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Holmgren  P.  Johansson  T.  Lambertsson  A.  Rasmuson  B. 《Chromosoma》1985,93(2):123-131
The amount of histone H1 relative to core histones has been determined in three Drosophila species (D. melanogaster, D. texana and D. virilis) in chromatin from several tissues differing in chromatin structure and genetic activity. Low levels of H1 were found in relatively undifferentiated, early embryos as well as in a line of cultured cells. In late embryos the content of H1 was highest in D. virilis which possesses larger amounts of and a partially more compacted constitutive heterochromatin than the two other species. Polytene chromatin from larval salivary glands showed increased levels of H1 compared with diploid chromatin and the degree of phosphorylation of this histone was relatively low. The degree of phosphorylation of H2A was found to be drastically reduced in polytene as compared with diploid embryonic chromatin, which parallels the extensive underreplication of constitutive heterochromatin. Also, in diploid chromatin a qualitative correlation was observed between the relative amounts of heterochromatin and the levels of H2A phosphorylation. These findings suggest a connection between H2A phosphorylation and heavy compaction of interphase chromatin.  相似文献   

Histone H5 contains three tyrosines in the central, apolar region of the molecule. All three tyrosines can be spin labeled at low ionic strength. When the central globular domain is folded at high ionic strength, only one tyrosine becomes accessible to the imidazole spin label. Spin labeling the buried tyrosines prevents the folding of the globular structure, which, in turn, affects the proper binding of the H5 molecule to stripped chromatin. Chromatin complexes reconstituted from such an extensively modified H5 molecule show a weaker protection of the 168 base pair chromatosome during nuclease digestion. However, when only the surface tyrosine of the H5 molecule is labeled, such a molecule can still bind correctly to stripped chromatin, yielding a complex very similar to that of native chromatin. Our data supports the idea that not just the presence of the linker histone H5, but the presence of an intact H5 molecule with a folded, globular central domain in essential in the recognition of its specific binding sites on the nucleosomes. Our data also show that during the chromatin condensation process, the tumbling environment of the spin label attached to the surface tyrosine in the H5 molecule is not greatly hindered but remains partially mobile. This suggests that either the labeled domain of the H5 molecule is not directly involved in the condensation process or the formation of the higher-order chromatin structure does not result is a more viscous or tighter environment around the spin label. The folded globular domain of H5 molecule serves in stabilizing the nucleosome structure, as well as the higher-order chromatin structure.  相似文献   

1. Histones H1 and H5 in chromatin and in free solution can be cross-linked to higher multimers. Is this due to a specific protein/protein interaction? If so, this interaction might be the structural basis of the condensation of the chromosomal nucleofilament, known to be mediated by histones H1 and H5. 2. Since only the central domain of H1 and H5 exhibits tertiary folding and globular structure, this is the most likely site of specific interaction. 3. Formaldehyde has been used to test whether the central domains of histone H1 from calf thymus or from sea urchin sperm or histone H5 from chicken erythrocytes self-interact. 4. The cross-linking shown by each globular peptide was compared with that of its parent histone. 5. In all three cases the peptide cross-linked to a much lower extent than its intact parent histone and the observed cross-linked rates were roughly in proportion to the relative number of lysine residues parent histone and peptide. 6. It is concluded that there is no specific self-interaction between the globular domains of either H1 or H5 molecules in free solution. 7. This result suggests that specific H1/H1 protein/protein interactions are not the basic cause of chromatin condensation.  相似文献   

Effects of non-histone components and histone H1 on the morphology of nucleosomes and chromatin were studied by electron microscopy. Soluble rat liver ehromatin was depleted of non-histone components [NH]or non-histone components and H1 [NH and H1] by dissociation and subsequent fractionation in sucrose gradients in the presence of 300 to 350 mm or 500 mm-NaCl, respectively. In reconstitution experiments the depleted samples were mixed either with [NH] or with [NH and H1] or with purified H1. The morphology of the ionic strength-dependent condensation of the samples was monitored by electron microscopy using 0 mm to 100 mm-NaCl. Based on the appearance of the different types of fibres in very low salt (0 mm up to 10 mm-NaCl), namely the zigzag-shaped, the beads-on-a-string or the DNA-like filaments, it is possible to distinguish between nucleosomes, partially unravelled nucleosomes and unravelled nucleosomes, respectively. Only those fibres which were zigzag-shaped at low ionic strength condense at increasing ionic strength into higher order structures of compact fibres. We demonstrate the dependence of the appearance of nucleosomes and chromatin upon its composition and upon the ionic strength of the solvent.[NH] have no detectable influence upon the formation of higher order chromatin structures, but they can prevent the unravelling of nucleosomes at very low ionic strength, presumably by charge shielding.For the appearance of zigzag-shaped fibres and for the condensation into compact fibres with increasing ionic strength, H1 must be present in about native amounts. Partial removal of H1 (about 10%) promotes a change from fibres into tangles. This supports the model that an H1 polymer is stabilizing the higher order chromatin structures.Reconstitution experiments with purified H1 regenerated fibres containing all the features of [NH]-depleted chromatin. Reconstitution experiments with [NH and H1] promoted fibres compatible with control chromatin. Overloading of chromatin with H1 led to additional condensation. The detailed morphology of the reconstituted fibres showed local distortions. One possibility explaining these local distortions would be competition between “main” and “additional” binding sites for histone H1.  相似文献   

