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陈胜前 《人类学学报》2008,27(3):210-222
细石叶工艺产品是如何废弃的、受哪些因素影响、又如何在考古遗存中得到表现,这些都是我们面临的课题。本文从考古遗存废弃一般过程的理论研究着手,确定影响细石叶工艺产品的因素包括史前狩猎采集者的生计策略、废弃过程中人们的行为选择两个方面;与此同时结合细石叶工艺性质预测细石叶工艺产品可能的废弃方式;然后回到对经验材料点(籍箕滩遗址)与面(华北地区主要细石叶工艺遗址)相结合的分析。整体而言,华北含细石叶工艺产品诸遗址的废弃呈现出多样的形态,有迅速而预期返回的废弃方式(籍箕滩遗址),有计划且不准备返回的废弃方式(如泗涧遗址),有人类经常光顾但不留宿的遗址(如孟家泉遗址),还有废弃迅速的临时营地(如柿子滩遗址)和狩猎动物的望点(如大岗遗址)。  相似文献   



Malaria remains a disease of devastating global impact, killing more than 800,000 people every year—the vast majority being children under the age of 5. While effective therapies are available, if malaria is to be eradicated a broader range of small molecule therapeutics that are able to target the liver and the transmissible sexual stages are required. These new medicines are needed both to meet the challenge of malaria eradication and to circumvent resistance.

Methods and Findings

Little is known about the wider stage-specific activities of current antimalarials that were primarily designed to alleviate symptoms of malaria in the blood stage. To overcome this critical gap, we developed assays to measure activity of antimalarials against all life stages of malaria parasites, using a diverse set of human and nonhuman parasite species, including male gamete production (exflagellation) in Plasmodium falciparum, ookinete development in P. berghei, oocyst development in P. berghei and P. falciparum, and the liver stage of P. yoelii. We then compared 50 current and experimental antimalarials in these assays. We show that endoperoxides such as OZ439, a stable synthetic molecule currently in clinical phase IIa trials, are strong inhibitors of gametocyte maturation/gamete formation and impact sporogony; lumefantrine impairs development in the vector; and NPC-1161B, a new 8-aminoquinoline, inhibits sporogony.


These data enable objective comparisons of the strengths and weaknesses of each chemical class at targeting each stage of the lifecycle. Noting that the activities of many compounds lie within achievable blood concentrations, these results offer an invaluable guide to decisions regarding which drugs to combine in the next-generation of antimalarial drugs. This study might reveal the potential of life-cycle–wide analyses of drugs for other pathogens with complex life cycles. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   

荧光法研究血清白蛋白与药物的结合作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文应用荧光光谱法,观测了药物分子头孢菌素Ⅳ、异烟肼、维生素B_6和氟哌酸对白蛋白荧光的猝灭。由Lineweaver-Burk双倒数作图法,确定了药物与白蛋白作用的离解常数。并通过Forster偶极-偶极无辐射能量转移机理确定了药物分子氟哌酸在人血清白蛋白中与色氨酸残基之间的距离R为2.55nm,由这一距离确定了药物分子可能进入的区域和位置。  相似文献   


The term hygiene is deeply rooted with the concept of maintaining sound health and alertness towards cleanliness, while “hygiene hypothesis” depicts the protective role of microbial community exposure in development of early immunity and initial allergic and aesthetic reactions. The tug-of-war has now been pushed toward the literal term “hygiene” over the “hygiene hypothesis” and has continued with disinfection of all microbial loads from the related environments to avoid infections in humans. With the advancement in the microbiome studies, it became clear that humans possess warm, and significant relationships with diverse microbial community. With this opinion article, we have emphasized on the importance of hygiene hypothesis in immunological responses. We also propose the individual/targeted hygiene instead of application of unanimous hygiene hypothesis. This review also elaborates the common practices that should be employed to maintain hygiene along with the balanced microbiome.


