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This is the first report on inter-individual relationships within a one-male group of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) based on detailed identification of individuals. From May 2005 to 2006, focal and ad libitum data of agonistic and grooming behaviour were collected in a forest along the Menanggul River, Sabah, Malaysia. During the study period, we collected over 1,968 h of focal data on the adult male and 1,539 h of focal data on the six females. Their social interactions, including agonistic and grooming behaviour, appeared to follow typical patterns reported for other colobines: the incidence of social interaction within groups is low. Of 39 agonistic events, 26 were displacement from sleeping places along the river, 6 were the α male threatening other monkeys to mediate quarrels between females and between females and juveniles, and 7 were displacement from feeding places. Although the agonistic behaviour matrix based on the 33 intra-group agonistic events (excluding events between adults and juveniles and between adults and infants) was indicative of non-significant linearity, there were some specific dominated individuals within the group of proboscis monkeys. Nonetheless, grooming behaviour among adult females within a group were not affected by the dominance hierarchy. This study also conducted initial comparisons of grooming patterns among proboscis monkeys and other primate species. On the basis of comparison of their grooming networks, similar grooming patterns among both-sex-disperse and male-philopatric/female-disperse species were detected. Because adult females in these species migrate to groups repeatedly, it may be difficult to establish the firm grooming exchange relationship for particular individuals within groups, unlike in female-philopatric/male-disperse species. However, grooming distribution patterns within groups among primate species were difficult to explain solely on the basis of their dispersal patterns. Newly immigrated females in some species including proboscis monkeys are eager to have social interactions with senior group members to improve their social position.  相似文献   

Grooming and proximity interactions among chimpanzees at Bossou, Republic of Guinea, were analyzed as an index of friendly and affinitive relationships among adult males, among adult females, and between the sexes. Data from the first (1976–1977) and the third (1982–1983) study period were used. The expected value of their interactions was calculated from the number of adult males and females in the group and also from the observed frequency of combinations of adult males and females in the parties (temporary foraging groups). In the pooled data from the two periods, there was little difference between grooming and proximity (without grooming). The frequency of male-female grooming and proximity interactions was lower than expected, and that of female-female interactions was higher than expected. The frequencies of male-male grooming and proximity were intermediate but fluctuated. Male-male grooming frequency was lower than that recorded in chimpanzees of East Africa. Characteristics of same-sex affinitive interactions, especially between Bossou chimpanzee females, clearly differ from those of East African chimpanzees and are more like those recorded for female-related groups of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata).These differences indicate the variability and flexibility of chimpanzee social structure.  相似文献   

We describe the social relationships of young adult female Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) in a free-ranging troop in Arashiyama, Kyoto, Japan, who remained nulliparous beyond the ordinary age of first birth because of contraceptive administration. We observed 12 young nulliparous adult females (6–9 years old) for 270 h and 10 min from 2 February to 5 October 2010. The majority maintained close relationships with their mothers through proximity and grooming, whereas a few had very infrequent social interactions with their mothers. Most had asymmetrical grooming relationships; the grooming they received from unrelated adult females was less than the grooming they gave. Young adult females who had less frequent interactions with their mothers by either proximity or grooming received more grooming from a larger number of unrelated adult females than did those who had more frequent social interactions with their mothers. These results indicate that most young adult females who remained nulliparous beyond the ordinary age of first birth tended to maintain close relationships with their mothers, and their grooming relationships with unrelated adult females were inversely related to the degree of closeness with their mothers.  相似文献   

The form of animal social systems depends on the nature of agonistic and affiliative interactions. Social network theory provides tools for characterizing social structure that go beyond simple dyadic interactions and consider the group as a whole. We show three groups of capuchin monkeys from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, where there are strong connections between key aspects of aggression, grooming, and proximity networks, and, at least among females, those who incur risk to defend their group have particular "social personalities." Although there is no significant correlation for any of the network measures between giving and receiving aggression, suggesting that dominance relationships do not follow a simple hierarchy, strong correlations emerge for many measures between the aggression and grooming networks. At the local, but not global, scale, receiving aggression and giving grooming are strongly linked in all groups. Proximity shows no correlation with aggression at either the local or the global scale, suggesting that individuals neither seek out nor avoid aggressors. Yet, grooming has a global but not local connection to proximity. Extensive groomers who tend to direct their efforts at other extensive groomers also spend time in close proximity to many other individuals. These results indicate the important role that prosociality plays in shaping female social relationships. We also show that females who receive the least aggression, and thus pay low costs for group living, are most likely to participate in group defense. No consistent "social personality" traits characterize the males who invest in group defense.  相似文献   