Crystallization of the globular domain of histone H5   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The globular domain of histone H1/H5 binds to the nucleosome and is crucial for the formation of chromatin higher order structure. We have expressed in Escherichia coli a gene that codes for the globular domain of H5. The protein produced in E. coli is functional in nucleosome binding assays. We have obtained crystals of the protein that diffract to beyond 2.5 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution. The crystals are orthorhombic with unit cell dimensions of a = 80.1 A, b = 67.5 A and c = 38.0 A.  相似文献   

Peptides derived from calf thymus H1 and rat liver H1, comprising only the globular and COOH-terminal domains of the intact molecule and therefore lacking NH2-terminal domains, have been shown by reconstitution to be as effective as the complete H1 molecule in inducing higher-order-chromatin structure. As the globular domain of H1 alone cannot induce chromatin folding, our results demonstrate that this function is primarily controlled by the COOH-terminal domain of the molecule. Surprisingly, these peptides do not locate correctly with respect to the nucleosome. This is demonstrated by their failure to confer upon reconstitutes the ability to protect DNA fragments of chromatosome length when digested with micrococcal nuclease. The precise placement of the H1 molecule (globular domain) with respect to the nucleosome is shown to be influenced by the "tail" domains of both H1 and the core histones.  相似文献   

Periodicity of DNA folding in higher order chromatin structures.   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Each level of DNA folding in cells corresponds to a distinct chromatin structure. The basic chromatin units, nucleosomes, are arranged into solenoids which form chromatin loops. To characterize better the loop organization of chromatin we have assumed that the accessibility of DNA inside these structures is lower than on the outside and examined the size distribution of high mol. wt DNA fragments obtained from cells and isolated nuclei after digestion with endogenous nuclease or topoisomerase II. The largest discrete fragments obtained contain 300 kbp of DNA. Their further degradation proceeds through another discrete size step of 50 kbp. This suggests that chromatin loops contain approximately 50 kbp of DNA and that they are grouped into hexameric rosettes at the next higher level of chromatin structure. Based upon these observations a model by which the 30 nm chromatin fibre can be folded up into compact metaphase chromosomes is also described.  相似文献   

Antibodies to the globular domain of histones H1 and H5 were purified by affinity chromatography and used to study the accessibility of this region of H1 and H5 in folded and unfolded rat liver and hen erythrocyte chromatin respectively. The different conformations of the chromatin filament were induced by varying the ionic strength from 1 mM to 80 mM NaCl and maintained by fixation with glutaraldehyde. Treatment with glutaraldehyde at a given salt concentration affected neither the orientation of nucleosomes relative to the fiber axis nor the compactness of chromatin. Solid-phase immunoassay and inhibition experiments showed no binding of the antibody against the globular domain of H1 to chromatin at the entire range of salt concentrations, while the antibody to the whole H1 molecule reacted with chromatin at low salt. On the other hand, the antibody to the globular region of H5 reacted with hen erythrocyte chromatin independently of the extent of chromatin condensation. These results indicate that the antigenic determinants of the globular domain of H5 are accessible to the antibody both in folded and unfolded chromatin, while those of the same region of H1 are masked, probably by interaction with DNA or proteins.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications (PTM) of histones are key regulators of chromatin function. New mass spectometrical technologies have revealed that PTMs are not restricted to the histone tails, but can also be found in the globular domains, especially at the DNA-binding surface of the nucleosomes. Recent work on this new group of epigenetic marks showed that these modifications have not only the potential to alter the physical properties of the nucleosome, but may act as signals that regulate the recruitment of effector proteins to chromatin as well.  相似文献   

