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The structure of the sulphydryl protease, actinidin, after refinement at 1.7 Å resolution, is described. The positions of most of the 1666 atoms have been determined with an accuracy better than 0.1 Å; only two residues (219 and 220) and the side-chain of a third (87) cannot be seen. In addition, the model contains 272 solvent molecules, all taken as water, except one which may be an ammonium ion. Atomic B values give a good indication of the mobility of different parts of the structure. Actinidin has a double domain structure, with one domain mostly helical in its secondary structure, and the other domain built around a twisted β-sheet. The geometry of hydrogen bonds in helices, β-structure and turns has been analysed. All are significantly non-linear, with the angle N-?…O ~160 °. Carbonyl groups are tilted outwards from the axis of each helix, the tilting apparently unaffected by whether or not additional hydrogen bonds are made (e.g. to water or side-chain atoms). Each domain is folded round a substantial core of non-polar side-chains, but the interface between domains is mostly polar. Interactions across this interface involve a network of eight buried water molecules, the buried carboxyl and amino groups of Glu35, Glu50, Lys181 and Lys17, other polar side-chains and a few hydrophobic groups. One other internal charged side-chain, that of Glu52, is adjacent to a buried solvent molecule, probably an ammonium ion. Other side-chain environments are described. One proline residue has a cis configuration. The sulphydryl group is oxidized, probably to SO2?, with one oxygen atom clearly visible but the other somewhat less certain. The active site geometry is otherwise compatible with the mechanism proposed by Drenth et al. (1975,1976) for papain. The positions of the 272 solvent molecules are described. The best-ordered water molecules are those that are internal (total of 17), in surface pockets, or in the intermolecular contact regions. These generally form three or four hydrogen bonds, two to proton acceptors and one or two to proton donors. Other water molecules make water bridges on the surface, sometimes covering the exposed edges of non-polar groups. Intermolecular contacts involve few protein atoms, but many water molecules.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of metmyoglobin from the common seal has been determined at 2.5 Å resolution. The isomorphous replacement technique has been employed using two derivatives, the mercuri-iodide and the aurichloride. Four-circle diffractometer data to a Bragg angle θ = 18.05 ° were measured for one complete set of Friedel pairs of reflexions from each type of protein crystal. Atomic positions for the individual atoms in the (HgI?3)-group at the two sites of attachment were obtained from three-dimensional difference electron density maps and were further refined. A ‘best’ electron density map of the native protein based on refined heavy-atom parameters was interpreted with the help of the known amino acid sequence, and co-ordinates for all the non-hydrogen atoms were measured from the model. Those of the globin were further constrained according to the ‘modelfit’ procedure of Dodson et al. (1976). The molecule is described in detail; the conformations of the side-chains relative to the positions of the heavy atoms and to the interface between neighbouring molecules are discussed. A preliminary residue by residue comparison of the seal and sperm whale myoglobin molecules is presented in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

The hemocyanin from the spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus, a hexamer with a molecular weight of approximately 540,000, was crystallized in space group P21 with two molecules in the unit cell and cell dimensions a = 119.8 A?, b = 193.1 A?, c = 122.2 A? and β = 118.1 °. With screened precession photographs a three-dimensional set of reflections was collected up to 10 Å resolution. Both the conventional and the fast rotation function programs were applied and gave results that were in excellent agreement with each other. The hemocyanin hexamer has 32 point group symmetry. Its 3-fold molecular axis runs approximately parallel to the crystallographic 2-fold screw axis.X-ray diffraction data to 5 Å resolution were collected by the oscillation method. Rotation function studies with data between 7 and 5 Å resolution confirmed the 10 Å studies and, furthermore, showed that the rotation axes relating subunits within one hexameric molecule can be distinguished from the rotation axes relating subunits belonging to different hexamers in the unit cell. The local 3-fold axis in the hexamer makes an angle of about 6 ° with the crystallographic 2-fold screw axis.For a mercury and a platinum derivative three-dimensional data sets were collected to 5 Å by the oscillation method. The difference Patterson of the platinum derivative could be solved. The eventual number of heavy-atom sites was 36 for the platinum derivative and 70 for the mercury derivative. From the well-occupied sites the point-group symmetry of the molecule could be established accurately. In addition, the centre of the hexamer could be located within 0.2 Å.Protein phases were obtained from isomorphous as well as anomalous differences. A “best” electron density map calculated with these phases showed the shape of the hexameric molecule as well as the boundaries of the six subunits. Correlation coefficients between the densities of the subunits showed little variation, suggesting a random distribution of the different subunit types (Van Eerd & Folkerts, 1981) over the six positions in the hexamer.The subunits are positioned at the corner of an antiprism. When viewed along the 3-fold axis the hexamer is roughly hexagonal in shape, with a diameter of approximately 120 Å. Viewed along one of the 2-fold axes the molecule is of rectangular shape with dimensions 95 Å × 120 Å. The subunit can be described as an ellipsoid of irregular shape with axes of 80 Å, 55 Å and 48 Å. Each subunit makes extensive contacts with three other subunits in the hexamer and, possibly, a much weaker contact with a fourth subunit.  相似文献   

