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A new PLA2 (F16) was purified from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom by molecular exclusion chromatography followed by analytical reverse phase HPLC. The PLA2 (14.86 kDa by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry) had an amino acid sequence of SLLQFNKMIKFETRKNAVPFYAFYGCYCGWGGRRRPKDATDRCCFVHDCCYEKVTKCNTKWDIYRYSLKSGYITCGKGTWCKEQICECDRVAAECLRRSLSTYKNGYMFYPDSRCRGPSETC, and showed highly conserved Ca2+-binding and catalytic sites. F16 showed allosteric behavior with 10 mM Ca2+ and had temperature and pH optima of 25°C and 7.9, respectively. F16 (10 μg/ml) produced neuromuscular blockade in chick biventer cervicis preparations in the absence and presence of crotapotin, indicating that crotapotin was not essential for neuromuscular action in this preparation. In contrast, in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations, the neuromuscular blockade produced by the same concentration of toxin was dependent on crotapotin. Pre-incubation with heparin markedly reduced the neurotoxicity of F16. These results show that the biochemical and structural properties of F16 are similar to those of the PLA2 isoforms F15 and F17, but that the neurotoxicity and the requirement for crotapotin to form the crotoxin complex varies according to the neuromuscular preparation.  相似文献   

A convulxin (Cvx)-like protein was isolated from Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom by a combination of molecular exclusion and reversed-phase HPLC chromatographies. The molecular mass of the Cvx-like protein in the absence and presence of DTT was 78 kDa and 12-13 kDa, respectively. The Cvx-like protein consisted of two nonidentical polypeptide chains ( and ). The N-terminal amino-acid sequences of the and subunits were GLHCPSDWYAYDGHCYKIFNEEMNWED and GFCCPSHWSSYSRYCYKFFSQEMNWEDAEK, respectively, with both subunits having a high content of Glu, Ser, Cys, and Asp. The Cvx-like protein showed high homology with other venom C-type lectins, but had low hemagglutinating activity on intact and trypsinized erythrocytes. The Cvx-like protein stimulated insulin receptor phosphorylation and potentiated insulin secretion from isolated islets in the presence of sub- (2.8 mM) or supra-physiological (16.7 mM) glucose concentrations. These results suggest that the increase in insulin secretion induced by Cvx-like protein may be mediated by a protein tyrosine kinase-dependent pathway and may involve other membrane receptors, such as GP VI or Scr family proteins.  相似文献   

A hyaluronidase (CdtHya1) from Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom (CdtV) was isolated and showed to exhibit a high activity on hyaluronan cleavage. However, surveys on this enzyme are still limited. This study aimed at its isolation, functional/structural characterization and the evaluation of its effect on the spreading of crotoxin and phospholipase A2 (PLA2). The enzyme was purified through cation exchange, gel filtration and hydrophobic chromatography. After that, it was submitted to a reverse-phase fast protein liquid chromatography (RP-FPLC) and Edman degradation sequencing, which showed the first N-terminal 44 amino acid residues whose sequence evidenced identity with other snake venom hyaluronidases. CdtHya1 is a monomeric glycoprotein of 64.5 kDa estimated by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. It exhibited maximum activity in the presence of 0.2 M NaCl, at 37 °C, pH 5.5 and a specificity to hyaluronan higher than that to chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate or dermatan. Divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) and 1 M NaCl significantly reduced the enzyme activity. The specific activity of CdtHya1 was 5066 turbidity reducing units (TRU)/mg, against 145 TRU/mg for the soluble venom, representing a 34.9-fold purification. The pure enzyme increased the diffusion of crotoxin and PLA2 through mice tissues. CdtHya1 (32 TRU/40 μL) potentiated crotoxin action, as evidenced by mice death, and it decreased the oedema caused by subplantar injections of buffer, crotoxin or PLA2, thus evidencing the relevance of hyaluronidase in the crotalic envenoming. This work yielded a highly active antiedematogenic hyaluronidase from CdtV, the first one isolated from rattlesnake venoms.  相似文献   

