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山西柳林孙家沟组锯齿龙类新材料及其分类学意义(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了产自山西柳林县薛村镇附近上二叠统孙家沟组的锯齿龙类新材料,包括两个单独的上颌齿和一个保存有牙齿的不完整齿骨。这两颗上颌齿与柳林黄河龙(Huanghesaurus liulinensis)正型标本来自同一地点同一层位且大小相当,由于同一地点没发现过其他的锯齿龙类,推测它们是同种甚至可能是同一个体而且应归入黄河龙;然而在形态特征上这两颗牙齿与矮小三川龙(Sanchuansaurus pygmaeus)正型标本上的牙齿完全相同,可以归入三川龙。新发现的齿骨与矮小三川龙和薛村山西龙(Shansisaurus xuecunensis)正型标本产自同一地点,层位与三川龙相同,低于山西龙的层位,推测很可能也属于三川龙,但是也不排除属于山西龙的可能性;在形态特征上与黄河龙正型标本在齿骨及其下颌齿的形态特征上未见明显差异,可以归入黄河龙。由于柳林黄河龙与薛村山西龙头后骨骼特征也基本一致,认为柳林薛村仅有一个属种的锯齿龙,矮小三川龙和柳林黄河龙应为薛村山西龙的晚出同义名。  相似文献   

山西柳林孙家沟组孢粉植物群   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
记述山西晚二民晚期孙家和沟组的丰富孢粉植物群,计有57属109种(包括相似种和未定种,讨论孢粉植物群的性质,:以西欧镁灰岩组分子为主体,并有相当数量的安加拉-亚安加拉(如新疆北部)成分参与,还有少量华夏植物群的残留分子。  相似文献   

Gorgonopsians were widely distributed during the Permian, and went extinct by the end of Permian. However, their fossil localities in the North Hemisphere are concentrated in the eastern European portion of Russia, except for one possible canine from the North China. A specimen from the Wutonggou Formation of Turpan Basin, Xinjiang, China, dated ~253.3 Ma, is identified as a gorgonopsian based on dental features. This discovery shows that the gorgonopsians survived in northern warm temperate zone about ~253.3 Ma, contemporaneous with the latest records of Russia and South Africa. This specimen may represent one of the latest records of gorgonopsians.  相似文献   

The family Palaeolithocycliidae Kozur and Mostler was formerly thought to be ranging from Devonian to Carboniferous. However, a lot of radiolarians assignable to this family were discovered in the late Changhsingian (Latest Permian) of South China. Six species, including Palaeolithocyclia pilata n. sp., Palaeolithocyclia platta n. sp., Paramphibrachium woni n. sp., Klaengspongus spinosus Sashida, Klaengspongus formosus n. sp. and Klaengspongus umbilicatus n. sp., have been identified. In this paper, these species are illustrated and described.  相似文献   

广西南部二叠纪长兴期放射虫动物群   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
广西南宁南部柳桥区的长兴组上部硅质岩中存着精美的长兴期晚期放射虫动物群,共有24属39例,其中3个新种,其中以Latentifistularia最为常见,其次是Albaillllidae和Entactiniidae,属于二叠纪晚期的Neoalbaillella optima组合。半生生物有有孔虫、海绵骨针、腕足动物等。多数属在接近二叠纪-三叠世界线附近消失,但生物群中已出现少量三叠纪分子。  相似文献   