In the present study, the binding mechanism of vancomycin with human serum albumin (HSA) was determined. Upon addition of vancomycin to HSA, the fluorescence emission was quenched and the binding constant of vancomycin with HSA was found to be 6.05 × 103 M?1 at 295 K, which corresponds to –2.16 × 104 J·mol?1 of free energy. The conformation of HSA was altered upon binding of vancomycin with a decrease in α helix and an increase in β sheets and random coils, suggesting partial unfolding of the secondary structure. Molecular docking experiments found that vancomycin binds strongly with HSA at the hydrophobic pocket through hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions. An average binding distance of 4.71 nm has been determined on the basis of the Förster resonance energy theory. It was demonstrated that vancomycin binding to HSA causes protein structural changes. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J BiochemMol Toxicol 27:463‐470, 2013; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10.1002/jbt.21511  相似文献   

Human beings have co-evolved with the microorganisms in our environment for millions of years, and have developed into a symbiosis in a mutually beneficial/defensive way. Human beings have significant multifaceted relationships with the diverse microbial community. Apart from the important protective role of microbial community exposure in development of early immunity, millions of inimitable bacterial genes of the diverse microbial community are the indispensable source of essential nutrients like essential amino acids and essential fatty acids for human body. The essential nutrition from microbiome is harvested through xenophagy. As an immune effector, xenophagy will capture any microorganisms that touch the epithelial cells of our gastrointestinal tract, degrade them and turn them into nutrients for the use of our body.  相似文献   

Red blood cells are involved not only in transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide but also in autoregulation of vascular tone by ATP release in hypoxic conditions. Molecular mechanisms of the ATP release from red blood cells in response to a decrease in partial oxygen pressure still remain to be elucidated. In this work we have studied effects of hypoxia on red blood cell hemolysis in humans and rats and compared the effects of inhibitors of ecto-ATPase and pannexin on the release of ATP and hemoglobin from rat erythrocytes. The 20-min hypoxia at 37°C increased hemolysis of red blood cells in humans and rats 1.5- and 2.5-fold, respectively. In rat erythrocytes a significant increase in hypoxia-induced extracellular ATP level was found only in the presence of ecto-ATPase inhibitor ARL 67156. In these conditions we observed a positive correlation (R2 = 0.5003) between the increase in free hemoglobin concentration and the ATP release. Neither carbenoxolon nor probenecid, the inhibitors of low-selectivity pannexin channels, altered the hypoxia-induced ATP release from rat erythrocytes. The obtained results indicate a key role of hemolysis in the ATP release from red blood cells.  相似文献   

疏水层析结合冷乙醇沉淀纯化人血清白蛋白   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将层析技术与冷乙醇工艺相结合用于人血清白蛋白的纯化 ,对各过程所采用的层析介质及层析条件进行了探索 ,得到了一条从人血浆中制备血清白蛋白的新路线 :将一步冷乙醇沉淀后的血浆上清进行脱盐除乙醇 ,用阳离子交换介质CMSepharoseFF以透过式层析的模式吸附非白蛋白组分 ,最后选用ButylSepharoseFF一步疏水层析后所得样品经SDS-PAGE银染显示一条单带 ,分析其纯度大于 99% ,计算工艺收率为 81.2%。与传统冷乙醇工艺相比较 ,该工艺最终样品纯度更高 ,且层析可以在常温下操作 ,易实现自动化控制.  相似文献   


DNA gyrase supercoils DNA in bacteria. The fact that it is essential in all bacteria and absent from eukaryotes makes it an ideal drug target. We discuss the action of coumarin and quinolone drugs on gyrase. In the case of coumarins, the drugs are known to be competitive inhibitors of the gyrase ATPase reaction. From a combination of structural and biochemical studies, the molecular details of the gyrase-coumarin complex are well established. In the case of quinolones, the drugs are thought to act by stabilising a cleavage complex between gyrase and DNA that arrests polymerases in vivo. The exact nature of the gyrase-quinolone-DNA complex is not known; we propose a model for this complex based on structural and biochemical data.  相似文献   



The extent of the benefit of bevacizumab combined with chemotherapy in the treatment of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is still unclear. We performed this meta-analysis to compare the efficacy of bevacizumab with other commonly used targeted drugs for different patients with advanced NSCLC.


We searched PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE and abstracts from the proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), and identified 30 randomized controlled clinical trials published within 1999 to 2011 for meta-analysis.


The outcomes of treatment efficacy included response rate, PFS and OS. Comparing bevacizumab (15 mg/kg) with chemotherapy to standard chemotherapy alone, for chemotherapy-naïve patients, the pooled OR of response rate was 2.741(95%CI: 2.046, 3.672), the pooled HR for disease progression was 0.645 (95%CI: 0.561, 0.743), and the pooled HR for death was 0.790 (95%CI: 0.674, 0.926), respectively. In addition, the adjusted HR for previously-treated patients was 0.680 (95%CI: 0.492, 0.942) comparing bevacizumab combined with chemotherapy to standard chemotherapy alone.


