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Summary The synthesis of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), the subunit of HCG (HCGα), and pregnancy-specific β1-glycoprotein (PSβG) was studied in temperature senstive (ts), simian virus 40 (SV40)tsA mutant-transformed human first trimenster placental (SPA255-26) cells. Retinoic acid increased the production of HCG and PSβG but inhibited the production of HCGα in these cells. Passage ofSPA255-26 placental cells in medium containing retinoic acid induced a stable altered phenotype characterized by elevated levels of HCG and PSβG and a reduced level of HCGα. The retinoic acid induced phenotypic changes in these placental cells were reversible; removal of retinoic acid immediately decreased the production of HCG and PSβG while increasing the production of HCGα. The ratio of HCG to HCGα in controlSPA255-26 cells was approximately 0.1; this ratio in creased to 4.8 in cells maintained in medium containing retinoic acid. Similarly, the HCG-to-HCGα ratio increased in choriocarcinoma cells maintained in retinoic acid containing medium. Our data suggest that retinoic acid may be needed to maintain a blanced production of HCG, HCGα, and PSβG in placental cells in vitro. Retinoic acid may also play a role in modulating placental protein production during pregnancy.  相似文献   

5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) stimulated the biosynthesis and hence increased the activity of placental alkaline phosphatase in choriocarcinoma cells. While BrdUrd had no effect on the rate of degradation or processing of placental alkaline phosphatase, it increased the rate of phosphatase synthesis. The stimulation of enzyme activity could be completely accounted for by the increase in alkaline phosphatase protein. Both control and BrdUrd-induced cells contained polypeptides of 61,500 and 64,500 Da, identified as the precursor and fully processed forms of placental alkaline phosphatase monomer. The half-life of this enzyme monomer in both control and BrdUrd-treated cells was estimated to be 36 h. BrdUrd induced a specific increase in the placental alkaline phosphatase mRNA leading to the observed enhancement of biosynthesis. The continued rise in alkaline phosphatase biosynthesis in BrdUrd-induced cells following BrdUrd removal indicated that this analog acted by incorporation into DNA.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid at 100 nM stimulated internalisation of 125I-leptin in human placental choriocarcinoma (BeWo) cells by 3-fold compared with controls. In contrast, eicosapentaenoic acid at similar concentration decreased internalisation of leptin by 2-fold. Use of ibuprofen and indomethacin (inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis) inhibited the stimulatory effect of arachidonic acid. Prostaglandin E(2), a cyclooxygenase metabolite of arachidonic acid, stimulated internalisation of leptin by these cells. All these data demonstrate that stimulation of leptin internalisation by arachidonic acid in placental trophoblasts may be mediated via prostaglandin E(2).  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to characterize the placental uptake of folic acid from the maternal circulation. Using 2 human trophoblast cell lines (BeWo and JAR), we verified that uptake of 3H-folic acid was pH-dependent, increasing significantly with decreasing extracellular pH. In BeWo cells, uptake of 3H-folic acid at pH 5.5 was (i) Na+-independent; (ii) inhibited by folic acid, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF), and methotrexate (MTX); (iii) inhibited by the anion transport inhibitors 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS) and 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyano-2,2'-disulfonic acid stilbene (SITS); (iv) inhibited by the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy)phenylhydrazone (FCCP); (v) not inhibited by blockers of receptor-mediated endocytosis (cytochalasin D and monensin); (vi) trans-inhibited by MTX and folic acid; and (vii) not affected by an anti-reduced folate transporter-1 (RFC) antibody. At pH 7.5, uptake of 3H-folic acid was (i) Na+-independent; (ii) inhibited by folic acid and MTX, but not by 5-MTHF; (iii) inhibited by SITS, but not by DIDS; (iv) not affected by FCCP; (v) inhibited by monensin (but not by cytochalasin D); (vi) trans-inhibited by folic acid (but not by MTX); and (vii) inhibited by an anti-RFC antibody. In conclusion, in BeWo cells, both RFC and receptor-mediated endocytosis seem to be involved in 3H-folic acid uptake at pH 7.5, whereas at pH 5.5, RFC and (or) a low pH-operating transporter distinct from RFC are involved.  相似文献   

