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The mechanism of oxaloacetate efflux from rat kidney mitochondria has been investigated in view of its possible role both in gluconeogenesis and in transferring cytosolic reducing equivalents into mitochondria. Thus reconstruction of the malate/oxaloacetate shuttle made possible by the oxaloacetate carrier has been made. Moreover the existence of a separate translocator able to allow a bidirectional alpha-cyanocinnamate-insensitive pyruvate/oxaloacetate exchange has been ascertained. This carrier is specific of gluconeogenetic organs in particularly of kidney, where it shows a marked affinity for pyruvate (Km = 0.45 mM and Vmax = 38 nmoles oxaloacetate effluxed/min X mg mitochondrial protein at 20 degrees C). Some features of both pyruvate/oxaloacetate and malate/oxaloacetate exchanges are also described.  相似文献   

The possible fumarate translocation in rat heart mitochondria is examined. This substrate, which is claimed to be a non permeant ion in rat liver mitochondria appears to cross the mitochondrial membrane in cardiac mitochondria. This conclusion was proposed on the basis of experimental results which show swelling by rat heart mitochondria in ammonium fumarate, uptake by mitochondria of fumarate, Pi efflux from the matrix induced by fumarate and appearance of malate in the reaction mixture which follows the addition of fumarate to the mitochondria and depends on the fumarase activity. The existence of a carrier unknown so far as well as a possible physiological role of this transport is proposed.  相似文献   

To gain some insight into the process by which both acetylCoA and NADPH, needed for fatty acid synthesis, are obtained, in the cytosol, from the effluxed intramitochondrial citrate, via citrate lyase and malate dehydrogenase plus malic enzyme respectively, the capability of externally added pyruvate to cause efflux of malate from rat liver mitochondria was tested. The occurrence of a pyruvate/malate translocator is here shown: pyruvate/malate exchange shows saturation features (Km and Vmax values, measured at 20 degrees C and at pH 7.20, were found to be about 0.25 mM and 2.7 nmoles/min x mg mitochondrial protein, respectively) and is inhibited by certain impermeable compounds. This carrier, together with the previously reported tricarboxylate and oxodicarboxylate translocators proved to allow for citrate and oxaloacetate efflux due to externally added pyruvate.  相似文献   

1. When [2-(14)C]pyruvate is injected into rats the C3-position of liver glutamate becomes more heavily labelled than the C2-position, thus establishing that oxaloacetate and fumarate are not in equilibrium in rat liver mitochondria in vivo. The amount of disequilibrium was shown to be simply related to the value that the C3-label/C2-label ratio would have were no label recycled. This ratio, z, was calculated for post-absorptive rats in environmental temperatures of 20 degrees and 30 degrees C from determinations of the distribution of label within glutamate 1, 3 and 10min after intravenous injection of [2-(14)C]pyruvate. The values of z (best estimate and range) were 1.65 (1.60-1.69) in rats at 20 degrees C and 2.43 (2.23-2.63) in rats at 30 degrees C. These values of z imply the following rates of interconversion in mitochondria of fumarate and oxaloacetate (in terms of the oxaloacetate-->citrate flux, R) in rats at 20 degrees C: [Formula: see text] and in rats at 30 degrees C: [Formula: see text] 2. The kinetic parameters of malate dehydrogenase and fumarate hydratase and the intramitochondrial concentrations of NAD(+) and NADH under (as far as could be judged) conditions in vivo were collated. From them and the best estimates of R now available were calculated the rates of interconversion of fumarate, malate and oxaloacetate required to give the found values of z. These rates showed that the fumarate hydratase reaction was nearly in equilibrium, but that the malate dehydrogenase reaction was considerably out of equilibrium. The calculations also led to the following conclusions. 3. In livers of rats at 20 degrees and 30 degrees C mitochondrial malate concentrations were respectively about 5 and 1.5 times mean cellular concentrations. 4. Mitochondrial oxaloacetate concentrations were less than 0.2 of the mean cellular concentrations. They were also only 0.65 and 0.55 of the equilibrium concentrations for the malate dehydrogenase reaction in rats at 20 degrees and 30 degrees C respectively. 5. Malate dehydrogenase activity was low because of the very low oxaloacetate concentrations in the mitochondria and the very small fraction of the enzyme complexed with NAD(+), i.e. in each direction one substrate concentration was very sub-optimal.  相似文献   

