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生态资产核算与生态系统服务评估:概念交汇与重点方向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘焱序  傅伯杰  赵文武  王帅 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8267-8276
面向“山水林田湖草”统一管理的现实目标,对生态资产的准确刻画加深了资源管理者和使用者对生态系统服务的认识,是生态系统服务理论从学术研讨向决策实践过渡的重要桥梁。然而,当前的生态资产核算结果仍存在着较大的不确定性,使其决策支持作用受到质疑。基于对生态资产研究近今进展的总结,生态资产实际核算一般取自然资本与生态系统服务的交集分别作为存量和流量。如若将生态资产作为干部离任审计依据,则须把握先实物量后价值量的原则。在当前国际研究中,生态资产已经成为区域景观管理和农户生计决策的重要绩效评估与情景优选工具。完善生态系统服务评估模型、明晰生态系统服务供需关系、规范生态资产价值核算方法、提升生态资产决策支持能力4项内容应引起未来生态资产研究的重点关注。  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems are open, complex, adaptive, and hierarchical systems highly integrated through the exchange of matter and energy flows. This flows exchange allows marine ecosystems to operate at different scales acting as dissipative structures, building natural capital stocks capable of generating several ecosystem services vital for human well-being. Humans derive a wide range of goods and services from marine ecosystems while, at the same time, generate several impacts causing biodiversity loss and seriously affecting their capacity to provide benefits to humans. Effective management strategies are crucial to conserve healthy and diverse marine and coastal ecosystems, maintain the valuable functions and services they provide, and allow for sustainable human activities. In recent years, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been increasingly acknowledged worldwide as important tools to conserve biodiversity and achieve human well-being and sustainable development goals. Assessing the value of natural capital and ecosystem services is crucial to raise awareness on their importance, support conservation strategies, and ensure the sustainable management of marine ecosystems. This study aimed at calculating biomass and emergy-based indicators to assess the value of natural capital stocks in a Mediterranean MPA. The assessment was performed through a biophysical and trophodynamic environmental accounting model fed with field biomass data collected through ad hoc sampling campaigns performed in the MPA. Four main macro-habitats were investigated: sciaphilic hard bottom (coralligenous bioconstructions), photophilic hard bottom, soft bottom, and Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds. The biomass density of the main autotrophic and heterotrophic taxonomic groups identified in the four macro-habitats of the MPA was evaluated. Based on this biomass matrix, the emergy value of natural capital stocks was assessed. The Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds habitat showed the highest biophysical value (2.32·1019 sej) at MPA scale, while coralligenous bioconstructions resulted the habitat with the highest biophysical value per unit area (2.72·1012 sej m−2). In addition, to complement the biophysical assessment with an economic perspective, the emergy-based indicators were converted into monetary units. The total value of natural capital of the whole MPA resulted in about 46 M€. The results of this study can support local managers and policy makers in the development of management strategies to ensure nature conservation and sustainable human activities. They can be also used as a benchmark for the assessment of natural capital value at larger scales in support of a proper consideration and inclusion of nature value into processes of policy making.  相似文献   

自然资本流变及其对生态系统服务价值的演变路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘颂  戴常文 《生态学报》2021,41(3):1189-1198
生态系统服务价值化是将生态系统惠益于人类社会的价值进行量化,以评估生态系统服务状态,便于生态系统监测和管理。自然资本是生态系统服务的来源,结合自然资本视角进行生态系统服务价值化,其成果有利于提高生态系统保护政策制定的精准性和统筹力,有利于创新生态系统服务评估方法。通过梳理自然资本概念的缘起与发展过程,认为自然资本经历了"同义指代"、"边界明晰"、"多领域交汇"和"隐喻多义"四个阶段逐步丰富的过程。当今针对自然资本研究的三种主流视角,即将自然资本视为"产生经济价值的资产"、"产生服务流的存量"和"金融资本"为生态系统服务的价值化提供了多种途径。生态系统服务价值化的过程要体现可持续发展的基本目标,保证自然资本的稳定,维持人类社会代际公平。以此为前提,鼓励生态系统价值化视角的多样性。价值化途径应关注生态系统服务的时空动态变化、多种服务协同作用和供需权衡。生态系统服务价值化是自然资本金融杠杆化的推手,应警惕有可能带来的金融风险和生态风险。  相似文献   