Uptake of polyamines has been investigated extensively in many cells, but not in placenta, where the polyamine– polyamine oxidase system is supposed to have an immunoregulatory function in pregnancy. Due to the importance of the transfer in this tissue, we have started this study. JAR human placental choriocarcinoma cells in monolayer at confluency were used as a model for measuring the key enzymes of polyamine synthesis and interconversion, rate of uptake and efflux, and the polyamine content. Polyamines were taken up by JAR cells and released by an independent mechanism. Ornithine decarboxylase and spermidine acetyltransferase activities and the rate of transport in and out of the cell were much higher than in other cells, such as L1210 cells. However the systems used for uptake and release appear in many respects to be similar to those observed in L1210 cells, but different from others. The uptake appears to be regulated by an inhibitory protein. Moreover, protein kinase C appears to be involved in the process. The efflux also is regulated as in L1210 cells, through control of H+ and Ca2+ concentration. In conclusion, this study shows that, in JAR cells, ornithine decarboxylase and spermidine acetyltransferase activities were much higher than in other cells, and so was the rate of transport in and out of the cells. As a result, a much higher polyamine content was observed.  相似文献   

In the presence of methotrexate, cultured human choriocarcinoma (BeWo) cells undergo a differentiative response that resembles normal trophoblastic development. In the current study, the effects of cell number and population density on drug-induced conversion of BeWo cells from the cytotrophoblastlike to the syncytiotrophoblastlike phenotype were investigated using as markers of differentiation formation of "giant" cells, a process shown to require exogenous purines, and expression of placental (heat-stable) alkaline phosphatase. Giant cell formation, assessed by determination of cell volumes, was reduced in crowded cultures, and addition of hypoxanthine to growth media partially restored methotrexate-induced cell enlargement. Cellular uptake of methotrexate, assessed by following the loss of methotrexate from cell culture fluids during drug exposures, was two-threefold greater in sparsely populated than in densely populated cultures. Although the concentration of methotrexate in culture fluids of crowded cultures declined during exposures of 48 hr, the amount of extracellular drug remaining at 48 hr was well above the threshold for induction of the differentiative response. When culture population was held constant and population density was manipulated by varying the substratum available to cells, methotrexate-induced cell enlargement was inversely related to population density. Expression of placental alkaline phosphatase, salvage of exogenous hypoxanthine, and synthesis of RNA were also reduced at high population densities. These results indicate that expression of markers of methotrexate-induced differentiation of BeWo cells was inhibited in a density-dependent manner that may have been related to reduced cellular uptake of the inducing agent and of exogenous nutrients (purines) from culture fluids.  相似文献   

The ability of equine and human placental microsomes to aromatize testosterone and 19-nortestosterone was studied. When 3 microM [1 beta,2 beta-3H]testosterone was used as substrate, the specific activity of equine placental microsomal aromatase was 2.5 times higher than that of the human microsomal enzyme. Although 19-nortestosterone was aromatized 67 times more rapidly by equine than by human aromatase, we found that equine aromatase exhibited a markedly weaker affinity for this substrate than did the human enzyme. Competitive inhibition of testosterone aromatization by 19-nortestosterone occurred with both equine and human aromatases. While having no effect on mare placental microsomes, Na+ and K+ (500 mM) stimulated testosterone aromatization by human placental microsomes by 73 and 52% respectively. If indeed a single enzyme is responsible for the aromatization of testosterone and 19-nortestosterone, which seems to be the case in both equine and human placental aromatase, our results show that differences in the structure of the active sites exist between equine and human aromatases.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase activity in human placental cells transformed by a tsA mutant of simian virus 40 (SV40) can be greatly induced by growing these cells at 40 degrees C, the temperature at which the tsA transformants regain their nontransformed phenotype. The induction of alkaline phosphatase in these cells requires the synthesis of both RNA and protein. The induced alkaline phosphatase from a SV40 tsA30 mutant-transformed term placental cell line (TPA30-1) was purified, characterized, and compared with alkaline phosphatase from term placenta and first trimester placenta. The form of alkaline phosphatase found in TPA30-1 cells differs from the phosphatase of term placenta in physiochemical and immunological properties. The TPA30-1 phosphatase is, however, indistinguishable from the alkaline phosphatase of human first trimester placenta by several criteria, including electrophoretic mobility, apparent molecular weight (Mr = 165,000), size of monomeric subunit (Mr = 77,000), heat lability, and sensitivity to inhibition by amino acids and EDTA. In addition, alkaline phosphatase from both TPA30-1 cells and first trimester placenta can be inactivated by antiserum to liver alkaline phosphatase but not by antiserum to term placental alkaline phosphatase. The induction of first trimester phosphatase in cells derived from term placenta provides a system for the study of alkaline phosphatase gene regulation in human placenta.  相似文献   

