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Food-grade gene expression in lactic acid bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 1990s, significant efforts were invested in the research and development of food-grade expression systems in lactic acid bacteria (LAB). At this time, Lactococcus lactis in particular was demonstrated to be an ideal cell factory for the food-grade production of recombinant proteins. Steady progress has since been made in research on LAB, including Lactococcus, Lactobacillus and Streptococcus, in the areas of recombinant enzyme production, industrial food fermentation, and gene and metabolic pathway regulation. Over the past decade, this work has also led to new approaches on chromosomal integration vectors and host/vector systems. These newly constructed food-grade gene expression systems were designed with specific attention to self-cloning strategies, food-grade selection markers, plasmid replication and chromosomal gene replacements. In this review, we discuss some well-characterized chromosomal integration and food-grade host/vector systems used in LAB, with a special focus on sustainability, stability and overall safety, and give some attractive examples of protein expression that are based on these systems.  相似文献   

The impact of lactic acid bacteria on cheese flavor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Chesse flavor is a manifestation of complex interactions of volatile and non-volatile flavor-active compounds plus tactual perception. Numerous agents, including lactic acid bacteria, procece the flavou sensations. The effect of lactic acid bacteria is more dominant in cheese varieties with limited growth of secondary flora. This review describes the indirect and direct impacts of lactic acid bacteria in cheese with emphasis on carbohydrate fermentation, changes in oxidation-reduction potential, interactions with non-starter bacteria, autolysis, proteolytic and peptidolytic activities, transport of metabolites and flavor production.  相似文献   

Acquired antibiotic resistance in lactic acid bacteria from food   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Acquired antibiotic resistance, i.e. resistance genes located on conjugative or mobilizable plasmids and transposons can be found in species living in habitats (e.g. human and animal intestines) which are regularly challenged with antibiotics. Most data are available for enterococci and enteric lactobacilli. Raw material from animals (milk and meat) which are inadvertantly contaminated with fecal matters during production will carry antibiotic resistant lactic acid bacteria into the final fermented products such as raw milk cheeses and raw sausages. The discovered conjugative genetic elements of LAB isolated from animals and food are very similar to elements studied previously in pathogenic streptococci and enterococci, e.g. -type replicating plasmids of the pAM1, pIP501-family, and transposons of the Tn916-type. Observed resistance genes include known genes like tetM, ermAM, cat, sat and vanA. A composite 29'871 bp resistance plasmid detected in Lactococcus lacti s subsp. lactis isolated from a raw milk soft cheese contains tetS previously described in Listeria monocytogenes, cat and str from Staphylococcus aureus. Three out of five IS elements on the plasmid are almost or completely identical to IS1216 present in the vanA resistance transposon Tn1546. These data support the view that in antibiotic challenged habitats lactic acid bacteria like other bacteria participate in the communication systems which transfer resistance traits over species and genus borders. The prevalence of such bacteria with acquired resistances like enterococci is high in animals (and humans) which are regularly treated with antibiotics. The transfer of antibiotic resistant bacteria from animals into fermented and other food can be avoided if the raw substrate milk or meat is pasteurized or heat treated. Antibiotic resistance traits as selectable markers in genetic modification of lactic acid bacteria for different purposes are presently being replaced, e.g. by metabo lic traits to generate food-grade vectors.  相似文献   

Aims:  To isolate bacteriocin-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with high wide spectrum antibacterial activity and to characterize their inhibitory peptides.
Method and Results:  Seven LAB strains [ Lactobacillus casei ssp. rhamnosus (PC5), Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus (BB18), Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis (BCM5, BK15), Enterococcus faecium (MH3), Lactobacillus plantarum (BR12), Lactobacillus casei ssp. casei (BCZ2)], isolated from authentic Bulgarian dairy products were capable of producing bacteriocins, inhibiting the widest range of pathogenic bacteria. The bacteriocins were resistant to heating at 121°C for 15 min, stable at pH 2–10, sensitive to protease, insensitive to α-amylase and lipase. Two of bacteriocins produced by Lact. bulgaricus BB18 (bulgaricin BB18) and E. faecium MH3 (enterocin MH3) were purified and the molecular masses were determined. The N -terminal amino acid sequence of bulgaricin BB18 did not show strong homology to other known bacteriocins.
Conclusions:  Lactobacillus bulgaricus BB18 and E. faecium MH3 produce two novel bacteriocins highly similar to the pediocin-like nonlantibiotics.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The two bacteriocins are potential antimicrobial agents and, in conjunction with their producers, may have use in applications to contribute a positive effect on the balance of intestinal microflora. Furthermore, bulgaricin BB18 strongly inhibits Helicobacter pylori .  相似文献   

