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The Early Cretaceous Yingzuilazi Formation is exposed in the Baishan Basin, Baishan region of the southeastern Jilin Province, China. So far, no reports on fossil plants from this formation have been published. During recent field excursions, abundant faunal remains belonging to the Early Cretaceous Lycoptera–Ephemeropsis–Eosestheria assemblage of the Jehol Biota and numerous fossil plants were collected from the lacustrine beds of the lower part of this formation. A new species of Ginkgoales from this formation, Baiera baishanensis n. sp., is described based upon the leaf morphology and epidermal characters. This is the first report about fossil plants from the Yinzuilazi Formation, the easternmost distribution area of the Jehol Biota. The discovery of the new species extends significantly the stratigraphic and geographic distribution of Baiera in the Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota as well as the Eurasia. It also shows that Baiera was a common member of Ginkgophytes once lived in the Early Cretaceous deciduous forest of Northeast China. The new species also improves our knowledge on understanding the leaf morphology, epidermal features, and diversity of Baiera during the Early Cretaceous. Analysis of the epidermal characters of the new species and other associated plants reveals that the plants grew in a warm and humid climate in the temperate zone. The presence of some deciduous plants, including gingkgoaleans, czekanowskialeans, and some conifers, demonstrates a climate with seasonal fluctuations and precipitation.  相似文献   

Understanding the ‘epidemic’ of complete tooth loss among older New Zealanders Objective: The aim of this study was to obtain a deeper understanding of the social factors driving New Zealand’s historic ‘epidemic of edentulism’ and how they operated. Method: In‐depth, semi‐structured interviews with 31 older New Zealanders were analysed using applied grounded theory. Results: Universal factors present in the data were: (a) the way in which New Zealand society accepted and indeed encouraged edentulism without stigma for those who had a ‘sub‐optimal’ natural dentition; (b) how the predominant patterns of dental care utilisation (symptomatic and extraction‐based) were often strongly influenced by economic and social disadvantage; and (c) the way in which lay and professional worldviews relating to ‘calcium theory’ and dental caries were fundamental in decisions relating to the transition to edentulism. Major influences were rural isolation, the importance of professional authority and how patient‐initiated transitions to edentulism were ultimately facilitated by an accommodating profession. Conclusion: The combined effects of geography, economics, the dental care system and the professional culture of the day, in the context of contemporary (flawed) understandings of oral disease, appear to have been the key drivers. These were supported (in turn) by a widespread acceptance by the profession and society alike of the extraction/denture philosophy in dealing with oral disease.  相似文献   

We here describe a new Early Cretaceous (early Albian) eutherian mammal, Sasayamamylos kawaii gen. et sp. nov., from the ‘Lower Formation’ of the Sasayama Group, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. Sasayamamylos kawaii is characterized by a robust dentary, a distinct angle on the ventral margin of the dentary at the posterior end of the mandibular symphysis, a lower dental formula of 3–4 : 1 : 4 : 3, a robust lower canine, a non-molariform lower ultimate premolar, and a secondarily reduced entoconid on the molars. To date, S. kawaii is the earliest known eutherian mammal possessing only four premolars, which demonstrates that the reduction in the premolar count in eutherians started in the late Early Cretaceous. The occurrence of S. kawaii implies that the relatively rapid diversification of eutherians in the mid-Cretaceous had already started by the early Albian.  相似文献   

The soft‐bodied Cambrian organism Wiwaxia poses a taxonomic conundrum. Its imbricated dorsal scleritome suggests a relationship with the polychaete annelid worms, whereas its mouthparts and naked ventral surface invite comparison with the molluscan radula and foot. 476 new and existing specimens from the 505‐Myr‐old Burgess Shale cast fresh light on Wiwaxia's sclerites and scleritome. My observations illuminate the diversity within the genus and demonstrate that Wiwaxia did not undergo discrete moult stages; rather, its scleritome developed gradually, with piecewise addition and replacement of individually secreted sclerites. I recognize a digestive tract and creeping foot in Wiwaxia, solidifying its relationship with the contemporary Odontogriphus. Similarities between the scleritomes of Wiwaxia, halkieriids, Polyplacophora and Aplacophora hint that the taxa are related. A molluscan affinity is robustly established, and Wiwaxia provides a good fossil proxy for the ancestral aculiferan – and perhaps molluscan – body plan.  相似文献   