生态资产评估及管理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯鹏  付卓  祝汉收  翟俊  陈妍  高海峰  金点点  杨旻 《生态学报》2020,40(24):8851-8860
生态资产是生态系统的自然资源属性和生态系统服务属性的综合体现,为人类社会可持续发展提供着基础支撑。如何准确评估生态资产状况和正确计量生态资产变化,实现生态资产的科学管理和合理使用,是实现人类社会可持续发展目标所需要解决的关键问题之一。对生态资产评估与管理的国外研究进行了系统梳理,提出了今后一段时期的研究重点。在生态资产内涵方面,尽管前期国内外学者理解有所不同,随着认知水平的不断发展,国内对生态资产的理解逐渐趋同于国外。在研究内容方面,生态资产评估与度量、核算与账户管理、服务于人类福祉和可持续发展等方面是研究的核心内容及热点领域,取得积极进展但也存在一些不足,特别是包括自然资源类和生态系统服务类的生态资产综合评估模型方面。今后需要加强基于自然生态系统的双重属性强化生态资产内涵研究和重要性认知研究,全要素生态资产评估方法及全流程核算与权衡管理研究。在我国,需要加强生态资产核算的基础标准、规范账户管理及应用体系研究。  相似文献   

自然资本价值核算研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张彩平  姜紫薇  韩宝龙  谭德明 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9174-9185
目前国内外对自然资本价值核算的理论与方法尚未取得共识,无疑制约了自然资本核算在生态环境保护中积极作用的发挥。基于此,本文分别从自然资本内涵及其价值核算理论基础、国内外自然资本存量与流量核算方法实证研究、自然资本货币化价值核算的合理性等方面对已有文献进行梳理与分析,发现目前自然资本核算研究主要集中在生态产品的功能量与价值量核算而缺少生态资产货币价值量核算的研究;当前采用的生态产品价值量核算的生态系统类型系数表、本地化生态过程模型、能值当量替换三种方法在精度适用性、应用推广性和计算便捷性上各有优劣,尚待进一步的深入研究;最后对自然资本货币核算的一些争论进行了分析。通过上述研究和分析,提出如下新认识:(1)自然资本相关概念尚不统一,已经形成的认识包括:自然资本具有一定的稀缺性和使用价值,资本可分为存量资本(又称生态资产)和流量资本(又称生态系统服务);(2)自然资本核算技术繁多,研究成果的横向比较性较差,需要通过标准化核算技术方法和建立生态环境资源数据库等措施,进一步提高核算结果的准确性和可比性;(3)相比于基于生态系统类型价值系数方法和基于非市场化货币的当量替代方法,基于本地化参数的生态系统服务过程方法更能够反映本地生态环境特征,评估分析的准确度更高,生态管理抓手更多;(4)尽管自然资本货币核算理论和实践应用仍存在一些争论,但各国政府和各类组织都在推动自然资本核算工作,自然资本的探索性核算成果已在各国生态补偿和生态损害修复等方面发挥积极作用。  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能非货币量核算研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
刘耕源 《生态学报》2018,38(4):1487-1499
区别于价值量核算方法,基于生态热力学的环境核算方法从物质计量角度开展环境核算,以期打破大多数以人类为中心框架下的经济学方法,而新的方法框架进一步关注对人类及生态有益的生态服务的价值,即不忽视自然界提供的无关人类的相关服务功能。综述了基于生态热力学的环境核算理论基础,从禀赋价值视角重新解读了社会经济系统,从更深层次明确了"当前的"自然资产和生态服务实际是生态系统对资源使用的一种努力和结果,其"过去的"生态过程经历了长时间"试错和优化"。以美国森林生态服务功能案例研究展现了基于生态热力学的生态服务功能核算方法与基于支付意愿的市场价值核算方法与异同,并提出了使用能值方法进行生态系统服务功能核算的六大步骤。最后,针对近期能值方法的改进,给出四点发展展望:1)能值基准的不断更新夯实了生态系统服务功能非价值量核算的基础;2)已有大量能值分析在生态资产和生态服务功能应用案例可为今后的研究提供方法参照和比较的可能;3)生态服务功能价值量和非价值量的差异的根源在于从人类中心论到生态中心论的环境伦理观的转移;4)从生态热力学的视角研究生态服务功能为从能量的角度提出环境税确立了可能性。本研究建议采用双重核算方法,即类似于金融会计中使用的方法一样,用能量来记录环境负债,并建立一个货币化的资产负债表说明经济情况及环境对经济生产的贡献。  相似文献   