Highlights? Improved models by DEN refinement at 7 Å ? Best method is DEN refinement with initial segmented rigid-body refinement ? Rfree has predictive power at 7 Å  相似文献   

The crystal structure of glycolate oxidase from spinach has been determined to 5.5 Å resolution, using two isomorphous heavy-atom derivatives and their anomalous contributions. In the electron density map the boundaries of the octameric molecules are clearly seen. The subunit molecular weight is 37,000. Two protomers are in very close contact around one of the crystallographic 2-fold axes. Four such dimers are in contact around the 4-fold axis, so that the glycolate oxidase molecules are arranged as octamers with 422 symmetry in the crystal lattice. The roughly spherical octameric molecules have a diameter of approximately 100 Å. These octamers are arranged in a network, such that large solvent channels, approximately 60Å in diameter, pass right through the crystal lattice.The secondary structure of two-thirds of the subunit density has been interpreted in terms of eight consecutive β strand-α-helix units forming a cylinder very similar to the structure of triose phosphate isomerase. This interpretation is based on the very characteristic arrangement of the eight helices which form such a cylinder. The binding site of a substrate analogue, thioglycolate, has been localized in a deep cleft of the subunit at one end of the βα-barrel close to its axis.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of bovine pancreatic phospholipase A2 has been refined to 1.7 Å resolution. The starting model for this refinement was the previously published structure at a resolution of 2.4 Å (Dijkstra et al., 1978). This model was adjusted to the multiple isomorphous replacement map with Diamond's real space refinement program (Diamond, 1971,1974) and subsequently refined using Agarwal's least-squares method (Agarwal, 1978). The final crystallographic R-factor is 17.1% and the estimated root-mean-square error in the positional parameters is 0.12 Å. The refined model allowed a detailed survey of the hydrogen-bonding pattern in the molecule. The essential calcium ion is located in the active site and is stabilized by one carboxyl group as well as by a peptide loop with many residues unvaried in all known phospholipase A2 sequences. Five of the oxygen ligands octahedrally surround the ion. The sixth octahedral position is shared between one of the carboxylate oxygens of Asp49 and a water molecule. The entrance to the active site is surrounded by residues involved in the binding of micelle substrates. The N-terminal region plays an important role here. Its α-NH+3 group is buried and interacts with Gln4, the carbonyl oxygen of Asn71 and a fully enclosed water molecule, which provides a link between the N terminus and several active site residues. A total of 106 water molecules was located in the final structure, most of them in a two-layer shell around the protein molecule. The mobility in the structure was derived from the individual atomic temperature factors. Minimum mobility is found for the main chain atoms in the central part of the two long α-helices. The active site is rather rigid.  相似文献   

The structure of a triclinic complex between liver alcohol dehydrogenase, reduced coenzyme NADH, and the inhibitor dimethylsulfoxide has been determined to 2.9 Å resolution using isomorphous replacement methods. The heavy-atom positions were derived by molecular replacement methods using phase angles derived from a model of the orthorhombic apoenzyme structure previously determined to 2.4 Å resolution. A model of the present holoenzyme molecule was built on a Vector General 3400 display system using the RING system of programs. This model gave a crystallographic R-value of 37.9%.There are extensive conformational differences between the protein molecules in the two forms. The conformational change involves a rotation of 7.5 ° of the catalytic domains relative to the coenzyme binding domains. A hinge region for this rotation is defined within a hydrophobic core between two helices. The internal structures of the domains are preserved with the exception of a movement of a small loop in the coenzyme binding domain. A cleft between the domains is closed by this coenzyme-induced conformational change, making the active site less accessible from solution and thus more hydrophobic.The two crystallographically independent subunits are very similar and bind both coenzyme and inhibitor in an identical way within the present limits of error. The coenzyme molecule is bound in an extended conformation with the two ends in hydrophobic crevices on opposite sides of the central pleated sheet of the coenzyme binding domain. There are hydrogen bonds to oxygen atoms of the ribose moities from Asp223, Lys228 and His51. The pyrophosphate group is in contact with the side-chains of Arg47 and Arg369.No new residues are brought into the active site compared to the apoenzyme structure. The active site zinc atom is close to the hinge region, where the smallest structural changes occur. Small differences in the co-ordination geometry of the ligands Cys46, His67 and Cysl74 are not excluded and may account for the ordered mechanism. The oxygen atom of the inhibitor dimethylsulfoxide is bound directly to zinc confirming the structural basis for the suggested mechanism of action based on studies of the apoenzyme structure.  相似文献   

