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For more than 80 years, ecologists have debated whether reproduction by female insect herbivores and parasitoids is constrained by the time needed to find hosts (time limitation) or by the finite supply of mature eggs (egg limitation). Here we present the first direct measures of permanent time limitation and egg limitation and their influences on the cost of oviposition and lifetime reproduction for an insect in nature. We studied the gall midge Rhopalomyia californica, which neither matures nor resorbs eggs during the adult stage. By sampling females soon after their death and correcting for predation effects, we demonstrate that females lay a large proportion of their total complement of eggs (multiyear mean: 82.9%). The egg supplies of 17.1% of females were completely exhausted, with the remaining 82.9% of females being time limited. As predicted by theory, we estimate that even though egg limitation is a minority condition within the population, egg costs make a substantial contribution (57% of the total) to the cost of oviposition. We conclude that insect life histories evolve to produce a balanced risk of time and egg limitation and, therefore, that both of these constraining factors have important influences on insect oviposition behavior and population dynamics.  相似文献   

For some phytophagous insects, egg maturation may be dependent on adult feeding. Accordingly, rates of egg maturation may be dependent on the quality and quantity of available food sources. In turn, oviposition behavior could be affected by diet quality via changes in egg load (number of mature eggs carried by a female). Experiments were conducted to determine whether adult feeding may affect oviposition behavior of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis. No-choice tests demonstrated that eggs accumulated in glassy-winged sharpshooter abdomens as time since last oviposition increased largely as a function of feeding plant species. In choice tests, glassy-winged sharpshooter females were observed most frequently on the plant species that imparted the greatest egg maturation rate in no-choice tests. Direct tests of the effects of egg load on glassy-winged sharpshooter oviposition behavior found that females were more likely to deposit eggs as egg load increased. Similarly, acceptance of a low-ranked oviposition plant species by female glassy-winged sharpshooters increased with egg load and time since last oviposition. The results indicate that adult feeding affected glassy-winged sharpshooter egg maturation, plant species varied in quality for providing nutrients for egg maturation, and egg load affected oviposition behavior. Thus, the quantity and quality of available feeding plant species may affect glassy-winged sharpshooter egg maturation rates, which in turn may affect the plant species female glassy-winged sharpshooters select for oviposition.  相似文献   

Is reproduction by adult female insects limited by the finite time available to locate hosts (time limitation) or by the finite supply of eggs (egg limitation)? An influential model predicted that stochasticity in reproductive opportunity favors elevated fecundity, rendering egg limitation sufficiently rare that its importance would be greatly diminished. Here, I use models to explore how stochasticity shapes fecundity, the likelihood of egg limitation, and the ecological importance of egg limitation. The models make three predictions. First, whereas spatially stochastic environments favor increased fecundity, temporally stochastic environments favor increases, decreases, or intermediate maxima in fecundity, depending on egg costs. Second, even when spatially or temporally stochastic environments favor life histories with less‐frequent egg limitation, stochasticity still increases the proportion of all eggs laid in the population that is laid by females destined to become egg limited. This counterintuitive result is explained by noting that stochasticity concentrates reproduction in the hands of a few females that are likely to become egg limited. Third, spatially or temporally stochastic environments amplify the constraints imposed by time and eggs on total reproduction by the population. I conclude that both egg and time constraints are fundamental in shaping insect reproductive behavior and population dynamics in stochastic environments.  相似文献   

