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Methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) inhibited the germination of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) seeds. The inhibition of the germination of cocklebur seeds treated with JA-Me at concentrations less than 300 μm was nullified by ethylene applied exogenously, although the inhibitory effect of 1,000 μm JA-Me was not recovered completely even by high concentrations of ethylene (10,000 μL/liter). JA-Me inhibited ethylene production before seed germination. The level of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) in the cotyledonary tissues treated with JA-Me decreased but not the level of 1-(malonylamino)cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (MACC). JA-Me inhibited the conversion of ACC to ethylene in the tissues. These results suggested that JA-Me inhibits ethylene production by prevention of ACC oxidation in addition to ACC synthesis. We believe that the inhibition of ethylene production by JA-Me results in the retardation of the germination of cocklebur seeds. Received June 4, 1997; accepted October 23, 1997  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of respiration, ethylene production, and abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations, as well as the growth parameters length, fresh weight (FW), and dry weight (DW) of olive (Olea europaea L. cv. Konservolia) inflorescence were carried out at short intervals (3–7 days) during the period from bud burst until the 3rd week after full bloom (AFB), when young fruit reached 8 mm in length. The axis of inflorescence elongated remarkably during the 3rd week after bud burst (ABB), massive bract shedding occurred during the 4th week ABB, full bloom (FB) was observed 7 weeks ABB, and massive floral organ abscission 1 week AFB. The results showed a continuous increase in inflorescence FW and DW from bud burst until 4 days before FB. Respiration rate, ethylene production, and levels of ABA were relatively high during the first 3 weeks ABB. After this period, respiration and ethylene followed a similar pattern of changes, inversely to that of ABA concentration. An accumulation of inflorescence ABA 6 and 4 days before FB was associated with the minimum values of respiration and ethylene production on the same dates. The sharp decrease in the ABA concentration during FB and 3 days later was followed by a high rise in ethylene and an increase in respiration rate, which both rose further 1 week AFB. The results suggest a possible correlation of ABA with the early stage of floral abscission, whereas ethylene production seems to be correlated with the terminal separatory activity in olive inflorescence abscission processes. Received May 28, 1998; accepted November 17, 1998  相似文献   

Flowers of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants cv. Castle Rock were sprayed with 100 ppm of ethrel, 0.5 mm aminooxyacetic acid (AOA), or water (control) 2 days after anthesis. The fruit period of cell division was extended up to 16–18 days after anthesis with the application of ethrel but reduced from 10–12 days (control) down to only 6–8 days with the application of AOA. In a trend opposite to AOA application, fruits that received ethrel treatment were of higher ethylene and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) levels than control. This was noticed not only during the first 2 weeks after anthesis but also during the fruit climacteric phase. Mesocarp cells of ethrel-treated fruits were greater in number/mm2 but smaller in size than control; an opposite trend was obtained with the application of AOA. This was observed for a period of 18 days after anthesis, but by that time or at earlier ages, fruits of AOA treatment were larger in size and heavier in weight than control, and both were larger and heavier than ethrel-treated ones. At 5 weeks after anthesis and thereafter, the fruit response to all treatments was totally reversed because early ethrel-treated fruits became significantly larger in size and heavier in weight with a ripening delay of about 10 and 15 days compared with those of control and AOA-treated ones, respectively. When the same treatments were applied to the whole plant, similar results were obtained because the early application of ethrel increased the fruit yield by about 15% over control with a pronounced ripening delay; an opposite trend was obtained with the application of AOA. No significant differences were found among all treatments in terms of flower or fruit abscission or fruit number/plant. The data suggest that ethylene regulates tomato fruit transmission from cell division to cell enlargement. In addition, fruit cell division is terminated only when endogenous ethylene decreases to its basal level, allowing cell enlargement to dominate and proceed as in the case of the early application of AOA. The ripening delay of ethrel-treated fruits may be caused by the longer time required for the increased cell number to reach maturation. A low level of ethrel application at the tomato early fruiting stage may be used for increasing fruit yield by increasing fruit size and consequently its quality. Received June 1, 1998; accepted December 7, 1998  相似文献   

