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棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus)是东北林区的优势鼠种,由于啃食树皮危害林木生长,在数量大发生年的秋末冬初更加严重,因此了解林地棕背(鼠平)数量变化规律,以便更有效地防治幼林鼠害,是很有意义的工作。棕背(鼠平)数量变化不仅与林分郁闭度有关(舒凤梅,1981),而且与林地坡度也有关。本文着重探讨不同坡度林地的棕背(鼠平)数量  相似文献   

吉林省长白山北坡天然林是我国重要的红松Pinus koraiensis种源基地,近年鼠害严重。2015年4—6月、9—10月,在阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林、暗针叶林及岳桦Betula ermanii林中调查鼠害发生情况,统计危害发生的树种和部位,并在危害发生林型中采用笼捕法和陷阱法调查鼠类的组成。结果表明:1)鼠害主要发生在春季海拔800~1 100 m的针阔混交林;2)受害树种主要为椴树Tilia tuan(3.61%±1.05%)、假色槭Acer pseudo-sieboldianum(3.00%±0.63%)、红松(1.73%±0.31%)、色木槭A.mono(1.28%±0.14%)等重要经济林木,受害部位主要集中于林木基部(58.90%)和裸露根部(37.99%);3)长白山北坡林区春季鼠类捕获率较高,秋季较低;4)捕获的主要鼠种为棕背Myodes rufocanus、朝鲜姬鼠Apodemus peninsulae和红背M.rutilus,陷阱法对棕背的捕获率远高于笼捕法,但对朝鲜姬鼠和红背的捕获率较笼捕法低。  相似文献   

1 引  言棕背鼠平 (Clethrionomysrufocanus)是我国北方森林小型哺乳动物的重要成分 ,也是主要的林木害鼠之一 .目前 ,国内外对该鼠的生态学已有许多研究 ,太田嘉四夫[6] 在活动节律研究方面有所报道 .作者在室内不同食物条件下 ,对棕背鼠平昼夜活动节律进行了观察研究 ,现将初步结果做一报道 .2 材料与方法2 1 供试动物2 0 0 1年 8~ 10月在黑龙江省海林市林区捕获棕背鼠平带回实验室驯养 .单鼠饲养于 35cm× 30cm× 2 0cm铁丝笼中 ,供给小鼠用颗粒饲料、胡萝卜和水 ,提供棉花供鼠做巢 ,实验室温度为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ,自然光照 .2 2 …  相似文献   

黑龙江省林区林木鼠害危及多种树种(图1-a、b),冬季啃食幼树树皮损失严重。(舒凤梅1975、1979)。为害鼠种主要为棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus),其他各种鼠为红背(鼠平)(C.rutilus)、东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)、大林姬鼠(Apodemus Peninsulae)、黑线姬鼠(A.agrarius)和花鼠(Eutamias sibiricus)。以往多采用化学药物防治。本工作发现该鼠的数量与林地郁闭度有密切关系,故而探讨了利用调整鼠类栖息环境,预防林木鼠害发生的途径。  相似文献   

内蒙古达茂旗腾格淖尔地区大沙鼠种群繁殖习性的调查   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
鼠类繁殖生态学的研究是其种群生态学研究的一个重要方面 ,它不但为研究鼠类种群数量变动规律对种群数量进行预测预报提供重要的生态学基础资料 ,也为控制鼠害措施的制定提供依据 ,同时也具有重要的流行病学意义。大沙鼠 (Rhombmysopimus)广泛分布于中亚细亚、哈萨克斯坦、伊朗、阿富汗和蒙古国等地 ,在我国主要分布于内蒙古西部、甘肃北部和新疆 ,是荒漠—半荒漠地区的重要害鼠。我国对其生态学方面多注重于种群分布格局的研究[1~ 5] ,在繁殖方面的研究甚少[6] 。 1 979~1 980年和 1 995~ 1 996年对内蒙古包头市达尔罕茂…  相似文献   

红背(鼠平)种群年龄的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国家的社会主义建设中,动物生态学的主要任务不外是改造有益有害动物的种群,增加有益动物的数量,减少或消灭有害动物的数量,使之更符合于国民经济的需要。啮齿动物对农、林、畜牧、保健各项事业的危害甚大,故在“农业发展纲要(草案)”上的除四害一项中规定要消灭它。而在与鼠类的斗争中就需要掌握其种群状态、数量变化的规律等等,以求预测鼠害的发生,及时采取各项灭鼠的措施。在种群研究中年龄问题是十分重要的,了解其年龄组成可以知道其种群是否健康、繁殖情况、及其数量的发展趋势。红背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rutilus)为东北林区的害鼠(寿振黄等,1958)。所以我们就以此鼠为材料,来研究这项既有实践意义又有理论价值的问题。  相似文献   