A complete skeleton of a new scincomorph lizard from the Early Cretaceous deposits of Tepexi de Rodriguez is described. Tepexisaurus tepexii gen. et sp. nov. is the best preserved early scincomorph and the first known taxon that is morphologically primitive to scincoids and paramacellodid lizards. The presence of pointed ventral parietal downgrowths, the coronoid overlapped anteriorly and posteriorly by the dentary and surangular, a small medial flange on the retroarticular process, and weak zygosphene and zygantrum articulations suggest scincoid relationships, but the absence of ventral and dorsal osteoscutes place Tepexisaurus as sister-group of this taxon. It shares the presence of + 30 closely packed teeth with the poorly known Upper Jurassic genus Saurillus and Pseudosaurillus , but differences in the coronoid structure, Meckelian groove and jaw proportions indicate that both taxa are distinct. Similar to Tepexisaurus , the absence of osteoscutes in Saurillus, Pseudosaurillus and Saurillodon place these taxa in a more primitive position relative to other paramacellodids which should be included within Scincoidea. Thus, Paramacellodidae as previously defined is a paraphyletic assemblage. The late presence of a pre-scincoid lizard in the Albian deposits of Tlayua can be correlated with the presence of sphenodontians and the relictual nature of the basal squamate Huehuecuetzpalli mixtecus. It gives additional evidence to support the hypothesis that Tlayua was a refuge for terrestrial archaic forms during the Albian.  相似文献   

张鑫  郑大燃 《古生物学报》2022,61(4):654-661
热河生物群是保存最好的白垩纪陆地生物群, 是世界上最重要的特异埋藏化石宝库之一。热河生物群的三阶段演化学说认为该生物群在第二演化阶段往南至秦岭、大别山一带, 包括河南西部和南部地区。早期研究记录表明河南西部地区产出热河生物群的代表分子三尾拟蜉蝣化石。本文首次报道了河南西部南召县马市坪盆地南召组衍蜓科稚虫化石, 并对其形态特征进行了简要描述, 同时报道了与之伴生的三尾拟蜉蝣稚虫化石。衍蜓科稚虫是热河生物群的代表化石之一, 先前均记录于辽宁西部义县组及相当地层, 属于热河生物群第二演化阶段的特征分子。河南西部新发现的昆虫化石证实了热河生物群在其第二演化阶段已经到达该地区。同时, 本研究确定马市坪盆地南召组可与辽宁西部义县组相对比, 南召组的地质时代属于早白垩世而非晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

The very conspicuous dazzle coloration invented for naval defence during World War I was used in pre‐radar days to mislead attackers of naval units about vessel size, type, speed, and direction. Among several potential types of defences, it is proposed that zebra‐like white leaf variegation may defend leaves and other plant organs from herbivory as a result of dazzle effects. Two different dazzle effects may be involved in defending plants from herbivory, making it hard for herbivores (1) to decide where, in a three‐dimensional space, to bite the leaves (large herbivores) and (2) to land on them (insects). In addition, the related types of leaf coloration described in the present study, comprising parallels of military defensive trickery naval painting, may also deceive herbivores about the actual shape, location, and identity of leaves. Some of these visual defences may operate at the same time as other visual defences, such as aposematism, or serve various physiological functions. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 692–697.  相似文献   

