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A study was carried out to investigate the diet and feeding strategies of age 0 year juvenile flounder Platichthys flesus in two different micro‐tidal habitats in the nutrient enriched Mariager Fjord on the Danish east coast. Juvenile flounder and benthic macrofauna were sampled monthly from June to October 1999 in a bare sand habitat and a habitat covered by filamentous and mat forming macroalgae. The presence of the 'opportunistic' macroalgae created a shift in the dominance of surface dwelling prey such as epifaunal amphipods to more infaunal groups such as oligochaetes and polychaetes. The diet of the flounder varied considerably between the two habitats mainly reflecting prey availability relative to their abundance, prey spatial distribution, habitat structure and ontogenetic prey shifts as a function of total length. Flounder in the vegetated site fed on a diverse diet of copepods, polychaetes and oligochaetes, whereas those caught in the bare sand site fed primarily on the amphipod Corophium volutator which was numerically dominant at this site. During the growth season, two diet shifts were observed: from copepods early in the season to macrofauna organisms and, later in the season, the inclusion of more hyperbenthic prey such as Mysidea spp; Idotea spp. and the common goby Pomatoschistus microps .  相似文献   

Freezing of adult flounder Platichthys flesus and turbot Psetta maxima for 24 h resulted in mean decrease of total length ( L T) of 2·1 and 1·3% and a reduced body mass ( M ) of 3·1 and 1·3%, respectively. Increasing the freezing time to 25 days increased the shrinkage in turbot but not in flounder. The L T and M T conversion equations for the different species and time spent frozen are given. The differences between species could be explained by the higher volume to surface area relationship in turbot compared with flounder.  相似文献   

The effect of 9 min of net confinement on two marine teleost species, the flounder and the Atlantic salmon, was investigated in order to gauge how different species respond to the same stress stimulus. Net confinement in both species induced significant elevations in plasma cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality, and monovalent ion levels; the responses to net confinement in salmon were generally of a greater magnitude. In both species, handling induced significant alterations in PFFA levels though there were marked species differences in the qualitative and quantitative aspects of this response. Plasma protein levels were significantly elevated only in the flounders. In general, the two species responded similarly to the net confinement with differences only in the absolute levels and durations of the responses.  相似文献   

Aarnio  Katri  Mattila  Johanna 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):347-355
Due to increasing eutrophication of the coastal Baltic waters, drifting algae are a common phenomenon. Drifting algal mats accumulate on shallow sandy bottoms in late summer and autumn, and affect the ambient fauna. Juvenile flounder, Platichthys flesus, utilize these habitats during their first few years. They feed on benthic meio- and macrofauna; part of their diet consists of shelled species, such as Ostracods, and juvenile Hydrobia spp. and Macoma balthica. Earlier studies have shown that up to 75% of ostracods and 92% of hydrobiids survive the gut passage of juvenile flounder, while all M. balthica are digested by the fish. We conducted laboratory experiments to study how the shelled prey responded to a drift algal mat, and the predation efficiency of juvenile P. flesus on these prey species on bare sand and with drifting algae (50% coverage). Hydrobia spp. utilized the drift algae as a habitat and, after 1 h, 50% had moved into the algae; ostracods and M. balthica were more stationary and, after 96 h, only 23 and 12%, respectively, were found in the algae. For the predation efficiency of P. flesus, a two-way ANOVA with habitat (algae, bare sand) and predation (fish, no fish) as factors revealed that both algae and predation affected negatively the survival of all three prey species. The algae, thus, affected the predation efficiency of juvenile P. flesus and the consumption of prey was much reduced in the algal treatments compared to the bare sand. This was due probably to increased habitat complexity and the ability of prey, especially hydrobiids, to use the algal mat as a refuge. Altered habitat structure due to drift algae, together with the resultant changes in habitat (refuge) value for different prey species, may profoundly change the structure of benthic communities.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (Asp1, Val5) perfused through isolated flounder gills inhibited the transepithelial potential by up to 25 per cent at a concentration of 10−9M. There was no effect on gill haemodynamics and the subsequent response to 10−5 M adrenaline was normal.  相似文献   