The growing interest in ecosystem services is mainly related to land use changes. The aim of the study is to analyse spatial-temporal changes in the capacity to supply of ES in Lithuania based on land use changes in 1990–2018. The results show some balance between loss and gains of ecosystem services capacity due to land use changes. Decrease in heterogenous agricultural areas had negative impact on provision of ecosystem integrity and services. Considerable increase in scrubland and herbaceous vegetation areas significantly increased the ecosystem service potential. The conversion of former agricultural land to less intensively managed ecosystems enhance the potential of valuable habitats for biodiversity and ecosystem services associated with natural grasslands, moors and heathland, transitional woodland shrubs. The urbanization process along with increase in urban fabric areas had little effect on ESs potential since artificial vegetated areas had compensated the loss of ESs due to increased areas of urbanized ecosystems. Despite the area of open spaces slightly increased, this led to decrease of provision of ESs. Temporal changes in overall ESs capacity indicated an increase in Lithuania over the last two decades. Given the observed dynamic context of land cover, the structure of ecosystem services may face potential threats from land use change due to urban development and agricultural activities.  相似文献   

Over millennia human well-being has benefited from ecosystems, not only through tangible goods, but also through intangible assets known as cultural ecosystem services. Despite growing research over the last decade, cultural services assessment still remains arbitrary and is largely limited to marketable services such as tourism. Evident difficulties in standardizing definitions and measurements have challenged cultural services accounting in decision making processes. However, the imminent formation of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services offers an opportunity to counterbalance this misrepresentation by establishing a scientific basis for consistently assessing cultural services. In that regard, the current review intends to facilitate discussion investigating the current state of cultural services accounting by offering an appraisal of existing evidence regarding cultural services indicator quality. The review builds on scientifically recognized frameworks to develop a holistic understanding of how cultural services indicators are conceived within ecosystem services research. Among the measures found, benefit indicators were most frequently used for assessing inspirational, educational and recreational services. A broad variety of methods for accounting cultural services was found, mainly due to the varied aims of the studies. Most of the cultural services indicators were deficient concerning their clarity of definitions, purposes and understanding of the processes to be measured and referring only marginally to tradeoffs and bundles with other services. Only 17% performed multitemporal assessments and 23% used spatially explicit information. It seems that indicator quality could be greatly enhanced by investing more effort toward involving relevant stakeholders in conceptualization and communication phases, using participatory mapping tools to enhance visibility.  相似文献   

Shrink and share: humanity's present and future Ecological Footprint   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sustainability is the possibility of all people living rewarding lives within the means of nature. Despite ample recognition of the importance of achieving sustainable development, exemplified by the Rio Declaration of 1992 and the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, the global economy fails to meet the most fundamental minimum condition for sustainability--that human demand for ecosystem goods and services remains within the biosphere's total capacity. In 2002, humanity operated in a state of overshoot, demanding over 20% more biological capacity than the Earth's ecosystems could regenerate in that year. Using the Ecological Footprint as an accounting tool, we propose and discuss three possible global scenarios for the future of human demand and ecosystem supply. Bringing humanity out of overshoot and onto a potentially sustainable path will require managing the consumption of food, fibre and energy, and maintaining or increasing the productivity of natural and agricultural ecosystems.  相似文献   

生态功益:自然生态过程对人类的贡献   总被引:42,自引:7,他引:35  
董全 《应用生态学报》1999,10(2):233-240
大自然是维系人类社会生存和维持文明发展的生命之舟,为人们的物质和精神生活提供必不可少的资源和环境条件及生态服务。生态功益是这些由自然生物过程产生和维持的环境资源方面的条件和服务的统称。本文从自然生产,维持生物多样性,调节气象过程、气候变化和地球化学物质循环,调节水循环和减缓旱涝灾害,改善与保持土壤,净化环境,为作物与自然植物传粉播种,控制病虫害,维护改善人的身心健康和激发人的精神文化追求等方面探讨和介绍生态功益及生态功益的经济评价。迅猛的人口增长、社会变化和技术发展已使承载人类社会的生命之舟受到严重破坏和巨大威胁。减少这些破坏和威胁是整个社会,特别是生态学エ作者面临的重大挑战.  相似文献   