Kiisortoqia soperi gen. et sp. nov. is an arthropod species from the Early Cambrian Sirius Passet Lagerstätte of North Greenland. A head, incorporating four appendiferous segments and biramous limbs, with an anteroposteriorly compressed basipod with a spine bearing median edge, support the euarthropod affinities of K. soperi gen. et sp. nov. Similarities with ‘short great appendage’ arthropods, or megacheirans, like the nine‐segmented endopod, and the flap‐ or paddle‐like exopod, may be symplesiomorphies. The antennula, however, resembles in composition and size the anteroventral raptorial appendage of anomalocaridids. Thus, the morphology of K. soperi gen. et sp. nov. provides additional support for the homologization of the anomalocaridid ‘great appendage’ with the appendage of the antennular or deutocerebral segment of extant Euarthropoda. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 477–500.  相似文献   

Prokennalestes abramovi n.sp. is described based on M2 from the upper Barremian-middle Aptian (Early Cretaceous) Mogoito locality in Transbaikalia, Russia. It differs from the Mongolian species of Prokennalestes (Khoboor, early Albian) by a combination of one primitive character (steeper and shorter lingual slopes of the paracone and metacone), one more derived character (larger size), and some characters of uncertain polarity (small preparastyle, lack of labial cuspules along the ectoflexus). P. abramovi n.sp. is the oldest eutherian mammal so far described, and its discovery extends the known geological range of Eutheria by 10-15 Ma. The Tsagantsabian land-vertebrate biochron can be defined by a dominance of sinemyid turtles; the Khukhtekian by a dominance of macrobaenids.  相似文献   

The cranial osteology of the aquatic reptile Mesosaurus tenuidens is redescribed on the basis of new and previously examined materials from the Lower Permian of both southern Africa and South America. Mesosaurus is distinguished from other mesosaurs in exhibiting an absolutely larger skull and possessing relatively longer marginal teeth. The teeth gradually angle outwards as one progresses anteriorly in the tooth row and become conspicuously procumbent at the tip of the snout. The suggestion that mesosaurs used their conspicuous dental apparatus as a straining device for filter feeding is based upon erroneous reconstruction of a high number of teeth in this mesosaur. Reinterpretation of the morphology and the organization of the marginal teeth of Mesosaurus suggests that they were used to capture individually small, nektonic prey. General morphological aspects of the skull support the idea that Mesosaurus was an aquatic predator and that the skull was well adapted for feeding in an aqueous environment. The anatomical review permits critical reappraisal of several cranial characters that have appeared in recent phylogenetic analyses of early amniotes. Emendation of problematic characters and reanalysis of amniote phylogeny using a slightly modified data matrix from the literature strengthens the hypothesis that mesosaurs form a clade with millerettids, procolophonoids and pareiasaurs within Reptilia.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 146 , 345–368.  相似文献   

Iphisa elegans Gray, 1851 is a ground‐dwelling lizard widespread over Amazonia that displays a broadly conserved external morphology over its range. This wide geographical distribution and conservation of body form contrasts with the expected poor dispersal ability of the species, the tumultuous past of Amazonia, and the previously documented prevalence of cryptic species in widespread terrestrial organisms in this region. Here we investigate this homogeneity by examining hemipenial morphology and conducting phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial (CYTB) and nuclear (C‐MOS) DNA sequence data from 49 individuals sampled across Amazonia. We detected remarkable variation in hemipenial morphology within this species, with multiple cases of sympatric occurrence of distinct hemipenial morphotypes. Phylogenetic analyses revealed highly divergent lineages corroborating the patterns suggested by the hemipenial morphotypes, including co‐occurrence of different lineages. The degrees of genetic and morphological distinctness, as well as instances of sympatry among mtDNA lineages/morphotypes without nuDNA allele sharing, suggest that I. elegans is a complex of cryptic species. An extensive and integrative taxonomic revision of the I. elegans complex throughout its wide geographical range is needed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 361–376.  相似文献   