Although the temperature‐size rule, that is, an increase in egg (and body) size at lower temperatures, applies almost universally to ectotherms, the developmental mechanisms underlying this consistent pattern of phenotypic plasticity are hitherto unknown. By investigating ovarian dynamics and reproductive output in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in relation to oviposition temperature and mating status, we tested the relevance of several competing hypotheses for temperature‐mediated variation in egg size and number. As expected, females ovipositing at a lower temperature laid fewer but larger eggs than those ovipositing at a higher temperature. Despite pronounced differences in egg‐laying rates, oocyte numbers were equal across temperatures at any given time, while oocyte size increased at the lower temperature. In contrast, there were greatly reduced oocyte numbers in mated compared to virgin females. Our results indicated that temperature‐mediated plasticity in egg size cannot be explained by reduced costs of somatic maintenance at lower temperatures, enabling the allocation of more resources to reproduction (reproductive investment was higher at the higher temperature). Furthermore, there was no indication for delayed oviposition (no accumulation of oocytes at the lower temperature, in contrast to virgin females). Rather, low temperatures greatly reduced the oocyte production (i.e., differentiation) rate and prolonged egg‐maturation time, causing low egg‐laying rates. Our data thus suggested that oocyte growth is less sensitive to temperature than oocyte production, resulting in a lower number of larger eggs at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Effects of egg availability on daily ovipositional activity were determined for Coccophagus atratus Compere (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Females were observed for 6 h per day for their entire adult lives. Observed ovipositional activity was analysed in relation to egg maturation before and after emergence, egg depletion during oviposition and egg replenishment after oviposition. Ovipositional activity, including oviposition, inconsequential probes and searching for hosts, occurred predominantly in the first 30 min of exposure to hosts on the 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th and 13th days after emergence. The remaining time was spent on non-ovipositional activities (preening, drinking honeydew and sitting on the glass of the experimental arena). Peaks of ovipositional activity were associated with high numbers of mature eggs in the ovaries. Eggs that remained in the ovaries after a bout of oviposition were apparently not mature even though they had attained their maximum size. Non-ovipositional activity continued until females had built up a reserve of about eighteen mature eggs. After each successive bout of oviposition, the rate of oogenesis slowed down. Consequently females took longer to accumulate a supply of eggs and periods of non-ovipositional activity increased.
We conclude that (1) the availability of eggs and the tendency of females to store mature eggs influences ovipositional activity, (2) full-sized eggs are not necessarily mature, (3) future experiments with C.atratus could be restricted to days of high ovipositional activity, and (4) the terms syn- and pro-ovigenic formulated by Flanders (1950) to describe apparent differences in oogenesis between various parasitic Hymenoptera do not apply to C. atratus and are therefore not universally applicable.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction include the costs of mating and egg production. Specific techniques such as irradiation or genetic mutation have been used to divide the expense into costs of mating and egg production in previous studies. We tried to divide the costs in the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), which needs some kinds of bean as an oviposition substrate. Mated females that were not allowed to lay eggs had a shorter life span than virgin females, but they had a longer life span than mated females that were allowed to lay eggs. The results showed two independent significant costs, mating and egg production, on the life span in C. chinensis. Costs of mating, however, include the costs of sexual harassment by males and copulation itself, and we need further studies to divide the costs. The present method for dividing the cost of reproduction into costs of mating and egg production can be applied to a broad taxonomic range of insect species, and thus it will be a useful model system for inter-specific comparisons of costs of mating and egg production.  相似文献   

