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Fermentation of lignocellulosic materials to ethanol and other solvents provides an alternative way of treating wastes and producing chemical feedstocks and fuel additives. Considerable efforts have been made in past 10 years to improve the process based on lignocellulosic biomass and hydrolysate that contains a complex mixture of sugars, decomposition products of sugars, and sometimes the inhibitory levels of soluble lignin. Despite the relative abundance of D-xylose in crop and forest residues it has not been found efficiently fermentable by most of the microorganisms. Recent research has revealed that D-xylose may be fermented to ethanol and organic acids. Recently, several strains of Fusarium oxysporum have been found to have potential for converting not only D-xylose, but also cellulose to ethanol in a one-step process. Distinguishing features of F. oxysporum for ethanol production in comparison to other organisms are identified. These include the advantage of in situ cellulase production and cellulose fermentation, pentose fermentation, and the tolerance of sugars and ethanol. The main disadvantage is the slow conversion rate when compared with yeast.  相似文献   

This article focuses on scientific integrity and the identification of predisposing factors to scientific misconduct in Brazil. Brazilian scientific production has increased in the last ten years, but the quality of the articles has decreased. Pressure on researchers and students for increasing scientific production may contribute to scientific misconduct. Cases of misconduct in science have been recently denounced in the country. Brazil has important institutions for controlling ethical and safety aspects of human research, but there is a lack of specific offices to investigate suspected cases of misconduct and policies to deal with scientific dishonesty.  相似文献   

Tropical maize is an alternative energy crop being considered as a feedstock for bioethanol production in the North Central and Midwest United States. Tropical maize is advantageous because it produces large amounts of soluble sugars in its stalks, creates a large amount of biomass, and requires lower inputs (e.g. nitrogen) than grain corn. Soluble sugars, including sucrose, glucose and fructose were extracted by pressing the stalks at dough stage (R4). The initial extracted syrup fermented faster than the control culture grown on a yeast extract/phosphate/sucrose medium. The syrup was subsequently concentrated 1.25–2.25 times, supplemented with urea, and fermented using Saccharomyces cerevisiae for up to 96 h. The final ethanol concentrations obtained were 8.1 % (v/v) to 15.6 % (v/v), equivalent to 90.3–92.2 % of the theoretical yields. However, fermentation productivity decreased with sugar concentration, suggesting that the yeast might be osmotically stressed at the increased sugar concentrations. These results provide in-depth information for utilizing tropical maize syrup for bioethanol production that will help in tropical maize breeding and development for use as another feedstock for the biofuel industry.  相似文献   

Bioethanol has been identified as the mostly used biofuel worldwide since it significantly contributes to the reduction of crude oil consumption and environmental pollution. It can be produced from various types of feedstocks such as sucrose, starch, lignocellulosic and algal biomass through fermentation process by microorganisms. Compared to other types of microoganisms, yeasts especially Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the common microbes employed in ethanol production due to its high ethanol productivity, high ethanol tolerance and ability of fermenting wide range of sugars. However, there are some challenges in yeast fermentation which inhibit ethanol production such as high temperature, high ethanol concentration and the ability to ferment pentose sugars. Various types of yeast strains have been used in fermentation for ethanol production including hybrid, recombinant and wild-type yeasts. Yeasts can directly ferment simple sugars into ethanol while other type of feedstocks must be converted to fermentable sugars before it can be fermented to ethanol. The common processes involves in ethanol production are pretreatment, hydrolysis and fermentation. Production of bioethanol during fermentation depends on several factors such as temperature, sugar concentration, pH, fermentation time, agitation rate, and inoculum size. The efficiency and productivity of ethanol can be enhanced by immobilizing the yeast cells. This review highlights the different types of yeast strains, fermentation process, factors affecting bioethanol production and immobilization of yeasts for better bioethanol production.  相似文献   

Key technologies for bioethanol production from lignocellulose   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Controversies on bioethanol produced from straw mainly revolve around the unfitted economical feasibility and environmental concerns of the process, which attribute mainly to unilateral researches from own specialties of each scholar without regard to the characteristics of the straws themselves. To achieve an economical and environmentally-friendly system of bioethanol production from straw, a number of breakthroughs are needed, not only in individual process steps, but also in the balance and combination of these processes. This article gives an overview of the new technologies required and the advances achieved in recent years, especial progresses achieved in our group, based on the concept of fractional conversions. An eco-industrial multi-production pattern is established, by which the maximum efficacy and benefit of process can be achieved due to the production of many high-value co-products simultaneously with ethanol. We believed that, in the future, the bioethanol production from straw will be competitive economically and environmentally.  相似文献   