The exopeptidase carboxypeptidase A forms a tight complex with a 39 residue inhibitor protein from potatoes. We have determined the crystal structure of this complex, and refined the atomic model to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.196 at 2.5 Å resolution. The structure of the inhibitor protein is organized around a core of disulfide bridges. No α-helices or β-sheets are present in this protein, although there is one turn of 310 helix. The four carboxy-terminal residues of the inhibitor protein bind in the active site groove of carboxypeptidase A, defining binding subsites S′1, S1, S2 and S3 on the enzyme. The carboxy-terminal glycine of the inhibitor is cleaved from the remainder of the inhibitor in the complex, and remains trapped in the back of the active site pocket. Interactions between the inhibitor and residues Tyr248 and Arg71 of carboxypeptidase A resemble possible features of binding stages for substrates both prior and subsequent to peptide bond hydrolysis. Not all of these interactions would be available to different types of ester substrates, however, which may be in part responsible for the observed kinetic differences in hydrolysis between peptides and various classes of esters. With the exception of residues involved in the binding of the inhibitor protein (such as Tyr248), the structure of carboxypeptidase A as determined in the inhibitor complex is quite similar to the structure of the unliganded enzyme (Lipscomb et al., 1968), which was solved from an unrelated crystal form.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of bovine erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase, a tetrameric enzyme containing 4 gram atoms of selenium per mole (Mr = 84,000), has been determined at 2.8 Å resolution using the multiple isomorphous replacement method. By correlation calculations in Patterson space the tetramers were shown to exhibit molecular [222] symmetry, proving the monomers to be identical or at least very similar.The monomer consists of a single polypeptide chain of 178 amino acid residues. Its shape is nearly spherical with a radius of r ≈ 19 A?. A tentative sequence corresponding to a partially refined model (R = 0.38) is given. Each subunit is built up from a central core of two parallel and two anti-parallel strands of pleated sheet surrounded by four α-helices. One of the helices runs antiparallel to the neighbouring β-strands giving rise to a βαβ substructure, an architecture that has been found in several other proteins e.g. flavodoxin, thioredoxin, rhodanese and dehydrogenases. A comparison of the glutathione peroxidase subunit structure with thioredoxin-S2 revealed large regions of structural resemblance. The central four-stranded β structure together with two parallel α-helices resembles nearly 80% of the thioredoxin fold.The active sites of glutathione peroxidase are located in flat depressions on the molecular surface. Probably each active centre is built up by segments from two subunits. The catalytically active selenocysteines were found at the N-terminal ends of long α-helices and are surrounded by an accumulation of aromatic side-chains. A difference Fourier map between oxidized and substrate-reduced glutathione peroxidase as well as heavy-atom binding led to the conclusion that the two-electron redox-cycle involves a reversible transition of the active-site selenium from a selenenic acid (RSeOH) to a seleninic acid (RSeOOH).  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the proteic complex formed by bovine trypsinogen and the porcine pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (Kazal type) has been solved by means of Patterson search techniques, using a predicted model of the trypsin-ovomucoid complex (Papamokos et al., 1982). The structure of the complex, including 162 solvent molecules, has been refined at 1.8 Å resolution (26,341 unique reflections) to a conventional crystallographic R factor of 0.195. The inhibitor molecule binds to trypsinogen via hydrogen bonds and/or apolar interactions at sites P9, P7, P6, P5, P3, P1, P1′, P2′ and P3′ of the contact area. The structure of the inhibitor itself resembles closely that of the third domain of Japanese quail ovomucoid inhibitor, recently reported by Weber et al. (1981). The trypsinogen part of the complex resembles trypsin, as is the case in the trypsinogen-basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor complex, but two segments of the activation domain adopt a different conformation. Most notably in the N-terminal region the Ile16-Gly19 loop, which is disordered in free trypsinogen and in the trypsinogen-basic pancreatic trypsin inhibitor complex (Huber & Bode, 1978), assumes a regular structure and the polypeptide chain can be traced as far as residue Asp14. This new and fixed structure allows the formation of a buried salt link between the side-chains of Lys156 and Asp194. Conformations differing from those of trypsin are also found for residues 20 to 28 and residues 141 to 155. Some structural perturbation is observed in other parts of the molecule, including the calcium loop.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the intact immunoglobulin G1, (λ) Kol and its Fab2 fragment were crystallographically refined at 3.0 Å and 1.9 Å resolution, respectively. The methods used were real space refinement (RLSP) energy and residual refinement (EREF), phase combination, constrained rigid body refinement (CORELS) and difference and Fourier map inspection. The final R-values are 0.24 and 0.26. These analyses allowed the construction of atomic models of parts not seen in detail in the previous analyses at 5 Å and 3 Å resolution, respectively (Colman et al., 1976; Matsushima et al., 1978): i.e. the hinge segment, the hypervariable segments and their intimate interaction with the hinge segment of a crystallographically related molecule.The hinge segment forms a short poly-l-proline double helix from Cys527 to Cys530 (Eu numbering 226 to 230). The preceding segment forms an open turn of helix. This segment and the segment following the poly-l-proline part, which was found to be flexible in Fc fragment crystals (Deisenhofer et al., 1976) probably allow arm and stem movement of the antibody molecule. The combining site of Kol is compared with the combining site of Fab New (Saul et al., 1978). The narrow cleft formed by the hypervariable loops in Kol is filled with aromatic amino acid side-chains. In the crystal, the hypervariable loops contact the hinge and adjacent segments of a related molecule accompanied by a substantial loss in accessible surface area. This contact is preserved in Kol Fab crystals and presumably occurs in the Kol cryoprecipitate. A comparison of the quaternary structures of intact Kol and Fab New showed, in addition to the large change in elbow angle (Colman et al., 1976), changes in lateral domain association. These are discussed in the context of a possible signal transmission from the combining site to the distal end. An attempt was made to model build the IgG3 hinge segment, which is quadruplicated with respect to IgG1 (Michaelsen et al., 1977), on the basis of the Kol hinge structure. A polyproline double helix appeared to be the most plausible model. The Fc part was found to be disordered in intact Kol crystals (Colman et al., 1976). Refinement has reduced the electron density further in the crystal space, where the Fc parts must be located. Disorder, if static, must be fourfold or more in the crystalline state.Intensity measurements on Kol F(ab′)2 and their comparison with intact Kol crystals provide evidence that the disorder is predominantly of a static nature.  相似文献   

