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Mice immunized with particulate antigens or soluble antigens in Freund's complete adjuvant produce a factor(s) which enhances antibody formation. Such an enhancing factor(s) is detected in the serum within 6 hr after immunization. The factor(s) is specific and enhances both 19s and 7s responses especially when recipient mice are challenged with subimmunogenic doses of antigen. From the study of the kinetics of antibody formation (latent period, coincidence of peaks of 19s and 7s responses) and the distribution of the Ig classes of the antibody (dominance of IgG1) it is concluded that the enhancing factor(s) primes the animals for a secondary response. The enhancing factor(s) is carrier specific and enhances antibody formation in the absence of T cells (nude mice). In the absence of T cells the antibody response is quantitatively small, which suggests that in the presence of T cells the enhancing factor(s) further amplifies antibody formation.  相似文献   

The interaction of the alpha and beta 2 subunits of tryptophan synthase of Escherichia coli to form an alpha 2 beta 2 complex has been probed by differential labeling studies. In the first step the separate alpha or beta 2 subunit or the alpha 2 beta 2 complex was labeled by reductive methylation with trace amounts of [3H]HCHO in the presence of NaCNBH3. In the second step the 3H-labeled preparation was fully labeled under denaturing conditions with [14C]HCHO and NaCNBH3. Peptides containing labeled monomethyl or dimethyl amino groups were isolated after thermolytic digestion or after cyanogen bromide treatment. The 3H/14C ratio of each peptide is a measure of the relative reactivity of the amino group or groups in each peptide. The most reactive amino group in the alpha subunit, lysine-109, is strongly shielded from modification in the alpha 2 beta 2 complex. The most reactive amino group in the beta 2 subunit, the amino-terminal threonine, is not shielded from modification in the alpha 2 beta 2 complex.  相似文献   

Mouse immune Interferon, induced by the T-cell mitogen staphylococcal enterotoxin A (SEA), was partially purified and used to immunize rabbits. The resulting antiserum neutralized all immune interferon preparations tested, including interferon induced in vitro by SEA, concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin P, and pokeweed mitogen, and in mixed lymphocyte cultures. Interferon produced in vivo with specific antigen was also neutralized. The antiserum was equally potent against all these interferon preparations. The serum did not neutralize any virus-type interferon preparation tested, but immune interferon induced by SEA in athymic nude mouse spleen cells was neutralized. The neutralizing activity was precipitable by 33% ammonium sulfate, and was not removed by absorption of the serum with mouse cells. The data suggest that immune interferons produced under diverse conditions are antigenically the same or closely related.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the interaction of mouse sperm with unfertilized eggs and embryos, solubilized zonae pellucidae isolated from eggs and embryos, and purified zona pellucida glycoproteins ZP1, 2, and 3 (J. D. Bleil, and P. M. Wassarman, (1980b) Dev. Biol. 76, 185-202) has been examined in vitro by light and electron microscopy. The experiments described were carried out in order to determine the temporal sequence of events during sperm-egg interaction in vitro and to identify the component(s) of zonae pellucidae responsible for inducing mouse sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction. "Pulse-chase" analysis of the sequence of sperm-egg interactions revealed that mouse sperm first "attach" loosely and then "bind" tightly to the unfertilized egg's zona pellucida. Binding of sperm to egg zonae pellucidae is followed by induction of the acrosome reaction. Induction of the acrosome reaction can be mediated by the zona pellucida, since solubilized zonae pellucidae isolated from unfertilized eggs were found to be just as effective as the calcium ionophore A23187 in inducing the reaction in vitro. Furthermore, ZP3 purified from zonae pellucidae isolated from unfertilized eggs, but not from two-cell embryos, was also just as effective as either solubilized zonae pellucidae from eggs or ionophore A23187 in inducing the acrosome reaction. ZP1 and 2 from both eggs and embryos, and ZP3 from embryos, had little effect on the extent of the acrosome reaction as compared to control samples. The results of these and other experiments (J. D. Bleil, and P. M. Wassarman, (1980b) Cell 20, 873-882) strongly suggest that, at least in vitro, mouse sperm recognize and bind to ZP3 of egg zonae pellucidae, and that such binding leads to the induction of the acrosome reaction. Modification of ZP3 following fertilization eliminates sperm binding to zonae pellucidae and, consequently, induction of the acrosome reaction is precluded.  相似文献   