Microfacies analyses performed on the latest Permian Wujiaping Formation at Laren (Guangxi Province, South China) show that the bioclastic-rich limestones of Late Permian age contain a rich and well-diversified foraminiferal fauna. This fauna is here revised in order to be compared with time-equivalent levels of southern Iran and southern Turkey. Some new and unexpected phylogenetic trends are highlighted among the biseriamminoids. The new or poorly known genera Retroseptellina, Septoglobivalvulina, Paraglobivalvulinoides, Dagmarita?, Bidagmarita nov. gen., Louisettita, Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen. and Paradagmarita? are concerned. Nevertheless, these newly appeared biseriamminoids are subordinate to abundant Tetrataxis and Climacammina, ultimate survivors of the families Palaeotextulariidae and Tetrataxidae, appeared as old as the Early Carboniferous (“Mississippian”). Algae, miliolids, and nodosarioids are poorly represented. Two genera and four species are here newly described: Globivalvulina curiosa nov. sp., Louisettita ultima nov. sp., Bidagmarita nov. gen., Bidagmarita sinica nov. gen. nov. sp., Paradagmaritopsis nov. gen., Paradagmaritopsis kobayashii nov. gen. nov. sp. The palaeogeographic distribution of these foraminifers is interpreted to be typically of Neo-Tethyan regions, ranging from southern Turkey (Hazro) to South China (Laren) and up to Japan for some species (i.e., Paradagmaritopsis). At Laren, Late Permian strata are generally characterized by Reichelina ex gr. simplex Sheng. Isolated samples of packstones, collected in Tsoteng region (Guangxi Province, South China), contain Sphaerulina sp. together with various smaller foraminifers and numerous representatives of the new species G. curiosa nov. sp. In this study we demonstrate that the regions of Zagros (Iran), Taurus (Turkey), South China and even Japan shared similar foraminiferal assemblages and represented intermittently connected palaeobiogeographic provinces during Late Permian times.  相似文献   

广西南部晚长兴期小型有孔虫及二叠系-三叠系界线讨论   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
广西南部板董和柳桥地区晚长兴期台地及台地坳陷区沉积地层中发育两个不同的小型有孔虫动物群,它们与放射虫相伴生,呈实体化石形式保存,展示出该时期有孔虫外部和部分内部构造特征。晚古生代以实体状态保存的有孔虫比较少见,长兴期有孔虫的研究更是主要基于薄片鉴定。本文系统描述了两个实体有孔虫动物群,它们主要由Nodosarioidea和Cornuspiroidea组成,多数是长兴期的常见分子,但同时也出现了中生代较繁盛的类型。与伴生的放射虫研究成果一致,这些中生代型有孔虫的发现指示了在古生代末一些分子穿过了二叠系-三叠系界线而没有受到大灭绝的影响。  相似文献   

Enhao Jia  Haijun Song 《Geobios》2018,51(5):401-418
A new assemblage of calcareous algae and microproblematica is reported from the Changxing Formation at the Liangfengya section in Chongqing, South China. This assemblage comprises eighteen species of seven genera, including three genera of gymnocodiaceaens (Gymnocodium, Permocalculus, and Tauridium), three genera of dasycladaleans (Epimastopora, Macroporella, and Mizzia), and one genus of microproblematica (Pseudovermiporella). A new algal species, Tauridium elongatum nov. sp., is described. Quantitative analysis indicates that the last occurrences of 22% of the species (4 out of 18) fall into a 52 cm thick interval of the uppermost Changhsingian. No calcareous algae are found in the Permian-Triassic boundary (P-T boundary) beds and the overlying Feixianguan Formation. Four out of 10 species have a stratigraphic abundance greater than 10% and all vanished in the uppermost Changhsingian. An abrupt extinction for calcareous algae occurred in the Clarkina yini conodont Zone.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Parareptilia are a small but ecologically and morphologically diverse clade of Permian and Triassic crown amniotes generally considered to be phylogenetically more proximal to eureptiles (diapsids and their kin) than to synapsids (mammals and their kin). A recent supertree provides impetus for an analysis of parareptile diversity through time and for examining the influence of the end‐Permian mass extinction on the clade’s origination and extinction rates. Phylogeny‐corrected measures of diversity have a significant impact on both rates and the distribution of origination and extinction intensities. Time calibration generally results in a closer correspondence between origination and extinction rate values than in the case of no time correction. Near the end‐Permian event, extinction levels are not significantly higher than origination levels, particularly when time calibration is introduced. Finally, regardless of time calibration and/or phylogenetic correction, the distribution of rates does not differ significantly from unimodal. The curves of rate values are discussed in the light of the numbers and distributions of both range extensions and ghost lineages. The disjoint time distributions of major parareptile clades (e.g. procolophonoids and nycteroleterids‐pareiasaurs) are mostly responsible for the occurrence of long‐range extensions throughout the Permian. Available data are not consistent with a model of sudden decline at the end‐Permian but rather suggest a rapid alternation of originations and extinctions in a number of parareptile groups, both before and after the Permian/Triassic boundary.  相似文献   

