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A new ATPase electrophoretically and immunologically distinct from the dynein ATPase studied previously has been solublized and purified from sea urchin sperm flagella. This ATPase has properties similar to those of dynein ATPase. Therefore, we propose that the two ATPases be considered as dynein isoenzymes, with previously studied dynein being known as dynein 1, and the newly discovered ATPase as dynein 2. Some physicochemical and enzymatic properties of dynein 2 have been determined. The molecular weight calculated from the sedimentation coefficient (12.3 "/- 1 S) and Stokes radius (12.8 "/- 0.4 nm) is 690,000 +/- 70,000. The molecular weight of the high molecular weight subunit of dynein 2 has been determined to be 325,000 +/- 40,000 by Na dodecyl-SO4-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzymatic properties of dynein 1 and dynein 2 are similar in substrate specificity, pH optimum, and Mg2+ requirement for ATPase activity, but they differ in their Michaelis constant and in their dependence of ATPase activity upon salt concentration. Digestion of dynein 2 with trypsin yields an ATPase-containing protein fragment, similar to Fragment A obtained from dynein 1. An antiserum prepared against Fragment A from dynein 1 did not precipitate dynein 2 or inhibit its ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Treatment of demembranated sea urchin sperm axonemes with an extraction solution containing 0.6 M NaCl, pH 7.0 for 10 min at 4 degrees C yields a solution of dynein 1 having a low, latent specific ATPase activity of about 0.25 mumol of Pi mg(-1) min(-1). Exposure of this dynein solution to 0.1% Triton-X-100 for 10 min at 25 degrees C causes an increase in its ATPase activity to about 3 mumol of Pi mg(-1) min(-1). A similar activation can be obtained by treating at 42 degrees C or by reacting with 60 mol of p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate/10(6) g of protein. The effects of these activating procedures are not additive, suggesting that they lead to a common activated state. Purification of the latent activity dynein 1 by sucrose density gradient centrifugation yields a monodisperse preparation sedimenting at 21 S, and having a molecular weight of 1,250,000 as determined by sedimentation diffusion and sedimentation equilibrium. Activation of the latent dynein 1 with Triton X-100 converts it to a form sedimenting at 10 to 14 S. The 21 S dynein is also converted to a 10 S form by dialysis against 5 mM imidazole/NaOH buffer, 0.1 mM EDTA, 5 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, pH 7, although in this case, the ATPase activity is increased only about 3-fold, with another 3-fold activation being obtainable upon subsequent treatment with Triton X-100. The 21 S latent form of dynein 1 may represent the intact dynein arms that form moving cross-bridges and generate active sliding between adjacent doublet tubules of the flagellar axoneme. Electrophoretic analysis on polyacrylamide gels in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate suggests a model in which the 21 S dynein 1 particle is composed of three subunits of about 330,000 daltons and one of each of three medium weight subunits of 126,000, 95,000, and 77,000 daltons. When latent dynein 1 is added back to NaCl-extracted axonemes in the presence of 0.15 M NaCl, it recombines stoichiometrically and restores the arms on the doublet tubules with a 6-fold activation of its ATPase activity measured in the absence of KCl.  相似文献   

Extraction with 0 04% (w/v) Triton X-100 removes the flagellar membrane from sea urchin sperm while leaving the motile apparatus apparently intact When reactivated in a suitable medium containing exogenous adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nearly 100% of the sperm are motile and they swim in a manner resembling that of live sperm. Under standard conditions, with 1 mM ATP at 25°C, the reactivated sperm had an average frequency of 32 beats/sec and progressed forward a distance of 2.4 µm/beat; comparable figures for live sperm in seawater were 46 beats/sec and 3 9 µm/beat. The adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity of the reactivated sperm was measured with a pH-stat in the presence of oligomycin to inhibit residual mitochondrial ATPase. The motile sperm had an ATPase activity of 0.16 µmole Pi/(min x mg protein), while sperm that had been rendered non-motile by homogenizing had an activity of 0 045 µmole Pi/(min x mg protein). The difference between the ATPase activities of the motile and nonmotile sperm was tentatively interpreted as the amount of activity coupled to movement, and under optimal conditions it amounted to about 72% of the total ATPase activity Under some conditions the movement-coupled ATPase activity was proportional to the beat frequency, but it was possibly also affected by other wave parameters. The coupled ATPase activity decreased to almost zero when movement was prevented by raising the viscosity, or by changing the pH or salt concentration. The motility of reactivated sperm was wholly dependent on the presence of ATP; other nucleotides gave very low phosphatase activity and no movement. The requirement for a divalent cation was best satisfied with Mg++, although some motility was also obtained with Mn++ and Ca++. The coupled ATPase activity had a Michaelis constant (Km) of 0.15 mM. The beat frequency of the reactivated sperm varied with the ATP concentration, with an effective "Km" of 0.2 mM.  相似文献   