A novel basic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) isoform was isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom and partially characterized. The venom was fractionated by HPLC ion-exchange chromatography in ammonium bicarbonate buffer, followed by reverse-phase HPLC to yield the protein Bj IV. Tricine SDS-PAGE in the presence or absence of dithiothreitol showed that Bj IV had a molecular mass of 15 and 30 kDa, respectively. This enzyme was able to form multimeric complexes (30, 45, and 60 kDa). Amino acid analysis showed a high content of hydrophobic and basic amino acids as well as 14 half-cysteine residues. The N-terminal sequence (DLWSWGQMIQETGLLPSYTTY . . .) showed a high degree of homology with basic D49 PLA2 myotoxins from other Bothrops venoms. Bj IV had high PLA2 activity and produced moderate myonecrosis in skeletal muscle, but showed no neuromuscular activity in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations. Bj IV showed allosteric enzymatic behavior, with maximal activity at pH 8.2 and 35-45°C. Full PLA2 activity required Ca2+ but was inhibited by Cu2+ and Zn2+, and by Cu2+ and Mg2+ in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively. Crotapotins from Crotalus durissus terrificus rattlesnake venom significantly inhibited the enzymatic activity of Bj IV. The latter observation suggested that the binding site for crotapotin in this PLA2 was similar to that in the basic PLA2 of the crotoxin complex from C. d. terrificus venom. The presence of crotapotin-like proteins capable of inhibiting the catalytic activity of D49 PLA2 could partly explain the low PLA2 activity of Bothrops venoms.  相似文献   

In the present article we report on the biological characterization and amino acid sequence of a new basic Phospholipases A2 (PLA2) isolated from the Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom (Cdcolli F6), which showed the presence of 122 amino acid residues with a pI value of 8.3, molecular mass of 14 kDa and revealed an amino acid sequence identity of 80 with crotalic PLA2s such as Mojave B, Cdt F15, and CROATOX. This homology, however, dropped to 50 if compared to other sources of PLA2s such as from the Bothrops snake venom. Also, this PLA2 induced myonecrosis, although this effect was lower than that of BthTx-I or whole crotoxin and it was able to induce a strong blockage effect on the chick biventer neuromuscular preparation, independently of the presence of the acid subunid (crotapotin). The neurotoxic effect was strongly reduced by pre-incubation with heparin or with anhydrous acetic acid and q-BPB showed a similar reduction. The q-BPB did not reduce significantly the myotoxic activity induced by the PLA2, but the anhydrous acetic acid treatment and the pre-incu-bation of PLA2 with heparin reduced significantly its effects. This protein showed a strong antimicrobial activity against Xanthomonas axonopodis passiflorae (Gram-negative), which was drastically reduced by incubation of this PLA2 with q-BPB, but this effect was marginally reduced after treatment with anhydrous acetic acid. Our findings here allow to speculate that basic amino acid residues on the C-terminal and molecular regions near catalytic site regions such as Calcium binding loop or b-wing region may be involved in the binding of this PLA2 to the molecular receptor to induce the neurotoxic effect. The bactericidal effect, however, was completely dependent on the enzymatic activity of this protein.  相似文献   

The PLA2 and crotapotin subunits of crotoxin from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom were purified by a combination of HPLC molecular exclusion (Protein Pack 300SW column) and reverse-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC). Tricine SDS—PAGE showed that the PLA2 and crotapotins migrated as single bands with estimated molecular masses of 15 and 9 kDa, respectively. The amino acid composition of the PLA2 showed the presence of 14 half-cysteines and a high content of basic residues (Lys, Arg, His), whereas the crotapotins were rich in hydrophobic, negatively charged residues and half-cysteines. The PLA2 showed allosteric behavior, with maximal activity at pH 8.3 and 35–40°C. The C. d. cascavella PLA2 required Ca2+ for activity, but was inhibited by Cu2+ and Zn2+ and by Cu2+ and Mg2+ in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively. Crotapotin (F3) and heparin inhibited the catalytic activity of the PLA2 by acting as allosteric inhibitors.  相似文献   

The PLA2 and crotapotin subunits of crotoxin from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom were purified by a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) molecular exclusion (Protein Pack 300SW column) and reverse-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC). Tricine SDS-PAGE showed that the PLA2 and crotapotins migrated as single bands with estimated molecular masses of 15 and 9 kDa, respectively. The amino acid composition of the PLA2 showed the presence of 14 half-cysteines and a high content of basic residues (Lys, Arg, His), whereas the crotapotins were rich in hydrophobic, negatively charged residues and half-cysteines. The PLA2 showed allosteric behavior, with maximal activity at pH 8.3 and 35–40°C. C. d. cascavella PLA2 required Ca2+ for activity but was inhibited by Cu2+ and Zn2+ and by Cu2+ and Mg2+ in the presence and absence of Ca2+, respectively. Crotapotin (F3) and heparin inhibited the catalytic activity of the PLA2 by acting as allosteric inhibitors.  相似文献   