早白垩世热河生物群的驰龙类恐龙在分类和形态上多样化程度很高,其中的赵氏小盗龙曾被认为是已知体型最小的非鸟兽脚类恐龙之一.然而这个观点依据的标本都处于相对早期的生长发育阶段,因此热河生物群驰龙类恐龙的体型下限仍不明确.本文依据一件产白辽宁省凌源县四合当下白垩统义县组(热河群中部)的标本,描述驰龙类一新种,杨氏钟健龙.这一新种可归入小盗龙类,但它在很多特征上不同于其他小盗龙类,其中最明显的区别是其相对长的钩状突愈合于背肋上,肱骨具有强烈内倾的近端,肱骨三角嵴上有一窗孔,尺骨略长于肱骨,并具有窄跖型的足.最重要的是,已为成年个体的杨氏钟健龙正模估计体重约为0.31 kg,这证实了热河生物群的一些驰龙类恐龙属于已知体型最小的非鸟恐龙.初步分析显示热河生物群驰龙类恐龙有生态位分化的情况,这一现象在中生代恐龙动物群中报道很少.  相似文献   

Some typical components of the Jehol Biota, including conchostracans Eosestheria sp., the mayfly Ephemeropsis trisetalis Eichwald, 1864, the aquatic beetle Coptoclava longipoda Ping, 1928, and a fragmentary dragonfly, are reported for the first time from the Bayingebi Formation in the Celaomiao region, western Inner Mongolia, China. This discovery indicates that the middle Upper Member of Bayingebi Formation can be correlated with the upper Yixian and the lower Jiufotang formations in western Liaoning Province. Combining it with the radio-isotopic dating result, we further believed that the Upper Member of Bayingebi Formation could be roughly correlated with the Yixian, Jiufotang, and Shahai formations, and the overlying Suhongtu Formation with the Fuxin Formation in western Liaoning Province.In the major Bayingebi Basin, palaeontological and radio-isotopic dating evidence shows that the Bayingebi Formation has a long depositional history of over 30 Ma: its Upper Member bearing the Jehol Biota and the early Fuxin Biota is probably coeval to the Yixian, Jiufotang and Shahai formations and has a Barremian–early Albian age; its Lower Member may be Berriasian–Hauterivian in age and could be correlated with the upper Tuchengzi, Zhangjiakou, and Dabeigou formations in northern Hebei Province. This suggests that the Bayingebi Formation should be promoted to the stratigraphic rank of group and subdivided into several secondary units (formations). Unlike the previous result, the Yingen Formation is considered across the Lower Cretaceous–Upper Cretaceous boundary and being late Albian–early Turonian in age.  相似文献   

The graptolites, known only from fossils, have been convincingly allied to the pterobranch hemichordates, a group of tiny, mostly colonial marine invertebrates bearing feeding arms. The phylogenetic position of pterobranchs has been subject to debate and revision for over a century. Their colonial lifestyle and feeding arms were originally seen as evidence placing them among the bryozoans, until later and more careful anatomical studies revealed more characters in common with acorn worms. Pterobranchs and acorn worms are now grouped as the phylum Hemichordata. For many decades, it was thought that pterobranchs were closer to the ancestral form of hemichordates, particularly because ‘lophophorate’ invertebrates also possess feeding arms, notably the phoronids and bryozoans, as do crinoid echinoderms. This traditional view has been challenged by recent molecular evidence. First, there is strong molecular evidence to indicate that lophophorates are very distant from hemichordates and echinoderms, in a different major branch of the animal phylogenetic tree. Therefore, similarities between the feeding structures must be due to convergent evolution. Second, there is strong evidence that hemichordates and echinoderms form a clade (Ambulacraria) within the deuterostomes, rather than hemichordates being closer to chordates. Third, there is weaker evidence that pterobranchs may be derived from acorn worms, and hence that the vermiform body plan may be ancestral within hemichordates. This suggestion warrants further testing. Here we review the evidence for these conclusions, highlight strengths and weaknesses in the data and analyses, and consider the implications for the origins of pterobranchs and graptolites.  相似文献   

