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The ecology of Lake Nakuru (Kenya)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
E. Vareschi 《Oecologia》1982,55(1):81-101
Summary Abiotic factors, standing crop and photosynthetic production were studied in the equatorial alkaline-saline closed-basin Lake Nakuru (cond. 10,000–160,000 S). Meteorological conditions and abiotic factors offer suppositions for a high primary productivity: mean solar radiation is 450–550 kerg·cm-2·s-1, with little seasonal variation, regular winds circulate the lake every day and nutrient concentrations are usually high (>100 g P–PO4·l-1). Oxygen concentrations near sediments were <1 gO2·m-3 for at least 6 h·d-1 in 1972/73, resulting in a release of 45 mg P–PO4·m-2·d-1. Attenuation coefficients vary from 3.6–16.5 according to algal densities and mean depth from 0–400 cm. Algal biomass was 200 g·m-3 (d.w.) in 1972/73, due to a lasting Spirulina platensis bloom (98.5% of algal biomass). In 1974 algal biomass suddenly dropped to 50 g·m-3 (d.w.). Spirulina and several consumer organisms almost vanished, but coccoid cyanobacteria, Anabaenopsis and diatoms increased. Several causes for this change in ecosystem structure are discussed. The use of the light/dark bottle method to measure photosynthetic production in eutrophic alkaline lakes is discussed and relevant experiments were done. Oxygen tensions of 2–35 gO2·m-3 do not influence primary production rates. Net photosynthetic rates (mgO2·m-3·h-1; photosynthetic quotient=1.18) reached 12–17.7 in 1972/73 and 2–3 in 1974, but vertically integrated rates were only 1–1.4 in 1972/73 and 0.8 in 1974, and daily net photosynthetic rates (gO2·m-3·24 h-1) 3.5 in 1972/73 and 1 in 1974. 50% of areal rates were produced within the 10 most productive cm of the depth profile. The disproportion between high algal standing crops and relatively low production rates is due to self-shading of the algae, reducing the euphotic zone to 35 cm in 1972/73 and 77 cm in 1974. Efficiency of light utilization is 0.4–2%, varying with time of day and phytoplankton density. In situ efficiencies show an inverse relationship to light intensities. Photosynthetic rates of L. Nakuru remain within the range of other African lakes (0.1–3 gO2·m-2·h-1). The relation of O2 produced/Chl a of the euphotic zone is 50% lower then in tropical African freshwater lakes and conforms to lakes of temperate regions.  相似文献   

The ecology of Lake Nakuru (Kenya)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Vareschi  Ekkehard 《Oecologia》1978,32(1):11-35
Summary The shallow, alkaline pan of Lake Nakuru (conductivity 15,000–25,000 mho/cm, 20°C) usually maintains an exceptionally high standing crop of the cyanophyte Spirulina platensis (150–200 mg DW/l; DW=dry weight), the main food of a large population of the lesser flamingo (Phoeniconaias minor). The abundance and feeding of the lesser flamingo were studied in an attempt to quantify the lake's energy flow. Some data on other rift valley lakes with similar chemical and biological conditions are included, since they are inhabited by flamingos as well. The spatial distribution and total population of the flamingos were monitored on a monthly basis. The birds were counted automatically from aerial photographs by a particle counter. The mean was 915,000 in 1972 and 1973, and in 1974 the population dropped to a mean of 113,000. The population also showed pronounced short time fluctuations that are correlated with algal densities. Other possible causes for flamingo migrations are discussed. Flamingos feed by filtering planktonic organisms from the water with their bill. Feeding experiments with caged birds gave a clearing rate of 31.8±1.3 l/h (SE; SE=standard error) for an adult flamingo, a pumping rate of 17.5 strokes/s and a feeding rate of 5.6 g DW/h at the mean algal concentration of 180 mg DW/l in 1972/73. The mean feeding time in that period was 12.5 h/d, which gave a daily feeding rate of 72±6.5 g DW for an adult bird and 66±6 g DW for the average bird (juveniles included). Therefore the whole flamingo population extracted per day 60 t DW of algae (0.7 g DW/m3/d or 3 kcal/m3/d) from the lake. This is 50–94% of the daily primary production or 0.4 to 0.6% of the algal biomass and two to three times the amount all other primary consumers are feeding. About 0.75 kcal/m3/d are returned by fecal and urinary wastes. These feeding rates are slightly lower than calculations based on basic metabolic rates of birds.  相似文献   