Crotoxin B (CB or Cdt PLA(2)) is a basic Asp49-PLA(2) found in the venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus and it is one of the subunits that constitute the crotoxin (Cro). This heterodimeric toxin, main component of the C. d. terrificus venom, is completed by an acidic, nontoxic, and nonenzymatic component (crotoxin A, CA or crotapotin), and it is related to important envenomation effects such as neurological disorders, myotoxicity, and renal failure. Although Cro has been crystallized since 1938, no crystal structure of this toxin or its subunits is currently available. In this work, the authors present the crystal structure of a novel tetrameric complex formed by two dimers of crotoxin B isoforms (CB1 and CB2). The results suggest that these assemblies are stable in solution and show that Ser1 and Glu92 of CB1 and CB2, respectively, play an important role in the oligomerization. The tetrameric and dimeric conformations resulting from the association of the isoforms may increase the neurotoxicity of the toxin CB by the creation of new binding sites, which could improve the affinity of the molecular complexes to the presynaptic membrane.  相似文献   

A new crotoxin B isoform PLA2 (F6a), from Crotalus durissus collilineatus was purified from by one step reverse phase HPLC chromatography using μ-Bondapack C-18 column analytic. The new crotoxin B isoform PLA2 (F6a), complex crotoxin, the catalytic subunit crotoxin B isoform PLA2 (F6a) and two crotapotin isoforms (F3 and F4), were isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus collilineatus. The crotapotins isoforms F3 and F4 had similar chemical properties, the two proteins different in their ability to inhibit of isoforms of PLA2 (F6 and F6a). The molecular masses estimated by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry were: crotoxin B: 14,943.14 Da, crotapotin F3: 8,693.24 Da, and crotapotin F4: 9 314.56 Da. The new crotoxin B isoform PLA2 (F6a) contained 122 amino acid residues and a pI of 8.58. Its amino acid sequence presents high identity with those of other PLA2s, particularly in the calcium binding loop and active site helix 3. It also presents similarities in the C-terminal region with other myotoxic PLA2s. The new crotoxin B isoform PLA2 (F6a) contained 122 amino acid residues, with a primary structure of HLLQFNKMIK FETRRNAIPP YAFYGCYCGW GGRGRPKDAT DRCCFVHDCC YGKLAKCNTK WDFYRYSLKS GYITCGKGTW CEEQICECDR VAAECLRRSL STYRYGYMIY PDSRCRGPSE TC. A neuromuscular blocking activity was induced by crotoxin and new crotoxin B isoform PLA2 (F6a) in the isolated mouse phrenic nerve diaphragm and the biventer cervicis chick nerve-muscle preparation. Whole crotoxin was devoid of cytolytic activity upon myoblasts and myotubes in vitro, whereas new crotoxin B isoform PLA2 (F6a) was clearly cytotoxic to these cells.  相似文献   

