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The clustering of cardiac RyR mutations, linked to sudden cardiac death (SCD), into several regions in the amino acid sequence underlies the hypothesis that these mutations interfere with stabilising interactions between different domains of the RyR2. SCD mutations cause increased channel sensitivity to cytoplasmic and luminal Ca2+. A synthetic peptide corresponding to part of the central domain (DPc10:2460G–P2495) was designed to destabilise the interaction of the N-terminal and central domains of wild-type RyR2 and mimic the effects of SCD mutations. With Ca2+ as the sole regulating ion, DPc10 caused increased channel activity which could be reversed by removal of the peptide whereas in the presence of ATP DPc10 caused no activation. In support of the domain destablising hypothesis, the corresponding peptide (DPc10-mut) containing the CPVT mutation R2474S did not affect channel activity under any circumstances. DPc10-induced activation was due to a small increase in RyR2 sensitivity to cytoplasmic Ca2+ and a large increase in the magnitude of luminal Ca2+ activation. The increase in the luminal Ca2+ response appeared reliant on the luminal-to-cytoplasmic Ca2+ flux in the channel, indicating that luminal Ca2+ was activating the RyR2 via its cytoplasmic Ca2+ sites. DPc10 had no significant effect on the RyR2 gating associated with luminal Ca2+ sensing sites. The results were fitted by the luminal-triggered Ca2+ feed-through model and the effects of DPc10 were explained entirely by perturbations in cytoplasmic Ca2+-activation mechanism.  相似文献   

Muscarinic agonists acting on bovine tracheal smooth muscle (BTSM) induce two separate cGMP signals, one at 20?sec associated with NO-sensitive-soluble-guanylyl-cyclase (NO-sGC) and another at 60?sec, linked to natriuretic-peptide-GC. The 20-sec-cGMP novel cascade starts with mAChRs, via unknown components, activates an NO-sGC. To unravel this cascade, in crude membranes isolated from intact BTSM strips exposed to muscarinic agonists, we detected GC activities increments at 20?sec and 60?sec. The 20-sec-GC is a NO-sensitive-GC, identified as α1β1-heterodimer. In reconstitution experiments with purified plasma membranes and cytosol, muscarinic agonists induced an NO-sGC migration in a dose-dependent manner, being inhibited by muscarinic antagonists displaying an M2AChR profile and blocked by PTX, suggesting the involvement of Go/Gi proteins. The NO-sGC related to migration was isolated and identified as an α1β1-heterodimer. This work shows that muscarinic agonists in BTSM induce a massive and selective α1β1-NO-sGC migration from cytoplasm to plasma membranes being responsible for the 20-sec-cGMP signal.  相似文献   

We address the importance of cytoplasmic nanospaces in Ca2?+? transport and signalling in smooth muscle cells and how quantitative modelling can shed significant light on the understanding of signalling mechanisms. Increasingly more convincing evidence supports the view that these nanospaces—nanometre-scale spaces between organellar membranes, hosting cell signalling machinery—are key to Ca2?+? signalling as much as Ca2?+? transporters and Ca2?+? storing organelles. Our research suggests that the origin of certain diseases is to be sought in the disruption of the proper functioning of cytoplasmic nanospaces. We begin with a historical perspective on the study of smooth muscle cell plasma membrane–sarcoplasmic reticulum nanospaces, including experimental evidence of their role in the generation of asynchronous Ca2?+? waves. We then summarize how stochastic modelling approaches have aided and guided our understanding of two basic functional steps leading to healthy smooth muscle cell contraction. We furthermore outline how more sophisticated and realistic quantitative stochastic modelling is now being employed not only to deepen our understanding but also to aid in the hypothesis generation for further experimental investigation.  相似文献   