The water balance of 0-group flounders was investigated in a range of static [0–100% sea water (SW), 100%≡ 34%‰] and cycling salinities (2–98% SW, 12 h 25 min period). The permeability coefficients of these juvenile fish were found to be higher than those quoted for adults. The permeability of juveniles in fixed salinities decreased with increased salinity whereas animals in the tidally cycling regime showed permeability changes that were directly proportional to the ambient salinity. However, comparison of the two groups showed that animals in a cycling salinity regime were less permeable to water than animals acclimated to fixed salinities. Drinking and urine production rates fluctuated within a tidal salinity regime, and 0-group flounders were found to modify their water permeability, urine production and drinking rates simultaneously, so maintaining their blood osmotic concentration and total water content within narrow limits throughout the range of salinities.
The relevance of measurements made in fixed and tidally cycling salinities to water regulation under natural estuarine conditions is considered.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of viral lymphocystis disease in an age-structured population of flounder, Plarichthys flesus (Linnaeus 1758), is studied with a mathematical model. For a single cohort the model illustrates the influence of host density and acquired immunity on length-prevalence profiles. This case corresponds to a host population at demographic equilibrium. When the model is extended to several cohorts, seasonal recruitment of susceptible hosts is shown to drive seasonality in disease prevalence. In both cases, there is good qualitative agreement between model predictions and field data from the Elbe estuary, Germany.  相似文献   

Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) activity was measured in the liver of dab (Limanda limanda) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) from the German Bight (southern North Sea) and compared with muscle and liver polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations in an attempt to relate EROD activity to PCB body burden. In none of the different datasets (species-, tissue- or matrix-dependent) was a significant (P<0.05) correlation between PCB tissue contamination and EROD activity found. Yet EROD activity was significantly correlated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) levels (phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene) in muscle tissue, indicating a possible dependence of EROD expression on other ubiquitous organic contaminants, thus making it a suitable biomarker for general pollution. Received: 14 April 1999 / Received in revised form: 10 July 1999 / Accepted: 15 July 1999  相似文献   

Selection of substrata representing habitats with or without filamentous vegetation by juvenile flounder Platichthys flesus was investigated in laboratory experiments and a field study to assess the effect of the increasing occurrence of ephemeral filamentous macroalgae in shallow nursery areas and its potential effect on flounder recruitment. In the laboratory experiments, 79% of juvenile flounder (24–99 mm total length, L T) preferred bare sand substrata in comparison to substrata with simulated filamentous vegetation. Substratum preference did not change with fish size. Field sampling using a drop trap (1 m2) in a vegetated (>50% coverage of ephemeral macroalgae) habitat in June, July and August showed small flounder (mean L T= 37·3 mm) were caught more often in samples with less vegetation. In contrast, larger flounder (mean L T= 57·2 and 79·7 mm in July and August, respectively) were more evenly distributed in relation to the distribution of vegetation. The results of this study indicate that the increase in ephemeral macroalgae observed in recent years potentially reduces the quantity and quality of suitable nursery habitats for juvenile flounder, which could have detrimental consequences to the overall recruitment of flounder in coastal areas.  相似文献   