The number of mature eggs remaining in the ovaries and the time left for oviposition determine the reproductive decisions of the hyperdiverse guild of insects that require discrete and potentially limiting resources for oviposition (such as seeds, fruits or other insects). A female may run out of eggs before all available oviposition sites are used (egg limitation), or die before using all of her eggs (time limitation). Females are predicted to change clutch size depending on whether eggs or time is the limiting resource. We extend this framework and ask whether the same constraints influence a strategy in which females modify eggs into protective shields. In response to egg parasitism cues, female seed beetles (Mimosestes amicus) lay eggs in vertical groups of 2–4, modifying the top 1–3 eggs into shields in order to protect the bottom egg from attack by parasitoids. We made contrasting predictions of how egg and time limitation would influence egg size and the incidence and level of egg protection. By varying access to seed pods, we manipulated the number of remaining eggs a female had at the time she received a parasitism cue. Although egg size was not affected, our results confirm that egg‐limited females protected fewer eggs and time‐limited females protected more eggs. Female body size explained the number of eggs in a stack rather than host deprivation or the timing of parasitoid exposure. Our results clearly show that host availability relative to female age influences the incidence of egg protection in M. amicus. Furthermore, our study represents a novel use of life history theory to explain patterns in an unusual but compelling defensive behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper concerns the effects of mate and seed availability on the rate of egg maturation in the bean weevil Callosobruchus maculatus (F.). Egg maturation starts before emergence from the seed and, provided that both oviposition sites and mates are available, eggs are laid at a rate determined by the number of oviposition sites, and mature at a similar rate. If seeds or mates are absent then a small number of eggs are laid, but oocytes continue to mature until the oviduct-capacity is approached. The number of eggs that a female can store is dependent on her body weight and does not correlate with the number of ovarioles. If, after a period in which oocyte development has been halted, conditions for egg-laying become suitable, then egg maturation can be re-started, but only after the oviducts have been emptied of eggs. The rate of egg maturation is then similar to that for females of the same age which have been maturing eggs since emergence.  相似文献   

Mating more than once is extremely costly for females in many species, making the near ubiquity of polyandry difficult to understand. However, evidence of mating costs for males is much rarer. We investigated the effects of copulation on longevity of male and female flies (Saltella sphondylli). We also scrutinized potential fecundity and fertility benefits to females with differing mating history. Copulation per se was found to decrease the longevity of males but not that of females. However, when females were allowed to lay eggs, females that mated died earlier than virgin females, indicating costs of egg production and/or oviposition. Thus, although longevity costs of copulation are higher for males, reproduction is nevertheless costly for females. We also found no differences in fecundity or fertility relative to female mating history. Results suggest that polyandry may be driven by minor costs rather than by major benefits in this species.  相似文献   

Adult size, longevity, egg load dynamics and oviposition ofMicroplitis rufiventris Kok. which began their development in the first, second, third (preferred hosts) or fourth (non-preferred hosts) instar larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) were studied. The parasitoid size was largely determined by the initial host size at parasitism. Non-ovipositing females derived from older hosts lived for longer periods than those derived from younger ones. However, the ovipositing females, irrespective of their size, lived for almost the same periods. At emergence, the oviducts of adult females contain a significant amount of mature eggs available for oviposition for a few hours on eclosion day. Egg load increases during the early phase of adult life. The amount of additional mature eggs and rate of egg maturation per hour was greater for wasps derived from preferred hosts compared with those in females derived from non-preferred hosts. The pattern of egg production in M. rufiventris females depended on the availability of hosts for parasitization. Host-deprived females depleted the egg complement with aging; the longer the host deprivation, the lower the oviduct egg load. Marked reduction in both realized or potential fecundity of host-deprived females was observed following host availability. Host privation for more than 3 days induced a marked deficit fecundity pattern through the female' s life. The realized fecundity was determined by the interaction among host availability, the number of eggs that are matured over the female' s life span, oviposition rate and host size from which the female was derived. These results suggest that: (i) M. rufiventris wasp is a weak synovigenic species; (ii) the maturation of additional eggs is inhibited once the maximum oviduct egg load is reached; (iii) the egg load of the newly emerged female is significantly less than the realized fecundity; and (iv) because M. rufiventris females oviposit fewer eggs when they begin depleting their egg supply at 3 days, augmentative releases will require release immediately following emergence to ensure the highest parasitization rate in the field.  相似文献   