In this article we investigated the platelet aggregating activity of whole crotoxin and its subunits isolated from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom. During the purification protocols of the venom, using HPLC molecular exclusion, we detected the presence of two different serine protease activities in the gyroxin fraction, and another in the crotoxin fraction, which induced strong and irreversible platelet aggregation, in addition to blood coagulation. From crotoxin, we isolated PLA2, crotapotin (both fractions corresponding approximately 85% of whole crotoxin) and another minor fraction (F20) that exhibited serine protease activity. After a new fractionation on reverse phase HPLC chromatography, we obtained three other fractions named as F201, F202 and F203. F202 was obtained with high degree of molecular homogeneity with molecular mass of approximately 28 kDa and a high content of acidic amino residues, such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid. Other important amino acids were histidine, cysteine and lysine. This protein exhibited a high specificity for BApNA, a Michaelis-Menten behavior with Vmax estimated in M/min and a Km value of 0.58 mM for this substrate. In this work, we investigated the ability of F202 to degrade fibrinogen and observed α and β chain cleavage. Enzymatic as well as the platelet aggregation activities were strongly inhibited when incubated with TLCK and PMSF, specific inhibitors of serine protease. Also, F202 induced platelet aggregation in washed and platelet-rich plasma, and in both cases, TLCK inhibited its activity. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of F202 presented a high amino acid sequence homology with other thrombin-like proteins, but it was significantly different from gyroxin. These results showed that crotoxin is a highly heterogeneous protein composed of PLA2, thrombin-like and other fractions that might explain the diversity of physiological and pharmacological activities of this protein.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen-activating enzymes, widely distributed in Crotalidae and Viperidae venoms, are single-chain glycosylated serine proteases that display high macromolecular selectivity and are often referred to as thrombin-like enzymes (TLEs). TLEs serve as structural models to extend our understanding of the structure-function relationships of blood coagulation factors, have been clinically used for the treatment of thrombotic diseases, and are used as tools in clinical assays. The combination of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography proved to be successful in obtaining milligram quantities of pure samples of TLEs from the venoms of Crotalus durissus terrificus (white venom) and Crotalus durissus collilineatus (yellow venom). Functional characterization indicates that both enzymes preferentially degrade the Bβ chain of bovine fibrinogen and possess edema-inducing and coagulant activities. However, the TLE from C. d. collilineatus venom shows twofold higher coagulant activity with a minimum coagulant dose (MCD) of 0.6 μg/μl, whereas the enzyme isolated from C. d. terrificus indicated an MCD of 1.5 μg/μl. Molecular modeling of gyroxin and structural comparisons with other highly conserved snake venom serine proteases, underlines the key role played by the surface charge distribution and the double insertion in the 174surface loop in macromolecular substrate recognition by TLEs.  相似文献   

The venom of Crotalus durissus terrificus was fractionated by reverse-phase HPLC to obtain crotapotins (F5 and F7) and PLA2 (F15, F16, and F17) of high purity. The phospholipases A2 (PLA2s) and crotapotins showed antimicrobial activity against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, although the unseparated crotoxin did not. The F17 of the PLA2 also revealed significant anticoagulant activity, althrough for this to occur the presence of Glu 53 and Trp 61 is important. The F17 of the PLA2 showed allosteric behavior in the presence of a synthetic substrate. The amino acid sequence of this PLA2 isoform, determined by automatic sequencing, was HLLQFNKMLKFETRKNAVPFYAFGCYCGWGGQRRPKDATDRCCFVHDCCYEKVTKCNTKWDFYRYSLKSGYITCGKGTWCKEQICECDRVAAECLRRSLSTYKNEYMFYPDSRCREPSETC. Analysis showed that the sequence of this PLA2 isoform differed slightly from the amino acid sequence of the basic crotoxin subunit reported in the literature. The homology with other crotalid PLA2 cited in the literature varied from 60% to 90%. The pL was estimated to be 8.15, and the calculated molecular weight was 14664.14 as determined by Tricine SDS-PAGE, two-dimensional electrophoresis, and MALDI-TOFF. These results also suggested that the enzymatic activity plays an important role in the bactericidal effect of the F17 PLA2 as well as that of anticoagulation, although other regions of the molecule may also be involved in this biological activity.  相似文献   

Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms of PLA2, a D49 protein, were purified from Crotalus durissus ruruima venom after one chromatographic step, reverse phase HPLC on μ-Bondapack C-18. The molecular mass by SDS-PAGE of Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms of PLA2 was 14333.49 Da and 14296.42 Da, respectively and confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry .The amino acid composition showed that both isoforms Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 have a high content of Lys, Tyr, Gly, Arg, and 14 half-Cys residues, typical of a basic PLA2. The isoforms Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 had a sequence of amino acids of 122 amino acid residues, being Cdr-12: SLLQFNKMIK FETRKNAIPF YAFYGCYCGW GGQGRPKDAT DRCCIVHDCC YGKLAKCNTK WDFYRYSLRS GYFQCGKGTW CEQQICECDR VAAECLRRSL STYRYGYMIY PDSRCREPSE TC and pI value 8.37 and Cdr-13: SLVQFEKMIK EETGKNAVPF YAFYGCYCGW GGRGRPKDAT DRCCIVHDCC YEKLVKCNTK WDFYRYSLRS GYFQCGKGTW CEQQICECDR VAAECLRRSL STYRYGKMIY PDSRCREPSE TC with a pI value of 8.13 This sequence shows high identity values when compared to other D49 PLA2s isolated from venoms of crotalics snakes. Skeletal muscle preparations from the young chicken have been previously used in order to study the effects of toxins on neuromuscular transmission, providing an important opportunity to study the differentiated behavior of a toxin before more than one model, because it shows differences in its sensibilities. In mice, the PLA2 isoforms Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 induced myonecrosis and edema, upon intramuscular or subcutaneous injections, respectively. In vitro, Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms of PLA2, caused a potent blockade of neuromuscular transmission in young chicken biventer cervicis preparation and produced cytotoxicity in murine C2C12 skeletal muscle myotubes and lack cytolytic activity upon myoblasts in vitro. Thus, the combined structural and functional information obtained identify Cdr-12 and Cdr-13 isoforms as members of the PLA2 family, which presents the typical bioactivities described for such proteins.  相似文献   

