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Oral estrogen treatment increases thrombotic risk. Tissue factor (TF), tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), and platelet interaction with leukocytes are important determinants of thrombogenesis. Therefore, the present study was designed to define and compare platelet TF and TFPI mRNA and adhesion protein expression in platelets derived from animals treated with different types of oral estrogens. Ovariectomized pigs were treated with 17beta-estradiol (2 mg/day), conjugated equine estrogen (CEE; 0.625 mg/day), or raloxifene (60 mg/day) for 4 wk. Compared with intact animals, ovariectomy and treatment differentially affected populations of leukocytes: neutrophils decreased whereas lymphocytes increased significantly 4 wk after ovariectomy and with 17beta-estradiol and CEE treatments; eosinophils increased only with 17beta-estradiol treatment. Content of TF protein increased in platelets from 17beta-estradiol- and raloxifene-treated pigs, whereas TF mRNA was detected only in platelets from 17beta-estradiol- and CEE treated pigs. TFPI mRNA increased in platelets after ovariectomy and estrogen treatment. Only a trace of TFPI protein was detected, but a higher-molecular-mass protein was observed in all treatment groups. Expression of CD40 and CD40 ligand increased with ovariectomy and decreased with 17beta-estradiol and CEE treatments more than with raloxifene. The ratio of activated to basal P-selectin expression decreased with ovariectomy and increased with raloxifene treatments. These results suggest that estrogenic formulations may affect individual thrombotic risk by different mechanisms that regulate TF and platelet-leukocytic interactions. These studies provide the rationale for evaluation of interactions among platelets and TF and TFPI expression on thrombin generation during estrogen treatment in humans.  相似文献   

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a factor Xa-dependent inhibitor for the factor VIIa-tissue factor complex. We isolated cDNA for rat TFPI by screening a lambda gt10 rat liver cDNA library. We determined the 1,228 bp nucleotide sequence, comprising a 88 bp 5' non-coding region, a 906 bp open reading frame, and a 234 bp 3' non-coding region, which encodes a protein of 302 amino acid residues. On Northern blot analysis of rat TFPI mRNA, rat TFPI mRNA was detected as two forms with different molecular sizes, 4.0 and 1.4 kb, which were expressed abundantly in heart, lung, kidney, and aortic endothelial cells. The homology of the amino acid sequence of rat TFPI with those of human and rabbit TFPI was found to be 60.7 and 57.4%, respectively. The lengths of the three tandem Kunitz-type inhibitor domains were strictly conserved not only among TFPI from the three species, but also among other proteins containing Kunitz-type inhibitor domains. The homology of the Kunitz-type domains in TFPI among the three species was 57, 86, and 69% in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd domains, respectively. There was no significant difference in hydropathy profiles of TFPI from man, rabbit, and rat.  相似文献   

Oral contraceptives (OC) and postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT) modulate plasma levels of proteins that regulate blood coagulation. It remains unclear whether the progestin component contributes to these changes. The present study was designed to determine whether progestins modulate two essential plasma anticoagulants, antithrombin (AT) and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), in an animal model. Ovariectomized rats were treated orally with three progestins, norethindrone acetate (NETA), trimegestone (TMG), or drospirenone (DSP), either alone or combined with 17alpha-ethyinylestradiol (EE). Plasma AT levels were unchanged. However, TFPI activity was reduced by EE alone (10-100 microg/kg/day) in a dose-dependent manner; NETA (3 or 10 mg/kg/day) reduced TFPI by approximately 40 or approximately 80%, respectively, while TMG and DSP had no effect. NETA and EE effects were blocked by co-administration of ICI-182,780, an estrogen receptor antagonist, suggesting that both responses were likely estrogen receptor-mediated. Reduced TFPI after NETA or EE treatment was not accompanied by changes in TFPI mRNA levels in tissues that express TFPI, but there was a positive correlation between plasma TFPI and total cholesterol. Sex hormone effects on TFPI in this model and as reported in women may help to shift the coagulation balance to a more prothrombotic state. Progestins such as TMG and DSP that lack estrogenic activity could potentially have an improved clinical profile.  相似文献   

