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人工生态系统净化水质模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建立了自来水厂取水口附近的人工生态系统水质模型、研究在水面面积、水生植物放养密度、取水量等改变条件下,取水口处水质的变化特征。这一模型可应用于确定人工生态系统水面积面积,水生植物放养密度等值,以达到满足自来水厂取水口处水质的要求,对模型参数适当确定后,可应用于其它水域。  相似文献   

生态系统的净化服务及其价值研究   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
生态系统对环境的净化服务是其向人类提供的重要服务功能之一,了解生态系统的净化机理及其价值,对自然资源的保护及其可持续利用有着十分重要的作用。本文讨论了生态系统的净化服务的机理,提出了生态系统净化类型,在此基础上,运用经济学和环境经济学原理,探讨了生态系统的净化价值评估方法,以我国森林生态系统为例,对生态系统的净化价值进行了估算。  相似文献   

河岸带研究及其退化生态系统的恢复与重建   总被引:97,自引:9,他引:97  
河岸带是指水陆交界处的两边,直至河水影响消失为止的地带。河岸带是湿地的重要组成部分,在流域生态系统中发挥着重要的作用,具有较大的生态、社会、经济和旅游价值。河岸带研究以生态学、水文学和地貌学炎基础,涉及多种学科和技术方法。由于自然和人为因素的影响,退化河岸带的生态恢复与重建较为复杂,通过安徽潜山县潜水退化河岸带滩地近6a的生态恢复与重建试验,研究结果表明:恢复与重建后的河岸带滩地生态系统的生物多样性和稳定性增加;土训结构和养分条件得到改善,其中,小于0.002mm的粘粒含量的平均值由恢复前的4.53%,上升到恢复后的11.71%,土壤容重由恢复前的1.455g/cm^2下降到恢复后的1.2g/cm^2,土壤有机质的平均值由恢复前的1.25g/kg上升到恢复后的9.44g/kg;河滩地泥沙淤积量增加;植物抗风浪作用增强,有效地保护了河岸,改善了河岸带地区的小气候。河岸带研究在我国起步较晚,因此,今后应加强河岸带的管理和对退化河岸带生态系统的恢复与重建工作,使河岸带生态系统可持续地为人类提供丰富多样的生产、生活和观光旅游产品。  相似文献   

香蒲植物净化塘生态系统调查研究   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
韶夫江口铅锌矿废水不仅排放量大,而且重金属含量高,成份复杂,对水体污染严重。废水总排放量达61O78t·日~(-1),其入河口铅的浓度超过地面水卫生标准约11倍。几年来,利用  相似文献   

以8种水生植物为材料,在单一、复合种植的组合条件下,对污染物的去除效率及各植物的生长发育状况进行研究.结果表明:总磷、总氮、氨氮、浊度等水质指标的去除速率随着处理时间延长而逐渐升高,而CODMn的去除效果为开始较高,然后有所降低,后期又提高的波动现象.整体上除个别植物种类外,所有组合单元的处理效果均优于对照.经过植物净化处理,原污水的TP含量约为重污染水Ⅴ类水的4倍、TN含量为Ⅴ类水的5~6倍、水中上述污染物有30%~33.3%的种植组合达到Ⅲ类水的水平,其中20%~25%的组合达到了Ⅱ类水的水平.其他20%~30%的种植组合能使TP、TN污染物含量减少2~3倍,污染水水质相当或接近于Ⅴ类水的水平.原污水氨氮含量为Ⅴ类水的6~7倍,经过植物各组合的处理,58.3%组合的水平在Ⅲ类水以上,其中50%的组合达到Ⅱ类水的水平.其他约35%的组合使氨氮含量减少4~5倍,接近Ⅴ类水的水平.在植物形态学指标方面,除个别大薸单元出现负增长及植株坏死外,其余植物根、茎、叶有一定增长,表明植物能适应这样的污水而生长;植物复合种植比单一种植单元的处理表现出更高的净化水平及稳定性,应得到重视;挺水植物比漂浮植物和沉水植物的净化能力强,在水处理实践中可优先考虑.  相似文献   