Convulxin (CVX), a C-type lectin, isolated from the venom of the South American rattlesnake Crotalus durissus terrificus, causes cardiovascular and respiratory disturbances and is a potent platelet activator which binds to platelet glycoprotein GPVI. The structure of CVX has been solved at 2.4A resolution to a crystallographic residual of 18.6% (R(free)=26.4%). CVX is a disulfide linked heterodimer consisting of homologous alpha and beta chains. The heterodimers are additionally linked by disulfide bridges to form cyclic alpha(4)beta(4)heterotetramers. These domains exhibit significant homology to the carbohydrate-binding domains of C-type lectins, to the factor IX-binding protein (IX-bp), and to flavocetin-A (Fl-A) but sequence and structural differences are observed in both the domains in the putative Ca(2+)and carbohydrate binding regions.  相似文献   

Crotoxin is a neurotoxin from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom that shows immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor and analgesic activities. Structurally, this toxin is a heterodimeric complex composed by a toxic basic PLA2 (Crotoxin B or CB) non-covalently linked to an atoxic non-enzymatic and acidic component (Crotapotin, Crotoxin A or CA). Several CA and CB isoforms have been isolated and characterized, showing that the crotoxin venom fraction is, in fact, a mixture of different molecules derived from the combination of distinct subunit isoforms. Intercro (IC) is a protein from the same snake venom which presents high similarity in primary structure to CB, indicating that it could be an another isoform of this toxin. In this work, we compare IC to the crotoxin complex (CA/CB) and/or CB in order to understand its functional aspects. The experiments with IC revealed that it is a new toxin with different biological activities from CB, keeping its catalytic activity but presenting low myotoxicity and absence of neurotoxic activity. The results also indicated that IC is structurally similar to CB isoforms, but probably it is not able to form a neurotoxic active complex with crotoxin A as observed for CB. Moreover, structural and phylogenetic data suggest that IC is a new toxin with possible toxic effects not related to the typical CB neurotoxin.  相似文献   

A potent toxin with phospholipase A2 (PLA2) and hemolytic activity in vitro was purified from the Russell's viper venom of eastern India (RVV-EI). The purified protein (RVV-PFIIc) of 15.3 kDa molecular weight, and a lethal toxicity dose (LD50 i.p.) of 0.1 mg/kg body weight, was the most toxic PLA2 so far reported from the Indian subcontinent. The material also possessed anticoagulant activity as it enhanced the prothrombin induced plasma clotting time in vitro. The PLA2 toxin (RVV-PFIIc) was shown to be different from other PLA2s of RVV in respect to one or more of these parameters e.g. molecular weight, isoelectric pH, in vivo toxicity, specific activity of the enzyme and certain other biological activities. The first 19 amino terminal sequence (NLFQFAEMIVKMTGKEAVH) of RVV-PFIIc showed variable degree of homology (42.1–94.7%) with those of other RVV-PLA2s described in the literature. Antisera raised against RVV-EI or RVV-PFIIc, though completely neutralized the in vivo lethal toxicity of RVV-EI or RVV-PFIIc, failed to inhibit their PLA2 activity in vitro thereby suggesting that in vivo toxicity and in vitro activity of the enzyme may not be directly related. Apart from RVV-PFIIc, at least two other PLA2 isozymes were found to be present in RVV-EI that were distinct from RVV-PFIIc in respect to their molecular, biological as well as serological properties. The significance of these and related data in antivenom therapy is discussed.  相似文献   