Blood coagulation is a cascade of complex enzymatic reactions which involves specific proteins and cellular components to interact and prevent blood loss. The coagulation process begins by either “Tissue Dependent Pathway” (also known as extrinsic pathway) or by “contact activation pathway” (also known as intrinsic pathway). TFPI is an endogenous multivalent Kunitz type protease inhibitor which inhibits Tissue factor dependent pathway by inhibiting Tissue Factor:Factor VIIa (TF:FVIIa) complex and Factor Xa. TFPI is one of the most studied coagulation pathway inhibitor which has various clinical and potential therapeutic applications, however, its exact mechanism of inhibition is still unknown. Structure based mechanism elucidation is commonly employed technique in such cases. Therefore, in the current study the generated a complete TFPI structural model so as to understand the mechanistic details of it''s functioning. The model was checked for stereochemical quality by PROCHECK-NMR, WHATIF, ProSA, and QMEAN servers. The model was selected, energy minimized and simulated for 1.5ns. The result of the study may be a guiding point for further investigations on TFPI and its role in coagulation mechanism.  相似文献   

Vascular injury leads to the exposure of blood to fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells within the vessel wall. These cells constitutively express tissue factor (TF), the cellular receptor for plasma clotting factor VIIa (FVIIa). Formation of TF.FVIIa complexes on cell surfaces triggers the blood coagulation cascade. In the present study, we have investigated the fate of TF.FVIIa complexes formed on the cell surface of fibroblasts in the presence and absence of plasma inhibitor, tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI). FVIIa bound to TF on the cell surface was internalized and degraded without depleting the cell surface TF antigen and activity. TFPI significantly enhanced the TF-specific internalization and degradation of FVIIa. TFPI-enhanced internalization and degradation of FVIIa requires the C-terminal domain of TFPI and factor Xa. TFPI. Xa-mediated internalization of FVIIa was associated with the depletion of TF from the cell surface. A majority of the internalized FVIIa was degraded, but a small portion of the internalized FVIIa recycles back to the cell surface as an intact protein. In addition to TF, other cell surface components, such as low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) and heparan sulfates, are essential for TFPI.Xa-induced internalization of FVIIa. Acidification of cytosol, which selectively inhibits the endocytotic pathway via coated pits, inhibited TFPI.Xa-mediated internalization but not the basal internalization of FVIIa. Overall, our data support the concept that FVIIa bound to cell surface TF was endocytosed by two different pathways. FVIIa complexed with TF in the absence of the inhibitor was internalized via a LRP-independent and probably noncoated pit pathway, whereas FVIIa complexed with TF along with the inhibitor was internalized via LRP-dependent coated pit pathway.  相似文献   

TFPI (tissue factor pathway inhibitor) is an anticoagulant protein that prevents intravascular coagulation through inhibition of fXa (Factor Xa) and the TF (tissue factor)-fVIIa (Factor VIIa) complex. Localization of TFPI within caveolae enhances its anticoagulant activity. To define further how caveolae contribute to TFPI anticoagulant activity, CHO (Chinese-hamster ovary) cells were co-transfected with TF and membrane-associated TFPI targeted to either caveolae [TFPI-GPI (TFPI-glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor chimaera)] or to bulk plasma membrane [TFPI-TM (TFPI-transmembrane anchor chimaera)]. Stable clones had equal expression of surface TF and TFPI. TX-114 cellular lysis confirmed localization of TFPI-GPI to detergent-insoluble membrane fractions, whereas TFPI-TM localized to the aqueous phase. TFPI-GPI and TFPI-TM were equally effective direct inhibitors of fXa in amidolytic assays. However, TFPI-GPI was a significantly better inhibitor of TF-fVIIa than TFPI-TM, as measured in both amidolytic and plasma-clotting assays. Disrupting caveolae by removing membrane cholesterol from EA.hy926 cells, which make TFPIα, CHO cells transfected with TFPIβ and HUVECs (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) did not affect their fXa inhibition, but significantly decreased their inhibition of TF-fVIIa. These studies confirm and quantify the enhanced anticoagulant activity of TFPI localized within caveolae, demonstrate that caveolae enhance the inhibitory activity of both TFPI isoforms and define the effect of caveolae as specifically enhancing the anti-TF activity of TFPI.  相似文献   