The ecology of Lake Nakuru (Kenya)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary The Cichlid fish Tilapia grahami (-Sarotherodon alcalicum grahami) was introduced into Lake Nakuru (Kenya) in about 1960 and is now one of the main herbivores. Spatial distribution and biomass changes were estimated from lift net catches from 1972–1974 which were partly continued until 1976. The length/weight relationship is represented by the equation W=0.008·l 2.98 (W=dry weight=24% of fresh-weight; l=standard length=85.1% of total length). The fish distribution is very patchy (aggregation coefficient 5.2–12.2). The density decreased and the mean fish size increased from in-shore to off-shore regions. At noon the fish concentrate near the shore and at hight they move off-shore, a migration pattern probably reflecting a preferance for higher temperatures. 70% of Tilapia concentrate in the top 50 cm and 80% in the top 100 cm. The total ichthyomass of the lake had a mean of 90 t dry weight (=2.1 g/m2) in 1972 and it increased to a mean of 400 t dry weight (=10.2 g/m2) during 1973. Possible causes for the spatial distribution and the biomass variations are discussed. The high density of Spirulina platensis makes nutritional competition among the herbivores unlikely. The main impact of Tilapia grahami on the lake's ecosystem is a substantial increase in diversity by extending the food chains to fish eating birds, of which the Great White Pelican is dominating. The breeding of Pelicans at a neighbouring lake causes a considerable nutrient export (13 t phosphorus/year).  相似文献   

The ecology of Lake Nakuru   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
E. Vareschi  J. Jacobs 《Oecologia》1985,65(3):412-424
Summary The major pathways of energy flow in Lake Nakuru (East Africa) are presented. The trophic structure of this equatorial alkaline-saline lake shows no predictable long term continuity. During the five years of this study it had a bloom of Spirulina platensis that persisted at least two years, it had periods with low algal densities and in addition it had various transitional phases with dramatic fluctuations of species composition and density.The Spirulina platensis bloom is characterized by a rich and almost unialgal bloom of the cyanophyte Spirulina platensis minor, with a mean biomass of 3,500 kJ m-3 (20 kJ 1 g dry weight). Net photosynthetic rates were very high at depths with optimal light conditions (230 kJ m-3 h-1), but algal self-shading made integrated rates modest (45 kJ m-3 24 h-1) relative to the high biomass. Of the eight primary consumers only five species contributed significantly to the consumer biomass of 220 kJ m-3: the flamingo Phoeniconaias minor, the cichlid fish Sarotherodon alcalicus grahami, the copepod Lovenula africana, the dipteran larva Leptochironomus deribae, and the rotifer Brachionus dimidiatus. Consumption rates were 50% of net photosynthetic rates, production rates 10%. Secondary consumers (90% being the pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus and the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber) had a biomass of about 6.8 kJ m-3. Pelicans consumed almost the whole fish production (7.5 metric tons wet weight/day).At low algal densities the lake had a more diverse algal population but a reduced mean biomass of 1,500 kJ m-3 and mean net photosynthetic rates of 12 kJ m-3 24 h-1. Primary consumer species diversity and biomass were also reduced. Consumption rates sometimes exceeded primary production rates. Rotifers probably contributed 50% to total consumption and 75% to total secondary production but the estimates of their role is speculative as the relative contributions of algae, bacteria and detritus to rotifer consumption are not known. Transitional phases are characterized by rapidly changing abiotic and biotic conditions with algal breakdowns and sudden population peaks at all levels. Rotifers dominated secondary consumers, they contributed 25% to the total biomass of 380 kJ m-3, 90% to the total consumption rate of 290 kJ m-3d-1 and 95% to the total production of 41 kJ m-3d-1.The discussion focusses on problems of measuring primary production in alkaline-saline lakes, and the control of producer and consumer densities. The difficulty in assessing the importance of bacteria and rotifers is emphasized. Also questions of ecological stability and efficiency are addressed. Finally, some recommendations for conservational policy are included.  相似文献   

