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Ermakov AV Konradov AA Spitkovskiĭ DM 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2003,43(3):341-346
The 3H-thymidine incorporation in human lymphocytes of healthy donors induced by UVC radiation under doses 0.0008-60 J/m2 was investigated. It was shown that the incorporation of 3H-thymidine increases under doses in interval 0.1-20 and is constant under doses higher than 20 J/m2. Under doses in interval 0.006-0.03 J/m2 near a half of all samples had the level of incorporation increased in comparison with control samples. We connect the presence, absence or variability of this effect with individual peculiarities of cells and with different activity of cell subpopulations that are different on morphological and physiological characteristics. The hypothesis about the role of this factor in the influence of low doses of pathogenic agents (UVC and X-radiation, chemical compounds) on human lymphocytes is discussed. 相似文献
Shmakova NL Nasonova EA Krasavin EA Komova OV Mel'nikova LA Fadeeva TA 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2006,46(4):480-487
The chromosome damage induced by the doses of y-irradiation 6)Co in peripheral blood lymphocytes was studied using different cytogenetic assays. Isolated lymphocytes were exposed to 0.01-1.0 Gy, stimulated by PHA, and analysed for chromosome aberrations at 48 h postirradiation by metaphase method, at 49 h--by the anaphase method, at 58 h by micronucleus assay with cytochalasin B and, additionally, micronuclei were counted at 48 h on the slides prepared for the metaphase analysis without cytochalasin B. Despite of the quantitative differences in the amount of chromosome damage revealed by different methods all of them demonstrated complex nonlinear dose dependence of the frequency of aberrant cells and aberrations. At the dose range from 0.01 Gy to 0.05-0.07 Gy the cells had the highest radiosensitivity mainly due to chromatid-type aberration induction. With dose increasing the frequency of the aberrant cells and aberrations decreased significantly (in some cases to the control level). At the doses up to 0.5-0.7 Gy the dose-effect curves have become linear with the decreased slope compare to initial one (by factor of 5 to 10 for different criteria) reflecting the higher radioresistance of cells. These data confirm the idea that the direct linear extrapolation of high dose effect to low dose range--the procedure routinelly used to estimate genetic risk of low dose irradiation--cannot be effective and may lead to underestimation of chromosome damage produced by low radiation doses. Preferences and disadvantages of used cytogenetic assays and possible mechanisms of low ionising radiation doses action were discussed. 相似文献
Individual responsiveness to induction of micronuclei in human lymphocytes after exposure in vitro to 1800-MHz microwave radiation 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The widespread application of microwaves is of great concern in view of possible consequences for human health. Many in vitro studies have been carried out to detect possible effects on DNA and chromatin structure following exposure to microwave radiation. The aim of this study is to assess the capability of microwaves, at different power densities and exposure times, to induce genotoxic effects as evaluated by the in vitro micronucleus (MN) assay on peripheral blood lymphocytes from nine different healthy donors, and to investigate also the possible inter-individual response variability. Whole blood samples were exposed for 60, 120 and 180 min to continuous microwave radiation with a frequency of 1800 MHz and power densities of 5, 10 and 20 mW/cm(2). Reproducibility was tested by repeating the experiment 3 months later. Multivariate analysis showed that lymphocyte proliferation indices were significantly different among donors (p<0.004) and between experiments (p<0.01), whereas the applied power density and the exposure time did not have any effect on them. Both spontaneous and induced MN frequencies varied in a highly significant way among donors (p<0.009) and between experiments (p<0.002), and a statistically significant increase of MN, although rather low, was observed dependent on exposure time (p=0.0004) and applied power density (p=0.0166). A considerable decrease in spontaneous and induced MN frequencies was measured in the second experiment. The results show that microwaves are able to induce MN in short-time exposures to medium power density fields. Our data analysis highlights a wide inter-individual variability in the response, which was confirmed to be a characteristic reproducible trait by means of the second experiment. 相似文献
Ermakov AV Kostiuk SV Egolina NA Kalashnikova EA Kokarovtseva SN Malinovskaia EM Veĭko NN 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2007,47(6):650-657
We previously reported that the consequence of human lymphocytes irradiation by the adaptive doses (X-rays, 10 cGy) was a transposition of the homologous chromosome loci in the cell nucleus (FISH method); this phenomenon was mediated by the increase of nucleolus activity. They both are transmited to non-irradiated cells by the bystander effect (BE). We shown that the reaction of stress signaling is induced by the DNA fragments of irradiated lymphocytes. The study shows that after the inhibition of caspase 3 activity in irradiating lymphocytes or the blockade TLR9 in bystander cells the transposition was not observed. A signaling way of BE from irradiated lymphocytes apoptosis to bystander cells receptors is discussing. 相似文献