青岛市城市绿地生态系统的环境净化服务价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析青岛市城市绿地空间分布及面积动态变化基础上,利用市场价值法、生产成本法、替代费用法等方法计算了1999-2009年各年度青岛市城市绿地生态系统的环境净化服务价值。结果表明,1999-2009年青岛市城市绿地的环境净化服务价值由1.587×108元增至3.491×108元,人均城市绿地的环境净化服务价值由68.42元增至126.73元。11a间青岛市城市绿地的环境净化服务价值增加了1.904×108元,平均年增长率为10.91%。在青岛市城市绿地生态系统环境净化服务总价值构成中,其气体调节服务价值占总价值的49.81%- 51.72%,而吸收有害气体和滞尘服务价值、减弱噪声服务价值占48.28%-50.19%。城市绿地的气体调节服务具有地域空间的可转移性,可以由城市以外的自然生态系统补偿;而其吸收有害气体和滞尘服务与减弱噪声服务则不具有地域空间的可转移性。加强城市绿地建设、提高城市绿化水平是改善青岛市城市环境和提高城市居民生活质量的有效措施。  相似文献   

河岸植被特征及其在生态系统和景观中的作用   总被引:102,自引:14,他引:102  
河溪生态系统、河岸植被、河溪连续系等基本概念、理论和应用,是生态学科中的重要组成部分.本文主要基于北美地区近30年来关于河溪生态系统研究,对河溪生态系统研究的历史、理论、基本概念及应用,特别是对河岸植被在河溪生态系统及景观中的结构、功能以及资源经营管理现状进行概括和总结.  相似文献   

高伟  陈岩  严长安  李金城 《生态学报》2020,40(14):4803-4812
针对目前水环境承载力相关研究中未突显生态系统净化作用和人为调控作用的问题,从生态系统污染净化功能和人为调控污染削减功能两个角度,提出基于生态系统净化-人为调控耦合作用的水环境承载力概念,并构建流域环境承载力评估模型。以滇池流域为例,计算了2015年滇池流域水环境承载力。研究结果表明:滇池流域2015年水环境承载力综合指数为1.16,处于超载状态;流域环境承载力分布呈现北高南低,北部限制因子化学需氧量,南部为总磷;调水工程调入水量出境携带污染物约为流域水环境承载力的16%,对流域水环境改善十分重要;人为调控污染削减能力在流域水环境承载力中所占比例已超过50%,成为不可忽视的一部分。  相似文献   

提高水体净化能力控制湖泊富营养化   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
濮培民  李正魁  王国祥 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2757-2763
建立了湖泊污染物质动力学方程,根据我国湖泊和美国O keechobee湖资料,确定了控制藻类暴发的总磷阈值为0.035m g/L,总氮阈值为0.350m g/L(滇池)和1.050m g/L(太湖);用实测资料,计算得到需要削减的外污染源滇池为总磷、总氮各78%,太湖为总磷69%、总氮56%。提出通过提高水体净化能力可以控制湖泊富营养化的理论依据和如下技术路线:提高湖泊净化率,使其超过输入的污染率,在湖内实现浓度低于控制藻类水华暴发所需要的磷、氮阈值;因地制宜综合运用到太湖、巢湖、滇池等一类大、中型湖泊,加强管理,就可以在占湖泊7%(滇池)和4%(太湖)的湖面上,依托科学布设控制其生长的凤眼莲,将其规模化地加工为有益产品,从而有效地去除湖泊中的营养盐,将水体综合净化率比现有净化率在滇池提高4.6倍,在太湖提高2.1倍,实现控制湖泊富营养化目标,并同步地在约3~4倍相应面积上修复健康水生态系统。  相似文献   