Heavy metal residues in birds of Lake Nakuru, Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In 1974, 51 debilitated lesser flamingos (Phoeniconaias minor) were easily captured at Lake Nakuru, Kenya. Nineteen (37%) of these had extensive mycobacterial lesions. Two years later it was difficult to locate any debilitated flamingos and no evidence of mycobacterial infection was found. Possible reasons for the high prevalence of mycobacteriosis in the 1974 collection are discussed.  相似文献   

Moreau  Jacques  Mavuti  Kenneth  Daufresne  Tanguy 《Hydrobiologia》2001,458(1-3):63-74
Trophic relationships inside the Lake Nakuru ecosystem during two different phases are described by using the ECOPATH model. This allows a partial explanation of the ecological changes observed in the lake and to show that this apparently unstable ecosystem is characterized by constant transfer efficiencies within the existing trophic levels.  相似文献   

The overall density of 17 large herbivore species encountered during the study differed among species and habitat types, but not between seasons. There were clear seasonal patterns of association among species, which were more pronounced during wet than dry seasons, suggesting greater habitat selectivity and increased ecological separation. The defassa waterbuck (Kobus ellypsiprymnus defassa Ruppel) showed ecological separation from other species, possibly because it competitively displaced them.  相似文献   

The woody vegetation of Lake Nakuru National Park occurs along rivers, lakeshores and flood plains. Four different sites within the Acacia xanthophloea woodlands were selected for the study. Vegetation structure was not significantly different in the four woodlands used for the study, but these sites differed in the relative density of Acacia trees. Regeneration of A. xanthophloea differed in each site, with the highest regeneration rates found in the nonfenced plots where browsing took place.  相似文献   

The only feeding habitats available to African lily trotters, Actophilornis africanus (Gmelin), at Lake Naivasha are mats of the alien water fern, Salvinia molesta Mitch. This has replaced the native floating leaved water lily beds. Lily trotters were able to use these mats, taking invertebrate food items from the surface or turning plants over and pecking at the rootlets. Pecking rates and turning rates responded to the nature of the available food, with pecking rates high and turning rates low when terrestrial arthropods were found on the mat surface. Both pecking rates and turning rates were low when large aquatic food items, such as the swamp worm (Alma emeni Michaelsen), were available. Pecking rates and turning rates were both high when the predominant food items were aquatic insect larvae. The largest of these (hydrophilid larvae) were taken in preference to the smaller but commoner chironomid larvae. Colonization of the mats of S. molesta by invertebrates was low if the mats were affected by wind action but higher if they were constrained by enclosure or stranding; mats with higher invertebrate densities supported more feeding lily trotters.  相似文献   

Invasive plants have invaded swathes of grasslands in Lake Nakuru National Park thus necessitating the Park management to institute measures to control them. Despite this, information on the status and impact of invasive plants in these grasslands is lacking. Six grassland types were identified and assigned random numbers. Five study sites were then randomly selected from each grassland type. The Point‐Centre Quarter method was used to determine the distribution and density of seven major invasive plants, whilst their impact was assessed by comparing biomass and crude protein content of important forage grasses in invaded and noninvaded grasslands. Results show that the distribution of invasive plants did not differ among the grasslands (F5, 30 = 1.47, P = 0.229) but their densities differed among the plants (F6, 30 = 20.99, P < 0.001). The mean biomass in invaded and noninvaded grasslands (22 g m?2 versus 37.2 g m?2) was significantly different (t‐test, P < 0.05), while crude protein content of grasses in invaded (7.73, % DM) and noninvaded (9.3, % DM) patches was not significantly different (t‐test; P > 0.05). Our results suggest that invasive plants lower grass production and hence might reduce food availability to grazers.  相似文献   