Many social species maintain differentiated relationships with their group members. These social bonds may reflect short-term interactions satisfying immediate needs. Alternatively, individuals of some species may entertain stable and valuable bonds that last much longer than opportunistic interactions would predict. This claim is supported by recent research that revealed clear fitness benefits for long-lasting social bonds. Here, we investigated the stability and equitability of social relationships in captive rhesus macaques, measured using their proximity and grooming patterns over a 3-yr period. We show that, in general, proximity patterns of the whole group were stable over 3 yr. More specifically, each individual’s top two nonkin within and between sex relationships based on proximity were relatively stable and some of these relationships lasted the full 3 yr. Female grooming relationships within and between sex were also stable over 3 yr. Moreover, strong social bonds in females were not based on age similarity and were not sex specific, suggesting that a general underlying mechanism of social bonding in female rhesus macaques. In contrast, patterns of male grooming of other males and of females were relatively unstable and male social bonds were less equitable than those of females. The differences in stability of the relationships between the sexes may reflect the dispersal pattern of rhesus macaques, although we have limited data on non-natal males in our study. With these data we add to a growing body of literature describing the value and durability of relationships among primates and other species.  相似文献   

Female social dominance is rare in mammals, but common in lemurs. We investigated social dominance in two Eulemur species; the polygynous crowned lemur (E. coronatus) and the monogamous red‐bellied lemur (E. rubriventer), using four and two social groups, respectively. We collected data on agonistic interactions and two types of affiliative behavior (grooming and maintaining spatial proximity). We used a combination of focal watches of individuals, instantaneous scan‐sampling of groups, and all‐occurrence of some behaviors in groups. We found that overall rates of agonistic interactions were higher in E. coronatus, and they also had more decided intersexual agonistic interactions than E. rubriventer. However, in both species the females won the vast majority of these agonistic interactions. E. coronatus females were groomed more often by males than vice versa, whereas no sex differences in grooming were observed in E. rubriventer. We found that males were responsible for maintaining spatial proximity in E. coronatus whereas in E. rubriventer, females were responsible. In one group of E. coronatus, the male was overweight and dominant to the female and this is the first observation of male dominance in a lemur species typically described as female dominant. We suggest that body weights in captivity be monitored for maintaining normal dominance relationships. Overall, agonistic behaviors were consistent with clear female social dominance in both E. coronatus and E. rubriventer. The affiliative behaviors also provided clear evidence for female dominance E. coronatus, but not for E. rubriventer. Zoo Biol 0: 1–14, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Non-agonistic social interactions in an unprovisioned troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) were analyzed with the spacing between individuals, leading-following interactions, and exchange of social grooming. The most frequent interactions were found between kin-related females. Unrelated females stayed with one another rather frequently, but rarely exchanged social behaviors. Interactions between males and females were infrequent though they were occasionaly observed between high-ranking males and high-ranking females. Very frequent exchange of grooming was observed between males, and even high-ranking males exchanged grooming more frequently with males than with females. Most non-agonistic social interactions in the study troop were based on bidirectional exchange of social behaviors, in which no clear tendency relevant to dominance or sex was found; while in provisioned Japanese macaque troops, associations between males and females, between unrelated females, and between males were formed mainly be subordinates' active roles in associative behaviors. This seems relevant to the idea that dominance grealty influence social life in provisioned troops. The present study provides guidelines for interspecific comparison of social interaction patterns of macaque species.  相似文献   

The social behavior of the common marmoset has been well studied in captivity, but little is known about the social dynamics of this species in its natural habitat. Social relationships were studied in three polygynous groups of common marmosets,Callithrix jacchus, in northeastern Brazil. Breeding adults appeared to be the center of social life and were the most frequent grooming partners or nearest neighbors for most adult group members. The observations of unidirectional agonistic interactions suggest that breeding adults were also dominant over all other group members, but that neither sex was dominant over the other. The dynamics of within-group social relationships are likely to be important determinants in the reproductive strategies employed by marmoset females.  相似文献   