Induction of micronuclei in human lymphocytes exposed in vitro to microwave radiation 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Increasing applications of electromagnetic fields are of great concern with regard to public health. Several in vitro studies have been conducted to detect effects of microwave exposure on the genetic material leading to negative or questionable results. The micronucleus (MN) assay which is proved to be a useful tool for the detection of radiation exposure-induced cytogenetic damage was used in the present study to investigate the genotoxic effect of microwaves in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro exposed in G(0) to electromagnetic fields with different frequencies (2.45 and 7.7GHz) and power density (10, 20 and 30mW/cm(2)) for three times (15, 30 and 60min). The results showed for both radiation frequencies an induction of micronuclei as compared to the control cultures at a power density of 30mW/cm(2) and after an exposure of 30 and 60min. Our study would indicate that microwaves are able to cause cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes mainly for both high power density and long exposure time. 相似文献
J Pohl-Rüling P Fischer D C Lloyd A A Edwards A T Natarajan G Obe K E Buckton N O Bianchi P P van Buul B C Das 《Mutation research》1986,173(4):267-272
Unstable chromosome aberrations induced by in vitro irradiation with zero plus seven low doses of 14.8 MeV D-T neutrons in the range 3.55-244 mGy have been analysed in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. In order to obtain the required large numbers of scored cells for such low doses, fourteen laboratories participated in the experiment. The dose responses for dicentrics, excess acentrics and total aberrations, fitted well to the Y = alpha D model. The alpha coefficient of yield for dicentrics, 1.60 +/- 0.07 X 10(-2) Gy-1, compares well with the values obtained in previous studies with D-T neutrons at somewhat higher doses. Results from a previous collaborative study using 250 kVp X-rays over a comparable dose range indicated the possible existence of a threshold below 50 mGy. In the present study there is no clear evidence for neutrons for such a threshold. However, the data were insufficient to permit the rejection of a possible threshold below approximately 10 mGy. 相似文献
Repin MV Repina LA 《Radiatsionnaia biologiia, radioecologiia / Rossi?skaia akademiia nauk》2011,51(4):411-418
The probability of losses of different chromosome aberrations during the dicentric chromosome assay of metaphase cells with incomplete sets of chromosome centromeres was estimated using a mathematical model for low doses of ionizing radiation. A dicentric assay of human blood lymphocytes without determination of the total amount of chromosome centromeres in cells without chromosome aberrations (rapid dicentric assay) has been proposed. The rapid dicentric analysis allows to register chromosome aberrations in full compliance with the conventional classification. The experimental data have shown no statistically significant difference between the frequencies of dicentric chromosomes detected by rapid and classical dicentric chromosome assays of human lymphocytes exposed to 0.5 Gy of 60Co gamma-rays. The rate of the rapid dicentric assay was almost twice as high as that of the classical dicentric assay. 相似文献
Characterization of the adaptive response to ionizing radiation induced by low doses of X rays to human lymphocytes 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
In previous studies we have shown that low doses of radiation from incorporated tritiated thymidine can make human lymphocytes less susceptible to the genetic damage manifested as chromatid breakage induced by a subsequent high dose of X rays. We have also shown that this adaptive response to ionizing radiation can be induced by very low doses of X rays (0.01 Gy; i.e., 1 rad) delivered during S phase of the cell cycle. To see if a low dose of X rays could induce this response in cells at other phases of the cell cycle, human lymphocytes were irradiated with 0.01 or 0.05 Gy before stimulation by phytohemagglutinin (G0) or with 0.01 Gy at various times after stimulation (G1), followed by 1.5 Gy (150 rad) at G2 phase. Although G0 lymphocytes failed to exhibit an adaptive response, G1 cells irradiated as early as 4 h after stimulation did show the response. Experiments were also carried out to determine how long the adaptive response induced by 0.01 Gy could persist. A 0.01-Gy dose was delivered to lymphocytes in the first S phase, followed by 1.5 Gy in the same or subsequent cell cycles. Lymphocytes receiving a 1.5-Gy dose at 40, 48, or 66 h after stimulation exhibited an adaptive response, whereas those receiving a 1.5-Gy dose at 90 or 114 h did not. Duplicate cultures containing bromodeoxyuridine showed that at 40 h all the lymphocytes were in their first cell cycle after stimulation, at 48 h half of the lymphocytes were in their first cell cycle and half in their second, and at 66 h 80% of the lymphocytes were in their third cell cycle. Thus the adaptive response persists for at least three cell cycles after it is induced by 0.01 Gy of X rays. In other experiments, the time necessary for maximal expression of the adaptive response was determined by delivering 0.01 Gy at hourly intervals 1-6 h before the 1.5-Gy dose. While a 4-h interval was enough for expression of the adaptive response, shorter intervals were not. 相似文献
M Pincu H Callisen A Norman 《International journal of radiation biology and related studies in physics, chemistry, and medicine》1985,47(4):423-432
We have calculated the distribution of DNA contents in micronuclei (MN) induced by ionizing radiation in human lymphocytes on two assumptions: the MN arise from acentric chromosome fragments (ACF), and the ACF result from the random breakage and rejoining of chromosomes. Measurements show that about 80 per cent of MN have a DNA content in the range of 0.5-6 per cent of the G1 nucleus. This group is consistent with the model and shows little dependence on radiation dose over the dose range of 0.5-4 Gy, or on lymphocyte culture time, varying from 48 to 76 hours. The MN with DNA content from 6 to 20 per cent of the G1 nucleus are probably the result both of spindle defects and of DNA synthesis in MN. 相似文献
Santhosh Acharya Ganesh Sanjeev N. N. Bhat K. Siddappa Y. Narayana 《Radiation and environmental biophysics》2009,48(2):197-203
The effect of electrons and gamma irradiation on the induction of micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked human peripheral blood
lymphocytes was investigated to understand the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of electrons compared with gamma rays.