Reproductive opportunities in insects that deposit their eggs in discrete resource patches are frequently limited because the availability of oviposition substrates is often spatially and temporally restricted. Such environmental variability leads individuals to confront time‐ or egg‐limitation constraints. Additionally, species with different oviposition strategies (i.e. single egg layers vs clutch layers) commonly deal with different structural and ecological characteristics of larval host plants. To test the hypothesis that oviposition strategies such as laying eggs singly or in batches (clutches) are related to these constraints (i.e. egg vs time limitation), we compared the lifetime oviposition patterns of two closely related sympatric species of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) with different oviposition strategies. We exposed five cohorts of A. obliqua and A. ludens females, over the course of their adult lifetimes, to three conditions of “habitat quality” (measured as host density per cage): unpredictable habitat quality (host density varied randomly from day to day between 1, 5, 15, 30 and 60 hosts/cage), low habitat quality (fixed density of one host/cage) and high habitat quality (fixed density of 60 hosts/cage).
Responses to host density conditions were strikingly different in the two species. (1) Frequency of host visits and oviposition events increased in A. obliqua but not in A. ludens when host densities increased. (2) Anastrepha ludens females accepted low quality hosts (i.e. fruits on which eggs had already been laid and were therefore partially covered with host marking pheromone) significantly more often than A. obliqua females did. (3) Females of A. obliqua adjusted their oviposition activity to variations in host density, whereas A. ludens females exhibited a constant oviposition pattern (i.e. did not respond to variations in host density). Based on the above, it is likely that in A. obliqua oviposition is governed by egg‐limitation and in A. ludens by time‐limitation constraints. We discuss the relationship between the oviposition strategies of each fly species and the fruiting phenology and density of their native host plants. We also address the possible influence of oogenesis modality and parasitism by braconid wasps in shaping oviposition behaviour in these insects.  相似文献   

Dalbulus maidis is the most important leafhopper pest of maize in the Americas. Anagrus virlai is an egg parasitoid commonly associated with the corn leafhopper. We evaluated whether the performance of A. virlai is dependent on different diets provided during 24 hr or throughout adult female lifetime. Additionally, functional response of A. virlai on D. maidis eggs using maize leaves containing honeydew plus honey was described. A. virlai is a mostly pro-ovigenic autogenic species whose females are able to parasitize eggs immediately after emergence. We found that wasps oviposit the majority of their eggs in the first day of their adult life. Realized lifetime fecundity and lifetime potential fecundity did not differ significantly among treatments, but longevity and egg production increased when honey was added to diet. Data were consistent with an intermediate functional response between type II and III, but closer to type II, indicating a high parasitism rate at low host densities and a decrease in the oviposition rate at high host densities, due to a possible egg limitation. Our results suggest that carbohydrate food sources (honeydew and honey) might not be the factor limiting reproductive success during the first 24 hr. Food supply, however, might influence egg maturation and survivorship of wasps, thus potentially enhancing biological pest control when hosts are scarce in the course of the first few days of adulthood.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction include costs of producing eggs and of mating itself. In the present study, we made an experimental investigation of costs of reproduction in the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly, Ceratitis capitata). We demonstrated that virgins live longer than non-virgin females. However, in strong contrast to most findings within the Diptera, non-virginity had no detectable effect on egg production. Therefore the increased longevity of the virgin females cannot be attributed to an increase in egg production in non-virgin females, and instead indicates a cost of mating. A comparison of the life spans of normal females and those sterilized by low doses of X-irradiation, revealed an additional cost of egg production. There were no significant differences in remating levels between females that did and did not lay eggs, showing that the cost of producing eggs is independent of mating frequency. Medfly females therefore suffer a decrease in survival as a result of egg production and of mating, and these costs are independent of one another. To put our results into context, we reviewed the existing literature on the effects of mating on longevity, egg production and sexual receptivity for 64 species of Diptera, and examined the pattern of mating effects that emerged.  相似文献   