稀的Ju鲫的染色体核型初报   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
稀有鲫 (GobiocyprisrarusYeetFu)是我国特产的一种小型鲤科 (Cyprinidae)鱼类 ,属于亚科(Danioninae)鲫属[1 ] 。稀有鲫具有适应力强、性成熟周期短、繁殖季节长、产卵频次多等特点 ,是一种有发展前途的实验动物 ,已经被越来越多地应用到生态、遗传、生理和环境毒理等研究领域。但是 ,有关稀有鲫的细胞学背景研究还不够充分 ,其染色体核型仅有个别非正式的研究报告。本文对稀有鲫的染色体核型以及核仁组织区的银染结果作了初步研究 ,现将结果报道如下。1 材料与方法稀有鲫由本所…  相似文献   

栓皮栎种群数量动态的谱分析与稳定性   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
1 前 言波动可出现于所有的植被中 ,而谱分析的方法可以揭示种群数量变动的周期性波动。Veblen等通过老龄林结构和动态分析认为 :优势种的更替是周期循环的 ,而不是一个连续发展过程[2 ]。谱分析方法在昆虫数量动态研究中应用较多[1 ],在植物生态学研究中也有数例应用 ,伍业钢等[2 ]首次将之应用于阔叶红松林的演替与天然更新过程的研究 ,认为红松天然更新过程的周期波浪式发展 ,是其稳定的一个特点。但对于林木年龄较小、增长特征较明显的种群 ,谱分析方法是否适用 ,其结果与种群稳定性的关系如何 ,则尚未见报道。本文以河南省分布…  相似文献   

棕背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rufocanus)与红背(鼠平)(Clethrionomys rutitus)是吉林省林木主要害鼠,本文应用数量化方法,分析野外调查数据,阐明它们对栖息地选择的生物学特性,为森林鼠害防治工作提供依据。 1.研究方法 1983年9月15日至10月15日,吉林省林业厅在全省43个县同时对森林害鼠的种类、分布密度和危害进行调查,共布41376铗日,捕鼠2271只。本文选择东部山区樟子松人工林31块、红松人工林50块、落叶松人工林78块、人工针叶混交林15块、天然次生林42块样地,对棕背(鼠平)与红背(鼠平)的铗日捕获  相似文献   

大沙鼠的年龄鉴定与种群年龄组成   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在鼠类生态学的研究中 ,对鼠类年龄的鉴定是一项重要的工作。年龄组成是种群的重要特征之一 ,它有助于了解种群的年龄结构以及种群数量变动的规律。大沙鼠 (Rhombomysopimus)是中亚地区荒漠及半荒漠草原的重要害鼠之一 ,在内蒙古西部的梭梭 (Haloxylonammodendron)林区 ,由于大沙鼠的啃咬 ,影响了该地区梭梭林的正常结实 ,从而降低了结实量[1 ] 。同时 ,大沙鼠又是鼠疫和皮肤利什曼病的重要宿主。对大沙鼠的年龄鉴定与种群年龄组成进行研究 ,将有助于了解其种群数量变动的规律 ,从而为有效防治大沙鼠鼠…  相似文献   

黄泥河林区鼠类群落演替的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杨春文  陈荣海 《兽类学报》1993,13(3):205-210
本文研究了吉林省黄泥河林区5个次生植被类型的鼠类群落结构和生物量的变化。原始针阔混交林采伐后,大林姬鼠数量减少,棕背(鼠平)数量增加,黑线姬鼠侵入。形成次生阔叶林和人工落叶松林后,鼠类群落仍为原始针阔混交林中的大林姬鼠+棕背(鼠平)群落类型。人工红松林的形成使棕背(鼠平)数最明显减少,成为大林姬鼠群落。森林开垦成农田,相应形成黑线姬鼠+大林姬鼠群落。草甸发展成草甸森林,鼠类群落由东方田鼠+棕背(鼠平)演变成棕背(鼠平)群落。并分析了环境因素对鼠类演替的影响。  相似文献   

