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Myelin was isolated from bovine brain by several published procedures and modifications of these procedures. High activity of the myelin marker (2,3-cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphohydrolase) and low activity of contaminants markers in white matter homogenates in respect to cerebral cortex showed the white matter to be better than the cerebral cortex or the whole brain for myelin isolation. A procedure is described for the preparation of purified myelin from bovine white matter which yielded a content of protein (40%), myelin marker (51%), and 5-nucleotidase (25%) in purified myelin higher than by any used method. Acetylcholinesterase or succinate dehydrogenase was lower than 7% of its activity in the white matter homogenate, and monoamine oxidase and NADPH: cytochrome c reductase were not recovered in myelin fraction. Morphologically, myelin fraction was shown to mainly consist of multilamellar membranes of different sizes. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myelin fraction showed a characteristic protein pattern of myelin. When our procedure was applied to frozen white matter, lower protein (32%) and myelin marker (34%) and similar 5-nucleotidase activity (24%) were recovered in myelin, increasing its recovery in denser fractions of white matter.  相似文献   

A polyclonal rabbit antibody against 5-nucleotidase purified from bull seminal plasma was used to localize the antigen on bovine spermatozoa. Spermatozoa taken from the ampulla of the vas deferens showed strong immunofluorescence at the anterior rim of the head portion. Evaluation of spermatozoa prepared from different segments of the seminal pathway indicated the presence of the antigen already in rete testis and epididymal spermatozoa. On cryostat sections of testis tissue a positive immunoreaction was found in the anterior head portion of elongated spermatids, but not in earlier forms of sperm development. This distribution corresponded with the enzyme activity and results of Western blotting in extracts of testicular and epididymal spermatozoa. Immunoelectron microscopy of ampullary spermatozoa using antibody detection with gold-labelled anti-rabbit IgG showed a clear-cut labelling of the plasma membrane in the acrosome region. Treatment of ampullary spermatozoa with 0.1% Triton X-100 did not completely remove the immunoreactive material from the acrosome, showing a very stable linkage of the protein to the plasma membrane. Treatment with phospholipase C from Bacillus thuringiensis, however, removed immunoreactive material from the plasma membrane, indicating its binding by a phosphoinositol anchor. Our findings show that endogenous 5-nucleotidase is present on the plasma membrane covering the anterior head portion of bovine spermatozoa and indicate specialized functions during the acrosomal reaction. Soluble enzyme derived from seminal vesicle secretion covers the whole sperm surface during emission, but is not covalently bound. It provides generalized enzyme activity to the sperm surface in addition to the specialized area of the sperm head.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of adenylate cyclase and 5-nucleotidase activities in the follicular cells of adenomatous goiter and normal thyroid was studied by light and electron microscopy. Simultanous biochemical measurement for both activities was carried out to confirm the histochemical findings. Adenylyl-imidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP) was used as an effective substrate for adenylate cyclase. The specificity of the adenylate cyclase reaction was also examined by adding oxalacetic acid or PCMB as an adenylate cyclase inhibitor, and by adding sodium fluoride or TSH as an adenylate cyclase stimulator to the reaction mixture. In the case of tissue from adenomatous goiter, a large amount of the reaction product of the adenylate cyclase activity was found uniformly in the apical and lateral plasma membrane and not in the basal plasma membrane. In the cases of normal thyroid, a small amount of the reaction product of adenylate cyclase activity was demonstrated, and only in the lateral plasma membrane of the follicular cells. On the other hand, the histochemical localization of 5-nucleotidase activity was the same in adenomatous goiter and normal thyroid. The reaction product of 5-nucleotidase activity was found predominantly in the apical plasma membrane of the follicular cells. The biochemical findings indicated that the activity of adenylate cyclase per gram tissue was approximately 2 times higher in the case of adenomatous goiter than that in the case of normal thyroid, while the 5-nucleotidase activity in adenomatous goiter was in slightly higher level than in normal thyroid. Thus the histochemically demonstrable amount of adenylate cyclase and 5-nucleotidase reflected the activity levels measured biochemically. The lack of demonstrable adenylate cyclase activity in the basal plasma membrane suggests the possibility that this structure may not play any important role in TSH reception.  相似文献   