Blood samples were irradiated with an 8 MeV pulsed electron beam, at a mean instantaneous dose rate of 2.6 × 105 Gy s−1. Gamma irradiation was carried out at a dose rate of 1.98 Gy min−1 using 60Co gamma source. A dose-dependent increase in micronuclei yield was observed. The dose–response relationships for induction
of micronuclei fitted well to a linear–quadratic relationship and the coefficients α and β of the dose–response curve were
estimated by fitting the data using error-weighted minimum χ
2 method. The RBE of 8 MeV electrons were found to be near unity as compared with gamma rays. 相似文献
This paper describes the results of a study in which pigs were used in the bone marrow micronucleus assay. In a first experiment the spontaneous frequency of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPE) among polychromatic erythrocytes (PE) was investigated in 78 animals. It was found that it is low with individual values of 0-4 MPE/1000 PE and a group average of 1.76 +/- 1.06% (mean +/- SD). In a second set of investigations animals were exposed to 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.25 and 2.75 Gy of 9-MeV X-irradiation performed as a single whole-body exposure. Time- and dose-dependent changes in micronucleus incidence were observed. Maximal group averages appeared nearly uniform 36 h post irradiation (p.i.). Considering the 36-h values in the dose range of 0-2.25 Gy there is a marked dose-effect relationship (r = 0.971). The data yield best to a regression curve of a third-grade polynomial indicating a complex interaction between dose and micronucleus formation. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that it appears feasible to use swine as target organisms in the micronucleus test to estimate the cytogenetic damage caused by ionizing radiations or, potentially, chemical compounds. 相似文献
Frequencies of chromosomal aberrations induced in human blood lymphocytes by low doses of X-rays 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
D C Lloyd A A Edwards A Léonard G Deknudt A Natarajan G Obe F Palitti C Tanzarella E J Tawn 《International journal of radiation biology and related studies in physics, chemistry, and medicine》1988,53(1):49-55
The dose-response for radiation-induced chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes is usually fitted to the quadratic model. This assumes that the slope is essentially linear at low doses. Empirical observations of linearity at less than 200 mGy are, however, sparse. Some data have been published indicating a non-linear (threshold) response and these are reviewed. In particular one study with X-rays showed a plateau in response up to 50 mGy and with a significant dip below the control level at 4 mGy. The mechanism proposed to explain non-linearity is that low doses stimulate the enzymic repair capability of lymphocytes. Preliminary data are presented from a large experiment by six laboratories in which the low dose-response for X-rays has been re-examined. The plateau in the dose-response relationship, if it exists, does not extend to doses above approximately 10 mGy. No irradiated cells yielded aberration levels significantly below the control. Over the range 0-300 mGy the response can be fitted to a linear regression. There are, however, variations in sensitivity between cells from different donors. An unexpected finding was that some lymphocytes contained greater than 1 exchange aberrations. This may indicate a small subset of cells that are especially susceptible to the induction of aberrations by low doses. 相似文献
The test of induced micronuclei in erythrocytes of mammalian bone marrow constitutes, because of its high experimental resolution power, a suitable method for the screening of induced chromosomal lesions at very low dosages of chemicals or irradiations. This test was used for a comparative investigation of the effect of low dose levels of X-irradiation and of the alkylating agent methyl methanesulphonate (MMS). The dose-effect curve of X-irradiation indicated a deviation from linearity at 10 rad, showing a significantly stronger effect than expected on extrapolation from the control to 100 rad. This deviation from linarity, however, only appeared at a low dose rate (18 R/min), whereas a linear dose-effect relation was indicated with a high dose rate (95 R/min). Experiments at 10 rad with different dose rates at two different current potentials suggested that this effect of the dose rate is more pronounced with soft than with hard X-irradiation. The induction of micronuclei with MMS follows a drastically different dose-effect curve as compared with X-irradiation. The relative efficiency of the treatment is lowest at low concentrations, presumably as a result of the efficient repair process at such dose levels. Simultaneous treatment with X-rays and MMS at low dose levels only resulted in an additive effect. This suggests that X-irradiation does not interfere with the repair process operating with MMS. The difference in the dose-effect relations of X-irradiation as compared with MMS may be brought back to the fact that X-rays, in contrast with MMS, produce double-strand breaks. 相似文献