The gigantopterids are a pan‐palaeotropical Late Palaeozoic (to Early Mesozoic) plant group with unknown affiliations. Two gigantopterid species, both sole representatives of their respective genera, are known from the Early Permian Mengkarang Formation of Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesia). Through an emendation of the Jambi gigantopterids, based on the old and newly collected material, and a subsequent analysis of the leaf morphology of several gigantopterid genera, we conclude that the Jambi species are similar to the other gigantopterids, but do not appear to be related to them directly. We propose a possible scenario for the evolution of gigantopterid leaf morphology, based on marginal leaf growth, with implications for the validity of the gigantopterids as a natural group. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 161 , 302–328.  相似文献   

The Lichuan Jiantianba reef is located at the platform margin between the carbonate platform and the marine trough in western Hubei, China. The water depth of this area became shallow in the late Permian Changhsingian Age, and a huge aggradation-progradation platform marginal reef developed. Based on precise field measurements and microscopic observation, this paper describes the petrological characteristics and biological assemblages of the reef in detail and distinguishes 10 microfacies: small echinoderm wackestone, sponge floatstone, bound sponge bioliestone, bound sponge framestone, large echinoderm wackestone, red algal limestone, bioclastic grainstone, dasycladales wackestone, shelly wackestone, and microbialites. Sponge floatstone and bound sponge bioliestone are defined as toppled sponge limestone. Comparisons of the petrological characteristics and biotic association of toppled sponge limestone, bound sponge framestone and bioclastic wackestone and grainstone revealed that the toppled sponge limestone and the bound sponge framestone are similar in sponge content in terms of the types and contents of reef-dwellers, except that the sponge content is slightly lower, and the preservation state is mainly toppled for the former and upright or inclined for the latter. The toppled sponge limestone is dominated by tabular calcite, and the bound sponge framestone is dominated by fibrous calcite. The bioclastic wackestone and grainstone do not contain reef-building sponge organisms, and the bioclast content is very high and often dominated by a certain class, such as echinoderms, foraminifers, green algae or shells. The toppled sponge limestone below the framework, which was classified as fore-reef breccia or bioherm bafflestone-bindstone in previous studies, should be defined as reef-core sponge limestone deposited in situ that experienced serious post-karstification. The vertical evolution of the sedimentary facies of the reef is analyzed based on the microfacies and sedimentary environment. The toppled sponge limestone and the bound sponge framestone should be classified as reef core, which is the only subfacies of the reef facies. The underlying small echinoderm wackestone should be classified as the shelf facies, whereas the overlying bioclastic wackestone and grainstone should be classified as the open platform facies. These classifications represent a modification of the sedimentary facies subdivision of the Jiantianba reef in Lichuan, Hubei Province, South China, and provide a new reference model for the subdivision of the Permian calcisponge reefs on platform margin.  相似文献   

