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Philip W. Hedrick 《Genetics》1976,84(1):145-157
The maintenance of genetic variation is investigated in a finite population where selection at an autosomal locus with two alleles varies temporally between two environments and the heterozygote has an intermediate fitness value. When there is additive gene action and equal selection in both environments, the autocorrelation between subsequent environments must be negative for more maintenance of genetic variation than for neutrality. The maximum maintenance occurs when there is equal selection in the two environments and the autocorrelation approaches -1.0 (for a stochastic model), or when there is short repeating cycle such as one related to seasons. Also comparison of the effects of stochastic variation in selection in finite and infinite populations is made by using Monte Carlo simulation. One situation was found where temporal environmental variation maintains genetic variation very effectively even in a small population and that is when there is evolution of dominance, i.e., the heterozygote is closer in fitness to the favored homozygote than the other homozygote. An important conclusion is that in a finite population genetic tracing of environmental change, particularly when there is a positive autocorrelation between environments or a long environmental cycle, leads to an increased loss of genetic variation making such a response undesirable in the long term, a result different from that in infinite populations.  相似文献   

Genetic Variation in Heterogeneous Environments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Charles E. Taylor 《Genetics》1976,83(4):887-894
A model of population structure in heterogeneous environments is described and conditions sufficient for maintaining a polymorphism are derived.

The absolute fitness of any genotype is regarded as a function of location in the niche space and the population density at that location. Two modes of habitat selection are examined: (1) organisms are distributed uniformly over the environment; and (2) each organism selects to occupy that habitat in which it is most fit ("optimal habitant selection").—Sufficient conditions for maintenance of genetic polymorphisms are derived for both models. In populations which do not practice habitat selection heterozygote superiority averaged over the environment is sufficient to guarantee the existence of polymorphisms. Comparable conditions for populations which practice optimal habitat selection are much less restrictive. If the heterozygotes are superior to one homozygote in any one part of the niche and to the other homozygote in any other part of the niche then a polymorphism will be defined.—A positive correlation between genetic and environmental variation follows from the model with habitat selection, but not from the other. The adaptive significance of polymorphisms thus depends on how animals behave.


Electrophoretic techniques were employed to study variation in chromosomal genes encoding enzymes and in the distribution of cryptic plasmids in the E. coli population of a human host over an 11-month period. Thirteen of the 15 enzymes studied were polymorphic, and mean genetic diversity per locus was 0.39. Among 550 clones isolated from fecal samples, protein electrophoresis revealed 53 distinct electrophoretic types (ETs). Most ETs appeared on only one or a few days and were considered transients, but two (ET-12 and ET-13) were observed many times over extended periods and represented residents. Complete turnover in the transient ETs in the population occurred in periods of from two weeks to a month. ETs appearing in one month showed no particular genetic similarity to those of the previous month. — All but 4 of the 53 ETs carried one or more "cryptic" plasmids with molecular weights ranging from 1 to 80 megadaltons. With few exceptions, the plasmid composition of each ET was unique. In the course of the 11-month sampling period, there were changes in the plasmid profiles of the resident strains ET-12 and ET-13, and also in the profile of a recurrent strain, ET-2, which was isolated on four days. Modification of the plasmid profile of ET-12 involved the sequential addition of relatively high molecular weight bands. For ET-2 and ET-13, the changes in the plasmid profiles were radical, suggesting invasions of new cell types rather than merely the addition and deletion of plasmids. — The results of this study provide three lines of evidence that recombination plays a minor role in the generation of genetic diversity in the E. coli population of a single host. (1) Several pairs of loci were in strong linkage disequilibrium; compared to a randomly generated array of genotypes, the sample of ETs contained an excess of pairs differing at one or two loci and too many pairs with highly distinctive combinations of electromorphs. (2) In most cases where pairs of ETs differed at a single locus and, therefore, could reasonably have been generated by phage- or plasmid-mobilized gene transfer, the plasmid profiles of the pair members were radically different and/or the potentially transmitted alleles were not present in other ETs in the population. (3) Although ET-12 was abundant, being represented by 252 of the 550 clones sampled, the electrophoretic type most similar to ET-12 different from it at six loci, and ET-12 carried two unique alleles. We conclude that most of the genetic diversity observed in this human host is a consequence of successive invasions of E. coli genotypes.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps are taxonomically and biologically extremely diverse. A conceptual framework has recently been developed for understanding life-history evolution and diversification in these animals, and it has confirmed that each of two linked life-history traits – the mode of larval development and the temporal pattern of egg maturation – acts as an organiser of life-history. The framework has been predicated on the assumption that there exists sufficient genetic variation in the latter trait to allow it to be shaped by natural selection. Focusing on the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma brassicae, our aim was to test the validity of that assumption, using established quantitative genetic methods. We demonstrate the existence of a statistically significant degree of intra-population polygenic variation in the temporal pattern of egg production within the wasp population we studied. Furthermore, our results, together with published data on clinal variation in the egg maturation pattern of another species, suggest that intra-specific evolutionary shifts in the temporal pattern of egg maturation of parasitoid wasps can result from a change in allocation to egg production either before, or very shortly after adult emergence, without there being an accompanying change in lifetime fecundity. As well as opening new avenues of research into the reproductive strategies, behaviour, community organisation and biological control potential of parasitoid wasps, this discovery also has implications for studies of life-history evolution and diversification in insects generally.  相似文献   

