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Abstract. The libellulid dragonfly, Nanophya pygmaea Rambur, has an average ejaculate volume of 0.16 mm3. During successive copulations the volume of sperm stored in the female's sperm storage organs increases in steps equivalent to this volume, suggesting that the sperm competition mechanism in this species is sperm repositioning, i.e. adding an ejaculate to what is already present in the female's sperm storage organ. By using sterile/normal males in double matings with females we have shown that this mechanism results in last male sperm precedence (P2= 0.979).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We determined whether female deer ticks Ixodes dammini Spielman, Clifford, Piesman & Corwin (Acari: Ixodidae) can be inseminated repeatedly and whether sperm from first or second matings take precedence in fertilizing eggs. Such information is essential to the design of attempts to reduce the fertility of these vectors of Lyme disease. Although spermatophores are present in about half of questing female ticks, they are present in virtually all those found on deer; the abundance of males on deer exceeds that of females and copulation is common. Females must be inseminated before commencing the rapid engorgement phase of feeding. Males need not be in attendance during feeding, provided that the female has been inseminated preprandially. Thus, preprandial insemination suffices to stimulate rapid engorgement, but less blood is taken than when the female is perprandially inseminated. Both types of insemination effectively fertilize eggs. Eggs from females sequentially inseminated by irradiated and non irradiated males, were fertilized mainly by sperm from the last male. Cobalt-irradiated males mate effectively and their sperm compete with those of non-irradiated males. Sperm from the second two sequential inseminations fertilize most of the eggs. By infesting deer with such irradiated male I.dammini , the abundance of these vector ticks may effectively be reduced.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that when Drosophila melanogaster females are mated twice, the semen of the second male causes a reduction of the effective number of resident sperm from the previous mating. This is demonstrated by two different kinds of experiments. In one set of experiments, mated females were remated to two different kinds of sterile males, one with normal semen and the other with deficient semen. The effect on the resident sperm was determined from the number of remaining progeny after mating to the sterile male, with the result that the normal semen reduced the amount of resident sperm in comparison with matings to the males with deficient semen. The second set of experiments employed interrupted matings. These experiments were based on the observation that semen is delivered before sperm during the first 5 min of copulation. The second matings were interrupted instantly, 2 min, and 4 min after the initiation of copulation. Compared to the instant interruptions, the two later interruptions had the effect of reducing the amount of resident sperm. The results of these two experiments clearly indicate that a sperm-incapacitation process plays a role in the well-documented phenomenon of sperm displacement (last-male advantage) in this species. Such a process could play a role in sperm displacement in the many cases where the mechanism is unknown.  相似文献   

The determination of paternity of offspring produced by polyandrous females is essential for the understanding of sperm competition mechanisms. The sterile male technique using radiation is one of the most commonly employed methods for this purpose. However, sterilization using radiation is likely to be restricted by the equipment availability and cost. Chemosterilization may thus be a cheaper and easier alternative for sterilizing male insects in sperm competition studies. Here we report a reliable chemomarker, thiotepa (N,N′,N″-triethylenethiophosphoramide), for the study of sperm competition and precedence in a polyandrous moth, Ephestia kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Dipping heads of male moths in 1% thiotepa aqueous solution for 10 s resulted in complete sterilization, i.e. their sperm still fertilized eggs but those eggs did not hatch. The sterilization treatment did not significantly affect male copulation ability, female fecundity, and sperm transfer, motility and fertilization. Our results indicate that 86% offspring of the twice-copulated females were fathered by the second males and 14% by the first males. Males treated with 5% thiotepa aqueous solution died within 24 h while those treated with 0.5% thiotepa were not fully sterilized.  相似文献   

Nontransitivity of sperm precedence in Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.— Sperm competition is an important component of fitness in Drosophila , but we still do not have a clear understanding of the unit of selection that is relevant to sperm competition. Here we demonstrate that sperm competitive ability is not a property of the sperm haplotype, but rather of the diploid male's genotype. Then we test whether the relative sperm competitive ability of males can be ranked on a linear array or whether competitive ability instead depends on particular pairwise contests among males. Sperm precedence of six chromosome-extracted lines was tested against three different visible marker lines ( cn bw, bwD , and Cy ), and the rank order of the six lines differed markedly among the mutant lines. Population genetic theory has shown that departures from transitivity of sperm precedence may be important to the maintenance of polymorphism for genes that influence sperm competitive ability. The non-transitivity seen in sperm precedence should theoretically increase the opportunity for polymorphism in genes that influence this phenotype.  相似文献   

