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A list is given of the recently recurated Orthoptera s.l. held by the Linnean Society of London. The status of specimens in the collection is evaluated, eight lectotype designations are made, and the orthopteroid species described by Linnaeus are listed alphabetically.  相似文献   

A list is given of the recently recurated Orthoptera s.l. held by the Linnean Society of London. The status of specimens in the collection is evaluated, eight lectotype designations are made, and the orthopteroid species described by Linnaeus are listed alphabetically.  相似文献   

Linnaeus described nine species of Musca now placed in the Tephritidae. The Linnaean Collection was examined; a syntype of Tephritis hyoscyami and a possible syntype of Urophora solstitialis were identified. Syntypes of Tephritis arnicae, Urophora cardui and Rhagolelis cerasi were not found; specimens illustrated by Aldrovandi and de Reaumur are designated as lectotypes. No syntypic material of Euleia heracleii, Oxyna parietina, Terellia serratulae or Ensina sonchi could be found.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of the lower Hymenoptera, including all the ‘symphytan’ families and the apocritan families Stephanidae, Megalyridae, Trigonalyidae, Ibaliidae, Vespidae and Gasteruptiidae, has been undertaken. A total of 98 characters were scored for 21 taxa. Twenty equally parsimonious minimum-length trees were obtained. The phylogenetic status of the Xyelidae is uncertain: they might be monophyletic. or the Xyelinae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Hymenoptera. The non-xyelid Hymenoptera are probably monophyletic; the phylogeny Tenthredinoidea + (Megalodontoidea + (Cephidae + (Anaxyelidea + (Siricidae + (Xiphydriidae + (Orussidae + Apocrita)))))) is proposed for this clade. The Blasticotomidae are probably the sistergroup of all othe Tenthredinoidea, but tenthredinoid phylogeny is otherwise uncertain. Substantial homoplasy occurs within the ‘siricoid’ families, making the relative positions of the Anaxyelidae and Siricidae uncertain. The Stephanidae might be the sistergroup of the rest of the Apocrita; the phylogeny of the remaining apocritan taxa included is insufficiently elucidated. The phylogeny proposed here supports the hypothesis that the appearance of parasitism in the Hymenoptera took place in the common ancestor of Orussidae + Apocrita, the host of which was probably wood boring insect larvae. The exact larval mode of feeding of the ancestral hymenopteran cannot be determined due ot the diversity of lifestyles in the basal lineages of the order.  相似文献   

Linnaeus described eleven species in the genera Musca and Conops that are now placed in the Fanniidae, Anthomyiidae and Muscidae. A study is presented of the types and other material of these three families in his collection.  相似文献   

Specimens of fishes preserved in the Zoological Museum, University of Uppsala, which are believed to have been examined by Linnaeus, are listed. Most of these were originally given to the University in several donations by benefactors of the Academy and were described by Linnaeus in dissertations defended by students. Some specimens, however, are believed to have originated from Linnaeus's own collection. Many of the specimens have type status and this is discussed together with notes on other surviving Linnaean fish specimens.  相似文献   

A summary of the known species of aquatic Hymenoptera is presented. In total, 150 species from 11 families are recognized as aquatic (0.13% of the total described species). This number is likely an underestimate, because of the high percentage of undescribed species and a lack of knowledge of host range and behaviour for most species. All aquatic Hymenoptera are parasitoids. Many species have relatively dense pubescence to trap air and elongate, tarsal claws to grip the substrate, when underwater. Most species are known from the Holarctic and Oriental regions, but this is likely an artefact caused by lack of knowledge of other regions of the world. Aquatic behaviour has evolved independently at least 50 times within the order. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Variation in structures of the posterior surface of the head in Hymenoptera is compared and interpreted according to theories of head capsule evolution, with focus on understanding previously baffling conditions in the superfamily Chalcidoidea. Features are investigated separately without first classifying subforaminal bridges into subcategories. In Proctotrupomorpha (including Chalcidoidea), Ceraphronoidea and some Ichneumonoidea, there are multiple posterior pits associated with the tentorium. In most examined Hymenoptera with a subforaminal bridge, there was a differentiated median area, typically with highly variable microtrichia. This area is elevated in Cephoidea and Pamphilioidea, but is not elevated in other Hymenoptera. Subforaminal bridges in Apocrita previously classified as hypostomal bridges are discussed in the context of A.P. Rasnitsyn's hypothesis that relative importance of adult feeding drives subforaminal bridge evolution.  相似文献   

Linnaeus's personal collection of fishes was part of the material purchased by J. E. Smith in 1783–1784 from Linnaeus's widow and which became the property of the Linnean Society of London in 1828. There are extant 168 dried specimens of fishes, mostly skins mounted on paper in the manner of herbarium specimens. The spirit-preserved material which belonged to Linnaeus was never sent from Sweden.
The history of the collection is recounted, and the sources of the specimens discussed. A catalogue of the collection is presented with discussion of the type status of the specimens and the sources for the typification of each taxon.  相似文献   

The genus Rhipipalloidea Girault (1934 ), from the Australian region is revised. Rhipipalloidea gruberi Girault (1940 ) is synonymised with R. mira Girault 1934 . A new species, R. madangensis , is described from Papua New Guinea. This species is separated from R. mira from Australia by the distinct striation on the head, and ramose, 12-segmented antennae of the females. Males and a host for the genus are described for the first time.  相似文献   