A photoaffinity probe for the vitamin D-dependent chick intestinal calcium binding protein (CaBP) has been prepared by conjugation of methyl-4-azidobenzoimidate (MABI) to lactoperoxidase-125I-iodinated CaBP to yield 125I-CaBP-MABI: [3 moles MABI per mole CaBP]. After incubation invitro of 125I-CaBP-MABI (28,000 daltons) in model systems with bovine intestinal alkaline phosphatase (AP) (67,000 daltons), a UV light-dependent crosslinking occurred to yield a conjugate with a molecular weight of 95,000 (by SDS-gel electrophoresis); no crosslinking occurred with E.coli alkaline phosphatase. The formation of the 125I-CaBP-MABI-AP was found to occur only in the presence of calcium.  相似文献   

1) A reproducible procedure was developed for the purification of bovine follitropin. 2) The method involved ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange and adsorption chromatography, concanacaline-A-Sepharose chromatography and gel filtration. 3) A specific radioligand receptor assay was used to monitor each chromatographical step. 4) The potency of highly purified bovine follitropin as measured by Steelman and Pohley bioassay was 62 times the NIH-FSH-B1 standard preparation. 5) Contaminations of bovine follitropin by other glycoprotein hormones such as thyrotropin and lutropin amounted to 3 and 0.45 per cent by weight respectively as measured by specific radioimmunoassays and radioligand receptor assays. 6) The subunits alpha and beta of bovine follitropin were obtained by incubation in acidic urea, the chains being then separated by anion exchange chromatography. The subunits were subjitted to complete characterization. The amino-terminal residue of the alpha subunit is phenylalanine while a half cystine residue was found at the aminoterminal end of the beta chain. 8) Cross-contamination of the alpha and beta subunit preparations was measured by specific radioimmunoassays and amounted to 0.02 and 0.1 per cent by weight respectively.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase, namely nicotinamide, benzamide, m-methoxybenzamide and 3-aminobenzamide, augmented chondrocytic differentiation chick embryo limb bud mesenchymal cells, in culture. These inhibitors stimulated early appearance and massive formation of cartilage nodules in micromass cultures stage 23-24 chick embryos. They also induced nodule formation in micromass and cartilage colonies at micromass plating densities from stage 18-19 embryo Benzamide, however, did not prevent differentiated chondrocytes from undergoing a pleiotypic change in cell type. These results are compatible with the putative regulatory function of poly(ADP-ribose) on cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Dissociated sympathetic neurons from the neonatal rat, grown in cell culture in the virtual absence of other cell types, can develop many of the properties expected of differentiated adrenergic neurons including the ability to synthesize and accumulate catecholamines (CA)2. However, in the presence of high concentrations of appropriately conditioned medium (CM), the cultures develop the ability to synthesize and accumulate acetylcholine (ACh); correspondingly, their ability to synthesize CA decreases. In this paper several developmental aspects of the CM effect are described. The time course of development of cultures grown with or without CM was followed using synthesis and accumulation of [3H]CA from [3H]tyrosine and production of [3H]ACh from [3H]choline as assays for adrenergic and cholinergic differentiation. The ability to produce CA or ACh developed along parallel time courses in the two sets of cultures, rising primarily during the second week in vitro and reaching a plateau during the fourth week. When CM was used as a cholinergic developmental signal, the sympathetic neurons showed a decreasing response to addition of CM as they matured adrenergically; addition of CM during the third or fourth 10 days in vitro was not as effective in inducing ACh production as addition during the first or second 10 days. Similarly, removal of CM at various times from cultures previously grown in CM showed that the cholinergic induction caused by CM was not easily reversible in older cultures. Thus, as with the adrenergic decision, the cholinergic decision becomes less reversible as the phenotype becomes fully expressed.  相似文献   

Adrenal medullary cells were cultured in a serum-free medium from fetal, neonatal (calves), and adult bovine animals. Neurite outgrowth in response to nerve growth factor (NGF) was observed in cells obtained from fetuses up to a gestational age of 3 months but not in cultures from older animals. The tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) specific activity was found to depend on the cell density and corresponded, at a density of 2 × 105 cells/cm2, to the specific activity found in vivo. The TH specific activity increased about sevenfold from fetuses to adult animals. Administration of NGF in vitro caused an increase of the TH specific activity in fetal cells by up to 140% and in calf cells typically by 70–100%. Cultures from adult animals showed no significant TH increase in response to NGF. Scatchard analysis and kinetic studies of the NGF binding at 0°C to intact adrenal medullary cells cultured from calves or from adult bovine animals revealed the presence of only one class of receptors, having a dissociation constant (KD) of 1 × 10 9, M. There are 16,000 binding sites per cell. The affinity of the reeptors in vivo (determined in crude membrane preparations) did not alter during development, whereas the receptor density decreased with increasing fetal age, but was the same for calves and adults. Whereas the loss of NGF-mediated fiber outgrowth during development might be related to the reduction of receptor density, the disappearance of the NGF-mediated TH induction does not correlate with changes in the binding characteristics of NGF to the adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Interleukin 2 (IL 2) or T-cell growth factor induced the production of immune interferon (IFNγ) in C57B1/6 mouse spleen cell cultures, and enhanced mitogen-induced IFNγ production in both spleen cells and thymocytes. Staphylococcal enterotoxin A, but not phytohemagglutinin P (PHA-P), induced IFNγ production in thymocytes. IL 2 enhanced this production by almost 12-fold, while having no effect on the negative response to PHA-P. The IFN activity was shown to be IFNγ by neutralization with specific antiserum. A strict correlation between IL 2 induction or enhancement of IFNγ production and cell proliferation was not observed, probably indicating that non-IFN-producing cells also proliferated in the presence of IL 2. The data indicate that IL 2 can both induce IFNγ and modulate mitogen induction of IFNγ.  相似文献   

