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The evolution of egg size in the brood parasitic cuckoos   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We compared genera of nonparasitic cuckoos and two groups ofparasitic cuckoos: those raised together with host young ("nonejectors")and those in which the newly hatched cuckoo either ejects thehost eggs or chicks, or kills the host young ("ejectors"). Nonejectorsare similar to their hosts in body size and parasitize largerhosts than do ejectors, which parasitize hosts much smallerthan themselves. In both types of parasite, the cuckoo's eggtends to match the host eggs in size. To achieve this, nonejectorshave evolved a smaller egg for their body size than have nonparasiticcuckoos, and ejectors have evolved an even smaller egg. Amongejector cuckoo genera, larger cuckoos have larger eggs relativeto the eggs of their hosts, and the relationship between cuckooegg volume (mass of the newly-hatched cuckoo) and host egg volume(mass to be ejected) did not differ from that predicted by weight-liftingallometry. However, comparing among Cuculus cuckoo species,the allometric slope differed from the predicted, so it is notclear that egg size is related to the need to give the cuckoochick sufficient strength for ejection. Comparing the two mostspeciose ejector genera, Chrysococcyx cuckoos (smaller and parasitizedome-nesting hosts) lay eggs more similar in size to their host'seggs than do Cuculus cuckoos (larger and parasitize open cup–nestinghosts). Closer size-matching of host eggs in Chrysococcyx mayreflect the following: (1) selection to reduce adult body massto facilitate entry through small domed nest holes to lay, and(2) less need for a large egg, because longer incubation periodsin dome-nesting hosts allow the young cuckoo more time to growbefore it need eject host eggs.  相似文献   

Parasites exploit an inherently patchy resource, their hosts, which are discrete entities that may only be available for infection within a relatively short time window. However, there has been little consideration of how heterogeneities in host availability may affect the phenotypic or genotypic composition of parasite populations or how parasites may evolve to cope with them. Here we conduct a selection experiment involving an entomopathogenic nematode (Steinernema feltiae) and show for the first time that the infection rate of a parasite can evolve rapidly to maximize the chances of infecting within an environment characterized by the rate of host availability. Furthermore, we show that the parasite's infection rate trades off with other fitness traits, such as fecundity and survival. Crucially, the outcome of competition between strains with different infection strategies depends on the rate of host availability; frequently available hosts favor "fast" infecting nematodes, whereas infrequently available hosts favor "slow" infecting nematodes. A simple evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) analysis based on classic epidemiological models fails to capture this behavior, predicting instead that the fastest infecting phenotype should always dominate. However, a novel model incorporating more realistic, discrete bouts of host availability shows that strain coexistence is highly likely. Our results demonstrate that heterogeneities in host availability play a key role in the evolution of parasite life-history traits and in the maintenance of phenotypic variability. Parasite life-history strategies are likely to evolve rapidly in response to changes in host availability induced by disease management programs or by natural dynamics in host abundance. Incorporating parasite evolution in response to host availability would therefore enhance the predictive ability of current epidemiological models of infectious disease.  相似文献   

Brood parasitic birds impose variable fitness costs upon their hosts by causing the partial or complete loss of the hosts' own brood. Growing evidence from multiple avian host-parasite taxa indicates that exposure of individual hosts to parasitism is not necessarily random and varies with habitat use, nest-site selection, age or other phenotypic attributes. For instance, nonrandom patterns of brood parasitism had similar evolutionary consequences to those of limited horizontal transmission of parasites and pathogens across space and time and altered the dynamics of both population productivity and co-evolutionary interactions of hosts and parasites. We report that brood parasitism status of hosts of brown-headed cowbirds Molothrus ater is also transmitted across generations in individually colour-banded female prothonotary warblers Protonotaria citrea. Warbler daughters were more likely to share their mothers' parasitism status when showing natal philopatry at the scale of habitat patch. Females never bred in their natal nestboxes but daughters of parasitized mothers had shorter natal dispersal distances than daughters of nonparasitized mothers. Daughters of parasitized mothers were more likely to use nestboxes that had been parasitized by cowbirds in both the previous and current years. Although difficult to document in avian systems, different propensities of vertical transmission of parasitism status within host lineages will have critical implications both for the evolution of parasite tolerance in hosts and, if found to be mediated by lineages of parasites themselves, for the difference in virulence between such extremes as the nestmate-tolerant and nestmate-eliminator strategies of different avian brood parasite species.  相似文献   