Frequency of micronuclei in peripheral blood lymphocytes from subjects occupationally exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effect of low dose of occupational radiation exposure in Nuclear Medicine Department employees, by using cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay in peripheral blood lymphocytes. The study included 46 exposed individuals together with 27 from the same area without occupational exposure to radiation which served as controls. The results obtained were evaluated with respect to age, gender, smoking habits, pathological condition and the occupational exposure to radiation of the individuals. The frequency of micronuclei increased significantly with the age of the subjects (P = 0.007). However there were no significant differences in micronucleus frequency with gender, smoking habits and occupational exposure. The frequency of micronuclei was significantly higher in individuals with presence of pathological condition (P < 0.0001) in comparison to healthy population irrespective of their exposure status. 相似文献
When human lymphocytes are preirradiated with 1 cGy of X-rays, the cells become less sensitive to subsequent exposures to high doses of about 150 cGy in that approximately one-half as many chromatid aberrations are induced as expected. This adaptation has been attributed to the induction of repair enzymes (proteins) some 4-6 h after the initial low-dose exposure. Experiments have now been carried out showing that application of the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide at this time, but not earlier, prevents the adaptive response. 相似文献
Chromosome aberrations induced in vitro by low doses of radiation: nondisjunction in lymphocytes of young adults.

Epidemiological studies suggest radiation exposure as a cause of meiotic non-disjunction in humans, but experimental evidence with cytological proof has been lacking. Our results indicate that mitotic nondisjunction of lymphocyte chromosomes can also be induced by exposure to a low dose of radiation. Abnormal segregation can be induced not only when the cells are irradiated but also when nonirradiated cells are incubated with irradiated cell-free plasma or serum. The X and no. 21 chromosomes appear particularly susceptible to nondisjunction. 相似文献
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes exposed to a single adaptive dose of 1 cGy X-rays or 2 adaptive doses, each of 1 cGy, were found to be equally resistant to the induction of chromosome damage by subsequent challenge with a high dose of 1 Gy X-rays, as compared to cells that were not pre-exposed. They responded with a significantly reduced incidence of chromatid and isochromatid breaks. These results indicate the presence of an inducible chromosomal repair mechanism in human blood lymphocytes and confirm the observations made by earlier investigators. The incidence of chromosome damage was found to be similar in the lymphocytes pre-exposed to a single or 2 adaptive doses, suggesting that, under the conditions tested, the second adaptive dose did not offer any additional protection against the chromosome damage induced by the challenge dose. 相似文献
M R Scarfi F Bersani A Cossarizza D Monti G Castellani R Cadossi G Franceschetti C Franceschi 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1991,176(1):194-200
The cytokinesis block micronucleus method, a very sensitive cytogenetic assay, was used to ascertain the possible genotoxic effects of extremely low frequency pulsed magnetic fields in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes cultures from 16 healthy donors. Four conditions were studied: i) lymphocytes not exposed to the field (control cultures); ii) lymphocytes exposed to the field; iii) lymphocytes treated with mitomycin-C and not exposed to the field; iv) lymphocytes treated with mitomycin-C and exposed to the field. Mitomycin-C-treated cultures were used as control for the micronucleus method, because it is known that mitomycin-C is a potent genotoxic agent, capable of inducing micronuclei. The frequency of micronuclei in field-exposed cultures was similar to the spontaneous frequency observed in control unexposed-cultures. Moreover, the exposure to pulsed magnetic fields did not affect the frequency of micronuclei induced by mitomycin-C, suggesting that, in the experimental conditions used, this kind of field neither affected the integrity of chromosomes nor interfered with the genotoxic activity of mitomycin-C. 相似文献