以德氏乳酸杆菌为研究对象,考察了八种有机溶剂分别加入培养基对细菌生长及产酸的影响。结果表明,采用油醇和三辛胺混合溶剂时,既能降低对细胞生长的毒性,又保持了较强的萃取能力。对悬浮细胞发酵和萃取整合的方法和固定化细胞发酵和萃取整合的方法进行了比较,表明这两种方法均较常规培养方法提高乳酸产率60%以上。  相似文献   

The role of lactic acid bacteria in accelerated cheese ripening   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract: The ripening of cheese is a slow and consequently an expensive process. The economic advantage of rapid development of more intense cheese flavour in shorter periods of time would be substantial. Lactic acid bacteria play a key role during ripening and can therefore be used as accelerating agents. This review describes the different strategies where lactic acid bacteria or their enzymes were used to reduce the ripening time of cheese. The advantages, limitations and technical feasibility as well as the commercial potential of the different approaches are also considered.  相似文献   

Anchoring of proteins to lactic acid bacteria   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The anchoring of proteins to the cell surface of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) using genetic techniques is an exciting and emerging research area that holds great promise for a wide variety of biotechnological applications. This paper reviews five different types of anchoring domains that have been explored for their efficiency in attaching hybrid proteins to the cell membrane or cell wall of LAB. The most exploited anchoring regions are those with the LPXTG box that bind the proteins in a covalent way to the cell wall. In recent years, two new modes of cell wall protein anchoring have been studied and these may provide new approaches in surface display. The important progress that is being made with cell surface display of chimaeric proteins in the areas of vaccine development and enzyme- or whole-cell immobilisation is highlighted.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify and characterize bacteriocion-producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in sourdoughs and to compare in vitro and in situ bacteriocin activity of sourdough- and nonsourdough LAB. METHODS AND RESULTS: Production of antimicrobial compounds by 437 Lactobacillus strains isolated from 70 sourdoughs was investigated. Five strains (Lactobacillus pentosus 2MF8 and 8CF, Lb. plantarum 4DE and 3DM and Lactobacillus spp. CS1) were found to produce distinct bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (BLIS). BLIS-producing Lactococcus lactis isolated from raw barley showed a wider inhibitory spectrum than sourdough LAB, but they did not inhibit all strains of the key sourdough bacterium Lb. sanfranciscensis. Antimicrobial production by Lb. pentosus 2MF8 and Lc. lactis M30 was also demonstrated in situ. CONCLUSIONS: BLIS production by sourdough LAB appears to occur at a low frequency, showing limited inhibitory spectrum when compared with BLIS-producing Lc. lactis. Nevertheless, they are active BLIS producers under sourdough and bread-making conditions. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The activity of BLIS has been demonstrated in situ. It may influence the complex sourdough microflora and support the implantation and stability of selected insensitive bacteria, such as Lb. sanfranciscensis, useful to confer good characteristics to the dough.  相似文献   

AIMS: To clone and analyse seven putative promoter fragments (pepC, pepN, pepX, pepO, pepE, pepO2, hsp17) from Lactobacillus helveticus CNRZ32 for their expression in Lact. helveticus CNRZ32, Lact. casei ATCC334 and Lactococcus lactis MG1363. METHODS AND RESULTS: Promoter fragments were fused to the promoter-less beta-glucuronidase (gusA) gene on pNZ272(RBS-) (ATG-). The resulting constructs were evaluated for their ability to drive the expression of active GusA with 0.5 mmol l(-1) 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronide. All promoters except P(pepN)::gusA were active in the examined strains. Northern hybridization was performed to examine the promoter strength. Sequence analysis of these promoters identified well conserved putative ribosomal binding and putative -10 hexamers sites. CONCLUSIONS: Seven promoter fragments from Lact. helveticus CNRZ32 were recognized in the lactic acid bacteria, Lact. casei ATCC334 and L. lactis MG1363, as well as in Escherichia coli. P(pepN)::gusA could not be maintained in the strains examined because of toxicity associated with heterologous protein over-expression driven by P(pepN). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study revealed that desirable levels of heterologous food-grade protein production in GRAS organisms can be obtained with the application of natural promoter fragments from closely related organisms.  相似文献   