Three species of brood parasites are increasingly being recorded as transoceanic vagrants in the Northern Hemisphere, including two Cuculus cuckoos from Asia to North America and a Molothrus cowbird from North America to Eurasia. Vagrancy patterns suggest that their establishment on new continents is feasible, possibly as a consequence of recent range increases in response to a warming climate. The impacts of invasive brood parasites are predicted to differ between continents because many host species of cowbirds in North America lack egg rejection defenses against native and presumably also against invasive parasites, whereas many hosts of Eurasian cuckoos frequently reject non‐mimetic, and even some mimetic, parasitic eggs from their nests. During the 2014 breeding season, we tested the responses of native egg‐rejecter songbirds to model eggs matching in size and color the eggs of two potentially invasive brood parasites. American Robins (Turdus migratorius) are among the few rejecters of the eggs of Brown‐headed Cowbirds (M. ater), sympatric brood parasites. In our experiments, robins rejected one type of model eggs of a Common Cuckoo (C. canorus) host‐race, but accepted model eggs of a second cuckoo host‐race as well as robin‐mimetic control eggs. Common Redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus), frequent hosts of Common Cuckoos in Eurasia, rejected ~50% of model Brown‐headed Cowbird eggs and accepted most redstart‐mimetic control eggs. Our results suggest that even though some hosts have evolved egg‐rejection defenses against native brood parasites, the invasion of brood parasites into new continents may negatively impact both naïve accepter and coevolved rejecter songbirds in the Northern Hemisphere.  相似文献   

The offspring of brood parasitic birds benefit from hatching earlier than host young. A proposed but little-known strategy to achieve this is 'internal incubation', by retaining the egg in the oviduct for an additional 24 h. To test this, we quantified the stage of embryo development at laying in four brood parasitic birds (European cuckoo, Cuculus canorus; African cuckoo, Cuculus gularis; greater honeyguide, Indicator indicator; and the cuckoo finch, Anomalospiza imberbis). For the two cuckoos and the honeyguide, all of which lay at 48 h intervals, embryos were at a relatively advanced stage at laying; but for the cuckoo finch (laying interval: 24 h) embryo stage was similar to all other passerines laying at 24 h intervals. The stage of embryo development in the two cuckoos and honeyguide was similar to that of a non-parasitic species that lay at an interval of 44-46 h, but also to the eggs of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata incubated artificially at body temperature immediately after laying, for a further 24 h. Comparison with the zebra finch shows that internal incubation in the two cuckoos and honeyguide advances hatching by 31 h, a figure consistent with the difference between the expected and the observed duration of incubation in the European cuckoo predicted from egg mass. Rather than being a specific adaptation to brood parasitism, internal incubation is a direct consequence of a protracted interval between ovulation (and fertilization) and laying, but because it results in early hatching may have predisposed certain species to become brood parasitic.  相似文献   

杨灿朝  蔡燕  梁伟 《生物学杂志》2010,27(1):76-79,60
鸟类巢寄生的寄主无论是成乌还是雏鸟,对宿主都是极具伤害性的,因为它们降低了宿主的生育力,然而,无论是在寄主种内还是种间,其伤害性的差异变化很大。综述了以往对这种伤害性差异的各种解释,以往的解释在很大程度上集中在伤害性所带来的利益。认为寄主的伤害性行为可以像病原体的伤害性一样进行分类,伤害性在为寄主带来利益的同时,也伴随着代价,所以,由病原体伤害性进化研究衍生而来的平衡假说,适用于解释鸟类巢寄生伤害理论的进化。  相似文献   

The most virulent avian brood parasites obligately kill host young soon after hatching, thus ensuring their monopoly of host parental care. While the host eviction behaviour of cuckoos (Cuculidae) is well documented, the host killing behaviour of honeyguide (Indicatoridae) chicks has been witnessed only once, 60 years ago, and never in situ in host nests. Here, we report from the Afrotropical greater honeyguide the first detailed observations of honeyguides killing host chicks with their specially adapted bill hooks, based on repeated video recordings (available in the electronic supplementary material). Adult greater honeyguides puncture host eggs when they lay their own, but in about half of host nests at least one host egg survived, precipitating chick killing by the honeyguide hatchling. Hosts always hatched after honeyguide chicks, and were killed within hours. Despite being blind and in total darkness, honeyguides attacked host young with sustained biting, grasping and shaking motions. Attack time of 1-5 min was sufficient to cause host death, which took from 9 min to over 7 h from first attack. Honeyguides also bit unhatched eggs and human hands, but only rarely bit the host parents feeding them.  相似文献   