Relationships between group-living primates depend strongly on their position in the group dominance hierarchy and on their relationships with other group members. The influence of various behaviours on social relationships of immature rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was investigated here. Dominance ranks were established and related to the degree of affiliation in a dyad. Older monkeys were mostly dominant to the younger ones, regardless of kinship. Subordinate monkeys left proximity of their dominant members more often than they were left by them both among siblings and non-siblings, but the effect of dominance rank on the amount of play initiation and grooming in a dyad differed between these two types of dyads. The amount of agonistic help two individuals provided for each other was low among immatures. Nevertheless, pairs of siblings gave help to each other in agonistic conflicts more often than non-siblings, and such help was more often reciprocated between siblings than between non-siblings. Help in agonistic conflicts was positively correlated with the amount of time monkeys spent playing, grooming, or in proximity. Adults tended to interfere less in conflicts of frequent sibling play partners or non-sibling grooming partners. No evidence was found for young monkeys to exchange reciprocally grooming for agonistic help. It is argued that the time monkeys spend interacting with each other in affiliative interactions increases their familiarity and thus promotes close relationships between them. On the whole, young monkeys' relationships, like those between adults, are influenced strongly by their kinship, and position in the dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

Grooming is the most common primate affiliative behaviour, and primates compete for accessing grooming partners. We studied a captive group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) to evaluate the role of different types of competitive interactions in shaping the distribution of grooming among females. Mandrill females preferentially groomed high‐ranking individuals, but low‐ranking females were less able to do so. Interference in others’ grooming and a (consequent) reluctance of low‐ranking females to access dominant group mates occurred frequently and contributed to the observed pattern of grooming distribution, while takeovers of grooming partners was relatively rare. Interference in others’ affiliation was possibly used to prevent the formation of revolutionary alliances. Difficulties in accessing individuals already engaged in grooming exerted a strong but rank‐independent effect on grooming interactions. These results highlight the role of competition in determining access to preferred social partners.  相似文献   

Adult females in a female-bonded, cercopithecine species such as baboons are characterized by hierarchically ranked matrilines, i.e., female offspring assume rankings just beneath those of their mothers. In this system of closely ranked matrilines, a female should engage in significantly more affiliative interactions with those individuals who are closely ranked to herself than with those individuals who are more distantly ranked. We examine the hypothesis that females in this troop of feral yellow baboons (Papio hamadryas cynocephalus) who are closely ranked will also show close social affiliation. We collected focal data on 23 feral, adult female subjects (253 possible dyads) over approximately 1 year at the Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya. Following Bramblett's [Behav Brain Sci 4: 435, 1981] method of dominance tabulation and utilizing a modified version of Smuts' [Sex and friendship in baboons, Hawthorne: Aldine Publishing Co., 1985] preferred partner index, we describe and compare the dominance matrix and hierarchy, preferred proximity partner and grooming partner sociograms, and the social networks of these 23 focal females. Over 1,400 interactions were utilized in the dominance tabulations, 41 statistically significant proximity partner preferences were documented, and 100 grooming dyads were recorded. We examine both partners' ranks and the presence of an infant as possible factors influencing proximity and grooming partner preferences. We find that in this population there is no direct correspondence between females' ranks and their affiliation partners. Neither proximity nor grooming preferences are consistently predictable from partners' ranks. While proximity preferences were not significantly influenced by the presence of an infant, grooming partner preferences were. Females with infants had more grooming partners and were more often involved in unidirectional grooming relationships as the recipients than were females without infants. We conclude that females' dominance rankings are not good predictors of either proximity partner or grooming partner preferences and that the presence of an infant does have a significant impact on grooming partner preferences in this population.  相似文献   

From long-term studies of a number of anthropoid species, many investigators have shown that kinship affinities affect social relationships. Factors such as proximity, social grooming, dominance rank, and mating patterns have been shown to be related to kinship. In this paper, we report the results of a preliminary study of the social organization of a group of prosimians (Lemur catta) in which individuals were identified and kinship affinities were known. We found that close matrilineal kin preferred to groom one another and to remain in close proximity more than did nonkin and distantly related animals. Furthermore, no copulations were observed within matrilines. These results are similar to those found in a number of species of anthropoids. This research was conducted on a semi-free-ranging group at the Duke University Primate Facility, Durham, North Carolina.  相似文献   