In the present work the effect of several bis(guanylhydrazones) on the growth of Helianthus tuberosus tuber explants was studied. Different aliphatic congeners of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) were tested. Most of the compounds displayed an inhibitory effect on growth, and a correlation between the structure of the molecule and the inhibitory activity was observed. Experiments carried out with glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and its congeners methyl-, ethylmethyl-, and methylpropylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazones) show that as the total number of side chain carbon atoms in the molecule increases, the inhibitory potency also increases. A depletion of spermidine levels was also found in the explants treated with ethylmethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), which turned out to be one of the most potent growth inhibitors. The addition of spermidine caused a significant reversion of the antiproliferative action of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). The effect of these compounds on spermidine uptake in protoplasts isolated from carrot phloem parenchyma was also investigated. Only a slight competition was found when antagonists were present at concentrations 20 times higher than the polyamine, thus suggesting that bis(guanylhydrazones) do not share, at least at low concentrations, the polyamine transport system in plant cells. Received January 10, 1997; accepted January 22, 1999  相似文献   

Effects of methyl jasmonate (JA-Me) on anthocyanin accumulation, ethylene production, and CO2 evolution in uncooled and cooled tulips (Tulipa gesneriana L. cvs. Apeldoorn and Gudoshnik) were studied. JA-Me stimulated anthocyanin accumulation in stems and leaves from uncooled and cooled bulbs of both cultivars. The highest level of anthocyanin accumulation was observed in leaves from cooled bulbs treated with 200 μL/liter JA-Me. In sprouting bulbs treated with 100 μL/liter and higher concentrations of JA-Me, the ethylene production began to increase at 3 days after treatment, being extremely greater in uncooled bulbs than in cooled ones. JA-Me also stimulated CO2 evolution in both cultivars, depending on its concentrations. CO2 evolution in sprouting bulbs was not affected by cooling treatment. These results suggest that anthocyanin accumulation by JA-Me in tulip leaves is not related to ethylene production stimulated by JA-Me. Received October 10, 1997; accepted November 17, 1997  相似文献   

In this work we present evidence that the drought stress syndrome in the flag leaves and ears of wheat plants, provoked by the production of ethylene (shortening the grain filling period and lowering the grain weight) is reversed by the application of a free radical scavenger, sodium benzoate or the ethylene synthesis inhibitor, aminoethoxyvinylglycine. Rehydration by watering also attenuated the detrimental effect of the water deficit. Consequently, the grain filling period was longer, the grain weight increased, and the total protein content was higher than that in plants watered regularly. Received June 11, 1998; accepted March 10, 1999  相似文献   

To determine whether natural plant growth regulators (PGRs) can enhance drought tolerance and the competitive ability of transplanted seedlings, 1.5-year-old jack pine (Pinus banksana Lamb.) seedlings were treated with homobrassinolide, salicylic acid, and two polyamines, spermine and spermidine, triacontanol, abscisic acid (ABA), and the synthetic antioxidant, Ambiol. PGRs were fed into the xylem for 7 days and plants were droughted by withholding water for 12 days. ABA, Ambiol, spermidine, and spermine at a concentration of 10 μg L−1 stimulated elongation growth under drought, whereas ABA, Ambiol, and spermidine maintained higher photosynthetic rates, higher water use efficiency, and lower Ci/Ca ratio under drought compared with control plants. The damaging effects of drought on membrane leakage was reversed by Ambiol, ABA, triacontanol, spermidine, and spermine. Because ABA, Ambiol, and both polyamines enhanced elongation growth and also reduced membrane damage in jack pine under drought, they show promise as treatments to harden seedlings against environmental stress. The protective action of these compounds on membrane integrity was associated with an inhibition of ethylene evolution, with a reduction in transpiration rate and an enhancement of photosynthesis, which together increased water use efficiency under drought. Although most of the tested compounds acted as antitranspirants, the inhibition in membrane leakage in ABA-, Ambiol-, and polyamine-treated plants appeared more closely related to the antiethylene action. Received December 30, 1998; accepted October 14, 1999  相似文献   