Suspensions of rat brain microsomes, synaptosomes, and synaptic vesicles were able to convert adenosine to inosine by means of adenosine deaminase. Isosbestic points of this transformation, at 222, 250 and 281 nm, remained unchanged with time-course. This fact suggests that adenosine deaminase (ADA, E.C. is located on the surface of the vesicles whereas purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP, E.C. is located inside the vesicles. Kinetic parameters of the particulate 5-nucleotidase (5N, E.C. and adenosine deaminase were analogous to those of the cytosolic enzymes. These results suggest that soluble and particulate enzymes represent different pools of the same molecular species.  相似文献   

The effect of lipid peroxidation on the Mg2+-independent and Mg2+-dependent activity of brain cell membrane 5-nucleotidase was determined and the affinity of the active sites of Mg2+-dependent enzyme for 5-AMP (substrate) and Mg2+ (activator) was examined. Brain cell membranes were peroxidized at 37°C in the presence of 100 M ascorbate and 25 M FeCl2 (resultant) for 10 min. The activity of 5-nucleotidase and lipid peroxidation products (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) were determined. At 10 min, the level of lipid peroxidation products increased from 0.20±0.10 to 17.5±1.5 nmoles malonaldehyde/mg membrane protein. The activity of Mg2+-independent 5-nucleotidase increased from 0.201±0.020 in controls to 0.305±0.028 mol Pi/mg protein/hr in peroxidized membranes. In the presence of 10mM Mg2+, the activity increased by 5.8-fold in the peroxidized membrane preparation in comparison to 14-fold in control In peroxidized preparation, the affinity of active site of Mg2+-dependent 5-nucleotidase for 5-AMP tripled, as indicated by a significant decrease inK m (K m=95±2 M AMP for control;K m=32±2 MAMP for peroxidized).V max was significantly reduced from 3.35±0.16 in control to 1.70±.09 moles Pi/mg protein in peroxidized membranes. The affinity of the active site for Mg2+ significantly increased (K m=6.17±0.37 mM Mg2+ for control;K m=4.0±0.31 peroxidized). The data demonstrate that lipid peroxidation modifies the Mg2+-dependent 5-nucleotidase function by altering the active sites for both the substrate and the activator. The modification of the 5-nucleotidase activity and the loss of Mg2+-dependent activation observed in this in-vitro study are similar to the changes previously observed by us in the hypoxic brain in-vivo. This suggests that lipid peroxidation which specifically alters the active site may be the underlying mechanism of the modification of 5-nucleotidase during hypoxia.  相似文献   

Pig brain cerebral cortex was subfractionated by isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients. In each subfraction the content of the agonist [3H]R-PIA binding, the activity of adenosine metabolizing enzymes (5-nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase) and the activity of membrane marker enzymes were determined. The fractions were also examined by electron microscope. In general, the results suggest a widespread distribution of A1 adenosine receptors in membranes from different origins. Marker enzyme profile characterization indicated an enrichment of A1 adenosine receptor in pre-synaptic membranes isolated from the crude synaptosomal fraction (P2B subfraction) as well as in membranes of glial origin such as myelin. The receptor is also present in the endoplasmic reticulum and in membranes isolated from the microsomal fraction that seem to have a post-synaptic origin (P3B). In subfractions having a high content of adenosine receptor the equilibrium binding paramters were obtained as well as the proportion of high- to low-affinity sites. From the values of the equilibrium constants it was not possible to find differences between the receptor in the different subfractions. Analysis of the affinity state distribution showed a diminished percentage of high-affinity sites in fraction P3A, which can be accounted by the existence of myelin membranes; in contrast the percentage of high-affinity states was higher in P2 and P3B, indicating that in these fractions the receptor is present in synaptosomal membranes. The close correlation shown between the enzyme 5-nucleotidase specific activity and the specific ligand binding distributions led us to postulate an important role for the enzyme in the regulation of adenosine action in pig brain cortex.  相似文献   

