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对采用A .Engler (1936 )被子植物分类系统的《中国植物志》和根据吴征镒等(2 0 0 2 )被子植物分类系统的《中国被子植物科属综论》中科的界定进行了比较。这不仅有助于掌握吴征镒等系统的观点 ,也有益于理解被子植物系统学中当前划分“科”的新趋向。 相似文献
Methadone has long been regarded as an effective treatment for opioid dependence. However, many patients discontinue maintenance therapy because of its side effects, with one of the most common being sexual dysfunction. Buprenorphine is a proven alternative to methadone. This study aimed to investigate sexual dysfunction in opioid-dependent men on buprenorphine maintenance treatment (BMT) and methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). The secondary aim was to investigate the correlation between sexual dysfunction and the quality of life in these patients.Methods
Two hundred thirty-eight men participated in this cross-sectional study. Four questionnaires were used, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview, Opiate Treatment Index, Malay version of the International Index of Erectile Function 15 (Mal-IIEF-15), and World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF Scale. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used to examine the relationship between MMT and BMT and the Mal-IIEF 15 scores while controlling for all the possible confounders.Results
The study population consisted of 171 patients (71.8%) on MMT and 67 (28.2%) on BMT. Patients in the MMT group who had a sexual partner scored significantly lower in the sexual desire domain (p < 0.012) and overall satisfaction (p = 0.043) domain compared with their counterparts in the BMT group. Similarly, patients in the MMT group without a sexual partner scored significantly lower in the orgasmic function domain (p = 0.008) compared with those in the BMT group without a partner. Intercourse satisfaction (p = 0.026) and overall satisfaction (p = 0.039) were significantly associated with the social relationships domain after adjusting for significantly correlated sociodemographic variables.Conclusions
Sexual functioning is critical for improving the quality of life in patients in an opioid rehabilitation program. Our study showed that buprenorphine causes less sexual dysfunction than methadone. Thus, clinicians may consider the former when treating heroin dependents who have concerns about sexual function. 相似文献3.
Rebecca Kershnar Charlene Hooper Marji Gold Errol R. Norwitz Jessica L. Illuzzi 《The Yale journal of biology and medicine》2009,82(4):129-141
Purpose: Several studies have documented a deficiency in the
delivery of preventive services to adolescents during physician visits in the
United States. This study sought to assess and compare pediatric, family
medicine (FM), and obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) resident perceptions of
their responsibility, training, and experience with providing comprehensive
health care services to adolescents.Methods: A 57-item, close-ended survey was designed and administered
to assess resident perceptions of the scope of their practice, training, and
experience with providing adolescent health care across a series of health care
categories.Results: Of the 87 respondents (31 OB/GYN, 29 FM, and 27 pediatric),
most residents from all three fields felt that the full range of adolescent
preventive and clinical services represented in the survey fell under their
scope of practice. Residents from all three fields need more training and
experience with mental health issues, referring teenagers to substance abuse
treatment programs, and addressing physical and sexual abuse. In addition,
OB-GYN residents reported deficiencies in training and experience regarding
several preventive counseling and general health services, while pediatric
residents reported deficiencies in training and experience regarding sexual
health services.Conclusions: Our results indicate that at this time, residents from
these three specialties are not optimally prepared to provide the full range of
recommended preventive and clinical services to adolescents. 相似文献
This study tested the moderating effects of parental social support and consistency of discipline on the relation between adolescents' affiliation with drug-use promoting peers and their subsequent alcohol use. Participants were a subsample (n = 300) of 454 children of alcoholics and matched community controls (ages 101/2-151/2 years). Results indicated that mothers' and fathers' social support and consistency of discipline buffered the effects of peer group affiliation on girls' alcohol use; however, both variables exacerbated peer effects on boys' alcohol use. For girls, results are consistent with the notion that parenting behaviors can serve as protective factors by promoting qualities that serve to resist peer group pressure. For boys, increases in support and discipline behaviors may be interpreted as threats to autonomy. 相似文献