The plant growth regulator PGR-IV has been reported to improve the growth, boll retention, and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under optimum growing conditions. However, little is known about the response of cotton to PGR-IV under low light stress. A 3-year field study was conducted to determine if applying PGR-IV before an 8-day period of shade (63% light reduction) benefitted the growth and yield of shaded cotton. Shading during early squaring did not affect yield. Shading after the first flower stage significantly increased leaf chlorophyll concentration and fruit abscission and decreased the leaf photosynthetic rate, nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations, and lint yield. Foliar application of PGR-IV at 292 mL ha−1 at early squaring and first flower did not improve the leaf photosynthetic rate of shaded cotton. However, shaded plants receiving PGR-IV had higher nonstructural carbohydrate concentrations in the floral buds and significantly lower fruit abscission than the shaded plants without PGR-IV. Applying PGR-IV to the foliage before shading resulted in a numeric increase (6–18%) in lint yield compared with shaded plants without PGR-IV. The decreased fruit abscission from the application of PGR-IV was associated with improved assimilate translocation. The yield enhancement from foliar application of PGR-IV was attributed to increased fruit retention. However, the average boll weight of shaded plants with PGR-IV tended to be lower than that of shaded plants without PGR-IV. Lint percentage was not affected by PGR-IV. Foliar application of PGR-IV appears beneficial for increasing the fruit retention of shaded cotton. Received June 12, 1997; accepted January 19, 1998  相似文献   

The effects of pot size, timing of the application of paclobutrazol (PTZ) and gibberellic acid (GA3), and the counteractive effect of these two compounds on growth and tuber yield of greenhouse-grown Norland and Russet Burbank potatoes were investigated. Plants were grown either in 1.5-liter pots (15 cm deep) or 3.0-liter pots (18 cm deep) and received a foliar application of either 1.5 mm PTZ or 9 × 10−3 mm GA3 at early or late stolon initiation. Some plants that had been foliar treated with 1.5 mm PTZ at early stolon initiation were foliar treated with 9 × 10−3 mm GA3 at late stolon initiation. PTZ reduced haulm length in both cultivars significantly, particularly when the treatment was applied at early stolon initiation, but the late treatment reduced haulm length only when growing in 3.0-liter pots. Irrespective of the timing of treatment, GA3 increased haulm length in Norland growing in both pot sizes, but the treatment increased haulm length in Russet Burbank only when applied at late stolon initiation. GA3 applied after PTZ did not overcome the growth-inhibiting effect of the PTZ treatment. The PTZ treatment effectively increased usable tuber number/plant (UTN) in Norland, but PTZ had no effect on UTN in Russet Burbank. PTZ reduced usable tuber weight/plant (UTW) only in Norland growing in 1.5-liter pots. By contrast, GA3 increased UTN only when treated at late stolon initiation of 1.5-liter pot-grown Norland, whereas the same treatment was effective when applied only at early stolon initiation for Russet Burbank. For Norland, the increase in UTN by early applied PTZ was reduced by the subsequent application of GA3. The use of 3.0-liter pots for minituber production in both Norland and Russet Burbank appears to have no advantage over growing in 1.5-liter pots, particularly when PTZ or GA3 is used to enhance tuberization. Received May 30, 1997; accepted February 3, 1998  相似文献   

Endogenous Levels of Phenolics in Tomato Fruit during Growth and Maturation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Changes in the metabolism of several types of phenolics in the pulp and pericarp of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) fruit var. Ailsa Craig and Pik-Red were related to the stage of development. The highest levels of chlorogenic acid were found in the pulp and pericarp at the earliest stage of fruit development, and quantities declined rapidly during fruit ripening. Levels of rutin, found only in the pericarp, followed a similar pattern of change. The p-coumaric acid conjugate of rutin was found in low levels through fruit growth and ripening. High levels of p-coumaric acid glucoside were detected in the pulp only as the fruit matured with no rapid decline in levels during ripening. The decline of chlorogenic acid and rutin levels during fruit ripening paralleled the decline in indole-3-acetic acid levels measured previously in the pericarp tissues of these two varieties of tomato fruit during maturation. These phenolics are among those that have been suggested as regulants of auxin metabolism. Received April 30, 1996; accepted December 26, 1996  相似文献   