常耀文  吴迪  李欢  刘霞  王蕴鹏  郭家瑜 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4544-4557
生态系统服务簇的识别是区域生态系统服务管理与优化的关键。量化了2000、2010、2020年淮河流域产水量(WY),水源涵养(WC),土壤保持(SC),生境质量(HQ),水质净化(WP),净初级生产力(NPP)和碳储量(CS)7种生态系统服务。并基于自组织映射神经网络(SOFM)识别了生态系统服务簇,探讨了生态系统服务簇的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)2000-2020年,WP,NPP与WC呈上升趋势,WC的增幅最大;CS与HQ呈下降趋势。淮河流域各生态系统服务具有时空异质性,生态系统服务高值区多位于西南部山区与东北部丘陵山地地区。(2)识别了5个生态系统服务簇:核心生态服务簇,WP服务簇,WY服务簇,NPP服务簇与生态过渡服务簇。核心生态服务簇与生态过渡服务簇的面积总体增加,流域西南部山区与东北部丘陵山地地区生态系统服务提升,2000-2020年,WY服务簇与NPP服务簇间的转移面积较大,WY服务簇面积减少达60.09%,NPP服务簇面积显著增加,2020年占整个流域面积的57.02%。研究结果不仅有助于清晰认识淮河流域生态系统服务簇的空间分布格局及动态变化,也为探索淮河流域可持续的生态系统管理与规划决策奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Streams and adjacent terrestrial ecosystems are characterized by permeable boundaries that are crossed by resource subsidies. Although the importance of these subsidies for riverine ecosystems is increasingly recognized, little is known about how they may be influenced by global environmental change. Drawing from available evidence, in this review we propose a conceptual framework to evaluate the effects of global change on the quality and spatiotemporal dynamics of stream–terrestrial subsidies. We illustrate how changes to hydrological and temperature regimes, atmospheric CO2 concentration, land use and the distribution of nonindigenous species can influence subsidy fluxes by affecting the biology and ecology of donor and recipient systems and the physical characteristics of stream–riparian boundaries. Climate‐driven changes in the physiology and phenology of organisms with complex life cycles will influence their development time, body size and emergence patterns, with consequences for adjacent terrestrial consumers. Also, novel species interactions can modify subsidy dynamics via complex bottom‐up and top‐down effects. Given the seasonality and pulsed nature of subsidies, alterations of the temporal and spatial synchrony of resource availability to consumers across ecosystems are likely to result in ecological mismatches that can scale up from individual responses, to communities, to ecosystems. Similarly, altered hydrology, temperature, CO2 concentration and land use will modify the recruitment and quality of riparian vegetation, the timing of leaf abscission and the establishment of invasive riparian species. Along with morphological changes to stream–terrestrial boundaries, these will alter the use and fluxes of allochthonous subsidies associated with stream ecosystems. Future research should aim to understand how subsidy dynamics will be affected by key drivers of global change, including agricultural intensification, increasing water use and biotic homogenization. Our conceptual framework based on the match–mismatch between donor and recipient organisms may facilitate understanding of the multiple effects of global change and aid in the development of future research questions.  相似文献   

The present study aims to monitor the long-term changes in forest structure, productivity, nutrient cycling, and to accumulate ecological information on forest ecosystem in Korea. There are six long-term ecological research sites and seven flux measurement sites in Korea. The Gwangneung experimental forest (GEF) located in the central cool-temperate forest sub zone is known as a model site where many interdisciplinary researches have been ongoing actively since mid-1990s over all other Korea long-term ecological research sites (KLTER). Collected data and information through monitoring and investigation of changes in forest ecosystem have been stored in a database for analyses. The relative importance of tree species (%) of GEF was in the order Quercus serrata (20)?=?Euonymus oxyphyllus (20)?>?Carpinus laxiflora (12). The total biomass and basal area were 249.53 t ha?1 and 26.66 m2 ha?1, respectively. There were 136 taxa with 49 families, with 97 genera, 11 varieties, 3 forma, and 1 subspecies in 1 ha permanent plot. The increase in temperature has been estimated to have negative effects on tree growth. The litter decomposition rate was in the order Cornus controversa?<?C. cordata?<?C. laxiflora?<?Q. serrata. The average litterfall and soil respiration were 5803 kg ha?1 and 8600 kg C ha?1, respectively. Further, the GEF, a KLTER site tended to be almost carbon neutral with an annual growth average of 51,000?±?78,000 kg ha?1. The data from six LTER sites are digitalized and classified to build data catalogs on the ecological information system. The information on stand dynamics and materials and energy budget in the forest ecosystem is utilized for impact assessment and the study of adaptation strategy for forest ecosystem to climate change.  相似文献   