Adolescents' perceptions of family support and challenge, and their quality of subjective experience and interest, were investigated over a 2-year period in a national sample of adolescents (Grades 6-12). In Years 1 and 3 of the study, 247 adolescents with diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds responded to the Experience Sampling Method and completed questionnaires that contained items on family support and challenge. The main findings show that adolescents who perceived more family support in Year 1 reported more positive moods 2 years later. Adolescents who perceived more family challenge in the base year reported a stronger focus on goals in Year 3. Perceptions of increased family support across the 2 years of the study were linked to positive changes in adolescents moods. Increases in family challenge combined with increases in support were associated with a stronger focus on goals perceived as important by adolescents. Increases in support and challenge were also linked with the development of undivided interest, or a synchrony of positive moods while engaging important goals. In contrast, adolescents from more permissive families (high support and low challenge) and from more authoritarian families (low support and high challenge) reported more divided interest (i.e., an asynchrony of moods and goals) 2 years later. These findings are discussed in terms of how family contexts may influence the development of undivided interest and adolescents' capacities for self-regulation and lifelong learning. 相似文献
AbstractTwo separate but complementary questionnaire surveys were undertaken to assess the relationship between various demographic and family variables and individual variation in levels of childhood pet ownership. The first survey investigated pet ownership levels in a cross-section of families with schoolaged children. In the second, a large sample of university students were invited to report retrospectively on the pets they and their families had owned during their childhood. Results from both surveys showed that age, gender, sibling status and number, and parental attitudes toward pets were all significantly related to levels of childhood pet ownership. The number of children in the family, and parents' attitudes toward pets, were also found to be significantly related to levels of family pet ownership. 相似文献
It was hypothesized that (1) previous experience of aphids on a host plant leads to differences in their feeding behavior relative to aphids without previous experience on it and that (2) a change in the physiological state of the aphid modifies their experience-induced behavior. Using electronic recording, the feeding behavior of the aphid Sitobion fragariae (Walker) on wheat Triticum aestivum L. and oat Avena sativa L. was examined, comparing aphids with or without previous experience on a given host and with or without a period of starvation before assessing probing behavior. All comparisons were performed within a single aphid clone to minimize the effect of genetic variation. Feeding behavior on wheat was significantly affected by previous experience and starvation. The effect of previous experience interacted with the host plant where feeding behavior was tested. Aphids feeding on wheat following previous experience on wheat showed a longer time and a higher number of pathway activities and less time in waveform F (i.e., mechanical stylet work and penetration difficulties) than did aphids feeding on wheat after a previous experience on oat. No differences in the time from the beginning of the recording until the first salivation into the sieve elements were found. When aphids were subjected to a period of starvation, the time devoted to xylem ingestion increased compared with that of nonconstrained aphids. These results are discussed in terms of factors affecting foraging decisions. 相似文献
Data from the U.S. National Education Longitudinal Survey were examined to investigate postsecondary educational investment in two-parent families. Consistent with hypotheses derived from the logic of inclusive fitness theory, contrasting children with two genetic parents with children from stepparent households on a multivariate composite of investment indicators revealed that stepchildren receive significantly less parental support for pursuit of higher education. Univariate tests on the three measures comprising the multivariate composite indicated that relative to children with two genetic parents, stepchildren have parents who (1) delay the start of savings accounts for postsecondary education, (2) put aside less money for subsidizing the costs of higher education, and (3) expect to allocate fewer economic resources to support the first year of postsecondary schooling. Statistical control of child ability, resource availability, and number of family members sharing in parental resources was accomplished in a second multivariate analysis by using child achievement, familial socioeconomic status, and number of financial dependents in each family as covariates. Statistically equating genetic and stepparent families on these measures reduced, but did not eliminate, the investment differences. 相似文献