Discovering lactic acid bacteria by genomics   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
This review summarizes a collection of lactic acid bacteria that are now undergoing genomic sequencing and analysis. Summaries are presented on twenty different species, with each overview discussing the organisms fundamental and practical significance, nvironmental habitat, and its role in fermentation, bioprocessing, or probiotics. For those projects where genome sequence data were available by March 2002, summaries include a listing of key statistics and interesting genomic features. These efforts will revolutionize our molecular view of Gram–positive bacteria, as up to 15 genomes from the low GC content lactic acid bacteria are expected to be available in the public domain by the end of 2003. Our collective view of the lactic acid bacteria will be fundamentally changed as we rediscover the relationships and capabilities of these organisms through genomics.  相似文献   

Besides lactic acid, many lactic acid bacteria also produce proteinaceous metabolites (bacteriocins) such as nisin. As catabolite repression and end-product inhibition limit production of both products, we have investigated the use of alternative methods of supplying substrate and neutralizing or extracting lactic acid to increase yields. Fed-batch fermentation trials using a stillage-based medium with pH control by NH4OH resulted in improved lactic acid (83.4 g/l, 3.18 g/l/h, 95% yield) and nisin (1,260 IU/ml, 84,000 IU/l/h, 14,900 IU/g) production. Removing particulate matter from the stillage-based medium increased nisin production (1,590 IU/ml, 33,700 IU/g), but decreased lactic acid production (58.5 g/l, 1.40 g/l/h, 96% yield). Removing lactic acid by ion exchange resins stimulated higher lactic acid concentrations (60 to 65 g/l) and productivities (2.0 to 2.6 g/l/h) in the filtered stillage medium at the expense of nisin production (1,500 IU/ml, 25,800 IU/g).  相似文献   

为比较研究不同质粒针对不同乳酸茵的电转效率的差异,分别以乳酸乳球菌NZ9000、干酪乳杆菌LC2W和植物乳杆菌WCFS1三种乳酸菌为受体,以七种不同质粒为载体,进行电转实验.结果表明在乳酸乳球菌NZ9000中,转化效率最高的是pIB 184质粒,达到了1.53×107 cfg/μgDNA,在干酪乳杆菌LC2W中,pSIP403质粒的电转化效率最高,达到了6.42×105 cfg/μgDNA,在植物乳杆菌WCFS1的电转化中,是pNZ44质粒达到8.68×105 cfg/μgDNA的最高转化效率.其中质粒pIB184和pNZ44在三种菌株中均有较高的电转化效率,超过了103 cfg/μgDNA,另一方面T-pAMS100、pSIP403、pSIP409三个质粒在干酪乳杆菌与植物乳杆菌中的电转化效率明显高于乳酸乳球菌.不同质粒针对不同乳酸茵的转化效率为乳酸茵的高效电转和表达栽体的选择与构建提供了可行依据.  相似文献   

Aims: Phenotypic and molecular methods were used to identify and compare the strain composition of three industrial dairy starters used for the manufacture of viili. Methods and Results: Preliminary differentiation was made by phenotypic methods. Genotypic differentiation was carried out using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and further characterization at strain level by pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The isolates could be assigned as acid‐producing Lactococcus lactis strains of both lactis and cremoris subspecies, and aroma producers, identified as L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides. PCR analysis discriminated between the lactococcal subspecies, and cluster analysis of the digestion patterns of PFGE analysis revealed different genotypes in each subspecies. Each Leuconostoc‐genotype seemed to be specific to only a single starter mix. Conclusions: The work proved that in addition to L. lactis subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis and Leuc. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris, commercial viili starters of traditional origin may contain (i) only L. lactis subsp. cremoris, (ii) both L. lactis subsp. cremoris and L. lactis subsp. lactis as a minority, and – as a new discovery – (iii) only L. lactis subsp. lactis. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results obtained give an overview of the microbial population of viili starters and can be exploited in the development of optimized starter cultures for industrial‐scale manufacture of viili.  相似文献   