We examine models for evolution of sperm size (i.e. mass m) and number (s) under three mechanisms of sperm competition at low ‘risk’ levels: (i) raffle with no constraint on space available for competing sperm, (ii) direct displacement mainly by seminal fluid, and (iii) direct displacement mainly by sperm mass. Increasing sperm mass increases a sperm's ‘competitive weight’ against rival sperm through a diminishing returns function, r(m). ESS total ejaculate expenditure (the product m?s?) increases in all three models with sperm competition risk, q. If r(m), or ratio r′(m)/r(m), is independent of ESS sperm numbers, ESS sperm mass remains constant, and the sperm mass/number ratio (m?/s?) therefore decreases with risk. Dependency of sperm mass on risk can arise if r(m) depends on competing sperm density (sperm number / space available for sperm competition). Such dependencies generate complex relationships between sperm mass and number with risk, depending both on the mechanism and how sperm density affects r(m). While numbers always increase with risk, mass can either increase or decrease, but m?/s? typically decreases with risk unless sperm density strongly influences r(m). Where there is no extrinsic loading due to mating order, ESS paternity of the second (i.e. last) male to mate (P2) under displacement always exceeds 0.5, and increases with risk (in the raffle P2=0.5). Caution is needed when seeking evidence for a sperm size-number trade off. Although size and number trade-off independently against effort spent on acquiring matings, their product, m?s?, is invariant or fixed at a given risk level, effectively generating a size-number trade off. However, unless controlled for the effects of risk, the relation between m? and s? can be either positive or negative (a positive relation is usually taken as evidence against a size-number trade off).  相似文献   

Effects of two different mating regimes on sperm precedencein the two-spot ladybird, Adalia bipunctata, were studied usingthe polymorphic gene for melanism as a marker for paternity.Virgin nonmelanic females (homozygous recessive) were matedto nonmelanic male(s) and then, after laying fertilized eggs,were mated to a melanic male of known genotype. The resultsafter the two successive single matings showed a highly variabledegree of paternity of the second male. Initial multiple matingwith nonmelanic males did not alter the pattern of paternityafter the subsequent single mating with a melanic male, butit had two other effects: (1) the female showed an increasein rejection behavior, and (2) a longer copulation was requiredfor high success of the melanic male. Additional observationsin which families were reared from beetles collected in copulain the field demonstrated that sperm competition also occursunder natural conditions. The outcome of the competition wasvariable with frequent sperm mixing.  相似文献   

Predispersal copulation and unpredictable environment facilitate the evolution of female-biased dispersal in species, where females are functionally monandrous. Females should migrate and reproduce over different habitats to spread their risks due to environmental fluctuation. On the other hand, males do not have to disperse because their risks are spread by their mating partners who produce their offspring in different habitats. However, when females are functionally polyandrous, it is expected that they will not contribute to spreading the male's risk extensively. Therefore, by simulation with the individual based model, the present study evaluated how female polyandry influences the sexual difference in dispersal timing. This model revealed that when females are polyandrous, the timing of female remating and sperm priority patterns have an important influence on the evolution of sex-biased dispersal. Particularly when female remating is not synchronized with dispersal or when last-male sperm precedence does not exist, female-biased dispersal is evolved.  相似文献   

Abstract. When females are inseminated by multiple males, male paternity success (sperm precedence) is determined by the underlying processes of sperm storage and sperm utilization. Although informative for many questions, two-male sperm competition experiments may offer limited insight into natural mating scenarios when females are likely to mate with several males. In this study, genetic markers in Tribolium castaneum are used to trace paternity for multiple sires, and to determine whether displacement of stored sperm that occurs after a third mating equally affects both previous mates, or if fertilizations are disproportionately lost by the female's most recent mate. For 20 days after triple-matings, first males retain significantly higher paternity success (relative to first male paternity in double-matings) compared with second males. These results demonstrate that when females remate before sperm mixing occurs, sperm stratification results in differential loss of sperm from the most recent mate. This study provides insight into the mechanisms underlying sperm precedence in a promiscuous mating system, and suggests that T. castaneum females could limit paternity success of particular mates by remating with more highly preferred males.  相似文献   