Populations of the flounder, Platichthys flesus , were screened for electrophoretically detectable protein variation at up to 37 loci. Atlantic and North Sea populations (subspecies flesus ) were genetically very similar to one another ( I >0.99) but different from Adriatic (subspecies italicus ) and Black Sea (subspecies luscus ) populations. The values for genetic identity between subspecies were around 0.9. Diagnostic loci enabled specimens of flesus, italicus and luscus to be differentiated from one another. Samples of flesus showed two to three times the heterozygosity levels of italicus or luscus , consistent with the greater population size of flesus . Morphological comparisons enabled populations to be categorized to subspecies. Platichthys flesus italicus and luscus are valid subspecies: the terms are not synonyms. The genetic distance data provide an estimate of divergence time of the three subspecies at about 2 My ago, an estimate that seems reasonable in the light of present knowledge concerning the recent geological histories of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of mammalian cytochrome P450 and P450 reductase were used to investigate the enzymes in flounder (Platichthys flesus) hepatic microsomes involved in the stimulation of NAD(P)H-dependent iron/EDTA-mediated 2-keto-4-methiolbutyric acid (KMBA) oxidation (hydroxyl radical production) by the redox cycling compounds menadione and nitrofurantoin. Inhibitors were first tested for their effects on flounder microsomal P450 and flavoprotein reductase activities. Ellipticine gave type II difference binding spectra (app. Ks 5.36 μM; ΔA max 0.16 nmol-1 P450) and markedly inhibited NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase, and monooxygenase (benzo[a]pyrene metabolism) activities. 3-aminopyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate (AADP; competitive inhibitor of P450 reductase) inhibited NADPH-cytochrome c but not NADH-cytochrome c or NADH-ferricyanide reductase activities. Alkaline phosphatase (inhibitor of rabbit P450 reductase) stimulated NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity seven fold but had less effect on NADH-reductase activities. AADP inhibited nitrofurantoin- and menadione-stimulated KMBA oxidation by 45 and 17%, respectively, indicating the involvement of P450 reductase at least in the former. In contrast, ellipticine had relatively little effect, possibly because, unlike cytochrome c, the smaller xenobiotic molecules can access the hydrophilic binding site of P450 reductase. Alkaline phosphatase stimulated NAD(P)H-dependent basal and xenobiotic-stimulated KMBA oxidation, showing general consistency with the results for reductase activities. Overall, the studies indicate both similarities (ellipticine, AADP) and differences (alkaline phosphatase) between the flounder and rat hepatic microsomal enzyme systems.  相似文献   

As part of integrated biological-effect monitoring, the parasite fauna of the flounder Platichthys flesus (L.) was investigated at five locations in the German Bight, with a view to using parasite species as bio-indicators. Over a period of 6 years, parasites from 30 different taxa were identified, but only 7 taxa of the parasite community occurred regularly at all locations and in sufficient abundance that they could be considered as potential indicator species. These species were the ciliophoran Trichodina spp., the copepods Acanthochondria cornuta, Lepeophtheirus pectoralis and Lernaeocera branchialis, the helminths Zoogonoides viviparus and Cucullanus heterochrous and metacercaria of an unidentified digenean species. Infection characteristics of these parasites are presented, with a comparison of the results from individual sampling periods and those of the long-term data set. Natural influences on the infection levels, such as temporal variations, habitat conditions and host-related factors, were evaluated. All of these parasite species showed significant differences in their infection levels between the Elbe estuary, as the most polluted site, and the less polluted coastal and marine locations: Helgoland, Outer Eider estuary and Spiekeroog, especially in the long-term data set. Gradual differences between the Elbe, the Outer Eider and Helgoland, which were not detected in individual sampling periods, also became evident in the pooled-data set. These were found in the prevalence of Trichodina spp., A. cornuta, Z. viviparus and C. heterochrous. Although salinity is considered as the most important natural factor, influencing the distribution pattern of the majority of the potential indicator species, infection levels of most of these species differed between locations with similar salinity conditions. Infection levels corresponded to a contamination gradient (Elbe > Inner Eider, Outer Eider > Helgoland) established across the locations. Seasonal variation in the infection parameters affected the spatial distribution of the copepod species Lepeophtheirus pectoralis and Lernaeocera branchialis. Annual variations are considered to occur in the range of natural variability, so no trend of increasing or decreasing infection levels of the parasites was found during the course of the study. This study underlined the idea that an analysis of fish-parasite fauna is very useful in ecosystem monitoring. Communicated by H. von Westerhagen, A. Diamant  相似文献   

