合成途径中的限速酶.根据已克隆的植物ACS(1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase)基因同源序列,设计简并引物,以甘蔗叶片总DNA为模板,通过PCR扩增,得到3条特异性强的扩增片段:Sc-ACS1为1 041 bp、Sc-ACS2为1 345 bp和Sc-ACS3为1 707 bp.将序列在GenBank核酸数据库进行同源性搜索,结果表明,3个片段均为ACS基因,推导编码的蛋白质序列分别包含326、242和310个氨基酸.其中,Sc-A CS1和Sc-ACS3同源性最高,核苷酸序列和蛋白质氨基酸序列分别有98%和96%同源,与禾本科植物玉米Zm ACS6、水稻OS-ACS2、毛竹等ACS基因家族也有很高的同源性,核苷酸序列同源性为88%-98%,蛋白质氨基酸序列同源性为73%-81%.甘蔗Sc-ACS2与水稻OS-ACS5在核苷酸和氨基酸序列上分别有91%和79%同源性,但与甘蔗Sc-ACS1和Sc-ACS3基因成员之间,氨基酸同源性分别只有45%和49%.系统进化分析表明,Sc-ACS1和Sc-ACS3基因与玉米Zm ACS6基因亲缘关系最近,而Sc-ACS2基因与水稻OS-ACS5基因亲缘关系最近.Southern杂交表明三基因在基因组中确实存在而且是多拷贝基因.三个片段已在GenBank数据库中注册,注册号分别为AY620985、AY620986和AY788919.  相似文献   

In mouse mammary tumors, the Wnt-3 gene can be activated by proviral insertion. Here we report on the isolation of a human homolog, WNT3. A genomic clone was isolated by use of mouse Wnt-3 sequences as a probe, after which cDNA containing most of the protein-encoding domain of the human gene was obtained by PCR. Comparison between the deduced mouse and human WNT-3 protein sequences showed four changes in 333 amino acids. WNT3 is located on chromosome 17q21. The gene was not found to be amplified or rearranged in a collection of human breast tumors.  相似文献   

Lactate transport across cell membranes is mediated by a family of proton-coupled monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) expresses a unique member of this family, MCT3. A portion of the human MCT3 gene was cloned by polymerase chain reaction using primers designed from rat RPE MCT3 cDNA sequence. The human genomic sequence was used to design primers to clone human MCT3 cDNA and to identify a bacterial artificial chromosome clone containing the human MCT3 gene. The human MCT3 cDNA contained a 1512-nucleotide open reading frame with a deduced amino sequence 85% identical to rat MCT3. Comparison of the cDNA and genomic sequences revealed that the MCT3 gene was composed of five exons distributed over 5 kb of DNA. The exon–intron borders were conserved between the human and the chicken MCT3 genes. Using radiation hybrid mapping, the MCT3 gene was mapped to chromosome 22 between markers WI11639 and SGC30687. A search of chromosome 22 in the Sanger Centre database confirmed the location of the human MCT3 gene at 22q12.3–q13.2.  相似文献   

Brachyury(T) is a mouse mutation, first described over 70 years ago, that causes defects in mesoderm formation. Recently several related genes, the T-box gene family, that encode a similar N-terminal DNA binding domain, the T-box, and that play critical roles in human embryonic development have been identified. It has been shown that humanTBX5andTBX3,if mutated, cause developmental disorders, Holt–Oram syndrome (OMIM 142900) and ulnar-mammary syndrome (OMIM 181450), respectively. We have identified four new human members of the T-box gene family,EOMES, TBX6, TBX18,andTBX19,and these genes have been mapped to different chromosomal regions by radiation hybrid mapping. The four T-box genes were classified into four different subfamilies and have also been subjected to phylogenomic analysis. HumanEOMESmaps at 3p21.3–p21.2. ThisTbr1-subfamily gene is likely to play a significant role in early embryogenesis similar to that described forXenopus eomesodermin.HumanTBX6maps at 16p12–q12. ThisTbx6-subfamily gene is likely to participate in paraxial mesoderm formation and somitogenesis in human embryo.TBX18is a novel member of theTbx1subfamily that maps at 6q14–q15. Two subgroups,TBX1/10andTBX15/18subgroups, could be distinguished within theTbx1subfamily.TBX19is an orthologue of chickTbxTand maps at 1q23–q24. The genomic organization ofTBX19is highly similar to that of humanT(Brachyury), another human member of the same subfamily.  相似文献   