AIMS: To biochemically characterize the bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis M30 and demonstrate its effect on lactic acid bacteria (LAB) during sourdough propagation. METHODS AND RESULTS: A two-peptide bacteriocin produced by L. lactis ssp. lactis M30 was purified by ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction and reversed phase chromatography. Mass spectrometry of the two peptides and sequence analysis of the ltnA2 gene showed that the bacteriocin was almost identical to lacticin 3147. During a 20-day period of sourdough propagation the stability of L. lactis M30 was demonstrated, with concomitant inhibition of the indicator strain Lactobacillus plantarum 20, as well as the non-interference with the growth of the starter strain Lact. sanfranciscensis CB1. CONCLUSIONS: In situ active bacteriocins influence the microbial consortium of sourdough LAB and can "support" the dominance of insensitive strains during sourdough fermentation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The in situ bacteriocinogenic activity of selected lactococci enables the persistence of insensitive Lact. sanfranciscensis strains, useful to confer good characteristics to the dough, at a higher cell concentration with respect to other LAB of the same ecosystem.  相似文献   

为实现人胰岛素基因在乳酸菌中的表达及探索其用作口服疫苗治疗Ⅰ型糖尿病(T1DM)的可行性,首先将人胰岛素基因密码子替换为乳酸菌偏爱密码子,同时在A,B链序列间加入连接短肽序列,经引物退火拼接合成人胰岛素基因。克隆至乳酸菌表达载体中后,利用电击转化法实现了带信号肽SPUsp45的人胰岛素基因在乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)MG1363和干酪乳杆菌(Lactobacillus casei)ATCC27092中的表达。Western blot检测显示重组胰岛素位于细胞壁上,当菌体生长到OD600为0.4时达到最大表达量。用含有表达重组人胰岛素的Lactobacillus caseiATCC27092/pSW501菌体饲喂非肥胖糖尿病(NOD)小鼠,发现可刺激小鼠产生特异性抗体,同时使与免疫耐受相关的细胞因子IL-4水平明显升高(38.583±2.083pg/mL,P<0.05),提示其对NOD小鼠产生免疫耐受有一定的作用,为研制乳酸菌口服疫苗防治T1DM的可行性进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the influence of carbohydrates on enrichment isolation of lactic acid bacteria from different niches. Methods and Results: Lactic acid bacteria in three traditional fermented products in southern Africa (amasi, mahewu and tshwala) and in three fresh samples (two flowers and a fruit) were enrichment cultured in media supplemented with 13 different carbohydrates. Diversity of lactic acid bacteria was determined by PCR‐denaturing‐gradient gel electrophoresis. Carbohydrates used in enrichment media had a big impact on the isolation of lactic acid bacteria from fermented products. Depending on the carbohydrates tested, the number of species detected ranged from one to four in amasi, one to five in mahewu and one to three in tshwala. Fructose and mannitol selected for relatively higher numbers of lactic acid bacteria in fermented products. Specific relationships between substrates and lactic acid bacteria have been noted. On the other hand, small influences were found among carbohydrates tested in flowers and fruit. Conclusion: Carbohydrates have a big impact on the isolation of a variety of lactic acid bacteria in fermented food. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first study that reports the influence of carbohydrates on the enrichment of lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

AIMS: It was the aim of our work to investigate glutamine deamidation by lactic acid bacteria isolated from cereal fermentations and to elucidate the ecological and technological relevance in baking of the conversion of glutamine to glutamate. METHODS AND RESULTS: Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis and Lact. reuteri were found to display glutaminase activity. The addition of glutamine to modified Man, Rogosa and Sharp medium increased the cell yields of Lact. sanfranciscensis, as well as the production of lactic and acetic acid. The final pH; however, was increased in the glutamine-containing medium. The addition of 47 mmol kg(-1) glutamate to chemically acidified doughs significantly changed the bread flavour. In sourdoughs with enhanced proteolytic activity, strain-dependent production of 27-120 mmol glutamate per kilogram sourdough was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis and Lact. reuteri converted glutamine into glutamate; this conversion improves the acid tolerance of lactobacilli and significantly influences wheat bread flavour. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This paper illustrates the complex interaction of sourdough-lactobacilli with their environment: the flour provides substrates for metabolic activities that enable the lactobacilli to reach higher cell counts, and the produced metabolite may be one of the reasons why the flavour of fermented breads is different to the flavour of chemically acidified breads.  相似文献   

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