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《Ecological Engineering》2005,24(1-2):149-156
The presence and relative abundance of shrews and rodents have been studied in four different former brown coal mining areas in Lower Lusatia between 1995 and 1997 as well as 2001 and 2002. Several sites of undisturbed, i.e. non-mined, areas were included for comparison. Four species of shrews and four species of rodents have been found. Generally only few shrews were recorded in the Lower Lusatian area. Sorex araneus and S. minutus are the most abundant species, while Crocidura leucodon and C. suaveolens are rare. In the brown coal mining area shrews mainly occur in older sites with higher vegetation. The analysis of the distribution of rodent species revealed that Microtus arvalis having a comparably small spread potential, colonizes sites preferably with dense vegetation, while Apodemus sylvaticus was also found in sites with sparse vegetation. The relative abundance of all species is significantly higher in undisturbed sites. The colonization of the dumped openland areas is difficult for small mammals.  相似文献   

Shimalov VV 《Parazitologiia》2002,36(3):247-252
A helminth fauna of small rodents inhabiting channel banks have been investigated in soil improvement territories (Belorussian Polesie) in the period 1996-1999. 41 helminth species have been found in animals. Generally, there are specific helminths of rodents of the Cricetidae and Muridae families. These animals also participate in life cycles of bird's and carnivore's helminths.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic instability was studied in four rodent species (Ellobius talpinus, Microtus arvalis, M. rossiaemeridionalis, Mus musculus). It was measured by fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of 21 craniometric characters. Each species was represented by two populations differing in average level of chromosomic instability and in degree of anthropogenic influence. Relation between FA and individual age was observed in none of the studied species. The level of cranial structure FA in rodents is probably formed during embryogeny or early postnatal ontogeny and is not changing significantly during the further development. The studied species showed distinct differences in the degree of ontogenetic instability of the axial skull, but not of the mandible. No connection was found between craniometric character FA and technogenic stress. The differences of cranial FA level among the studied species of rodents agree with their systematic position and the sequence of their evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

A new nomenclature of the lung lobes and of the bronchial tree is presented, with which the lungs in 40 species of 11 rodent families are described. Whole, fixed lungs and silicone casts of the bronchial tree are tested for 23 characters, based on the distribution of lung lobes, the number and geometry of first order bronchi, the pulmonary blood supply, and lung symmetry. Ten lung morphotypes are recognized, seven of them representing one or more families: Castor type (Castoridae), Cryptomys type (Bathyergidae), Ctenodactylus type (Ctenodactylidae), Eliomys type (Gliridae), Myocastor type (Myocastoridae), Octodon type (Octodontidae and Echimyidae) and Rattus type (Sciuridae, Muridae pt. and Dipodidae). The Hydromys type is found only in Hydromys chrysogaster (Muridae), while Galea type A and B both appear in Galea musteloides (Caviidae). The data are phylogenetically analyzed by the program PAUP 4.0 using as outgroup Lagomorpha or Insectivora. On the species level, there are no well-resolved cladograms. On the family level, the cladograms do not contradict traditional rodent systematics with one exception: the Caviidae do not fall within Caviomorpha or even within the Hystricomorpha, but form a sister group to Dipodidae (Myomorpha). This appears to be a result of convergence. The lungs of Gliridae are more similar to those of Muridae than to those of Sciuridae. Included in the ingroup, Oryctolagus (Lagomorpha) forms a clade with Caviidae + Dipodidae. Thus, the "Glires hypothesis" is neither supported nor refuted.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among major rodent superfamilies traditionally have been difficult to establish because of the apparent high level of convergence and parallelism seen among morphological characters and/or rapid differentiation of rodent groups in the Paleocene/Eocene. Nucleotide sequence data from the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene were used to clarify phylogenetic relationships among the major groups of rodents as defined by Brandt (1855) and Tullberg (1899). Based on the approximately 800 bp analyzed for the 12S rRNA gene in 59 mammalian species, including 25 of the 32 extant rodent families, the major rodent groups that could be defined as monophyletic clades were the Hystricognathi, the Muroidea, and the Geomyoidea. In addition, support for superfamilial sister-group relationships was found for Aplodontoidea with Sciuroidea and Dipodoidea with Muroidea.  相似文献   