Intrahost competition between parasite genotypes has been predicted to be an important force shaping parasite ecology and evolution and has been extensively cited as a mechanism for the evolution of increased parasite virulence. However, empirical evidence demonstrating the existence and nature of intraspecific competition is lacking for many parasites. Here, we compared within-host competitiveness between genetic strains of Schistosoma mansoni with high (HIGH-V) or low (LOW-V) virulence to their intermediate snail host, Biomphalaria glabrata. Groups of snails were exposed to either one or the other of two parasite strains, or a mixed infection of both strains, and the resulting progeny were identified using a molecular marker. In two separate experiments investigating simultaneous and sequential infections, we demonstrated that the lifetime reproductive success of parasite strain HIGH-V was reduced in the presence of a faster replicating parasite genotype, LOW-V, regardless of whether it was in a majority or minority in the initial inoculum of the simultaneous exposure or of its relative position in the sequential exposure experiment. Thus, we demonstrate competition between parasite genotypes and asymmetry in competitive success between parasite strains. Moreover, since the less virulent strain investigated here had a competitive advantage, we suggest that a high frequency of multiple infections could favor the evolution of less, rather than more, virulent parasites in this system.  相似文献   

1. One of the fundamental insights of behavioural ecology is that resources influence breeding systems. For instance, when food resources are plenty, one parent is able to care for the young on its own, so that the other parent can desert and became polygamous. We investigated this hypothesis in the context of classical polyandry when females may have several mates within a single breeding season, and parental duties are carried out largely by the male. 2. We studied a precocial wader, the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus, that exhibits variable brood care such that the chicks may be raised by both parents, only by the female or, more often, only by the male. The timing of female desertion varies: some females desert their brood at hatching of the eggs and lay a clutch for a new mate, whereas other females stay with their brood until the chicks fledge. Kentish plovers are excellent organisms with which to study breeding system evolution, as some of their close relatives exhibit classical polyandry (Eurasian dotterel Eudromias morinellus, mountain plover Charadrius montanus), whereas others are polygynous (northern lapwing Vanellus vanellus). 3. Kentish plovers raised their broods in two habitats in our study site in southern Turkey: saltmarsh and lakeshore. Food intake was higher on the lakeshore than in the saltmarsh as judged from feeding behaviour of chicks and adults. As the season proceeded and the saltmarsh dried out, the broods moved toward the lakeshore. 4. As the density of plovers increased on lakeshore, the parents spent more time defending their young, and female parents stayed with their brood longer on the lakeshore. 5. We conclude that the influence of food abundance on breeding systems is more complex than currently anticipated. Abundant food resources appear to have profound implications on spatial distribution of broods, and the social interactions between broods constrain female desertion and polyandry.  相似文献   

Traditional ecological theory predicts that specialisation can promote speciation; hence, recently derived species are specialists. However, an alternative view is that new species have broad niches, which become narrower and specialised over time. Here, we test these hypotheses using avian brood parasites and three different measures of host specialisation. Brood parasites provide an ideal system in which to investigate the evolution of specialisation, because some exploit more than 40 host species and others specialise on only one. We find that young brood parasite species are smaller and specialise on a narrower range of host sizes, as expected, if specialisation is linked with the generation of new species. Moreover, we show that highly virulent parasites are more specialised, supporting findings in other host–parasite systems. Finally, we demonstrate that different measures of specialisation can lead to different conclusions, and specialisation indices should be designed taking into account the biology of each system.  相似文献   

Mimicry of a harmless model (aggressive mimicry) is used by egg, chick and fledgling brood parasites that resemble the host''s own eggs, chicks and fledglings. However, aggressive mimicry may also evolve in adult brood parasites, to avoid attack from hosts and/or manipulate their perception of parasitism risk. We tested the hypothesis that female cuckoo finches (Anomalospiza imberbis) are aggressive mimics of female Euplectes weavers, such as the harmless, abundant and sympatric southern red bishop (Euplectes orix). We show that female cuckoo finch plumage colour and pattern more closely resembled those of Euplectes weavers (putative models) than Vidua finches (closest relatives); that their tawny-flanked prinia (Prinia subflava) hosts were equally aggressive towards female cuckoo finches and southern red bishops, and more aggressive to both than to their male counterparts; and that prinias were equally likely to reject an egg after seeing a female cuckoo finch or bishop, and more likely to do so than after seeing a male bishop near their nest. This is, to our knowledge, the first quantitative evidence for aggressive mimicry in an adult bird, and suggests that host–parasite coevolution can select for aggressive mimicry by avian brood parasites, and counter-defences by hosts, at all stages of the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Arms races between brood parasites and their hosts provide model systems for studying the evolutionary repercussions of species interactions. However, how naive hosts identify brood parasites as enemies remains poorly understood, despite its ecological and evolutionary significance. Here, we investigate whether young, cuckoo-naive superb fairy-wrens, Malurus cyaneus, can learn to recognize cuckoos as a threat through social transmission of information. Naive individuals were initially unresponsive to a cuckoo specimen, but after observing conspecifics mob a cuckoo, they made more whining and mobbing alarm calls, and spent more time physically mobbing the cuckoo. This is the first direct evidence that naive hosts can learn to identify brood parasites as enemies via social learning.  相似文献   