Speract, a sperm-activating peptide (SAP) from sea urchin eggs, induces various sperm responses including a transient increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. However, it has not been clarified how speract modulates sperm motility and whether it functions as a chemoattractant. To confirm the effect of speract on sperm motility, we observed the flagellar bending response to speract in sperm of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, in experiments using caged speract and a lighting system for a microscope newly developed with a power LED. We found that speract induces increases in curvature of swimming paths and changes flagellar bending shape to asymmetric. These facts show that speract directly regulates flagellar motility, and suggest that speract-induced increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration play an actual role in regulation of the flagellar movement.  相似文献   

Sea urchin sperm were demembranated and reactivated with a solution containing 0.04% Triton X-100 and 0.03 mM ATP. The ATP concentration was then lowered abruptly by diluting the sperm suspension 50-fold into reactivating solution containing no ATP. The flagella of the sperm in the diluted suspension were not motile, but they were bent into a variety of stationary rigor wave forms closely resembling the wave forms occurring at different stages of the flagellar bending cycle during normal movement. The form of these rigor waves was unchanged upon storage for several hours in the presence of dithiothreitol and EDTA. Addition of 1 µM ATP induced slow relaxation of the waves, with most of the sperm becoming partially straightened over a period of about 30 min; somewhat higher concentrations gave a more rapid and complete relaxation. Concentrations of ATP above 10 µM induced resumption of normal beating movements. Addition of ITP, GTP, or GDP (up to 1 mM) produced no relaxation of the rigor waves. Digestion with trypsin to an extent sufficient to disrupt the radial spokes and the nexin links caused no change in the rigor wave forms, suggesting that these wave forms could be maintained by the dynein cross-bridges between the outer doublet tubules of the flagellar axoneme. Study of the effects of viscous shear on the rigor wave axonemes has shown that they are resistant to distortion by bending, although they can be twisted relatively easily.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the dynein from axonemes of sea urchin sperm consists of two distinct fractions which differ substantially in their extractability by salt. Upon gel electrophoresis of whole demembranated axonemes solubilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate, the dynein fraction shows two closely spaced bands with apparent molecular weights of 520,000 and 460,000; the proteins in these bands are termed the A and B components of the dynein. Similar electrophoresis of the soluble fraction obtained by extracting the axonemes with 0.5 M NaCl shows a single prominent band containing approximately half of the A component of the dynein (A1 component). The residue of extracted axonemes contain the other half of the A component of the dynein (A2 component) and all the B component. Densitometry of the bands indicates that the A1, A2 and B components of the dynein are present in approximately equal molar quantity. Electron microscopic studies show that the A1 component of the dynein constitutes the outer arms on the doublet tubules. Assay of ATPase activity in 0.05 M KCl and l mM ATP indicates about 65% of the total ATPase activity becomes soluble when the A1 component of the dynein is extracted with salt.  相似文献   

The mitochondrion of sea urchin sperm is located at the base of the sperm head, and the flagellum extends from the mitochondrion for approximately 40 microM. These sperm have two known flagellar, non-mitochondrial, enzymatic systems to rephosphorylate ADP. The first involves the phosphocreatine shuttle, where flagellar creatine kinase (Sp-CK) uses phosphocreatine to rephosphorylate ADP. The second system, studied in this report, is adenylate kinase (Sp-AK), which uses 2 ADP to make ATP + AMP. Cloning of Sp-AK shows that, like Sp-CK, Sp-AK has three catalytic domains. Sp-AK localizes along the entire flagellum, and most of it is tightly bound to the axoneme. Sp-AK activity and flagellar motility were studied using demembranated sperm. The specific Sp-AK inhibitor Ap5A blocks enzyme activity with an IC50 of 0.41 microM. In 1 mm ADP, flagella reactivate motility in 5 min; 1 microM Ap5A completely inhibits this reactivation. No inhibition of motility occurs in Ap5A when 1 mm ATP is added to the reactivation buffer. The pH optimum for Sp-AK is 7.7, an internal pH at which sperm are fully motile. The pH optimum for Sp-CK is 6.7, an internal pH at which sperm are immotile. In isolated, detergent-permeabilized flagella, assayed at pH 7.6, the Km for Sp-AK is 0.32 mm and the Vmax is 2.80 microM ATP formed/min/mg of protein. When assayed at pH 7.6, the Sp-CK Km is 0.25 mm and the Vmax 5.25. At the measured in vivo concentrations of ADP of 114 microM, at pH 7.6, the axonemal Sp-AK could contribute approximately 31%, and Sp-CK 69%, of the total non-mitochondrial ATP synthesis associated with the demembranated axoneme. Thus, Sp-AK could contribute substantially to ATP synthesis utilized for motility. Alternatively, Sp-AK could function in the removal of ADP, which is a potent inhibitor of dynein ATPase.  相似文献   