We report here the characterization of gp27 (hp24gamma3), a glycoprotein of the p24 family of small and abundant transmembrane proteins of the secretory pathway. Immunoelectron and confocal scanning microscopy show that at steady state, gp27 localizes to the cis side of the Golgi apparatus. In addition, some gp27 was detected in COPI- and COPII-coated structures throughout the cytoplasm. This indicated cycling that was confirmed in three ways. First, 15 degrees C temperature treatment resulted in accumulation of gp27 in pre-Golgi structures colocalizing with anterograde cargo. Second, treatment with brefeldin A caused gp27 to relocate into peripheral structures positive for both KDEL receptor and COPII. Third, microinjection of a dominant negative mutant of Sar1p trapped gp27 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) by blocking ER export. Together, this shows that gp27 cycles extensively in the early secretory pathway. Immunoprecipitation and coexpression studies further revealed that a significant fraction of gp27 existed in a hetero-oligomeric complex. Three members of the p24 family, GMP25 (hp24alpha2), p24 (hp24beta1), and p23 (hp24delta1), coprecipitated in what appeared to be stochiometric amounts. This heterocomplex was specific. Immunoprecipitation of p26 (hp24gamma4) failed to coprecipitate GMP25, p24, or p23. Also, very little p26 was found coprecipitating with gp27. A functional requirement for complex formation was suggested at the level of ER export. Transiently expressed gp27 failed to leave the ER unless other p24 family proteins were coexpressed. Comparison of attached oligosaccharides showed that gp27 and GMP25 recycled differentially. Only a very minor portion of GMP25 displayed complex oligosaccharides. In contrast, all of gp27 showed modifications by medial and trans enzymes at steady state. We conclude from these data that a portion of gp27 exists as hetero-oligomeric complexes with GMP25, p24, and p23 and that these complexes are in dynamic equilibrium with individual p24 proteins to allow for differential recycling and distributions.  相似文献   

Yptl蛋白是酵母唯一的Rab1 GTP酶,调控囊泡从内质网到高尔基体的运输.酵母温敏突变株 ASY01是一个Ypt1基因功能部分缺失菌株,在26℃可以正常生长,但在37℃不能生长.拟南芥有4个Rab1基因,分别是AtRab1A1、AtRab1B1、AtRab1B2、AtRab1C1.克隆了所有4个AtRab1基因,构建酵母表达载体,转化温敏突变型酵母ASY01.温度敏感性实验结果表明,所有转基因菌株在37℃都恢复正常生长.说明拟南芥4个Rab1基因都与酵母Ypt1基因功能互补,都具有调节囊泡从内质网到高尔基体运输的功能.  相似文献   

人Xp11.2区4.3MbYAC重叠群:大尺度限制图与CpG岛分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人Xp11.2区域具有重要的医学遗传学和基础遗传学价值,它包含很多遗传疾病基因,且至少包含一个逃避X染色体失活的位点,非常规的基化多态也有发现。我们利用这一区域已知的一系列DNA位标,从我们构建的YAC库中筛选出一系列YAC克隆。  相似文献   

More than 50% of mammalian genes are associated with CpG islandsand thus they serve as a good gene marker. We have devised asimple method to scan large pieces of native or cloned genomicDNA for CpG islands. The method is based on the presence ofmultiple Hpa II and Hha I sites in CpG islands, at a frequency30 times higher than in the rest of the genome. The steps includecomplete digestion of DNA with a rare-cutting restriction endonuclease(to produce large fragments with defined ends), partial digestionwith Hpa II and Hha I, and subsequent Southern hybridizationwith an end probe. This identifies a CpG island as a clusterof sub-bands and, based on their electrophoretic mobility, onecan immediately locate the island relative to the ends. Formany vectors, universal probes flanking the cloning site areavailable, enabling the simultaneous analysis of a large numberof samples. We demonstrated the usefulness of the method byanalyzing known CpG islands in native genomic DNA and lambda,cosmid and P1 clones, and by isolating two novel transcribedislands from anonymous cosmid clones. Our method is quick, inexpensive,and can detect CpG islands with few or even no rare-cutter sites.  相似文献   

Frequent deletions and loss of heterozygosity in a segment of chromosome 13 (13q14) in cases of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) have suggested that this malignancy is caused by inactivation of an unknown tumor suppressor gene located in this region. Toward the identification of the putative CLL tumor suppressor, we have constructed a high-resolution physical map of YAC, PAC, and cosmid contigs covering 600 kb of the 13q14 genomic region. In addition to densely positioned genetic markers and STSs, this map was further annotated by localization of 32 transcribed sequences (ESTs) using a combination of exon trapping, direct cDNA selection, sample sequencing of cosmids and PACs, and homology searches. On the basis of these mapping data, allelic loss analyses at 13q14 using CLL tumor samples allowed narrowing of the genomic segment encompassing the putative CLL gene to <300 kb. Twenty-three ESTs located within this minimally deleted region are candidate exons for the CLL-associated tumor suppressor gene.  相似文献   