Exposure of bovine pulmonary artery smooth muscle plasma membrane suspension with the oxidant H2O2 (1 mM) stimulated Ca2+ATPase activity. We sought to determine the role of matrix metalloprotease-2 (MMP-2) in stimulating Ca2+ATPase activity by H2O2 in the smooth muscle plasma membrane. The smooth muscle membrane possesses a Ca2+-dependent protease activity in the gelatin containing zymogram having an apparent molecular mass of 72 kDa. The 72 kDa protease activity was found to be inhibited by EGTA, 1: 10-phenanthroline, a2-macroglobulin and tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease-2 (TIMP-2) indicating that the Ca2+-dependent 72 kDa protease is the MMP-2. Western immunoblot studies of the membrane suspension with polyclonal antibodies of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 revealed that MMP-2 and TIMP-2, respectively, are the ambient matrix metalloprotease and the corresponding tissue inhibitor of metalloprotease in the membrane. In addition to increasing the Ca2+ATPase activity, H2O2 also enhanced the activity of the smooth muscle plasma membrane associated protease activity as evidenced by its ability to degrade14C-gelatin. The protease activity and the Ca2+ATPase activity were prevented by the antioxidant, vitamin E, indicating that the effect produced by H2O2 was due to reactive oxidant species(es). Both basal and H2O2 stimulated MMP-2 activity and Ca2+ATPase activity were inhibited by the general inhibitors of matrix metalloproteases: EGTA, 1: 10-phenanthroline, α2-macroglobulin and also by TIMP-2 (the specific inhibitor of MMP-2) indicating that H2O2 increased MMP-2 activity and that subsequently stimulated Ca2+ATPase activity in the plasma membrane. This was further confirmed by the following observations: (i) adding low doses of MMP-2 or H2O2 to the smooth muscle membrane suspension caused submaximal increase in Ca2+ATPase activity, and pretreatment with TIMP-2 prevents the increase in Ca2+ATPase activity; (ii) combined treatment of the membrane with low doses of MMP-2 and H2O2 augments further the Ca2+ATPase activity caused by the respective low doses of either H2O2 or MMP-2; and (iii) pretreatment with TIMP-2 prevents the increase in Ca2+ATPase activity in the membrane caused by the combined treatment of MMP-2 and H2O2.  相似文献   

Summary Discrepancies about the role of L-type voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC) in acetylcholine (ACh)-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations in tracheal smooth muscle cells (TSMCs) have been seen in recent reports. We demonstrate here that ACh-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations in TMCS were reversibly inhibited by three VGCC blockers, nicardipine, nifedipine and verapamil. Prolonged (several minutes) application of VGCC blockers, led to tachyphylaxis; that is, [Ca2+]i oscillations resumed, but at a lower frequency. Brief (15–30 s) removal of VGCC blockers re-sensitized [Ca2+]i oscillations to inhibition by the agents. Calcium oscillations tolerant to VGCC blockers were abolished by KB-R7943, an inhibitor of the reverse mode of Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX). KB-R7943 alone also abolished ACh-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations. Enhancement of the reverse mode of NCX via removing extracellular Na+ reversed inhibition of ACh-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations by VGCC blockers. Inhibition of non-selective cation channels using Gd3+ slightly reduced the frequency of ACh-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations, but did not prevent the occurrence of tachyphylaxis. Altogether, these results suggest that VGCC and the reverse mode of NCX are two primary Ca2+ entry pathways for maintaining ACh-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations in TSMCs. The two pathways complement each other, and may account for tachyphylaxis of ACh-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations to VGCC blockers.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium binding protein-1 (CaBP1) is a calmodulin like protein shown to modulate Ca2+ channel activities. Here, we explored the functions of long and short spliced CaBP1 variants (L- and S-CaBP1) in modulating stimulus-secretion coupling in primary cultured bovine chromaffin cells. L- and S-CaBP1 were cloned from rat brain and fused with yellow fluorescent protein at the C-terminal. When expressed in chromaffin cells, wild-type L- and S-CaBP1s could be found in the cytosol, plasma membrane and a perinuclear region; in contrast, the myristoylation-deficient mutants were not found in the membrane. More than 20 and 70% of Na+ and Ca2+ currents, respectively, were inhibited by wild-type isoforms but not myristoylation-deficient mutants. The [Ca2+] i response evoked by high K+ buffer and the exocytosis elicited by membrane depolarizations were inhibited only by wild-type isoforms. Neuronal Ca2+ sensor-1 and CaBP5, both are calmodulin-like proteins, did not affect Na+, Ca2+ currents, and exocytosis. When expressed in cultured cortical neurons, the [Ca2+] i responses elicited by high-K+ depolarization were inhibited by CaBP1 isoforms. In HEK293T cells cotransfected with N-type Ca2+ channel and L-CaBP1, the current was reduced and activation curve was shifted positively. These results demonstrate the importance of CaBP1s in modulating the stimulus-secretion coupling in excitable cells. M.-L. Chen and Y.-C. Chen contributed equally to this study  相似文献   