The time course of incorporation of [14C]arachidonic acid and [3H]docosahexaenoic acid into various lipid fractions in placental choriocarcinoma (BeWo) cells was investigated. BeWo cells were found to rapidly incorporate exogenous [14C]arachidonic acid and [3H] docosahexaenoic acid into the total cellular lipid pool. The extent of docosahexaenoic acid esterification was more rapid than for arachidonic acid, although this difference abated with time to leave only a small percentage of the fatty acids in their unesterified form. Furthermore, uptake was found to be saturable. In the cellular lipids these fatty acids were mainly esterified into the phospholipid (PL) and the triacyglycerol (TAG) fractions. Smaller amounts were also detected in the diacylglycerol and cholesterol ester fractions. Almost 60% of the total amount of [3H]Docosahexaenoic acid taken up by the cells was esterified into TAG whereas 37% was in PL fractions. For arachidonic acid the reverse was true, 60% of the total uptake was incorporated into PL fractions whereas less than 35% was in TAG. Marked differences were also found in the distribution of the fatty acids into individual phospholipid classes. The higher incorporation of docosahexaenoic acid and arachidonic acid was found in PC and PE, respectively. The greater cellular uptake of docosahexaenoic acid and its preferential incorporation in TAG suggests that both uptake and transport modes of this fatty acid by the placenta to fetus is different from that of arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

Human umbilical vein endothelial cells incorporate eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) when this fatty acid is present in the culture medium. From 30 to 70% of the uptake remains as EPA, and much of the remainder is elongated to docosapentaenoic acid. All of the cellular glycerophospholipids become enriched with EPA and docosapentaenoic acid, with the largest increase in EPA occurring in the choline glycerophospholipids. When this fraction is enriched with EPA, it exhibits a large decrease in arachidonic acid content. Cultures exposed to tracer amounts of [1-14C]linolenic acid in 5% fetal bovine serum convert as much as 17% of the radioactivity to EPA. The conversion is reduced, however, in the presence of either 20% fetal bovine serum or 50 microM linolenic acid. Like arachidonic acid, some newly incorporated EPA was released from the endothelial cells when the cultures were exposed to thrombin. However, as compared with arachidonic acid, only very small amounts of EPA were converted to prostaglandins. Cultures enriched with EPA exhibited a 50 to 90% reduction in capacity to release prostacyclin (PGI2) when subsequently stimulated with thrombin, calcium ionophore A23187, or arachidonic acid. The degree of inhibition was dependent on the time of exposure to EPA and the EPA concentration, and it was not prevented by adding a reversible cyclooxygenase inhibitor, ibuprofen, during EPA supplementation. EPA appears to decrease the capacity of the endothelial cells to produce PGI2 in two ways: by reducing the arachidonic acid content of the cell phospholipid precursor pools and by acting as an inhibitor of prostaglandin production. These findings suggest that regimens designed to reduce platelet aggregation and thrombosis by EPA enrichment may also reduce the capacity of the endothelium to produce PGI2.  相似文献   