Summary Cytochemical localization of 5- nucleotidase (AMPase) has been investigated in the parotid acinar cells of rats at various stages of exocytic secretion induced by an administration of isoproterenol (IPR).In the resting stage, the acinar cells show AMPase activity located on the baso-lateral and luminal plasmalemma, and in the earliest secretory stage the luminal plasma membranes are devoid of the enzymatic activity. However, these particular regions exhibit AMPase activity during the advanced stages of secretion, and the AMPase positive membranes become absorbed into the cytoplasm by endocytic activity. The absorbed membrane components then seem to be degraded by the action of lysosomes.The intracellular fate of the endocytic vacuoles has been examined by the aid of ferritin particles introduced retrogradely through ductal lumina. Ferritin containing vacuoles are distributed in the cytoplasm, and these droplets change into secondary lysosomes. No tracer particles are recognized in the internal space of the Golgi lamella and its associated vesicles.The results suggested that in the exocytic secretion of parotid acinar cells, AMPase originating from plasma membrane intermingles with the membranes derived from secretion granules, and is translocated into cytoplasm by an endocytic mechanism. The internalized membrane components are, at least partly, degraded by lysosome action.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of 5-nucleotidase activity in rat liver shows a sexual dependence. In male liver the activity in the bile canalicular wall is most pronounced, whereas the activity at the sinusoidal border of the liver parenchymal cell is slightly more in the female rat. Castration and treatment with sex hormones change the distribution pattern. The greatest variations in enzyme activity are seen at the bile canalicular site of the liver cell. These changes are probably an expression of the altered functional state of the liver cell.  相似文献   

Summary 5-Nucleotidase in nervous tissue has so far not been localised at the ultrastructural level using immunocytochemical techniques. We have now applied monoclonal antibodies and a polyclonal antiserum raised against this ecto-enzyme and describe the distribution of 5-nucleotidase antigenicity in rat cerebellum both at the light and electron microscopic levels. Within all cerebellar layers, 5-nucleotidase immunoreactivity was found on plasma membranes of glial elements, i.e. Bergmann glial cell processes crossing the molecular layer, astrocytic end-feet around blood vessels and glial cell extensions surrounding single Purkinje cells. In the granular layer, 5-nucleotidase immunoreactivity was present on glial membranes interposed between granule cells. Neuronal cells or processes were devoid of immunoreactivity. The immunocytochemical results were compared with conventional 5-nucleotidase histochemistry. Both techniques showed the same ecto-localisation of the enzyme and favour the view of 5-nucleotidase being predominantly situated at glial plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The synthesis and degradation of 5′-nucleotidase has been studied in rat hepatocytes. Primary cultures of rat hepatocytes were established with the cells showing evidence of polarity after 24–36 h in culture. After a 30 h lag period 5′-nucleotidase activity increased to a plateau level similar to the activity found in whole liver. The half life of the enzyme after reaching the plateau of activity was 22.8 h. Pulse-chase biosynthetic labelling studies of 5′-nucleotidase in the cultured hepatocytes using [35S]methionine showed that the 5′-nucleotidase monomer was synthesised as an Mr 67 000 form which was converted to the mature Mr 72 000 form. [35S]Methionine labelling studies in the presence of tunicamycin showed that the unglycosylated protein monomer was an Mr 57 000 form. The immature Mr 67 000 form of 5′-nucleotidase was sensitive to endoglycosidase H, whereas the mature form was sensitive only to endoglycosidase F. The data presented are consistent with 5′-nucleotidase in a polarised cell being synthesised and processed like other membrane glycoproteins, in contrast to earlier reports.  相似文献   

The activity of 5′-nucleotidase (5′-ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase, EC was examined in membrane fractions isolated by hypotonic shock-LiBr treatment (fraction HL) and sucrose gradient separation (fraction S) of rat ventricle homogenate. The enzyme activity in these two fractions differed significantly in several respects. In fraction HL, 5′-nucleotidase had a high affinity for AMP (Km 35 μM), and ATP was a potent competitive inhibitor. In contrast, the 5′-nucleotidase displayed by fraction S showed a low substrate affinity (Km 130 μM) and less sensitivity to ATP. Treatment of membranes with trypsin and neuraminidase markedly stimulated 5′-nucleotidase in fraction HL, whereas only a modest effect was observed in fraction S. Exposure of the membranes to Triton X-100 resulted in a 60% and 10% increase in the enzyme activity in fractions HL and S, respectively. The characteristic activity ratios of 5′-nucleotidase at 200 μM relative to 50 μM AMP in fractions HL and S were modified by alamethicin in an opposite way and became identical. Although concanavalin A almost completely inhibited the 5′-nucleotidase activity in both membrane preparations at a concentration of 2 μM, Hill plots of the data on concanavalin A inhibition revealed a coefficient of 2.2 for fraction S and 1.1 for fraction HL. The differences in 5′-nucleotidase activity of the two membrane fractions are considered to be due to differences in the orientation of the vesicles of the sarcolemmal preparations. These results suggest that two distinct catalytic sites for 5′-nucleotidase are present at the intra and extracellular surface of the rat heart sarcolemma.  相似文献   