Bevacizumab accompanied by chemotherapy was found to significantly improve patients'' response rate, progression free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS) among chemotherapy-naïve patients compared to other targeted drugs in the treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC).  相似文献   

In this power study, ANOVAs of unbalanced and balanced 2 x 2 datasets are compared (N = 120). Datasets are created under the assumption that H1 of the effects is true. The effects are constructed in two ways, assuming: 1. contributions to the effects solely in the treatment groups; 2. contrasting contributions in treatment and control groups. The main question is whether the two ANOVA correction methods for imbalance (applying Sums of Squares Type II or III; SS II or SS III) offer satisfactory power in the presence of an interaction. Overall, SS II showed higher power, but results varied strongly. When compared to a balanced dataset, for some unbalanced datasets the rejection rate of H0 of main effects was undesirably higher. SS III showed consistently somewhat lower power. When the effects were constructed with equal contributions from control and treatment groups, the interaction could be re-estimated satisfactorily. When an interaction was present, SS III led consistently to somewhat lower rejection rates of H0 of main effects, compared to the rejection rates found in equivalent balanced datasets, while SS II produced strongly varying results. In data constructed with only effects in the treatment groups and no effects in the control groups, the H0 of moderate and strong interaction effects was often not rejected and SS II seemed applicable. Even then, SS III provided slightly better results when a true interaction was present. ANOVA allowed not always for a satisfactory re-estimation of the unique interaction effect. Yet, SS II worked better only when an interaction effect could be excluded, whereas SS III results were just marginally worse in that case. Overall, SS III provided consistently 1 to 5% lower rejection rates of H0 in comparison with analyses of balanced datasets, while results of SS II varied too widely for general application.  相似文献   

针对村落人居环境研究过于注重村落本体的现状,以GIS的技术方法结合实地调研,选取梯田聚落所处的元江流域及典型样本大瓦遮河子流域为研究范围,探讨流域视野下人居环境空间的宏观与微观特征。结论如下:1)哀牢山区的崎岖山脉与密集水系造就了元江流域的格局,以水平、垂直特征奠定子流域尺度中梯田聚落的人居环境基础;2)大瓦遮河子流域的人居环境以“典型山地本底、帚状水系关联”为共性,在中低山区形成“面状森林核心、村落散布周边、旱地梯田混合”的彝族聚落区,在中山区形成“面状梯田核心、村落环绕周边、带状森林围合”的哈尼族聚落区,二者差异源自不同民族适应垂直分异效应的差异化农作策略;3)流域是人居环境研究的基本单元,超越村落本体之外的流域视野对复杂地理环境中的人居环境研究具有重要价值与普遍意义。  相似文献   

To look for a more stable and convenient way of constructing short hairpin RNA expression vectors targeting the latent membrane protein-1(LMP-1) encoded by Epstein-Barr virus(pshLMP1), and to study the inhibition function of pshLMP1 expression vectors in HNE1 cells, we designed the pshLMP1 expression cassette and pshLMP1 expression vectors by both the annealing method and PCR method and then co-transfected with pEGFP-N1-1158 into HNE1 cells to observe the mRNA and protein levels of LMP-1 genes by green fluorescence analysis, RT-PCR and western blot. pshLMP1 expression vectors were successfully obtained by both methods but better cloning efficiency was achieved and fewer deletions and mutations of nucleotides were achieved with the PCR method. Furthermore, the mRNA and protein levels of LMP-1 genes were down-regulated by pshLMP1 expression vectors. According to our research, we found that the PCR method provides a more efficient way to construct pshLMP1 expression vectors which have the ability to inhibit the function of LMP-1 genes expressed in HNE1 cells, and also provides a novel application of RNA interference technology against-EBV.  相似文献   

To look for a more stable and convenient way of constructing short hairpin RNA expression vectors targeting the latent membrane protein-1(LMP-1)encoded by Epstein-Barr virus(pshLMP1),and to study the inhibition function of pshLMP1 expression vectors in HNE1 cells,we designed the pshLMP1 expression cassette and pshLMP1 expression vectors by both the annealing method and PCR method and then co-transfected with pEGFP-N1-1158 into HNE1 cells to observe the mRNA and protein levels of LMP-1 genes by green fluorescence analysis,RT-PCR and western blot.pshLMP1 expression vectors were successfully obtained by both methods but better cloning efficiency was achieved and fewer deletions and mutations of nucleotides were achieved with the PCR method.Furthermore,the mRNA and protein levels of LMP-1 genes were down-regulated by pshLMP1 expression vectors.According to our research,we found that the PCR method provides a more efficient way to construct pshLMP1 expression vectors which have the ability to inhibit the function of LMP-1 genes expressed in HNE1 cells,and also provides a novel application of RNA interference technology against-EBV.  相似文献   