The immunologic competence of human placental mononuclear cells was compared to that of adult and cord blood mononuclear cells. Mononuclear cells were isolated from fresh placentas by digestion with collagenase and DNase, followed by Ficoll-Hypaque and discontinuous Percoll separation. Placental cells incubated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) synthesized significantly more interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) at 2 days (29 +/- 5.5 IU/ml) and 5 days (46 +/- 8.5 IU/ml) than PHA-activated cord cells (3.6 +/- 0.6 IU/ml at 2 days and 2.7 +/- 0.7 IU/ml at 5 days) but less than PHA-activated adult cells (81 +/- 20 IU/ml at 2 days and 270 +/- 161 IU/ml at 5 days). Placental and adult cells, but not cord cells, also synthesized significant quantities of IFN-gamma following incubation with interleukin-2 (IL-2). There was synergism between IL-2 and PHA activation for IFN-gamma production for some cord samples. After a 5- to 7-day incubation with IL-2, the lymphocyte-activated killer (LAK cell) cytotoxicity of placental cells (measured in a 3-hr chromium-release assay at an E:T ratio of 40:1) was enhanced 13-fold against K562 target cells (6 +/- 2% to 77 +/- 4%) compared to a 4-fold increase in cord cells (16 +/- 4% to 68 +/- 3%) and a 2-fold increase in normal adult cells (35 +/- 4% to 65 +/- 3%. Against the natural killer (NK)-resistant Raji target, placental cells increased their LAK cytotoxic activity (3 +/- 1% to 59 +/- 7%) compared to a 7-fold increase with cord cells (6 +/- 1% to 43 +/- 3%) and a 3-fold increase with adult cells (11 +/- 2% to 38 +/- 4%). A notable degree of cytotoxic activity in the absence of IL-2 against Molt targets was noted in 11 of 14 (79%) placental cell samples at 5 days. Only 10 of 24 (42%) adult and 17 of 37 (40%) cord samples showed spontaneous cytotoxic activity equal to or greater than 10%. Some placental samples actually showed an increase in cytotoxic activity when incubated without IL-2. The ability of placental cells to produce significant levels of IFN-gamma, to develop considerable LAK activity, and to maintain or develop cytotoxic activity in the absence of IL-2 suggests a vigorous, active immune system of the placenta compared to the relatively dormant immune system of the neonate. These observations suggest that placental cells may have a primary role in fetal defense.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for the culture of rat placental cells. The method involved separation of the basal layer from the labyrinth and sequential digestion of the cells. The cells were demonstrated not to be fibroblasts and are described in terms of their appearance under the light and electron microscopes. Transferrin and iron uptake by the cells was examined and compared with results achieved using other methods of study. The results showed that transferrin bound to receptors on the cell surface and that the transferrin, once bound, was taken into the cell. Only this internalized transferrin was capable of donating iron to the cells. The iron was accumulated within the cells and did not appear to be released to the incubation medium. The apparent dissociation constant (Ka) for transferrin was found to be 6.96 X 10(6) M-1, a value similar to that described by earlier workers. The placental cells had 3.4 X 10(11) binding sites/microgram DNA, equivalent to approximately 1 X 10(6) sites/cell. From these data, and from the rate of accumulation of iron by the cells, the receptor turnover time was estimated as being between 5 and 10 min.  相似文献   

Although 19-hydroxy-4beta,5-oxido-5beta-androstane-3,17 dione (2a) is converted to estradiol-17beta by human placental microsomes, the incubation of 17beta-hydroxy-4beta,5-oxido-5beta-androstan-3-one (2b) under the same conditions produces only metabolites which are more polar than 17beta-estradiol. The metabolites have been isolated and identified as 3alpha-hydroxy-4beta,5-oxido-5beta-androstan-17-one (4a), 4beta,5-oxido-5beta-androstane-3beta, 17beta-diol (5a) and 4beta,5-oxido-5beta-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol (6a). These results indicate that functionalization at C-19 is a prerequisite for the biological aromatization of such androgen epoxides.  相似文献   

The effect of androgens on the conversion of estradiol (E2) and estrone (E1) from estrone-3-sulfate (E1-S) was studied in explants of normal human term placentas. Explants incubated in medium supplemented with 2.0 microM E1-S showed that 50 microM dihydrotestosterone (DHT) stimulated E2 production 15-fold above control values after 0.5h, but neither 50 microM methyltestosterone (MT) nor 50 microM diethylstilbestrol (DES) had any effect. HCG (5.0 i.u./ml), alone or in combination with one of the androgens, did not influence the E2 production. When the explants were incubated in medium with 0.25 microM E1-S (the average concentration reported for late pregnancy plasma), DHT (0.5-50 microM) caused a dose- and time-dependent increase in E2 production, while E1 production and the combined accumulation of E2 and E1 were slightly inhibited by all doses of DHT during the 0.5-4h incubation. When E1 (0.1 microM) was used as substrate, DHT caused a dramatic dose- and time-dependent shift in the E1-E2 equilibrium towards E2. The results indicate that during late pregnancy, a particular class of androgens may increase the production of the more bioactive E2 from the circulating E1-S; the mode of action may be an enhanced conversion of E1 to E2.  相似文献   

Transplacental transfer of maternal fatty acids is critical for fetal growth and development. In the placenta, a preferential uptake of fatty acids toward long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFAs) has been demonstrated. Adipose differentiation-related protein (ADRP) is a lipid droplet-associated protein that has been ascribed a role in cellular fatty acid uptake and storage. However, its role in placenta is not known. We demonstrate that ADRP mRNA and protein are regulated by fatty acids in a human placental choriocarcinoma cell line (BeWo) and in primary human trophoblasts. LCPUFAs of the n-3 and n-6 series [arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3)] were more efficient than shorter fatty acids at stimulating ADRP mRNA expression. The fatty acid-mediated increase in ADRP mRNA expression was not related to the differentiation state of the cells. Synthetic peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and retinoic X receptor agonists increased ADRP mRNA level but had no effect on ADRP protein level in undifferentiated BeWo cells. Furthermore, we show that incubation of BeWo cells with LCPUFAs, but not synthetic agonists, increased the cellular content of radiolabeled oleic acid, coinciding with the increase in ADRP mRNA and protein level. These studies provide new information on the regulation of ADRP in placental trophoblasts and suggest that LCPUFA-dependent regulation of ADRP could be involved in the metabolism of lipids in the placenta.  相似文献   