Summary A new case of a defect in red cell pyrimidine 5-nucleotidase (P5N) activity was found in a large family from Guadeloupe in the West Indies. The propositus presented a characteristic hemolytic anemia with red cell basophilic stippling, an increased GSH level, and a shift of the peak in absorbance of nucleotide. The enzyme activity of the deficient red cells was about 14% that of normal. The electrophoretic pattern of P5N activity from the deficient red cells differed from that of the normal. The P5N activity of the deficient red cells was distinct from that of the control in terms of its Km and of the effects of pH on its maximum activity and heat stability. The significance of such differences is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The mutant enzyme of a patient with hereditary pyrimidine 5-nucleotidase deficiency was analyzed biochemically. Partially purified by DEAE-Sephadex and concentrated by ultrafiltration, the enzyme had a high Km for the substrate uridine monophosphate. Utilization of the substrate cytidine monophosphate was normal, but utilization of adenosine monophosphate was greatly increased. The enzyme was stable to heat; the pH optimum was acidic. Electrophoresis of the enzyme revealed a very faint, slower than normal band.  相似文献   

The present study utilized a cultured adult myocardial cell model to examine the arachidonic acid metabolism under different cell-damaging and normoxic conditions. Cell injury was caused by short-time hypoxia, calcium ionophore A 23187-triggered cell-damage under hypoxia and cell disruption by freezing and thawing. The current study demonstrates that under the cell-damaging conditions cultured adult heart myocytes resemble myocardial cells under normoxic conditions in metabolizing arachidonic acid into triacylglycerols and phospholipids as the major route (a), in formation of ETYA-inhibitable indomethacin-resistant lipid metabolites in minor amounts (b) and in being independent of calcium overload in the metabolic pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism (c). The ETYA-inhibitable components were resolved by HPLC. There was no evidence in formation of lipoxygenase products. The results were supported by negative hybridisation experiments of the total mRNA isolated from adult myocardial cells with a cDNA probe of a red-cell-specific lipoxygenase mRNA. We conclude from these observations that cell injury does not result in expression of lipoxygenase activities in heart myocytes.Abbreviations HETE Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid - DiHETE Dihydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid - ETYA acid - TLC Thin-Layer Chromatography - NP-HPLC Normal Phase-High Performance Liquid Chromatography - RBC Red Blood Cell - LOX Lipoxygenase  相似文献   

A fraction enriched in plasma membranes from porcine polymorphonuclear leucocytes, isolated by sucrose density centrifugation was shown to possess considerable AMP hydrolysing activity (150 nmol/min per mg protein). However all of this activity could be inhibited using excess p-nitrophenyl phosphate in the incubation medium. Furthermore the hydrolysis of AMP by the membrane was unaffected by the 5′-nucleotidase inhibitor α,β-methyleneadenosine diphosphate and by the lectin concanavalin A, another potent inhibitor of 5′-nucleotidase. An antibody against mouse liver 5′-nucleotidase also did not inhibit the activity. These results suggest that the hydrolysis of AMP by porcine polymorph membranes is not accomplished by a specific 5′-nucleotidase and the necessity for distinguishing between true 5′-nucleotidase and non-specific phosphatase activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary After stimulation of the mouse peritoneal cavity with newborn calf serum (NBCS), four types of monocyte and macrophage were distinguished on the basis of peroxidase (PO) patterns. Cytochemically, these cells showed strong heterogeneity in 5-nucleotidase (5N) activity. Monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages with PO activity in granules lacked 5N activity. Resident macrophages (with PO activity in RER and nuclear envelope) generally had significant 5N activity on the plasma membrane, the pattern showing close correlation with the biochemical findings. The group of PO-negative macrophages comprised both 5N-negative and 5N-positive cells. These findings suggest two possibilities, i.e., that monocytes (5N-)transform via PO-negative cells (5N-/+) into resident macrophages (5N+), or that the monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages and the resident macrophages represent separate lineages. The fourth type of macrophage, the exudate-resident cell (with PO activity both in granules and in the RER and nuclear envelope), occurred only in low numbers and very late after NBCS stimulation, and is therefore considered not to be a transitional cell between monocytes and resident macrophages.  相似文献   