The conversion of normal cellular prion protein (PrP) into its pathological isoform, scrapie PrP, may occur at the cell surface or, more probably, in late endosomes. The early events leading to the structural conversion of PrP appear to be related to the presence of more or less stable soluble oligomers, which might mediate neurotoxicity. In the current study, we investigate the interaction of α-rich PrP monomers and β-rich size-exclusion-chromatography-purified PrP oligomers with lipid membranes. We compare their structural properties when associated with lipid bilayers and study their propensities to permeabilize the membrane at physiological pH. We also study the influence of the N-terminal flexible region (residues 24-103) by comparing full-length PrP24-234 and N-terminally truncated PrP104-234 oligomers. We showed that both 12-subunit oligomers cause an immediate and large increase in the permeability of the membrane, whereas equivalent amounts of monomeric forms cause no detectable leakage. Although the two monomeric PrP constructs undergo an α-to-β conformational change when bound to the negatively charged membrane, only the full-length form of monomeric PrP has a weak fusogenic effect. Finally, the oligomers affect the integrity of the membrane differently from the monomers, independently of the presence of the N-terminal flexible domain. As for other forms of amyloidogenesis, a reasonable mechanism for the toxicity arising from PrP fibrillization must be associated with low-molecular-weight oligomeric intermediates, rather than with mature fibrils. Knowledge of the mechanism of action of these soluble oligomers would have a high impact on the development of novel therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

We investigated the sensitivity of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (IHCCA) subtypes to chemotherapeutics and molecular targeted agents. Primary cultures of mucin- and mixed-IHCCA were prepared from surgical specimens (N. 18 IHCCA patients) and evaluated for cell proliferation (MTS assay) and apoptosis (Caspase 3) after incubation (72 hours) with increasing concentrations of different drugs. In vivo, subcutaneous human tumor xenografts were evaluated. Primary cultures of mucin- and mixed-IHCCA were characterized by a different pattern of expression of cancer stem cell markers, and by a different drug sensitivity. Gemcitabine and the Gemcitabine-Cisplatin combination were more active in inhibiting cell proliferation in mixed-IHCCA while Cisplatin or Abraxane were more effective against mucin-IHCCA, where Abraxane also enhances apoptosis. 5-Fluoracil showed a slight inhibitory effect on cell proliferation that was more significant in mixed- than mucin-IHCCA primary cultures and, induced apoptosis only in mucin-IHCCA. Among Hg inhibitors, LY2940680 and Vismodegib showed slight effects on proliferation of both IHCCA subtypes. The tyrosine kinase inhibitors, Imatinib Mesylate and Sorafenib showed significant inhibitory effects on proliferation of both mucin- and mixed-IHCCA. The MEK 1/2 inhibitor, Selumetinib, inhibited proliferation of only mucin-IHCCA while the aminopeptidase-N inhibitor, Bestatin was more active against mixed-IHCCA. The c-erbB2 blocking antibody was more active against mixed-IHCCA while, the Wnt inhibitor, LGK974, similarly inhibited proliferation of mucin- and mixed-IHCCA. Either mucin- or mixed-IHCCA showed high sensitivity to nanomolar concentrations of the dual PI3-kinase/mTOR inhibitor, NVP-BEZ235. In vivo, in subcutaneous xenografts, either NVP-BEZ235 or Abraxane, blocked tumor growth. In conclusion, mucin- and mixed-IHCCA are characterized by a different drug sensitivity. Cisplatin, Abraxane and the MEK 1/2 inhibitor, Selumetinib were more active against mucin-IHCCA while, Gemcitabine, Gemcitabine-Cisplatin combination, the c-erbB2 blocking antibody and bestatin worked better against mixed-IHCCA. Remarkably, we identified a dual PI3-kinase/mTOR inhibitor that both in vitro and in vivo, exerts dramatic antiproliferative effects against both mucin- and mixed-IHCCA.  相似文献   

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