Shivoga  William Aino 《Hydrobiologia》2001,458(1-3):121-130
Stream fauna communities were studied in the Baharini Springbrook and the Njoro River, which flow into Lake Nakuru. The streams have significantly different flow regimes. Consequently, discharge-related factors influence their faunal composition and abundance. The Baharini Springbrook is perennial, slow-flowing with low steady discharge, a higher conductivity and a low conductivity gradient along its course. The Njoro River is intermittent, fast-flowing with a higher and variable discharge, lower conductivity and a steeper conductivity gradient. Due to its permanent and steady surface stream flow, the Baharini Springbrook has a higher number of invertebrate species and higher abundances than the Njoro River. However, in spite of the intermittent nature of the Njoro River, during periods of relatively steady discharge the composition of its fauna is similar to that of the Baharini Springbrook. Similarity in the substratum characteristics of the two streams and their close proximity is a possible explanation for the close relationship in their faunal composition. At the onset of flow after a drought, rapid colonisation of the lowland intermittent stretch of the Njoro River occurred probably by drift from upstream perennial sections and/or from the hyporheos. Initial small spates at the onset of surface flow seem not to affect the invertebrate abundance, but later bigger spates during and after much heavier rains reduced the faunal abundance significantly. The recovery of faunal abundance to pre-flood levels in the Njoro River was completed in 27 days. Taxon richness was, however, less affected by the spates.  相似文献   

Significant differences ( P <0.05) were found in growth of plant height, canopy cover and stem diameter of Acacia xanthophloea trees in fenced plot as compared with unfenced plot both in the wet and in the dry seasons. Finding of this study showed that although heavy browsing reduced the height and canopy of trees, it did not kill any trees and seedling regeneration took place simultaneously. Despite the presence of large herbivores that impact some considerable browsing pressure results indicate that the A. xanthophloea habitat type would continue to remain in balance in the presence of recruitment of seedlings and saplings. The conditions at the time of study indicate that the browsing on A. xanthophloea was not significant and was not serious enough to warrant management intervention at present.  相似文献   

Lake Nakuru, Kenya, is one of a series of saline–alkaline closed basin lakes in the eastern arm of the Rift Valley. The lake has been variously described as ' the lake of a million flamingos' and 'the Worlds greatest ornithological spectacle' and is bedrock to the areas' tourism. The lake was designated a bird sanctuary in 1960, a National Park in 1968, first rhino sanctuary in 1987, first Kenyan Ramsar site in 1990, an Important Bird Area in 1999 and a world-class national park in 2005. Over the last 40 years, its basin has been heavily settled, extensively cultivated, urbanized and industrialized. Environmental problems include poor agricultural practices, human encroachment, pollution, wildlife mortality/morbidity, human/wildlife conflicts, poverty, ethnic tensions and land clashes and lack of adequate legal and policy framework. Approaches to conservation have been initiated against identified existing problems and constraints. These approaches are (i) organizational and institutional development; (ii) hot spots and pollution loads management and (iii) catchment and park management. Constraints have been identified as unclear demarcation of responsibilities, lack of budget, skilled staff and know-how and lack of environmental standards and regulations. The impacts of ecosystem changes on people's lives and livelihoods are discussed.  相似文献   

Giraffe were historically free‐ranging across most of sub‐Saharan Africa but are now most often confined to national parks, conservation areas, or private ranches. Five viable populations of Rothschild’s giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis rothschildi) remain in protected areas in Kenya and Uganda. The viable population in Uganda is Murchison Falls National Park and the four populations in Kenya are Lake Nakuru National Park (LNNP), Ruma National Park, Giraffe Manor, and Mwea Natural Reserve. The Kenya Wildlife Service queried a rapid decline in LNNP giraffe numbers falling from 153 individuals (1995) to 62 individuals (2002) and the failure of that population to recruit young in those years. Significantly reduced browse options, inbreeding depression and preferential lion predation were considered as potential reasons for this trend. Population genetic parameter estimates derived from multilocus genotype analyses suggest that the LNNP population was in good genetic health with respect to the likelihood of inbreeding depression. The population decline coincided with the drought attributed to the 1994 El Niño. Possible dietary complications from highly concentrated tannin levels because of forced over consumption of the park’s declining acacia trees may have compromised young giraffe, making them easy and opportunistic prey for the park’s lion population.  相似文献   

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