Chick embryo retina and optic tectum cells can be dissociated into single cells and then reaggregated in suspension cultures to give highly organized and differentiated aggregates. These aggregates show a degree of cholinergic differentiation that is characteristic of each cell type; the low activity of choline acetyltransferase in the optic tectum aggregates probably reflects the condition of natural deafferentation inherent in the culture situation. It is possible, in this respect, to study the retina-tectum interaction in vitro by preparing coaggregates including both types of cells. When coaggregates are prepared from tectum and retina cells of the same developmental age, the activity of choline acetyltransferase measured in the coaggregates is consistently higher than would be expected from the simple addition of the activities of the component cells, pointing to some kind of metabolic synergism between retinal and tectal cells. As for acetylcholinesterase, this synergism occurs only under special circumstances, and it is generally less marked. No synergism was observed when retina and tectum cells of different developmental age were coaggregated, suggesting the existence of a temporal control of neuronal interaction specificity. On the other hand, the synergism is only observed between neuronal systems that are known to establish synaptic connections during normal in vivo development: No interaction could be detected when either retinal or tectal cells were combined with telencephalon, cerebellum, or liver cells. Experimental evidence is presented suggesting that the retina-tectum interaction depends on intimate cell-cell contact, and it is not mediated by freely diffusible molecules. Neurotransmission-related metabolic studies in coaggregates seem to offer a promising tool to study recognition-interaction phenomena in groups of neurons establishing synaptic links during development.  相似文献   

The effects of tunicamycin on protein glycosylation and cell differentiation were examined during early development of Dictyostelium discoideum. Tunicamycin inhibited cell growth reversibly in liquid medium. At a concentration of 3 μg/ml, tunicamycin completely inhibited morphogenesis and cell differentiation in developing cells. These cells remained as a smooth lawn and failed to undergo chemotactic migration. The expression of EDTA-resistant contact sites was also inhibited. The inhibition by tunicamycin was reversible if cells were washed free of the drug within the first 10 hr of incubation. After 12 hr of development, cells were protected from the drug by the sheath. When cells were treated with tunicamycin during the first 10 hr of development, incorporation of [3H]mannose and [3H] fucose was inhibited by approximately 75% within 45 min while no significant inhibition of [3H]leucine incorporation was observed during the initial 3 hr of drug treatment. The inhibition of protein glycosylation was further evidenced by the reduction in number of glycoproteins “stained” with 125I-labelled con A. A number of developmentally regulated high-molecular-weight glycoproteins, including the contact site A glycoprotein (gp80), were undetectable when cells were labelled with [3H]fucose in the presence of tunicamycin. It is therefore evident that glycoproteins with N-glycosidically linked carbohydrate moieties may play a crucial role in intercellular cohesiveness and early development of D. discoideum.  相似文献   

Adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cAMP) is a chemoattractant in Dictyostelium discoideum; it also induces phosphodiesterase activity. Recently it was shown (M. H. Juliani, J. Brusca, and C. Klein, (1981)Develop. Biol.83, 114–121) that N6-(aminohexyl)adenosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (hexyl-cAMP) effectively induced phosphodiesterase activity, while this compound was chemotactically inactive and did not effectively bind to the cell surface receptor for cAMP. It was suggested that hexyl-cAMP and cAMP induce phosphodiesterase activity via a chemoreceptor-independent mechanism. In another recent report (P. J. M. Van Haastert, R. C. Van der Meer, and T. M. Konijn (1981)J. Bacteriol.147, 170–175) investigation of induction of phosphodiesterase by several cAMP derivatives revealed that phosphodiesterase induction and chemotaxis had similar cyclic nucleotide specificity. Based on this result it was suggested that cAMP induces phosphodiesterase activity via activation of the chemotactic receptor. In this report we show that hexyl-cAMP transiently inhibits extracellular and cell surface phosphodiesterase. This transient inhibition of the inactivating enzyme and the permanent release of small amounts of cAMP by the cells leads to a transient increase of extracellular cAMP levels. Hexyl-cAMP does not inhibit beef heart phosphodiesterase, and is not degraded by this enzyme. Addition of hexyl-cAMP to a cell suspension containing beef heart phosphodiesterase does not result in an accumulation of extracellular cAMP, and phosphodiesterase induction is absent. We conclude that hexyl-cAMP inhibits phosphodiesterase activity which leads to the accumulation of cAMP; consequently cAMP binds to the chemotactic cAMP receptor resulting in the induction of phosphodiesterase activity.  相似文献   