将土地整治活动作为外界对农田生态系统(项目区)集中性的外部激励,以陕西关中凤翔县典型土地整治项目为例,分析了项目实施前后生态流(物质流、能量流、信息流)变化状况,建立了土地整治生态影响概念性模型,明确了相应生态流的流向与路径关系,使用可用能法和能值法测算项目区外部输入及生态产品输出,应用生态流分析法,对土地整治项目生态流和系统效率进行了定量计算。根据设定的土地整治工程使用年限,评估了项目实施后区域净生态价值、自然资源依赖度、可更新资源依赖度、生态产出率、生态承载力和生态可持续度等指标的时间变化过程。得到以下研究结果:(1)可用能法和能值法测算出的系统生态效益均呈现由项目建设初期陡降为负值,而后指数增加,再趋于平稳的过程;(2)可用能法测算出项目实施后的第29年,生态效益由亏转盈,体现出系统从被扰乱后恢复自然平衡状态的过程;(3)能值法测算出项目实施后的第4年,生态系统趋于平衡状态;(4)研究区土地整治项目的经济效益为负,于项目实施3a后趋于平稳,总投资中农业生产年投入占资金总额的78.35%。通过可用能和能值方法的结合,可以定量计算系统稳定性,为土地整治项目的物质、劳动力和资金投资选择等提供借鉴。  相似文献   

生态系统服务制图研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张立伟  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2014,34(2):316-325
生态系统服务是生态学研究的前沿方向之一,生态系统服务制图是将生态系统服务的评估结果纳入到生态环境保护规划与管理决策制定与实施过程中的重要组成部分。生态系统服务制图是根据决策需求,选择合适的制图评价方法,对特定时空尺度上生态系统服务的空间分布以及在各种自然-社会因素共同影响下生态系统服务的情景变化进行量化描述的过程。它最终为决策参与者提供研究区域生态系统服务时空变化特征具体的、可视的量化描述,辅助决策者权衡利弊,最终制定出符合区域生态环境与人类社会共同可持续发展的最优决策。综述了生态系统服务制图的内涵及其在辅助决策过程中的重要作用;介绍了生态系统服务的重点研究内容(生态系统服务的提供、需求及权衡协同关系制图)及研究方法;并对目前研究中所存在的问题进行了深入的探讨,归纳了生态系统服务的制图评价流程及未来重点的研究方向。  相似文献   

A clear link between ecosystem services (ES) and human well-being has been established in the recent decades. Thus, forests are recognised as extremely important ecosystems in relation to their capacity to provide goods and services to society. Nevertheless, this capacity greatly depends on the type of forest and on the management applied. Some types of data often used for this type of analysis, such as land use/land cover maps produced for general purposes, are not always appropriate for representing forest ecosystems and the services they offer. In this study, we used a forest map (Spanish National Forest Map: scale 1:25,000) and information describing composition and structure to assess six services closely associated with forest ecosystems in a forest-dominated zone of northwestern Spain on a regional scale. The following ES were considered: provision of food (basically fruits), provision of materials (timber and pulp), provision of biomass for energy (firewood), climate regulation (carbon storage by above-ground biomass), erosion regulation (protection against erosion), and cultural (recreational use and nature tourism). By combining information about tree species and cover with forest harvest data and other statistics, we established representative spatial models for the six ES representing different categories of the potential supply of each one. The six models were analysed by different methods (Spearman’s correlation, Moran’s I and Getis-Ord Gi*), enabling detection of hotspots and coldspots and the characteristic spatial scales for ES supply. The combined use of highly detailed map data, nonspatial databases and spatial analysis yielded accurate ES supply assessment.  相似文献   