We observed two free-ranging troops of ring-tailed lemurs at the Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Kinship affinities in these troops are known only for mothers and their offspring 4 years of age. We attempted to quantify social relationships. Almost all agonistic interactions were dyadic, and triadic agonistic interactions, such as alliances, were very rare. Dominance hierarchies in both sexes in the two troops were not linear. As in cercopithecine monkeys, mothers were dominant over their adult daughters. However, the daughters were not ranked immediately below their mothers. Close proximity and social grooming occurred more frequently between closely related females, such as mother–daughter and sister–sister dyads, than between unrelated females. Frequent-proximity relations also occurred between adult males that had emigrated from another troop and entered the present troop together, even though they did not rank closely to one another. Subordinates were likely to groom and to greet dominants more frequently than vice versa. During group encounters, particular females were involved in agonistic interactions with animals of other troops, regardless of dominance rank. Adult males, regardless of their dominance rank, but not adult females, constantly tried to drive solitary males away.  相似文献   

The present study examined grooming relationships of adolescent females in a free-ranging group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) at Katsuyama. To assess whether the loss of the mother influenced the grooming relationships of adolescent females (5–7 years old), we compared the time spent in grooming interactions and the number of grooming partners among the following three groups: 6 adolescent orphans with sisters, 9 adolescent orphans without sisters, and 11 adolescent non-orphans with surviving mothers. In Japanese macaques, grooming most frequently occurs between mothers and their daughters. Therefore, it is expected that if the mother is lost, orphans will devote less time to grooming interactions than non-orphans. However, the time spent in overall grooming interactions did not differ among the three groups. While non-orphans maintained grooming relationships with their mothers, orphans acquired alternative grooming relationships with other group members. Orphans adopted two kinds of tactics to compensate for the loss of the mother. First, adolescent orphans with sisters developed more affiliative grooming relationships with their sisters than non-orphans with sisters. Secondly, adolescent orphans without sisters spent more time in grooming interactions with same-aged females and non-related adult females. Moreover, regarding grooming interactions with same-aged females and non-related adult females, orphans without sisters had a larger number of grooming partners than non-orphans. These results indicate that adolescent females have enough flexibility to develop their grooming network after the loss of their mothers, and that the lack of mother and sisters might accelerate socialization of adolescent females and enable them to be integrated in reciprocal adult grooming relationships.  相似文献   

张通  王希  张启信  李进华 《兽类学报》2022,42(4):370-378
友好和冲突行为决定了群居动物的社会结构及其表现形式,表现为个体间近距差异。但目前尚不清楚藏酋猴个体间亲近关系的差异性是否会影响冲突和攻击的强度。本研究于2020年9月至2021年5月对栖息于安徽黄山的藏酋猴鱼鳞坑YA1群进行跟踪观察,采用目标动物取样法采集行为数据,全事件记录法用于攻击行为数据的补充,分析个体间近距、理毛和攻击行为矩阵的关系,并采用GLMM模型探讨攻击行为的影响因素。结果显示:藏酋猴个体间近距指数越大,理毛时间越长;个体间近距指数矩阵与攻击总次数、轻度攻击和重度攻击次数矩阵均呈显著正相关;个体间亲近关系越紧密,攻击次数和强度越大,但相较雄性间和异性间,雌性间攻击次数和强度最小。这些结果表明,个体间近距持续时间会增加理毛和攻击行为的可能性,雌性个体间社会关系更稳定,但并未发现藏酋猴根据个体间亲近关系调整攻击强度。本研究为进一步了解多雌多雄的藏酋猴群体的社会关系和社会结构提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

I studied proximal spacing within a group of woolly monkeys (Lagothrix lagotricha) during 7 months at Parque Nacional Tinigua, Colombia. I collected a total of 1188 instantaneous samples on focal individuals, recording the number and age/sex class of individuals that were in contact with, <2 m from, <5 m from the focal animal. The results indicate that proximate spacing reflects social affinities and is related to mother–infant relationship and social grooming. Subadult females and adult males are the sex/age classes with the lowest number of individuals in proximity. There are low proximity between adult females and between adult males and high frequencies of nearness between mother and offspring. Associations between males and females were usually low, but in some cases males showed preferences for a given female. There was a relatively gradual increase in spacing between mothers and their offspring as they became older. Old juvenile males were associated chiefly with other males—mostly subadults—whereas juvenile females maintained some proximity only to their mothers. There are also differences in spacing behavior according to different activity types.  相似文献   