The present study compares the forefoot and hindfoot musculature of five representative species of Cavioidea rodents. In all species, the musculature of both forefeet and hindfeet have the same array regardless of the absence of digit I in the manus of Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris and Cavia porcellus. Our results suggest a tendency in these species towards a three-digit system, with a functional loss of digit V and a predominance of digit III in their forefeet. In the same way, the muscular reduction of digit I in the other rodents analyzed indicates a four-digit system with predominance of digit II in Myoprocta acouchy and Dasyprocta leporina and of digit V in Agouti paca. There seems to be an association between the muscular arrangement and functional axis of the foot, raising the general question why this axis runs between the third and forth digit, or along the third digit.  相似文献   

Presented is a brief overview of basic principles and notions of geometric morphometrics, a new approach to quantitative analysis of shape variations. This approach is applied to analysis of variation of the skull shape in the sample of 18 muroid genera belonging to the families Cricetidae, Arvicolidae and Gerbillidae. The skull shape is described by landmarks, and skulls are compared by resistant fit and superimposition methods. Under consideration is relation of skull shape to the trophic specialization, to family belonging, and to body size. Axial skull reveals more conspicuous relation to each of the factor analyzed as compared to mandible. Zygomatic region and tooth raw are most differentiable, while change of auditory bulla is of secondary effect. Transition from omnivorous through granivorous to grass-eating specialization involves the same trend in each of the family studied in the case of axial skull but not of mandible. Most dependent of trophic specialization appeared to be shape of axial skull rather then of mandible. Arvicolines are most specific in respect to the skull shape. Shape to size relation, although rather slight, also involves the same zygomatic-dental region. The results obtained indicate probably that geometric morphometrics does reveal variations in the skull shape that are free of the size effect.  相似文献   

Athough over a hundred species of fossil aplodontoids have been described since the extant species, Aplodontia rufa (the mountain beaver), was first described by Rafinesque in 1817, a thorough survey of the relationships among all the species in this clade has not been undertaken since McGrew's study in 1941. Here, a complete phylogenetic analysis of all published species of aplodontoids is used to reconstruct the evolutionary relationships within the clade, and to present an updated classification of the Aplodontoidea. Several of the traditionally recognized subfamilies are found to be paraphyletic, namely the Prosciurinae, the Allomyinae, and the Meniscomyinae. Others, however, including the Aplodontinae and the Mylagaulidae, appear to be monophyletic. These latter two taxa, which include all of the hypsodont members of the aplodontoid clade, seem to be sister taxa. The history of the aplodontoid clade shows several episodes of rapid diversification in the Early Oligocene, the Late Oligocene, and the Early to Middle Miocene. The Ansomyinae and Aplodontinae show comparatively low speciation rates. The patterns of change in morphology and evolutionary rates suggest a need for a more detailed study of the causes of diversification, extinction, and ecological change in this lineage.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 153 , 769–838.  相似文献   

We examined ten species of octodontid rodents and representatives of three outgroups in a complete 13 × 13 DNA-hybridization matrix. The results were indexed as differences in median melting-point depressions (T,ms), symmetrized, subjected to phylogenetic analysis using FITCH, bootstrapped, and exhaustively taxon-jackknifed. Within Octodontidae, four clades were recovered with 100% bootstrap and complete jackknife support: Tympanoctomys barrerae with Octomys mimax, Octodontomys gliroides alone, Octodon spp., and Aconaemys spp. with Spalacopus cyanus; the latter two clades were closer to each other than either was to Octodontomys or Octomys-Tympanoctomys, but were slightly nearer to and united with Octodontomys, with 89% bootstrap support. However, relationships among the three Aconaemys species and Spalacopus were not completely resolved by our experiments. Ctenomys coyhaiquensis, Abrocoma bennetti, and Lagostomus maximus represented successive outgroups to Octodontidae, while one-way comparisons with Cavia porcellus and Microcavia australis suggested that these caviids are almost as distant from octodontoids as is the chinchilloid Lagostomus. When the data were suitably corrected for percentage hybridization and saturation, division of the distances by the rate previously determined for most amniotes (0.48%/myr) suggested that the basal divergence among the caviomorph rodents examined occurred about 59 myrbp, and that Octodontidae originated 40 myrbp and diversified into extant lineages beginning 14 myr ago. Calibration against the date of the earliest known caviomorph (late Eocene or about 37.5 myrbp) gave a rate of 0.75%/myr, which would suggest later dates for subsequent caviomorph cladogenesis. It is notable that, based respectively on the slower or faster rates, the tetraploid Tympanoctomys barrerae must have diverged from its sister-taxon Octomys mimax 10 or 6.5 myr ago.  相似文献   