The medfly, Ceratitis capitata, is an invasive species in which polyandry, associated with sperm precedence, is a common behaviour in the wild. In this species, characterized by internal fertilization, we disclose how the sperm from two males are stored in the female storage organs and how they are used in terms of paternity outcome. The experiments were designed to furnish comparable and unbiased estimates of sperm numbers and progeny in twice-mated females. Results are incorporated in a model through which it is possible to relate the amount of stored sperm with the progeny of twice-mated females. The results show that polyandrous medfly females conserve equal amounts of sperm from the two males to fertilize their eggs. However, we observed a clear advantage of the second male's sperm in siring progeny, which interestingly decreases in favor of the first male as ovipositions progress. The results enable us to exclude differential sperm mortality and suggest that it is the mechanics governing the storage organs which causes the initial, but decreasing second male sperm precedence during the female reproductive life. These outcomes allow us to correlate sperm use in polyandrous females with the mating strategies and invasiveness of this fly.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mating behaviour, sperm transfer and sperm precedence were studied in the moth Spodoptera litura (Fabr.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). There existed a rhythmic, diel pattern of mating behaviour of this moth during the scotophase, presumably set with respect to an endogenous activity rhythm. Approximately 30 min after copulation had started, the formation of the corpus of the spermatophore began in the bursa copulatrix of the female moth, but full inflation of the corpus was not completed until 45–60 min after mating had started. The mature spermatophore contained about 350 eupyrene sperm bundles and a large number of individual (loose) apyrene spermatozoa. The mating status and the age of the male insect influenced the number of sperm transferred to the female within the spermatophore, and also affected the consequent fertility. There was no evidence of sperm reflux within the male tract. Within the female, dissociation of eupyrene sperm bundles was evident within the spermatophore less than 15 min after the completion of mating. Spermatozoa began to move from the bursa (in which the spermatophore is lodged) into the spermatheca 30–45 min after the end of the copulation, and the quantity of sperm in the spermatheca reached a plateau at 90 min after mating. Apyrene sperm reached the spermatheca first, followed by eupyrene sperm. Examination of total (apyrene plus eupyrene) sperm in the female tract showed that 86% of mated females received an apparently normal amount of total sperm from the male. Examination of eupyrene sperm alone showed that 81% of matings resulted in an apparently normal transfer of eupyrene sperm. A small proportion (approximately 8%) of the matings, however, were identified as transferring a clearly subnormal quantity of eupyrene sperm to the spermatheca. The eggs produced as a result of such pairings displayed much reduced fertility (about 43%) compared to those from matings confirmed to have transferred normal quantities of sperm, which showed about 92% fertility. This shows that the availability of eupyrene sperm in the spermatheca may be an important constraint on fertility in normal populations of insects. In the laboratory, S. litura females exhibited multiple matings. Of the females, 93% mated, and the mean frequency of mating was 1.69. Mating with a fertile male led to the oviposition of an increased number of eggs. This effect continued even when the female subsequently mated with an infertile male. Displacement of sperm from previous matings is known to be an important factor in the evolution of multiple mating strategies. Our results on sperm utilization by S. litura indicated that after a second mating, the sperm utilized for subsequent fertilization were almost exclusively from the last mating with little mixing. The proportion of eggs fertilized by sperm from the second mating (P2) was calculated as 0.95, indicating almost complete sperm precedence from the last mating.  相似文献   

Males of Brechmorhoga pertinax(Hagen) patrolled and competed for narrow strips of stream edge, 2–8 m long, containing a few barely submerged patches of sandy or fine gravel substrate. These scarce patches were used as oviposition sites by females that usually, but not always, mated with a patrolling male just prior to egg-laying. Females visited the oviposition sites evenly throughout the day from 0830 to 1430 but male activity rose until midday and then declined sharply after 1330. Some gravid females refused to mate in the midafternoon despite male efforts to copulate with them. The average patrolling bout by a male lasted less than 15 min, with defenders usually leaving immediately after one or two aggressive interactions with intruders or leaving voluntarily without apparent cause. Many individuals returned for additional bouts of patrolling at the same site, but the total daily period of patrolling for any one individual almost never exceeded 1 h.  相似文献   