1. The extent to which parasitoid wasps are limited by their egg supply is very important in understanding their reproductive strategies. Egg reserves are dynamic, with most wasps maturing new eggs throughout their life (synovigeny) and many species resorbing eggs that are not used in oviposition. We investigated the extent to which a parasitoid modulates its egg reserves in the light of its experience in finding hosts.
2. The egg dynamics of the Encyrtid Wasp Leptomastix dactylopii , a solitary parasitoid of mealybugs, were studied in the laboratory. This species is synovigenic and practises egg resorption.
3. We allowed newly emerged wasps to experience one of four environments of increasing value in terms of reproductive opportunities. We proposed that wasps that experienced good quality environments would maintain more mature eggs ready for oviposition. Dissection of wasps subject to different periods of host deprivation after the experimental treatment failed to confirm the hypothesis: egg load was independent of experience.
4. We also proposed that any adjustment of egg supply to make up for eggs oviposited would be effected through a reduction in egg resorption. Instead, we found that the wasp quickly made up for eggs oviposited by increased egg production.  相似文献   

两种寄生蜂的卵巢结构与卵成熟特点初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗开珺  古德祥  张古忍  陈宗麒 《昆虫知识》2005,42(1):69-71,F002
对斜纹夜蛾的内寄生蜂双斑侧沟茧蜂MicroplitisbicoloratusChen和南美斑潜蝇的外寄生蜂潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyhusisaea(Walker)的卵巢结构进行了研究。双斑侧沟茧蜂的2个卵巢管底部膨大有大量的卵,通过凹陷的颈部与萼区相连接,在萼区里大量成熟待产的卵浸泡在萼液中。产卵量随产卵时间延长而降低,在日产卵实验中,日产卵量202(±114SE),从1000至1800每2h的产卵量分别占日产卵量的38,32,17和13%;在一生产卵量实验中,9d产卵期,每头雌峰一生平均产卵量为502(±78SE)粒,第1d产卵量占一生总产卵量的42%。潜蝇姬小蜂的每个卵巢由3条卵巢管组成,每条输卵管中仅有1粒成熟卵,整个卵巢中只有6粒成熟卵,每次产卵数不超过6粒。结果表明,M.bicoloratus是早熟卵(proovigenic)类昆虫;D.isaea是同步卵(synovigenic)类昆虫。  相似文献   

1. Synovigenic parasitoids emerging with no or only a few mature oocytes could not rely on only capital resources, but also need to acquire income resources. Income resources in nature can either contribute to egg maturation as a food resource and/or create unpredictability in realised reproductive opportunities for synovigenic parasitoids. Therefore, we hypothesised such resources could affect life history traits and the risks of egg/time limitation in synovigenic parasitoids. 2. Using the Ovigeny Index, we investigated the effects of various host availability levels (unavailable, limited, and unlimited availability) and non‐host foods (water and honey) on life history traits and on the occurrence of egg/time limitation in Eretmocerus hayati, a predominant parasitoid on Bemisia tabaci. 3. The Ovigeny Index of Er. hayati was 0.28, which suggested it was a typical synovigenic species. Both host availability levels and non‐food type had major effects on life history traits of this parasitoid, but the availability of hosts for both feeding and reproduction was the key factor. Meanwhile, egg/time limitation was encountered by all wasps and its intensity varied with host availability levels. 4. Our results confirmed that the income resource and reproductive opportunity played a central role in shaping the life history and risks of egg/time limitation of a synovigenic parasitoid.  相似文献   

1. Life‐history theory predicts a trade‐off between the resources allocated to reproduction and those allocated to survival. Early maturation of eggs (pro‐ovigeny) is correlated with small body size and low adult longevity in interspecific comparisons among parasitoids, demonstrating this trade‐off. The handful of studies that have tested for similar correlations within species produced conflicting results. 2. Egg maturation patterns and related life‐history traits were studied in the polyembryonic parasitoid wasp, Copidosoma koehleri (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Although the genus Copidosoma was previously reported to be fully pro‐ovigenic, mean egg loads of host‐deprived females almost doubled within their first 6 days of adulthood. 3. The initial egg‐loads of newly emerged females were determined and age‐specific realised fecundity curves were constructed for their clone‐mate twins. The females' initial egg loads increased with body size, but neither body size nor initial egg load was correlated with longevity and fecundity. 4. The variation in initial egg loads was lowest among clone‐mates, intermediate among non‐clone sisters and highest among non‐sister females. The within‐clone variability indicates environmental influences on egg maturation, while the between‐clone variation may be genetically based. 5. Ovaries of host‐deprived females contained fewer eggs at death (at ~29 days) than on day 6. Their egg loads at death were negatively correlated with life span, consistent with reduced egg production and/or egg resorption. Host deprivation prolonged the wasps' life span, suggesting a survival cost to egg maturation and oviposition. 6. It is concluded that adult fecundity and longevity were not traded off with pre‐adult egg maturation.  相似文献   