Natural inhibitors occupy an important place in the potential to neutralize the toxic effects caused by snake venom proteins and enzymes. It has been well recognized for several years that animal sera, some of the plant and marine extracts are the most potent in neutralizing snake venom phospholipase A(2) (svPLA(2)). The implication of this review to update the latest research work which has been accomplished with svPLA(2) inhibitors from various natural sources like animal, marine organisms presents a compilation of research in this field over the past decade and revisiting the previous research report including those found in plants. In addition to that the bioactive compounds/inhibitor molecules from diverse sources like aristolochic alkaloid, flavonoids and neoflavonoids from plants, hydrocarbones -2, 4 dimethyl hexane, 2 methylnonane, and 2, 6 dimethyl heptane obtained from traditional medicinal plants Tragia involucrata (Euphorbiaceae) member of natural products involved for the inhibitory potential of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) enzymes in vitro and also decrease both oedema induced by snake venom as well as human synovial fluid PLA(2). Besides marine natural products that inhibit PLA(2) are manoalide and its derivatives such as scalaradial and related compounds, pseudopterosins and vidalols, tetracylne from synthetic chemicals etc. There is an overview of the role of PLA(2) in inflammation that provides a rationale for seeking inhibitors of PLA(2) as anti-inflammatory agents. However, more studies should be considered to evaluate antivenom efficiency of sera and other agents against a variety of snake venoms found in various parts of the world. The implications of these new groups of svPLA(2) toxin inhibitors in the context of our current understanding of snake biology as well as in the development of new novel antivenoms therapeutics agents in the efficient treatment of snake envenomations are discussed.  相似文献   

Geographic venom samples of Crotalus viridis viridis were obtained from South Dakota, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. From these samples, the phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)s) were purified and their N-terminal sequences, precise masses, and in vitro enzymatic activities were determined. We purified two to four distinct acidic PLA(2)s from each sample; some of them displayed different inhibition specificities toward mammalian platelets. One of the acidic PLA(2)s induced edema, but had no anti-platelet activity. There was also a common basic PLA(2) myotoxin in all the samples. We have cloned five acidic PLA(2)s and several hybrid-like nonexpressing PLA(2)s. Molecular masses and N-terminal sequences of the purified PLA(2)s were matched with those deduced from the cDNA sequences, and the complete amino acid sequences of five novel acidic PLA(2)s were thus solved. They share 78% or greater sequence identity, and a cladogram based on the sequences of many venom acidic PLA(2)s of New World pit vipers revealed at least two subtypes. The results contribute to a better understanding of the ecogenetic adaptation of rattlesnakes and the structure-activity relationships and evolution of the acidic PLA(2)s in pit viper venom.  相似文献   

Picolo G  Cury Y 《Life sciences》2004,75(5):559-573
Previous work has shown that nitric oxide (NO) mediates the antinociceptive effect of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom on carrageenin-induced hyperalgesia. In the present study the role of constitutive neuronal or of inducible form of nitric oxide synthase on venom effect was determined. The rat paw prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2))-induced mechanical hyperalgesia model was used for nociceptive evaluation. The venom (200 microg/kg) administered per oz immediately before prostaglandin induced antinociception that persisted for 120 h. The characterisation of the antinociceptive effect of the venom in this model of hyperalgesia showed that kappa and delta-opioid receptors are involved in this effect. 7-nitroindazole (7-NI), a neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor, but not L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)lysine (L-NIL), an inhibitor of the inducible form of NOS, injected by intraplantar (i.pl.) route, antagonized the antinociceptive effect of the venom. The i.pl. administration of 1H-(1,2,4)oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxaline-1-one (ODQ), a selective guanylate cyclase inhibitor, blocked antinociception, whereas Rp-cGMP triethylamine, a cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor, partially reversed this effect. These data indicate that peripheral kappa- and delta-opioid receptors are involved in the antinociceptive effect of Crotalus durissus terrificus on prostaglandin E(2)-induced hyperalgesia. Peripheral nitric oxide, generated by neuronal NO synthase, and cGMP/PKc are responsible, at least partially, for the molecular mechanisms of venom effect.  相似文献   

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