The mapping of ecosystem service supply has become quite common in ecosystem service assessment practice for terrestrial ecosystems, but land cover remains the most common indicator for ecosystems ability to deliver ecosystem services. For marine ecosystems, practice is even less advanced, with a clear deficit in spatially-explicit assessments of ecosystem service supply. This situation, which generates considerable uncertainty in the assessment of ecosystems’ ability to support current and future human well-being, contrasts with increasing understanding of the role of terrestrial and marine biodiversity for ecosystem functioning and thereby for ecosystem services. This paper provides a synthesis of available approaches, models and tools, and data sources, that are able to better link ecosystem service mapping to current understanding of the role of ecosystem service providing organisms and land/seascape structure in ecosystem functioning. Based on a review of literature, models and associated geo-referenced metrics are classified according to the way in which land or marine use, ecological processes and especially biodiversity effects are represented. We distinguish five types of models: proxy-based, phenomenological, niche-based, trait-based and full-process. Examples from each model type are presented and data requirements considered. Our synthesis demonstrates that the current understanding of the role of biota in ecosystem services can effectively be incorporated into mapping approaches and opens avenues for further model development using hybrid approaches tailored to available resources. We end by discussing ways to resolve sources of uncertainty associated with model representation of biotic processes and with data availability.  相似文献   

喻锋  李晓波  王宏  张丽君  徐卫华  符蓉 《生态学报》2016,36(6):1663-1675
生态系统生产总值是生态系统为人类提供的产品与服务价值的总和,研究与建立一个独立的核算一个国家或地区的生态系统生产总值的方法与体系,对科学评价与合理利用自然资源、助推生态文明建设等具有重要意义。将生态系统生产总值分为供给价值、文化价值、承载价值与调节价值等四大类,基于能值分析方法和生态用地分类体系,计算得出全国及各地区生态系统生产总值,并将其与国内生产总值进行比较,为自然资源资产负债核算和综合生态系统管理等研究提供理论和方法借鉴。研究结果表明:(1)生态用地分类体系包括湿地、森林、草地和其他生态土地4个一级类型、19个二级类型。其中,湿地、森林、草地可统称为基础性生态用地。2008年,中国生态用地总量为763.95万km2,约占陆域国土面积的80%,其中基础性生态用地约为530.8万km2。(2)2008年,中国国土生态系统生产总值约为19万亿美元,是当年国内生产总值4.71万亿美元的4倍,人均生态系统总值约为1.45万美元/人。从生态系统生产总值来看,广东、山东、河南位居前三,西藏最低;从人均生态系统生产总值来看,西藏和内蒙古居前,甘肃最低。  相似文献   

生态系统服务管理作为生态系统管理的优化方式,是生态学研究的前沿方向。湖泊生态系统服务管理是指综合利用生态学、经济学、社会学和管理学等学科知识,对影响湖泊生态系统结构、过程、功能的关键因子进行调控,提高湖泊生态系统服务供给水平和供给能力的过程。近年来国内外学者针对湖泊生态系统服务内涵、分类、经济价值评估等方面开展了大量研究,极大地促进了湖泊生态系统服务从认知走向管理实践。然而,现有研究在开展湖泊生态系统服务价值评估时多忽略生态系统服务受益者和生态系统特征对生态系统服务的边际影响分析,无法揭示生态系统服务空间流动和转移特征及生态系统服务时空权衡关系,制约了生态系统服务研究与管理决策和政策设计结合。在综述湖泊生态系统服务定量评估方法的基础上,认为通过生态系统服务受益者分析确定湖泊生态系统最终服务,并通过构建生态生产函数确定湖泊生态系统服务权衡关系及湖泊生态系统特征对生态系统最终服务的边际影响,是生态系统服务走向管理实践和政策设计的科学依据,可以确保生态、社会、经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

县级生态资产价值评估——以河北丰宁县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中高空间分辨率的Landsat-5 TM和SPOT-5遥感数据为主要数据源,以河北省丰宁县为例,提出了县级生态资产价值遥感评估的指标体系,研究建立了县级区域生态资产遥感测量的技术体系。研究结果表明,利用STAVFM时空尺度转换模型,可模拟获得县级区域全年时间序列的TM尺度 NDVI数据,模拟结果验证的均方根误差仅为0.0702,可满足县级区域生态资产价值评估中NPP高精度遥感估算的需要;2008年丰宁县总生态资产价值为414.44亿元,单位面积生态资产价值在1123元/ hm2至390029元/ hm2之间,其中,森林、灌丛和草地三者的生态资产价值达349.05亿元,占该县生态资产总价值的84.22%,可见自然生态系统在丰宁县生态资产中所占的重要地位。研究结果对推动县域生态资产核算体系的建立有指导意义。  相似文献   