The location of the globular domain of histone H5 relative to the axis of the 30 nm chromatin fiber was investigated by following the accessibility of this region of the molecule in chicken erythrocyte chromatin to specific antibodies as a function of chromatin structure. Antibodies to the globular domain of H5 as well as their Fab fragments were found to react with chromatin at ionic strengths ranging from 1-80 mM NaCl, the reaction gradually decreasing upon increase of salt concentration. If, however, Fab fragments were conjugated to ferritin, no reaction of the complex with chromatin was observed at salt concentrations higher than 20 mM. The accessibility of the globular part of H5 in unfolded chromatin to the Fab-ferritin complex was also demonstrated with trypsin-digested chromatin. The experiments were carried out by both solid-phase immunoassay and inhibition experiments. The data obtained are consistent with a structure in which the globular domain of H5 is internally located in the 30 nm chromatin fiber.  相似文献   

Xu F  Zhang K  Grunstein M 《Cell》2005,121(3):375-385

Nucleosomal subunits isolated from rabbit thymus nuclei in 0.04 M K2SO4-0.02 M Tris, pH 7.4 were devoid of histone H1, while whole chromatin prepared in the same buffer contained the full complement of histone H1. The question is asked why histone H1 dissociates from the subunits but not from the high molecular weight material. We propose that, at physiological salt concentrations, histone H1 is not bound to linker DNA as depicted in the current models; rather, alternate attachment sites, present only in the polymer, are involved.  相似文献   

The globular domain of histone H5 (GH5) was prepared by trypsin digestion of H5 that was extracted from chicken erythrocyte nuclei with NaCl. Electron microscopy, sucrose gradient centrifugation, native agarose gel electrophoresis and equilibrium density gradient ultracentrifugation show that GH5 binds co-operatively to double-stranded DNA. The electron microscopic images suggest that the GH5-DNA complexes are very similar in structure to co-operative complexes of intact histone H1 (or its variants) with double-stranded DNA, studied previously, which have been proposed to consist of two parallel DNA double helices sandwiching a polymer of the protein. For complexes with GH5 or with intact H1, naked DNA co-sediments with the protein-DNA complexes through sucrose gradients, and DNA also appears to protrude from the ends and sides of the complexes; measurements of the protein-DNA stoichiometry in fractionated samples may not reflect the stoichiometry in the complexes. An estimate of the stoichiometry obtained from the buoyant density of fixed GH5-DNA complexes in CsCl suggests that sufficient GH5 is present in the complexes for the GH5s to be in direct contact, as required by a simple molecular mechanism for the co-operative binding. Chemical crosslinking demonstrates that GH5s are in close proximity in the complexes. In the absence of DNA, GH5-GH5 interactions are weak or non-existent.  相似文献   

We describe the results of a systematic study, using electron microscopy, of the effects of ionic strength on the morphology of chromatin and of H1-depleted chromatin. With increasing ionic strength, chromatin folds up progressively from a filament of nucleosomes at approximately 1 mM monovalent salt through some intermediate higher- order helical structures (Thoma, F., and T. Koller, 1977, Cell 12:101- 107) with a fairly constant pitch but increasing numbers of nucleosomes per turn, until finally at 60 mM (or else in approximately 0.3 mM Mg++) a thick fiber of 250 A diameter is formed, corresponding to a structurally well-organized but not perfectly regular superhelix or solenoid of pitch approximately 110 A as described by Finch and Klug (1976, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 73:1897-1901). The numbers of nucleosomes per turn of the helical structures agree well with those which can be calculated from the light-scattering data of Campbell et al. (1978, Nucleic Acids Res. 5:1571-1580). H1-depleted chromatin also condenses with increasing ionic strength but not so densely as chromatin and not into a definite structure with a well-defined fiber direction. At very low ionic strengths, nucleosomes are present in chromatin but not in H1-depleted chromatin which has the form of an unravelled filament. At somewhat higher ionic strengths (greater than 5 mM triethanolamine chloride), nucleosomes are visible in both types of specimen but the fine details are different. In chromatin containing H1, the DNA enters and leaves the nucleosome on the same side but in chromatin depleted of H1 the entrance and exit points are much more random and more or less on opposite sides of the nucleosome. We conclude that H1 stabilizes the nucleosome and is located in the region of the exit and entry points of the DNA. This result is correlated with biochemical and x-ray crystallographic results on the internal structure of the nucleosome core to give a picture of a nucleosome in which H1 is bound to the unique region on a complete two-turn, 166 base pair particle (Fig. 15). In the formation of higher-order structures, these regions on neighboring nucleosomes come closer together so that an H1 polymer may be formed in the center of the superhelical structures.  相似文献   