To explore the co-evolution of friendship tie choice and alcohol use behavior among 1,284 adolescents from 12 small schools and 976 adolescents from one big school sampled in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (AddHealth), we apply a Stochastic Actor-Based (SAB) approach implemented in the R-based Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis (RSiena) package. Our results indicate the salience of both peer selection and peer influence effects for friendship tie choice and adolescent drinking behavior. Concurrently, the main effect models indicate that parental monitoring and the parental home drinking environment affected adolescent alcohol use in the small school sample, and that parental home drinking environment affected adolescent drinking in the large school sample. In the small school sample, we detect an interaction between the parental home drinking environment and choosing friends that drink as they multiplicatively affect friendship tie choice. Our findings suggest that future research should investigate the synergistic effects of both peer and parental influences for adolescent friendship tie choices and drinking behavior. And given the tendency of adolescents to form ties with their friends'' friends, and the evidence of local hierarchy in these networks, popular youth who do not drink may be uniquely positioned and uniquely salient as the highest rank of the hierarchy to cause anti-drinking peer influences to diffuse down the social hierarchy to less popular youth. As such, future interventions should harness prosocial peer influences simultaneously with strategies to increase parental support and monitoring among parents to promote affiliation with prosocial peers. 相似文献
Gifty Apiung Aninanya Cornelius Y. Debpuur Timothy Awine John E. Williams Abraham Hodgson Natasha Howard 《PloS one》2015,10(4)
While many Ghanaian adolescents encounter sexual and reproductive health problems, their usage of services remains low. A social learning intervention, incorporating environment, motivation, education, and self-efficacy to change behaviour, was implemented in a low-income district of northern Ghana to increase adolescent services usage. This study aimed to assess the impact of this intervention on usage of sexual and reproductive health services by young people.Methods
Twenty-six communities were randomly allocated to (i) an intervention consisting of school-based curriculum, out-of-school outreach, community mobilisation, and health-worker training in youth-friendly health services, or (ii) comparison consisting of community mobilisation and youth-friendly health services training only. Outcome measures were usage of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) management, HIV counselling and testing, antenatal care or perinatal services in the past year and reported service satisfaction. Data was collected, at baseline and three years after, from a cohort of 2,664 adolescents aged 15–17 at baseline.Results
Exposure was associated with over twice the odds of using STI services (AOR 2.47; 95%CI 1.78–3.42), 89% greater odds of using perinatal services (AOR 1.89; 95%CI 1.37–2.60) and 56% greater odds of using antenatal services (AOR 1.56; 95%CI 1.10–2.20) among participants in intervention versus comparison communities, after adjustment for baseline differences.Conclusions
The addition of targeted school-based and outreach activities increased service usage by young people more than community mobilisation and training providers in youth-friendly services provision alone. 相似文献16.
Zhi-Kai Yang Qing-Feng Han Tong-Ying Zhu Ye-Ping Ren Jiang-Hua Chen Hui-Ping Zhao Meng-Hua Chen Jie Dong Yue Wang Chuan- Ming Hao Rui Zhang Xiao-Hui Zhang Mei Wang Na Tian Hai-Yan Wang 《PloS one》2014,9(5)
To investigate whether education level of family members predicts all-cause and cardiovascular death and initial-episode peritonitis in patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD).Methods
A total of 2264 patients on chronic PD were collected from seven centers affiliated with the Socioeconomic Status on the Outcome of Peritoneal Dialysis (SSOP) Study. All demographic, socioeconomic and laboratory data of patients and the education level of all family members were recorded at baseline. Multivariate Cox regression was used to calculate the hazard ratio (HR) of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, and initial-episode peritonitis with adjustments for recognized traditional factors.Results
There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics between patients with (n = 1752) and without (n = 512) complete education information. According to the highest education level of patients'' family, included 1752 patients were divided into four groups, i.e. elementary or lower (15%), middle (27%), high (24%) and more than high school (34%). The family highest education (using elementary school or lower group as reference, hazard ratio and 95% confidence interval of middle school group, high school group and more than high school group was 0.68[0.48–0.96], 0.64[0.45–0.91], 0.66[0.48–0.91], respectively) rather than their average education level or patients'' or spouse''s education was significantly associated with the higher mortality. Neither patients'' nor family education level did correlate to the risk for cardiovascular death or initial-episode peritonitis.Conclusions
Family members'' education level was found to be a novel predictor of PD outcome. Family, as the main source of health care providers, should be paid more attention in our practice. 相似文献17.