Eucalyptocrinites is one the most common and familiar mid‐Palaeozoic crinoids and is the exemplar of a form with dendritic radicular holdfasts. American museums have hundreds of specimens of Eucalyptocrinites holdfasts from the Silurian Waldron Shale of Indiana and Kentucky, USA. The radix (‘root’) system of Eucalyptocrinites can be described as comprised of links (branches) that meet at nodes. Measured values include the x‐ and y‐coordinates of the nodes, the distances of the nodes from the stem, the angles between branches, branch length and branch width. Rose diagrams show clearly that the root systems are not isotropic but have preferred orientations. Branch angles are highly variable, but cluster around 60 degrees. Branch lengths and distal branch widths are relatively constant, but branch width increases variably towards the column. The branching pattern can be modelled as a self‐similar (‘fractal’) structure. Several specimens labelled as Eucalyptocrinites show a distinct fivefold symmetry without branching and very likely represent a different taxon. The Eucalyptocrinites radix system, along with the probably stiff dististele, most likely functioned as a rigid plate that resisted rotational forces due to currents acting on the crown. Upstream radicles experienced tension, whereas downstream roots were compressed. This force distribution may explain the observed anisotropies in radix morphology. The ‘roots’ of Eucalyptocrinites and other crinoids have long been compared with the root systems of plants. Although there are superficial similarities, there are fundamental differences.  相似文献   

Vegetal remains are considered labile structures that quickly become decayed in ecosystems. However, certain lignified tissues (woody plants) can largely resist decomposition, becoming sometimes exceptionally well preserved. At the Upper Cretaceous site of ‘Lo Hueco’ (Cuenca, Spain), those woody remains (trunks and branches) with resinous material in the inner tracheids and parenchyma cells that were buried rapidly under anoxic conditions experienced a low degree of maturation, becoming exceptionally well preserved. Those woody remains deposited under oxic conditions (sub‐aerial or sub‐aquatic exposure) were more intensely biodegraded and subsequently carbonified, partially or completely mineralized in gypsum and covered by a ferruginous crust. These two modes of preservation are scarce, with silicification or carbonification processes much more common, and both can be considered as ‘exceptional preservation’. Other vegetal remains, such as carbonified leaves, stems and roots, were collected in the site. The different modes of preservation depend directly on: depositional micro‐environment (sandy distributary channel, muddy flood plain); and type (trunk, branch, stem, leave, root) and state (presence or absence of resinous material) of the material. The great abundance and diversity of fossils in ‘Lo Hueco’ identify it as Konzentrat‐Lagerstätten, sequentially formed by alternated events of flooding and drying depositional events, but the exceptional quality and rarity of determinate vegetal macroremains preservation suggest that certain deposits of this site can be considered as conservation deposits.  相似文献   