Summary The roles of Permian colonial corals in forming organic reefs have not been adequately assessed, although they are common fossils in the Permian strata. It is now known that colonial corals were important contributors to reef framework during the middle and late Permian such as those in South China, northeast Japan, Oman and Thailand. A coral reef occurs in Kanjia-ping, Cili County, Hunan, South China. It is formed by erect and unscathed colonies ofWaagenophyllum growing on top of one anotherin situ to form a baffle and framework. Paleontological data of the Cili coral reef indicates a middle to late Changhsing age (Late Permian), corresponding to thePalaeofusulina zone. The coral reef exposure extends along the inner platform margin striking in E-S direction for nearly 4 km laterally and generally 35 to 57 m thick. The Cili coral reef exhibits a lateral differentiation into three main reef facies; reef core facies, fore-reef facies, and marginal slope facies. The major reef-core facies is well exposed in Shenxian-wan and Guanyin-an sections where it rests on the marginal slope facies. Colonial corals are dispersed and preserved in non-living position easward. Sponges become major stabilizing organisms in the eastern part of Changhsing limestone outcrop in Kanjia-ping, but no read sponge reefs were formed. Coral reefs at Cili County in Human are different distinctly from calcisponge reefs in South China in their palaeogeography, lithofacies development, organic constitutuents, palaeoecology and diagenesis. The Cili coral reef also shows differences in age, depositional facies association, reef organisms and diagenesis from coral reefs in South Kitakami of Japan, Khorat Plateau of Thailand, and Saih Hatat of Oman. Although some sponge reefs and mounds can reach up to the unconformable Permian/Triassic boundary, coral reef at Kanjia-ping, Cili County, is the latest Permian reef known. This reef appears to had been formed in a palaeoenvironment that is different from that of the sponge reefs and provides an example of new and unique Permian reef type in South China, and could help us to: 1) understand the significance of colonial corals in Permian carbonate buildups; 2) evaluate the importance of coral community evolution prior to the collapse of reef ecosystems at the Permian/Triassic boundary; 3) better understand the effects of the biotic extinction events in Palaeotethys realm; 4) look for environmental factors that may have controlled reefs through time and space, and 5) provide valuable data for the study of Permian palaeoclimate and global evolutionary changes of Permian reefs and reef community.  相似文献   

Diadectomorpha is a clade of Late Palaeozoic vertebrates widely recognized as the sister group of crown-group Amniota and the first tetrapod lineage to evolve high-fibre herbivory. Despite their evolutionary importance, diadectomorphs are restricted stratigraphically and geographically, with all records being from the Upper Carboniferous and Lower Permian of North America and Germany. We describe a new diadectomorph, Alveusdectes fenestralis, based on a partial skull from the Upper Permian of China. The new species exhibits the derived mechanism for herbivory and is recovered phylogenetically as a deeply nested diadectid. Approximately 16 Myr younger than any other diadectomorph, Alveusdectes is the product of at least a 46 Myr ghost lineage. How much of this time was probably spent in Russia and/or central Asia will remain unclear until a specimen is described that subdivides this cryptic history, but the lineage assuredly crossed this region before entering the relatively isolated continent of North China. The discovery of Alveusdectes raises important questions regarding diadectomorph extinction dynamics including what, if any, ecological factors limited the diversity of this group in eastern Pangea. It also suggests that increased sampling in Asia will likely significantly affect our views of clade and faunal insularity leading up to the Permo-Triassic extinction.  相似文献   

江苏大羽羊齿植物群中的辉木化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细描述了产自江苏镇江龙潭组下部的辉木2新种和1未定种:Psaroniusjiangsuensissp.nov,Ps.octogonussp.nov,Ps.sp.。对Psaronius属的分类问题、化石的形成过程和埋葬条件,以及古生态意义等作了比较详细的论述。  相似文献   

The Richards Spur Locality of Oklahoma, USA, long known for its highly diverse Early Permian terrestrial tetrapod assemblage, is particularly interesting for the presence of many endemic taxa. The parareptilian component of the assemblage, rare members of other Early Permian communities, is especially diverse at Richards Spur, consisting of six species. The newest parareptile, A byssomedon williamsi gen. et sp. nov. , consists of an articulated left jaw and various disarticulated cranial and postcranial elements. A new phylogenetic analysis of parareptiles, based on an updated modified data matrix revealed that Ab . williamsi is a member of the small clade Nyctiphruretidae. This makes Ab . williamsi the first and oldest nyctiphruretid, a clade of parareptiles otherwise known from the Middle and Late Permian of Russia, extending the age of the clade back into the Early Permian. This discovery also raises the possibility that nyctiphruretids may have dispersed from western Laurasia to eastern Laurasia. The characteristic jugal morphology of Ab . williamsi shows that it would have possessed a slender, deep, temporal emargination. The current topology of Parareptilia indicates that there was considerable variability in the patterns of lateral temporal openings amongst the various members of this clade, suggesting that there may have been multiple, independent modifications of this region of the skull. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