The authors studied morphological and histochemically the mucopolysaccharides and proteins in the gallbladder tubular glands and epithelial cells of the capivara Hydrochoerus hydrochoeris. Based on the results the authors concluded: 1. the gallbladder single columnar epithelium consists of secretory, migrating, and goblet cells; 2. in the lamina propria are single coiled tubular glands; 3. goblet and tubular gland cells show neutral and sulphated mucopolysaccharides and sialic acid; 4. columnar cells show neutral mucopolysaccharides and protein radicals; 5. migrating cells show only protein radicals.  相似文献   

The most genetically divergent populations of the European snow vole Chionomys nivalis occupy the extreme eastern range of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. It was recently suggested that subspecies C. n. spitzenbergerae from the Central Taurus Mountains (Turkey) represents a highly divergent lineage of C. nivalis from the Alada? Range which induced us to address its status by examining topotype specimens. Two females karyotyped displayed 54 mitotic chromosomes of 25 acrocentric autosomal pairs. One of the smallest autosomal pairs was heteromorphic in both specimens, consisting of a submetacentric and an acrocentric chromosomes (NFa = 53). Cytochrome b sequences however unambiguously clustered both individuals with reference sequences from C. nivalis from Turkey. We conclude that a deviant haplotype from the Alada? Range does not represent C. n. spitzenbergerae. Its taxonomic identity was not resolved in our study. Further attention should be devoted to snow voles from Central Anatolia and Western Iran, which are characterized by cranial peculiarities.  相似文献   

Having compared the microanatomy of the toes of a terrestrial to two climbing species, adaptations were found in the flexor tendons and in the integument. In contrast to Crocidura russula, both Muscardinus avellanarius and Micromys minutus have a tendon-locking mechanism (TLM) that is engaged when the middle phalanx is bent. A ventral thickening of the flexor tendon is situated deep to a thickened portion of the ventral tendon sheath. When twigs or stalks are grasped, the TLM allows less muscular energy to be expended. In C. russula glands are restricted to the terminal pads, but in the climbing species they occur in the sole of the toes as well. In the reed-living M. minutus knob-shaped integumental thickenings, together with the digital pads, stabilize the grip. In contrast the arboreal M. avellanarius often climbs thick branches and shows adaptations for pressing the sole of the feet against the surface. Thereby the tendon attached to the plantar integument of the toes transfers the muscle force directly to the bark. Unlike the other digits on the forefeet of both climbing species, no TLM is present in the anterior digit. In M. minutus this short digit is twisted towards the palm and, with the carpal pads, provides an abutment against the grasping fingers. In M. avellanarius the anterior digit has very thin tendons and is that much reduced in length that it is completely integrated into the digital pad where it acts, at best, as a lateral support of the pad. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The origin of the Cricetidae and the relationships among earliest species from Central and East Asia are still disputed. The taxonomic status of some Eocene cricetid taxa is also doubtful. A parsimony analysis based on 65 cranial and dental characters and including 22 early Myomorpha was performed to elucidate these issues. As a result, the North American Elymys, known as the first Myodonta, belongs to dipodoid rodents, although it shares a suite of characters with the first cricetids. This implies that the split between dipodoids and muroids occurred in North America during the early middle Eocene, as previously supposed. The disputed Simimys and Nonomys could constitute an early dipodoid radiation. It appears that the earliest offshoot of the cricetid clade is the Asian genus Palasiomys. This taxon has a more advanced cricetid plan than contemporaneous dipodoids. The genus Raricricetodon no longer exists here because it is polyphyletic; the species are included in Palasiomys (P. minor, P. trapezius) and Pappocricetodon (P. zhongtiaensis). The genus Pappocricetodon displays a complete cricetid plan associated with both the loss of P4 and the development of an anterocone on M1. The disputed genera Eocricetodon and Oxynocricetodon characterize the beginning of the Oligocene radiations of Eucricetodontinae throughout the Holarctic continents.  相似文献   