The effects of jasmonic acid (JA) on elongation growth of coleoptile segments from etiolated maize (Zea mays L.) were investigated in the presence and absence of auxin. When supplied alone, at physiological concentrations (10−9, 10−8, and 10−5 m), JA (or methyl-JA) inhibited growth. JA at a similar range of concentrations also inhibited auxin-induced elongation growth. To determine whether this effect on growth depended on endogenous abscisic acid (ABA), we grew maize coleoptiles in the presence of norflurazon (an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis) that results in reduced endogenous ABA levels. Growth of etiolated coleoptile segments from these plants was inhibited by JA (or methyl-JA) in both the absence and presence of auxin. Previously, we have observed a correlation between elongation growth and cytosolic pH (pHi), in which auxin lowers pHi, and growth inhibitors such as ABA raise pHi. We examined the effect of low concentrations of methyl-JA on pHi with dual emission dye, carboxy seminaphthorhodafluor-1, and confocal microscopy. To confirm these studies, we also used in vivo 31P NMR spectrometry to ascertain the changes in pHi after addition of jasmonate to maize coleoptiles. Coleoptiles grown in either the absence or presence of norflurazon responded to methyl-JA or JA by increases in pHi of approximately 0.2 pH unit. This response occurs over a period of 15–20 min and appears to be independent of endogenous ABA. This alkalization induced by JA is likely to form a permissive environment for JA signal transduction pathway(s). Received February 5, 1999; accepted August 25, 1999  相似文献   

The physiologic effect of gibberellins (GA) in seed development is poorly understood. We examined the effect of gibberellic acid (GA3) on growth, protein secretion, and starch accumulation in cultured maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm suspension cells. GA3 (5 and 30 μm) increased the fresh weight, dry weight, and protein content of the cultured cells, but the effect of GA3 at 50 μm was not significantly different. However, the protein content in the culture medium was increased by these three concentrations of GA3. The effect of GA3 on the amount of cellular structural polysaccharides was not significant, but GA3 had a dramatic effect on the starch content. At 5 μm, GA3 caused an increase in the starch content, but at 50 μm the starch accumulation was reduced. Chlorocholine chloride (CCC), an inhibitor of GA biosynthesis, significantly increased the starch content and decreased the structural polysaccharide content of the cultured cells. The effects of CCC at 500 μm on the starch and polysaccharide content were partially reversed by 5 μm GA3 applied exogenously. Based on these results we suggest that GA does not favor starch accumulation in the cell cultures and that the addition of lower concentrations of GA3 in the medium may provide an improved balance among the endogenous GA in the cultured cells. Received October 31, 1995; accepted March 25, 1997  相似文献   

CCC, uniconazol, ancymidol, prohexadione-calcium (BX-112), and CGA 163′935, which represent three groups of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis inhibitors, were applied as a soil drench to Sorghum bicolor cultivars 58M (phyB-1, phytochrome B-deficient mutant) and 90M (phyB-2, equivalent phenotypically to wild type, PHYB, except for small differences in flowering dates). The inhibitors that block steps before GA12 (CCC, uniconazol, and ancymidol) lowered the concentrations of all endogenous early-C13α-hydroxylation pathway GAs found in sorghum: GA12, GA53, GA44, GA19, GA20, GA1, and GA8. In contrast, the inhibitors that block the conversion of GA20→ GA1, (CGA 163′935 and BX-112) drastically reduced GA1 and GA8 levels, but they either did not change or caused accumulation of intermediates from GA12 to GA20. Combinations of pre-GA12 inhibitors and GA3 plus GA1 strongly reduced GAs other than GA1 and GA3. Each of these compounds inhibited shoot growth in both cultivars and delayed floral initiation in 90M. Floral initiation of 58M was also delayed by CCC, uniconazol, and ancymidol but not by CGA 163`935 and BX-112. This separation of shoot elongation from floral initiation in sorghum is novel. Both inhibition of shoot growth and delayed floral initiation were almost completely relieved by a mixture of GA3 and GA1 in both 58M and 90M. This observation, plus the much lower levels of endogenous GA3 than of GA1 observed in these experiments, implies that GA1 is the major endogenous GA active in shoot elongation. CGA 163′935 and BX-112 also failed to promote tillering in 58M, whereas inhibitors active before GA12 did so. The possibility that the GA20→ GA1 inhibitors fail to block flowering and promote tillering in 58M because biosynthetic intermediates between GA12 and GA20 accumulate and/or because 58M is altered in GA metabolism in this same region of the biosynthetic pathway is discussed. Received April 7, 1998; accepted July 31, 1998  相似文献   

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