Parasitic cowbirds lay eggs in the nests of other species anddupe them into caring for their young. Unlike other brood parasites,cowbirds have not developed egg mimicry or bizarre chick morphology.However, most of them parasitize a large number of hosts. Severalfeatures of cowbirds have been proposed as more general adaptationsto brood parasitism. In this study, we used a recent molecularphylogeny as a historical framework to test the possible adaptationsof the parasitic cowbird, including egg size, eggshell thicknessand energy content of the eggs, length of the incubation period,and growth pattern of cowbird nestlings. We used a recentlydeveloped extension of independent contrasts to test whetherthe five cowbird species deviate from general allometric equations.We generated prediction intervals for a nonparasite that evolvedin the place of the cowbirds. By using these prediction intervals,we found that parasitic cowbirds had not reduced weight or energycontent of their eggs, nor their incubation period over evolutionarytime. Cowbird chicks and those of nonparasitic relatives hadsimilar growth pattern. The only characteristic that separatedparasitic cowbirds from their nonparasitic relatives was anincrease in eggshell thickness. All these findings were robustand resisted the use of three models of character evolution.The fact that most traits exhibited by cowbirds were inheritedfrom a nonparasitic ancestor does not rule out that they areadvantageous for parasitism. Future research should focus onsuch traits of cowbird relatives and on how these traits preadapteda particular lineage to become parasites.  相似文献   

Siblicide and life-history evolution in parasitoids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Parasitoid wasps exhibit a stark dichotomy in larval behaviorand developmental mode. In gregarious species, siblings developingtogether tolerate each other; hence more than one individualcan successfully complete development. In contrast, solitaryspecies have intolerant larvae that will engage in siblicide,leading to only one individual successfully completing development.Previous theoretical and empirical work has suggested that females from species with intolerant larvae should reduce theirrelative investment in reproduction. We tested this predictionby measuring investment in survival and reproduction in a pairof sister species from the genus Aphaereta (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).With increasing body size, divergent patterns of investmentexist in the two species. Females of the solitary A. genevensisallocate additional resources almost exclusively toward greaterfat reserves, resulting in enhanced longevity. Females of thegregarious A. pallipes invest relatively more in reproductionand hence have lower fat reserves, reduced longevity, and greater egg loads than A. genevensis. These differences reflect a trend toward greater investment in survival relative to reproductionin the solitary species, as predicted. We discuss the implicationsof these findings for the development of sibling rivalry andlife-history theory.  相似文献   

Parasite life histories have been assumed to be shaped by their particular mode of existence. To test this hypothesis, we investigate the relationships between life-history traits of free-living and parasitic platyhelminthes. Using phylogenetically independent contrasts we examine patterns of interspecific covariation in adult size, progeny volume, daily fecundity, total reproductive capacity, age at first reproduction and longevity. The correlations obtained indicate a similar causal chain of life history variations for free-living and parasitic platyhelminthes. These results suggest that increased longevity favours delayed reproduction. Furthermore, growth pattern determines adult body size and age at maturity. For platyhelminthes, whether free-living or parasitic, the total reproductive capacity is found to be directly determined by the size of the worm. Within this group the parasitic way of life does not seem to influence the basic patterns of life history evolution. Received: 20 September 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

Jesús M. Avils 《Oikos》2019,128(3):338-346
Avian brood parasitism is a potent selective agent modulating host behaviors and morphology, although its role in determining diversification of avian breeding strategies remains elusive. Hitherto, the study of selection of brood parasites on host breeding strategies has been based on single reproductive trait approaches, which neglect that evolutionary responses to brood parasites may involve co‐ordinated changes in several aspects of reproduction. Here I consider covariation among reproductive traits to test whether parental breeding strategies of hosts of brown headed cowbird (BHC hereafter) in North America and the common cuckoo (CC hereafter) in Europe, two parasites with contrasting level of virulence, have evolved in response to brood parasitism. The effect of parasitism on avian breeding strategies differed between continents. Long term exposure to BHC parasitism selected for a lower breeding investment in North America, but not so CC parasitism in Europe. These results suggest a key role of parasite virulence on the evolution of avian breeding strategies and that brood parasitism has selected for a co‐ordinated breeding strategy of reducing parasitism costs by shortening and fractioning reproductive events within a single season in North America.  相似文献   

Body temperatures of 11 bird species, including cuckoos, were measured in an artificial meteorological room. Ratios of change in body temperature to that in air temperature were thereby obtained for each species. Cuckoos demonstrate a remarkably high value, indicating a particularly low ability to regulate body temperature. Viewed in this light, the cuckoo's parasitic behavior is very likely an adaptation to overcome a physiological disadvantage. This in turn might be expected to reinforce delay in evolution of temperature homeostasis.  相似文献   

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