The crystallographic structure of the CAP-DNA complex at 3.0 Å resolution has been reported previously. For technical reasons, the reported structure had been determined using a gapped DNA molecule lacking two phosphates important for CAP-DNA interaction. In this work, we report the crystallographic structure of the CAP-DNA complex at 2.5 Å resolution using a DNA molecule having all phosphates important for CAP-DNA interaction. The present resolution permits unambiguous identification of amino acid-base and amino acid-phosphate hydrogen bonded contacts in the CAP-DNA complex. In addition, the present resolution permits accurate definition of the kinked DNA conformation in the CAP-DNA complex.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Apaf-1 related killer forms an apoptosome in the intrinsic cell death pathway. In this study we show that Dark forms a single ring when initiator procaspases are bound. This Dark-Dronc complex cleaves DrICE efficiently; hence, a single ring represents the Drosophila apoptosome. We then determined the 3D structure of a double ring at ~6.9?? resolution and created a model of the apoptosome. Subunit interactions in the Dark complex are similar to those in Apaf-1 and CED-4 apoptosomes, but there are significant differences. In particular, Dark has "lost" a loop in the nucleotide-binding pocket, which opens a path for possible dATP exchange in the apoptosome. In addition, caspase recruitment domains (CARDs) form a crown on the central hub of the Dark apoptosome. This CARD geometry suggests that conformational changes will be required to form active Dark-Dronc complexes. When taken together, these data provide insights into apoptosome structure, function, and evolution.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the predominant hemoglobin component of blood from the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, has been determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Crystals for this analysis were grown from cyanide methemoglobin V as crystal type D2. These crystals are in space group P212121 and have unit cell dimensions of a = 44.57 A?, b = 96.62 A? and c = 31.34 A?. Isomorphous heavyatom derivatives were prepared by soaking crystals in solutions of Hg(CN)2, K2Hg(CNS)4 and KAu(CN)2. Diffracted intensities to as far as 2 Å spacings were measured on a diffractometer. Phases were found by means of the isomorphous replacements and anomalous scattering, with supplementary information provided by the tangent formula. An atomic model was fitted to the final electron density map in a Richards optical comparator. The lamprey hemoglobin molecule is generally similar in structure to other globins, but differs in many details. Each molecule is in contact with ten neighboring molecules in the crystal lattice. The nature of the binding of the heavy atoms to lamprey hemoglobin has been interpreted.  相似文献   

Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) is the prototype of a new class of light-gated ion channels that is finding widespread applications in optogenetics and biomedical research. We present a  6-Å projection map of ChR2, obtained by cryo-electron microscopy of two-dimensional crystals grown from pure, heterologously expressed protein. The map shows that ChR2 is the same dimer with non-crystallographic 2-fold symmetry in three different membrane crystals. This is consistent with biochemical analysis, which shows a stable dimer in detergent solution. Comparison to the projection map to bacteriorhodopsin indicates a similar structure of seven transmembrane alpha helices. Based on the projection map and sequence alignments, we built a homology model of ChR2 that potentially accounts for light-induced channel gating. Although a monomeric channel is not ruled out, comparison to other membrane channels and transporters suggests that the ChR2 channel is located at the dimer interface on the 2-fold axis, lined by transmembrane helices 3 and 4.  相似文献   

The structure of human lysozyme has been crystallographically refined at 1.5 Å resolution by difference map and restrained least-squares procedures to an R factor of 0.187. A comprehensive analysis of the non-bonded and hydrogen-bonded contacts in the lysozyme molecule, which were not restrained, revealed by the refinement has been carried out. The non-bonded CC contacts begin at ~3.45 Å, and the shorter contacts are dominated, as expected, by interactions between trigonal and tetrahedral carbon atoms. The CO contact distances have a “foot” at 3.05 Å. The CN distance plot shows a significant peak at 3.25 Å, which results from close contact between peptide NHs and carbonyl carbons involved in NiC′i ? 2 interactions in α-helices and reverse turns. The distances involving sulphur atoms discriminate SC trigonal interactions at 3.4 to 3.6 Å from SC tetrahedral interactions at 3.7 Å. All these types of non-bonded interactions show minimum distances close to standard van der Waals' separations.Analysis of hydrogen-bond distances has been carried out by using standard geometry to place hydrogen atoms and measuring the XHO distances. On this basis, there are 130 intramolecular hydrogens: 111 NHO bonds, of which 69 are between main-chain atoms, 13 between side-chain atoms and 29 between mainchain and side-chain atoms. If a cluster of four well-defined internal water molecules is included in the protein structure, there is a total of 19 OHO hydrogen bonds. The mean NO, NHO distances and HN?O angles are 2.96 ± 0.17 Å, 2.05 ± 0.18 Å and 18.5 ± 9.6 °, and the mean OO, OHO distances and HÔO angles are 2.83 ± 0.19 Å, 1.98 ± 0.26 Å and 23.8 ± 13.4 °. The distances agree well with standard values, although the hydrogen bonds are consistently more non-linear than in equivalent small molecules. An analysis of the hydrogen-bond angles at the receptor atom indicates that the α-helix, β-sheet and reverse turn have characteristic angular values. A detailed analysis of the regularity of the α-helices and reverse turns shows small but consistent differences between the α-helices in lysozyme and the current standard model, which may now need revision. Of the 21 reverse turns that include a hydrogen bond, the conformations of 19 agree very closely with four of the five standard types. We conclude that the restrained least-squares method of refinement has been validated by these analyses.  相似文献   

The aerobic respiratory chain of the thermohalophilic bacterium Rhodothermus marinus, a nonphotosynthetic organism from the Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi group, contains a high-potential iron–sulfur protein (HiPIP) that transfers electrons from a bc 1 analog complex to a caa 3 oxygen reductase. Here, we describe the crystal structure of the reduced form of R. marinus HiPIP, solved by the single-wavelength anomalous diffraction method, based on the anomalous scattering of the iron atoms from the [4Fe–4S]3+/2+ cluster and refined to 1.0 Å resolution. This is the first structure of a HiPIP isolated from a nonphotosynthetic bacterium involved in an aerobic respiratory chain. The structure shows a similar environment around the cluster as the other HiPIPs from phototrophic bacteria, but reveals several features distinct from those of the other HiPIPs of phototrophic bacteria, such as a different fold of the N-terminal region of the polypeptide due to a disulfide bridge and a ten-residue-long insertion.  相似文献   

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