The Ca2+-conducting pathway of myocytes isolated from the cricket lateral oviduct was investigated by means of the whole-cell patch clamp technique. In voltage-clamp configuration, two types of whole cell inward currents were identified. One was voltage-dependent, initially activated at –40 mV and reaching a maximum at 10 mV with the use of 140 mM Cs2+-aspartate in the patch pipette and normal saline in the bath solution. Replacement of the external Ca2+ with Ba2+ slowed the current decay. Increasing the external Ca2+ or Ba2+ concentration increased the amplitude of the inward current and the current–voltage (I–V) relationship was shifted as expected from a screening effect on negative surface charges. The inward current could be carried by Na+ in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. Current carried by Na+ (I Na) was almost completely blocked by the dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel antagonist, nifedipine, suggesting that the I Na is through voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channels. The other inward current is voltage-independent and its I–V relationship was linear between –100 mV to 0 mV with a slight inward rectification at more hyperpolarizing membrane potentials when 140 mM Cs+-aspartate and 140 mM Na+-gluconate were used in the patch pipette and in the bath solution, respectively. A similar current was observed even when the external Na+ was replaced with an equimolar amount of K+ or Cs+, or 50 mM Ca2+ or Ba2+. When the osmolarity of the bath solution was reduced by removing mannitol from the bath solution, the inward current became larger at negative potentials. The I–V relationship for the current evoked by the hypotonic solution also showed a linear relationship between –100 mV to 0 mV. Bath application of Gd3+ (10 M) decreased the inward current activated by membrane hyperpolarization. These results clearly indicate that the majority of current activated by a membrane hyperpolarization is through a stretch-activated Ca2+-permeable nonselective cation channel (NSCC). Here, for the first time, we have identified voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channel and stretch-activated Ca2+-permeable NSCCs from enzymatically isolated muscle cells of the cricket using the whole-cell patch clamp recording technique.Abbreviations I Ca Ca2+ current - I Na Na+ current - I–V current–voltage - NSCC nonselective cation channel Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   

Visinin-like protein (VILIP-1) belongs to the neuronal Ca2+ sensor family of EF-hand Ca2+-binding proteins that regulate a variety of Ca2+-dependent signal transduction processes in neurons. It is an interaction partner of α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and increases surface expression level and agonist sensitivity of the receptor in oocytes. Nicotine stimulation of nicotinic receptors has been reported to lead to an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration by Ca2+-permeable nAChRs, which in turn might lead to activation of VILIP-1, by a mechanism described as the Ca2+-myristoyl switch. It has been postulated that this will lead to co-localization of the proteins at cell membranes, where VILIP-1 can influence functional activity of α4-containing nAChRs. In order to test this hypothesis we have investigated whether a nicotine-induced and reversible Ca2+-myristoyl switch of VILIP-1 exists in primary hippocampal neurons and whether pharmacological agents, such as antagonist specific for distinct nAChRs, can interfere with the Ca2+-dependent membrane localization of VILIP-1. Here we report, that only α7- but not α4-containing nAChRs are able to elicit a Ca2+-dependent and reversible membrane-translocation of VILIP-1 in interneurons as revealed by employing the specific receptor antagonists dihydro-beta-erythroidine and methylallylaconitine. The nAChRs are associated with processes of synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons and they have been implicated in the pathology of CNS disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. VILIP-1 might provide a novel functional crosstalk between α4- and α7-containing nAChRs.  相似文献   