Steven M. Phelps John P. Lydon Bert W. O'Malley David Crews 《Hormones and behavior》1998,34(3):294-302
Recent studies have demonstrated that physiological doses of progesterone may facilitate the androgen-dependent display of male sexual behavior in laboratory rats and three species of lizard. We used mice with a targeted disruption of the progesterone receptor to investigate whether such interactions exist in male mice and whether they may be modified by sexual experience. We found that naive intact male progesterone receptor knockout (PRKO) mice exhibit reduced mount frequencies compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Also unlike WT mice, sexually experienced PRKO males show profound losses in many measures of sexual behavior following castration. In a second experiment, we tested whether male mice heterozygous for a null mutation at the progesterone receptor locus were responsive to testosterone and progesterone treatment. We found that heterozygous males showed a reduced response to testosterone. The data are consistent with experiments indicating that the progesterone receptor is able to facilitate male-typical sex behaviors in other species and suggest novel mechanisms underlying the interaction of androgens and experience. 相似文献
Chia-Huang Chang Ming-Song Tsai Ching-Ling Lin Jia-Woei Hou Tzu-Hao Wang Yen-An Tsai Kai-Wei Liao I-Fang Mao Mei-Lien Chen 《PloS one》2014,9(8)
Nonylphenol (NP) has been proven as an endocrine disrupter and had the ability to interfere with the endocrine system. Though the health effects of NP on pregnant women and their fetuses are sustained, these negative associations related to the mechanisms of regulation for estrogen during pregnancy need to be further clarified. The objective of this study is to explore the association between maternal NP and hormonal levels, such as estradiol, testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and progesterone.Methods
A pregnant women cohort was established in North Taiwan between March and December 2010. Maternal urine and blood samples from the first, second, and third trimesters of gestation were collected. Urinary NP concentration was measured by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescent detection. A mixed-effects model using a generalised estimating equation (GEE) was applied to assess the associations between maternal NP concentration and plasma hormones throughout the three trimesters.Results
In total, 162 singleton pregnant women completed this study through delivery. The geometric mean of creatinine-adjusted urinary NP concentrations were 4.27, 4.21, and 4.10 µg/g cre. in the first, second, and third trimesters respectively. A natural log-transformation of urinary NP concentrations were significantly associated with LH in the GEE model (β = −0.23 mIU/ml, p<0.01).Conclusion
This perspective cohort study demonstrates that negative association occurs between maternal NP exposure and plasma LH levels. The estrogen-mimic effect of NP might influence the negative feedback on LH during pregnancy. 相似文献20.
Stephen L. Eyre Valerie Hoffman Susan G. Millstein 《Medical anthropology quarterly》1998,12(4):467-489
This article examines adolescent understanding of the social context of sexual behavior. Using grounded theory to interpret interviews with 39 African American male and female adolescents, the article builds a model of sex-related behavior as a set of interrelated games. A courtship game involves communication of sexual or romantic interest and, over time, formation of a romantic relationship. A duplicity game draws on conventions of a courtship game to trick a partner into having sex. A disclosure game spreads stories about one's own and others' sex-related activities to peers in a gossip network. Finally, a prestige game builds social reputation in the eyes of peers, typically based on gender-specific standards. The article concludes by examining the meanings that sex-related behavior may have for adolescents and the potential use of social know ledge for facilitating adolescent health, [adolescence, sexuality, African American, game theory, health promotion] 相似文献