Relationships among extant and fossil echimyids (Rodentia: Hystricognathi)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The echimyid rodents are the most diverse group of Neotropical hystricognaths, with approximately 40 extant and fossil genera. Craniodental characters are proposed in order to formulate hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships within the Echimyidae. A data matrix of 54 taxa and 50 characters is constructed and submitted to parsimony analyses using PAUP and WinClada programs. Analysis of the complete data set results in 47 448 most parsimonious trees 107 steps long. These trees are summarized in a strict consensus tree, which is taken as the main phylogenetic hypothesis resulting from this study. The monophyly of several currently recognized supraspecific taxa is not corroborated. These are: the subfamilies Eumysopinae, Echimyinae, Myocastorinae and Adelphomyinae; and the genera Proechimys , Echimys and Makalata . Conversely, the monophyly of Dactylomyinae and Trinomys is supported. New associations are proposed: (1) a clade comprising the extant Carterodon , Clyomys and Euryzygomatomys and the fossil Pampamys and Theridomysops placed at the base of the crown-group Echimyidae; (2) a clade uniting Proechimys , Hoplomys and Trinomys , which is the sister-taxon of (3) a clade including Mesomys , Lonchothrix , Myocastor and a clade with extant dactylomyines and echimyines and associated fossil taxa. Based on this phylogenetic hypothesis, patterns of tooth evolution in Echimyidae are discussed, and minimum ages for the divergence events within the family are estimated.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 142 , 445–477.  相似文献   

Wilma  George  Barbara J.  Weir  Jean  Bedford 《Journal of Zoology》1972,168(1):81-89
A study of the chromosomes of Cavia aperea and Galea musteloides has been made following the introduction into captivity of these two cavies from Argentina. The evolutionary relationships of the two genera have been considered, and the possible ancestry of C. porcellus from C. aperea was investigated in hybrids of the two species.  相似文献   

We studied 1140 bp cytochrome b sequences of social voles from three localities in Lebanon. The results were compared with published sequences representing seven species of social voles. New sequences from Lebanon clustered with reference samples of two species: M. guentheri and M. irani. While M. guentheri was already reported for Lebanon, M. irani is a new addition to the fauna of Lebanon, and the third known record for the species. Animals were collected in two localities above Tripolis at 855 m and 1430 m a.s.l., respectively.  相似文献   

Karyotypes of four Chinese species of field mice of the genus Apodemus were examined, including Apodemus chevrieri(diploid chromosome number,2 n=48, fundamental number of autosomal arms,FNa=56), A. draco(2 n=48, FNa=48), A. ilex(2 n=48, FNa=48), and A. latronum(2 n=48, FNa=48).Karyotypes of A. chevrieri, A. draco, and A. ilex are reported here for the first time, providing useful information for their species taxonomy. Determining the karyotypes of all species of Apodemus in Asia,both in this and previous studies, provides a solid overview of the chromosome evolution and species differentiation of the genus in East Asia. In addition to allopatric speciation, chromosome rearrangements likely played an important role in the formation of the four Apodemus species groups as well as speciation within each group in East Asia. For example, increased centromeric heterochromatin in A. latronum may have contributed to the post-mating reproductive isolation from the A. draco-A. ilex-A. semotus clade.  相似文献   

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