Many O-group flounder, Platichthys flesus, live in the lower reaches of rivers in North West Europe; while there is extensive information on the niche that they occupy in estuarine and marine environments, little is known of their life in freshwater. The diet of O-group flounder in the Lower Welsh River Dee was studied by stomach contents analysis of diel and seasonal samples. The dominant prey were chironomid larvae and pupae, tubificid oligochaetes and cyclopoid copepods. There was little quantitative variation in diet temporally, although a weak crepuscular pattern of stomach fullness was shown. There was wide variation in length and weight in all months, but the mean values at age I were 60 mm and 2.9 g respectively.  相似文献   

The European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) is used in ecotoxicological studies to provide detailed information on the effects of pollution on individual fish. Data on population and evolutionary level effects are, however, limited. Here, the isolation and characterization of 28 novel species specific microsatellite loci are presented. The number of alleles ranged from 8 to 38, and observed heterozygosity from 0.542 to 1.  相似文献   

Growth rates estimated using the RNA : DNA ratio of field-collected stone flounder Platichthys bicoloratus juveniles were significantly higher in fish from brackish estuarine sites than from exposed nearshore sites. Gut fullness of juveniles indicated that prey availability was higher in estuaries than in nearshore areas. The whole-body cortisol concentration of juveniles, however, was approximately four times higher in fish from the estuarine than the nearshore sites. This elevated cortisol level was possibly attributable to the much higher fluctuations in temperature and salinity over a diel cycle than in nearshore habitats where both environmental factors were comparatively stable. High growth rates, feeding conditions and densities of stone flounder juveniles in estuarine nursery grounds indicated that the elevated cortisol level was within a physiologically tolerable range and did not impair fish performance.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Fatty acid synthetase from liver of cold and warm adapted flounder and rabbit was purified to homogenity and compared.
  • 2.2. The mol. wt of the cold and warm flounder enzyme was estimated to be about 457,000.
  • 3.3. The kinetic properties were found to be similar for warm and cold adapted flounder liver enzyme and not different from the rabbit liver enzyme when measured at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 37°C.
  • 4.4. Palmitic acid was the main product of both the flounder and rabbit enzyme, but significant amounts of butyric acid were also synthesized. The product composition did not change for any of the enzymes tested when the incubation temperature was changed.
  • 5.5. It was concluded that fatty acid synthetase from flounder liver is similar to mammalian fatty acid synthetase with regard to molecular weight and kinetic properties.

Growth and food intake of juvenile flounders from the Kiel Bight were measured experimentally at different salinities (0, 5, 15 and 35 %). The growth at the middle levels (5 and 15 %) was faster then at 0 and 35 %. The reason for lower rates of increase in the freshwater group is the lower food intake. In the 35 % group the slower growth is caused by the worse food conversion. The variance of the individual growth rates in the 15 % salinity group remains far below the values of all other groups.  相似文献   

Chronic (5 weeks) exposure of freshwater-adapted European flounder, Platichthys flesus (L.), to environmental concentrations of sediment-associated tri-n-butyltin chloride (TBTCl) and triphenyltin chloride (TPhTCl) caused significant changes to hydromineral fluxes and membrane permeability, mechanisms that maintain osmotic homeostasis. The half-time of exchange of tritiated water (THO) in TBTCl- and TPhTCl-exposed fish was significantly increased during the first 2 weeks of the experiment and then decreased steadily, eventually reaching the level that the control group had constantly maintained throughout the experiment. This change in apparent water permeability was accompanied by a significant decrease in diffusional water flux across the membranes. Passive Na(+)-efflux across the gills was increased significantly but effluxes in the control group were near constant over the same time span. Drinking rates in the organotin groups increased significantly while the rate of urine production did not change. This lead to an increased net water balance in the organotin groups and consequently to a significant reduction of the blood osmolality of both organotin groups when compared to a control. There would appear to be a metabolic cost attached to the changes produced by exposure to environmental levels of organotin compounds which are manifested as a minimal increase in body length compared to the controls.  相似文献   

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