Despite the potential efficacy of cancer immunotherapy in preclinical studies, it did not show yet significant positive clinical results in humans with only a small number of cancer patients demonstrating objective tumor regression. This poor clinical outcome can be explained by the generation of sophisticated tumor immune escape mechanism, in particular, abnormalities in the expression of HLA class I antigens. We have studied the expression of HLA class I antigens in ten metastatic lesions obtained from a melanoma patient undergoing immunotherapy. Five lesions were obtained after Interferon-alpha-2b treatment and five after autologous vaccination plus BCG (M-VAX). Eight metastases were regressing after immunotherapy while two were progressing. The eight regressing metastases showed high level of HLA class I expression, whereas the two progressing lesions had low levels as measured by real time PCR and immunohistological techniques. These results indicate a strong association between HLA class I expression and progression or regression of the metastatic lesions. Our data support the hypothesis that the level of HLA class I expression is an important parameter of tumor immune escape that needs to be monitored.  相似文献   

Blood coagulation is triggered by the formation of a complex between factor VIIa (FVIIa) and its cofactor, tissue factor (TF). TF-FVIIa is inhibited by tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) in two steps: first TFPI is bound to the active site of factor Xa (FXa), and subsequently FXa-TFPI exerts feedback inhibition of TF-FVIIa. The FXa-dependent inhibition of TF-FVIIa activity by TFPI leads to formation of the quaternary complex TF-FVIIa-FXa-TFPI. We used site-directed fluorescence probing to map part of the region of soluble TF (sTF) that interacts with FXa in sTF-FVIIa-FXa-TFPI. We found that the C-terminal region of sTF, including positions 163, 166, 200 and 201, is involved in binding to FXa in the complex, and FXa, most likely via its Gla domain, is also in contact with the Gla domain of FVIIa in this part of the binding region. Furthermore, a region that includes the N-terminal part of the TF2 domain and the C-terminal part of the TF1 domain, i.e. the residues 104 and 197, participates in the interaction with FXa in the quaternary complex. Moreover, comparisons of the interaction areas between sTF and FX(a) in the quaternary complex sTF-FVIIa-FXa-TFPI and in the ternary complexes sTF-FVII-FXa or sTF-FVIIa-FX demonstrated large similarities.  相似文献   

Activation of the coagulation system and increased expression of tissue factor (TF) in pulmonary fibrosis associated with acute and chronic lung injury have been previously documented. In the present study, we evaluated the effect of TF inhibition with intratracheal gene transfer of tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), a potent and highly specific endogenous inhibitor of TF-dependent coagulation activation, in a rat model of bleomycin-induced lung fibrosis. Significant lung fibrotic changes as assessed by histologic findings and hydroxyproline content, and increased procoagulant activity and thrombin generation in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were detected in rats after intratracheal injection of bleomycin. Intratracheal administration of an adenovirus vector expressing TFPI significantly decreased bleomycin-induced procoagulant and thrombin generation resulting in a strong inhibition of pulmonary fibrosis. TFPI-overexpression in the lung was associated with a significant reduction in gene expression of the connective tissue growth factor, a potent profibrotic growth factor. This is the first report showing that direct inhibition of TF-mediated coagulation activation abrogates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   