Variation of Scutellar Bristles in Drosophila I. Genetic Leakage   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Alex Fraser 《Genetics》1963,48(4):497-514

For human complex traits, non-additive genetic variation has been invoked to explain “missing heritability,” but its discovery is often neglected in genome-wide association studies. Here we propose a method of using SNP data to partition and estimate the proportion of phenotypic variance attributed to additive and dominance genetic variation at all SNPs (hSNP2 and δSNP2) in unrelated individuals based on an orthogonal model where the estimate of hSNP2 is independent of that of δSNP2. With this method, we analyzed 79 quantitative traits in 6,715 unrelated European Americans. The estimate of δSNP2 averaged across all the 79 quantitative traits was 0.03, approximately a fifth of that for additive variation (average hSNP2 = 0.15). There were a few traits that showed substantial estimates of δSNP2, none of which were replicated in a larger sample of 11,965 individuals. We further performed genome-wide association analyses of the 79 quantitative traits and detected SNPs with genome-wide significant dominance effects only at the ABO locus for factor VIII and von Willebrand factor. All these results suggest that dominance variation at common SNPs explains only a small fraction of phenotypic variation for human complex traits and contributes little to the missing narrow-sense heritability problem.  相似文献   

Twenty-one populations of the checkerspot butterfly, Euphydryas editha, and ten populations of Euphydryas chalcedona were sampled for genetic variation at eight polymorphic enzyme loci. Both species possessed loci that were highly variable from population to population and loci that were virtually identical across all populations sampled. Our data indicate that the neutrality hypothesis is untenable for the loci studied, and therefore selection is indicated as the major factor responsible for producing these patterns. Thorough ecological work allowed gene flow to be ruled out (in almost all instances) as a factor maintaining similar gene frequencies across populations. The Lewontin-Krakauer test indicated magnitudes of heterogeneity among standardized variances of gene frequencies inconsistent with the neutrality hypothesis. The question of whether or not to correct this statistic for sample size is discussed. Observed equitability of gene frequencies of multiple allelic loci was found to be greater than that predicted under the neutrality hypothesis. Genetic differentiation persisting through two generations was found between the one pair of populations known to exchange significant numbers of individuals per generation. Two matrices of genetic distance between populations, based on the eight loci sampled, were found to be significantly correlated with a matrix of environmental distance, based on measures of fourteen environmental parameters. Correlations between gene frequencies and environmental parameters, results of multiple regression analysis, and results of principle component analysis showed strong patterns of association and of "explained" variation. The correlation analyses suggest which factors might be further investigated as proximate selective agents.  相似文献   