在内蒙古西乌珠穆沁旗哈尔努尔山西南阿木山组剖面的一个层位中发现早二叠世牙形刺新种Neostreptognathodus costatus sp.nov.。根据牙形刺地层分布分析判断,该剖面地层是倒转的,但由于现有资料有限,地层是否连续或有缺失存疑;此剖面是否适合全部归入阿木山组,也有待进一步论证。期待能对此剖面重新详细的考察和大量采样,以便解决上述问题。  相似文献   

安徽巢湖孤峰组的放射虫化石*   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
王汝建 《古生物学报》1993,32(4):442-457
安徽巢湖下二叠统孤峰组含有极其丰富的放射虫化石,这些化石主要由阿尔拜虫类(albaillellids),球形多囊虫类(spherical polycystine)和十字多囊虫类(stauraxon polycystime)所组成,其中以oalbail-lella scalprata,P.longtanensis,P.sp.cf.P.longicornis,Phaenicosphaera mammilla,P.sp.A,Ruzhence-vispongus uralicus,R.sp.A和R.sp.B占绝对优势.对这3类化石进行了较为系统的描述,建立两个新种Latentifistula triradiata,Quadriremis flata,和两个组合带,即Pseudoalbaillella scalprata-P.sp.cf.P.longicornis和Phaenicosphaera mammilla-Ruzhencevispongus uralicus组合带,并且将这两个带与国内外相应时代的组合带进行了比较,讨论了这两个带的时代.  相似文献   

距今 14~ 16亿年的华北地区高于庄组黑色层状、结核状和透镜状燧石与叠层石的黑色硅质部分中保存着极丰富的原核和真核生物微化石。宏观藻类在该组的页岩中亦已发现。本组为评估中元古代生命状况、古环境和前显生宙生物地层提供了重要的生物信息。迄今为止在高于庄组地层中已有百余个化石种被人们认识。根据古植物和古环境的特征这些生物种类可分为三个不同的组合 ,即 :1.颤藻和色球藻组合 ,出现在高于庄组一段 ,代表浅水藻席建造者和居住者与一些可能的外来浮游生物的种类 ;2 .念珠藻组合 ,仅发生在该组的二段 ,还含一些底栖藻席建造者或居住者的种类 ;3.第四段的色球藻组合 ,它代表了潮间带至亚潮带的藻席建造者和外来的种类。元古代燧石中的微化石 ,尤其是蓝藻化石 ,尽管在元古代它们就已不断趋向于多样化 ,但由于它们形态上的保守性 ,对环境的指示比对地质时代的指示更有价值。高于庄组微化石的特点和大多数链状念珠藻垂直层理保存的事实表明 :1.高于庄组微化石的个体大小随时间趋向于增大 ;2 .高于庄组的沉积可能是处于一个淡水环境 ,且沉积率可能等于或少于微生物的生长率 ;3.高于庄组织沉积模式可能是从潮间带至亚潮带或深海 ,然后再至潮间带或潮上带 ;4 .当高于庄组沉积时真核生物亦已出现。  相似文献   

川东北二叠纪吴家坪期牙形石(刺)序列及其世界对比   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
对四川省宣汉县渡口和南江县桥亭吴家坪期地层的系统采集和研究结果表明,吴家坪期至少包括7个牙形石带,自下而上为Clarkinadukouensis带,C.asymmetrica带,C.leveni带,C.guanyuanensis带,C.transcaucasica带,C.orientalis和C.inflecta带。其中,前3个带的层位低于一直作为吴家坪期早期的C.liangshanensis带。吴家坪阶的顶界以置于C.inflecta带与C.subcarinata带之间较妥。同时,建立了Clarkinadukouensis,C.asymmetrica,C.bizarrensis,C.daxianensis,C.demicornis,C.inflecta,C.longicuspidata等7个新种。  相似文献   

We describe an arthropod body impression associated with arthropod trackways of the ichnogenus Stiaria from the Lower Permian (upper Wolfcampian) Robledo Mountains Formation (Hueco Group) in the Prehistoric Trackways National Monument of southern New Mexico. The probable producer of these traces was a scorpion, and we name the likely scorpionid resting trace Alacranichnus braddyi, new ichnogenus and ichnospecies. There are no prior reports of scorpionid body impressions from terrestrial settings in the fossil record.  相似文献   

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