杨玉盛 《生态学报》2017,37(1):1-11
随着全球环境变化和人类活动对生态系统影响的日益加深,生态系统结构和功能发生强烈变化,生态系统提供各类资源和服务的能力在显著下降。在这种背景下,全面认识生态系统的结构功能与全球环境变化的关系已成为当前生态学研究的热点之一。本文综述了全球环境变化对典型生态系统(包括森林生态系统、河口湿地生态系统、城市生态系统)影响以及全球环境变化适应的研究现状,分析研究面临的困难及挑战。在此基础上,提出对未来研究发展趋势的展望。在森林生态系统与全球环境变化研究上,未来应重视能更好模拟现实情景的、多因子、长期的全球环境变化控制试验,并注重不同生物地球化学循环之间的耦合作用。在湿地生态系统与全球环境变化研究上,未来应加强氮沉降、硫沉降及盐水入侵对湿地生态系统碳氮循环的影响,明晰滨海湿地的蓝碳功能,加强极端气候和人类干扰影响下湿地生态系统结构和功能变化及恢复力的研究。在城市生态系统与全球环境变化研究上,未来应深化城市生物地球化学循环机制研究,实现城市生态系统的人本需求侧重与转向,并开展典型地区长期、多要素综合响应研究。在全球环境变化适应研究上,未来应构架定量化、跨尺度的适应性评价体系,加强典型区域/部门的适应性研究以及适应策略实施的可行性研究,注重适应与减缓对策的关联研究及实施的风险评估。期望本综述为我国生态系统与全球环境变化研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

城郊生态系统土壤安全:问题与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵方凯  杨磊  陈利顶  李刚  孙龙  李守娟 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4109-4120
土壤作为地球表层系统物质和能量迁移转化的关键节点,其生态功能受到城市化快速发展的严重影响,土壤安全面临严峻的挑战。城郊生态系统受到城市和乡村的双重影响,具有复杂的景观结构和剧烈的动态变化,土壤安全问题更为突出和复杂。基于文献计量学方法,对1990—2017年发表的相关文献进行了统计,梳理和总结了城郊生态系统土壤安全研究的趋势和热点问题,对城郊生态系统中土壤安全面临的问题,及其特殊性、复杂性进行了重点论述,明确了当前快速城市化发展过程中城郊土壤安全研究面临的问题和挑战。建议今后的城郊生态系统土壤安全研究应加强区域尺度上的综合和不同城市发展模式下地区之间的比较,明确城市扩张对城郊生态系统土壤安全的影响机制;建立和完善基于"土壤安全"的城郊生态系统服务评价框架,深入研究城郊生态系统格局-过程-服务之间的关系;明确解析城郊土壤主要污染物来源及其复合污染状况,并结合区域特征,因地制宜开展科学的生态规划,优化城郊景观格局,提升城郊地区土壤安全与生态系统服务功能;明确土壤安全在城郊生态系统可持续发展目标中的重要性,建立科学合理的管理政策。  相似文献   