The capacity of inflammatory cell-derived matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) to cleave tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and alter its activity was investigated. MMP-7 (matrilysin) rapidly cleaved TFPI to a major 35-kDa product. In contrast, MMP-1 (collagenase-1), MMP-9 (gelatinase B), and MMP-12 (macrophage elastase) cleaved TFPI into several fragments including the 35-kDa band. However, rates of cleavage were most rapid for MMP-7 and MMP-9. NH(2)-terminal amino acid sequencing revealed that MMP-12 cleaved TFPI at Lys(20)-Leu(21)(close to Kunitz I domain and producing a 35-kDa band), Arg(83)-Ile(84) (between Kunitz I and II domains), and Ser(174)-Thr(175) (between Kunitz II and III domains). MMP-7 and MMP-9 cleaved TFPI at Lys(20)-Leu(21) with additional COOH-terminal processing. These MMPs did not cleave tissue factor (TF), factor VII, and factor Xa. Proteolytic cleavage by MMP-1, MMP-7, MMP-9, and MMP-12 resulted in considerable loss of TFPI activity. These observations indicate specific cleavage of TFPI by MMPs, which broadens their substrate profile. Co-localization of MMPs, TF, and TFPI in atherosclerotic tissues suggests that release of MMPs from inflammatory cell leukocytes may effect TF-mediated coagulation.  相似文献   

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 (TFPI-2) is a structural homologue of TFPI, a potent inhibitor of tissue factor (TF)-mediated coagulation. Although TFPI-2 has been identified at sequence level in several fish species, no study on piscine TFPI-2 has been documented. In this report, we identified and analyzed a TFPI-2 homologue, SoTFPI2, from red drum Sciaenops ocellatus. The open reading frame of SoTFPI2 is 681 bp, which encodes a 226-residue protein that shares 59.2–82.3% overall sequence identities with known fish TFPI-2. SoTFPI2 possesses three tandem Kunitz domains and is negatively charged at the N-terminus and positively charged at the C-terminus. Expression of SoTFPI2 was detected, in increasing order, in spleen, muscle, gill, brain, liver, kidney, blood, and heart. Bacterial challenge and lipopolysaccharide treatment significantly upregulated SoTFPI2 expression in kidney in time-dependent manners. Recombinant SoTFPI2 purified from Escherichia coli inhibits the proteolytic activity of trypsin and exhibits bactericidal effect on a fish pathogen. Take together, these results indicate that SoTFPI2 is a biologically active serine protease inhibitor with antibacterial property and is likely to play a role in anti-bacterial infection.  相似文献   

The tissue factor plays a crucial role in initiating blood coagulation after plaque rupture in patients with acute coronary syndrome. It is abundant in atherosclerotic plaques. Moreover, P-selectin, some cytokines, endotoxin and immune complexes can stimulate monocytes and induce the tissue factor expression on their surface. The aim of the study was to compare plasma levels of the tissue factor, tissue factor pathway inhibitor, P-selectin, E-selectin and ICAM-1 in patients with acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris, stable coronary artery disease and normal control subjects. In addition, plasma levels of the tissue factor, tissue factor pathway inhibitor, P-selectin, E-selectin and ICAM-1 were measured in the blood withdrawn from the coronary sinus in a subgroup of patients with unstable angina pectoris and stable coronary artery disease in which the difference between concentrations in the coronary sinus and systemic blood was calculated. A significant increase in tissue factor pathway inhibitor plasma levels was detected in patients with acute myocardial infarction (373.3+/-135.1 ng/ml, p<0.01) and unstable angina pectoris (119.6+/-86.9 ng/ml, p<0.05) in contrast to the patients with stable coronary artery disease (46.3+/-37.5 ng/ml) and normal subjects (45.1+/-14.3 ng/ml). The plasma levels of tissue factor pathway inhibitor were significantly increased both in the coronary sinus and systemic blood in the patients with unstable angina pectoris. There was only a non-significant trend to higher plasma levels of the tissue factor in patients with acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris as compared to the patients with stable coronary artery disease and normal subjects, the values being 129.1+/-30.2 pg/ml, 130.5+/-57.8 pg/ml, 120.2+/-45.1 pg/ml and 124.9+/-31.8 pg/ml, respectively. Plasma levels of soluble P-selectin was only slightly, but non-significantly higher in patients with unstable angina pectoris and stable coronary artery disease (184.2+/-85.4 ng/ml and 201.6+/-67.9 ng/ml, respectively) than in patients with the acute myocardial infarction (157.4+/-88.4 ng/ml) or normal subjects (151.4+/-47.1 ng/ml). The difference in plasma levels of soluble ICAM-1 between the blood withdrawn from the coronary sinus and systemic circulation correlated significantly with the corresponding difference in plasma levels of soluble P-selectin and E-selectin. In conclusion, the tissue factor and the tissue factor pathway inhibitor play a crucial role in the initiation of arterial thrombosis. The tissue factor pathway inhibitor levels are increased both in the systemic blood and in the coronary sinus of patients with the acute coronary syndrome.  相似文献   