The Mesozoic family Procercopidae is widely treated as the ancient group of Cercopoidea and a transitional unit to recent lineages, but its evolution and diversity are vague due to fragmentary fossil record and confusing taxonomic history. Herein, an extensive taxonomic review of Procercopidae is presented and some new fossils are reported from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation of NE China. As a result, Chengdecercopis Hong, 1983 is transferred from Procercopidae to Sinoalidae; Procercopis longipennis Becker-Migdisova, 1962 and P shawanensis Zhang, Wang and Zhang, 2003 are transferred to Procercopina Martynov, 1937, resulting in Procercopina longipennis (Becker-Migdisova, 1962), comb. n. and P shawanensis (Zhang, Wang and Zhang, 2003), comb. n.; Luanpingia senjituensis Hong, 1984 is transferred to Stellularis Chen, Yao and Ren, 2015, leading to Stellulari senjituensis (Hong, 1984), comb. n.; Anthoscytina macula Hu, Yao and Ren, 2014 is transferred to Sinocercopis Hong, 1982, and Sunoscytinopteris (Scytinopteridae) and Cathaycixius (Cixiidae) are treated as junior homonym names of Sinocercopis, leading to Sinocercopis macula (Hu, Yao and Ren, 2014), comb. n., S lushangfenensis (Hong, 1984), comb. n., S pustulosis (Ren, 1995), comb. n., and S trinervis (Ren, 1995), comb. n. Additionally, two new species are erected: Stellularis bineuris Chen and Wang, sp. n. and S minutus Chen and Wang, sp. n. Our cladistic analysis based on wing (tegmen and hind wing) characteristics recovers the high-level relationships within Cercopoidea: Sinoalidae + (Procercopidae + (Cercopionidae + modern cercopoids)). Within the family Procercopidae, the cladistic analysis reveals that the Middle to Late Jurassic Titanocercopis and Jurocercopis and the Cretaceous Cretocercopis occupy the basal position, and a gradual change in wing venation can be recognized from the Early Jurassic Procercopis and Procercopina to the Jurassic Anthoscytina, and then to the Cretaceous Stellularis and Sinocercopis. The two Cretaceous genera, sharing wing traits with extant cercopoids, likely represent transitional forms between Procercopidae and recent Cercopoidea; however, they are very similar to their Jurassic relatives in body structures, suggesting it is applicable to attribute them to Procercopidae. Furthermore, our analysis suggests that the extinction of Procercopidae and the origin and early diversification of modern Cercopoidea approximately coincided with the rise and explosive radiation of angiosperms in the late Early Cretaceous and onwards.  相似文献   

A humerus and a coracoid from the Early Eocene Wasatch Formation in the Washakie Basin of south‐western Wyoming are the oldest materials (by ~2 million years) of the pelecaniform Limnofregata (Aves) and represent a new large species, Limnofregata hutchisoni sp. nov. This fossil is the oldest known member of the frigatebird lineage. Other than its large size relative to Limnofregata azygosternon and Lhasegawai, the new material is very similar morphologically to other known Limnofregata specimens. The size of this new species is comparable to the largest living species (e.g. Fregata minor and Fregata magnifiscens) and much larger than the two described species of Limnofregata. This fossil indicates that the hard minimum date previously advocated for molecular calibration of the split between Fregatidae and Suloidea is an underestimate by approximately two million years. The presence of early pelecaniform bird lineages (represented by Limnofregata and Masillastega) in limnic ecosystems prior to their known occurrences in marine deposits/habitats appears to indicate that some clades of pelecaniform birds may have undergone an evolutionary transition from freshwater to marine habitats in a pattern reminiscent of what has been suggested during the evolution of pinnipeds or that their palaeoecology included broader niches ranging across a variety of aquatic habitats. That transition in habitat occupation and the origin of many of the characteristic biological aspects present in the crown frigatebird clade likely occurred during a significant temporal gap (> 45 million years) in the fossil record of the frigatebird lineage after these earliest occurrences in the Early Eocene and before the oldest records of the extant Fregata species in the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The ‘Symphyta’ is a paraphyletic assemblage at the base of the order Hymenoptera, comprising 14 families and about 8750 species. All have phytophagous larvae, except for the Orussidae, which are parasitoids. This study presents and evaluates the results of DNA barcoding of approximately 5360 specimens of ‘Symphyta’, mainly adults, and 4362 sequences covering 1037 species were deemed of suitable quality for inclusion in the analysis. All extant families are represented, except for the Anaxyelidae. The majority of species and specimens are from Europe, but approximately 38% of the species and 13% of the specimens are of non‐European origin. The utility of barcoding for species identification and taxonomy of ‘Symphyta’ is discussed on the basis of examples from each of the included families. A significant level of cryptic species diversity was apparent in many groups. Other attractive applications include the identification of immature stages without the need to rear them, community analyses based on metabarcoding of bulk samples and association of the sexes of adults.  相似文献   

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