We have used a combination of kinetic measurements and targeted mutations to show that the C-terminal domain is required for high-affinity binding of histone H1 to chromatin, and phosphorylations can disrupt binding by affecting the secondary structure of the C terminus. By measuring the fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching profiles of green fluorescent protein-histone H1 proteins in living cells, we find that the deletion of the N terminus only modestly reduces binding affinity. Deletion of the C terminus, however, almost completely eliminates histone H1.1 binding. Specific mutations of the C-terminal domain identified Thr-152 and Ser-183 as novel regulatory switches that control the binding of histone H1.1 in vivo. It is remarkable that the single amino acid substitution of Thr-152 with glutamic acid was almost as effective as the truncation of the C terminus to amino acid 151 in destabilizing histone H1.1 binding in vivo. We found that modifications to the C terminus can affect histone H1 binding dramatically but have little or no influence on the charge distribution or the overall net charge of this domain. A comparison of individual point mutations and deletion mutants, when reviewed collectively, cannot be reconciled with simple charge-dependent mechanisms of C-terminal domain function of linker histones.  相似文献   

The nature of the complexes of histones H1 and H5 and their globular domains (GH1 and GH5) with DNA suggested two DNA-binding sites which are likely to be the basis of the preference of H1 and H5 for the nucleosome, compared with free DNA. More recently the X-ray and NMR structures of GH5 and GH1, respectively, have identified two basic clusters on opposite sides of the domains as candidates for these sites. Removal of the positive charge at either location by mutagenesis impairs or abolishes the ability of GH5 to assemble cooperatively in ''tramline'' complexes containing two DNA duplexes, suggesting impairment or loss of its ability to bind two DNA duplexes. The mutant forms of GH5 also fail to protect the additional 20 bp of nucleosomal DNA that are characteristically protected by H1, H5 and wild-type recombinant GH5. They still bind to H1/H5-depleted chromatin, but evidently inappropriately. These results confirm the existence of, and identify the major components of, two DNA-binding sites on the globular domain of histone H5, and they strongly suggest that both binding sites are required to position the globular domain correctly on the nucleosome.  相似文献   

Bustin M  Catez F  Lim JH 《Molecular cell》2005,17(5):617-620
Over 80% of the nucleosomes in chromatin contain histone H1, a protein family known to affect the structure and activity of chromatin. Genetic studies and in vivo imaging experiments are changing the traditional view of H1 function and mechanism of action. H1 variants are partially redundant, mobile molecules that interact with nucleosomes as members of a dynamic protein network and serve as fine tuners of chromatin function.  相似文献   

Influence of histone H1 on chromatin structure   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
F Thoma  T Koller 《Cell》1977,12(1):101-107
Removal of histone H1 produces a transition in the structure of chromatin fibers as observed by electron microscopy. Chromatin containing all histone proteins appears as fibers with a diameter of about 250 A. The nucleosomes within these fibers are closely packed. If histone H1 is selectively removed with 50-100 mM NaCl in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) in the presence of the ion-exchange resin AG 50 W - X2, chromatin appears as "beads-on-a-string" with the nucleosomes separated from each other by distances of about 150-200 A. If chromatin is treated in the presence of the resin with NaCl at concentrations of 650 mM or more, the structural organization of the chromatin is decreased, yielding fibers of irregular appearance.  相似文献   

Ramesh S  Bharath MM  Chandra NR  Rao MR 《FEBS letters》2006,580(25):5999-6006
A comparison of the globular domain sequences of the somatic H1d and testis-specific H1t revealed a single substitution of lysine 52 in H1d to glutamine 54 in H1t, which is one of the three crucial residues within the second DNA binding site. The globular domains of both histones were modeled using the crystal structure of chicken GH5 as a template and was also docked onto the nucleosome structure. The glutamine residue in histone H1t forms a hydrogen bond with main chain carbonyl of methionine-52 (in H1t) and is spatially oriented away from the nucleosome dyad axis. A consequence of this change was a lower affinity of recombinant histone H1t towards Four-way junction DNA and reconstituted 5S mononucleosomes. When Gln-54 in Histone H1t was mutated to lysine, its binding affinity towards DNA substrates was comparable to that of histone H1d. The differential binding of histones H1d and H1t towards reconstituted mononucleosomes was also reflected in the chromatosome-stop assay.  相似文献   

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