In autumn of 1994 and spring of 1995, we examined Borrelia infection among Microtinae voles, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, in Hokkaido, Japan. In BSK culturing of the earlobe tissues of 45 C. rufocanus bedfordiae captured, twelve rodents were positive for Borrelia. Eight isolates were used for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. According to the results, these isolates were classified into B. garinii or B. afzelii. It is considered that a common vole, C. rufocanus bedfordiae, plays a significant role in the transmission and maintenance of B. garinii and B. afzelii, similar to the role of Apodemus speciosus mice.  相似文献   

黄泥河林区鼠类群落划分的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
杨春文  陈荣海 《兽类学报》1991,11(2):118-125
1988年6—7月,作者在吉林省黄泥河林区对森林鼠类群落划分进行了研究。将林区划分2个栖息地类型,依据物种组成相似系数及递归群划分法,划分出5个鼠类群落:即大林姬鼠+棕背(鼠平)群落;大林姬鼠群落;黑线姬鼠+大林姬鼠群落;东方田鼠+黑线姬鼠群落和棕背(鼠平)群落,并进行了讨论。  相似文献   

柴河林区小型啮齿动物群落格局变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明柴河林区小型啮齿动物群落结构与格局的形成原因,掌握林区啮齿动物群落动态及发展趋势。于2012至2015年在柴河林区的新房子、大青沟和二道河子地区,对针阔混交林、阔叶林、草甸、沿河林和农田5种生境类型,采用铗日法对小型啮齿动物进行了调查。结果表明,棕背?(Clethrionomys rufocanus)和大林姬鼠(Apodemus peninsulae)为柴河林区小型啮齿动物的优势物种,针阔混交林为棕背?最适生境,阔叶林为大林姬鼠最适生境;黑线姬鼠(A. agrarius)和大仓鼠(Cricetulus triton)为农田优势物种,东方田鼠(Microtus fortis)仅在草甸中发现。随生境垂直分布区海拔高度的降低,总捕获率逐渐减低,其中棕背?的种群变化起主要作用;大林姬鼠的捕获率逐渐增加,其对农业经济的干扰适应性更强;褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)的分布规律受居民点分布比例影响;红背?(Clethrionomys rutilus)主要分布于海拔相对较高的针阔混交林。通过与孙儒泳等20世纪60年代在此地区的研究结果的比较,最后认为近几十年原始森林的破坏,伴生的次生林和人工林,致柴河林区的针阔混交林向阔叶林的过渡失去先前的典型特征。并发现小型啮齿动物的群落格局变化,虽呈现出自然条件的垂直变化和农业活动影响的规律,但同时存在生境变化的适应性改变,也表现出各地区的区域生境特征对取样点微生境啮齿动物分布的巨大影响。  相似文献   

T. Saitoh 《Oecologia》1987,73(3):382-388
Summary A time series and geographical analysis of the long term (25-years and 16-years) census data of the red-backed vole, Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae, populations in Hokkaido, Japan was carried out. Eighty seven populations from all over Hokkaido were grouped into the following 4 types according to their flucturation patterns: type A: low density-constant type; type B: medium density-gradual increase type; type C: medium density-wavy change type; type D: high density-large amplitude type. The border between type B and type C was not clear. Although the distribution of the fluctuation types did not show any geographical cline, the high density type (type D) occurred in limited areas where the winter was severe and spring came later and almost all the populations in the Oshima peninsula were the low density type (type A). The most common type of population in Hokkaido, type C, greatly fluctuated from year to year with the maximum density level/the minimum one being over 10. The periodicity of the peak years was not statistically significant, although peaks often occurred at 3 or 4 year intervals. The population grew from spring to autumn in almost all years so that the pattern of the seasonal change was qualitatively constant. The population density levels in spring were not significantly different between peak years and others, while those in autumn were greatly different between them, so that the population growth rates from spring to autumn were variable from year to year. This differential pattern was also found between high and low density areas.  相似文献   

The intensity of growth of Sorex araneus L. and Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb. in the Oulu district of Finland is studied as a function of age and seasonal rhythm, and compared with the results of growth-rate measurements of Sorex araneus L., Clethrionomys rufocanus Sund. and Clethrionomys rutilus Pall. in Kirkenes, Norway. It is assumed that the postnatal development of the Common shrew with its growth and regression phases is to some extent controlled by an endogenous seasonal rhythm. The growth of the voles is not as clearly controlled by these rhythms as that of the Common shrew although the growth of the Bank vole and Northern red-backed vole is obviously considerably retarded in autumn and in winter.  相似文献   