Diadenosine polyphosphates are a family of dinucleotides formed by two adenosines joined by a variable number of phosphates. Diadenosine tetraphosphate, Ap4A, diadenosine pentaphosphate Ap5A, and diadenosine hexaphosphate, Ap6A, are stored in synaptic vesicles and are released upon nerve terminal depolarization. At the extracellular level, diadenosine polyphosphates can stimulate presynaptic dinucleotide receptors. Responses to diadenosine polyphosphates have been described in isolated synaptic terminals (synaptosomes) from several brain areas in different animal species, including man. Dinucleotide receptors are ligand-operated ion channels that allow the influx of cations into the terminals. These cations reach a threshold for N- and P/Q-type voltage-dependent calcium channels, which become activated. The activation of the dinucleotide receptor together with the activation of these calcium channels triggers the release of neurotransmitters. The ability of Ap5A to promote glutamate, GABA or acetylcholine release has been recently described by the present authors in rat midbrain synaptosomes.  相似文献   

Thiamine (vitamin B1) is co-factor for three pivotal enzymes for glycolytic metabolism: pyruvate dehydrogenase, α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, and transketolase. Thiamine deficiency leads to neurodegeneration of several brain regions, especially the cerebellum. In addition, several neurodegenerative diseases are associated with impairments of glycolytic metabolism, including Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, understanding the link between dysfunction of the glycolytic pathway and neuronal death will be an important step to comprehend the mechanism and progression of neuronal degeneration as well as the development of new treatment for neurodegenerative states. Here, using an in vitro model to study the effects of thiamine deficiency on cerebellum granule neurons, we show an increase in Ca2+ current density and CaV1.2 expression. These results indicate a link between alterations in glycolytic metabolism and changes to Ca2+ dynamics, two factors that have been implicated in neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca2+) signals are essential transducers and regulators in many adaptive and developmental processes in plants. Protective responses of plants to a variety of environmental stress factors are mediated by transient changes of Ca2+ concentration in plant cells. Ca2+ ions are quickly transported by channel proteins present on the plasma membrane. During responses to external stimuli, various signal molecules are transported directly from extracellular to intracellular compartments via Ca2+ channel proteins. Three types of Ca2+ channels have been identified in plant cell membranes: voltage-dependent Ca2+-permeable channels (VDCCs), which is sorted to depolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channels (DACCs) and hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channels (HACCs), voltage-independent Ca2+-permeable channels (VICCs). They make functions in the abiotic stress such as TPCs, CNGCs, MS channels, annexins which distribute in the organelles, plasma membrane, mitochondria, cytosol, intracelluar membrane. This review summarizes recent advances in our knowledge of many types of Ca2+ channels and Ca2+ signals involved in abiotic stress resistance and responses in plant cells.  相似文献   

Recently, it was observed that the acetylcholine analogue carbachol induces a transient stimulation of an apical Cl(-) conductance in basolaterally depolarized rat distal colonic epithelium (Schultheiss et al., 2003). The further characterization of this conductance was the aim of the present study. All experiments were performed at basolaterally depolarized tissues (111.5 mmol.l(-1) KCl buffer at the serosal side); in the absence of a K(+) gradient, a Cl(-) current was driven across the apical membrane (107 mmol.l(-1) K gluconate/4.5 mmol.l(-1) KCl buffer on the mucosal side). Under these conditions, carbachol evoked an atropine-sensitive biphasic change in short-circuit current (I(SC)), consisting of a transient increase followed by a long-lasting decrease, suggesting a stimulation of apical Cl(-) conductance followed by an inhibition. This conductance was inhibited by SITS, but was resistant against glibenclamide, a blocker of CFTR. The carbachol-induced I(SC) was dependent on the presence of mucosal Ca(2+). Ionomycin, a Ca(2+) ionophore, mimicked the effect of carbachol. An antibody against bovine Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-) channel ClCa 1 stained rat colonic epithelial cells both at the cell membrane as well as intracellularly, suggesting that the action of Ca(2+) may be caused by a stimulation of a ClC a-type anion channel. The activation of apical Cl(-) conductance by carbachol was resistant against any blockers of the phospholipase C/IP3/protein kinase C pathway tested (e.g., U-73122, 2-ABP, Li(+), staurosporine), but was inhibited by the NO-synthase blocker L: -NNA. Vice versa, NO-donating compounds such as GEA 3162 or sodium nitroprusside evoked a transient increase of I(SC). Consequently, NO seems to be involved in the transient stimulation of apical Ca(2+)-dependent Cl(-) conductance after muscarinic receptor stimulation.  相似文献   