生态系统服务是自然生态系统及其物种提供的供给和维持人类生存的条件和过程,是人类通过生态系统的功能直接或间接得到的产品或服务,具有典型的区域性特征。黄土高原是黄河流域重要生态安全屏障,生态建设规模大、历时长,是我国生态系统服务研究的重要案例区。已有研究针对黄土高原生态系统服务进行物质量与价值量估算、权衡与协同关系识别和供需关系评估,但不同结论之间缺少归纳和对比。研究对近20年来黄土高原地区生态系统服务研究的文献总体特征和主要研究发现分析表明:相关中英文论文数量和被引频次整体呈上升趋势,研究内容上主要关注黄土高原生态系统服务的定量估算,近年来逐渐向生态系统服务权衡分析和供需关系评估拓展;黄土高原地区自退耕还林以来,各项生态系统服务总量呈上升趋势,呈现出东南增量较多、西北增量较少的空间格局;黄土高原地区供给服务和调节服务存在较明显的权衡关系,但在不同尺度上强度分异明显;区域内生态系统服务供给量和需求量均呈增加趋势,供需匹配状况具有明显时空差异。面向当前研究中物质量评估种类不足、价值量估算高度不确定、权衡与协同现象缺乏归因、空间流动性体现不足等问题,未来黄土高原生态系统服务研究有待加强面向生态...  相似文献   

The ecosystem services approach is increasingly applied in the context of environmental resources management and impact assessment. Assessments often involve analysis of alternative scenarios for which potential changes in ecosystem services are quantified. For such assessments to be effective there is a requirement to represent changes in ecosystem services supply in a clear and informative manner. Here we compute Ecosystem Services Ratio (ESR), a simple index that quantifies the relative change in ecosystem service provision under altered conditions given the baseline, and the Modified Ecosystem Services State Index, which averages the ESR scores obtained for each ecosystem service assessed, to provide an overall measure of the change. Given that modelling approaches to quantification of ecosystem services often result in production of maps of ecosystem supply, the proposed metrics can be visualized as maps in support to decision making processes. We use these indices to investigate potential changes in the supply of seven modelled ecosystem services resulting from the introduction of a major road development – a highway with associated green infrastructure – into a predominantly agricultural landscape in the UK. We find that the planted woodland, scrubland and grassland can increase the supply of multiple ecosystem services not accounted for in previous green infrastructure studies, although the magnitude of change differs with the type of vegetation, initial conditions and timeframes of the assessment.  相似文献   

海洋保护地在主要承担典型海洋生态系统、珍稀濒危物种、重要自然资源自然遗迹和人文资源有效保护的同时,兼具生态功能维持、资源可持续利用与社区经济持续发展等多重任务,普遍面临着生态保护与社区生计发展间的依赖-冲突关系,探究社区生计与生态系统服务间的依赖关系,对实现海洋保护地与社区协调发展具有重要意义。基于山东长岛海洋保护地的415户社区居民的调研数据,运用可持续生计分析框架和生态系统服务依赖度模型,分析社区居民的生计资本和生态系统服务依赖度(IDES) 的特征,进一步结合多元回归模型探究生计资本对 IDES 的影响。结果表明:(1)社区居民生计资本得分呈现出由渔业主导型向务工主导型、旅游主导型、渔业兼业型递增的总趋势,且不同类型社区居民的生计资本结构具有较大差异;(2)渔业兼业型和旅游主导型社区居民从生态系统获取的收益显著高于其它居民,IDES总指数由大到小排序依次为渔业主导型、旅游主导型、渔业兼业型、务工主导型,且渔业主导型生计的供给服务依赖度显著高于其他类型,文化服务依赖度最低;(3)生计资本对不同类型居民的供给、文化服务依赖度的影响存在差异,海上养殖规模、渔业作业范围、接受政府技能培训次数、生态补偿政策、社会组织参与程度、旅游扶持政策惠及程度等指标是平衡居民生态系统服务依赖结构的关键。基于此,从不同类型居民以及当地政府多个角度提出提高长岛海洋保护地社区居民生计资本水平,优化生态系统服务依赖结构的建议,以期为实现海洋保护地与社区的协调发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

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