Dimocarpus longan is a subtropical fruit crop whose year-round production relies on the application of KClO3 to induce flowering; however, the mechanism by which this chemical causes flowering is yet unknown. To further characterize floral signaling in this species, we have isolated three longan FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT)-like genes and studied their activities by heterologous expression in Arabidopsis. Expression of two of these genes (DlFT2 and DlFT3) accelerates flowering, whereas expression of the third gene (DlFT1) causes delayed flowering and produced floral morphology defects. This anti-florigenic protein may be a member of a class of FT-like family involved in flowering time control in biennial and perennial species. Surprisingly, KClO3 treatment also suppressed the expression of both DlFT2 and DlFT3 in a field trial.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type II is associated with hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa but not with any vestibular problems. It is known to be genetically heterogeneous, and one locus (termed USH2A) has been linked to chromosome 1q41. In an effort to refine the localization of USH2A, the genetic map of the region between and adjacent to the marker loci previously recognized as flanking USH2A (D1S70 and PPOL) is updated. Analysis of marker data on 68 Usher II families places the USH2A gene into a 2.1-cM region between the markers D1S237 and D1S229. The gene for transforming growth factor β2 (TGFB2) and the gene for the homeodomain box (HLX1) are both eliminated as candidates for USH2A, by virtue of their localization outside these flanking markers. The earlier finding of genetic heterogeneity was confirmed in six new families, and the proportion of unlinked Usher II families is estimated at 12.5%. The placement of the USH2A gene into this region will aid in the physical mapping and isolation of the gene itself.  相似文献   

The LEU3 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is involved in the regulation of at least two LEU structural genes (LEU1 and LEU2), has been cloned by complementation of leu3 mutations and shown to reside within a 5.6-kb fragment. Transformation of leu3 mutants with LEU3-carrying multicopy plasmids restored normal, leucine-independent growth behavior in the recipients. It also restored approximately wild-type levels of isopropylmalate isomerase (LEU1) and beta-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (LEU2), which were strongly reduced when exogenous leucine was supplied. Strains containing a disrupted leu3 allele were constructed by deleting 0.7-kb of LEU3 DNA and inserting the yeast HIS3 gene in its place. Like other leu3 mutants, these strains were leaky leucine auxotrophs, owing to a basal level of expression of LEU1 and LEU2. Southern transfer and genetic analyses of strains carrying a disrupted leu3 allele demonstrated that the cloned gene was LEU3, as opposed to a suppressor. Disruption of LEU3 was performed also with a diploid and shown to be nonlethal by tetrad analysis. Northern transfer experiments showed that the LEU3 gene produces mRNA approximately 2.9 kilonucleotides in length. The leu3 marker was mapped to chromosome XII by the spo11 method. Linkage to ura4 by about 44 centiMorgans places leu3 on the right arm of this chromosome.  相似文献   

Stefins or Type 1 cystatins belong to a large, evolutionarily conserved protein superfamily, the members of which inhibit the papain-like cysteine proteinases. We report here on the molecular cloning and chromosomal localization of three newly identified members of the murine stefin gene family. These genes, designated herein as mouse stefins 1, 2, and 3, were isolated on the basis of their relatively increased expression in moth-eaten viable compared to normal congenic mouse bone marrow cells. The open reading frames of the stefin cDNAs encode proteins of approximately 11.5 kDa that show between 50 and 92% identity to sequences of stefins isolated from various other species. Data from Southern analysis suggest that the murine stefin gene family encompasses at least 6 and possibly 10-20 members, all of which appear to be clustered in the genome. Analysis of interspecific backcross mice indicates that the genes encoding the three mouse stefins all map to mouse chromosome 16, a localization that is consistent with the recent assignment of the human stefin A gene to a region of conserved homology between human chromosome 3q and the proximal region of mouse chromosome 16.  相似文献   

Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH) is a nuclear-encoded, mitochondrial matrix enzyme. In humans, deficiency of GCDH leads to glutaric acidemia type I, an inherited disorder of amino acid metabolism characterized by a progressive neurodegenerative disease. In this report we describe the cloning and structure of the mouse GCDH (Gcdh) gene and cDNA and its chromosomal localization. The mouse Gcdh cDNA is 1.75 kb long and contains an open reading frame of 438 amino acids. The amino acid sequences of mouse, human, and pig GCDH are highly conserved. The mouse Gcdh gene contains 11 exons and spans 7 kb of genomic DNA. Gcdh was mapped by backcross analysis to mouse chromosome 8 within a region that is homologous to a region of human chromosome 19, where the human gene was previously mapped.  相似文献   

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