The anoxia-dependent elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration, [Ca2+]cyt, was investigated in plants differing in tolerance to hypoxia. The [Ca2+]cyt was measured by fluorescence microscopy in single protoplasts loaded with the calcium-fluoroprobe Fura 2-AM. Imposition of anoxia led to a fast (within 3 min) significant elevation of [Ca2+]cyt in rice leaf protoplasts. A tenfold drop in the external Ca2+ concentration (to 0.1 mM) resulted in considerable decrease of the [Ca2+]cyt shift. Rice root protoplasts reacted upon anoxia with higher amplitude. Addition of plasma membrane (verapamil, La3+ and EGTA) and intracellular membrane Ca2+-channel antagonists (Li+, ruthenium red and cyclosporine A) reduced the anoxic Ca2+-accumulation in rice. Wheat protoplasts responded to anoxia by smaller changes of [Ca2+]cyt. In wheat leaf protoplasts, the amplitude of the Ca2+-shift little depended on the external level of Ca2+. Wheat root protoplasts were characterized by a small shift of [Ca2+]cyt under anoxia. Plasmalemma Ca2+-channel blockers had little effect on the elevation of cytosolic Ca2+ in wheat protoplasts. Intact rice seedlings absorbed Ca2+ from the external medium under anoxic treatment. On the contrary, wheat seedlings were characterized by leakage of Ca2+. Verapamil abolished the Ca2+ influx in rice roots and Ca2+ efflux from wheat roots. Anoxia-induced [Ca2+]cyt elevation was high particularly in rice, a hypoxia-tolerant species. In conclusion, both external and internal Ca2+ stores are important for anoxic [Ca2+]cyt elevation in rice, whereas the hypoxia-intolerant wheat does not require external sources for [Ca2+]cyt rise. Leaf and root protoplasts similarly responded to anoxia, independent of their organ origin.  相似文献   

The basic mechanisms of regulation of Ca2+ influx have been studied in murine myoblasts proliferating and differentiating in culture. The presence of L-type Ca2+ channels in proliferating myoblasts is shown for the first time. It is also shown that the influx of Ca2+ through these channels is regulated by the adrenergic system. The influx of Ca2+ after activation of the adrenergic system by addition of adrenaline has been estimated in comparison with the contribution of reticular stocks exhausted by ATP in calcium-free medium. The Ca2+ influx in proliferating myoblasts is regulated by β-2 adrenergic receptors whose action is mediated by adenylate cyclase through L-type calcium channels. In differentiating myoblasts, the adrenaline-induced Ca2+ influx is substantially lower than in proliferating cells, and maximal influx of Ca2+ may be reached only upon exhaustion of reticular stocks.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the effects of Weichangshu tablets on free Ca2+ concentration of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells of rats and the molecular mechanism of the Weichangshu tablets. Cultured SD rat gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells were divided into control group, Cisapride group, Weichangshu group, and control + ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid (EGTA) group, Cisapride + EGTA group, and Weichangshu + EGTA group. Laser scanning microscope and spectrophotometer detection were applied to detect the calcium concentration. The calcium concentrations in Weichangshu group and Cisapride group significantly increased vs. control, and those in Weichangshu group were higher than those in Cisapride group. Ca2+ concentration in Weichangshu + EGTA group, Cisapride + EGTA group vs. control + EGTA group were not significantly different. Weichangshu could increase gastrointestinal smooth muscle free Ca2+ concentration, and this role may be achieved through the promotion of cells within the flow of calcium ions.  相似文献   

Using Fura-2AM microfluorimetry, the effect of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and its pharmacological analogue glutoxim on the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in rat peritoneal macrophages was investigated. It was shown that GSSG or glutoxim increase the intracellular Ca2+ concentration by inducing Ca2+ mobilization from thapsigargin-sensitive Ca2+ stores and subsequent Ca2+ entry from external medium. Dithiothreitol, which reduces S-S-bonds in proteins, completely prevents or reverses the increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration induced by GSSG or glutoxim. This suggests that the increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration induced by GSSG or glutoxim can be mediated by their interactions with functionally important SH-groups of proteins involved in Ca2+-signaling.Two structurally different tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein and methyl-2,5-dihydroxycinnamate prevent or completely reverse the increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration induced by GSSG or glutoxim. On the contrary, tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor Na orthovanadate enhances the increase of intracellular Ca2+ concentration evoked by oxidizing agents. The data suggest that tyrosine kinases and tyrosine phosphatases are involved in the regulatory effect of GSSG and glutoxim on the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in macrophages.  相似文献   