ATP hydrolysis catalysed by the H+-ATPase of intact mitochondria can be induced by addition of ATP in the presence of valinomycin and KCl. This leads to an increase in intramitochondrial Pi and therefore allows investigation of potential Pi efflux pathways in intact mitochondria. Combining this approach with the direct measurement of both internal and external Pi, we have attempted to determine whether Pi efflux occurs via an atractyloside-sensitive transporter, by the classical operation of the Pi/H+ and Pi/dicarboxylate carriers, and/or by other mechanisms. Initial experiments re-examined the evidence that led to the current view that one efflux pathway for Pi is an atractyloside-sensitive ATP/ADP,0.5Pi transporter. No evidence was found in support of this efflux pathway. Rather, atractyloside-sensitivity of the low rate of Pi efflux observed in previous studies (oligomycin present) was accounted for by ATP entry on the well known ATP/ADP transport system followed by hydrolysis of ATP and subsequent Pi efflux. Thus, under these conditions, where ATP hydrolysis is not completely inhibited, Pi efflux becomes atractyloside sensitive most likely because this inhibitor blocks ATP entry, not because it directly inhibits Pi efflux. Substantial efflux of Pi from rat liver mitochondria is observed on generation of high levels of matrix Pi by ATP hydrolysis induced by valinomycin and K+ (oligomycin absent). A portion of this efflux can be inhibited by thiol-specific reagents at concentrations that normally inhibit the Pi/H+ and Pi/dicarboxylate carriers. However, a significant fraction of efflux continues even in the presence of p-chloromercuribenzoate, N-ethylmaleimide plus n-butylmalonate or mersalyl. The mersalyl-insensitive Pi efflux, which is also insensitive to carboxyatractyloside, is a saturable process, thus suggesting carrier mediation. During this efflux the mitochondrial inner membrane retains considerable impermeability to other low-molecular-weight anions (i.e., malate, 2-oxoglutarate). In conclusion, results presented here rule out an atractyloside-sensitive ATP/ADP,0.5Pi transport system as a mechanism for Pi efflux in rat liver mitochondria. Rather Pi efflux appears to occur on the classical Pi/H+ transport system as well as via a mersalyl-insensitive saturable process. The inhibitor-insensitive Pi efflux may occur on a portion of the Pi/H+ carrier molecules that exist in a state different from that normally catalysing Pi influx. Alternatively, a separate Pi efflux carrier may exist.  相似文献   

The mechanism of phosphate permeation in purified bean mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The permeability properties and mechanism of Pi transport wereinvestigated in purified bean mitochondria.
  1. Purified bean mitochondria are impermeable to small moleculesand ions. However, Pi, arsenate, acetate and formate can enterthe osmotically active space of bean mitochondria.
  2. Nigericinor the association of valinomycin and FCCP cause mitochondrialswelling in isoosmotic potassium phosphate.
  3. The SH-blockingreagents mersalyl, pHMB and NEM inhibit variousmitochondrialfunctions dependent on the translocation of Piand arsenateacross the membrane. These include the respirationstimulatedby ADP, Ca2++Pi, and K++valinomycin +Pi; the swellingin ammoniumphosphate medium and, in the presence of nigericin,in potassiumphosphate medium; the energy-linked yalinomycin-inducedswellingand the subsequent CICCP-induced shrinking. The uncoupler-stimulatedrespiration, as well as the other processes when acetate issubstituted for Pi, are not influenced by SH reagents.
  4. Mersalyland pHMB cause complete inhibition at about 20 nmoles/mgprotein,whereas, NEM is effective at about 1 µmole/mgprotein.The inhibition by mersalyl and pHMB, but not that byNEM, issigmoidal and reversed by 2-mercaptoethanol. Non-inhibitoryamounts of mersalyl protect the Pi transport from irreversibleinhibition by NEM.
  5. We concluded that a carrier-mediated transportsystem for Piis present in bean mitochondria, and that someof its propertiesare similar to the Pi carrier of animal mitochondria.
(Received June 5, 1975; )  相似文献   

1. The mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase from rat liver has been purified to a state of homogeneity as judged by starch-gel electrophoresis and the cytoplasmic isoenzyme has been obtained in a partically purified state. 2. Inhibition of the isoenzymes by sulphite has been studied. 3. In mitochondria loaded with sulphite, the catalytic activity of the (partially inhibited) internal malate dehydrogenase has been measured by addition of oxaloacetate to the suspension medium and observation of the consequent decrease in fluorescence of NADH. 4. Addition of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase to suspensions of mitochondria loaded with sulphite resulted in an increase in the level of intramitochondrial enzymic activity as measured by the above technique. Addition of the cytoplasmic isoenzyme did not result in such an increase. 5. These results show that mitochondria in suspension are permeable to the mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase but not to the cytoplasmic isoenzyme. 6. This conclusion has been confirmed by direct measurement of a decrease of enzyme activity in solution and an increase inside the mitochondria after incubation of organelles in solutions containing mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. No such effect was observed with the cytoplasmic isoenzyme. 7. Some features of the permeation process have been studied.  相似文献   