Ola Löfgren 《Ecography》1989,12(1):54-59
Changes in reproduction and functional age structure of females in cyclic populations of Clethrionomys glareolus and C. rufocanus were studied by live-trapping individually marked voles during 1980 to 1984 in northern Sweden. A complete population cycle was observed in both species, with a synchronous 'summer-decline' in 1982. In both species, the length of the breeding season became successively shorter towards the peak, and it was extremely short at the decline. When the populations expanding, the density of breeding females increased in a sigmoid way, and thereafter it remained fairly constant throughout the summer. At the decline, the density of breeding females decreased successively from spring to autumn. Year-born females matured and bred in all years except at the decline. Intrinsic factors, such as spacing behaviour of breeding females, are thought to limit the density of breeders in general, but only when the populations are expanding. Other factors such as deteriorating food conditions are more likely to operate at the decline.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. A population of Asellus aquaticus in Wistow Lake, England, was sampled at monthly intervals from September 1973 to September 1974. The mean population density was 586 m−2 in autumn 1973 but it fell to 67 m−2 by autumn 1974. Evidence suggests that the lower density in autumn 1974 was due to premature mortality of gravid females. The cause of this is not known.
Gravid females were present from February to June and July to September, giving rise to spring and autumn cohorts. The larger members of the spring cohort reproduced in the autumn, the remainder in the following spring. The autumn cohort reproduced mainly in the following spring but later than the spring cohort. The bimodal length-frequency curves were analysed to separate the two cohorts and to estimate growth and production of each cohort separately. The overwintering spring cohort had a faster relative growth rate than the smaller individuals of the autumn cohort. Thus the spring cohort showed a P/B ratio of 2.62 for the period September–April compared with a ratio of 1.81 for the autumn cohort. The highest ratio of 6.42 was shown by the spring cohort in the summer (May–September).
Annual population production (P) was 3004.9 mg dry wt m−2 from a mean biomass (B) of 757.2 mg dry wt m−2. The P/B ratio of 3.96 is double the value reported for A. aquaticus in Sweden.  相似文献   

为了解林下红松幼苗生长和养分存储季节动态,以长白山原始阔叶红松林(原始林)和次生杨桦林(次生林)林下2年生红松幼苗为对象,研究林下光合有效辐射(PAR)、幼苗生物量、非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)、全氮(N)和全磷(P)等指标的季节变化,分析两林分林下光照的季节动态及其差异对红松幼苗生长和养分积累的影响。结果表明: 原始林和次生林林下月PAR累积量季节变化都呈“双峰”型,夏季为郁闭期,两林分林下光线弱。春季和秋季为阔叶树无叶期,林下光照条件变好,且次生林林下光照明显好于原始林;原始林和次生林红松幼苗的生物量、NSC、全N和全P浓度的季节动态与林下光照的季节变化基本一致,在春季和秋季表现为显著增加,在夏季呈下降趋势。春季幼苗的淀粉浓度增加,夏季淀粉和可溶性糖浓度均逐渐降低,到8月达到最低值,秋季可溶性糖浓度显著升高。春季和秋季次生林林下幼苗的生物量和NSC浓度整体上均显著高于原始林,而夏季两林分差异不显著。因此,春季和秋季的林下光照条件差异是影响原始林和次生林中红松幼苗养分积累和生长更新差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

Jon Moen 《Ecography》1990,13(4):316-324
Ther hypothesis of the exploitation of ecosystems predicts that plant communities in productive habitats should experience a low grazing pressure, while communities in less productive habitats should be structured by intense grazing. Thus, if a high population density of rodents was to be established in these communities and they could graze without predation, the plant community in the productive habitat should be more affected than the community in the less productive habitat. This was tested by building enclosures for grey-sided voles Clethrionomys rufocanus and lemmings Lemmus lemmus in a productive tall herb meadow and a less productive snow-bed on Finnmarksvidda, northern Norway. The simulated rodent population densities varied from 150 to 750 ind. ha-1, and the rodents were allowed to graze for 18 to 55 d. The shoot mortality of relatively abundant plant species were monitored together with plant community structure, and the above-ground biomass were harvested at the end of the experiment. The shoot mortality were generally low, the significantly grazed species were either known preferred species or species with a grazing-sensitive morphology. The community structure did not show any major changes. The aboveground biomass of woody plants was significantly lower in the enclosures on the snow-bed, but not in the tall herb meadow. The total biomass did not differ significantly. These results are somewhat ambiguous with reference to the predictions from the food chain hypothesis, and the conclusion were drawn that intense grazing by voles and lemmings during 18 to 55 d during the growing season does not seem to be sufficient to greatly influence shoot mortality and structure of the studied plant communities.  相似文献   

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