Instead of close and differentiated relationship among adult females, the accepted norm for savanna baboons, groups of Drakensberg mountain baboons (Papio ursinus) showed strong affiliation of females towards a single male. The same male was usually the decision-making animal in controlling group movements. Lactating or pregnant females focused their grooming on this “leader” male, producing a radially patterned sociogram, as in the desert baboon (P. hamadryas); the leader male supported young animals in the group against aggression and protected them against external threats. Unlike typical savanna baboons, these mountain baboons rarely displayed approach-retreat or triadic interactions, and entirely lacked coalitions among adult females. Both groups studied were reproductively one-male; male-female relationships in one were like those in a unit of hamadryas male at his peak, while the other group resembled the unit of an old hamadryas male, who still led the group, with a male follower starting to build up a new unit and already monoplizing mating. In their mountain environment, where the low population density suggests conditions as harsh for baboons as in deserts, adults in these groups kept unusually large distances apart during ranging; kin tended to range apart, and spacing of adults was greatest at the end of the dry, winter season. These facts support the hypothesis that sparse food is responsible for convergence with hamadryas social organization. It is suggested that all baboons, though matrilocal, are better categorized as “cross-sex-bonded” than “female bonded”.  相似文献   

We observed 12 adult female mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata), which have been part of Group 2 at Hacienda La Pacifica, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica, via focal animal sampling during portions of July and August of 1988 and 1990–1992 (7–9 females/year, 955.3 hr of observation). We used agonistic interactions and time in proximity (<1 m) as indices of social relationships. The rate of female–female agonistic interactions was 0.38/hr (yearly range: 0.24 to 0.51/hr). Yearly dominance hierarchies, based on outcomes of dyadic agonistic interactions, varied in linearity between 60.7 and 94.6%. Adult females spent 7.10% of their time in proximity to another adult female (yearly range: 1.04–15.64%) and 4.95% of their time in proximity to an adult male (yearly range: 2.27–7.51%). Using yearly dominance ranks, we tested proximity patterns for differences based on rank and presence of dependent offspring. In 3 of the 4 years, high-ranking females spent significantly greater proportions of their time in proximity with other females than did low-ranking females. Time in proximity with the 3 or 4 adult males was not associated with rank. Having a dependent infant was not related to the proportion of time in proximity to females or males, and females, especially top-ranking ones, spent more time in proximity to females with dependent infants than to females without infants. These results show that social relationships in mantled howler groups are dynamic and generally support predictions made by von Schaik (1989) regarding scramble-type, female competitors. We also discuss the roles of immigrations, infants, and male relationships in the patterning of social relationships.  相似文献   

In captivity, male bonnet macaques (Macaca radiata) frequently express "friendship" toward one another, including affiliative behavior such as huddling, grooming, coalitionary support, and sitting in close proximity. The purpose of this study was to determine whether wild adult male bonnet macaques also express "friendship" by investigating whether or not (1) adult male bonnet macaques have affiliative social relationships with other males, (2) the strength of social relationships varies among dyads, (3) there is time-matched reciprocity in allogrooming among dyads, and if so, whether the level of reciprocity occurs within a bout of grooming, a day, or over 2 months (the limit of this study), and (4) a correlation exists between the strength of social relationships and dominance ranks among adult males. Focal samples totaling 150 hr on all seven adult males in one study group were conducted to record both agonistic and affiliative interactions. Agonistic interactions were used to construct a dominance hierarchy, whereas affiliative interactions (sitting in proximity to within 1 m with and without grooming) were used to quantify the existence and strength of social bonds within dyads. Results show that adult male bonnet macaques had differentiated affiliative relationships with other males in their group. There was little reciprocity of grooming within a bout of grooming or within a day, but greater reciprocity over the study period of 2 months. There was no correlation between dominance ranking distance and the strength of affiliative relationship within dyads; however, within dyads lower-ranking males groomed higher-ranking males more than vice versa. This study suggests that friendships in male bonnet macaques are characterized not by immediate tit-for-tat reciprocal altruism, but by reciprocity over a longer time span, and that affiliative social relationships may be less constrained by agonistic relationships than is the case in more despotic species of macaques.  相似文献   

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