Highton R 《Genetics》1975,80(2):363-374
Female parent-offspring phenotypic data on color morph frequencies in the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus, were obtained from two Virginia localities (164 broods from Greene County and 97 broods from Giles County). The color morph data indicate that the striped morph is genetically dominant in Giles County and recessive in Greene County. It is suggested that epistatic interaction of two or more loci is responsible for the difference between the localities.  相似文献   

Cell migration is essential in animal development, homeostasis, and disease progression, but many questions remain unanswered about how this process is controlled. While many kinds of individual cell movements have been characterized, less effort has been directed towards understanding how clusters of cells migrate collectively through heterogeneous, cellular environments. To explore this, we have focused on the migration of the border cells during Drosophila egg development. In this case, a cluster of different cell types coalesce and traverse as a group between large cells, called nurse cells, in the center of the egg chamber. We have developed a new model for this collective cell migration based on the forces of adhesion, repulsion, migration and stochastic fluctuation to generate the movement of discrete cells. We implement the model using Identical Math Cells, or IMCs. IMCs can each represent one biological cell of the system, or can be aggregated using increased adhesion forces to model the dynamics of larger biological cells. The domain of interest is filled with IMCs, each assigned specific biophysical properties to mimic a diversity of cell types. Using this system, we have successfully simulated the migration of the border cell cluster through an environment filled with larger cells, which represent nurse cells. Interestingly, our simulations suggest that the forces utilized in this model are sufficient to produce behaviors of the cluster that are observed in vivo, such as rotation. Our framework was developed to capture a heterogeneous cell population, and our implementation strategy allows for diverse, but precise, initial position specification over a three- dimensional domain. Therefore, we believe that this model will be useful for not only examining aspects of Drosophila oogenesis, but also for modeling other two or three-dimensional systems that have multiple cell types and where investigating the forces between cells is of interest.  相似文献   

Philip W. Hedrick 《Genetics》1972,72(4):771-775
A frequency-dependent selection model proposed by Huang, Singh and Kojima (1971) was found to be more effective at maintaining genetic variation in a finite population than the overdominant model. The fourth moment parameter of the distribution of unfixed states showed that there was a more platykurtic distribution for the frequency-dependent model. This agreed well with the expected gene frequency change found for an infinite population.  相似文献   

The genetic structure and temporal patterns of genetic diversity in a population of Burkholderia (Pseudomonas) cepacia, isolated from a southeastern blackwater stream, were investigated by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis. Allelic variation in seven structural gene loci was monitored at a single stream location at 0, 6, 12, and 24 h and at 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 days. Over the length of the study, 217 isolates were collected, from which 65 unique electrophoretic types (ETs) were identified. Most of these ETs were present at only one or two time periods and were considered transients; however, one resident ET was particularly abundant (64 of the 217 isolates [29.4%]) and was found at all time points except day 32. The mean genetic diversity of the entire population was 0.520, and the index of association (a measure of multilocus linkage disequilibrium) was 1.33. These results, taken in conjunction with a previous study focusing on spatial patterns of genetic diversity in lotic B. cepacia, show that these bacterial populations exhibit greater variability among sites than within a site over time, suggesting relative stability over short time periods.  相似文献   

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified many common variants associated with complex traits in human populations. Thus far, most reported variants have relatively small effects and explain only a small proportion of phenotypic variance, leading to the issues of ‘missing’ heritability and its explanation. Using height as an example, we examined two possible sources of missing heritability: first, variants with smaller effects whose associations with height failed to reach genome-wide significance and second, allelic heterogeneity due to the effects of multiple variants at a single locus. Using a novel analytical approach we examined allelic heterogeneity of height-associated loci selected from SNPs of different significance levels based on the summary data of the GIANT (stage 1) studies. In a sample of 1,304 individuals collected from an island population of the Adriatic coast of Croatia, we assessed the extent of height variance explained by incorporating the effects of less significant height loci and multiple effective SNPs at the same loci. Our results indicate that approximately half of the 118 loci that achieved stringent genome-wide significance (p-value<5×10−8) showed evidence of allelic heterogeneity. Additionally, including less significant loci (i.e., p-value<5×10−4) and accounting for effects of allelic heterogeneity substantially improved the variance explained in height.  相似文献   

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