The Linnaean system of classification is a threefold system of theoretical assumptions, sorting rules, and rules of nomenclature. Over time, that system has lost its theoretical assumptions as well as its sorting rules. Cladistic revisions have left it less and less Linnaean. And what remains of the system is flawed on pragmatic grounds. Taking all of this into account, it is time to consider alternative systems of classification.  相似文献   

魏美才 《昆虫学报》2006,49(6):1002-1008
厘订了中国纵脊叶蜂属Xenapatidea Malaise种类,并记述1个新种——方顶纵脊叶蜂Xenapatidea reticulata sp. nov.和1个中国新纪录种——红胸纵脊叶蜂 Xenapatidea rufoscutellata Koch, 1996。首次报道并描述了X. rufoscutellata Koch, 1996的雌性。编制了纵脊叶蜂属8个已知种分种检索表。新种模式标本保存于中南林业科技大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

Hymenopteran fossils from Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China are assigned to 17 families. These include, in decreasing order of importance, Ephialtitidae, Xyelidae, Siricidae, Xyelydidae, Anaxyelidae, Karatavitidae s.l ., Mesoserphidae, Megalyridae and Praeaulacidae. Analysis of the taxonomic composition suggests that the assemblage is of Mid Jurassic age. The rather low abundance of Xyelidae suggests that the climate in Daohugou during the Mid Jurassic might have been thermally intermediate between that of peri-Baikal Siberia during the Early/Mid Jurassic transition and southern Kazakhstan during the early Late Jurassic. A new family, Protosiricidae fam. nov., is established herein and the family Gigasiricidae is reduced in rank to Gigasiricinae and referred to the Siricidae.  相似文献   

Five new species are described from the Middle–Upper Jurassic Daohugou Beds of Inner Mongolia, China, and assigned to the genus Karataus Rasnitsyn, 1977 in the subfamily Symphytopterinae of Ephialtitidae. They are illustrated as Karataus daohugouensis n. sp., K. strenuus n. sp., K. vigoratus n. sp., K. exilis n. sp., and K. orientalis n. sp., and a key to species of Karataus is presented.  相似文献   


Epipompilis insularis females were found to attack 2 species of hunting spider, Clubiona cambridgei and Salticus sp., and oviposit on them. All spiders were females which had oviposited and were inside their nests with their eggs. After eating the spiders, the larval parasitoids fed on the developing eggs or post-embryos, a facet of behaviour not previously reported for a pompilid wasp.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1122-1133
In this study, a total of eight fossorial aculeate wasps of the tiphiid genus Mesa Saussure, 1892 from China are revised, including two new species, viz., Mesa hongchibaensis sp. nov., and Mesa glaber sp. nov.. The following species Mesa dimidiata (Guérin-Méneville, 1837) and Mesa nursei (Turner, 1909) are newly recorded from China. The male specimen of Mesa formosensis Tsuneki (1986) is firstly found. In addition, an updated key to the Oriental species of the genus is provided.  相似文献   

Euplectrus separatae is a gregarious ectoparasitoid that parasitizes Pseudaletia separata during its third to sixth (last) instars. The eggs of the parasitoid are fixed on the integument of the host dorsolaterally with a hard substance like a piling driven into the integument by the female wasp at the time of oviposition. The first instar of the parasitoid, which hatches three days after oviposition is nourished by ingesting the hemolymph of the host, and ecdyses to the second stadium six days after oviposition. Many hemocytes and epidermal cells were found assembled under the piling and places where a parasitoid had attached its mouth, suggesting that the host had repaired the integument destroyed by the parasitoid. Botryoidal tissue, which stained well with hematoxylin, began to develop from four days after oviposition and became gradually larger with development. Botryoidal tissue appears to function as a secretory organ for thread and a storage organ for nutrients. Seven days after oviposition, the parasitoid larvae migrate down from the dorsal surface to the ventral side of the host. Just before descending they ecdyse to the third stadium and kill the host during their migration. If all parasitoid larvae were removed artificially from the host before they migrate, the host did not die. However, removing the parasitoids after they had started to migrate did not prevent the death of the host. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observation of salivary glands of a parasitoid larva before migrating revealed that the salivary gland was composed of cells that were rich in rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (rough-ER) with many ribosomes and cells that were filled with a lot of vacuoles just before their collapse. After moving from the host body, the parasitoid larvae doubled in weight by ingesting the tissue of the host and then spun a cocoon. Almost all host tissues were consumed for growth of the parasitoid, like an idiobiont parasitoid.  相似文献   

The typification of the Linnaean name Ononis crispa and the related O. zschackei (Fabaceae) is discussed. Original material for O. crispa was traced at LINN, but found to be heterogeneous. In addition, the illustration by Magnol cited in the protologue represents O. aragonensis. The name is lectotypified using a specimen at LINN to preserve the current usage of the name and to avoid any ambiguity in the interpretation of the lectotype, an epitype is selected. Since no original material is extant for the name O. zschackei, a neotype is designated from a specimen preserved at P and collected in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain).  相似文献   

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