In the absence of exogenous Ca2+ and Mg2+ and in the presence of EGTA, which favours the release of endogenous Ca2+, the polyamine spermine is able to stimulate the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) of energized rat liver mitochondria (RLM). This stimulation exhibits a gradual concentration-dependent trend, which is maximum, about 140%, at 0.5 mM concentration, after 30 min of incubation. At concentrations higher than 0.5 mM, spermine still stimulates PDC, when compared with the control, but shows a slight dose-dependent decrease. Changes in PDC stimulation are very close to the phosphorylation level of the E subunit of PDC, which regulates the activity of the complex, but it is also the target of spermine. In other words, progressive dephosphorylation gradually enhances the stimulation of RLM and progressive phosphorylation slightly decreases it. These results provide the first evidence that, when transported in RLM, spermine can interact in various ways with PDC, showing dose-dependent behaviour. The interaction most probably takes place directly on a specific site for spermine on one of the regulatory enzymes of PDC, i.e. pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase (PDP). The interaction of spermine with PDC may also involve activation of another regulatory enzyme, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK), resulting in an increase in E phosphorylation and consequently reduced stimulation of PDC at high polyamine concentrations. The different effects of spermine in RLM are discussed, considering the different activities of PDP and PDK isoenzymes. It is suggested that the polyamine at low concentrations stimulates the isoenzyme PDP2 and at high concentrations it stimulates PDK2.  相似文献   

Like in other vertebrates, the anterior part of the telencephalon of amphibians mainly consists of the olfactory bulb (OB), but different from higher vertebrates, the lateral telencephalic ventricles of larval Xenopus laevis expand deep into the anterior telencephalon. The neurogenic periventricular zone (PVZ) of the lateral ventricles generates new OB neurons throughout the animal’s lifetime. We investigated the ultrastructural organization of the PVZ and found that within a time period of 24 h, 42.54 ± 6.65% of all PVZ cells were actively proliferating. Functional purinergic receptors are widespread in the central nervous system and their activation has been associated with many critical physiological processes, including the regulation of cell proliferation. In the present study we identified and characterized the purinergic system of the OB and the PVZ. ATP and 2MeSATP induced strong [Ca2+]i increases in cells of both regions, which could be attenuated by purinergic antagonists. However, a more thorough pharmacological investigation revealed clear differences between the two brain regions. Cells of the OB almost exclusively express ionotropic P2X purinergic receptor subtypes, whereas PVZ cells express both ionotropic P2X and metabotropic P1 and P2Y receptor subtypes. The P2X receptors expressed in the OB are evidently not involved in the immediate processing of olfactory information.  相似文献   

The review considers mechanisms of Ca2+-dependent regulation of cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis in cells of the higher eukaryotes by modulation of the signal Ras-MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

Brain nicotinic receptors display pronounced permeability for Ca2+ and localize to presynaptic nerve terminals, in addition to postsynaptic sites. Chronic exposure to nicotine has been shown to alter brain nicotinic receptor expression, but the functional consequences for presynaptic Ca2+ have not been directly examined. Here, we used confocal imaging to assess Ca2+ responses in individual nerve terminals from cortices of mice treated up to 14 days with nicotine as compared to vehicle-treated controls. Chronic nicotine treatment led to substantially enhanced amplitudes of presynaptic Ca2+ responses to acute application of nicotine at concentrations of 50 nM (2-fold) and 500 nM (1.7-fold), but not 50 μM. In addition, increased expression of high-affinity nicotinic receptors on isolated terminals was observed following chronic treatment, as determined immunocytochemically and pharmacologically. These findings suggest that chronic exposure to nicotine may lead to enhanced sensitivity to nicotine at select presynaptic sites in brain via up-regulation of high-affinity nicotinic receptors.  相似文献   

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