Sea urchin spermatozoa demembranated with Triton X-100 in the presence of EGTA, termed potentially asymmetric, generate asymmetric bending waves in reactivation solutions containing EGTA. After they are converted to the potentially symmetric condition by extraction with Triton and millimolar Ca++, they generate symmetric bending waves in reactivation solutions containing EGTA. In the presence of EGTA, their asymmetry can be restored by addition of brain calmodulin or the concentrated supernatant obtained from extraction with Triton and millimolar Ca++. These extracts contain calmodulin, as assayed by gel electrophoresis, radioimmunoassay, activation of brain phosphodiesterase, and Ca++-dependent binding of asymmetry-restoring activity to a trifluorophenothiazine-affinity resin. Conversion to the potentially symmetric condition can also be achieved with trifluoperazine substituted for Triton during the exposure to millimolar Ca++, which suggests that the calmodulin-binding activity of Triton is important for this conversion. These observations suggest that the conversion to the potentially symmetric condition is the result of removal of some of the axonemal calmodulin and provide additional evidence for axonemal calmodulin as a mediator of the effect of Ca++ on the asymmetry of flagellar bending.  相似文献   

When 21S dynein ATPase [EC] from sea urchin sperm flagellar axonemes was mixed with the salt-extracted axonemes, the ATPase activity was much higher than the sum of ATPase activities in the two fractions, as reported previously (Gibbons, I.R. & Fronk, E. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 187-196). This high ATPase level was for the first time demonstrated to be due to the activation of the 21S dynein ATPase activity by the axonemes. The mode of the activation was studied to get an insight into the mechanism of dynein-microtubule interaction. The salt-extracted axonemes caused a 7- to 8-fold activation of the 21S dynein ATPase activity at an axoneme : dynein weight ratio of about 14 : 1. The activation was maximal at a low ionic strength (no KCl) at pH 7.9-8.3. Under these conditions, 21S dynein rebound to the salt-extracted axonemes. The maximal binding ratio of 21S dynein to the axonemes was the same as that observed in the maximal activation of 21S dynein ATPase. The sliding between the outer doublet microtubules in the trypsin-treated 21S dynein-rebound axonemes took place upon the addition of 0.05-0.1 mM ATP in the absence of KCl. During the sliding, the rate of ATP hydrolysis was at the same level as that of the 21S dynein activated by the salt-extracted axonemes. However, it decreased to the level of 21S dynein alone after the sliding. These results suggested that an interaction of the axoneme-rebound 21S dynein with B-subfibers of the adjacent outer doublet microtubules in the axoneme causes the activation of the ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Satellite DNA from sea urchin sperm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Ohmuro J  Mogami Y  Baba SA 《Zoological science》2004,21(11):1099-1108
Transition from immotile to motile flagella may involve a series of states, in which some of regulatory mechanisms underlying normal flagellar movement are working with others being still suppressed. To address ourselves to the study of starting transients of flagella, we analyzed flagellar movement of sea urchin sperm whose motility initiation had been retarded in an experimental solution, so that we could capture the instance at which individual spermatozoa began their flagellar beating. Initially straight and immotile flagella began to shiver at low amplitude, then propagated exclusively the principal bend (P bend), and finally started stable flagellar beating. The site of generation of the P bend in the P-bend propagating stage varied in position in the basal region up to 10 microm from the base, indicating that the ability of autonomous bend generation is not exclusively possessed by the very basal region but can be unmasked throughout a wider region when the reverse bend (R bend) is suppressed. The rate of change in the shear angle, the curvature of the R bend and the frequency and regularity of beating substantially increased upon transition from P-bend propagating to full-beating, while the propagation velocity of bends remained unchanged. These findings indicate that artificially delayed motility initiation may accompany sequential modification of the motile system and that mechanisms underlying flagellar motility can be analyzed separately under experimentally retarded conditions.  相似文献   