David Dudgeon 《Hydrobiologia》1992,248(3):167-191
Tropical Asian rivers are characterized by their flow seasonality. One (sometimes two) peaks in discharge cause temporary declines in phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos biomass, but lead to inundation of river floodplains and significant land-water interactions. Fishes undertake lateral or longitudinal breeding migrations within the river system during the flood season, which is marked also by intensive feeding upon allochthonous inputs.Among the diverse human influences upon tropical Asian rivers, three threats stand out. Firstly, degradation of drainage basins (particularly through deforestation and overgrazing) leads to increased suspended sediment loads and extensive flooding. Excessive floodplain siltation alters habitats causing species decline or disappearance. The second threat — river regulation and control — has been practised widely in the region for centuries but, with the planned development of massive projects on the Yangtze and Mekong Rivers, the potential for environmental damage has increased. Flow regulation reduces flood-season peaks, changing the magnitude and extent of floodplain inundation and land-water interactions. Fish breeding migrations may be disrupted, because dams block migration routes or changed flow regimes fail to stimulate reproduction. River pollution is pervasive throughout the region, and constitutes the third threat. Untreated sewage is a particular problem in densely-populated areas, and pollution by industrial effluents and mining wastes is becoming more important. The effects of pollution in tropical Asian rivers are essentially the same as those recorded in north-temperate regions. However, biological understanding has yet to be matched by an ability to halt or limit river degradation.Together, the three threats have led to declines and range constrictions of aquatic animals and those terrestrial species associated with riparian corridors and floodplains. River dolphins and certain crocodilians are particularly threatened, but declines in species of waterfowl, floodplain deer, a host of fishes, macrophytes, and invertebrates have been documented. Reversing the trend is difficult as pollution, flow regulation, and drainage-basin degradation have non-additive detrimental effects on river ecosystems, and enhance the success of exotic invasive species. Moreover, our ability to predict the outcome of man-made changes is hampered by a lack of knowledge of species' life histories and a paucity of data on the trophic basis of production. Despite a lack of detailed information, conservation of tropical Asian rivers will be effected only if limnologists move beyond the bailiwick of science. Ecologically viable management strategies for tropical Asian rivers will succeed only if the socioeconomic context of development plans is taken into account. A failure to rise this challenge will result in the further degradation of these endangered ecosystems.  相似文献   

孙然好  程先  陈利顶 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4473-4481
城市群快速发展严重影响着区域水生态系统的完整性,大尺度流域的河流生境功能辨识和分析尚缺乏系统研究。以海河流域为例,根据河段蜿蜒度、河段比降、断流风险、盐度等4个指标,构建了河流生境功能的分类指标体系。通过多源空间数据和人工判读,划分了6254条河段,在此基础上将河流生境类型划分为15类。通过52个监测样点的鱼类调查数据,分析了不同河流生境的水生生物特征差异,揭示了鱼类多样性高的区域多位于河流比降大、断流风险低的区域,而河流蜿蜒度对于鱼类多样性影响较小。根据京津冀13个地级市的河流生境差异,提出京津冀城市群的生态安全构建需要充分考虑河流生境的空间异质性,并制定融合城市发展目标、水资源利用需求和河流生境功能的综合指标体系。  相似文献   

以清潩河(许昌段)流域为研究对象,通过野外调查和室内测定,对水生植物、河岸带植物和大型底栖动物的群落特征、水体和表层沉积物的环境因子特征进行研究,分析清潩河流域内的生物多样性.结果表明: 流域内共有水生植物12种,河岸带植物66种,大型底栖动物10种.群落间环境因子变异较大,其中,水体的铵氮、总氮、总磷、表层沉积物的氧化还原电位、重金属镉、汞、锌的变异显著.典范对应分析表明: 水体理化性质如化学需氧量、温度、pH、溶解氧、总磷是影响水生植物的关键环境因子;水体氧化还原电位、pH和表层沉积物的镍、汞、有机质、铅、镉是影响河岸带植物分布的关键因子;表层沉积物的pH、温度、氧化还原电位、砷、铅、镍和水体温度是影响大型底栖动物的关键环境因子.清潩河(许昌段)流域水质污染严重,生物群落多样性低,沿河的污水处理及保护与恢复生物类群的工作迫在眉睫.  相似文献   