The widespread use of corn starch and sugarcane as sources of sugar for the production of ethanol via fermentation may negatively impact the use of farmland for production of food. Thus, alternative sources of fermentable sugars, particularly from lignocellulosic sources, have been extensively investigated. Another source of fermentable sugars with substantial potential for ethanol production is the waste from the food growing and processing industry. Reviewed here is the use of waste from potato processing, molasses from processing of sugar beets into sugar, whey from cheese production, byproducts of rice and coffee bean processing, and other food processing wastes as sugar sources for fermentation to ethanol. Specific topics discussed include the organisms used for fermentation, strategies, such as co-culturing and cell immobilization, used to improve the fermentation process, and the use of genetic engineering to improve the performance of ethanol producing fermenters.  相似文献   

Apart from an early case report from China (13th century), the first observations on insects and other arthropods as forensic indicators were documented in Germany and France during mass exhumations in the 1880s by Reinhard, who is considered a co-founder of the discipline. After the French publication of Mégnin's popular book on the applied aspects of forensic entomology, the concept quickly spread to Canada and United States. At that time, researchers recognized that the lack of systematic observations of insects of forensic importance jeopardized their use as indicators of postmortem interval. General advances in insect taxonomy and ecology helped to fill this gap over the following decades. After World Wars, few forensic entomology cases were reported in the scientific literature. From 1960s to the 1980s, Leclercq and Nuorteva were primarily responsible for maintaining the method in Central Europe, reporting isolated cases. Since then, basic research in the USA, Russia and Canada opened the way to the routine use of Entomology in forensic investigations. Identifications of insects associated with human cadavers are relatively few in the literature of the Neotropical region and have received little attention in Brazil. This article brings an overview of historic developments in this field, the recent studies and the main problems and challenges in South America and mainly in Brazil.  相似文献   

The applicability of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to bioethanol production is investigated. The NIR technique can provide assistance for rapid process monitoring, because organic compounds absorb radiation in the wavelength range 1100–2300 nm. For quantification of a sample's chemical composition, a calibration model is required that relates the measured spectral NIR absorbances to concentrations. For calibration, the concentrations in g/l are determined by the analytical reference method high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The calibration models are built and validated for moisture, protein, and starch in the feedstock material, and for glucose, ethanol, glycerol, lactic acid, acetic acid, maltose, fructose, and arabinose in the processed broths. These broths are prepared in laboratory experiments: The ground cereal samples are fermented to alcoholic broths (‘mash’), which are divided into an ethanol fraction and the residual fraction ‘stillage’ by distillation. The NIR technology together with chemometrics proved itself beneficial for fast monitoring of the current state of the bioethanol process, primarily for higher concentrated substances (>1 g/l).  相似文献   

苎麻和红麻是我国传统纤维作物,皮部纤维在造纸、纺织等工业具有广泛用途,但剥皮后剩余的茎秆部分并没有被有效利用。由于其中含有较多纤维素,可望被生物转化生产燃料乙醇。比较了几种不同化学预处理方法对苎麻秆和红麻秆纤维素酶解性能的改善效果,进而选择碱法预处理后原料,进行半同步糖化发酵产乙醇实验。结果表明,苎麻秆和红麻秆经4%NaOH和0.02%蒽醌-2-磺酸钠盐(AQSS),在170℃下处理1 h,继而在固形物底物浓度18%时发酵168 h,发酵液中乙醇浓度达到51 g/L。采用少量多次补料至20%的底物浓度,乙醇浓度都能达到63 g/L,纤维素转化率分别为77%和79%。红麻秆经5.2%NaHSO3和0.2%H2SO4,在170℃下处理1 h,补料至20%的底物浓度时,乙醇浓度可达到65 g/L,纤维素转化率为72%。  相似文献   

The goal of this work is to optimize production of bio-ethanol by fermentation through regulating yeast growth energy (YGE), and provide the mechanism of ethanol production from food-waste leachate (FWL) using yeast (S. cerevisiae) as inoculums to be predictable and controllable. The wide range of reduced sugar concentration (RSC) which is commonly administered from low (35 g per liter) to very high (100 g per liter) is responsible for costs increasing besides risks of FWL contamination and death of yeast cells. A mathematical model is presented to describe yeast growth energy (YGE) due to RSC doses along with predicting the amounts of ethanol yield by each dose to identify the optimum one. Simulations of the presented model showed that YGE, energy intake (EI), and their produced ethanol energy (PEE) are always balanced during fermentation process according to the law of conservation of energy. For a better fermentation rate in a continuous process and a large-scale production; YGE should be less than half of EI and more than its quarter (i.e. $ \frac{ 1}{ 4}{\text{EI}} \le {\text{YGE}} \le \frac{1}{2}{\text{EI}} $ ) which keeps the residual energy less than YGE to avoid risks of osmotic stresses or aging of cells allowing the survival of all yeast cells as long as possible to maximize ethanol production and decrease productivity costs.  相似文献   



Pretreatment is an essential step in the enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass and subsequent production of bioethanol. Recent results indicate that only a mild pretreatment is necessary in an industrial, economically feasible system. The Integrated Biomass Utilisation System hydrothermal pretreatment process has previously been shown to be effective in preparing wheat straw for these processes without the application of additional chemicals. In the current work, the effect of the pretreatment on the straw cell-wall matrix and its components are characterised microscopically (atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy) and spectroscopically (attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) in order to understand this increase in digestibility.  相似文献   