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) is a Kunitz-type protease inhibitor that regulates tissue factor-triggered blood coagulation. It has previously been reported that TFPI inhibits the proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), suggesting that TFPI may act as more than just a mediator of coagulation through changes in gene expression. By using DNA-array techniques and Northern blot analysis, we here revealed that TFPI transiently induced the mRNA expression of JUNB and GADD45B. The inducible effects were not observed in TFPIdeltaC (lacking the C-terminal basic region) or antithrombin (heparin-binding anticoagulant protease inhibitor). Moreover, the TFPI-induced expression of GADD45B was blocked by receptor-associated protein, which masks the ligand-binding domain of very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDL-R). In conclusion, this is the first report to show an effect of TFPI on mRNA expression, and suggests that TFPI modulates cellular functions by inducing JUNB and GADD45B expression through binding to VLDL-R.  相似文献   

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) from different cell lines shows up to 15-fold differences in the ratio of anticoagulant to chromogenic activity. The anticoagulant activity was dependent on the purification procedure used and it was possible to isolate two fractions of recombinant TFPI. Only one of these fractions showed anticoagulant activity comparable with TFPI from normal human plasma, and Western blotting showed that the low-activity fraction did not react with an antibody raised against a peptide of TFPI located near the C-terminal. Analysis by mass spectroscopy of peptides from V8 protease digests showed that C-terminal amino acids could only be identified from the high-activity form, while heterologous fragmentation had taken place in the form with low anticoagulant activity. Previously published studies on TFPI have been performed using material of low anticoagulant activity compared with plasma TFPI, and we suggest that these studies have been performed with material degraded in the C-terminus.  相似文献   

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) blocks tissue factor-factor VIIa (TF-FVIIa) activation of factors X and IX through the formation of the TF-FVIIa-FXa-TFPI complex. Most TFPI in vivo associates with caveolae in endothelial cells (EC). The mechanism of this association and the anticoagulant role of caveolar TFPI are not yet known. Here we show that expression of caveolin-1 (Cav-1) in 293 cells keeps TFPI exposed on the plasmalemma surface, decreases the membrane lateral mobility of TFPI, and increases the TFPI-dependent inhibition of TF-FVIIa. Caveolae-associated TFPI supports the co-localization of the quaternary complex with caveolae. To investigate the significance of these observations for EC we used RNA interference to deplete the cells of Cav-1. Functional assays and fluorescence microscopy revealed that the inhibitory properties of TFPI were diminished in EC lacking Cav-1, apparently through deficient assembly of the quaternary complex. These findings demonstrate that caveolae regulate the inhibition by cell-bound TFPI of the active protease production by the extrinsic pathway of coagulation.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2014,14(4):293-297
The objective of this study was to determine the expression profiles of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and its receptor (LIFR), interleukin 6 receptor (IL6R), tumor protein p53 (TP53) and B-cell CLL/lymphoma 2 (BCL2) in the porcine endometrium on selected days of the estrous cycle and pregnancy. Time- and reproductive status (estrous cycle/pregnancy)-specific patterns of expression were identified for all investigated genes. The most pronounced changes were seen on Days 12 and 14 of pregnancy when maternal recognition of pregnancy and implantation, respectively, occurs in pigs.  相似文献   

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