Ornithine uptake by rat kidney mitochondria is here first shown by monitoring the reduction of the intramitochondrial pyridine nucleotides which occurs as a result of metabolism of imported ornithine via ornithine aminotransferase and 1-pyrroline-carboxylate dehydrogenase. Ornithine uptake shows saturation features (Km and Vmax values, measured at 20 degrees C and at pH 7.20, were found to be about 0.85 mM and 23 nmoles/min x mg protein, respectively) and proves to be inhibited by D-ornithine, inorganic phosphate, praseodimium chloride and mersalyl. Neither malate nor glutamate, but phosphate was found to exchange with ornithine. Phosphate efflux caused by externally added ornithine was shown both as revealed by a c colorimetric assay and as continuously monitored by measuring extramitochondrial reduction of NAD+ in the presence of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, ADP and 3-phosphoglycerate kinase. The role of ornithine carrier in kidney metabolism will also be discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphate efflux from uncoupled rat liver mitochondria was completely inhibited when mersalyl plus butylmalonate and ATP were added to a sucrose suspending medium. Despite the total retention of phosphate a calcium efflux was observed even in presence of ruthenium red. Under the above conditions no phosphate is transported in association with the ADP/ATP carrier. While mersalyl completely blocked the phosphate release induced by ruthenium red or EGTA from coupled mitochondria it only partially inhibited the CA2+-efflux. The inhibition of Ca2+ efflux was almost completely abolished in the presence of acetate. The existence of a co-transport of Ca2+ associated with phosphate is discussed.  相似文献   

One of the major components of rat liver mitochondria detected by gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate is a 165,000 molecular weight polypeptide that makes up 15 to 20% of the total mitochondrial protein. This component appears to be a single molecular species. Evidence is presented here for the identification of this protein with the polypeptide chain of a urea cycle enzyme, carbamoylphosphate synthetase I (EC The 165,000 molecular weight polypeptide was solubilized from mitochondria with Triton X-100 and purified to 90% homogeneity by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. This component co-migrated with carbamyl phosphate synthetase activity when mitochondrial proteins were separated by gel filtration or sucrose gradient centifugation. The identification of the 165,000 molecular weight polypeptide with this activity was also supported by the presence or absence of this protein in a variety of rat tissue mitochondria, in liver and kidney mitochondria from various ureotelic and nonureotelic species, and in fetal rat liver mitochondria.  相似文献   

The rate at which isolated rat liver mitochondria synthesized citrulline with NH4C1 as nitrogen source was markedly dependent on the protein content of the diet. 2. Citrulline synthesis was not rate-limited by substrate concentration, substrate transport or ornithine transcarbamoylase activity under the conditions used. 3. The intramitochondrial content of an activator of carbamoyl phosphate synthase, assumed to be N-acetyl-glutamate, varied markedly with dietary protein content. The variation in the concentration of this activator was sufficient to account for the observed variation in the rates of citrulline synthesis if this synthesis were rate-limited by the activity of carbamoyl phosphate synthase. 4. The rates of urea formation from NH4Cl as nitrogen source in isolated liver cells showed variations in response to diet that closely paralleled the variations in the rates of citrulline synthesis observed in isolated mitochondria. 5. These results are consistent with the postulate that when NH4Cl plus ornithine are present in an excess, the rate of urea synthesis is regulated at the level of carbamoyl phosphate synthase activity.  相似文献   

The phosphate transport protein was purified from rat liver mitochondria by extraction in an 8% (v/v) Triton X-100 buffer followed by adsorption chromatography on hydroxyapatite and Celite. SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (10%, w/v) demonstrated that the purified polypeptide was apparently homogeneous when stained with Coomassie Blue and had a subunit Mr of 34,000. However, lectin overlay analysis of this gel with 125I-labelled concanavalin A demonstrated the presence of several low- and high-Mr glycoprotein contaminants. To overcome this problem, mitochondria were pre-extracted with a 0.5% (v/v) Triton X-100 buffer as an additional step in the purification of phosphate transport protein. SDS/polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis (14-20%, w/v) of the hydroxyapatite and Celite eluates revealed one major band of Mr 34,000 when stained with Coomassie Blue. The known thiol group sensitivity of the phosphate transporter was employed to characterize the isolated polypeptide further. Labelling studies with N-[2-3H]ethylmaleimide showed that only the 34,000-Mr band was labelled in both the hydroxyapatite and Celite fractions, when purified from rat liver mitochondria. Further confirmation of its identity has been provided with an antiserum directed against the 34,000-Mr protein. Specific partial inhibition of phosphate uptake, as measured by iso-osmotic swelling in the presence of (NH4)2HPO4, was achieved when mitoplasts (mitochondria minus outer membrane) were incubated with this antiserum. Finally, amino acid analysis of the rat liver mitochondrial phosphate/hydroxyl ion antiport protein indicates that it is similar in composition to the equivalent protein isolated from ox heart.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondria are not fully functional at birth. The relationship between this deficiency and the affinity for phosphate, in oxidative phosphorylation or in phosphate transport, have been studied.The phosphate concentration necessary to observe maximal rate of succinate oxidation in the presence of ADP was higher for newborn than for adult rat liver mitochondria. After preincubation of newborn rat liver mitochondria with ATP, the rate of succinate oxidation in the presence of ADP increased with phosphate concentration similarly for newborn and adult rat liver mitochondria. The maximal rate of phosphate-acetate exchange, which is an indirect measure of the rate of phosphate transport across the mitochondrial membrane, was not significantly different for adult and newborn rat liver mitochondria. On the contrary the apparent affinity for phosphate was about ten-fold lower for newborn than for adult mitochondria.  相似文献   

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