Hyperhomocysteinemia is believed to be responsible for the development of vascular disease via several mechanisms, including the impairment of endothelial-cell functionality. In-vitro studies have demonstrated that homocysteine decreases the production or bioavailability of vasodilator autacoids, such as prostacyclin and NO. Here, we show that the treatment of human endothelial cells with noncytotoxic homocysteine concentrations leads to a dose-dependent decrease in both the secretion of the vasoconstrictor agent endothelin-1 (ET-1) and the level of its mRNA. Homocysteine had an inhibitory effect at pathophysiological (0.1 and 0.5 mmol.L(-1)) and pharmacological noncytotoxic (1.0 and 2.0 mmol.L(-1)) concentrations. Mean percentage variation from control for ET-1 production was -36. 2 +/- 18.9% for 0.5 mmol.L(-1) homocysteine and -41.5 +/- 26.8% for 1.0 mmol.L(-1) homocysteine, after incubation for 8 h. Mean percentage variation from control for steady-state mRNA was -17.3 +/- 7.1% for 0.5 mmol.L(-1) homocysteine and -46.0 +/- 10.1 for 1.0 mmol.L(-1) homocysteine, after an incubation time of 2 h. ET-1 production was also reduced by incubation with various other thiol compounds containing free thiol groups, but not by incubation with thiol compounds with no free thiol group. Co-incubation of cells with homocysteine and the sulfhydryl inhibitor N-ethylmaleimide prevented the effect of homocysteine on ET-1 production, confirming a sulfhydryl-dependent mechanism. Based on the reciprocal feedback mechanism controlling the synthesis of vasoactive mediators, these preliminary data suggest a mechanism by which homocysteine may selectively impair endothelium-dependent vasodilation by primary inhibition of ET-1 production.  相似文献   

J Y Chou  J C Robinson 《In vitro》1977,13(7):450-460
Growth of choriocarcinoma cells in the presence of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) results in a 30- to 40-fold increase in alkaline phosphatase activity. The effects of BrdUrd is specific for phosphatase with an alkaline pH optimum. The induction by BrdUrd is probably not due to the production of an altered enzyme, since the induced enzyme resembles the basal enzyme in thermal denaturation and kinetic properties. Enzyme induction can be prevented by thymidine but not by deoxycytidine or deoxyuridine. The induction of alkaline phosphatase appears to require incorporation of the BrdUrd into cellular DNA. The presence of BrdUrd in the growth medium is not necessary for alkaline phosphatase induction in proliferating cells containing BrdUrd-substituted genomes. However, enzyme induction and maintenance of the induced levels of alkaline phosphatase in nonproliferating cells containing BrdUrd-substituted DNA requires the presence of the analogues in the medium. The induction of alkaline phosphatase by BrdUrd in probably an indirect process.  相似文献   

To assess the relative importance of regulated and of constitutive secretion of placental lactogen, a cell culture model of term human trophoblast was utilized. Time courses of secretion revealed a constant secretion rate over 9 days of culture, with relatively small constant intracellular hormone concentration. Potassium, 21 mM, produced a slight but significant increase in hormone secretion into the medium. Growth hormone-releasing hormone (5 X 10(-10)-5 X 10(-9)) stimulated a 27-48% increase in placental lactogen secretion. The data suggest a major process of constitutive secretion and a minor role for regulated secretion from a storage pool.  相似文献   

The effects of fatty acids on acyl-CoA thioesterase activity and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma), a regulator of lipid metabolism, were investigated in placental choriocarcinoma (BeWo) cells. Substrate preference for acyl-CoA thioesterase was in the following order; gamma-linolenoyol-CoA>/=arachidonoyol-CoAz.Gt;palmitoyl-CoA>/=linoleyol-CoA. However, when these cells were incubated with fatty acids, acyl-CoA thioesterase activity was increased by both conjugated linoleic and gamma linolenic acids, but not by docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids. In addition, these fatty acids also increased expression of PPARgamma in these cells, suggesting a putative relationship between free fatty acid generated by acyl-CoA thioesterase and expression of PPARgamma. Since expression of PPARgamma is critical for feto-placental growth, these fatty acids may be important during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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