Junqueira M  Carvalho PC 《Proteomics》2012,12(17):2601-2606
Our current knowledge in biology has been mostly derived from studying model organisms and cell lines in which only a small fraction of all described species have been extensively studied. Although these model organisms are amenable to genetic manipulations, this blinds researchers to the true variability of life. Groundbreaking discoveries are often achieved by analyzing "noncanonical" species; for example, the characterization of Taq polymerase from Thermus aquaticus ultimately led to a revolution in the field of molecular biology. Brazil possesses a rich biodiversity and a considerable fraction of Brazilian groups use current proteomic techniques to explore this natural treasure-trove. However, in our opinion, much more than the widely adopted peptide spectrum match approach is required to explore this rich "proteomosphere." Here, we provide a critical overview of the available strategies for the analysis of proteomic data from "noncanonical" biological samples (e.g. proteins from unsequenced genomes or genomes with high levels of polymorphisms), and demonstrate some limitations of existing approaches for large-scale protein identification and quantitation. An understanding of the premises behind these computational tools is necessary to properly deal with their limitations and draw accurate conclusions.  相似文献   

Abstract When considering the current state of the biorefinery industry, it is readily apparent that industrial cellulose and hemicellulose digestion processes are relatively advanced, whereas enzymatic pre-treatment strategies for biomass delignification and cellulose solubilization are not well developed. The need for efficient biomass pre-treatment strategies presents a significant opportunity for researchers studying lignocellulose digestion in termites and other insects. With an emphasis on industrial biomass pre-treatment, this review provides an overview of: (i) industrial biorefining operations (feedstocks, processing, and economics); (ii) recent findings from termite research that have revealed candidate enzymes; and (iii) research needs and opportunities for consideration by entomologists working in this area. With respect to research findings, recently identified candidate lignases (laccases, catalases, peroxidases, esterases), other potentially important detoxification enzymes (cytochrome P450, superoxide dismutase), and phenolic acid esterases (carboxylesterases) that may assist in hemicellulose solubilization are overviewed. Regarding research needs and opportunities, several approaches for identification of candidate pre-treatment enzymes from upstream, symbiont-free gut regions are also described.  相似文献   

World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology - In this study, purification of the wastewater from corn stover-based bioethanol production process with simultaneous biogas production was...  相似文献   



Despite its semi-commercial status, ethanol production from lignocellulosics presents many complexities not yet fully solved. Since the pretreatment stage has been recognized as a complex and yield-determining step, it has been extensively studied. However, economic success of the production process also requires optimization of the biochemical conversion stage. This work addresses the search of bioreactor configurations with improved residence times for continuous enzymatic saccharification and fermentation operations. Instead of analyzing each possible configuration through simulation, we apply graphical methods to optimize the residence time of reactor networks composed of steady-state reactors. Although this can be easily made for processes described by a single kinetic expression, reactions under analysis do not exhibit this feature. Hence, the attainable region method, able to handle multiple species and its reactions, was applied for continuous reactors. Additionally, the effects of the sugars contained in the pretreatment liquor over the enzymatic hydrolysis and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) were assessed.


We obtained candidate attainable regions for separate enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) and SSF operations, both fed with pretreated corn stover. Results show that, despite the complexity of the reaction networks and underlying kinetics, the reactor networks that minimize the residence time can be constructed by using plug flow reactors and continuous stirred tank reactors. Regarding the effect of soluble solids in the feed stream to the reactor network, for SHF higher glucose concentration and yield are achieved for enzymatic hydrolysis with washed solids. Similarly, for SSF, higher yields and bioethanol titers are obtained using this substrate.


In this work, we demonstrated the capabilities of the attainable region analysis as a tool to assess the optimal reactor network with minimum residence time applied to the SHF and SSF operations for lignocellulosic ethanol production. The methodology can be readily modified to evaluate other kinetic models of different substrates, enzymes and microorganisms when available. From the obtained results, the most suitable reactor configuration considering residence time and rheological aspects is a continuous stirred tank reactor followed by a plug flow reactor (both in SSF mode) using washed solids as substrate.

Biofuels such as bioethanol are becoming a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Utilizing agricultural biomass for the production of biofuel has drawn much interest in many science and engineering disciplines. As one of the major crops, maize offers promise in this regard. Compared to other crops with biofuel potential, maize can provide both starch (seed) and cellulosic (stover) material for bioethanol production. However, the combination of food, feed and fuel in one crop, although appealing, raises concerns related to the land delineation and distribution of maize grown for energy versus food and feed. To avoid this dilemma, the conversion of maize biomass into bioethanol must be improved. Conventional breeding, molecular marker assisted breeding and genetic engineering have already had, and will continue to have, important roles in maize improvement. The rapidly expanding information from genomics and genetics combined with improved genetic engineering technologies offer a wide range of possibilities for enhanced bioethanol production from maize.  相似文献   

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