Distribution of 5′-nucleotidase in the renal interstitium of the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The hydrolysis of 5-AMP by 5-nucleotidase is the main source of adenosine. In various tissues adenosine is a local mediator adjusting the organ work to the available energy. In the kidney it regulates renal hemodynamics, glomerular filtration rate and renin release via specific receptors of the arteriolar walls. By immunocytochemistry we identified interstitial and tubular sites of 5-nucleotidase in the rat kidney. In the interstitium the enzyme was detected only in the cortical labyrinth, the compartment that comprises all arteriolar vessels besides other putative targets of adenosine. The 5-nucleotidase-positive cells of the interstitium were identified as fibroblasts. The fibroblasts are in close contact with the tubules as well as with the vessels. Thus, any 5-AMP released by the tubules into the interstitial space would be converted to adenosine in the direct vicinity of its assumed targets. Adenosine produced by tubular cells would hardly have access to its known targets, since 5-nucleotidase is restricted to the luminal cell surface. Pathological events affecting the fibroblasts might influence renal function by modifying the interstitial adenosine production.  相似文献   

Seminal plasma separated from freshly ejaculated bull semen contains vesicles with a 5-nucleotidase activity incorporated as an ectoenzyme anchored by glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI). After its extraction from bull seminal plasma vesicles, the protein was purified and reconstituted into hen egg yolk lecithin liposomes obtained through prolonged dialysis of buffered n-octylglucoside detergent solutions of lipid, protein and various effectors against detergent-free solutions. Gel filtration experiments showed that the enzyme incorporated into liposomes in a dimeric form with its two subunits linked by disulfide bridges. In the presence of reduced glutathione, the protein dissociated into monomers and failed to incorporate into liposomes. Electron spin resonance (ESR) experiments, performed with liposomes containing electron spin labels localized at the hydrophilic lipid headgroups (5-doxyl stearic acid) or in the hydrophobic lipid hydrocarbon chains (16-doxyl stearic acid), demonstrated that the incorporation of 5-nucleotidase resulted in the immobilization of the spin probes. Furthermore, the spectral parameters obtained before and after treatment of 5-nucleotidase-containing liposomes with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) indicated that the liposome membrane bilayer did not contain protein segments. This supports the well-known ecto-localization of 5-nucleotidase and rules out a previously reported possibility of a proteic transmembrane anchoring of the enzyme.We thank Mr. Marcello Coli and Dr. Maria Grazia Cantelmi, University of Perugia, for their skillful technical assistance; Dr. Paolo Ghinassi and Dr. Franca Farabegoli, Semen Italy, Diegaro, Cesena, Italy and Dr. Augusto Chiacchierini, Centro Tori Perugia, Italy, for kindly supplying the bull semen; Dr. Maria Grazia Rambotti, Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy, for her skillful assistance in the electron microscopy experiments; Ms. Darlene I. Morosi for her helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

The kinetic characteristics and the EDTA inhibition of microsomal 5′-nucleotidase from bovine brain cortex were studied and compared with the properties of the enzyme solubilized with Lubrol WX. The Km value after enzyme solubilization was not significantly different from that of the membrane-bound enzyme. Likewise, di- and trinucleotides performed a similar competitive inhibition of the two forms of the enzyme. In contrast, divalent cations inhibited the intact microsomal enzyme activity at the same concentrations in which they increased the soluble-enzyme activity. The solubilization of microsomal 5′-nucleotidase did not change the progressive and irreversible character of the EDTA inhibition, but the mechanism of the irreversible inhibition was different. The addition of divalent metal cations did not affect the irreversibility of either inhibition, even though the effect on the residual activities was different. The Arrhenius plot of the 5′-nucleotidase activity in intact microsomal fraction exhibited a well-defined break at 31 ± 0.1°C, whereas that of the solubilized enzyme was a straight line. It is concluded then that microsomal 5′-nucleotidase from bovine brain cortex does not require the membrane environment to express its activity, although the influence of this lipidic environment was evident in the differences observed in the enzyme activity modulation by EDTA, cations and temperature.  相似文献   

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