Body size and the timing of egg production in parasitoid wasps   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Jacintha Ellers  Mark Jervis 《Oikos》2003,102(1):164-172
In insects several key fitness-related variables are positively correlated with intraspecific variation in body size, but little is known about size-related variation in the timing of egg production within species. Female insects are known to vary in the degree to which they concentrate egg production into the early part of life. This variation has been quantified as the ovigeny index, defined as the proportion of the maximum potential lifetime complement of eggs that is mature following emergence from the pupa. We tested the hypothesis that the timing of egg production depends both on body size and on host availability, by means of a dynamic programming model that predicted optimal resource allocation to reproduction and survival together with the resulting ovigeny index, in non-feeding synovigenic parasitoids of different sizes. As body size increases, the proportionate increase in resource allocation to initial egg load is less than the proportionate increase in allocation to lifetime fecundity and potential life span, leading to a deferred investment in reproduction as shown by a decrease in ovigeny index. High habitat quality and high habitat stochasticity in reproductive opportunities have a significant effect on the optimal allocation of resources to reproduction and survival, and thus select for early reproduction, i.e. an increased ovigeny index. The ovigeny concept – ovigeny index together with its life-history correlates – enables understanding of the general occurrence of size-related deferment of reproductive investment in parasitoid wasps and also helps explain a significant part of the considerable life-history variation found among such insects.  相似文献   

Whether the trade-off between current and future reproduction in insect parasitoids is mediated by the costs of time or eggs remains an issue of contention. Life-history models predict that parasitoids have some risk of exhausting their lifetime supply of oocytes. I develop a simple conceptual model that assesses the relative contributions of time and eggs to the cost of reproduction by placing them in a common currency: foregone future fitness returns. Although rates of egg limitation observed in nature are modest, eggs still often make the dominant contribution to the overall cost of oviposition. Therefore, models of parasitoid reproduction must recognize the costliness of both time and eggs.  相似文献   

Insect parasitoids and herbivores must balance the risk of egg limitation and time limitation in order to maximize reproductive success. Egg and time limitation are mediated by oviposition and egg maturation rates as well as by starvation risk and other determinants of adult lifespan. Here, we assessed egg load and nutritional state in the soybean aphid parasitoid Binodoxys communis under field conditions to estimate its risk of becoming either egg‐ or time‐limited. The majority of female B. communis showed no signs of egg limitation. Experimental field manipulations of B. communis females suggested that an average of 4–8 eggs were matured per hour over the course of a day. Regardless, egg loads remained constant over the course of the day at approximately 80 eggs, suggesting that egg maturation compensates for oviposition. This is the first case of such “egg load buffering” documented for a parasitoid in the field. Despite this buffering, egg loads dropped slightly with increasing host (aphid) density. This suggests that egg limitation could occur at very high host densities as experienced in outbreak years in some locations in the Midwestern USA. Biochemical analyses of sugar profiles showed that parasitoids fed upon sugar in the field at a remarkably high rate. Time limitation through starvation thus seems to be very low and aphid honeydew is most likely a source of dietary sugar for these parasitoids. This latter supposition is supported by the fact that body sugar levels increase with host (aphid) density. Together, these results suggest that fecundity of B. communis benefits from both dynamic egg maturation strategies and sugar‐feeding.  相似文献   

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