Styrene monooxygenase activity was measured in intact nuclear preparations from rat liver by means of a gas chromatographic method. Styrene epoxide formation is NADPH-dependent although it is enhanced when NADH is added with NADPH. This activity is inhibited by microsomal monooxygenase inhibitors SKF 525A and metyrapone and by microsomal epoxide hydrase inhibitors 1,2-epoxy-3,3,3-trichloropropene oxide and cyclohexene oxide. The percentage of inhibition is quantitatively dffferent for the four compounds. Known inducers of liver microsomal monooxygenase show different patterns of induction on nuclear preparations. Phenobarbital induces nuclear monooxygenase activity more than the respective microsomal activity, whereas the contrary holds true for β-naphthoflavone.  相似文献   

Supernatants were harvested from a 24-hr culture of immune mouse spleen cells and erythrocyte antigens. Delayed footpad reactions to such heterologous erythrocytes were augmented antigen specifically when the supernatants were transferred a few hours before immunization of recipients. The augmentation factor(s) contained in the supernatants may exert its effect on the induction phase of delayed-type hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

Mice that received a sublethal, intraperitoneal dose of viable Listeria monocytogenes, virulent strain 10403, exhibited a systemic increase in natural killer (NK) activity. The kinetics of the response differed with respect to the various effector cell populations analyzed. Resident peritoneal cells and peripheral blood leukocytes demonstrated high NK activity on Days 3, 7, and 10. Peak spleen and bone marrow NK activity was observed on Day 3, returning to normal levels by Day 7. In contrast, peritoneal exudate cells, elicited with proteose peptone, expressed enhanced NK activity for 60 days following infection with viable Listeria. Augmented NK activity was detected with all cell types as early as 12 hr after infection. The intraperitoneal injection of nonviable antigenic preparations derived from L. monocytogenes, strain 10403, resulted in the enhancement of peritoneal and splenic NK activity. In contrast, mice that received an intraperitoneal injection of avirulent Listeria, strain 19113, failed to express enhanced levels of NK activity. The genetic trait of anti-listerial resistance which is associated with non-H-2 linked genes was of no importance with respect to enhanced NK activity. Listeria-resistant C57BL/6J and Listeria-susceptible DBA/2J mice both produced systemic augmentation of NK activity following infection. NK activity was not abrogated by macrophage depletion or by treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 serum plus complement. These results confirm the potent immunostimulatory capacity of virulent Listeria for NK activity and provide further insight into the kinetics of this response in various lymphoid compartments. The protracted augmentation of NK activity of elicited peritoneal exudate cells as compared to nonelicited peritoneal cells in Listeria-primed mice suggests that the influx of inflammatory cells may provide NK-enriched and/or accessory populations for immunopotentiation of NK activity in inflammatory sites.  相似文献   

Intercellular junction formation in preimplantation mouse embryos was investigated with thin-section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. At the four-cell stage, regions of close membrane apposition with focal points of membrane contact and occasional underlying cytoplasmic densities were observed between blastomeres of thin-sectioned embryos. Corresponding intramembrane specializations were not, however, observed in freeze-fractured embryos. At the 8- to 16-cell stage, small gap and macula occludens junctions and complexes of these junctions were observed at all levels between blastomeres of freeze-fractured embryos. As development progressed from the early to mid 8- to 16-cell stage, the size of the occludens/gap junction complexes increased, forming fascia occludens/gap junction complexes. At the morula stage, gap junctions and occludens/gap junction complexes were observed on both presumptive trophoblast and inner cell-mass cells. Zonula occludens junctions were first observed at the morula stage on presumptive trophoblast cells of freeze-fractured embryos. The number of embryos possessing zonula occludens junctions increased at the mid compared to the early morula stage. At the blastocyst stage, junctional complexes consisting of zonula occludens, macula adherens, and gap junctions were observed between trophoblast cells of freeze-fractured and thin-sectioned embryos. Isolated gap and occludens junctions, adherens junctions, and occludens/gap junction complexes were observed on trophoblast and inner cell-mass cells.  相似文献   

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