Adenylate kinase (AK) is localized in sea urchin sperm flagella and embryonic cilia. To investigate sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus AK (SpAK) enzymatic characteristics, the full-length recombinant protein of 130 kDa (SpAKr) and each of its three catalytic domains were expressed in Escherichia coli. Although the full-length SpAK had high enzymatic activity, each of the three catalytic domains had no activity. The Km for ATP synthesis from ADP was 0.23 mM and the Vmax was 4.51 mumol ATP formed per minute per milligram of protein. The specific AK inhibitor, Ap5A, blocks SpAKr enzymatic activity with an IC50 of 0.53 microM. The pH optimum for SpAKr is 8.1, as compared to 7.7 for the natural SpAK. Calcium inhibits SpAKr activity in a dose-dependent manner. Although SpAKr has three cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites, and can be phosphorylated in vitro, the enzymatic kinetics after phosphorylation are not significantly altered. SpAK and Chlamydomonas flagellar AKs are the only AKs with three catalytic sites. Further study of the SpAKr will aid in understanding the active site of this interesting and important ATP synthase.  相似文献   

Non-histone chromatin proteins (NHP) from sperm and gastrula of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis have been studied. The results obtained show that the total amount of the NHP in the sperm chromatin is one-sixth of that in the gastrula chromatin. Certain notable differences in the electrophoretic banding patterns of the NHP have also been observed. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of NHP revealed one major specific component of molecular weight 17000 in the sperm chromatin and three major specific fractions with molecular weights 14000; 15000 and 35000 in gastrula chromatin. Furthermore, the gastrula chromatin NHP contains about ten minor specific fractions in the molecular weight range 25 000 to 65 000. The relevance of these results to the control of gene activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Two different affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies were prepared against A polypeptides of dynein 1 extracted from sea urchin sperm. These antibodies, named AD1 and AD2, reacted exclusively with the alpha and beta heavy chains of dynein 1. Using these antibodies, we analyzed their cross-reactivity with dynein of mammalian cells. Immunohistochemically, both AD1 and AD2 stained dynein-related structures such as cilia of rabbit tracheal epithelia and flagella of rat spermatozoa. Immunoblots of the proteins extracted from mammalian cilia and flagella revealed the presence of A polypeptide-like proteins which cross-reacted with AD1 and AD2. Immunoblot analysis showed that the cross-reactive proteins were localized to the 370-kDa band of rabbit cilia and the 390- and 350-kDa bands of rat sperms. The reaction patterns showed that there were some differences between the two antibodies. On ciliary protein immunoblots, AD1 recognized about half of the broad band region which reacted with AD2, and AD1 also recognized only the 350-kDa band of the flagella extract, suggesting that the antibody reveals only a beta-like polypeptide. Immunoprecipitation studies using the ciliary proteins and AD2 confirmed that the immunoreactive protein had ATPase activity. Given these results, we have characterized mammalian dyneins previously reported by other laboratories.  相似文献   

Outer dynein arm polypeptides that possess Mg+2-adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity have been extracted from the flagellar axonemes of demembranated bovine sperm. Electron microscopy of intact and salt-extracted sperm demonstrates a relatively selective removal of the outer dynein arms. The salt extract contains a specific ATPase activity of 55 nmoles inorganic phosphate (Pi)/min/mg protein. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of this extract results in a 6-fold increase in specific activity of ATPase (333 nmole/Pi/min/mg protein), which sediments as a single 13S peak. Concomitant with the increase in specific activity, there is enrichment of three high molecular weight polypeptides (Mr greater than 300,000) characteristic of dynein heavy chains. ATPase activities in the initial extract and in the 13S peak are inhibited by concentrations of vanadate and erythro-9-[3-2-(hydroxynonyl)]adenine similar to those that inhibit ATPase activity in sea urchin sperm dynein. These findings indicate that outer arm dynein ATPase can be extracted and partially purified from bovine sperm.  相似文献   

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