Odonates were the first group of organisms where sperm competition and last male sperm precedence have been identified. With the development of 10 microsatellites for the emperor dragonfly Anax imperator, the function and priority patterns of the multiple sperm storage organs of females can be studied and compared between species in natural populations. In addition, two microsatellite loci developed for the sister species Anax parthenope, are also highly polymorphic in A. imperator. For the presented 12 microsatellite loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 24. Observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.07 to 0.88.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of conspecific sperm precedence in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The postmating, prezygotic isolating mechanism known as conspecific sperm precedence (CSP) may play an important role in speciation, and understanding the mechanism of CSP is important in reconstructing its evolution. When a Drosophila simulans female mates with both a D. simulans male and a D. mauritiana male, the vast majority of her progeny are fathered by D. simulans, regardless of the order of mating. The dearth of hybrid progeny does not result from inviability of eggs fertilized by heterospecific sperm or from the relative inviability of heterospecific larvae. Instead, CSP apparently results from a prefertilization obstacle to heterospecific sperm. We identified two independent barriers to heterospecific fertilization, sperm displacement and incapacitation, whose action depends on the order of mating. When a D. simulans female mates first with a conspecific male, the seminal fluid from this mating incapacitates heterospecific sperm transferred two days later. This sperm incapacitation occurs with no change in the retention of stored sperm over time, but does not occur when the conspecific mating lasts for only 5 min. When the order of matings is reversed, the seminal fluid from the second mating physically displaces heterospecific sperm from storage, even if the conspecific copulation lasts only 5 min. Conspecific sperm are not susceptible to displacement by a second conspecific copulation, but are susceptible to interference by heterospecific sperm if the conspecific copulation is interrupted after 12 min. Curing the D. mauritiana males of their infection with the endosymbiont Wolbachia had no effect on CSP. Sperm displacement and incapacitation involve the same basic mechanisms seen in second-male sperm precedence within species, supporting the hypothesis that CSP is an evolutionary by-product of adaptations affecting sperm competition within species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Sperm removal in Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) has been proposed as an adaptation to sperm competition and has been documented when the remating interval between successive copulations is short, but not when it is long (Gage, 1992). If sperm removal is adaptive, it follows that there should be different fertilization outcomes from double matings with different remating intervals.
Sperm precedence patterns were assessed using reciprocal double matings of normal and γ-irradiated (sterile) virgin males of controlled size and age with virgin females of controlled size and age.
Immediate last male sperm precedence was high whether the remating interval was short (<10 min) (P2,= 0.89) or long (24h) (P2= 0.92).
Sperm precedence in eggs laid in a 16-day period after the last copulation showed no difference in the pattern of change between females with short and long remating intervals.
By examining the aedeagus of males we show that sperm are removed at the end of copulation by the first and the second male to mate with a virgin female regardless of whether the remating interval is short or long.
We conclude that sperm removal is unlikely to be the primary mechanism by which males gain such high levels of last male sperm precedence.  相似文献   

  • 1 By examining potential sources of intraspecific variation in sperm precedence, the underlying mechanisms of sperm competition in Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) were investigated.
  • 2 The extent of sperm precedence was not related to either copulatory behaviour or body size (male and female).
  • 3 The extent of sperm precedence increased during the egg-laying period, suggesting that the stratification of sperm within the spermatheca is not the mechanism of sperm precedence.
  • 4 Direct removal of sperm from the female's reproductive tract was not observed.
  • 5 Four other mechanisms (not mutually exclusive) are proposed to account for last-male sperm precedence in this species.

Luck N  Dejonghe B  Fruchard S  Huguenin S  Joly D 《Genetica》2007,130(3):257-265
Sperm competition is expected to be a driving force in sexual selection. In internally fertilized organisms, it occurs when ejaculates from more than one male are present simultaneously within the female’s reproductive tract. It has been suggested that greater sperm size may improve the competitive ability of sperm, but studies provide contradictory results depending on the species. More recently, the role of females in the evolution of sperm morphology has been pointed out. We investigate here the male and female effects that influence sperm precedence in the giant sperm species, Drosophila bifurca Patterson & Wheeler. Females were mated with two successive males, and the paternity outcomes for both males were analyzed after determining sperm transfer and storage. We found very high values of last male sperm precedence, suggesting a strong interaction between rival sperm. However, the data also indicate high frequencies of removal of the sperm of the first male from the female reproductive tract prior to any interaction with the second male. This implies that successful paternity depends mainly on successful sperm storage. Knowing what happens to the sperm within females appears to be a prerequisite for disentangling post-copulatory sexual interactions between males and females.  相似文献   

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