刘灿均  门宝辉  申耀铎  庞金凤 《生态学报》2023,43(14):5740-5752
滦河流域是京津冀地区重要的生态屏障和水源涵养区,但流域内仍存在水土流失、河流水质不达标等问题。基于实测资料及loadest模型等工具率定InVEST模型参数,定量评估了滦河流域各生态区2005、2010和2015年土壤保持和水质净化服务及其时空变化特征,采用相关分析和基于网格的Moran′I指数分析了两项服务的作用机理和权衡与协同关系的时空分异,并探讨了气候和土地利用变化对二者的影响。结果表明:2005年、2010年、2015年滦河流域年均土壤保持强度为136.45 t/hm2,时间上呈现出先强增后微减的特点,空间格局表现为由西北向东南增加;流域总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)年均输出量分别为1526.73 t/a和82.89 t/a,输出量逐年增加且集中在流域中下游,流域整体水质净化能力有所减弱。流域内水体中TN、TP浓度与泥沙入河量具有显著相关性,土壤保持和水质净化服务关系整体上由协同向权衡转变,空间上的差异性表现为林地、草地集中区域(生态区A)多以协同关系为主,而农牧带交错地区(生态区B)多以权衡关系为主。建议未来滦河流域开展生态建设和管理工作时应统筹考虑土壤保持...  相似文献   

Both gradual and extreme weather changes trigger complex ecological responses in river ecosystems. It is still unclear to what extent trend or event effects alter biodiversity and functioning in river ecosystems, adding considerable uncertainty to predictions of their future dynamics. Using a comprehensive database of 71 published studies, we show that event – but not trend – effects associated with extreme changes in water flow and temperature substantially reduce species richness. Furthermore, event effects – particularly those affecting hydrological dynamics – on biodiversity and primary productivity were twice as high as impacts due to gradual changes. The synthesis of the available evidence reveals that event effects induce regime shifts in river ecosystems, particularly affecting organisms such as invertebrates. Among extreme weather events, dryness associated with flow interruption caused the largest effects on biota and ecosystem functions in rivers. Effects on ecosystem functions (primary production, organic matter decomposition and respiration) were asymmetric, with only primary production exhibiting a negative response to extreme weather events. Our meta-analysis highlights the disproportionate impact of event effects on river biodiversity and ecosystem functions, with implications for the long-term conservation and management of river ecosystems. However, few studies were available from tropical areas, and our conclusions therefore remain largely limited to temperate river systems. Further efforts need to be directed to assemble evidence of extreme events on river biodiversity and functioning.  相似文献   

Restoration activity has exponentially increased across the Southwest since 1990. Over 37,000 records were compiled into the National River Restoration Science Synthesis (NRRSS) database to summarize restoration trends and assess project effectiveness. We analyzed data from 576 restoration projects in the Southwest (NRRSS‐SW). More than 50% of projects were less than or equal to 3 km in length. The most common restoration project intent categories were riparian management, water quality management, in‐stream habitat improvement, and flow modification. Common project activities were well matched to goals. Conservative estimates of total restoration costs exceeded $500 million. Most restoration dollars have been allocated to flow modification and water quality management. Monitoring was linked to 28% of projects across the Southwest, as opposed to just 10% nationwide. Mean costs were statistically similar whether or not projects were monitored. Results from 48 telephone interviews provided validation of NRRSS‐SW database analyses but showed that project costs are often underreported within existing datasets. The majority of interviewees considered their projects to be successful, most often based upon observed improvements to biota or positive public reaction rather than evaluation of field data. The efficacy of restoration is difficult to ascertain given the dearth of information contained within most datasets. There is a great need for regional entities that not only track information on project implementation but also maintain and analyze monitoring data associated with restoration. Agencies that fund or regulate restoration should reward projects that emphasize monitoring and evaluation as much as project implementation.  相似文献   

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