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High density lipoproteins (HDL) and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) must leave the circulation and pass the endothelium to exert their atheroprotective actions in the arterial wall. We previously demonstrated that the transendothelial transport of apoA-I involves ATP-binding cassette transporter (ABC) A1 and re-secretion of lipidated particles. Transendothelial transport of HDL is modulated by ABCG1 and the scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI). We hypothesize that apoA-I transport is started by the ABCA1-mediated generation of a lipidated particle which is then transported by ABCA1-independent pathways. To test this hypothesis we analyzed the endothelial binding and transport properties of initially lipid-free as well as prelipidated apoA-I mutants. Lipid-free apoA-I mutants with a defective carboxyl-terminal domain showed an 80% decreased specific binding and 90% decreased specific transport by aortic endothelial cells. After prior cell-free lipidation of the mutants, the resulting HDL-like particles were transported through endothelial cells by an ABCG1- and SR-BI-dependent process. ApoA-I mutants with deletions of either the amino terminus or both the amino and carboxyl termini showed dramatic increases in nonspecific binding but no specific binding or transport. Prior cell-free lipidation did not rescue these anomalies. Our findings of stringent structure-function relationships underline the specificity of transendothelial apoA-I transport and suggest that lipidation of initially lipid-free apoA-I is necessary but not sufficient for specific transendothelial transport. Our data also support the model of a two-step process for the transendothelial transport of apoA-I in which apoA-I is initially lipidated by ABCA1 and then further processed by ABCA1-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of the 5'-flanking region of the human insulin gene on its expression in non-pancreatic cells. The presence of the region containing the insulin gene enhancer (-339 to -169 bp) markedly repressed the promoter activity of the insulin gene. This suppressive phenomenon was restored by the addition of forskolin or dibutyryl cAMP, suggesting that this region alone is not sufficient to repress completely insulin gene expression in the presence of extracellular stimuli which increase the intracellular cAMP level. The hypervariable region (HVR) located at -365 bp also repressed the promoter activity. These results show negative regulation of human insulin gene expression in non-pancreatic cells by these regions.  相似文献   

We determined the site of synthesis of apolipoprotein (apo) E and apo-A-I in rabbit by measuring in vitro translational activity of their mRNAs from the liver and from the intestine. Poly(A+) RNA isolated from liver and intestinal epithelium of rabbits fed either a chow diet or a cholesterol-rich diet was translated in vitro in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate system using [35S] methionine as the labeled precursor. Newly synthesized apolipoproteins were immunoprecipitated with specific antisera and quantitated after electrophoresed on 10% polyacrylamide slab gels in the presence of 0.2% sodium dodecyl sulfate. The levels of liver apo-E and apo-A-I mRNAs from chow-fed rabbits are 0.41 and 0.002% of total translatable mRNA, respectively. The level of liver apo-A-I mRNA in the rabbit is approximately 500-fold lower than the reported level of apo-A-I mRNA in rat and human livers. Rabbit intestinal apo-E and apo-A-I mRNAs levels are 0.0036 and 0.67%, respectively. Our results indicate that in rabbits apo-E is synthesized primarily in the liver and that apo-A-I is synthesized primarily in the intestine. When rabbits are fed a cholesterol-rich diet, liver and intestinal apo-E in mRNA levels and intestinal apo-A-I mRNA levels are not changed. In contrast, the liver apo-A-I mRNA level increases 5-fold in response to the cholesterol-rich diet. However, because the intestinal liver apo-A-I mRNA level is so low, the 5-fold induction only increases liver mRNA levels to 2.7% of the corresponding intestinal apo-A-I mRNA level.  相似文献   

Interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) is an extracellular protein that has been suggested to participate in the visual process as a carrier for visual retinoids. A chimeric gene composed of the human IRBP promoter fused to the bacterial reporter gene chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) was used to generate transgenic mice. Analysis of six transgenic families revealed that the CAT gene, concomitant with the endogenous IRBP gene, was expressed primarily in the retina and, to a lesser extent, in the pineal gland. These results establish that a 1.3-kilobase fragment from the 5' end of the human IRBP gene is sufficient to direct transgene expression to a visual subdivision of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Obesity is associated with increased serum endocannabinoid (EC) levels and decreased high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc). Apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I), the primary protein component of HDL is expressed primarily in the liver and small intestine. To determine whether ECs regulate apo A-I gene expression directly, the effect of the obesity-associated ECs anandamide and 2-arachidonylglycerol on apo A-I gene expression was examined in the hepatocyte cell line HepG2 and the intestinal cell line Caco-2. Apo A-I protein secretion was suppressed nearly 50% by anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol in a dose-dependent manner in both cell lines. Anandamide treatment suppressed both apo A-I mRNA and apo A-I gene promoter activity in both cell lines. Studies using apo A-I promoter deletion constructs indicated that repression of apo A-I promoter activity by anandamide requires a previously identified nuclear receptor binding site designated as site A. Furthermore, anandamide-treatment inhibited protein-DNA complex formation with the site A probe. Exogenous over expression of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CBR1) in HepG2 cells suppressed apo A-I promoter activity, while in Caco-2 cells, exogenous expression of both CBR1 and CBR2 could repress apo A-I promoter activity. The suppressive effect of anandamide on apo A-I promoter activity in Hep G2 cells could be inhibited by CBR1 antagonist AM251 but not by AM630, a selective and potent CBR2 inhibitor. These results indicate that ECs directly suppress apo A-I gene expression in both hepatocytes and intestinal cells, contributing to the decrease in serum HDLc in obese individuals.  相似文献   

To better understand the tissue-specific expression of the human apolipoprotein (apo)AI gene, we performed a detailed analysis of the pattern of methylation of the gene in various human adult and embryonic tissues and in tissues of transgenic mice harboring the human apo-AI gene. In addition, the gene was analyzed also in liver and intestine-derived human cell lines (HepG2 and Caco2, respectively). Using methyl-sensitive restriction enzymes (HpaII, HhaI, and SmaI) and the appropriate radioactive probes, we were able to determine separately the status of methylation of the 5'-end, the body of the gene, and 3'-end flanking sequences. The apo-AI gene in tissues that express the gene was undermethylated at the 5'-end. However, the 5'-end of the gene in sperm and in all adult tissues that do not express the gene was heavily methylated. The body of the gene which contains a CpG island and the 3'-end flanking sequences were, in general, hypomethylated except for specific sites that showed partial methylation. In contrast, while the gene showed tissue-specific expression already in a 12-week-old embryo, the 5'-end was invariably hypomethylated in all tissues of the embryo. A human apo-AI transgene has recently been shown to be active exclusively in the liver, while the endogenous gene is expressed in both liver and intestine (6). We show here that the 5'-end of the apo-AI transgene was methylated in all tissues of the mouse (including intestine) except liver. The results presented here demonstrate a clear correlation between hypomethylation of the 5'-end and activity of the apo-AI gene. However, the observed methylation pattern of the gene in embryonic tissues suggests that tissue-specific expression precedes formation of the tissue-specific methylation pattern.  相似文献   

The levels of plasma apolipoprotein (apo) E, an anti-atherogenic protein involved in mammalian cholesterol transport, were found to be 2-3 fold lower in mice over-expressing human apoA-I gene. ApoE is mainly associated with VLDL and HDL-size particles, but in mice the majority of the apoE is associated with the HDL particles. Over-expression of the human apoA-I in mice increases the levels of human apoA-I-rich HDL particles by displacing mouse apoA-I from HDL. This results in lowering of plasma levels of mouse apoA-I. Since plasma levels of apoE also decreased in the apoA-I transgenic mice, the mechanism of apoE lowering was investigated. Although plasma levels of apoE decreased by 2-3 fold, apoB levels remained unchanged. As expected, the plasma levels of human apoA-I were almost 5-fold higher in the apoAI-Tg mice compared to mouse apoA-I in WT mice. If the over-expression of human apoA-I caused displacement of apoE from the HDL, the levels of hepatic apoE mRNA should remain the same in WT and the apoAI-Tg mice. However, the measurements of apoE mRNA in the liver showed 3-fold decreases of apoE mRNA in apoAI-Tg mice as compared to WT mice, suggesting that the decreased apoE mRNA expression, but not the displacement of the apoE from HDL, resulted in the lowering of plasma apoE in apoAI-Tg mice. As expected, the levels of hepatic apoA-I mRNA (transgene) were 5-fold higher in the apoAI-Tg mice. ApoE synthesis measured in hepatocytes also showed lower synthesis of apoE in the apoAI-Tg mice. These studies suggest that the integration of human apoA-I transgene in mouse genome occurred at a site that affected apoE gene expression. Identification of this locus may provide further understanding of the apoE gene expression.  相似文献   

Optimized bacterial expression of human apolipoprotein A-I   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) serves critical functions in plasma lipoprotein metabolism as a structural component of high density lipoprotein, activator of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase, and acceptor of cellular cholesterol as part of the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. In an effort to facilitate structure:function studies of human apoA-I, we have optimized a plasmid vector for production of recombinant wild type (WT) and mutant apoA-I in bacteria. To facilitate mutagenesis studies, subcloning, and DNA manipulation, numerous silent mutations have been introduced into the apoA-I cDNA, generating 13 unique restriction endonuclease sites. The coding sequence for human apoA-I has been modified by the introduction of additional silent mutations that eliminate 18 separate codons that employ tRNAs that are of low or moderate abundance in Escherichia coli. Yields of recombinant apoA-I achieved using the optimized cDNA were 100+/-20 mg/L bacterial culture, more than fivefold greater than yields routinely obtained with the original cDNA. Site-directed mutagenesis of the apoA-I cDNA was performed to generate a Glu2Asp mutation in the N-terminal sequence of apoA-I. This modification, which creates an acid labile Asp-Pro peptide bond between amino acids 2 and 3, permits specific chemical cleavage of an N-terminal His-Tag fusion peptide used for rapid protein purification. The product protein's primary structure is identical to WT apoA-I in all other respects. Together, these changes in apoA-I cDNA and bacterial expression protocol significantly improve the yield of apoA-I protein without compromising the relative ease of purification.  相似文献   

The effect of the degree of dietary fat saturation on the hepatic expression of apolipoprotein A-I mRNA was studied in male rats. Animals were maintained for two months on a high fat diet (40% w/w) containing 0.1% cholesterol. Two groups of control animals received either chow diet or chow plus 0.1% cholesterol, while experimental groups received their fat supplement as coconut, corn or olive oil respectively. Dietary cholesterol did not affect apolipoprotein A-I mRNA levels as compared to control animals. Corn oil fed animals had significantly higher levels of hepatic apolipoprotein A-I mRNA than those receiving cholesterol, or coconut oil plus cholesterol. Olive oil fed animals had significantly higher levels of hepatic apolipoprotein A-I mRNA when compared to all other dietary groups. Our data indicate that monounsaturated fatty acids supplied as olive oil play a major role in regulating the hepatic expression of apolipoprotein A-I in male rats.  相似文献   

Low-dose aspirin therapy has become a standard in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Aspirin has been shown to inhibit atherosclerosis in mouse models. To determine the mechanisms by which aspirin might inhibit atherosclerosis, we incubated HEPG2 cells and rat primary hepatocytes with aspirin or salicylic acid and noted an increase in paraoxonase 1(PON1) activity in the medium, together with an induction of PON1 and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) gene expression. Mice treated with aspirin also showed a 2-fold increase in plasma PON1 activity and a significant induction of both PON1 and apoA-I gene expression in the liver. The induction of the PON1 gene in cell culture was accompanied by an increase in arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR) gene expression. Accordingly, aspirin treatment of AhR(-/-) animals failed to induce PON1 gene expression. We previously suggested that aspirin might be hydrolyzed by serum PON1, which could account for its short plasma half-life of 10 min. Taken together with the current studies, we suggest that the antiatherosclerotic effects of aspirin might be mediated by its hydrolytic product salicylate and that the induction of PON1 and apoA-I might be important in the cardioprotective effects of aspirin.  相似文献   

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